Sanskrit loan words in the Civakacintamani
Compounds which are used both in Skt. and in Tamil : 1. ațța-mankaļam - 629, 2410, 2428, 2484 aşța + mangaļa - a collection of eight lucky things : (a lion, a
bull, an elephant, a water jug, a fan, a flag, a trumpet, and a lamp) or (a brahmin, a cow,
a fire, gold, ghee, the sun, water and a king). 2. a-lokam-3082 a-loka
- portion lying outside loka (Jaina) 3. āti-y-antam-3082 ādi + anta
- beginning and end 4. āvana-viti -2118 āpāņa (Skt.)
+ vithi - bazaar āvaņa (Pkt) 5. intira-kumāran - 1253
indra + kumāra - the son of Indra 6. irāca-ma-nakam - 1276
raja + mahā + nāga - king of cobras 7. eka-ma-nakar - 2398
eka + maha + nagara - the city which is unique and big. 8. ēka-v-āņai - 141 ēka + ājñā (Skt.) . - sole dominion
āņā (Pkt.) 9. tēva-kitam - 2052 deva + gita
- celestial music 10. tēva-tuntupi - 2367
deva + dundubhi - drums of the gods 11. teva-ati-tēvan
deva + adhi + deva - god of the gods, an Arhat 12. nara-pati - 1617 nara + pati
- the king 13. muka-vācam - 1055 mukba + vāsa
- fragrant spices (In Sanskrit, the compound ‘mukhavāsa' and 'mukhavāsana' are used. Since this mouth perfume is made of five aromatics, the word 'panca' is also added to the word 'mukhavāsa'. In some instances the word 'mukha'
is elided and is used as 'panca vācam' in Tamil.) 14. panca-muka-vācam - 2026
panca + mukha + vāsa - the five aromatics
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