Study of Civakacintamani
entrusted his kingdom to Kaiyankaran in order to enjoy himself with his queen Vicayai. Katiyankaran took this opportunity to kill the king. To gain the support of the other ministers he made up a story that a deity who was angry with the king had been inciting him to kill the king.1
(iv) In the Up., after the dream of Vijaya, the event in which Gandhotkata met the ascetic Silagupta is narrated. Gandhotkata asked the ascetic whether he would have any long-lived sons as all his sons were dead. The ascetic predicted that he would obtain a virtuous son who would rule the earth. This event is not narrated in this place in the Cc. But it is narrated by Kantukkatan. in the Kunamalaiyar ilampakam, who consoled Cunantai and Kupamalai when Civakan was punished by Kattiyankaran
(v) According to the Up., when Gandhotkaja heard the voice of a child, he went towards the child calling out Jiva, Jiva.' In this context the poet says that he went towards the child calling 'Jiva, Jiva' as if it were the future name of the child, Jivandhara. This is not mentioned in the Cc. Tevar gives another reason for naming the child Civakan. According to the Cc. the child sneezed when Kantukkkatan went to fetch the child, and at that time a voice blessed him saying 'crva' (jiva) 'Live long. It is because of this blessing that the child is named Civakan.5
(vi) In the Up., the queen Vijaya, hearing the voice of Gandhotkața, made herself known to him and handed over her child to him saying, "Bring up my son unknown to others." In the Cc., Vicayai did not come out of her place of hiding.
(vii) The introduction of the teacher of Jivandhara in the Up. and in the Cc. are different. In the Up., Jivandhara met his teacher while playing with his friends. On the request of the teacher he took him home and gave him food. After food, the ascetic revealed his past history and expressed his desire to teach Jivandhara. He imparted the knowledge of all sciences to Jivandhara and afterwards he attained salvation by exercising self-control. This part is narrated in a different way in the Cc. The past life of the teacher is related only after the education of Civakan. Before this event, in the Cc. Têvar introduces another important event which is necessary for the growth of the rest of the story, and which is not found in the Up. Accaṇanti. the teacher of Civakan, narrated the story of the birth of Civakan and the story of his parents to Civakan. On hearing this, Civakan was angry and got ready to kill Kaiyankaran. But his teacher pacified him and asked him to wait for one year. Civakan agreed to the condition. This one year is an important period in the life of Civakan, and the whole preparation for the fight with Katiyankaran takes place in this time.
1 Ce. v. 241.
2 Up. loc. cit. vv. 201-204.
3 Cc. vv. 1122-1131.
4 Up. loc. cit v. 243.
Jain Education International
5 Cc. vv. 323, 361.
Up. loc. cit. vv. 244, 245.
Ibid, loc. cit. v. 274.
Cc. vv. 385-390.
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