SAHRDAYĀLOKA ekánko bhāratīprāya
iti kecit pracaksate. (VI. 295) Obviously this is modelled after the BP. But there is something more. Viśvanātha does not cite an illustration, which he does quite often in other art-forms. Here he says - ūhyam udāharanam. Then, he says that this art-form is “śri”-iti sabdena sankulam." Perhaps he came across illustrations where 'śrī-sabda was read invariably. In vs. 295, he says srir āsīnā... meaning wherein sri or Laksmī, while sitting either sings or speaks. But our suggestion is that in place of “śrī we can read 'strī, for it is so in other definitions also. The NLRK read-yatra strir asinā karunam pathati, wherein we do not have a reference to 'geya'. Here we have "gāyer" and "pather”. So, perhaps in Viśvanātha's time this art-form had both song and recitation also. Again, the S.D. expects the nāyikā also to be prasiddha i.e. famous. The S.D. clearly calls it an "upa-rūpaka". But its having one act is an opinion held by 'some' - 'kecit pracaksate'. So, for Visvanātha also this is an art-form with dance, eloquence and acting also, as its special features. Like the B.P. this act has neither 'garbha' nor 'vimarśa' juncture.
Durmilikā (or, .tā) is the next art-form, Bhoja discusses at śr. Pra. XI. pp. 466, ibid. He observes :
"caurya-rata-pratibhedam yūnor anurāga-varṇanam vā’pi, yatra grāmya-kathābhiḥ kurute kila dūtikā rahasi, mantrayati ca tadvișaye nyag-jātitvena yācate ca vasu, labdhvā'pi labdhum icchati
durmilitā nāma să bhavati. This art-form is also discussed later by ND., BP., NLRK. and also SD. ND. calls it Durmilitā. BP. calls it Durmallikā. SD. calls it "Durmalli".
For Bhoja, its theme concerns itself with a secret love-intrigue or it is sometimes a description of love between two young persons. This secret love affair is described before the audiance by a female servant, a dūtikā, in vulgar language. The male or female lover whose love is being described makes an appearance and makes a plan in secret !) with the messanger who being a lowly-born asks for money (to
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