Classification of Poetry
889 that in the fourth section the bhāņa has rathyā, dvipatha, vasantaka and rathyātāla. The difference between rathyā and rathyā-tāla is not clear to us. But Bhoja's line is absolutely un-intelligible.
Where Bhoja reads 'radhvā śā. in BP. reads ‘rathyā', a variety of tāla, which seems to be more sensible. Thus for Bhoja's “radhvátha bhagnatālo' Sā. has rathyátha bhagnatālo. So, in the fifth section we have tālas such as rathyā, bhagnatāla, mārganikā, dvipatha and visama according to Sā. Bhoja has the same with 'radhva' in place of rathyā. For Bhoja's “mārganikā-dvipatha-visamaś ca", sā. has, ".vişamāś ca”. The plural is correct. The next line in Bhoja reads: "pañcamake sasthépy atha radhvā nu ca bhagnatālah syāt.” This is faulty. Sā. has - "pañcamaképyatha şaşthe, rathyā-navabhagnatālāḥ syuh.” i.e. “rathyā and nine bhagnatālas.” This makes better sense. In the seventh section there are dvipathaka and mārganikā tālas. In Bhoja we read "saptame srnutha” for Sā.'s, “saptame ca viśrame" - The meaning does not differ, in the end. The next line says that “thus in śuddha bhāna the sequence of rathyā and bhagnatāla is indicated.” For ‘kramah pradistóyam' of Bhoja, which is correct; the BP. text is "krama-pradisto", which seems to be only a printing mistake.
The next verse speaks of a mixed-sankara-type and also a 'citra' type of Bhāna but the readings in Bhoja and Sā. are not identical though they drive at an identical result. Bhoja reads :
"sankīrṇa-bhāņa-bhaạitiḥ kāryā syād, ubhaya-samyogāt. kiñcid anuddhata-bhāvāt
tāla-krama-varjanāc ca, citro'yam.” Śā. (in BP. IX. 21, pp. 380) reads as -
"sankīrṇa-bhaņiti-bharitaḥ sankara-nāmā’yam ubhaya-samyogāt, kiñcid anuddhata-bhāvaḥ
tāla-krama-varjitaś citróyam.” Śā. names the 'sankīrṇa' as "samkara”. Bhoja does not name it but means the same. Both have 'citra' as third variety. This means that in Bhāņa, involving complex expression (sankirņa-bhaạiti), and due to a mixture of both, we arrive at 'sankara' or mixed type. Again, when bereft of forceful (uddhata) bhāva and when tāla-krama is absent, we have the 'citra' variety.
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