Book Title: Sacred Literature of Jains
Author(s): Ganeshchandra Lalwani, Satyaranjan Banerjee
Publisher: Jain Bhawan

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Page 36
________________ SACRED LITERATURE OF THE JAINS mahāparinnā, which at and probably long before his time had been lost, is placed, not between 1, 7 and 1, 8, but between 1, 6 and 1, 7- that is to say in the seventh place. In the Vidhiprapā there is probably a confusion with Abhayadeva, in whose commentary on arga 4-as also in the anonymous comm, on the Nandi -the mahāparinnā keeps, it is true the eighth place. The nijjutti then, which manifestly was still extant at the time of Jinaprabha, is probably identical with that nijj, of which the author of the Avašy. nijj. declares (2,5) that he is himself the composer; and which served specially as a basis to the comm. of Silamka. The scholia everywhere preserve a knowledge of the ninth chapter. Furthermore the common chedas. 1 in its opening still mentions nine bambhacerāņi. The titles of the 8 extant ajjh. of the first śrutaskandha (V - Vidhiprapā) are : 1. satthaparinnā, sastrapraijñā, with 7 udd. ; in udd. 1 jivatvaṁ, jivāstitvaṁ sämānyena, in 2-7 višeşeņa prthivikāyādyastitvaṁ. There are many references of a polemical nature to the Sakyas, or Bauddhas, in 2.3, according to the scholiast. 2. logavijaya, lokasāravijaya, with 6 udd. ; mokşāvāptihetubhūtam cāritram. 3. siosaņijjam (siūsio), sitoşniyam, with 4 udd. ; pratilomānulomaparişahāḥ. 4. sammattaṁ, [253] samyaktvam, with 4 udd. ; samyagvādah, mithyāvādabhūtatirthika-matavicāraṇā. 5. logasāra; in anga. 4, 25, in Āvasy, nijj. and in the schol, on Nandis : āvasti, according to the words of the commencement,79 with 6 udd. ; samyamaḥ, mokşaśca, munibhāvaḥ. 6. dhūyā (dhūyam V), dhūtā, with 5 udd. ; nijakarmaśariropakarana... vidhūnanena niḥsaṁgatā. 7. vimoha, vimokṣa (?) with 8 udd. ; samyag niryāņań. . 8. ohānasuyam (uvaoV), upadhānaśrutam, with 4 udd. ; treats of Vira Vardhamānasvāmin who himself practised the course enjoined in ajjh, 1 to 7. khyas ya'vasaras, tacca vyavacchinnam iti kyt và 'tilamghya 'stamas ya sambandho vācyah. 72 avanti logasāram va, in the Vidhiprapa.


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