(398) Sdeya Kasala, Gayapuram ca Kuru, Soriyar Kusatthā (dda B.fd) ya 788/Kampillar Pamcālā, Ahicchatta Jaṁgalā ceva //
Bāraval Soratthā, Mihila Videh, ya, Vattha (ccha B) Kosambil Nandipuram Sardibbha (lla BC),729 Bhaddilapur am eva Malaya yall
Valradarso Vattha (ccha B), Varanā Atthā (cchā BC), taha Mattiyāvat Dasannd/Sorti yamai (vai C) ya Cedi, Viibhayam (Viyao) Simdhu-soviral|
Mahura ya Sūrasenā, Pāvā Gambhi (! Bhaṁgi BC) ya Māsapuri Vaddha (Vaita BC)/Savatthi ya Kunālā,. Kodivarisaṁ va ('sim ca B) Lāțā (dha C) ya//
Seyaviya vi.ya nayarı Keai-addhaṁ ca āriya bhaniyam pacc' (pacch €, icc B, erth' D-atra) uppatti fināņaṁ cakkīnam Rāma-Kanhānaṁ|.
These names represent a later stage than the 16 names in anga 56.304), but date back in all probability to a remote period. Pataliputra is omitted here but found in anga 11 (p. 337, 338). [399] It appears to be an an old reminiscence (or perhaps is a trace of the influence of the Ramayana) that one half of Kekaya is called Aryan. The other half is concealed under the name of the Kakveya (C, where anga 10 has Kokaya), cited among the Milakkhas. Bāņārasi is modern--cf. Bhag. 2,222—but is found in this form also in anga 5.
The second group of the āriyas, the jāti-āriyā, deserves also to be noted here : se kir tam jātiāriyā ? chavvihā pannattā, tam, Ambatha ya
728 Kusarthesu Sauriyam, Malayagiri. In Nemicandra who, 1.1, § 275 v. 1598-1603
quotes the above verses directly, the name is Kusaffä, or Kusajja ; in the scholiast
Saurikanagaram Kuśārtho desah. 729 $amdibhyo śamờilyo va deśaḥ, Nem. Schol. 730 Vatsesu Vairāfapuram (the Vatsa were already , mentioned once in conjunction
with Kosambi), Varanesu Acchapuri, Cedişu Sok tikāvati ; Vitabhayam Simdhusu Sauvireşu (1 by this separation of the Sauvira from the Sindhu the next three cities are displaced) Mathura (1), Surasenesu Pāpa (!), Bhangesu Masapurivaita (I by means of this compound the copyist hopes to,extricate him. sok from his dilemma) Kuņālesu Srāvasti, Latasu Kotivarsam, Svetambika (!) magert Kekayajanapadas ya 'rdham, etāvad ardhasadvinsat ijanapadāt makan Inetnam aryam bhanitar, Malaygiri.-Instead of the second Vaccha Nemicandra the the correct reading Maccha, instead of Varana he reads Varuna and explains as follows:-Varano nagaram Accha desah, anye tu Varune, Acchāpurity ahuh; for No. 23 he has Masapuri Vafti (Vaddha C), and in the schol. : vartio desah anye tu...... Vad haii at the end ; jarrk' uppatri.