No. 3.)
(V. 11.) His son Jaitugi, who had the earth reposing under the shade of his white parasol, set his majesty in the heart of foemen.
(V. 12.) His son, who carries the fortune (árt) of an Emperor (chakravarttin) as. Vasus dava's son [Krishna] carries the Fortune (Sri) of the Discus-tsarer. (Chakravarttin), adorning like Krishna the perfectly stainless race of the Yadus, protecting the earth wherein he has with sportive ease torn up by the roots the banded armies that were as thorns to his kingdom, intent on restoration of the Vodas, is famed under the name of Kanhara in the world. ..
(L. 17.) Moreover :
(V. 13.) At the side of the mountains of sacramental rice' (thrown upon him) by the hands of Brahmanns busied in benediction gush forth new rivers arising from the water of the streams of dāna (largesses, or ichor of elephants in rut].
. (V. 14.) His younger brother, the Heir-Apparent Mahadeva, was to him as Lakshmana to Rama, as Arjuna to Yudhishthira.
(Ll. 18-20.) Hail! King Kanhara, the Emperor strong of arm and magnificent in majesty, who is resplendent with titles such as: “Great Emperor, darling of Fortune and Earth, supreme Lord, master of Dväravati best of towns, scion of the lineage of Vishņu, a sun for the efflorescence of the buds of the lotuses of the Yadava race, & jagajjhampa to hostile 'kings, a Siva to the Love-God the Mulva king, a goad to the elephant the Gärjara, a master architect of the Tailanga king, a Narayana of kings, perfectly versed in all arts," is reigning for as long as moon, sun, and stars at the standing camp of Dēvagiri in enjoyment of pleasant conversations,
(L. 20.) One (that finds sustenance) at his lotus-feet:
(V. 15.) The blest Bicha, Chikka-dēva's son, was fortunate, energetic, and prudent, agreeable, famous, having a mind exalted by the triad of peerless powers for maintaining fivemembered policy, approved of speech, a furious great elephant for destroying the hosts of rival kings, skilful in aggrandising the prosperous kingdom of ..., & Hanuman in' (fulfilling) commissions.
(V. 16.) Having made subject to king Kanhara the whole untroubled land from Setu to the Mountain of Snow, he obtained and enjoyed an acceptable half of the kingdom. His eldest (son), much honoured for all kinds of virtue, was Malla, & moon on earth, who filled the circle of the world with splendour acquired from the moonlight of his blossoming glory.
(V. 17.) Terrible in destruction of the Pandya ... a rod for the troubles of the Konkan, & cruel arrow for cutting off the numerous beads of the lords of the fastnesses on the banks of the Kavēri, eminent among generals, a casket of learning attracting the minds of all men, his son Chamunda is (successful ?], fulfilling the objects desired by the world, impassioned for bestowing bounty.
(L. 25.) Moreover :
(V. 18.) Again and again imposing control upon the provinces of many hostile kings' lands, again and again invading all countries that are the native places of elephants, horses, and precious stones, again and again taking desired ... again and again gladdening king Kanhara's fortunes, this Chamunda-raja has long enjoyed a happy lot.
Literally, heat", the figare hence is that of vibhåsand, or "peculiar cansation."
i Saab-akahala, in Kanarese fishe or és, raw rice over which incantations have been pronounced and which is thrown on the heads of the bride and bridegroom during the marriage ceremony and other joyous rites" (Kittel, Diet., s.v. féshe).
: Vinodam is to be taken as gorand: soo Speijer, Ved. #. Skt.-Syntax, 224, Påņini III. iv. 35 1. • Viz, of prabhu, usaha, and mantra.
On the five members (angas) of policy ef. Kamandaka'. Niti-sära, XII. 36, Situpäla-vadha, II. 28, with Mallinätha's note, etc.
play on kuralaya, which means both "lotas" and "circle of earth."