Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 19
Author(s): Hirananda Shastri
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India
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Rama, Ramabhadra or Ramachandra, Solar k., Rajamahondra-rajadhani, nagara, nagari or
22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 64, pattana, o.a. Rajahmundry, 165 and n, 168, 172 Rajamahöndra or Rajanaröndra, sur. of N.
143, 181, 182, 183, 103, 219, 220, Chalukya k. Rajaraja I, . 166, 166, 188, 172
221, 231, 236, 297, 298 Rajamalla Satyavákya I, W. Ganga k.,. . Rama IV, . . . . . . 9n raja-mátula, . . . . . . .
Ramm (-three), 168, 161, 164, 168, 171, 174 najan, a title,. . . . . 13, 293 Ramabhadradova, Gurjara Pratikara k., . 16, 17, Räjan, a king, . . 200, 202
18, 19, 53, 54, 68 Räjänaka, an official, .
136, 137, 269 Råmabhadrimbi, an authoress, . . . In Räjanar yapa, sur. of Upendra III, 166, 169, 172 Ramachandra, ., . . . . 296, 299 Rajanärayana Sambuvarsya, k., . . . 8ln Ramachandrapuram, vi.. .
. . 157 rajano (-Skt. mijñaḥ), . . . . 198, 199
queen of the Uchchakulpa k., JaysRajanya, an official, . . . . . 258n admin, . . . . . . 129, 130 Rajaputra, an official, . . . 44, 136, 137, 269 Ramanuja-mapdape, a rock-cut te., . . 108n Rajaraja, 4. a. Kubers,
. . . . 171
Ramapala, Pala k.. . . . . . 286 Räjarija I, Chola k., . 8ln, 86, 105n, 166n, 216 Ramapanyavallabha, m., . . . Rajaraja I, E. Chaltikya k., . . 150, 185, 273 Ramarajiyama, a Telugu sort, .
. 91 Rajaraja III, Chola k., . . . . 8ln Rámaraya, Araviti ch., . . .
90 Rajarájötvari, o.a. Dharmalinga, 161, 164, 170, 173 Råmasvami-mods, a place,. . • 273n Rajaramada, vb.,. . .
. 86 Ramavati, wi. . . . .
286 Rajar(v)iga, m., . . . . . 282, 286 Ramayana, a work, . .
258n rajas, one of the gunas, .
Rambhalla, f. . . . . . 78 Rajasekhara, biruda of Upendra II, 166, 169, 172n Rämēsvaram, w., . .
830, 932 Rajasekhara, our. of Manum-Opendra IV, 168, Ranabhafija, Bhanja k., . . . . 264
170, 171 Rapabhima, biruda of Narasimhawarmas II, 106, 107 Rajasimha, aur. of Narasimhavarman II, 105, Rapabbita, Sailodbhana k. . . 266, 267 106, 107, 108n, 109, 110, 111, Ranaghat, ni.. . . . . . . 287
112, 113, 114, 116 Rapajaya, title of Narasistahavarman II, 107, 110, 112n Rajastha, sur. of (E. Ganga) ., Indravarma I, 135 odpala, a title, . . . . 44, 98, 99 Rājasimha-Pallavēdvaradēva, shrine in the shore Ranska-Amma, Ganga ch., . . 71, 72, 74
Temple, . . . . . . 105, 106 Raparaika, epithet of Vikramaditya I, 106, 111n, 1180 Rajasimhivars, a shrins, . . 106, 107, 110n Rapsaimha, 71. . . . . . 295, 298 Rajasthan by Tod, a work, . . .
Ranastambhapura, 8.a. Rapathambhor, . 46, 47, 50,62 Rejoihiniya, an officer, . . . . . 303 Rapathambhor, or Ranthambhor, Di., . 45, 46, rajata, as applied to potrds, . . . . 1170
47, 48 Rajalarangist, a work,
198 Rapavankamalla, ch., . . . . . 277 rapatindja, title of Kanishka,
. 8,6 Rangapatika, queen of Narasimhavar. Raja-Udaiyar, Mysore sl.,
. 91 man II, . . . . . . . 109n Rajendra-Chola I, Chola ka,
.81n, 1660 Ranthambhor, no Ranathambhor. Räjëndradēva, Chola k.,
. 108n Rashtrakūta, dy... 16, 17, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, Rajkot, ti...
125, 294n
140, 143, 146, 148n, 163, 104, Rajmahal, di. . .
. . 286
176, 237, 238, 239, 240, 274, 288 rajya, a distrid,
. . 103, 104 Ratanpur or Ratnapurs, ., . . . 76, 77, 80 Rajputânā, .
. 46, 47 Rati, a goddess., . . . . . 2830 Rajputans Museum,
127, 201 rathya, street, . . . . 67, 59, 60, 61, 62 Rajyabhattāriki, . . . . 16, 17, 18, 19 raina, Jowel referring to Buddha or Bodhisattva, Ralhaps, they . . 81, 296, 290
204, 206
The figures refer to page 1. after figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on Pp. vilto xii. The following other abbreviations are used ch. chief; co. country: di.-distriot or division; do..ditto dy.-dynasty: E. Eastern: .-femalo: k.king: m.male; mo. mountain ri-river; 8. .ame * rur. sur Dame; te, temple; vi village or town; W.Wettern.

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