Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 19
Author(s): Hirananda Shastri
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA Vol. XIX (1927 - 28 ) 06 KOL प्रत्नकीर्तिमपावृणु PUBLISHED BY THE DIRECTOR GENERAL ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA JANPATH, NEW DELHI-110001 1983 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA Vol. XIX. 1927-28. od od TONI प्रत्ननलिमपावृणु PUBLISHED BY THE DIRECTOR GENERAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA JANPATH, NEW DELHI-110011 1963 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Reprinted 1983 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 1983 Price: Rs. 80.00 Printed at Pearl Offset Press, 5/33 Kirti Nagar Industrial Area New Delhi-110015. Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA EPIGRAPHIA INDICA AND RECORD OF THE ARCHÆOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Vol. XIX. 1927-28. EDITED BY HIRANANDA SASTRI, M.A., M.O.L., D.LITT., GOVERNMENT EPIGRAPHIST FOR INDIA. CALCUTTA: MANAGER, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL PUBLICATION BRANCH BOMBAY: BRITISH INDIA PRESS LONDON, KEGAN PAUL TRENCH, NEW YORK, WESTERMANN & Co. TRUBNER & Co. CHICAGO: S. D. PEET. PARIS: E. LEROUX. Page #5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS. S. No. Page No. 1. The Zeda Inscription of the year II 2. Barah Copper-plate of Bhojadeva; Vikrama-Samvat 893 3. Mamdapur Inscription of the reign of Kanhara: Saka 1172 4. Two Inscriptions from Kolhapur and Miraj; Saka 1058 & 1066 5. Antirigam Plates of Japayhanjadeva 6. Inscription of the time of Hammir of Ranthambhor, dated (V.S.) 1345 7. Ahar Stone Inscription 8. Jejuri Plates of Vinayaditya: Saka-Samvat 609 9. Seven Inscriptions from Mathura 10. The Kalvan Plates of Yasovarmman 11. Amoda Plates of the Haihaya King Prithvideva I: Chedi Samvat 831 12. Takkolam Inscription of Rajakesarivarman (Aditya 1) 13. A Further Note on the Bezwada Pillar Inscription of Yuddhamalla 14. The Kandukuru Plates of Venkatapatideva I: Saka 1535 15. Mathura Pedestal Inscription of the Kushana year 14 16. Patna Museum Plates of Somesvara II 17. Rithapur Plates of Bhavattavarmman 18. Two Inscriptions of the Pallava King Rajasimha-Narasimhavarman II 19. Two Lost Plates of Nidhanpur Copper-plates of Bhaskaravarman 20. The Second Half of a Valabhi Grant of Samvat 210 21. The Sohawal Copper-plate Inscription of Maharaja Sarvanatha--the year 191 22. Peyalabanda Grant of Krishnaraya 23. Vishamagiri Plates of Indravarmadeva 24. Two Copper-plate Inscriptions of Eastern Chalukya Princes 25. Panchadharala Pillar Inscription of the Kona King Choda III: Saka-Samvat 1325 26. Panchadharala Pillar Inscription of the Eastern Chalukya King Visvesvara: Saka-Samvat 1329 27. A Fragmentary Pratihara Inscription 28. An Odd Plate of Paramara Siyaka of (Vikrama)-Samvat 1026 29. Six Inscriptions from Kolur and Devageri 30. Shabdaur Inscriptions, one apparently of the year 60 31. Peshawar Museum Inscription of the year 168 32. A Kharoshthi Inscription from Jamalgarhi of the year 359 33. Rawal Spurious Inscription of the year 40 34. Amoda Plates of the Haihaya King Jajalladeya II of the (Chedi) year 912 35. A Note on the Velvikudi Grant of Nedunjadaiyan Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sl. No. Page No. 36. Kumbakonam Inscription of Sevvappa-Nayaka 37. Gadag Inscription of the reign of Jayasimha II; Saka 959 38. Two Inscriptions from Ron, of Saka 944 and 1102 39. Two Harsola Copper-plate Grants of the Paramara Siyaka of V.S. 1005 40. A Third Lost Plate of the Nidhanpur Plates of Bhaskaravarman 41. A New Asokan Inscription from Taxila 42. The Pulibumra Plates of the Eastern Chalukya King Jayasimha I (C. 632-63 A.D.) 43. The Pedda-Vegi Plates of the Eastern Chalukya King Jayasimha I 44. The Barwani Copper-plate Inscription of Maharaja Subandhu; the year 167 45. Dhauli Cave Inscription of Santikara; the (Ganga) year 93 46. Kondedda Grant of Dharmaraja 47. The Addanki Stone Inscription of Pandaranga 48. A Note on the Addanki Inscription of Pandaranga 49. The Bhatera Copper-plate Inscription of Govinda-Kesavadeva (C. 1049 A.D.) 50. A Note on the Vappaghoshavata Grant of Jayanaga 51. Jura Prasasti of Krishna III 52. The Bhadavana Grant of Govindachandradeva of Kanauj 53. The Rewah Inscription of Malayasimha, the year 944 54. Three Semitic Inscriptions from Bhuj 55. An Unpublished Grant of Dhruvasena I INDEX Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS The names of contributors are arranged alphabetically. PAGE . 81 295 . 179 116 245 . . . . 300 AYYAR, K. V. S., B.A., M.R.A.S. No. 12. Takkolam Insoription of Rajakesarivarman (Aditya I) . . . BANERJI, R. D., M.A. No. 10. The Kalvan Plates of Yasovarmman . . . . . . .. 16. Patna Museum Plates of Somesvara II . . . . 45. Dhauli Cavo Inscription of Santikara; the (Ganga) year 93 . . 50. A Note on the Vappaghoshavata Grant of Jayanaga. . . . 63. The Rewah Inscription of Malayasimha, the year 94 . . . BARNETT, LIONEL D. No. 3. Mamdapur Inscription of the reign of Kanhars : Saka 1172 4. Two Ingcriptions from Kolhapur and Miraj : Saka 1068 & 1066. . 29. Six Inscriptions from Kolur and Devageri . . . . . . . . 37. Gadag Inscription of the reign of Jayasimha II; Saka 959. . . 38. Two Inscriptions from Ron, of Saks 944 and 1102 . . . . BHANDARKAR, D. R., M.A., PH.D. No. 8. Jejuri Plates of Vinayaditya : Saka-Samyat 609 . BHATTACHARYA, PADMANATHA, MAHAMAHOPADHYAYL, PANDIT, VIDYAVINODA, M.A. No. 19. Two Lost Plates of Nidhanpur Copper-plates of Bhaskaravarman .. 40. A Third Lost Plato of the Nidhanpur Plates of Bhaskara varman aravarman . . BUCHANAN GRAY, CLERMONT-GANNEAU, COWLEY, A. AND MAYER-LAMBERT No. 54. Thron Samitin Tanriptions from Bha) . . . . . . . CLERMONT-GANNEAU See Buchanan Gray, Clermont-Ganneau, Cowley, A. and Mayer-Lambert. COWLEY, A. See Buchanan Gray, Clermont-Gannona, Cowley, A. and Mayor-Lambert DIKSHIT, K, N., M.A. AND DISKALKAR, D. B., M.A No. 39. Two Harsola Copper-plate Grants of the Paramara Siyaka of V. 8. 1006 . DISKALKAR, D. B., M.A. No. 20. The Second Half of a Valabhi Grant of Samvat 210. . . . .. 27. A Fragmentary Pratihara Inscriptim- . . . . . . 28. An Odd Plate of Paramara Siyaka of [Vikrams)-Samvat 1026.. . See Dikshit K, N. and Diskalkar D. B. GUPTA, K. M., DR. No. 49. The Bhatera Copper-plate Inscription of Govinda-Kosavadeva (C. 1040 A.D.) GUPTE, Y. R., B.A., M.R.A.S. No. 17. Rithapur Plates of Bhavattavarmman . . . . . . . 22. Peyala banda Grant of Krishnaraya . . , 46. Kondedda Grant of Dharmaraja . . . . . HALDER, R. R. No. 6. Inscription of the time of Hammir of Ranthambhor, dated (V. 8.) 1348 21. The Sobawal Copper-plate Inscription of Maharaja Sarvanathathe year 191 14. The Barwani Copper-plate Inscription of Maharaja Subaadhu; the your 167 HEBZTELD, E., Dr. No. 41. A New Asokan Inscription from Taxila . . . . . . HIBALAL, RAI BAHADUR, B.A. No. 11. Amoda Plates of the Haihaya King Prithvideva I: Chedi Samvat 831 34. Amoda Plates of the Haihaya King Jajalladeva II of the (Chedi) year 912 . ore. . . 236 126 174 177 . . . 45 . . 201 . . 251 . . . 78 200 Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. : : 102 203 202 203 201 164 89 105 Konow, STAN, PA.D. No. 1. The Zoda Inscription of the year 11 . . 30. Shahdsur Inscriptions, one apparently of the year 60 33. Rawal Spurious Inscription of the year 40 . . . . . . . MAJUMDAR, N. G., M.A. No. 31. Peshawar Museum Inscription of the year 168. . .. 32. A Kharoshthi Inscription from Jamalgarhi of the year 360 . . . . . MESTA, N. C., LC.8.No. B2. The Bhadayana Grant of Govindachandradeva of Kanauj. . . MAYER-LAMBERT See Buchanan Gray, Clermont-Ganneau, Cowley A. and Mayer-Lambert. NOBEL, J.. Fr.D. No. 25. Panchadharala Piller Inscription of the Kona King Choda III : Saka-Samvat 1325 . 26. Panchadharala Pillar Inscription of the Eastern Chalakya King Visvesvara : SakaSamvat 1329 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PANTULU, RAMAYYA, J., B.A., B.L No. 13. A Further Note on the Bezwada Pillar Inscription of Yuddhamalla . . . . 48. A Note on the Addankdi Insoription of Pandarang . . . . . . RANGACHARYA, V., M.A. No. 18. Two Inscriptions of the Pallava King Rajasimha Narasimhavarman II . 42. The Pulibumra Plates of the Eastern Chalukya King Jaymimhs I (Q. 632-83 A.D.) ..43. The Pedda-Vegi Plates of the Eastern Chalukya King Jayasimbs I . . RAO, LAKSHMANA, K. V., M.A. No. 24. Two Copper-plate Insoriptions of Eastern Chalukya Princes . 47. The Addanki Stone Inscription of Pandarang . . . . RAO, LAKSHMINARAYAN, N., M.A. No. 51. Jura Prasaati of Krishna III . . . . . . . RAO, SATNIVASA, G. V., B.A. No. 14. The Kandukuru Plates of Venkatapatideva I: Saka 1535 . . . . . . RAO, VENKOBA, G. - No. 36. Kumbakonam Inscription of Sovvappa-Nayaka . . . . . . . RATR, TARANI CHARAN, B.A. No. 5. Antirigam Plates of Jayabhanjadeva . 23. Vishamagiri Plates of Indravarmadeva . . BATXI, DAYA RAM, M.A., RAI BAHADUR No. 7. Abar Stone Inscription . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9. Seven Inscriptions from Mathura . . 15. Mathura Pedestal Inscription of the Kushana year 14 . . . . . . SASTI. HIRANANDA, M.A., M.O.L., D.LITT. No. 2. Barah Copper-plate of Bhojadeva, Vikrama-Samvat 893. . SATAKOPARAMANUJACHARYA, A, M., VIDVAN No. 35. A Note on the Velvikudi Grant of Nedunjadaiyan . . . VATS, MADHO SARUP, M.A. No. 65. An Unpublished Grant of Dhruvasena I. . . . . . . . . INDEX . . . . . . . . . . Appendix- A List of the Inscriptions of Northern India written in Brahmi and its Derivative Soripta frou about A.C. 200. By Professor D. R. Bhandarkar, M.A., Ph.D. . . . . . Title-page, Contents, List of Platos and Additions and Corrections . . . . . . 89 215 :::::::::: - 23. Vishamagiri Plates of India varmadova : 98 and 202 Detrativo come 42 Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ LIST OF PLATES. 60 87 . 12 Xo. 1. Zeda Inscription : the year 11 during the reign of Kanishka . . . . to face page 15 2. Barah Copper-plate grant of Bhojadeva, [Vikrama-Samvat 893 . . # 3. Antirigam Plates of Jayabhanjadeva . . between pages 44&49 4. Inscription of the time of Hamir of Ranthambor, dated (V.S.) 1345 . . to face page 60 # 8. Ahar Stone Inscription . . . . . # 6. Jejuri Plates of Vinayaditya : Saka-Samvat 609 . between pages 64 & 68 7. Seven Inscriptions from Mathura . . . . . 66 & 67 # 8. Kalvan Plates of Yasovarmman . . . 72 & 73 9. Amoda Plates of the Haihaya King Prithvideva I, Chedi Samvat 831 → 78 & 79 10. Takkolam Inscription of Rajakesarivarman (Aditya I) . to face page 11. Mathura Pedestal Inscription of the Kushana year 14 . 12. Patna Museum Plates of Somesvara II . . . between pages 98 & 99 # 13. Rithapur Plates of Bhavattavarmman . . . . . . 102 & 103 14. The Mahabalipuram Inscription of Rajasimba-Narasimhavarman II. . to face page 107 15. Two Lost Plates of the Nidhanpur Copper-plates of Bhaskaravarman. between pages 118 &119 16. Sooond Half of a Valabhi Grant of Samvat 210. . . . . . to face page 126 17. Sobawal Copper-plate inscription of Sarvanatha, the year 191 . . . between pages 130 & 131 18. Vishamagiri Plates of Indravarmadeva . . . 136 &137 19. Arumbaka Plates of Badapa i to iva . . . . . 142 & 143 imb to vb . . . . 144 & 145 21. Sripundi Plates of Tale II . . . . . 152 & 153 22. Panohadharala Pillar Inscription of the Eastern Chalukya King Visvesvara; Baka-Samvat 1329 . . . . . . . . 168 & 169 23. A Fragmentary Pratihara Inscription . . . 24. An Odd Plate of Paramara Siyaka of [Vikrama-Samvat 1026. 26. Shahdaur Inscription A, of the year 60. . 26. . . B . . 27. Peshawar Museum Inscription of the year 168. . » » 28. Jamalgarhi Inscription of the year 359 . . . 205 29. Shakardarra Inscription, the year 40 ; Rawal Insoription, the year 40. . .. .. 208 30. Amoda Plates of the Haibaya King Jajalladeya II of the (Chedi) year 912 . between pages 212 & 213 31. Harola Copper-plate Grants of the Paramara Siyaka (V. S. 1005) . . 242 & 243 32. A Third Lost Plate of the Nidhanpur Plates of Bhaskaravarman . . 246 & 247 33. A New Aaoks Inscription from Tazila . . . . . . . . ► 252 & 253 # 3. Palibumra Plates of the Eastern Chalukya lng Jayasimbs I, (C. 632-83 A.D.) to face page 256 35. Podda-Vegi Plates of the Eastern Chalukya king Jayasimha I . . . between pages 260 & 261 36. Dhauli Cave Inscription of Santikara; The Ganga) year 93 . . . to face page 264 37. Kondodda Grant of Dharmaraja (i to siia)). . . . . . between pages 268 & 269 38. (b) . . . . . . . to face page 270 39. Addanki Stone Inscription of Pandaranga . . 40. Jara Prasasti of Krishna III . . . . . . 289 41. Rewah Inscription of Malayaaimhs, the year 944 . . . . . 2. Thre. Somitio Inscriptions from Bhuj . . . . . 274 296 200 Page #11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VOLUME XVIII. Page 149, 1. 10 from bottom.-For 'who, one after another, were crowned on their thrones by Aryavarman,' read' who, one after another, crowned on their thrones Aryavarman'. Plate between pp. 248 and 240.-The legend on the seal reproduced here does not read Srimad-Amoghavarshadeveega. We can read it as: [[ma]ta(t)-Hari [4] chandradeva [sya]. Page 321, 11. 13-14 from bottom.-For Tailapa's successor, Vikramaditya V', read Vikramsditya V, grandson of Tailaps and successor of Irivabedanga Satykáraya'. Page 5, 1. 29.-For finale read final. " 29 33 "2 29 "3 29 28, translation (V. 20), 1. 1.-For Lakkha-devi tead Lakhkhā-dēvi. 35, translation (Ll. 26-32), 1. 4.-For panam read panam. 27 ,, 38, 1. 31.-Mr. N. L. Rao would read häga marana bhandi and translate it into ' on each sale of a cart of wood.' In 1.37 of this page he prefers to read moranu which he translates as one winnow'. "3 22 39 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 33 29 "3 33 33 VOLUME XIX. " 5, 1. 41. For murada read murada. 8, 1. 5. For bending a read bending at. 15, para. 2, 1.6.-For (i. e.) 9083 read (i.e., 8) 90 3. 15, para. 2, 1. 8.-For read 3 17, last para., 1. 2.-For Udum (vb) ara read Udumv(b)ara. 18, text 1. 7.-For ()() read()rreria(). 18, text 1. 16.-For (-) read (-) 19, 1. 1.-For Valākā (or Balaka) read Valäkä or Valaka (Balaka of Balaka). 45, text 1. 26.-For vassu dhe read "vasudha. 45, text 1. 30.-For Asarepi read Asirë-pi. 45, text 1. 34.-For Sambhoh read Sambhöh 45, text 1. 37.-For Gane 18] varena read Gapes [v] arēns, 46, 1. 16.-For fara read fe(). 46, 1. 42.-For Purana- read Purana 46, 1. 43.-For Sutradhara read sutradhara. ,, 47, 1. 7.-For Prithviraja read Prithviraja. 40, 1. 23.-Mr. N. L. Rao explains sandage-wick as 'a wick of the shape of a condiment called samdage' which has a flat rounded bottom and a tapering head and is in us even in these days. 40, f. n. 1.-For ank read rank. 42, 11. 21, 25 and 26.-For Khiñjaliyagada-vishaya read of Khiñjaliyagada. 42, 1. 48. For ni read in. 44, f. n. 8.-For oyitva read "yitva. Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ või EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. Page 54, para. 3, 1. 5.-For Kanchanadēvi read Kanchanabridēvi. , 69, text 1. 7.-For a[y]a(1) read a(at). · 09, f. 2. 3.-For fufe read feat. , 60, f. 1. 2.- Por una read farma'. 61, text I. 23.-For auto read at . 63, text.-Mark 1, 2 and 3 for the first 3 lines. » 64, f. n. 1.-For Kaed read Read. » 65, text 1. 28.-For =ayur- read ayur 66, Inscription No. II, text II. 1 and 2.- For sa-bhikuniy read cha bhikuniyē. .67. Inscription No. IV, text 11. 1 and 2.-Perhaps we have to read Okhärikäyē as in the other inscription of the year 299 (Ind. Ant., Vol. XXXVII, p. 33). , 70, 1. 5.- For Pramvāra read Pravāṁra. 70, 1. 19, and p. 71, 1. 15.-For Svēta pāda read Svēta pada as in the plate. 72, 1. 21.-For Samgama read Samgama. # 73, text I. 34.-For ch-anumamtā one might read veanumantă also. # 73, text ll. 37 and 38.-Correct Agnishtöma-sahasra (sra)-cha! Vajapēya-lata(tē)ehu cha Finto Agnishtöma-sahasrēna vājapēya-latēna che l. 73, text 1. 40.-Correct Bushati into sushyati and read sarit-sara () for sarisară (o), 74, 1. 13.-For Audrehādi read Audra hädi as on p. 71, , 74, 1. 20.-For amāvāsya read amāvāsyā. 74, 1. 38.- Por pavittraka read pavitraka. 274, 1. 39.-For Dēsilaka read Dēsi. , 77, para. 2, 1. 1.--For Varkēsvara add the following as a foot-note :(Vanka is the Prakrit form of Skt. Vakra, & name of Siva.-N. P. C. The Hindustani bänkā meaning a beau or crooked is also allied to it and is applied to Krishna (as in Baňkā-Bihāri) also.-H. S.). 86, text I. 26.-For ($) y read (1) , 82, f. n. 10.--For Svasti read 'Svasti. 84, para. 4, 1. 4.-For Vatraguna read Varaguna. → 91, 1. 2.-For Penner read Penner, 91, 1. 3.-For Krishna read Krishņā. 95, 1. 28.-For Tondevādi read ovādi. 95, 1. 30.-For Gollapalli read opalli. 98, text I. 3.- For yikyātaḥ read vikhyātaḥ. , 99, text I. 32.-Por svarnnam=ēkām read svar nam=ēkam. 102, text 1.5.-Por unao read 018 102, text 1.10.-For ATAT read CU #To , 103, text 1. 18.-For #to read to 104, f. n. 3.- Add [Are not these the names of trees -Ed.). » 106, 1. 4.-For Unnatarăga read Unnatarama. . 108, translation of v. 1.- For auequalled read unequalled. Pages 109 to 115.-In names like Rājasimha, Narasimhavarman, Kshattriyasimhe and Narindia simha, for simha read simha, Page 112, f. n. 4.-For Mahāvamba read Mahavamsa. - 114, translation of v. 2.- For moon 18 read moon 18 , 114, f. n. 17.-For samhita read sarhitā and for forete lling read foretelling. 116 in 7, 1. 3.- Pos Kaligge read Kali age. Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 116, 1. 4 - For Chandrapuri read Chandrapuri as in the plate and pp. 118-21. 117, para. 2, 1. 2.--For Gangini read Gangipi as in the text and translation. .., 118, f. n. 6.-For unamended read unemended. » 119, f. n. 3.-For incisedi n read incised in. 124, serial no. 71.-For Vaasanēyin read Vājasanēyin. 124, serial no. 73.- For Nandēsvara read Nandēsvara. 124, serial nos, 75, 76.-For Prakāgavara read Prakasavara. , 124, serial no. 84.-For Värhaspatya read Bärbaspatya. 124, serial no. 97.-For Saunaka read Saunaka. 128, para 2, 1. 10—For Dukata read Dütaka. 128, f. n. 8.-For c. 337 read c. 389, 390. 130, f. n. 9.-For we read sya. ,131, article no. 22, para. 1, 1. 4.-For prates read plates. , 133, text 1. 81,-For werg read , 134, 1. 2.-Omit se , 134, 1. 9.- For theeight read the eight. Pages 134 to 137.-For Chandapāka read Chāndapāka. Page 135, para, 4, 11. 2 and 7.-For Ganga read Ganga. , 136, text 1. 34.-For ovigrahi (hi) kaho read ovigrahi (hi) kah. ,, 136, text l. 35.-For 'pākēnah read 'pākēnah. , 137, translation of 11. 32 to 35.--For Kamsāraka read Kamsärska, 139, para. 3, 1. 12.- For dāyās read dāyas. 139, f. n. 3.-For Marāthä read Marathā. 140, para. 3,1. 2.--For tälukā read täluka. 141, f. n. 5.--For aurat. reado arat. 142, text 1. 11.-For? loro read fer". 148, f. n. 2.-For 3 read 2. 151, para. 2, 1. 12.--For bounariés read boundaries. 151, last line.-For Paramēs-read Paramës-. 155, para. 2, 1. 7.-For limggas-read linggas157, para, 2, 1.4.-For Sultā nof read Sultan of. 157, para. 5, 1.2 and page 163, translation (v. 16).-For Shatköņa read Shatkoņa. 157, para. 6, 1. 3.-For Since read Since. ,, 159, f. n. 4.--For Sargdharā read Sragdharā. , 162, f. n. 6.-For Chudara read Bhūdhara. 163, translation (v. 12), 1. 2.-For Chöda read Choda. 163, f. n. 2.- For Vaidyajivana read Vaidyajīvana. 173, translation of v. 25.--For Kubērawith read Kubēra with. , 175, para. 2, 1. 4.-For Răshţrakūtā read okūta. 181, f. n. 3.-For ānusvāra read anu". „ 182, f. n. 7.—For bhāginaḥ read bhāvinaḥ. 184, 1. 7, page 187, 1 st para. 1. 6, and page 189, 2nd para, of article D, 1.5.-For Bäsavurs read Bāsavūra or correct Bāsavūra of p. 185, 1. 22. , 194, f. n. 4. --Supply 4 in this foot-note. , 198, 1. 14.-Add "Lord of” at the end of the line. , 199, text.-Add note "For revised text see C. 1. 1., Vol. II, Pt. i, p. 16." ,,203, text.-Add note "For revised reading by Sten Konow, see 0,1.., Vol. II, Pt. 1, p. 79." Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XIX. Page 205, text.--Add note "For revised reading by Sten Konow, see C.1.1., Vol. II, Pt. 1 113." . 205. Remarks, 1. 11.--For Präkrit-Sprachen read Grammatik der Prakrit- Sprachen.. 206.-To the heading of article No. 33 add the following note. “For author's remarks soe also C. I.I., Vol. II, Pt. i, p. 161 f." ,206, article No. 33, para. 5, 1. 2.- For Kharophi read Kharoshki. 208, text 1. 3.-For droņivadrape read dropivadrapa. 210, f. 1., 1.7.-For Siva read Siva. 212, text I. 13.-Foro read €8. 212, text I. 15.--For [1]z*: read [*]tw. 212, text 1. 18.--For fe(fd)(s)*(€)*(s) and the read fe(f (x(v) and agata[:] „212, 1. 21. -Add note: Reading of four letters after gölrë is not certain. , 212,-For the second foot-note 3 read 4. 214, article No. 35, para. 2, 1. 3.- For vanda-saikkum read vand-abaikkum. » 220, f. n. 2.-For krimih read krimiḥ. 228, f. n. 1.-For J. A. read Ind. Ant. , 233, translation of v. 6.-For stone-piaces read stone-palaces. , 239, 1. 27.-For Väkpati read Vakpati. , 239, f. n. 6.-For geneology read genealogy , 241, text of Grant B, 1.1.--For-kēsare= read-kēsara .. Grant B, 1.6.--For V (B) appai- read V (B)eppai242, Grant B, 1. 7.-For -īvadatayā read -āvadātaya. , 1. 8.-After - nāyakaḥ insert , 1. 10.-After trukti ? insert at the end of the line replace = by - , 1. 14, sub-line 2.-Insert = at the end. , 1. 14, sub-line 3.-Separate astuvah into astu vah. Grant A, 1. 8.-For sa after [4 ] have Sa. » 1. 15.-For -āvadhārya read-avadhārya. „ 242, f. n. 6.-For trin- have trin.. , 243, Grant A, 1. 24.-For narēn-drair- read narēndrair- and for yasaska-rāņi read yasas karāņi. Grant B, 1. 18.-Delete - at the end of the line. 1. 22, end : Replace = by. 1. 28.-For Vishņuḥ [l*) rāj. have Vishņuḥ [*] Rājs. „243, f. n. 9.-For bhoktribhih read bhokt sibhin. .244 (v. 3).-Insert - between moon' and 'like',' , 244, line last but 2 : For Monday read Wednesday. , 245, last line.-For plate read plates. 247, 1. 11 beginning : Insert [h*] between 'rtba bhäga Second side, 1. 7.--For Bbāradrājas-Chhändogo read Bhāradvāja-sChhāndo®. Second side, 1. 8.-For Gārgyag. read Gärgyas= ,248, f. n. 3,1.1.- After foot-note change 6 p. into 2, p. 122, above. 250, against No. 62.-For Jātū ernņread Jätükard . 250, against No. 71.-For Bähvricba read Bühvpichya. Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page 253, 1. 3.-For "bahuvrihi" have "bahuvrihi." 254, Enter 2 at the beginning of the last foot-note commencing with "Ep. Ind.". " ,, 255, 1.9, and para. 2, 1. 5.-For Pulibümra read Pullbümra. 256, text-line 2.-For ffa read feat as in the plate. fa. iffa into read y. ,, 257, f.n. 8.-For f. n. 2 read f. n. 1. 258, 1. 3.-For Matris read Matris. """ -"" 260, 1. 13. Correct and t by a note into and 33 ,, 260, f. n. 7.-Commence this note with "Read rafe." 263, article No. 45, para. 2, 1. 8.-For Subhakara read Subhakara. 263, f. n. 2.-For jihvāmuliya read jihvämūliya. 264, 11. 4, 8, 11.-For Kumuranga read Kumurangi and for Mahadevi read Mahādēvi. "265, para. 3, 1. 2.-For gunai read gunaiḥ. 265, para. 3, 1. 13.-For yath-arhan(m) read yath-drhan(m). 266, 1. 13.-For as under read asunder. 267, text 1. 2.-For read 99 33 23 "3 33 33 " 23 33 33 39 "" 268, text 1. 28.-For 269, text 1. 45, end.-For 33 ,, 270, text 1. 51.-For a 33 33 33 93 33 33 256, f. n. 5.-Correct 256, text 1. 3.-For y か ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. "3 » 270, f. n. 3.-For protty read pretty. ,, 271, translation 11. 42-61, 1. 13 beginning.-For dedda read dedda. 272, para. 4, 1. 7.-For Yaddhamalla read Yuddhamalla. 258, article No. 43, 1. 3.-Omit hyphen after Madras. 259, para. 3, 1. 3.-For Sōmasaraman read Sömasarman. "" ,, 272, line last but one.-before oppage insert. 274, para. 2, 1. 4.-For Yatribhuvanäňkusa read ya Tribhuva". 275, translation (Verse 1), 1. 3.-For koṭṭāms read kottams. 267, text 1. 267, f. n. 6. For p. 267 read p. 266. 268, text 1. 15.-After e insert [:]. 268, text 1. 23. Join () and . 1 read are 5. - For तेनेत्यंगुणि read तेनेत्वं गुचि. it). 277, last line. For of the plate read found elsewhere in the plate. 278, para. 2, line last but one.-For Ita read Iță. 23 ,, 278, 1. 13 from bottom.-For Badagama (1. 30) read Va(Ba)dagama (1. 30). 278, 1. 10 from bottom.-For Baḍapañcala read Varapanchala (1. 30 f.). fa:] read []. read ey°. 270, text 1. 60.-For a read [a]. 270, text 1. 61. Remove the two dots after ted". 275, last para. 1. 4.-For (foot note 4) read (foot-note 5 on p. 274 ante). 275, last para. 11. 5 and 7.-For ch varga and varga read cha-varga and fo-varga. 278, 1. 5 from bottom.-For Bhaskara or Bhasara-tengari (31 and 37) read Bhasana. (1. 31) or Bhaskara-tengari (1.37). 279, 1. 9.-For Kaliyäni read Kaliyāņi. 279, 1. 10.-For Phōmpätipa read Phōmphāniya as in the text. 279, 1. 20.-For Bōbachaḍā (44) read Võvatuda (44). ti Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. Page 279, f. n. 2.--For strekes read strokes and for dear read clear. 280, text l. 4.- For kætite read kati tē. , 280, text l. 10.-For gopi- read Göpi-. , 280, f. n. 9.-For nā=nyādhio read n-any-adhi'. 281, text l. 25.-Omit hyphen after kritenā. 291, text 1. 32, and page 282, text line 35.-For Bhū-read bhů.. , 281, text line 33.-For Välū=sigāmo read Välūsigimē. 281, f. n. 8.-For p. 281 read p. 280. ► 282, text I. 39.-For Bhögāubhūvāi read Bhögäu-Bhuvai.. , 282, text 1. 40.-For radaső read Vadaso. 282, text I. 42 beginning.- Por ka read ke and for Pamsivo- read Pathlivo-. 282, text l. 46.-For árupā- read Arupā.. » 282, text l. 48.-For [si] mivā° read [Si]miva'. 283, translation, v. 1.- For Brahms read Brahman. 284, line 1.-For-Gopi- read -Göpi-. 284, f. n. 1.-For Bhátēră read Bhātëra. 284, f. n. 3.- For f. n. 7 on p. 283 read f. n. 8 on p. 280. , 285, translation 11. 29-51, 1. 8.-For Blötilahātike read Bhothilahātāka. 285, 11. 29-51, 1. 15.-For Bhāskaratēngari read oţengari. » 285, 11. 29-51, 1. 18.-For Vámáyi read Dhāmāyi. » 285, 11. 29-51, 1. 19.-For Bhuvai read Bhūvāi. ,,285, 11. 29-51, 1. 23.-For Nadakutigama read Nadakuti. , 285, 11. 29-51, 1. 25.--For Vanangajötti read Vanangajõtti. » 285, line last but one-For Itākhālā read Hayekhälā. » 286, 1. 2.- Por Simivāka read Simiväka. » 286, 1. 2.-In After Bhatapedá enter "1 house belonging to the berber Govinda (and)”. , 286, 1. 7.-Omit note 1 above ivory-worker. , 287, para, last but one, 1. 8.-Remove the word ' see' and 'by' after (1), (2) and (3). » 287, last para., 1. 3.-For vedamgam read vedeo. 288, 1.5.-For Atakur, the Solapuram read Atakür, the Solapuram. 288, 1. 7.-For Melkhed read Mälkhēd. » 288, 11, 12, 24 and 30.-For Karhad read Karbād. ► 288, 1. 22.-For Käñchi read Kāñchi. 292, text l. 3.-Put hyphen after ate. 294, text 1. 16.-Omit: after of:. Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. VOLUME XIX. No. 1.--THE ZEDA INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 11. BY STEN KONOW. Zeda is a village near Und (Ohind) in the North-West Frontier Province, situated in 34° 3 N. and 72° 32' E. Here I. Loewenthal noticed "an unshapen piece of rock lying at the entrance of the village", on which there was an inscription in Kharoshthi characters. The stone, which is now in the Lahore Museum, is, according to Cunningham, a rough block of quartz, 4 feet long and 1 foot broad. The inscription has been edited by Messrs. Cunningham, Senart, and Boyer, and some remarks concerning its date and interpretation have been published by Messrs. E. Thomas, G. Bühler, R. D. Banerji,' H. Lüders and myself. I now edit it from estampages kindly placed at my disposal by Dr. F. W. Thomas. The inscription consists of three lines and covers & space 2 feet long and about 8 inches broad. The size of individual letters varies from almost 4 inches in the beginning to 1 to 11 inches towards the end. M. Senart thought that 11. 1 and 2 are perhaps incomplete, but such does not seem to be the case. The stone is very rough and the inscribed portion is damaged in several places. The reading and interpretation are therefore beset with considerable difficulty, and this difficulty is increased because the shape of individual characters is not consistent. In spite of all the care and ingenuity which has been bestowed on the record, it has not, therefore, been possible to read and explain every passage with certainty, and I have not been able to arrive at satisfactory results throughout, and I sincerely hope that the new plate may induce other scholars to examine the record and publish their remarks so that they can be utilized for the final edition in the Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum. The characters are of the same kind as in contemporary inscriptions. I may mention some details with regard to individual letters. * cf. his remarks, J. A. 8. B., XXXII, 1863, p. 5. Archeological Survey of India, V, pp. 57 f. and Plate XVI, 1. *Journal Asiatique, VIII, xv, 1890, pp. 135 ff. and Plate opposite p. 139. Journal Asiatique, X, ili, 1904, pp. 465 ff. J R. A. 8., N. S., IX, 1877, p. 91. .J. R. A. 8., 1894, p. 535. Ind. Ant., XXXVII, 1908, pp. 46, 72. 8 tz unga erichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (henceforth quoted as 8 B. 1. W.), 1912, p. 826. 8. B. 4. W., 1916, pp. 801, 806 ; Ostasiatiske Zeitechrift, VIII, p. 280 ; above Vol XIV, p. 132. Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. Ka is usually angular, thus in Kanishkasa, 1. 2; occasionally, however, it is rounded, as in kue, 1. 2. Similarly kha has an angular top, as in the Pālāțu Dhēri and Jaulia inscriptions, in khade, 1. 2, but the same rounded shape as in the Ara record in danamukhe, 1. 2. Ja has the regular shape with a straight upright in rajami, 1. 2. In pujane in the same line it has been bent so as to avoid running up into the u-matra of kshu, 1. 1, and in -rajasa, 1. 3, the upper right-hand termina. tion has been bent backwards. Only the cerebral n is used throughout. The e-mātrā has been added at the top in -phagune, 1. 1, but projects from the middle of the vertical in pujane, 1. 2. De in khade, 1. 2, has the same shape as in the Ara inscription, with the e-matra at the bottom and the top resembling that of na. The rare pha occurs in phagune, 1. 1, and has the regular shape. Y'a is narrow and angular as in the Sue Vihar inscription, and se, with the e-mātrā in the left corner, in ise, 1. 1, has almost the same shape as in that record. Sa has different forms. The very last letter of the inscription has a strong backward bend, evidently in order to avoid its running into the ja standing above it; the first akshara is sam, where the sa looks almost Hike ra. Similar forms, without any break or bending of the vertical, are also found elsewhere, thus the second sa of masasa, l. 1. A more regular form is found in Kanishkasa, 1. 2; the sa which opens 1. 3 is a semi-circle opening towards the left and provided with a short top-stroke, etc. The compound rjh in marjhakasa, l. 2, shows the loop-shape of r. In the compound shk in Kanishkasa, 1. 2, the verticals of sha and ka form one unbroken line as in Vajheshka in the Ara record. There are several flaws and accidental strokes, which resemble letters and considerably add to the difficulties of interpretation. The easiest portion of the whole record is 1. 1, which contains the date, and which has been written in very large letters. Abstracting from insignificant details such as the transliteration of the nasal and the addition of an e in-phagune I accept the reading of M. Boyer, who again agrees with M. Senart except in the reading of the numeral figure after di, which the latter read 10: sam 10 1 ashadasa masasa di 20 utaraphagune ise kshunami. There cannot, I think, be any doubt with regard to the figure 20. There is a distinct indenture in the middle, and it is quite distinct from the figure for 10 which occurs after sam. I also think that the ne of utaraphagune is certain. The restoration of that word is due to M. Senart; Cunningham and Thomas read udeyana gu 1. The e of ise was recognised by Professor Bühler. It will be seen that the date contains one detail which is not usually met with in Kharōshthi records, viz., the mentioning of the nakshatra current on the particular day when the inscription was engraved. There is only one other Kharōshthi epigraph where the same arrangement is found, viz., the Und inscription, where I read sam 20 20 20 1 chetrasa masasa divase athami di 4 4 isa kehunami sa viranakha (?) purvashade. Und and Zeda belong to the same neighbourhood, and it is probable that the addition of the constellation was customary in that region. It should be borne in mind that both inscriptions are essentially private records. I shall have something to say about the conclusions which can possibly be drawn from these dates later on." L. 2. The first four aksharas were read chonam uspa by Cunningham, bhanam uka by M. Senart and khanam uspha by M. Boyer, who is the only one who has attempted to give a continuous translation of the whole record. He was of opinion that three different donations are recorded in the inscription, the first one being a khanam. This word he took to be a synonym 1 See my remarks above, Vol. XIV, p. 131 f. For the transliteration kah cf. my remarks, Deutsche Litteraturzeitung, 1924, pp. 1899 . Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 1.] THE ZED A INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 11. of Sanskrit Whāta, a ditch, a fosne, a well, and he connected it with the following six letters, which he read uephanth ahasa, and the word danamukha which follows later an, the meaning of the whole being, according to him : the donation of Usphamu..cha, a well. I may state at once that ap interpretation which reckons with three different donations, by different persons, recorded in one and the same epigraph, is not in scordance with the practice in Kharoshthi inscriptions and a priori very unlikely to be right. The supposed personal name Usphamu..cha has, moreover, & rather suspicious look, and, finally, this reading is almost certainly wrong. Professor Lüderst saw that the second akshara has an e-matrå and read khane, and he rightly read the next two letters kue, corresponding to kupe in the Ara inscription, explaining khape kue as a dug well, as distinguished from a natural one. He also pointed out that the form kue is used in the Pāja and Muchai inscriptions. A similar form kuo also occurs in the Mount Banj epigraph. This analysis shows the way to the correct interpretation of our record, and there is only one point where I think it necessary to deviate from him. The second akshara cannot be ne, because the e-stroke is never added at the bottom of the vertical of na. We find it above the top in Kaneshkasa in the Māņikiāla inscription, and, as I have already remarked, it sometimes occupies the same place in our record. Our akshara is in reality identical with the de of deva putra in the Ara inscription and we must certainly read khade, corresponding to Sanskrit khäta, dug. Then follow four aksharas, which were read kharadasa by Cunningham. The first one was left untransliterated by M. Senart, while M. Boyer read mu and Professor Lüders ve. Cunningham's kha is out of the question, and so far as I can see M. Boyer was right in reading mu. Professor Lüders-states that ve is fairly clear in an estampage in his possession. A comparison of the estampage before me and M. Senart's plate seems, however, to show that the apparent va is in reality the continuation of the long fissure running below the ensuing seven aksharas. The next letter was read as ra by Cunningham, but Professor Lüders is no doubt right in stating that it may be ro. I fail to understand how Messrs. Senart and Boyer arrive at their reading cha of the third akshara. It is certainly da as read by Cunningham. Muradasa, or probably murodasa, is the genitive of a word murada or muroda, which has a distinctly un-Indian appearance. It is tempting to compare it with the words murta, murndaga and murunda, which seem to be different attempts at rendering a Saka word which the Indians sometimes translated with spāmin, and I think that we must accept that explanation. We know that the title murunda was used by Saka chieftains and Indo-Skythian rulers in India down to the 4th century A.D., when the Sakamurundas are mentioned in Samudragupta's Allahabad prasasti, and I do not think that it can reasonably be doubted that it was this game Sakamurunda or an older indigenous form of the word which the Chinese rendered with their Sai-wang, the designation of the tribe which was expelled by the Yüe-chi after the latter had been conquered by the Hiung-nu.8 I am aware of the fact that wang has been considered to be part of the name of the tribe, and not the usual word for "king","fuler", and that Professor A. Hermann, on the authority of the late Professor de Groot, wanted to change Sas-wang to Sai-yü, i.e., sak-yü or, according to the Nankin pronunciation, sak-giok, which he identified with Sacaraucae. The difficulty, however, which has puzzled some Sinologists in the designation Sai-wang, Saka lords, or, Saka kings, and caused them to try to find another explanation of the word vang, seems to me to disappear in the face of the corresponding designation Sakamurunda. The Indian translation of this term by Sakansipati is an exact parallel to the Chinese word. 11.c. * Cl. Laders, 8. B. A. W., 1013, pp. 422 f.; Konow, 8. B. A. W., 1916, pp. 790 ff.; Das inde Drama, $18. . Cf. .9., 0. Franko, Beiträge aus chinesischen Quellen zur Kenntnis der Türkvölker und Skyllen Zentra abiens. Berlin, 1907, pp. 48 ff. • Pauly's Real Encyclopädie der Classischen Altertumsewinenachaft, sub roce Sacaracao. 2 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. The designation Sakamurunda, Sai-wang is not exactly synonymous with Saka, Saka. Not all the Sakas were Sakamurundas. We now know that the Kushāpas, who followed up the Yüe-chi conquest of the Tokhara country by an invasion of India, acted as the successors of the Sakas. We also know that the home-tongue of the Kushäpas was the language which we know from numerous documents recovered in the southern oases of Chinese Turkistan, and especially in and about Khotan. I have myself called this language Khotani and thought that it was related to, but not perhaps quite identical with the tongue of the Sakas. The prevalent opinion is, however, that Khotani is simply the speech of the Sakas. In reality there is only a difference in the terms chosen to designate the language. The necessary inference from all that we know at the present moment is that Khotani is a Saka dialect or, according to most scholars, the Saka language, in other words, that the Kushanás, and consequently the Yüe-chi, were Sakas, not however exactly the same tribe as the Sai-wang. The difference was not of an ethnic nature but, if we may judge from the designation Sai-wang, it had some reference to the system of government or to the title used by the rulers of that particular tribe. The title murunda was not used in the country where we find the Saka language or dialect used in literature and adminístration. We there find other designations, rre, genitive rrundi, king, and shehau. Though rrundi later on also occurs in the form rrundi, there can be no question about identifying it with murunda, where mu evidently belongs to the base. Shehau, on the other hand, is the title which was used in the coin-legends of Kanishka and his successors, shaonano, shao Kaneshki Koshano written in Greek letters, with the same representation of a short u through o as in kozoulo for kujula. The title shaunānu shau is not met with in Eastern Turkistan. We can, however, infer that it was known from the fact that the designation of the Buddha as gyastānu gyasti, i.e., the god of gods, is evidently framed in imitation of this title. There can be no doubt that it is an adaptation of the imperial Persian title, and we have no reason for thinking that it was originally in use among the Sakas of Eastern Turkistan. We know from the Kalakacharyakathanaka that the Sakas who invaded India before Vikramaditya used a slightly different form, shahānu shahi, which is evidently borrowed from Middle Persian, and this form was adopted by the Kushaņas in their Brahmi inscriptions and also occurs in the Allahabad prasasti. Shaunānu shau is the same title; but it is not simply borrowed, but translated, the Middle Persian shahi being replaced by the indigenous word shau, formed with another suffix van from the base kshai. We must necessarily infer that the Saka chiefs of Eastern Turkistan, the ancient Yüe-chi, used this title, in addition perhaps to rre, before they introduced the imperial Persian titulature. Their rulers were accordingly called rre or shau, while the chiefs of the Sakamurundas were designated as murunda or some older form of this word. Now if murada, muroda of the Zeda inscription is the same word as murunda, it would be of interest if we could settle the question about its exact meaning. An etymological explanation of the word, which is perhaps possible, has been given by Professor Hermann Jacobsohn." He thinks that it is formed from the same base as the Greek words (epi)meletes, meletör, meledōnos, caretaker, supervisor, and is about synonymous with kshatrapa. If such be the case, it becomes probable that the title kshatrapa used by the Saka rulers in India is merely a translation of the old term, so that the Sakamurundas of the Allahabad prasasti are the Western Kshatrapas.3 The meaning care-taker, office-bearer and ruler seems to suit the context in the Zeda inscription. Murodasa, i.e., probably murondasa, is followed by a word which was read mardukasa Cf. Ostasiatische Zeitschrift VIII, pp. 220 ff. 3 Arier und Ugrofinnen, Göttingen, 1922, pp. 1061, 200. 1s it conceivable that the title meridar khes, which is used in Greek inscriptions of the Selenold age and sphere and in Egypt, is an adaptation of the Iranian title based on a popular etymology of the word? Of, about this title Dr. F. W.. Thomas, Festschrift Windischp, 362 ff. Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 1.] THE ZEDA INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 11. by Cunningham and mardakasa by Messrs. Boyer and Lüders, while M. Senart states that he cannot understand how Cunningham arrived at his reading of the second akshara. The r-loop is, however, quite distinct, and the upper part of the compound only differs from da in having a short stroke to the left of thet op. M. Boyer derives mardaka from the base mrid, to be gracious, and takes it to be a designation of the following word Kanishka. He admits that we should rather expect an honorific title of a different kind, but thinks that the designation compassionate" is well suited in the case of the famous protector of Buddhism. He also mentions, however, the possibility of explaining mardaka as a patronymic. So far as I can see, however, the reading mardaka cannot be maintained. The short stroke at the top of the akshara is the characteristic which distinguishes jha from da, and I have, therefore, thought it necessary to read marjhakasa and explained marjhaka as an older form of the Khotani word malysaki, which occurs in the Maitreyasamiti, where it is used to render Sanskrit grihapati, the sixth of the ratnas of a chakravartin. The grihapati is characterized by the divine eye, through which he discerns hidden treasures and secures them for his master. Marjhaka, malysaki is derived from the Iranian base marz, corresponding to Sanskrit mrij, to touch, to clean, to rub, and evidently means an official who has to examine treasure, a tutor of treasure and coin. If marjhaka is the same word as Khotani malysaki, we must draw the conclusion that the I of the latter is derived from an older r and that the change of r to l in this and in similar cases is subsequent to the date of the Zeda inscription. That the Iranian tongue of the Khotan country underwent certain changes between the first centuries of the Christian era and the oldest texts in which it is found has been shown by Professor Lüders, and I can now add an example, which seems to be absolutely certain. The Khotani postposition bendi, on, near, concerning, is found as vamti, i.e., vandi, in the Kharoshthi documents from Niya. We learn from this fact that the development of a to e in this word took place after the second century, and also that the language to which bendi belongs was spoken in the southern oases at the time when the Niya documents were written. The words following after murodasa marjhakasa are certainly Kanishkasa rajami, as seen by M. Senart, while Cunningham read the finale mi as gam. Kanishka is of course the well-known Kushana emperor, and it seems necessary to infer that the preceding words muroḍasa marjhakasa are titles used to characterize him, for we know that there is not a single Kharōshthi inscription where the name of a ruler is used without any title being added. We should, of course, expect to find some of the usual designations, as in the contemporaneous Sue Vihar inscription, where Kanishka is styled mahārāja, rājātiräja, devaputra. But then it should be remembered that we have not before us an official record, but a private document, so that we need not expect to find the official titles. And we know that the title murunda, which I identify with muro[n]da, was used in India long after Kanishka's days, and Kanishka's accession meant a considerable strengthening of the power of the Indo-Skythian rulers. The result would naturally be a strengthening of the national feeling of the Sakas, and it would be intelligible if national titles were used, at least in records drawn up at the request of Saka individuals, as may have been the case with the Zeda inscription. There is, accordingly, nothing extraordinary in the use of the designation murada or muroda. 1 S. B. 4. W., 1916, p. 801. Ed. Leumann, Strassburg, 1919, p. 67. Ostariat'sche Zeitschrift VIII, p. 230. Cf. Senart, Essai sur la légende du Buddha. 2éd, Paris, 1882, p. 29. S. B. 4. W 1919, pp. 763 . Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. The explanation of the second title marjhaka is more difficult. If my analysis of the word is right, it might characterize Kanishka as a ruler rich in treasure. Now we know that there was an Indian tradition' about four" sons of heaven", the rulers of India, China, the Yüe-chi and the Roman empire, and the country of the Roman emperor was considered to abound in treasure. The title marjhaka might accordingly be used in order to convey the idea that Kanishka had won the wealth of the Roman empire, and as we know that the Roman title Caesar itself is used, in addition to the common titles mahārāja, räjätirāja, devaputra, in the Ara inscription of Kanishka II, the use of marjhaka might be considered as the first step in that direction. We should, of course, like to know the reason for such a reference to the Roman empire in the two records, and expect it to be the result of a victorious war with the Roman armies. We do not, however, hear about any such thing having happened. 6 We know, on the other hand, that the Roman power in Asia was waning during the reign of Hadrianus (A.D. 117-138), who withdrew from Mesopotamia, which was then occupied by the Parthians. Buddhist texts preserved in Chinese translation further state that the king of the Parthians tried to close the West to Kanishka, who then defeated him. If Kanishka's date coincided with the reign of Hadrianus and if the tradition about a victorious-war with Parthia is based on fact, it would be conceivable that the idea of a ruler of a country abounding in treasure was transferred from the Roman to the Parthian emperor, and further, after Kanishka's triumph over the latter, to him, and that might be the reason for the use of the title marjhaka in our record and of the designation kaisara in the Ara inscription. It is at present impossible to make any definite statement. But, at all events, it seems to me that the terms muroda and marjhaka must be considered as titles characterizing King Kanishka. What follows after rajami is the most difficult passage of the whole record. Cunningham read dharya dadabhasa Idamukhastrape a de asa....; M. Senart..dadabhai da[na]mukha.[pe adhia] sa [daadaasa] ti [dha].., and M. Boyer [to]yadalabhai danamukha sapeadhia sasaśushe sati vudhe. He explained sapeadhia as a compound of sapea, which he identified with Pāli sappāya, and dhia, Sanskrit dhiya, and saw in sasaśushe a Sanskrit sasyasosha. He thus arrived at the translation: the gift of Usphama..cha, a well for the obtainment of rain-clouds in the kingdom of the compassionate Kanishka, with the intention of making something salutary, after & drying up of the crops had set in. I am unable to follow the French scholar in this interpretation. I have already remarked that the preceding portion of the inscription cannot be explained as done by him. And I do not know of any instances where a well was dug in order to obtain rain-clouds, in other words as a kind of magic. Moreover, it would be more natural to aim at producing rain than at attracting rain-clouds, and, finally, it may reasonably be doubted whether the word labha would be used with toyada, a cloud. If we now turn to the plates, it seems to me that M. Boyer's reading is wrong in several places. The first letter after mi runs up into a fissure in the stone, but seems indeed to be a ta. The lower part, it is true, seems to end in a curve opening towards the left, which evidently led Cunningham to read dha. There is, further, apparently a stroke projecting from the lower part towards the left and running into the next akshara. It may be the o-matra, and, with every reserve, I accept M. Boyer's reading to. Then follows ya, but the right-hand stroke is clearly broken and then bent downwards, so that we must apparently read yam. The following/akshara is certainly da, and the whole word, therefore, seems to be toyamda. I do not know what to make out of this word. It may perhaps 1 Cf. Pelliot, Toung Pao, 1923, pp. 97 ff. Cf. Sylvain Lévi, J. A., IX, viii, 1896, pp. 444 ff.; Ind. Ant., XXXII, 1903, pp. 381 . Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 1.} THE ZEDA INSCRIPTION OF THR YEAR 11. mean some appliance for drawing water or some obannol or feeder for conduoting water to the well, but as long as even the reading is not certain, it is useless to try to fix the meaning. The ensuing akshara eannot be la. It consists of an upper curve, continued downwards ip & line which first projects towards the right, then ends in a knee with a vertioal running down to the bottom. There is a faint erose-bar in the middle, which, however, seems to be accidental. So far as I can see, the only posibility is to read sha. If the OPOS-ber were not accidental, we might think of the shape of chha which is used in the Aboka inscriptions and in Central Asian documents to denote the old Sanskrit chh, which is always carefully distinguished from the Prakrit chh derived from ksh, etc. But there does not seem to be any reason for thinking that the thin stroke visible through the middle of the vertical really belongs to the akshara. After this cha M. Boyer read bhai, but there is a distinct u-loop at the bottom of bha, and we must read bhui. This bhui cannot be anything else than Sanskrit bhūyah, and toyanda (?) cha bhui seems to be one of those parenthetical sentences which are sometimes met with in Kharoshthi records. Then comes danamukha, the only word in the whole passage about which there cannot be any doubt. The ensuing akshara was read stra by Cunningham, whilo M. Boyer saw in it a sg. It seems to me that the cross-bar is far too distinet to be aecidental. On the other hand, I cannot follow Cunningham in reading stra, for the compound letter sta always has a straight vertical, while the main portion of our letter is a rounded line ending in a rounded bend to the left at the top, and another one to the right at the bottom. So far as I can see, it is axactly the same letter which stands at the beginning of L 4 of the Sue Vihăr inscription, where it is certainly hi. I therefore read hi, and I follow M. Boyer in taking the ensuing akshara as pea, reading accordingly hipea instead of his sapea. I am not certain about the ensuing aksharas, which M. Boyer read dhia. There seems to have been a good deal of peeling off, and the result are some curious étrokes at the top of the apparent dhi and at the bottom of the second letter. They seem, however, to be accidental and I accept M. Boyer's dhia, but I take the following sa to belong to the preceding letters and read the whole as hipeadhiasa. Now if we compare other Kharoshthi inscriptions mentioning the digging of wells, it will be seen that the person or persons at whose request the well was dug, are always mentioned. We must therefore, I think, necessarily infer that hipeadkiasa is the name of a person. I cannot analyse this word or words. Hipea reminds us of Greek names such as Hippeos, Hippias and Dhia might be an adaptation of some Greek name. Cf. Diya in the Beshagar column inscription. It would not, however, be safe to make any definite statement about the etymology of the name. The only thing which seems to be certain is that Hipeadhiasa is the name of the donor, perhaps a double name, Hipea Dhiasa, in which case Hipea should probably be considered as the genitive of a base Hipe or Hipei. 1 This wign is only met with twice in later Kharöshthi inseriptions, viz., in an unpublished Mansehra in. scription of the year 68 and on the Mathurs Lion Capital, where it has not, however, been recognized but been treated 18 & compound sht so that the word palichhina, Sanskrit parichchhinna, has been read palishfena. There is no other instance where it could possibly have been used, all the other occurrenose of ehl representing the derived Prakrit sound, which was no doubt different from old chh and which I nov transliterate as kah. * Cf Lūders, J. R. 4. 8., 1909, p. 650 ; 8. B. 4 W., 1918, p. 7631 • Muchai: sahayarana kue vashikugana ; Mount Banj : makadaka putrasa.... kuo daramoho; Pāja : Ayam patreya Sathghamitrona kue karite ; Bhakardarra: kuvo khadas trapivad[rjanasa...daramukho; im. thada kupe Drehafolena Poshapuria putr[e]øa ; Kala Sang : [aaha*]yaropa Pipolaktonna tuo; Margar we tunaya [ropa ...] daran Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. · The riext letter is again sa, and then follows, so far as I can see, a rua, though it may be ka as read by Cunningham. In M. Senart's plate the right-hand hook of the letter has disappeared and the akshara runs into the following one, so as to produce the appearance of a fu, and the apparente-stroke, which olearly belongs to the akshara following after rva, looks as if it belonged to the second one. The letter following after what I read as rod consists of a vertical bending a the top towards the left and provided with a cross-bar. The apparent e-mătră protrudes below the uppar bar and seems in reality to be an i. With every reserve I therefore read sti. Then follows an unmistakable va. In M. Senart's plate it runs into the preceding akshara, and thus M. Boyer arrived at his reading she, without taking any notice of the unusual place of the e-mātrā. This va I take together with the next akshara, which I read da; cf. the shape of din di, 1.1. Then follows ti, and then two letters which M. Boyer read vudhe. The u of vu is not certain, and I prefer to read us. The stroke at the right-hand corner of dhe seems to me to be a flaw in the stone. I therefore read vadha and connect vadha with the ensuing akshara, which is certainly 88 or se. I accordingly read sorodstivadativadhase. Messrs. Senart and Boyer took the last akshara sa together with the two following ones, 'which they read as putra. The pri is certain, but the tra does not, so far as I can see, exist. If we compare the fourth akshara from the end in l. 3, which is certainly tra, it will be found to be quite different. It seems to me that a portion of the stone has peeled off in this place, to the right at the w-loop of kshu in l. 1. It was therefore left open, and the context goes on to the left of the -loop, with an akshara which M. Boyer took to be ba, but which seems to me to be ja. The vertical has been bent to the right, so as to cover a portion of the open space, but the ja is, I think, Gasily recognizable. Then follows na, with a sloping line running downwards from the middle of the vertical. M. Senart read the whole as na, while M. Boyer thought it necessary to read' npa, a compound which is in itself very unlikely, and which would, at all events, scarcely look like our akshara but be provided with an angular pa-hook. I take the letter to be ne, with the e-mātrā placed as in Sakyamune in the Wardak vase inscription. Pujane corresponds to Sanskrit pūjanē, in the honouring of, and is synonymous with the common pujae. The last three akaharas of 1. 2 were read by M. Senart as Liaka and this, taken together with the letter sa at the beginning of l. 3, makes up the genitive Liakasa, which M. Boyer connected with his saputrabanpa into a compound saputrabanpaliakasa, to which he assigned the meaning together with his sons Banpa and Liaka". Even if we were to accept the reading banpa, it sepma to me that it would not be quite easy to follow M. Boyer in his analysis of the compound. The name Liska is also known from the Taxila copper-plate of Patika, the son of the Kshatrapa Liaka Kusaluks, and we should naturally infer that the Liaka of our inscription was a descendant of Liaka Kuulaka, the more so because he is evidently designated as a Kshatrapa. The reading of the word following after the first letter of 1. 3 is not, it is true, certain, but there can be lithe doubt that it means of the Kshatrapa". M. Senart read chhaharasa and M. Boyer chhala. pund, The; former. Was partly influenced by the Patika plate where Kusuluka Liaka is usually supposed to be designated as Chhaharasa Chukhsasa cha chhatrapa, Kshatrapa of Chhahara and Chukbos. In my opinion, however, there cannot be any doubt that we must read kshaharata sa, there being room for two aksharas in the damaged portion at the end of l. 1. Moreover, M. Boyer WAA certainly right in reading the third, akshara 48 pa. The second one is scarcely ha, and it is alto different from la, the upper vertical standing more to the left than the lower one. There is, moreover, stroke towards the right at the bottom. One might think of reading Iro, but such a compound is rarosly possible. It is perhaps possible to assume that the lengtáver has mistinder Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 1]. THE ZEDA INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 11. stood his draft and placed the upper vertical too far to the right, while tra was in reality intended. As there cannot well be any doubt about the meaning I would, therefore, with every reserve, read ksha[tra]pasa. We are not in a position to decide the question about the nationality of the family of the Kshatrapa Liaka. If he was descended from the Kshatrapa Liaka Kusuluka of the Patika plate, we should be inclined to think that he was a Saka, because the date of the Patika plate is referred to the reign of the King Moga. The designation Kusuluka seems to indicate relationship with the Kushāpas, for Kusuluka is probably connected with the designation Kujula used about the first Kadphises. We know from the coin-legend of Liaka Kusuluka that the second u of Kusuluka was long and that the s was pronounced with voice, for the Greek legend is Kozoulo, as on the coins or Kujula Kadphises. If the Kshatrapa Liaka was a descendant of Liaka Kusuluka, we should think that he ruled in the neighbourhood of Taxila, in which case his province may very well have included the present Zeda. After ksha[tra]pasa M. Senart read .pa..a.da.ta dana and M. Boyer thupa dhola unamita dana. The latter translated the whole passage as follows: the gift of Chhalapa together with his sons Banpa and Liaka, a stupa resplendent in whiteness and of great height. We should accordingly here have the record of the second donation mentioned in the inscription. Abstracting from the general objection to such an interpretation which I have already mentioned, I may draw attention to the curious arrangement which M. Boyer supposes to be followed in the enumeration of the gifts: first a well, then a resplendent stupa, and thirdly, as we shall see, a temple servant. It would be difficult to find any logical reason for such an arrangement, and I agree with M. Sylvain Lévi1 that we should expect the state of things to be different. An examination of the plate will, moreover, so far as I can see, lead us to other result's than those arrived at by M. Boyer, also in the passage following after ksha[tra]pasa, The first akshara cannot possibly be thu. It consists of a rounded top, continued to the right in a vertical ending in a loop, which I follow M. Boyer in considering as an u-matra. There cannot, in my opinion, be any reasonable doubt about the nature of the letter: it is u, of the same kind as the u of utaraphagune, 1. 1, only shorter, and the u-loop has not been continued up to the vertical. Then follows pa, as given both by M. Senart and by M. Boyer. The third akshara, on the other hand, cannot be dho. It consists of a broken vertical, bent towards the left at the top, and provided with the hook which we know from the usual ka. A similar break in the ver. tical is also found in one of the kas of the Māņikiāla silver desk, and similar forms occur in the Ara and Manikiāla inscriptions and on the Kanishka casket. I think it necessary to read ka. Then follows an akshara consisting of an upper curve connected with the lower part by a vertical. It is impossible for me to understand how it can be read otherwise than as cha. The next letter is clearly a and not u, there being no trace of an u-loop at the bottom, and I am unable to see how M. Boyer arrived at his reading unamita. The a is followed by a distinct ma, which M. Boyer leaves out of consideration. With regard to the next akshara M. Senart's reading do is clearly preferable to M. Boyer's na, even if we were to admit that the dental na were used in this place. The lower portion of da is, however, bent towards the left and I think that I can see traces of a complete u-loop. I therefore read du, and the following akshara cannot possibly be mi. It seems to me to be an unmistakable ka. Then follows ta as read by Messrs. Senart and Boyer. The whole passage accordingly runs: upakachaamadu kata. I analyse it as follows. In upakachaa I see the dative of upakacha, which consists of upa and the Prakrit word kachcha, which is given as a Desi word for karya in the Dēsināmamālā ii. 2, and which corresponds to a 1 Cinquantenarie de l'école pratique des bautes études. Mélanges publiés par les directeurs d'études de la section des sciences historiques et philologiques. Paris, 1921, pp. 91 ff. Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL; XIX Sanskrit kritya. Upakachaa accordingly means " for the benefit of ", and it should be connected with the ensuing madu, Sanskrit mätuh, of his mother. Kata I take together with the following word, for which I unhesitatingly acoept the reading dana. The concluding portion of the inscription was read by M. Boyer as follows: anuga punavardhase Saghamitrasa dana, the gift of Samghamitra : & servant, in order to increase his merit. I have the same objections against this reading and interpretation which I have mentioned above ! the improbability of a registering of many gifts in one and the same inscription, the absence of any intelligible reason for the arrangement of the three entries, and my inability to accept the suggested seading. It might also be questioned whether Sanskrit punya could become puna or puna in the dialect of the inscription. We should certainly expect puña as in the Kharöshthi manuscript of the Dhammapada. The two first aksharas are certainly aņu. M. Boyer draws attention to the shape of the ensuing akshara ga, which is turned towards the left and provided with a curve towards the right. He thinks that we are here faced with fissures in the stone. It seems to me, however, that such cannot be the case, and that we must read gra. Anugra might stand for anuga, with a spirantic pronunciation of g, but I have my doubts about the possibility of translating anuga, standing alone as it does, by" servant ". Moreover, I think it necessary to connect anugra with what follows and here I cannot accept M. Boyer's reading puna, or, in my transliteration puna. There is no trace of an u-mātrā, and, so far as I see, the first akshara cannot be pa, but only he. The akshara na next seems to have an e-mātrā, but I think that na is intended. I therefore read anagrahena. The following word seems to be vardhase as read by M. Boyer. M. Senart's plate favours this reading, while ther before dh is not distinguishable in my estampage. As stated by M. Boyer vardhase or vadhase may be an infinitive or the dative of a base vardhas. The reading Saghamitrasa dana was established by Cunningham and accepted by his suc. cessors. I do not think it possible to read the letter after tra as sa. It is the same ra which we ind in rajami, l. 2. Nor cen I see how the two last aksharas can be read dana. The first one cannot, I think, be anything else than ja, with a backward turn of the top, and the last one is evidently sa, turned back so as to avoid its running up into the akshara standing above it. A similar distorted sa is found before Mira Boyanasa in 1. 4 of the Gudufara record, where its shape likewise seems to be due to considerations of space. Who the Samghamitraraja was, we cannot say. Sanghamitra seems to be used as a title in the Jaulik inscription b, and it is conceivable that it is here used as an honorific designation of Kanishka. It is, however, more likely that Şamghamitrarāja was some penson connected with the place where the well was dug. The date of the Zeda inscription is about one month later than that of the Sue Vihar epigraph of the 28th Daisios Sam 11, the Macedonian month Daisios roughly corresponding to the Indian Jyaishtha, the month preceding Ashādha. I have already drawn attention to the fact that the dating is fuller than is usually the case in Kharðshthi records, the name of the nakshatra Uttaraphalguna being mentioned as current on the 20th Ashādha. Professor Jacobi has kindly drawn my attention to the fact that we can infer, from this statement, that the months were purnimānta just as I have shown it to be the case in the calendar used in the Gudafara record. The nakshatra Uttaraphalguna belongs to the sukla paksha where it may occur between the 5th and 8th day. Cf. Pischel, Grammatik der Prakrileprachen, $ 284. See above Vol. XVIII, p. 272 f. Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 2.) THE ZEDA INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 11. The purnimänta reckoning was no doubt an ancient Indian one, while the counting of all the days of the month as a continuous series seems to be of foreign origin, as stated in my edition of the Gudufara record. With regard to the era used in our inscription, it has never been doubted that it is the socalled Kanishka era, but there is no consensus of opinion about the nature and the initial point of that reckoning. I do not think that anybody would now be prepared to maintain, as was consistently done by the late Dr. Fleet, that Kanishka was the founder of the Vikrama era, after Sir John Marshall has succeeded in analysing the different strata of archæological finds in ancient Taxila. He has conclusively proved that Kanishka sticceeded the Kadphises kings. Most scholars seem to be of opinion that Kanishka's accession marked the beginning of the Saka era. Professor Rapson, the latest authority who has dealt more fully with the question, says: “The evidence obtained by Sir John Marshall from his excavations of the ancient sites of Takshabilă proves conclusively that the period of Kanishka's reign must have been somewhere about the end of the first century A.D., and a comparison of this evidence with the statements of Chinese historians and with the dates supplied by inscriptions makes it seem almost certain that Kanishka was the founder of the well-known era which began in 78 A.D.". I fail to see how Sir John's description of his excavations can be explained as done by Professor Rapson. I may quote his own words : “ The chronology of this period is very uncertain, but it seems probable that it was about 50 or 60 A.D. that Kujūla Kadphises and Hermaeus wrested the Kābul valley and Taxila from the Parthians, and a few years later that Kujula was succeeded by Wima Kadphises, who consolidated and enlarged the empire which his predecessor had won. To about this period belong the coins of the nameless ruler commonly known as Soter Megas, who may have been a successor of Wima Kadphises—there seems to have been a break between the reigns of Kadphises II and Kanishka.--Then followed, in the second century of our era, the great and powerful Kanishka, the most famous of all the Kushing, and after him Huvishka and Väsudeva. Kanishka made his winter capital t Purushapura, the modern Peshawar, and ex. tended his conquests over a wide area, from Central Asia to the borders of Bengal, and it is probable that this empire was maintained intact by his immediate successors. The death of Vasudeva probably occurred in the first half of the third century A.D." I do not think that this statement can be reconciled with the assignation of the establishment of the Saka era to Kanishka. On the other hand, it is in thorough agreement with what Professor Lüders remarks: “The exact determination of the era depends before all on the question whether we should identify the king of the Ts-Yüe-chi Po-t'iao, who sent in the year 229 A.D. an embassy to China, with Väsudeva, the successor of Huvíshka.. In that case the era would start at the earliest with 130 and at the latest with 168 A.D. None of the grounds which Oldenberg' has 1 According to M Sylvain Levi, Jours Asiat. XII, ii, 1923, p. 52, Kadphises is not a personal name, but derived from the name of the country which is variously called Kapida, Kamboja, eto. * The Cambridge History of India, I, p. 583. • I shall not in this place enter into a discussion of M. Foucher's theory that the Salas era is not originally # separate ors but simply a continuation of the "Maurys " era, with omitted hundreds, becauso I have done so in my edition of the Gudufara record above, where I also hope to have shown that it is impossible to follow Pło. fonsor Rapson in the conclusions he draws from the statemente contained in Chinese historical tradition. • See A Guide to Taxila, 2nd edition, Caloutte, 1921, pp. 16 f., Sir John's latest account of his explorations. • 8. B. 4. W., 1912, p. 830.-Ind. Ant., XLII, 1913, p. 137. • of. Chavannes, Toung Pao, II, v, pp. 489 f. Nachrichten der Göttingischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Phil. Hist. Klose, 2011, PP 417 . Journal of the Pali Tous Society, 1910-12, pp. 1 ff., especially pp. 17 L Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, (VOL. XIX. adduced against this supposition is decisive. On the other hand, the identification of Po-t'iae with Vasudeva is, as observed by Chavannes, merely permissible and not necessary; besides there still remains the possibility that a later and another Väsudeva is meant.” And, as a matter of fact, Sir John's statement agrees with everything that we know from Chine e sources. It is a curious fact, which has often been commented on, that Kanishka's name never occurs in the historical books of the Chinese. It is difficult to think that such would have been the case, if he had ruled at a time when China was in contact with the Western Countries and received regular accounts of what was happening there, and it seems probable, therefore, that his time was subsequent to A.D. 125, when China was cut off from Eastern Turkistan,' where Kanishka's power, according to Hiuen-Tsang, made itself felt. Buddhist texts preserved in Chinese translations, on the other hand, more than once speak of Kanishka as a great and powerful ruler. Hiuen-Tsang, who tells us about his conquests, also quotes what pretends to be a prophecy of the Buddha, according to which Kanishka's accession was to take place in the year 400 of the Nirvāņa. M. Sylvain Lévi has made it probable that Hiuen-Tsang's source was the Vinaya of the Mūlasarvāstivāding. According to M. Foucher Kanishka reigned in the fifth century of the Maurya éra, which was still in general use at the time of his accession. Later on, when the actual state of things was forgotten, and people no more knew anything about the Maurya era, which had, in the meantime been replaced by other reckonings, the memory of an interval of 400 years was still retained, but now this interval was referred to the era of the Nirvāņa. I do not think it necessary to make further comments on this theory in this place, because there is not the slightest reason for believing in the existence of the Maurya era. But most scholars will unhesitatingly agree with M. Foucher that the tradition of an interval of 400 years between the Nirvana and Kanishka is due to some sort of misunderstanding. There are, as is well known, more than one estimate of the interval between the Buddha and Kanishka to be found in the Chinese Buddhist works. The biography of Vasubandhu places Asvaghosha, who was an older contemporary of Kanishka, in the sixth century of the Nirvåņa, and, according to the Samyuktaratnapitaka, which was translated into Chinese in A.D. 472, Kanishka was a contemporary of the Arhat K'i-ye-to, of whom we hear that he had left the world in the Buddha's time but reappeared seven hundred years afterwards in the kingdom of Ki-pin. This tradition, which is certainly older than Hiuen-Tsang, places Kanishka in the second century of our era. In this connexion the statement found in the same work and quoted above, according to which Kanishka fought the Parthians, receives some additional significance as compared with the use of the title marjhaka in our inscription. There are, moreover, some indications which seem to point to a considerable increase of the Kushāņa power and a simultaneous strengthening of the national pride of the Indo-Skythians in the second century of our era. In the first place we find rulers using the same titles as the Kushåpas in Eastern Turkistan, where even a Kushanasena is mentioned about this time. And secondly, some facts connected with the history of the Western Kshatrapas point to the same conclusion. I am speaking of the coins and inscriptions mentioning the name of Chashtana. 1 Cf. Acta Orientalia, II, p. 133. J. R. A. 8., 1914, p. 1016. L'art gréco-bouddhique du Gandhdra, II, p. 510. . Cf. F. W. Thomas, J. R. 4. 8., 1913, pp. 646, 640, 1031, and the literaturo quet:d ly him .of. Lovi, Journ, Ariat., IX, viii, 1896, p. 463, Indh. Ant., XXXII, 1903, p. 388. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 1.] THE ZEDA INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 11. According to Professor Rapson,1 "all that is known as to the duration of Chashtana's reign, both as kshatrapa and mahakshatrapa, is that it must be included, together with the reign of his son Jayadaman as Kshatrapa, in the period limited by the years 46 and 72=A.D. 124 and 150." From the Andhau inscriptions we know that his grandson Rudradaman was associated with him as rajan in Kathiawar in Saka 52, i.e., A.D. 130. He cannot, accordingly, have been bern much later than A.D. 90, and his father Ysamotika must have held sway about the time when the Saka era was introduced. 13 Now the names of Chashtana and Ysamotika point to the conclusion that they were of the same nationality as the Sakas and Kushanas. Dr. Morgenstierne tells me that, according to Professor Andreas, Chashtana is evidently identical with Pashto chashtan, a master, and the name Seistanhas, up to the present day, preserved the memory of ancient Saka settlements in Afghanistan. And Ysamotika is derived from the word ysama, earth, which is well known from documents and books written in the Iranian language of the southern oases of Chinese Turkistan." Now Ysamotika's name only occurs in the inscriptions and coin-legends of his successors. One coin, which has now disappeared, has, it is true, been ascribed to him, but Professor Rapson is no doubt right in thinking that it was in reality a coin of Chashtana with the name of his father only legible in the inscription. Ysamotika, however, is practically synonymous with Bhumaka, and I quite agree with M. Sylvain Lévi in thinking that the two names designate one and the same person, Bhumaka being only a barbaric Sanskrit translation of the real name. Now we must recall the state of things prevailing when Bhumaka entered on the stage. Vikramaditya had long ago replaced the Saka rulers in Central India. A national era had been introduced, which had even been used by the Saka Kshatrapa Sodasa, and Indian notions had gradually reasserted themselves. If Bhumaka were one of the first governors appointed after the Saka re-conquest in A.D. 78, it would be natural for him to adopt an Indianized name, though he was a Kshaharada, i.e., was, in some way, connected with the line of Liaka Kusuluka." The use of the title rajan by Nahapana, who is also designated Kshaharata, Chashtana and his successors, may be due to similar considerations. The state of things became different with or during the rule of Chashṭana. He reintroduced the national name of his father, and this fact becomes easily intelligible if we assume that the power of his nation was essentially increased in his days. It is not necessary to assume that this increase began in India itself. If M. Sylvain Lévi was right in explaining Chen-t'an Ki-ni-ch'a of the Sütralankara as Kanishka, king of Khotan, it is conceivable that Kanishka started on his career in Eastern Turkistan, after the Chinese had lost their hold on the country, and that these events were rumoured in India and awakened the national pride of the Sakas, this awakening being reflected in the introduction of the name Ysamotika instead of the Indianized Bhumaka in the inscriptions and coin-legends of Chashtana. 1 Catalogue of the Coins of the Andhra Dynasty, the Western Katrapas, the Traikutaka Dynasty and the Bodhi" Dynasty. London, 1908, pp. cxii ff. Ep. Ind., XVI, pp. 19 ff. Cf. The important paper contributed by Dr. F. W. Thomas to the J. R. A. S., 1906, pp. 181 ff. Cf. Lüders, 8. B. A. W., 1912, pp. 406 ff., where attention is also drawn to the curious use of the compound ye in order to denote the voiced a l.c., p. 71. Journ. Asial., XI, v, 1915, p. 1919; cf. Konow, 8. B. A. W., 1916, p. 814. kshaharada, kehaharata can of course be a title or the name of a family. Jours. Asial, IX, viii, 1896, pp. 452 ff.; Ind. Ant., XXXII, 1903, pp. 384f. Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. Now we know that Chashtana's capital was Ujjayini and that his name was known to Ptolemy. After Kanishka had consolidated his power in India he would naturally enter into relations with the Saka rulers of Ujjayini. Now Ujjayini was the centre of the scientific study of astronomy after new methods which were taken over from the Greek astronomers. The results of this study are laid down in the Siddhāntas, and if the late Dr. Thibaut was right in thinking that these works may very well be based on some Greek source older than Ptolemy, I do not see any reason against applying their methods to the date of the Zeda inscription, in order to settle the question about the initial point of its era by calculating which year or years fulfil the condition : Ashadha 20 coupled with Uttara-phalguna. I have therefore asked my Dutch friend, Dr. W. E. van Wijk, to examine the date in the light of the Siddhäntas. I have taken it for granted that Kanishka's accession cannot be dated earlier than the initial point of the Saks era and not much later than A.D. 135. I have therefore for mulated the question as follows: in which year during the period A.D. 89 to A.D. 150 did the 20th Ashādha coincide with Uttara-phalguna. Dr. van Wijk has discussed the question in the Acta Orientalia,' and I shall, in this place, only summarize the results of his calculations. If these are made according to the system of the Süryasiddhānta and the equal space system, seven years during the period would answer the conditions, viz., the expired Kaliyuga years 3191, 3216, 3221, 3229, 3240, 3246 and 3248. This result is not very encouraging. I have, however, already mentioned that we possess & second record, from the same neighbourhood, with the same details regarding the date as in our epigraph, viz., the Und inscription of the year 61, where the 8th Chaitra is coupled with the nakshatra Pūrvăshādha. Applying the same methods to this date, Dr. van Wijk finds that the choice is, in this case, much more limited. It is, of course, sufficient to examine the state of things in the seven years coming 50 years after those which were found to be possible equivalents to the Zeda date. And among these only three years fulfil the condition : Chaitra 8 coupled with Purvashādha, viz., the expired Kaliyuga years 3241, 3279 and 3296. If it is allowed to calculate the dates of the Kanishka era at the hand of the Süryasiddhanta, its initial date would accordingly fall in one of the years A.D. 79, 117 or 134. Dr. van Wijk has reckoned with current years. If the years were expired, the corresponding years would be 78, 116 and 133 respectively. Dr. van Wijk has further calculated the two dates according to the system of the first Aryasiddhanta. His result is that in that case only the expired Kaliyuga years 3229 and 3279 fulfil the conditions required by the Zeda and the Und inscriptions respectively. He therefore thinks that, according to the equal space system, this latter correspondence is most acceptable. In his second paper, however, he maintains, that the equal space system is a late and artificial one, and that we must, therefore, reckon with unequal spaces. He arrives at the result that June 19 A.D. 139 is the only date which fulfils the conditions of the Zeda record and February 26 A.D. 189 those of the Und inscription. The initial date of the Kanishka era would accordingly be A.D. 128-129. Such a dating would explain the absolute silence about Kanishka in Chinese historical sources, which seems to show that his accession cannot be placed before A.D. 125. It would follow that the earliest known date of Våsudēva corresponds to the rainy season A.D. 202, and the latest one to the rainy season A.D. 226, in which case Vasudeva can very well be identical with Po-t'iao, whose embassy is stated to have reached China in A.D. 229. Astronomie, Astrologie und Mathematik, PP. 48 f. Vol. 111, pp 83 fl.; V. PP 168 t. Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 2] BARAH COPPER-PLATE OF BHOJADEVA; VIKRAMA-SAMVAT 893. 15 I now give my reading and translation of the record. TEXT. 1. Sam 10 ashaḍasa masasa di 20 uttaraphagune ise kshuņami 2. khade kue [mu]rodasa marjhakasa Kanishkasa rajami [to]yamda cha bhui dapamukha Hipea Dhiasa sarvastivadativadhase pujane Liaka 3. sa kaha[tra]pasa upakachaa mad[u] kata dana anugraheņa va[rdha]se Saghamitrarajasa TRANSLATION. Anno 10, on the 20 day of the month Ashadha, in Uttaraphalguni, at this instant this well was dug, in the reign of the lord, the master of treasure Kanishka,-and further a "watergiver "as the gift of Hipe Dhia for the increase of the Sarvästivada, in honouring of the Kshatrapa Liaka, for the benefiting of his mother; the gift was made by the favour and for the increase of Samghamitrarāja. No. 2.-BARAH COPPER-PLATE OF BHOJADEVA; VIKRAMA-SAMVAT 893. BY HIRANANDA SASTRI. This copper-plate, as the District Magistrate of Cawnpore wrote to the Director General of Archeology in India, while forwarding it for examination, was discovered on the 17th of March 1925 in the house of one Muhammad Baqar when the foundations of a new house were being dug up in the village of Barah which is said to have been inhabited during the Mughal period and lies on the south side of the main road from Cawnpore to Kalpi at a distance of 23 miles westsouth-west from the District Head-Quarters and 4 miles east of Akbarpur with which it is connected by a branch metalled road. It measures 233" by 168", being " thick and weighs 1,250 tolas. The three big holes drilled at the left side of the plate show that there must have been a seal attached to it, though it is not forthcoming now. The plate was thoroughly cleaned under the direction of the Director General of Archæology in India and is now preserved in the Provincial Museum, Lucknow. I edit the record from the original plate as well as from the excellent estampages kindly supplied to me by Sir John Marshall the Director General of Archaeology in India. Only one side of the plate is inscribed, there being 16 lines of writing on it. The size of the letters which are well shaped and deeply cut averages from 1" to 1" in height, and 7" to " in breadth. The record is written in the Nagari script of the period and in Sanskrit prose, excepting a somewhat defective sloka at the end (11. 15-16) which gives the name of the Dutaka. There are no orthographical peculiarities worth noting excepting the use of the upadhmaniya in 11. 7 and 12 and the usual employment of va for ba as well as the doubling of t before ra as in puttra (1. 3). The year when the grant under notice was issued is given in 1. 16 where it is expressed by letters or letter numerals and a numerical figure. That it is 893 of the Vikrama era is pretty certain but the way in which it is written does not appear to be so. As put down here it would read samvatsro hra (i.e.) 9083. The t in the ligature taro should go with samvat and the symbol sro be taken as representing hundred like the old symbol. The next symbol undoubtedly represents 8. Thus, I think, the year should be read1 as samvat 100x 8 (i.e. 800) 90 3 (i.e., 893). The object of the inscription is to record that Bhojadeva granted the agrahāra called Valākāgrahāra which lay in the Udumbara-vishaya of the Kalañjara-mandala in the Kanyakubja-bhukti to the Brahmanas born of the family of Bhatta-kachara-svāmin whe 1 I have read it in consultation with Rai Bahadur Gaurishankar H. Ojha. Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. belonged to the Bharadvaja-götra and was a student of the Vajasaneya-sakhā, with all its income barring such as had already been granted to gods and Brahmanas. The document would show that the original grant was issued by sri-Sarvvavarmmadēva and sanctioned. by Mahārāja Nagabhatadeva. It would further show that, owing to the incapacity of the controlling officer (Vyavaharin) in the reign of Ramabhadradeva, it was disturbed for some time and Bhōjadeva, the grandson of Nagabhaṭadeva, revived it on the old terms in the year 893 of the [Vikrama era] on the fifth day of the bright fortnight of Kartika which corresponds to Wednesday, 18th October, A.D. 836. 4 The charter was written by Rudrata, the Dütaka being Bäläditya who was the son of Rajyabhaṭṭārika. I have already stated that the donor of the grant was Bhōjadeva, the son of Ramabhadradeva and the grandson of Nagabhațadeva. That he was the Gurjara Pratihära king of Kanauj is too clear to require demonstration. The genealogy1 given in the document is too strong a proof to require further support. The point worth consideration is the identity of the Sarvvavarmman spoken of in the document. We are told that the grant made by this chief was confirmed by Nagabhaṭadeva. This statement would make Sarvvavarmman to be the contemporary of Nagabhata who flourished cir. 816 A.D. The fact that he is described as a Paramesvara would show that he was a subordinate prince. The epithet of Paramésvara reminds us of Sarvvavarmman, the Maukhari king who is likewise called Paramesvara in the Asirgadh Seal inscription. But the identification depends on the contemporaneity of the Pratihara king Nagabhata. The Maukhari Sarvvavarmman, as I have shown elsewhere, was the son of Isänavarmman, who flourished about the year 611 of the Vikrama era, that is, cir. 554 A.D., and that he ruled about the last quarter of the sixth century of the Christian era or some two hundred years before Nagabhata, the ambitious Pratihāra ruler who confirmed the grant. So Sarvvavarmman of this inscription cannot be the homonymous prince of the Maukhari dynasty; nor can we identify him with the Sarvvavarmma-Maharaja of the Nirmanda grant of Samudrasena or other rulers of the same name who came long before him. The only prince whose identification will fit in with this chief, as far as I am aware, is the one mentioned in the Sanjan plates of Amöghavarsha which have recently been published in this journal. The contents of this valuable document have been fully dealt with by Prof. D. R. Bhandarkar. It tells us that Govinda III, perhaps the most remarkable Rashtrakuta king who flourished cir. 793-815, vanquished Nagabhața of the Imperial Pratihara dynasty, who was the son of Vatsaraja or the father of Ramabhadradēva and the grandfather of Bhōjadeva, the donor of the grant under notice. Further, it informs us that the same Rashtrakuta king after his victorious return from the north came to the Narmada on whose banks, at the foot of the Vindhyas, he temporarily settled in the kingdom of a petty ruler called Maharaja-Sarvan. It was here that a son was born to him who was called Amoghavarsha alias Mahārāja-Sarvan. Mārasarva, as has been remarked by Prof. Bhandarkar, is the same as Mahārāja-Šarvan and the Sribhavana of the Radhanpur plates of Govinda III must have been his capital. To which dynasty this prince belonged, we are not told in any of these inscriptions. But that he must have been an important ruler seems to be clear. Our charter shows that he must have held sway over the tract around Kalañjara where the agrahara or the Brahmana village Valaka (or Valaka) lay, otherwise he could not have made a gift of it. That he was a tributary of Nagabhata can safely be surmised from the fact that the grant made by him was confirmed by the latter. 1 For the genealogy of this dynasty see Kielhorn's Northern List, No. 10, and the A. S. R. for 1903-04, pp. 277 ff.; Ep. Ind., Vol. XVIII, p. 100. V. A. Smith, Early History of India, (4th ed.), p. 393; Konow: Ep. Ind., Vol. XII, p. 200. Fleet: C. I. I., p. 219. Fleet: C. I. I. p. 290. Ibid p. 241, and Vol. VI, p. 250, Above, Vol. XIV, pp. 118-4. Above, Vol. XVIII, pp. 235 ff. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 2.) BARAH COPPER-PLATE OF BHOJADEVA; VIKRAMA-SAMVAT 893. 17 Subsequently, when his liege lord, namely Nagabhata, was routed by the mighty Rashtrakūta king he, driven by fear, quickly went to conciliate his mind by choice heirlooms such as the Rashtrakūta king had never received before and feet by prostrations.'' About the beginning of the ninth century of the Christian era, the throne of Kanauj passed from one ruler to another very quickly. After Vajriyudha, came Indrāyudhs who was dethroned about 810 A.D. by Dharmapäls king of Bengal and was succeeded by Chakriyudha who was consecrated with the consent of the kings of all the neighbouring states.'s About 816 A.D. he was dethroned by Nagabhata the Gurjara Pratihāra king. Sarvvavarmman, apparently, must have taken advantage of the situation and extended his territories towards the north, but had to submit to Nigabhata, when that ruler conquered Kanauj. Nagabhata was worsted by Govinda III, but Bhoja, his grandson, W48 the undisputed master of Kanauj at the time to which our charter belongs. So, in both the cases, that is in the time of Nagabhatadēva as well as Bhöjadova, confirmation of the grant by the liege lords was necessary. That the grant was impeded, as remarked above, during the reign of Råmabhadradeva would lead us to surmise that the rule of this king was not free from turmoil. As stated above, the grant is datod 893 of the (Vikrama) Samvat i.e. 836 A.D. So this copper-plate carries the long period of the rule of Bhöjadēva back to some four years and becomes the earliest known dated document of his time. Besides the donor, his ancestors and the donee, the grant mentions BalAditya, the son of Rajyabhattarikā, and also Rudrata. No details being given about them, their identity remains obscure. Rudrata like the names Mammata, Jayyata, Kaiyyata, etc., seems to be a Kashmiri appellation. The word we would show that he acted as a herald in reading out the täsana of Bhöjadēva. It may be remarked here that this charter also employs the territorial terms bhukti, mandala and vishaya in the same sense in which they are used in charters like the Nålandā copper-plates of Dēvapāladēva. The localities mentioned in this charter are these : Mahodaya, Kanyakubja, Kalañjara, Udum(vb)ara and V(B)alākāgrahāra. Of these, Mahodaya, as herein described, was & skandhāvāra or camp only and was not identical with Kanyakubja (or Känyakubja) for that is mentioned separately. Generally, Mahodaya is taken to be a synonym of Kanauj or Kanyakubja, but our charter clearly shows that it cannot always be taken as such. Fleet was perfectly right when he remarked that the epithet of skandhāvāra or camp could not have been an appropriate one for & rājadhāni, like Kanauj, and that there must have been several Mahodayas. Kanyakubja and Kālañjara are the modern Kanauj and Kālañjara respectively. Valaka, (or Valākā), the agrahāra village which was the object of the grant, and Udumbara, the head-quarters of the district (vishaya) where it was situated, I have not been able to locate definitely. TEXT. 1ौं खसि । श्रीमहोदयसमावासितानकनौहत्त्वावरवपत्तिसम्पनस्कन्धा. वारात्परमवैशवो १ महारानवोदेवशष्टिदेवस्तस्य पुनस्तत्वादानुष्यात. श्रीभूयिकादेव्यामुत्पनः परममाहेरी * Abovo, VoL VI. p. 360. . Above, XVII, pp. 310 4. From the original M wall * Smith, Early History of India, p. 393 • Ind. Anb, Vol. XV, p. 111, • Expressed by a symbol. the impressions Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. VOL. XIX. __ महाराजयी[व]सरावदेवसस्य पुषसत्पादानुभातः बीसदरोडेबासुत्पमा परच गवतीमतो 4 महाराजकी[ना] नभष्टदेवशास्त्र पुषस्तत्वादानुवासः बामदीसटादेवामुलक परमादित्यभको B महाराजश्रीरामभद्रदेवस्तस्व पुरुसत्याहानुभ्यास: बीबरपादेशामुत्परः परमा गव. सीमती महाराजचीभीलवः । सोवब्यबुनभुती । बीकान्तरसमसाला.7Kपाति उदुम्ब)रविषयस(म्स)दवसाकापहार समुपगतामनिव यवाखा 8 बनियुक्ताप्रमिवासिब समानापबति । उपरिसिवितापारम9 वायसमेत पाचन्द्राचितिकालम्पबंदत्तदेवनायवर्णितः परमेश्वरची10 पर्बमदेवशासनं । महाराजश्रीनागभटदेवानुमति दृष्टा भान नसा11 राजश्रीरामभद्रदेवराज्ये व्यवहारिक बैगुण्याखिचिवारिक जाला स. 12 था पिचोर पुण्याभिवाये । भरद्वाजसगोचवाजसनेयसबमचारिभद्दकाच18 रखाम्यन्वयनबाणानामन्तरा विच्छेदमप्रमाणीबाग्मामक्रमेरेगे 14 ललित इति विदित्वा भवजिसमनुमन्तव्यः प्रतिवासिभिरयात्राबवल विधेय[भूत्वा सर्वा15 या एषाम्समुपनया' इति ॥ रुद्रटेन प्रयुक्तस्य शासनस्व स्थिरायतेः । दूनको बालादि.. - 16 त्योच राज्यभवारिकासुतः । सम्वत् १..(x) ८ (-८००) ८. ३ (ine. ८८३) वार्तिक शदि निवई । TRANSLATION. Om. Hail! From the camp furnished with a number of ships, elephants, bones, chariote and foot-soldiers and situated at the prosperous Mahôdaya (there was) the illustrious Maharaja Davakaktidőve, & most devout worshipper of God Vishnu ; his son born of Bhayidai was the illustrious Mahārāja Vatsarāja,who meditated on his father's) feet and was a mest devout worshipper of God Mahēsvara ; his son, born of Sundarfdāvi, was the illustrious Mahārāja Nagabhatadēva who was greatly devoted to the goddess) Bhagavati and a meditator on the feet of his father); his son who meditated on his fpet was the illustrious. Madrāja Ramabhadradova born of IsatAdēvi and much devoted to Aditya (the Sum-ged) and his son born of Arpldkutraa the illustrious Mahārāia Bhijadāva who, a meditator on his (father's) feet, was thegreat worshipper of (the goddess) Bhagavati-fhe, i.e., Bhijadeva) (thus) commands all the residents and the officers appointed to their respective posts, that have spambled at the agrahāra We may read Ch for the mke of nniformity * It was first correctly read by Rai Babador Daya Ram Sabni. Besd qष स. +See suprap.16. Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BARAH COPPER-PLATE GRANT OF BHOJADEVA I. [VIKRAMA- SAMVAT 893. খ্রীষ্মীম লোকলস্থ্যধযুঞ্জনস্বাৰা বিক 221 N2:ERRIA.EU:VUD 223 12 EEEVE REUNGUA pactCRASIA UPLOAD:ER 207 US:LIDE 02 E 1822}225:5BffiQA2}2 2 (8:26822&&&&&& 2222 (ডু। সংজস্ব প্রত্যাখান: ঐশখাতামহমুর। ১ কুশারী। জ বুত্তাকীন, মনিঃ ০ * ওবঙ্গবন। কাঘরী মুয়াহাবধা। নষ ক্লাসিকা সথ মা'যুবনে। য(ন ন ঘেরা। ঝস নস্তবতুরস্কপ কানে বই:/২৭২ বগবগ বামনী স্বাস্থ্যমনবধা,77 ) হয়ে যায়। বেরিযেস্বৈনাম (য়া,978 470 বা হাল/অববাবে৷ " • তা 22'#M&}2 ¢\80ple gab)]e/8bf Bae./B ekj2kEge) : B 2:22 povels;)/ r7&ig.):/21/ 22.$2.2k zipe24M " স্বল্প 23 কাপিক (ব, .৫ ২ . HIRANANDA SASTRI. SCALE THREE-EIGHTHS. SURVEY OP INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #37 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. &] MAMDAPUR INSCRIPTION OF KANHARA: SAKA 1172. 19 of Valuka (of Balaks) attached to the Udumbara district which is included in the subdivision of K anjar in the division of Kanyakubja : Seeing the säsand of the illustrious Paramèsvara Sarvvavarmmadeva and the approval of the illustrious Maharaja Nagabhatadava and finding that the allotment was, for the time being obstructed through the incapacity of a legal officer during the reign of the illustrious Mahārāja Ramabhadradova, the above-mentioned agrahara together with all the income, exclusive of all the gifts already granted for gods and Brāhmaṇas, has been given away by me to endure as long as the Moon, the Sun and the Earth exist, for the increase of the merit of my patents, to the Brāhmaṇas born of the family of Bhatta-kāchara-svåmin of the Bhāradvāja-götra and the Vājaganēya-bākhå, after having rejected the obstruction (of the grant) which took place for some time, and in accordance with the same old apportionment. Thus understanding, you should assent to it; the residents (of the village) also being obedient on hearing the order should take all the dues to these donees. Here, Bälāditya, the son of Rajyabhattārikā, was the dütaka of the sāsana of long duration which was brought into force by Rudrata. Composed on the fifth day of the bright fortnight of Kartika in the Samvatsara 893. No. 3.-MAMDAPUR INSCRIPTION OF THE REIGN OF KANHARA, SAKA 1172 BY LIONEL D. BARNETT. There are several towns or villages bearing the name of Mamdapfir (“Muhammad's Town") in the Bombay Presidency, but the Mamdāpur where the present inscription was found is a village in the Gokak taluka of Belgaum District lying in lat. 16° 6' and long, 74° 591. On the Indian Atlas, sheet 41, the name is spelt "Mumdapoor." The inscription was found on a well-preserved stone tablet built into the wall on the left hand inside the local temple of Basavēbvara, and is 3 ft. 114 in. high by 2 ft. 74 in. wide. There is no information as to sculptures. The text is here edited from an ink-impression prepared for the late Dr. Fleet and now preserved in the British Museum.-The character is a very good and typical Kanarese hund of the period, upright and decorative, but becoming at the end somewhat crabbed as the mason became tired with his long task. The average height of the letters in the first two lines is about in., and then gradually decreases to about in. The cursive forms of m, y, and v are all found. That of y-occurs only 4 times altogether; the others are much commoner, that of m being found 19 times and that of v 8 times in lines 1-10 alone. The curious little hook on the top of a letter which seems to denote a short u, and to which I have called attention in dealing with the Madagiha! inscription (Vol. XV, p. 316), appears in 11. 51, 54, 55, and 64; it is not certain whether we should read kottar or kottaru in 11. 52 f. and Adi-settiyar or Adi-settiyaru in 11. 53 f., where the hook on top of the looks like the ordinary virāma.-The language in IL 1-46, which are mostly in verse, is Sanskrit; 11. 47-66 are in Kanarese prose, of the early medieval dialect. After r consonants are usually (but not invariably) doubled, and vis changed to 6 (v.g. varbba', 1. 5). In the Sanskrit we may note the word jagajjhampa (1. 19). on which see Dr. Fleet's note above, Vol. XII, p. 251, and in the Kanarese tajru-baisunigs (1. 62), Rambha, banaba (), and haral (1. 65), and wūle (1. 66), on which see in loco. The matter of the inscription is as follows. After paying homage to Siva-Chandrasekhara (v.1), Vishnu in his Boar incarnation (v. 2), and Siva-Părvati (v. 3), and describing the ocean, Möra, Jambu-dvipa (v.4), Bhårata-varsha, the kingdom of Kuntala, in the latter the province of Kurdi (v. 5), a town in the latter, which was the first of a Thirty (v. 6) 02 Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XIX. and in the vernacular was named Kurumbetta (v.7), it proceeds to extol the Yadu race and its scion the Yadava king Bhillams (v. 8), his son Jaitugi [I] and his son Simhaņa (v. 9), of whom the last-named is here said to have been a patron to Bhoja and over come Arjuna, the Gürjaras, Māgadhas, Cholas, Gaudas, the Turaga-pati (i.e. the Afva-pati), and Ballala (v. 10), Simhana's son Jaitugi [IT] (v. 11), and the latter's son Kanhara, who is now reigning after overthrowing his enemies and restoring the Vedic religion (vv. 12, 13), with his younger brother Mahadēva as Heir-Apparent (v. 14). Then comes & prose prasasti of Kanbara (11. 18-20), giving him his usual titles, and stating that he had conquered the MAļavas and Gurjaras, that he was suzerain to the Tailanga king, and that he was reigning at Dēvagiri. Next we are introduced to one of his great officers. The minister Bioha, son of Chikkadēva, subdued, for his master Kanhara, the lands from Himalaya to Satu and enjoyed half the kingdom; his eldest son was Malla (vv. 15, 16). Malla's son Chamunda conquered the Pandya kingdom, the Konkan, the region around the KĀvēri, and other lands (vv. 17, 18). Chåmun. da's preceptor is Vāgisvara ; his wife is Lakhkhadēvi (vv. 19, 20); and he has set up many images of Siva (v. 21). Then follows a prose prasasti of Chamunda (11. 30-38), which states that he suppressed the arrogance of the haughty Hoysala emperor Somedvara and that besides setting up a "sapphire linga ” in a certain "white temple " he consecrated in the Trikütapräsida of Kurumbetta two lingas of Siva and an image of Madhava, in the name of his father Mallinatha (Malla) and his brother Dēva-Setti, in the Saka year (elapsed) 1172, and deter. mined to give this sanctuary into the charge of an eminent divine. This divine is Vimalasiva or Vimalasambhu, disciple of Bhusankara, disciple of Tryambakasa, in the succession of Lakshadhyāna, a sage in the spiritual lineage going back to the mythical Durvāsas (vv. 2327). A prose passage gives the praises of Vimalasiva (11. 43-45), and a verse states that the gift was duly made (v. 28). Now comes a series of prose details of endowments to this sanctuary (11. 47-66), the first of which mentions a former foundation in Saka 1167 by Adi-Setti, a son of Malli (11. 47-48), who now gives the village of Sabbetta (11. 53-54). Prominent among the donors is the guild of merchants (Bananju, on whom see above, Vol. XVI, p. 332), among whom Chåmunda was a shining light (11. 56-65). As regards the Yadava kings and their exploits here mentioned, it is sufficient to refer to Dynast. Kanar. Distr., pp. 518-27, and Bombay Gaz., I. ii. Pp. 239 ff., 243, 245. The family of Settis descended from Chikkadēva figures also in the inscriptions published in J. Bo. Br. As. Soc., Vol. XII, pp. 25 ff., 42 ff., Vol. XV, pp. 383 ff., Ind. Ant., Vol. VII, p. 304, and PSOCI., No. 21 (cf. above, Vol. VII, App., Nos. 351, 357), and from these sources we can establish the following pedigree: Chikkadēva Malla Bicha (Bichiriya) Mallinåtha (Malli-Setti) Chaunda (Chamanda) Chảmunda (Chaundi)-Setti, m. Lakhkhadovi Adi-Setti Two dates are given. The first is Saks 1172 elapsed, Sadharana ; Vaisakha kri. 6; Saturday (11. 35-36). This is practically correct, for the tithi specified, if calculated by "true" Sürya-Siddhānta, ended 19 h. 33 m. after mean sunrise on Friday, 29 April, A.D. 1250, i.e. 1.33 A.m. on Saturday morning. The late Mr. R. Sewells, who with bis usual kindness [The context would show him to be his eneny. Ambhojäta or am bhoja does not necessarily siguity moor lotus or water-lily. -Ed.) *[This and the following article were contributed several years before the sad death of this yeteran fcholar. See aboye Yol. XVIII, p. 261 f. n. 1.-Ed.) Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 3. MAMDAPUR INSCRIPTION OF KANHARA : SAKA 1172. 21 verified my calculations in this paper, informs me that the result is practically the same by the Siddhinta-Siromani and the "true" Arya-Siddhānta, and that by the mean system of the latter the date was quite regalar. The second date is Saka 1167, Visvivasu; Pushya ba. 8; Monday; the uttarayana-sankranti (1. 47). This is utterly irregular. If the Southern Cycle is intended, the tithi corresponded to Friday, 12 January A.D. 1946, and the uttarayanasathkranti occurred on Monday, 25 December, A.D. 1245. If we emend Visvivasu to Krodhur, the result is slightly more satisfactory, giving the tithi in connection with Saturday, 24 December, A.D. 1244, and the uttardyaņa-sankranti would then fall on Sunday, 25 December; but this solution hardly commends itself. The result is no happier if we try the Northern Cycle, in which Vigvāvasu corresponded with Saka 1164 current; and Mr. Sewell tells me that calculations by the Siddhanta-Siromani and both the true and the mean Arya-Siddhanta Bhew similar discrepancies. The geographical names mentioned are: the kingdom of Kuntala (1. 7); the Three thousand of Kandi (11. 8, 61); Kurumbetta, an "immemorial town of the Banañjus," which gave its name to a kampana of 30 towns (11. 10, 34 f., 48, 54, 61, 65); Dväravati (1. 18); Dėvagiri (1. 20); the Sētu (Adam's Bridge) and Himalaya (1. 22); the Konkan (1. 24); the river Kávēri (1. 24); Huligere (1. 36); Sabbetta, in Kurumbetta (1. 54); Bagavadi (1.55); Aghapatti (1. 57); Ahichchhattra (1. 58); Ayyavale (1.59), and Kakatiyabada (1. 64), besides the kingdoms of the Gurjaras (11. 13, 19), Māgadhas (1. 14), Cholas (1. 14), Gaudas (1. 14), Malavas (11. 19, 44), Tailangas (1. 19), and Pandyas (L. 23). On Kündi see Dr. Fleet's note in Ind. Ant., Vol. XXIX, p. 278 ff. Kurumbetta seems to be the village styled “Kurbet" in the Bombay Postal Directory,“ Shindi Kurbet" on sheet 247 of the Bombay Survey, and “Kooreebet " on sheet 41 of the Indian Atlas, which lies in lat. 16° 12V and long. 74° 50'. Its Sanskrit name (11. 9-10) is mutilated ; only the ending.giri is legible. Dväravati is the modern Dwarki in Käthiå wår, and Dévagiri is now Daulatábåd, in the Nizam's Dominions. Huligere is Lakshmishwar, in lat. 15° 7' and long. 75° 31'. Ahichchhattra and Ayyavale are several times mentioned in connection with the Banaõjus : cf. above, Vol. XVI, p. 932. Bagavadi (now Bågewädi) is the "Bagehwarree" of the Indian Atlas, which shews it in lat. 16° 18' and long. 74° 47'. Aghapatti, which also had some con. nection with the cult of the Baņañjus, seems to be no longer traceable. Kikatiyabåde is possibly Kakti, in Sångli State. TEXT. [Metres : vv. 1, 11, 14, 20, Anushţubh; vv. 2, 3, Sikhariņi; vv. 4, 5, 10, 15-18, 21, Sragdhara: vv. 6, 9, 12, 22, 23, Sardulavikridita; vv. 8, 25, Malini; v. 13, Arya; v. 19, Trishtubh ; v. 24, Vasantatilaka ; v. 26, Rathoddhata ; v. 27, Giti ; v. 28, Praharshişt. V. 7 is apparently Arya, but the text is imperfectly preserved.] 1 Om namaḥ śivāya || Namas-tuga-firas-chunbi-chandra-chåmara-chåravě | traiļokya-nagar-Arambha-mola-stam bhiya Sambhavo || [1] 2 Sthiră yad-damshtr-agro nivasati tadiya-dyuti-chayo Hiraṇyāksha-sparda prabhava-durita-dhyamsana-dhiyvi3 yam(ya)d-Gamga-paro dhruvam-iva vigähar vidadhati(të) Hariḥ kroda-kridah 38 jayati yati-stutya-vibhavaḥ 1 [2] Jayaty-ä-kalpa-ért-kalita-kamanly. åmpita-ka[ra]. I take this opportunity to correct an error in my paper on the Belgaum inscription A. above, Vol. XIII, p. 21, 1. 46, where the division of words should be prasaunaruum=4gha paffipura. ? From the ink-impression. • The stone mason has actually cat diruoakhara, and then made a slight in Jentation in the loop at the bottom of the kha, to show that it is to be read as mi. Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX . .. prabhas (l)tya-promapropayi-Girija-Sakaruyatib I nija-ari-pad-abja-prapala jahat-kettipraminthanam jagat-pridarbhbhava-prathaman-[mi]. 3 thunath punya-Fathanan # [80] Asti eri(61)mån=udanvan-bahir-i(i)va parikha shtla-vol-chalasya pakar-kara-dhinand bhavana-pars-bhuvab earbbe-lo6 k-ottamāyah tan-madhyo bhiti Mērurnnírapama-samano-harmya-sādharmya chārur-dvipas-tad-dakshin-Išīm-adhi(dhi)vasati purk-jäta-jambi-sami [naḥ 114] 1 Taj-Jathba-dvipa-madhye vilasati Bharata-kshëtram=ānanda-pátram tatr-ästs Ku tal-orbbl jana-janita-yaba[*]-eri-sukh-agära-garbbi i tasmin-susmēra Lakshm1.1 8 madita-jankpad-aganya panj-aika-kota Batapat-bathpirit-En jayati jagati mamdanam Kumdi-dēśaḥ [5) Dogo tatra chakasti vastava-jana-bri Vartta[ham) 9 pattanam parp-Inēka-taţāka-ktpa-barasi (81)-sampatti-80 bh-ispadam yat-sarbbatři(tra) lataratar-pradleva-pbala-kshopija-ramy-orbberam tri(tri) mad-gråma-var-ādi[- ] 10 rim-nine srimatăm-abaya | [6] Tad=iha Kurumbettam-iti prakhyåta[m] loka-bhashaya nagaram yatrs sur-alaya-kaļalaiḥ sārddham samdihyata - 1] [7] 11 Rajkvalih Mudita-muditem-dest=pårtthivånam kulinăm yad-uru Yadu-kulath tat-Krishna-janm-abhirimam i nfipatir-ajani tatra kshatra-dharm-aika-dhima ra[na) 12 vitarana-Rams Bhillamaḥ sărbbabhanmah | [8] Tasy-abhüt-tanayaḥ samagra vinayaḥ 611-Jaitugi-kshmåpatiḥ susvåyatta-chatus-samudra-rasan-alankára-bhu [namdalah ? ] 13 tat-putraḥ krita-Särágapipi-charap-åmbhojāta-pôjä-pa(pha)!am bhoja räja-samaja pujita-mahi-simhasanam Gi(i)mhaṇaḥ || [9] Api cha || Bhoj-ambhöjáta HijRfjuns-Vana-parasu [ro]-Garjjar[- - ] 14 dabhra-brita-prochcharda-vāto Magadhe-naga-pavis-Chola-Panļastya-Ramah Geuda kahvod-B[**]duchadas=Turaga-pati-sati-navya-vaidhavya-dätä Ballála-sthāļa-kūļa prapatana-taținl-para-ramho [ -] 15 hab || [10] Tat-putro dhavala-chchhatra-chchhảya-vibrátta-bhatala” | Jaitugt kshmåpatis-chakra pratapam hridayo dvisham [110] Dhattö-sy-Anaka durdubhórsiva suto yas-chakravartti-sriy (ar -] 16 Kriphas in eatinirmmalam-alathkurbban-Yadanam kulam lil-onmilita-rashtra katataka chamt-chakrim mahi[ro] palayan-vöd-oddhara-parah & Kanhara iti khy Što jagatyam [V - 12°] 17 Api cha # Asb-part-bh sura-kara-běsh-Akshata-saila-parisare yasya (1) prasaranti dina-dhård-jala-janita nitană nadhya(dya)) [13] Yatha Ramasya Saumitri(tri)ryyatha [ PDharmms) - 18 sya Phalgunah yavarijo=nujan-tasya Mahadēvas-tath-abhavat || [14] @ Syutis Šri-Prithvi-vallabha-mahårájädhirajah paraměsvard Dväravati(ti). puravar-dhisvard Vishnu-vam-odbhavd Yadava-kula-kamala-[kali] 1 There are traces of a letter at the end of the line; the metre shews it to be superfinous One or two wylimbles are lowt here, apparently buginaing with a bor bh. • The ta ww began as a fa, and Anlabed as aa. Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 3.] MAMDAPUR INSCRIPTION OF KANHARA: SAKA 1172. 19 ka-vikāsa-bhaskaro1-ri-raya-jagajjhampu (po) Malava-raya-Madana-Trinetro Gurjjaravāran-āmkusas-Tailamga-raya-sthapan-acharyyö raya-Narayanaḥ sakala-kala-pa[r] 20 yana ity-adi-nam-avall-virājamāna-Bhuja-bala-Praudha-pratapa-chakravartti-éri-Kanharamahiśvaro Devagiri-skandhavare sukha-samakatha-vinodam-a-chamdr-ärkka-taram rajyam karoti Tat-pada-pa[dm-opajivi?] 21 Śri(śri) man-utsaha-dhiman-abhavadh (d)=abhimatas-Chikkadēv-ātmājātaḥ khyātaḥ pamch-amga-mamtra-sthiti-nirupama-sakti-tray-odatta-chittaḥ śri-Bichah siddhavachaḥ pratinripa-rathint-dhvamsa-gandha-dvipemdra[- -1 22 prajya-rajy-onnati-karapa-patuḥ preshana-Vata-jataḥ || [15] A Setor-& Himadrōrbbhuvam-avichalitam Kanhar-örbbisvarasya svayatti-kritya labdhv-anvabhavad= abhimatam tasya rajy-arddham=osh[ah | -19 23 jyeshtho garishthaḥ sakala-guna-ganair-Mmalla utphulla-kirtti-jyotsna-sampadita-srikalita-kuvalayo-bhūd-asau bhutal-emduḥ [16] Pandya-dhvamsa-prachamdaḥ [0000] 24 dana[-]t-Komkan-atamka-damdaḥ Kaveri-tira-durgg-ådhipa-vipula-sirah-karttana krūra-kāṁdaḥ| damḍādhisa-prakamdaḥ sakala-jana-mano-hari-vidya-karamḍaś= Chamumḍas tasya su[nu ~]$ 27 taḥ7 23 25 ti jagad-abhisht-arttha-krid-dana-saumḍaḥ || [17] Api cha Udyamy-ddyamya bayaḥ peatingipe-dharapl-mahdal-éparyy-a6ahka-kramy-kramya desan-gajaturaga-maba-ratna-stiti-pradesan [1] aday adaya b[~] 26 nam-abhilashitam Kanhar-örbbisa-lakshmim-anandy-anandya bhagyam suchiramanubhavaty-esha Chamumḍa-rajaḥ [18] Vagisvarō yasya, gurur-mmaaiṁdraḥ Siv-agama-juana-vi[---] 1 éri(sr1)-Somanathaḥ sva-kul-adhidĕvas-Chamuṁda-daṁḍādhipatis-ss [19] Rapa-saumdaryya-saubhagya-lavanya-gana-bhashana | Lakhkha-devi sati yasya Lakshmir-iva] dhanyaḥ 28 Mura-dvishah || [20] So-yam Chamumda-rajah sujana-jana-mano-vamchchhitAmartya-bhajaḥ sampann-ishtamga-bhakti-krama-vihita-Siv-amghri-dvay-ambhojapüjaḥ nirmmay-aneka-dha[rmman? J 29 jagati yasaḥ-punya-lakshmi (kshmi)-samotaḥ prāsādāni prabhatany-anu-nagaram=asau dēvatānāṁ vidhatte | [21] Ramo Dasarathir-yyatha kila tatha tirtakesku nana-nadi-tirësh pa] 30 ttaneshu parito limgeni bhu-mamdale - subhr-bhrakasha-kita-kotisha muni śreshthaiḥ pratishthapayaty-udyat-kirtti-lat-amkuroshv-iva kriti Chamundadamdadhipaḥ I [22] Svasti samasta 31 vistara-lakshmi(kshmi)-samtöshita-jagaj-jana-hridayah saran-agata-pratyartthi-partthivasadayaḥ samada-Hoysala-chakravartti-Sōmēévara-mada-nivarano rễ 32 reshthi-gandha-varapaḥ suduḥsaha-nija-pratap-atisaya-bhanuman preshana-Hanuman chatur-upaya-Chaturananah pamch-amga-mamtra-pamch[ananaḥ] 33 shadgunya-Shadananaḥ saroru has-sakala-saj-jana-kalpa-mahiraho Makara-ketuḥ san [ryya-Ka] sri(sri)-Somanatha-deva-charan-aradhana-pavitrikrita-kara Perhaps runur-jjayati. 7 The gap may be filled by reading visuddha-chēlāḥ, Lakhkha-dēvi(vi)-manaḥ-sammohana 1 This is written with a regular avagraha, quite modern in form. ? The gap may be filled by reading taj-jö. Written with an avagraha. • The letter after na seems to be incomplete, being like a da without a top. Perhaps we should read Malaya. Madana-hrit. • Possibly ch. Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XIX, 34 pi-kötuh fri(fri) man-mahåpradhanas=saryv-ådhikari(rl) Chamunda-dadadhipah svaki(ki)ya-yago-dhavaļa-prāsāda-madhy gagana-maha-ni(n1)la-lingam pratishthapya ta minn-anidau Kurun[be]35 tta-pattano Trikita-prisådd Vaya pitar-Mallinathasya nimni bhr turn Ddēva. Sreshthinð námns cha dva-saptati-sat-ottard-aahasra-sankhyam-atité Saka sam(vatsarē) 36 SidhArana-Vatsaro varttaminē Vaisakha-misasya krishna-paksha pamchamyam Sanaischara-varē Siva-limga-dvaya Madhava-pratimái che pratishthäpya Hulige[re). 37 nagari sukha-samåvåsar kritvi dharmm-årttha-kaman-yatha-kālam-anusaran tad dharmma-sthånam lokottamasya tapodhanasya hastö samarppayistav]ya[m-i] 38 ti dhiyam(yam) kritvi i Sri-Kaiļäsa-nivåsina. Pasupatēḥ śishyėņa Durvvisasă mēdinyam-avatärito=tivimalaḥ sai v-anvayé děsikaḥ | Lakshādhy [na]39 padēns visva-vidito jajña jagad-vanditas-tat-santāna-saroja-bhānur abhavat sril Tryambaködő guruh [28] Tasmāt prasanna-Siva-bodhaka-chakravartti ksh[mā-chakra) - 40 vartti-mukut-archchita-p&da-padmah Saiv-agam-mbanidhi-sita-kary babhava Bhigam karaḥ prasamit-anata-janma-bhitiḥ [24] Nikhiļa-nigama-vidyā. vāridhis-tasya fish]y[o Vij. 41 malafive-muni(nt)ỉdro varttatė Simavědi | npipati-mukuta-chüqa-chumbit-amghris tapodhi [ro]-Dravida-vishaya-janmā namra-janm-äpakari || [25] Vädi-vägmi kavi-danti-kösari Saiva- sa) - 42 ne-payodhi-chandramaḥ kirtti-kamdalita-visva-din-mukho modatē Vimalasambhu dofikaḥ (26) Sahridaya-hridaya-sarojam pravisya pulakāni janayati tad-ange | Vimala[sive) 13 säkti-lakshmi(kshmi)ḥ sāhitya-kala-viļāsa-nija-bhisha [27"] Svasti yama-niyam-Xsana-prāņ-āyāma - pratyahára - dharap. - dhyana -sam(sa)m&dhi-sampaṁna parama-bhattara [ks] - 14 Saiv-Ecbēryya-nikhiļa-nigama - vidys - mahārņpava - karnna(rnpa)dhāra - vādi - vágmi -kavi chakravartti Milavömdra-pramukha-chakravartti-chakravāļa-kirita-koti-krida durllalita-păd-[mbho]. 45 ruhaḥ prabala-tapah-praka[ro]sha-prasamita-prapata-durita-nivaha-mah-dofika-Vimala hiva-mani(nl)řidraḥ sakaļa-bhütalo tapo-vidya-vibhavair-nnirupama iti niéchitys 46 tasmai fri(fri)-Vimalasivaya damdankthas-Chamundaḥ krama-yugayőr-nnipatya bhakty | sthānam tat-paramam=adād=vitirņna-dhiro nirbbädha[m] sakalapripais-cha vaṁdaniyam | [28] Sr[1] 47 do Svasti sri(srl)-Saka-Varsha 1187 neya Visvävasu-samvatsarada Pushya be 8 88 ! uttariyaņa-samkramana-punya-dinadalu .. Read -abharachachari Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 3.] MAMDAPUR INSCRIPTION OF KANHARA: SAKA 1172. 25 48 di-settiya tardey=appa eriman-mahāpradhānam Malli-settiyaru muínam frimad anādiya Bapamju-vattanam Kurumbettadelu Sriman-mahåprabh[u] 49 mūliga Holli-gå vunda-mukhyavdgi mala-sthan-acharyya samasta-sāsanigara mund ittu-komdu mādida brahma-puriya hamnerada vpirtti(tti)ya (brā]. 50 hmayargge dhārā-pürbbakam-āgi kotta våmana-mudreya nälkum kall-olagana nivēšanad-olage tamma hamneradu maneyim madala . 51 kkam batteg-edu ráje hastada yik-kai-vareyam kaladu vulida nivosanavan i br[a]hmapar[u] Å Mallēgvara-Dévēśvara-Madhava-devargge kottaru | mattan à dēvar-ā[cbāry]y&52 & mathakke i śasanigaru å brahma-puriya (devalyada] pauliya ni(ni)lada ] 25 hastad-agalada nivēšanavam pauļi-vidida terka deseya [lu P ko)53 ttaru m attam=ē brahma-puriya paduvalu dariyim terkal[w] T fäsanigaru á déverggey-amgadige limga-mudreya kalla nadisi kottar | mattam- dóvarkye Ā54 di-settiyari Kurumbetada pravishta vådan Babbettavam à dēvar-atiga bhoga-ramga-bhogakke sarbba-bădhā-paribāram=ågi kottar 1 mattamus dėvargge å sāsanigar[u] . . . 35 müdalu Bågavādiys batteyim paduval[w] kotta total mathakke total banabege koţia nivēśanal mattamaśāsanigar[u] dēvarge kotta ga . . 56 - Svasti samasta-bhuvana-vikhyāta-pamcha-sata-vira-Sāsana-labdh-ānēka-guna gap-alamkrita satya-bauch-achāra-chāru-charitra-Daya-vinaya-vijñāna Vir-Avatára Vira-Ba[ņam)57 ju-ga (sa)maya-dharmma-pratipalana-visuddha gudda-dhvaja-virăjit-anna-sabasOttungarum puộya-prasamgarum ! Aghapatti-gur-atpatti-Balade[va-Vã]58 sudēva-Khandali-Malabhadra-vams-odba(dbha) varumi Ahichchhasttra l-puri lalanå-lalata-tiļakarum Hari-Virimchi-Panchānana-Jinēmdra-půjā-niratarum éri(611) - Padmavati) - 59 dovi(vi)-labdha-vara-prasādarom Vira-Nariyana-dēva-charana-smarana-pariņntämtahkaranarum-appa Srimad-Ayyavaley=aynurbbar-svämigaļu [mulkhya-samasta-mummuri-dardamgaļu ēļu-varehamnordu-Vareya u bhaya-nāns. dēsigaļum chatuh-samudra-mudritam=appa bhū-mandalada sakala-[s]myavaintarum samaya-chakravartti Kalidēva-settiyarum Kündi morum-sisirada Kurumbeţta-kampaņads modala anádiya Bananju-vattanam Kurumbetta la 62 vajra-baisanigi(ge)y=agi kulțirddu tama samay-åchārada tējaman-uddharisuva riya-sröshthiy-appa Chamundarāja māļisida Triküça-Cprisada). 63 kke sthalada müram balads gåvumdugalam såmyavamtarumar muthd ittu-kordu eļu-vare ha[]nomdu-vareya valage jala-mirgga-på-la mā[r]gga[da]. 64 1[] Ane månikava hipid-adar sumkav-ill-erndu kotta pariharn-ettu kopa måvatta yippattu 19 Kākstiya'bad dalieri-Mallèsva (SVN)ra-devara n1(ni)v[@]dyak[@] kotta gadde panne[ra]. 1 This word is added in smaller script over the word bådadali. Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX, 65 du mattara [*] Kurumbetada mtliga Holli-ganda fri-Mallèsva(Ava)ra-devars namda-divi(vi)gege tamna mamnyad-olage kofta haraļa keya kambha 100 baņaba 1 . 66 Nagarasaru Kapila-Bhava(?)davarige bi(bhi)kshoyakentleyali kotta karbha 200 [1] TRANSLATION (Line 1.) Om ! homage to Siva ! (Verse 1.) Homage to Sambhu beauteons with the yak-tail fan that is the moon kissing his lofty head, the foundation-column for the construction of the city of the triple world! (V. 2.) Victorious is that Hari whose majesty is praised by the saints and who took in sport the form of a boar, on whose tusk-tip dwells the constant mass of his peculiar radiance (and) with the design of dissipating the guilt arising from the touch of Hirnyaksha affords as it were an assured bath in the flood of the celestial Ganges. (V. 3.) Victorious is the union of the Mountain's Daughter and Sankara enamoured in eternal love, which has the lustre of a lovely moon- endowed with splendour for as long as the mon endures, the primal Pair in the birth of the universe who dissipate the sorrows of folk bowing at their blest lotus-feet, (and) who are the theme of holy speech. (V. 4. There is a splendid ocean, like & moat without to the massive mountain on its shores which has a form shaped like a rampart for the city of the earth, which of all worlds is the noblest; in the midst of the latter shines Mēra, beauteous in its likeness to a peerless palace of gods; a continent like in shape) to an ancient jambu-tree occupies the region to the south thereof. (V.5.) In the midst of this Jambu-dvipa is conspicuous the Land of Bharata, & vessel of joy. In it lies the region of Kuntala, weighty with homes pleasant with fortunes of glory arising for its folk. In it is supreme the province of Kundi, which is a unique storehouse of incalculable merit (earned) by its people rejoicing in brightly smiling Fortune, and which fills the regions of space with its wealth, an ornament of the world. (V. 6.) In that province shines a city, & veritable haunt of popular fortune, & seat of splendour in its wealth of many full tanks, wells, and lakes; which everywhere has its lands charming with flowers, buds, and fruit-trees; (and) which bears the name of ... giri, the first of thirty towns, a dwelling of happy men. (V. 7.) This town here is known in vernacular speech by the name of Karumbetta, in it ... is confounded with the finials of the celestials' dwellings. (L. 11.) The Royal pedigree (V. 8.) The mighty race of the Yadus, which has been peonliarly happy among princely families, is pleasing because of the birth of Krishna (from it). In it was born a king who was * singular seat of knightly duty, a Rama in winning his way through battles, the Emperor Bhillama. (V. 9.) He had a son perfect in courtesy, the blest king Jaitugi, who held in due control the (circle) of the earth having as girdle-ornament the four oceans. His son Simhana occupied the great throne worshipped by companies of kings, which was the fruit of the adora. tion paid (by him) to Särngapāņi's lotus-feet. (L. 13.) Moreover : (V. 10.) A moon to the lotus Bhoja, an axe to the forest Arjuna, a furious storm. blast to the feeble crowd of the Gurjara. .. a thunderbolt on the mountain Magadha, a Rama to that Paulastya the Chola, a Siva to the poison the Gauda, a bestower of new widowhood to the dames of the Lord of Horses, . .. river's raging flood in dashing upon the massive bank Ballkla (was ho). Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 3.) MAMDAPUR INSCRIPTION OF KANHARA: SAKA 1172. (V. 11.) His son Jaitugi, who had the earth reposing under the shade of his white parasol, set his majesty in the heart of foemen. (V. 12.) His son, who carries the fortune (árt) of an Emperor (chakravarttin) as. Vasus dava's son [Krishna] carries the Fortune (Sri) of the Discus-tsarer. (Chakravarttin), adorning like Krishna the perfectly stainless race of the Yadus, protecting the earth wherein he has with sportive ease torn up by the roots the banded armies that were as thorns to his kingdom, intent on restoration of the Vodas, is famed under the name of Kanhara in the world. .. (L. 17.) Moreover : (V. 13.) At the side of the mountains of sacramental rice' (thrown upon him) by the hands of Brahmanns busied in benediction gush forth new rivers arising from the water of the streams of dāna (largesses, or ichor of elephants in rut]. . (V. 14.) His younger brother, the Heir-Apparent Mahadeva, was to him as Lakshmana to Rama, as Arjuna to Yudhishthira. (Ll. 18-20.) Hail! King Kanhara, the Emperor strong of arm and magnificent in majesty, who is resplendent with titles such as: “Great Emperor, darling of Fortune and Earth, supreme Lord, master of Dväravati best of towns, scion of the lineage of Vishņu, a sun for the efflorescence of the buds of the lotuses of the Yadava race, & jagajjhampa to hostile 'kings, a Siva to the Love-God the Mulva king, a goad to the elephant the Gärjara, a master architect of the Tailanga king, a Narayana of kings, perfectly versed in all arts," is reigning for as long as moon, sun, and stars at the standing camp of Dēvagiri in enjoyment of pleasant conversations, (L. 20.) One (that finds sustenance) at his lotus-feet: (V. 15.) The blest Bicha, Chikka-dēva's son, was fortunate, energetic, and prudent, agreeable, famous, having a mind exalted by the triad of peerless powers for maintaining fivemembered policy, approved of speech, a furious great elephant for destroying the hosts of rival kings, skilful in aggrandising the prosperous kingdom of ..., & Hanuman in' (fulfilling) commissions. (V. 16.) Having made subject to king Kanhara the whole untroubled land from Setu to the Mountain of Snow, he obtained and enjoyed an acceptable half of the kingdom. His eldest (son), much honoured for all kinds of virtue, was Malla, & moon on earth, who filled the circle of the world with splendour acquired from the moonlight of his blossoming glory. (V. 17.) Terrible in destruction of the Pandya ... a rod for the troubles of the Konkan, & cruel arrow for cutting off the numerous beads of the lords of the fastnesses on the banks of the Kavēri, eminent among generals, a casket of learning attracting the minds of all men, his son Chamunda is (successful ?], fulfilling the objects desired by the world, impassioned for bestowing bounty. (L. 25.) Moreover : (V. 18.) Again and again imposing control upon the provinces of many hostile kings' lands, again and again invading all countries that are the native places of elephants, horses, and precious stones, again and again taking desired ... again and again gladdening king Kanhara's fortunes, this Chamunda-raja has long enjoyed a happy lot. Literally, heat", the figare hence is that of vibhåsand, or "peculiar cansation." i Saab-akahala, in Kanarese fishe or és, raw rice over which incantations have been pronounced and which is thrown on the heads of the bride and bridegroom during the marriage ceremony and other joyous rites" (Kittel, Diet., s.v. féshe). : Vinodam is to be taken as gorand: soo Speijer, Ved. #. Skt.-Syntax, 224, Påņini III. iv. 35 1. • Viz, of prabhu, usaha, and mantra. On the five members (angas) of policy ef. Kamandaka'. Niti-sära, XII. 36, Situpäla-vadha, II. 28, with Mallinätha's note, etc. play on kuralaya, which means both "lotas" and "circle of earth." Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. (V. 19.) Fortunate is this General Chamunda, whose preceptor is the great sage Vagisvana [purified of mind ?] by the lore of Śiva's traditions, and of whose family the tutelary deity is the blest Somanatha; (V. 20.) Who has for consort Lakkha-devi, adorned by the virtues of shapeliness, beauty, happy fortune, and loveliness, as Vishnu has for consort Lakshmi. (V. 21.) This same Chamunda-raja, a celestial tree for the desires of worthy men's minds, performing adoration of Śiva's pair of lotus-feet according to the order of perfect eightfold devotion, having created many pious foundations... being endowed with fame, godliness, and fortune, establishes in town after town numerous temples to the gods. (V. 22.) Like Dasaratha's son Rama, forsooth, the skilful General Chamunda causes phallic images to be consecrated by most worthy sages everywhere in the circuit of earth, in holy places, on the banks of various rivers, ... in towns on the peaks of bright cloud-grazing mountain-tops, which are as it were sprouts of the creeping plant of his lofty fame. (Ll. 30-38.) Hail! the high minister and controller of all [departments], the General Chamunda, gladdening the hearts of the people of the world by abounding fortune in all .., merciful to hostile kings seeking his protection, suppressing the arrogance of the haughty Hoysala emperor Somesvara, a furious elephant to the setli..., a sun in the exceeding degree of his irresistible splendour, a Hanuman in (fulfilling) commissions, a Four-faced [Brahman] in the four measures of policy, a lion in five-membered counsel, a Six-faced [Karttikaya] in possession of the six qualities, whose lotus-hands are purified by adoration of the god Somanatha's feet, a tree of desire to all good folk, a Love-god ravishing the mind of Lakhkha-devi, [Arjuna] in valour, having caused to be consecrated in a temple white as his own fame a phallic image of sapphire (blue) as the sky, and having caused to be set up in the Three-turreted Temple in this immemorial town of Kurumbetta two phallic images of Śiva and an effigy of Madhava in the name of his father Mallinatha and in the name of his brother Deva-éreshthin during the Saka year passing the number one thousand one hundred and seventy-two, the cyclic year Sadharana being current, during the dark fortnight of the month Vaisakha, on the fifth (lunar day), a Saturday, and having made an agreeable residence in the town of Huligere, pursuing religion, worldly ends, and earthly love, each in its due season, formed the idea that this holy establishment should be handed over into the charge of an ascetic supreme in the world. (V. 23.) In the Saiva lineage brought down to earth by Durvasas, disciple of Pasupati who dwells in the blest Kailasa, there was born a perfectly pure teacher known throughout the universe by the name of Lakshadhyana (and) adored by the world. A sun to the lotuses of his succession was that preceptor the blest Tryambakééa. (V. 24.) After him there was Bhusankara, an emperor among expositors of (the doctrine of) the gracious Siva, one whose lotus-feet were adored by the diadems of emperors of earth, a moon to the ocean of Saiva traditions, who stilled his suppliants' dread of rebirth. (V. 25.) His disciple is the great sage Vimalasiva, an ocean of all scriptural lore, a student of the Sama-vēda, an ascetic whose feet are kissed by orests of monarchs' diadems, born in the Dravidian region, freeing suppliants from rebirth, 1 The eight forms of worship are archana, vandana, amarana, pada-seoana, stava, pradakshina, sakhya. and atma-nivedana or ätmärpana: see Kittel's Dict., s.v. ashfaridha-bhakti-kriye. V. the fomenting of discord among rivals, bribery, negotiations, and open warfare, Literally, "a five-faced being." It may also mean Siva. See above. These are the six branches of military science, viz. sandhi, vigraha, yana, asana, dvaidhibhava, and eamfraya. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 3.] MAMDAPUR INSCRIPTION OF KANHARA: SAKA 1172. 29 (V. 26.) A lion to the elephants disputants, orators, and poets, a moon to the ocean of Saiva doctrine, making the face of all the regions of space to bud with his glory, the doctor Vimalasambhu rejoices. (V. 27.) The beauty of Vimalasiva's goodly utterances, naturally adorned by the graces of literary art, enters the lotus of the hearts of men of taste and generates horripilation on their bodies. (Ll. 43-45.) Hail! "the supreme master accomplished in major and minor disciplines, sitting-postures, exercises of the breath, retraction (of the senses), meditation, and absorption,the pilot over the ocean of the lore of all scriptures of Saiva teachers, the emperor of dispu tants, orators, and poets,-he whose lotus-feet are exceedingly gay with the sport of the tips of the coronets of a crowd of emperors headed by the Malava king, the great doctor who by the high degree of his most potent austerities annuls the multitude of suppliants' sins,-the noble sage Vimalasiva is without peer on the whole earth in the magnificence of his austerities and learning":-being thus convinced : (V. 28.) Falling devoutly at his feet, the General Chamunda gave to this blest Vimalasiva with bestowal of water this most excellent establishment, which should be free of exactions and honoured by all kings. (Ll. 47-51.) Hail on the holy day of the uttarayana-samkramana, being Monday, the 8th (lunar day) of the dark fortnight of Pushya in the cyclic year Visvavasu, the 1187th (year) of the Saka era, whereas Adi-Setti's father the high minister Malli-Seṭṭi had formerly in the immemorial Banañju town of Kurumbetta granted with pouring of water to the Brahmans of the twelve fiefs of the Brahman quarter, which he had founded in the presence of the Prior of the Müla-sthana and all the Controllers of Records headed by the high sheriff and muligal Holli-Gavunda twelve dwellings for themselves among the dwellings situate within the four stones inscribed with the figure of the Dwarf, these Brahmans granted to the gods Malléévara, Dēvēšvara, and Madhava all the dwellings, save and excepting a strip of two cubits by the king's measure to serve for a road... on the east of their twelve houses. (Ll. 51-53.) Also the controllers of records granted to the monastery of the Prior of these gods a dwelling of the same length as the wall of the temple of the Brahmans' quarter and 25 cubits in breadth, excluding the wall, on the southern side, (L. 53.) Also the controllers of records set up and granted to these gods for the bazaar a stone inscribed with the figure of a phallus on the west of the Brahmans' quarter, to the south of the road. (Ll. 53-54.) Also Adi-Seṭṭi granted to these gods Sabbeṭṭa, a village forming part of Kurumbetta, for the personal enjoyment and theatrical entertainment of these gods, with immunity from all imposts, (Ll. 54-55.) Also the controllers of records granted to these gods 1 garden east of and west of the road of Bagavadı, 1 garden to the monastery, 1 dwelling for the banabe. Also the controllers of records granted to these gods (Ll. 56-66.) Hail! they who are adorned by a series of many virtues obtained by the decrees of the Five-hundred men renowned over the whole earth, possessing truthfulness, pure conduct, agreeable behaviour, policy, courtesy, and intelligence, pure in maintenance of the Vira-Banañja religion, splendid with the banner (bearing the device) of a hill, exalted in abundant boldness, holding holy conversation, scions of the races of Baladeva, Vasudeva, 1 On this word see the Miraj inscr., below, p. 40, f. n. 1. These are the gods mentioned above on 1. 36. Mallesvara is the Siva consecrated in the name of Mallinatha, Děvesvara the Siva set up in the name of Deva-Setti. This word usually means a 'stack'. Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. Khandall, and Malabhadra originating from the Master of Aghapatti, ornaments on the brow of that lady the city of Ahiehohhattra, constant-in the worship of Hari, Brahman, Siva, and the great Jinas, having grace of boons from the blest goddess Padmāvatı, having souls matured by remembrance of the feet of the god Vira-Nārāyana, to wit, the Five-hundred Svāmis of the blest Ayyavalo, and all the chief bearers of mummuri-staffs, and the dwellers in various lands on both sides (?) from the seven regions and the eleven regions, and all the liberty-holders of the land encompassed by the four oceans, and Kalidėva-Seçți the emperor of the community, being seated in the vajra-baisanigel in... of the immemorial Banazju-town of Kurumbetta, the first town) of the county of Kurumbetta in the Kündi Three-thousand, headed by the Givundus and liberty-holders of the three sections of that place, granted for the benefit of the Three-turreted Temple constructed by the royal merchant Chamundaraja, who restored the glory of their community's practices, an immunity for bullocks and buffaloes thirty and twenty declaring that there should be no tolls on loads of ivory () and rubies in journeys by water and journeys on foot within the seven regions and the eleven regions; they granted for the offerings to the god Mallēsvara in the town of Kikati & wet-field of twelve mattar. The mūliga Holli-Gauda of Kufumbetta granted for the perpetual lamp of the god Mallēsvara 100 kambha and 1 ... banabas of gravelly land (?) within his honorary estate. Nāgarasa granted 200 kambha for alms to the god Kapila-Bhava (?) at the (Festival of the) Thread. No. 4.-TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLHAPUR AND MIRAJ: SAKA 1058 & 1066. Be LIONEL D. BARNETT. I have thought it best to publish the two following records together on account of the close Connection of the subject matter. Both were issued within a few years of one another under rulers of the same dynasty, the Silăbāras of Karhăd, namely Gandarāditya and his son Vijayāditya, and both record donations by that remarkable corporation of traders known as the Vira-Baņafijas or Vira-Vaļafijiyar, to whose records I have referred in my note on the Hulgar inscription of the reigns of Jayasimha II and Kanhara (above, Vol. XVI, p. 332). In our first inscription we find them blowing their own trumpets with the note of fantastic and ludicrous exaggeration which they occasionally affected; and in the second we have a full list of the names of the various olasses constituting the syndicate. I have edited them from ink-impresBions which formerly belonged to the late Dr. Fleet, and are now in the British Museum. A.-KOLEAPUR INSCRIPTION OF SAKA 1058. This record comes from the well-known town of Kolbāpur (anciently and more correctly spelt Kollāpura), which is situate in the Kolhapar State, in lat. 16° 42' and long. 74° 16'. It has been noticed in Major Graham's Account of Kolhapoor, p. 357, in Journ. Bom. Br. As. Spc., Rao Bahadur R. Narasimhachar has kindly pointed oat to me that this term occurs thrice in Ep. Carn., viz. XL., Davangere 50, 1. 79 (Hariharadalu rajra-bayisanigey=agi kuļsirds), V., Bēlür 75, 11. 67-68 (Sri-Virupakshaderara divya Sri-påd -pud mada sannidhiyali raja-raisanigeyan ikki kulfirde), and IV., Krishparajapote 5, 11. 3-5 (hebbágila alada maradale sinhasana-oajra-bayisanigeyan-ikki kulfirds), and is inclined to think that it is merely - synonym of tajrasana, the postare defined in Yogic work, thus: janghábhyah wujravat kritua guda. pårivi padav=wbhay. He would connect baisanige with Marathi baiso (Sanskrit apavir), "to sit." * See above, Vol. XIII, p. 59. This word, denoting a measure of area, seems to be otherw'se anknown; the common word barabe, "stack," is inapplicable here. • See Kittel, s.v. nulu, aod Ind. Ant., Vol. XXXVIII, p. 52. On the spelling of this name see Ind. Ant., XXIX, p. 280, etc Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 4.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLHAPUR AND MIRAJ: SAKA 1058 & 1066.31 Vol. II, p. 266, and in Kielhorn's List of Southern Inscriptions above, Vol. VII, App., No. 319 and a transcript is given in Elliot'. Collection (Vol. II, fol. 313a., of the Royal Asiatic Society's copy). The stone was found on the right side of the front of the Jnin temple of Parsvanstha near the Sukravåra gate of the town. It has a pediment rounded on the top, and containing some soulptures, vix in the middle, a Jina sitting cross-legged, with hands folded in his lap. full front, inside a shrine; a little to the proper right of this, another squatting figure, full front, with uplifted hands; still further to the right, a pitcher; on the left of the central Jina, & cow and calf; above these, the sun on left) and moon (on right). Underneath this is the inscribed area, about 3 ft. 1 in. broad and 2 ft. 21 in. high.--The character is good Kanarese of the period, with letters varying in height from tin. to 1 in. The cursive y occurs in ayvattu (1. 26), and the palatal i in pañcha- (ll. 1, 5, 33).-The language, except for the introductory Sanskrit verse, is throughout Kanarese prose, more or less in the ancient dialect in the formal titles and for the rest nearer to the medieval language. The old is not found; instead we have alid., 1. 33. Initial p in pure Kanarese and tadbhava words has become h; but still we find palam pattu on 1. 28. Lexically the record is valuable, as it contains many rare words of daily life, such as the titles of various classes of traders and other words, e.g. mudgode, 1. 10, sdsaniga and kajagära, l. 22, hasara as a measure of capacity, 11. 26, 29 f., 32, sa ngadi, 1. 27, malave, 11. 27, 28, karuso, 1. 28, birige, ibid., lanka, ibid., maravi, ibid., dandige, 11. 31, 32, and hite, 1. 32. The word dayada in the sense of rival (1. 7) is also noteworthy. The record begins with the stanza usual in grants to Jain temples (1. 1), and then refers itself to the reign of the Silbāra Mahamanduļeśvara Gandarāditya (11. 1-5), to whom it gives the usual titles, including those of “Lord of Tagara best of cities," "scion of the lineage of Jimitav hana," and possessing the golden Garuda-banner." Then it introduces in 11. 5-10 one of his barons, the Mahasimanta Nimbadēvarasa, who among his many other titles is described as an awful rutting elephant to the beds of the lotuses the barons of Tondai," - in other words, successful in some military operations against the Topdai-mandalam - and who built in the market-place of Kavadegolla a Jain temple. Next sppears on the scene the important corporation of the Vira-Bana jas, with an enormous series of inflated selfbestowed titles of honour, and through specified representatives makes over to Srutakirtti, prior of the Rapa nåriyapa temple at Kollapura, certain revenues for the benefit of the temple at Kevadegolla (11. 10-32). A short formula (11. 32-33) winds up the document. The date is specified on 1. 24 as: Saks 1058, Rakshasa : Karttika ba. 5; Monday. This is slightly inexact. The tithi ba. 5 was coupled with Tuesday, 29 October, A:D. 1135; but as it ended 1 h. 34 m. after mean sunrise (for Ujjain) on the Tuesday, and began 1 h. 21 m. after mean sunrise on the preceding Monday, it was current for the greater part of Monday, thongh strictly it could give its name only to the Tuesday. The places mentioned are: Tagara, 1. 2; the nele-utdu or standing camp of Valavada, 1. 4; Kavadegolla, 11. 10, 23; Ayyavole, also styled Ahichchhatra, 11. 18, 23; Kollapura, 11. 20, 25; Mirtije, 1:20; Kandi-pattana, the town of Kündi, 1. 21; Torambage, 1. 22; Hayisige, 1, 22; Baleyavattana, 1. 23; and the tirthas, 1. 33. Tagara, as Dr. Fleet has shown, is the modern Ter, or "Thair" (see Journ. Roy. As. Soc., 1901, p. 537, and above, Vol. XII, p. 253). Valavada is not to be identified with certainty (see Dyn. Kanar. Distr., p. 548, and Ep. Ind., Vol. III, p. 209). Ayyavole is now Aihole or Aivalli, in the Hungund taluka of Bijapur District. On Kollapara, now Kolhāpur, see the preceding page. Miriñje is Miraj On the two last titles se Dr. Fleet's remarks in Dyn. Kanar. Distr., pp. 686, 538, 544-46, and above, Vol. XII, pp. 261-58. On Gandaraditya see Dyn. Kanar. Distr., pp. 547-48. Mr. R. Sowell, who with his wonted kindness checked and supplomented my calculations of the dates in this papor, told me that the same result was reached by using the Siddhanta-romani Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. ("Meerni” on the Indian Atlas sheet 40) in lat. 16° 48' and long. 74° 12'. On the town of Kapdi see Ind. Ant., Vol. XXIX, p. 280 and on the Kandi province ibid., Vols. XIV, p. 16, XVI, p. 20, XIX, p. 244, and XXIX p. 278. Torambage may possibly be Tarambe, in the Kolhapur State, near Gârgoti. Baleyavattans seems to be Baļiapaštam or Valapattam, situate in the Chirakkal taluka of Malabar District, in lat. 11° 55' and long. 75° 22'. This town is mentioned in Ptolemy's Geography, VII. i. $ 6, as Badalmatva in some editions -wrongly spelt Baltimatva), and is the lalaitatua of the Periplus (cf. McCrindle, Ancient India as doscribed by Ptolemy, p. 45, and Commerce and Navigation of the Erythrean Sea, pp. 127, 129; Lassen, Alterthümer, III, pp. 181, 183); and probably Kern is right in identifying Balaipatna with the Baladeva-pattana of the Brihat-sa mhita, xiv. 16. TEXT, [Metre : v. 1, Anushțubh.] 1 Srimat-parama-gambhira-syad-våd-&mogha-lamichchhanam jiyāt-traiļokya-nāthasya fåsanam Jina-läsanam [1] Svasti samadhigata-pañcha-maha-labda mahama2 pdalekvaram i Tagara-puravar-ådhifvaram frt-Sifahara-narēmdram | Jimatav han. invaya-prasatam savarppa-Garuda-dhvajam mare-vokka-sarppar | ayyans 3 simgarh ripu-mandaļika-bhairavam vidvishta-gaja-kapthiravam i iduvar Iditya rupa-Nārāyapam Kali-yoga-Vikramadityam Sanivåra-siddhi giri-du4 rgga-lamghanan Sri-Mahalakshmi-devi-labdha-vara-prasid-ādi-samasta-raj-ävalt. viräjitar-appa Sriman-mahamandalesvaram Gandarādityadēvaru Valavdada ne5 le-vidinal-sukha-sama katha-vinodadin räjyan-geyyuttam-ire | tat-pada-padm-Opajivi samadhigata-pañoha-mahā-labda-mabisa mantam vijaya-la6 kshmi-kantam ripu-samanta-simantini-simanta-bhamga vira-vāramganā-priya bhujangan vairi-såmanta-megha-vighatana-samiranam ! Någaladeviya gandha Vi7 ranan vidvishta-såmanta-viļaya-kāļam smanta-ganda-Gopālam dayada-såmanta Tār-ăsura-vira-Kumāram samanta-Kedaraṁ | Tonda-tā manta-pandarika8 shanda-prachanda-mada-vědanda Gandarādityadēva-daksha-dakshiņa-bhaja-dandam yāchaka-jana-mano-bhilashita-chintamani samanta-siromapi | Jina-charana sarasiru9 ha-madhukaram samyaktva-ratngkaran=ahar-ábhaya-bhaishajya-sāstra-dana-vinodam Padmavati-devi-labdha-vara-prasādam I näm-ādi(di)-samasta-prasasti-sabitan griman-maha10 sXmantarh Nimbadēvarasaru | Kavadegollada baliya Banteya mudgodeyal mädisida basadiya Pārsvanátha-devar=ashtavidh-Archchanakkam- basadiya jiran. oddhārakka 11 m-all-ippa ri(ri)shiyar=āhåra-d&nakkam | Svasti [1] Samasta-bhuvana-vikhyāta patcha-fata-vira-fåsana-labdh-åněka-guna-gan-alamkpita satya-Bauch-āchara-chậru charitra-Daya-vinaya12 vijāna Vira-Balamja-dharmma-pratipāļana-visuddha gudda-dhvaja-virajamän-ånúna sähas-Ottunga kirtty-amgan-alimgita nija-bhuj-Opárjjita-vijaya-lakshmi-nivasaYaksha s7-sthalaram Proin the ink-impression. * Kead waru-vakka- or maru-pank*-, as in other versions of this series of titles. Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 4.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLHAPUR AND MIRAJ: SAKA 1058 & 1066. 33 13 bhuvana-parakram-Onnata Väsudēva-Khanda!ı-Malabhadra-vams-odbhavarur | Bhagavati labdha-vara-prasādarum Itāvu kadi boladarum maru-Vakka-mārigaļum para-stri-para24 dhana-varjjitarum chatush-shashti-kalegalo! Pravinar-appudarim Brahman-annarum chakram=u!!udarim Nārāyapan=annarun I drishtiyol=nodi kolvudarim | Kaļågni-rudran=annarun | ko15 ndaran=afasi kolvudarim | Parasură man=annarum tulidu kolvo(lvu)daşim mad-andha-gandha-sindhurad-annarum 1 giri-durggamam maje-vokkaram tegedu kolvredeyo! simhad=annara 16 Pätälaman pokkaram kolv=edeyo! Vásugiy-annarum l äkā adol-irddarar kolve edeyo! Garutmanannarum perpinal prithviy-annaruń binpinal kula-gi17 ry-annarum gunpinal-mabā-samudrad=annarum udyogadal Råman=annarum para kramado! Pārtthan-annarum bauchado! Gārgoyan-annaram sāhasadol Bhiman-anna18 run | dharmmadal Dharmma-putranrannarum 1 jñā nadal-Sahadovan=annarum bhogadal-Imdran=annarum tyāgadal-Karppan-annarım 1 tējadal-Adityan annarum | Ahichchhatram-enisuv-Ayyavol-pura-pa19 ramēsvararum-app-aynurv var svåmigalum gavareyarum gātriyarum 1 settiya rum seçti-gattarum gámaņdarum l gamanda-evāmigalum bira20 rum b i(b)ra-vaņigarum | Kolläparada Bilpāņal-settiyum | Govinda-settiyum ! Komara Annamayyanum | Mirimjeya Bijja-settiyum | Boppi-be21 ttiyum | Gandarādityadēvara rāja-froshthi Vesapayya-settiyarum I mandale svarana bidina Bammi-settiyum i Kümdi-pattanad-Aditya-griha22 da sāsanigan heggade RĀva-settiyum | Chaudhore Boppi-settiyam | Torań bageya prabhu Kannapayya-settiyum Mayisigeya kajagarah Chaudho23 re Goravi-settiyum Baleyavattanada (da) Santi-settiyum Ayyavoley-aynärvvara simgam Häliya-seçtiyum Kavadegollada prabhu Khapparayyan-g24 dhi(di)y=agi samasta-debam neredu I Saka-Varshada säsirad-ayvatt-erhteneya Rākshaga-samvatsarada Kárttika-bahula panchami Somavāradande fri-Mala samgha25 Dési(61)ya-gana-Pustaka-gachchhada Kollápurada fri-Răpa-nārāyapa-basadiy=&chäryyare appa Sri-Srutakirtti-traividya-dēvara kälar karchchi I dhårå-pa26 rvvakamägi kott-syam=ent-endode adake hêrimge ayvattu | javalakk-irppattu hasarak-aydul ele hēpinge noru | tale-voreg=syvattu | hasarak-irppa27 tt-aydu i tappan=enney -erb=ivu kodakke sollage siddigegara-vānam sangadige or-mmänh dásiga-vasarakkam-akkasālegam honge hanam 1 batti malaveg=828 y-valam | bhandiya karuseya malavegueradu bisige javalakke palan pattu 1 lamkar-okkalalli áru tingalge mapetivige maraviy=embriv=ond-akkuń ! varshakke mam. 29 chav=ond-akkum | allav=arisinam sunthi bell=ulli baje bhadramustey-emb-iva modal āgi tögi märuva bhaņdamgalge hering=ay-valam javalakk-ip-palam hasa30 rakeop-palam jirage melasu sāsaviy-embæivu hepimg-om-månam javalakk=ard. vaziam hasarakke sollage | uppu modal=āgi hadi(di)nemţu dhånyan 31 galgam bhandige kolagav=ondu harimge mānav=eradı tale-voreg-or-mmāna badu kāy-embæivu bhamdiye hattu tale-vorege nālk-akkum bhandige dandige vond[u] ? Probably meant for Bilhana. Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 ÉPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. 32 sevey=aydu hatey-eradark kam dandige vomda(du) sevey-eradu havina hedaligege måle vondu kumbararalli hasarakke madake vondu | Int-iya33 yaman-ațid-Itāxntol Banarāki-Kurukshetr-adiga!! pañcha-maha-påtakaman madida phalam-akun TRANSLATION (Verse 1) Victorious be the command of the Lord of the Three Worlds, enjoined by the Jinas, which bears the infallible token of the blessed and supremely profound doctrine of possible predications ! (Lines 1-5). Hail ! while the Mahamandalesvara Gandaridityadēva, who is resplendent with the whole royal series of titles) such as "the Mahāmandalesvara who bas obtained the five great musical sounds, Lord of Tagara best of cities, monarch of the blest Sijabaras, scion of the lineage of Jimitavāhana, bearing a banner with the device of) a golden Garuda, serpent to adversaries, a lion to his father, terrible to opponent barons, a lion to the elephants his foes, & sun of casters (of missiles), a Nárāyaṇa in comeliness, a Vikramaditya of the Kali Age, successful oven) on Saturdays, passing through mountain-fastnesses, obtaining grace of boons from the blest goddess Mahālakshmi," was reigning in the standing camp of Valavāda with enjoyment of pleasing conversations : (LI. 5-11) for the eightfold worship of the divine Parsvangtha of the temple constructed in the mudgode of the market place in Kavadegolla by one who finds sustenance at his lotus-feet, the Mahasamanta Nimbadēvarasa, who has all the titles of honour such as "the Mah&stūmanta who has obtained the five great musical sounds, beloved of the goddess of victory, a breaker of the hair-parting of the dames of hostile barons, gallant dear to the courteBans of warriors, a wind dissipating the clouds opponent barons, a furious olephant to Nigaladiri, a time of world-dissolution to enemy barons, a Gopala to the worthiont of barons, an heroic Kumara to the demon Tåra's rival barons, Kodárn to barons, an awful rutting elephant to the beds of the lotuses the barons of Tondai, rod for the skilful riglat band of king Gandarāditya, .wishing-gem for the desires of the souls of suitors, a crest-gom of barons, a beo to the Jina's lotas-feet, a mine of the gems of godlinesa, delighting to bestow food, protection, medicine, and teaching, obtaining grace of boons from the goddess Padmīvat," and for the restoration of outworn (part) of the said temple, and for the supply of food to the holy men dwelling there : (LI. 11-24) hail ! they who are adorned by * series of many virtue obtained by the decrees of the Five-hundred men renowned over the whole earth, possessing truthfulness, pare conduct, agreeable behaviour, policy, courtesy, and intelligence, pure in maintenance of the Vira-Balašja religion, splendid with the banner (bearing the device) of a hill, exalted in abundant boldness, embraced by the lady Fame, having their broasta home for the goddess of victory (won) by their own arms, lofty in prowess (extending) over the world, wcions of the racer of Väsudova, Khandali, and Malabhadra, obtaining grace of boons from the Irady, unconquered when they strive, destroyers of adversaries, abstaining from the wives and property of others; like Brahman in being skilled in the sixty-four arta; like Nariyana in having a chakra (disons, or association] ; like Kilágni-rudra in slaying with their gaze; like Parnaurima in seeking out and slaying slayers; like a rat-blinded furions elephant in trampling down and slaying; like a lion wheu they seize and slay those who take shelter in mountainfastnes688 ; like Vásuki when they slay those who come to the underworla; like Garuda when they aley those who are in the sky; like the earth in greatness, like the central mountains in weightinens, like the ocean in profundity, like Rama in energy, like Pritha's son [Arjuna) in Raad -atango. • Namely with water, acenta, dowers, grain, incense, lampy, food, and betel, Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 4). TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLHAPUR AND MIRAJ: SAKA 1058 1066. 35 prowess, like Ganga's son [Bhishma] in purity, like Bhima in boldness, like Dharma's son (Yudhishthira] in righteonsness, like Şahadeva in knowledge, like Indra in enjoyment, like Karpa in bounty, like the sun in brilliance; they who are the supreme lords of Ayyavole city, which is known as Ahichohhatra; to wit, the Five-hundred Svāmis, the gavares, the gatriyas, the setfis, the setti-guttas, the gamandas, the chief-gamandas, the men of valour, and the merchants of valour, Bilhaga (P)-8€¢ţi and Govinda-Seçti of Kollapura, Komara Annamayya, Bijja-Secţi and Boppi-Betti of Miriñje, Vesapayya-Setti the royal merchant of Gandarādityadēva, BammiSetti of the Mandalesvara's household, the headman RĀva-Seçti, who is recorder of the house of the San-god in Künditown, Chaudhore Boppi-89ţti, Kannapayya-Sotti the sheriff of Toram. bage, Chaudhore Goravi-Soçti the intendent of Mayisige, Sänti-Soţţi of Baleyavattapa, HiliyaSetti the lion of the Five-hundred of Ayyavole, Khapparayya the sheriff of Kavadegolla, and others, (representing) the whole country, being assembled : (LI. 24-26) on Monday, the fifth of the dark fortnight of Kärttika in the cyclio year Rökshasa, the thousand and Afty-eighth (year) of the Saka era, laved the feet of Srutakirtti Traividyadēvs, of the Pustaka-Gachchha in the Dēsiya-Gaņa of the Müla-Sangha, who is the prior of the temple of Rapa-nårāyapa in Kollāpura, and with pouring of water gave the following revenues : (LI. 26-32) Areca-nuta, fifty on a load, twenty on a half-load, five on a hasara ; betel leaves, one hundred on a load, fifty on a head-load, twenty-five on a hasara ; clarified butter and oil, a sollaget on each koda, half a maund on each siddige, one maund on each sangadi. On each cloth-merchant's shop and goldsmith's shop, a panam on every gold piece. Cotton, five palas on each malava; two bisige on each malave of karuse (sold) from carts, ten palas on each half-load. On each house of larikas there shall be every six months (a due of) stools, tripods, and maravi, one of each; every year there shall be (a due of) one bedstead. On goods sold by weight, such as green ginger, turmeric, dry ginger, garlic, baje, and bhadramuste, there shall be (a due of) five palas on each load, two palas on a half-load, one pala on a hasara ; cummin, black pepper, and mustard, one maund on each load, a half-mannd on each half-load, a sollage on each hasara ; on salt and the other eighteen kinds of grain, one kolaga on each cart-load, two maunds on each load, one maund on each head-load; dry and fresh fruits, ten on each cart-load, four on each head-load; on each cart-load one dandige, five myrobolans; on each pair of hates one dandige, two myrobolans; on each basket of flowers one garland; for the potters, one pot on each shop. (LI. 32-33: Kanarese prose commonitory formula of the usual type.) B- RAJ INSCRIPTION OF SAKA 1085 AND 1088. Yliraj, the ancient Mirije, is the chief town of the Miraj State in the Southern Maraths Country, and lies in lat. 16° 48' and long. 74° 12'. The present opigraph was found on a slab built into the wall in the gateway of the fort. A photograph, from the stone, was published in P. (No. 96), and a notice is given in Kielhorn's List of Southern Inscriptions, above, Vol. VII, App., No. 322.-The stone bears on its top a triangular pediment containing soulptures, namely: in the centre a liriga on a stand; to the proper right of this a quatting ball facing it; above these, on the right the sun and on the left the moon. The inscribed area 1 A monstre of capacity, of a kudara or balja (see Kittel, s.v. solage). * Siddige or sidde moans properly leather bottlo. As a measure, Kidde is defined by the Kina är Glossary s dry measure of 88 tola, in Kumta, Honawar, and Siddlapar, and 29 tolas in Bhatkal, and fuid measure of 88 tolas in Ankola And 28 tolas in Bhatkal (p. 171). Apparently something like a double siddige. Apparently "Carpenters." "Some wooden article of furniture. The acorus calamu (Linn.). The cyperus heaastachy. (Rottler) or root of eyperw pertenuis (Roxb.) 32 Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX below this is about 2 ft. broad and 4 ft. 14 in. high. The character is good Kanarese of the period, with letters varying in height from in. to in. The cursive form for m (above, Vol. XII, p. 335) is found in -ethanamur, 1. 6, and that for v in veļa-vuramum, 1. 5, gavunda', 1. 74 Chavumda, 1. 14, and Chavuda, 1. 17.-The language is throughout Kanarese prose, of the transitional period between the ancient and the medieval dialects. The archaic ? never appears : it has become ! in e! (1. 9), éļvatt- (1. 12), aļi" (1). 57, 59), ida (1. 58), and r in erchchha sirada (1. 12). Initial p in pure Kanarese and tadbhava words has become h, except in padinaruvaru (1. 6), perggade (1. 15), Piriyuguvārada (1. 18), piriya (1. 40, in a formula), pasarigaru (1. 50), romma (1. 51), and ponnalu (1. 56, in a formula). The use of genitive as quasi-nominative (see Journ. Roy. As. Soc., 1918, p. 105) is found in l. 29, setti-guttan tanna bitt=āyam. The lexical interest of the record is considerable, es it contains a large number of the special names of the classes of traders (notably bachcha, 1,9; mamka, 1. 8; bärika, 1. 8) and some other technical words, e.g. hasara as a measure of capacity (11. 27 f.), sandage (1. 29), mõru (1. 37), krēnikāra (1. 44), pomma' (1. 51), and athânāntara (1. 53). The record opens with a copious list of the titles and special class-names of the members of the corporation of the Vira-Baņañjas (11. 1-12), and informs us that certain representa tives of this syndicate, at a meeting held at Sedambal in Sake 1065, made a grant of various dues to the temple of Mādbavēśvara (Siva) in Sedambal, which had been bọilt by Mădirajayya, the maha-prabhu or high sheriff of that place (11. 12-32); and these grants were supplemented by others made by the inhabitants and traders of the town, which are also specified (11. 32-38). A short formula (Il. 38-41) ends the first section. Then comes a paragraph (11. 41-54) recording that in the reign of the Mahāmandılāšvarą Vijayiditya (son of the Silähāra Gandarāditya), in Saka 1066, two of his officials, Bhāyipayya-Nāyaks and Māļapayya-NĒyaka, granted to the same temple certain specified dues on the taxes collected in the town, the trustee being Sõvarāsi. A concluding formula fll. 54-59) ends the record. There are thus two dates. The first is given on 11. 19-20 as: Saka 1085, Dundubhi ; Bhadrapada su. 2; Friday. This is irregular, for the tithi su, 2 corresponded to Monday, 24 August, A.D. 1142, on which it ended about 15 h. 14 m. after mean sunrise (for Ujjain). The second date is given on II. 46-48 as : Saka 1066, Budhirõdgări ; Māgha kri. 14; Vaddavära (here apparently in the meaning of Thursday); the Siva-rätri festival. Strictly speaking, this is slightly irregular. The tithi kri. 14 was coupled with Friday, 4 February, A.D. 1144. when it ended about 13 h. 57 m. after mean sunrise. But it was current during the last 10 h. 25 m. of the preceding Thursday, 3 February, having begun 4 h. 25 m. before midnight on Thursday; and at that midnight began the Siva-rätri, the moon being then in the nakshatra Śravana, and being still there at mean gunrise on the Friday (see Dewan Bahadur Swamikannu Pillai's note above, Vol. XI, p. 289); 8o the Siva-råtri day was Friday.! The places mentioned are Ayyavale, also called Ahichchhatra, l. 9; Miriñje, 1. 12, and its nādu, 1. 44; Bāge, 1. 14; Dāņikodu, 1. 14; Tolakale, 1. 15; Kūņdili, 1. 16; Sedambēļ Jl. 16, 19, 20, 45, 49; the talas of Piriyuguvāra, Siriguppe, and Jugulakoppa, 1. 18; the tirthas, 11. 38-40, 55, 57; and the nele-vidu or standing camp of Vaļavāda, 1. 42. On Ayyavale (Ayyavole), Miriñje, and Valavāda see above (p. 31). Bāge may possibly be connected with the Bågadage or Bägenādu Seventy, or the Báge Fifty in the Tardavādi Thousand (nee Ind. Ant., Vol. XXX, pp. 265, 267, 380). Sedamba! is Shedba! (the "Sherbal" of 1 Pommu now means a tax on tobacco; but to understand that sense in our record would be an anachronism, See Dyn. Kanar. Distr., p. 548, and the preceding inscription. * See Mr. Venkatasubbiah's Some Saka Dates in Inscriptions, pp. 57 ff. This dute has also been examined by Mr. Venkatasubbiah in Some Saka Dates in Inscriptione, P. 107, and be comes to practically the same result. Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 4.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLHAPUR AND MIRAJ: SAKA 1058 & 1066. 37 the Indian Atlas sheet 40), in lat. 16° 43' and long. 74° 49'. The Siriguppe tala seems to be connected with the modern Shirguppi or "Shirgoopee," in lat. 16° 37' and long. 74° 47', and that of Jugulakoppa with Jugal or " Joogul." in lat. 16° 36' and long, 74° 44'. 1 Svasti samasta-bhuvana-vikhyāta-pamcha-sata-vira-dasana-labdh-neka-gupa-[gan-a]. 2 lamkrita [dharmma-pra]B tipalana-visudhdha [nija] satya-sauch-achara-charu-charitra-naya-vinaya-vijñāna gudda-dhvaja-virajit-antina-sahas-öttumga 4 bhuja-vijaya-lakshmi (kshmi)-nivasa-vaksha [s]-sthala Vasudeva-Kha] ndali-Malabhadra-vams-ödbhavarum TEXT. [ru]. 6 vatta-nalku ghatika-sthanamum nana-des-abhyamtarad-emtu nada padinaruvaru [gava] 7 regarum gātrigaram settiyara setţi-guttarum bachcharum balegararum gamdhigarum gavundarum gav[unda] 8 svimigaļumm-arasugalumm-arasu-makkalum mamkarum mamka-merevarum birudarum bi(bi)ra-vanigarum barikarum b[a] 9 rika-jana-hastarum sasirad-el-nāru gavaregaļumm-Ahiohchhatra-vinirggatarumme Ayyavale-pu[ra-para] 10 mesvararu[m] virjitarn[m-apps] rtmad-syntrvva-svmigalu 11 damḍamum [mu] 12 khyav-agiy-Alvatt-er-chchhäsirada prabhu Prithvi-setti Miri[m]jeya Boppanayyaraja-áre [shthi ma] Koppa-seṭṭi 18 ya Holla-setti Vira-Baṇamja kirtty-aṁgan-alimgita bhuvana-parakram-ōnnata dvātrimsad-vēļ-vuramum-ashtadasa-paṭṭanamum 20 varsha éri-Bhagavati-deyi(vi)-labdha-vara-prasād-ādy-anēka-nām-āṁka-māļā samasta-bhallumki-damḍa-hastarum 13 ha-yadda-vyavahari Vesapayya-settiyarum samaya-samuddharana Sōvana-[seṭṭi]14 yarum Bageya müliga Chikka-Chavumda-settiyum Döniköḍa mummuri-damḍa Da, 15 va-seṭṭiyum Jayasimgada Tolakaleya Siriyama-seṭṭiyum naḍa perggade Hemma-seṭṭilyum] 16 Kandiliya setți-gutta Malla-settiyum Kuvara Lakka-settiyum Nigalada Kētisettiyum [Sedam] 17 bala Bomdalabbeya Sura-seṭṭiyum Äketa-seṭṭiyum Chavuda-setti alliya 1065neya mummuri Piriyuguvärada taļa Siriguppeya tala Jugulakoppada Seḍambāļalu maha-nāḍ=āgl(gi) tala.. 19 geya tala yintu samasta-tala-mukhyav-agi nerad [u Baka]. Dumdubhi-samvatsarada Bhadrapada-sudhdha 2 Sukraväradamdu Sedambāļa 21 maha-prabhu Mādirājayyaṁ maḍisida śrl-Madhavēsvara-devar-amga-bhogakke y [Ar] 1 From the ipk-impression. Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA'. [VOL. XIX. 22 lu Su(Su)kravārada sam teyam madi bitt-ayam-ent-e [*]doḍe marida aḍakeya [java] 23 lakk-adakey=irppattu hasumbeg-aḍake hanneraḍu katteya herimg-irppatt-aydu kol 24 ettina javalamam birichidalliy-aḍakey-ayvattu māru-gomḍavaralli homgey aḍa [key-i] 25 ppattu heringe ele nur-aivattu enneya kodakke solasav-eradu tuppada koḍakke so [lasa] 26 v-eraḍu bhaṁdi-godakke enne manav-omdu dhanya-varggakke konana herim [ge*] mānav-a[ru] 27 ettina heringe ballav=oindu katteya herimge manav-eraḍu hasarakke månav= omdalu 28 saṭṭugav omdu votțilimge kolagav-omdu hattiya hasaradalli devara soḍarimge batti 29 ge samḍage-vatti vomdu [1] Beţţi-guttam tanna bitt-yam-emt-emdoḍe haaumbeyanikku 30 valli haseya javali gamdhara-baṭṭalu omdu gömtu vicharam-geydavaralli mudrapapam hom 31 ge hagam-arana bhamḍi mărim (ri)dalli mělu-dakk omdu bhamḍiyalu marida dhanya-varggakke ko 32 lagav omdu [*] Chayitrada parvvakke pura-varggada prajegalu mithunakke biṭṭa haga 33 v-omdu Dipavaliya parvvadalu belaguva soḍarzennege u(a)r-olagana senigaru 34 tamma manegalige maneyal-omdu hāgav omdu bitta hāgav-omdu kumbarara hasa [1a] 35 kke madake vomdu akkasäle Bammoja-halladim müḍa horge hapavina parikh-i 36 yad-olage devargge bitta addav-omdu sammmagāraralli aru-dimigalige kuḍuva pada 37 rakshe toḍ=omdu mědaralli 38 samtege kuḍuva mōranu voṁdu madegaralli aru-dimgalim 38 ge kuḍuva mili vomdu [1] Yimt-1 sa (sa)sana-maryyadeyanı kiḍisid-āta [m] Gamge-Prayage-Va 39 raṇāsi-Kurukshetradalu sayira kapileyam 40 va Adityatirtthamgalalli tanna piriya umda maha-doshaman-eyduva || konda mahā-pātakaman-eydumaganaṁ kondu avana kapāladal Svasti śriman-mahāmamdaļēśvaram 42 Vijayadityadevarasaru Valavaḍada nele-viḍinalu sukha-samkathā-vi43 nodadim rajyam-geyvuttam-iralu tat-pada-padm-opajivigal=appa mahapradha4 nam sumka-verggade Bhayipayya-nayakaru Mirimje-nāda krēņikāṛaṁ Mā 45 lapayya-nayakar-ant-irvvaru Sedambāļa prabhu samantam Mādirājayyṣṁ46 gaļu māḍisida śri-Madhavēsvara-devar-ainga-bhogakk-alliya tapodhanar-hara. danakkam Sa (Sa)ka-va 47 rsha 1066 neya Rudhirōdgari-samvatsarada Magha-bahula 14 Vaḍḍavaradamdu Sivaratre(tri) Perhaps to be restored as kogawa. Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 4.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLHAPUR AND WIRAJ: SAKA 1058 & 1066. 89 2 48 ya parvva-nimittav-igiy-idoara mathad-dokäryya erimntu-Sirenisi-nidhdhammtil divara ka49 lai karchchi dhird-parvvakarh midi kopta satin kan ont-endod- Sedati bāla mundana halladin nada pura50 varggav=o!ag-Igi kattid-amgadiga!gam tolligaru pasarigaru bhatten hattige vokkala-dere pe51 ribära mattań santoya volagapa kedad=eppeyweleya hörugala poma kiru52 kula dhanya-varggangalan motteya sunkav=o!ag-igi arddh-adana ali attars. vattadiria tivi53 da ettina adakeya hôringe mél-adake nar-avattu Athiņänta54 radalu nadava suákigaru saape(va ?)rņpakke tingalinge vomdı bəleya kadaver-Inte1 55 dharmmaman sa-dharmmadim pratipiļisidarego Gange-Tirapisi-Kurukshatradalu 56 sira kavileya kodum kolaguman ponakla kattisi säsirvva brahmana57 rige kotta phalamuakku mattam-idan-alidam (dasin)ge Ganga-Yamunegalreradara 58 samgamado!=agapnya-punnya-vara-tirttha-sthānangaļo!-iļda tapodhanara gc-brahma59 paran=aļidan-int-idan-alida || TRANSLATION. (Lines 1-12) Hail ! Headed by the Five-hundred Svåmis, all the bearers of bhallunki-atatta and all the bearers of mummuri-staffs, who are resplendent with a series of numerous titles such as " adorned by a series of many virtues obtained by the decrees of the Five hundred men renowned over the whole earth, possessing truthfulness, pure conduct, agreeable behaviour, palicy, courtesy, and intelligence, pure in maintenance of the Vira-Banaħja religion, splendid with the banner (bearing the device) of a hill, exalted in abundant boldness, ambraced by the lady Fame, having their breasts a home for the goddess of victory (won) by their own arms, lofty in prowess (extending) over the world, scions of the races of Vasudeva, Khapdali, and Malabhadra, (inhabit. ants of the thirty-two coast-towns and eighteen pagtanasi and sixty-four ghatika-ethanas, the sixteen gavaregast and gåtrigas and settis and setti-guttas and bachchas and bracelet-sellers and scent-merchants and gāvundas and chief gãoundat and 'kings' and 'princes' and markas and marikamareras and title-bearers and merchants of valour and bärikasand bärika-jasa-hasta' 1 The second dl has been omitted and then inserted in very small script. * Explained by some as a place to which there is access by land or water, by others as a plave ot forel-mines Cf. Kamikagama, XX. 8-9, Yugadi-dilana, V. 50, and my translation of Antagada-dardo, p. 45 n. • This word is fairly common in inscriptions (cf. Epig. Carn., VII. 1. Sk. 94, XI. 1. Kl. 170, XIL $1.3; Madras Govt. Epigr. Report, 1912-8, p. 99, 1916-7, p. 115; Ind. Ant., XLV, pp. 19, 25 a.; 8. I.I., II, p. 511), at the meaning is not quite clear. It seems to denote a place of embly or wynod, and so must be connected with ghatige, galige, or ghaligo, on which seabore, Vol. XIII, p. 397 n., and which are obviously Prakrit forms of ghafika. Perhaps these facts should be considered in the interpretation of the Mäņikläls inseription (890 J. R 4.8., 1914, pp. 641 1.), nooing that the normal meaning of ghafika is a certain division of time or a clock. • This is evidently the same as the modern gavariga, ". man of the basket- and mat-malar tribe or caste (kittel), but the meaning seems to be different here. Perhaps connected with Skt. mandha, on which we Hoornle's Vasaga-desão, translation, p. 108 n. • C. Kadra Govt. Epigr. Report, 1912-8, p. 9, Brown's Kirasi Qight, p. 74, and above, Vcl V, p. 43. Pembly meaning "fellows of the barikas," Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. and the thousand and seven-hundred gavares of the eight provinces in the interior of various lands, who have come out of Abichohhatra, who are supreme lords of the town of Ayyavale, and who obtain grace of boons from the divine Lady," (LI. 12-19) Prithvi-Setti, sheriff of the Seventy-thousand; Boppanayya of Miriñje, the royal merchant; the great trader Vesspayya-Setti; Sovana-Setti, restorer of the church; Chikka Chavunda-Sotti, the mūligal of Bāge; De .. VA-Setti of Dopikodu, the bearer of the mummuri-staff; Jayasingada Siriyama-Setti of Toļakale; Hemma-Sotti, head-man of the province; Malla-Setti, soffi-gutta of Kandili; Kuvara Lakka-Setti; Nigaļada Kēti-Setti; Sara Setti, Ākëta-Sotti, (and) Chavuda-Betti, (sons ?) of Bondalabbe, of Sedambil: Koppa-Setti, of the same place; (and)... Holla-Setti, meeting at Sedambēļ as a general countyassembly representing all the districts, namely the district of Piriyuguvära, the district of Sirigappe, the district of Jugulakoppa, and the district of ... (LI. 19-22) on Friday, the 2nd of the bright fortnight of Bhadrapada in the wyclio year Dundubhi, the 1085th (year) of the Saks era, holding the Friday's market in that town, granted the following revenues for the personal enjoyment of the god Madhavågvara, (whose temple had been constructed by Madirajayya, the high sheriff of Sedamba! : (Ll. 22-29) on the sale of a half-load of areca-puts, twenty nuts; on a shoulder-bag, twelve nuts; on an ass-load, twenty-five ; on opening a [? buffalo's or] bullock's half-load, fifty areca-nuts; for purchasers, twenty areca-nuts per gold piece; on each load, a hundred-and-fifty betel-leaves; on A koda of oil, two solasa ; on a koda of clarified butter, two solasa ; on each thandi-goda, one maund of oil; for the various kinds of grain, on a buffalo-load six maunds, on a bullock-load one balla, on an ass-load two maunds, on a hasara one ladleful in every one maund, on an offil one kolaga; on each hasara of cotton, one sandage-wick for wicks for the god's lamps. (LI. 29-32) The seffi-guttas on their part granted the following revenues :-on laying down each shoulder-bag, one doth for a couch (and) one gandhara-bowl (f); for those who examine gontu, a stamped fanam, one quarter fanam on each gold piece; on each sale of arana bhandi, one stick of better quality (?); on the various kinds of grain sold in a cart, one kolaga. (LI. 32-38) For the festival of Chaitra the people of the parish gave a quarter fanam for each pairing. For oil for the lamps to be lit at the festival of the Dipávali the guilds-men within the town granted on their own houses one quarter-fanam for each house; on each shop of the potters, one pot; the goldsmiths granted to the god one adda 7 in the assay-fee of a fanam on every gold piece. In the case of the leather-workers, they gave one pair of slippers for every six months. In the case of the basket-makers, they gave one mör48 for every fair. In the case of the cobblers, they gave one strap for every six months. (Ll. 38-41) So he who infringes the constitution of this decree shall incur the deadly sin of slaying by the Ganges, in Prayāga, in Benares, or in Kurukshētra a thousand kine; he shall iacur the deadly sin of slaying his own eldest son at the Aditya-tirthas and eating from his skull. (LI. 41-43) Hail! While the Mahamandalesvara Vijayadityadēvarasa was reigning in the standing camp of Vaļavada with enjoyment of pleasing conversations : The monsing given by Kittel for waliga is "& vendor of medicinal) roots", but here it must deuoto some amk. Cf. ahovo, Vol. V, p. 27, where the miligas rank after tio mahljanar. ? (Kuyara means son.-Ed.] A measure of unknown capacity; literally, "cart-pot." • Eqnal to 4 inccnde. Equal to 16 maunds; hence the offil (literally, "pile") must be a large measuro. Obscuro; tho litoral morning is "king's cart." On this weight 46 Kittel, B.V. . Apparently meaning "hoad-load." Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 5.] ANTIRIGAM PLATES OF JAYA-BHANJA-DEVA. (Ll. 43-49) they who find sustenance at his lotus-feet, both Bhayipayya-Nayaka the high minister and controller of taxes and Malapayya-Nayaka the krenikara of the province of Miriñje, for the personal enjoyment of the god Madhavēévara (whose temple was) constructed by the baron Madirajayya, the sheriff of Seḍambal, and for the provision of food to the ascetics of that place, on Thursday, the 14th of the dark fortnight of Magha in the cyclic year Budhirōdgari, the 1088th (year) of the Saka era, on the occasion of the Sivaratri festival, laved the feet of Sövarasi Siddhantideva, prior of the monastery of the god, and with pouring of water granted the following dues : 41 (Ll. 49-54) For the shops built within the parish east of the river on the east of Seḍambal, the oilmen (and) shopkeepers shall give in the paddy-market, excluding the household-tax, half the takings within the market inclusive of a koda of oil, the pomma on loads of betel leaves and the petty dues, and the tolls on bags of the various kinds of grain; on each bullock's load of areca-nuts filled up there from the antara-vatta (they shall give) one hundred and fifty superior nuts; the toll-collectors on duty in the revenue-office shall give every month an eighth on each sauvarna coin. (Ll. 54-59: a Kanarese commonitory formula of the usual type.) No. 5.-ANTIRIGAM PLATES OF JAYA-BHANJA-DEVA, BY THE LATE TARINI CHARAN RATH, B.A. These three copper-plates were unearthed by a ryot while cultivating a piece of waste land situated in the village of Antirigam of Pärva-khanda, Chatrapur Division, Ganjam District, Madras Presidency. A similar set of three other plates was also discovered along with these which will be edited separately. The plates measure 7 inches by 3 inches, their thickness being about of an inch. Each plate has a circular hole on its left side through which passes a copper ring of a diameter of 2 inches, from which the plates are suspended. The two ends of the ring are not in this case secured at the bottom of an oval or circular seal as usual. We have here a lump of copper of a rather peculiar conical shape, 13. inches high, which holds the two ends of the ring together. This mass of copper is at its bottom in shape a cube, measuring about an inch on each side and has at the top a pot-shaped finial marked by a number of circular ridges. On one side of the cube is the following inscription, written in two lines: Śrimad-subha Jadeva-nripatiḥ The word 'Jadova' in the beginning of the second line is obviously a mistake for 'Jayadeva,' the name of the king who made the grant. The first and third plates are inscribed on one side only, while the second or middle plate has inscription both on the obverse and reverse. The edges of the plates are not raised into rims. The inner side of the first plate and the two sides of the second plate have nine lines on each of them, while the inner side of the third or last plate contains ten lines, the total number of lines of the inscription being thus 37. The inscription is clear and the letters are fairly big in size. The plates with the ring weigh 72 tolas 1 [It is very unlikely that the name of the king would be written Jadeva by mistake for Jayadeva. The suffix bhanja which is the characteristic title of the rulers of the Bhañja dynasty would in no case have been omitted. Hence I think we must read Bhamjadeva together; and what is read in the beginning as frimades is probably frimad-Yata-. Besides, the last akshara in the first line clearly reads bhath. Thus we will have the name Yasa-Bhanjadora which according to the author himself was another name of Jaya-Bhañjadova; see below page 43 -Ed.] Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, [VOL. XIX. The language of the inscription is Sanskrit and the characters used are a highly specialised form of the old Northern Någari type. They deserve special notice, inasmuch as they very closely resemble the Uriga characters. The type is quite important for tracing the development of the present Uriyā alphabet. The following letters on the plates are no other than the modern Uriya ones :-fri (3rd letter l. 1), kha (19th letter 1. 5), ga (4th letter l. 7), pa (4th letter 1. 6), na (5th letter 1. 1), kshi (last letter l. 2), kshmi (21st letter 1. 1), sha (26th letter 1. 10), fija (8th letter 1.3) and pra (8th letter l. 10). Again the following letters also very closely resemble the present Uriya ones and are in fact their archaic forms:---ka (14th letter 1.1), gha (7th letter 1. 1), sa (9th letter l. 1), Ina (2nd letter 1. 4), ja (26th letter 1. 2), ya (22nd letter 1. 1), ța (4th letter l. 10), bha (20th letter 1. 3), ta (10th letter l. 1), da (21st letter 1.2). Several other instances of both these classes of letters can be found in the inscription on a very close examination. Though Uriya was both a spoken and a written language in Orissa, its Rajas or ruling chiefs were accustomed to use Sanskrit in their grants relating to landed property. On the whole, I think, it can be said that the characters of the inscription are the prototypes of the modern Uriya characters. The plates record the grant of a village by king Jaya-Bhanjadēva, son of Raya-Bhañja and grandson of Vira-Bhanja, on the occasion of a lunar eclipse on the 15th day of the bright half of the month of Jyēshtha (May-June) to a Brahman named fri-Jagadhars, son of Pandita Dhāradhara belonging to the Mädhyanding-šākha and the Bharadvāja-yötra. The name of the village gifted thereunder is Rengaradā situated at the centre of the province Khiñjaliyagada-vishaya. The grantor issued the charter from his camp Kölāda in the third [year] of the victorious reign and proclaims this fact of his grant to his ministers, his heir. apparent Vira-Bhanja and other sons, and also the several administrative officers of the province. The inscription was incised by Gaņēsvara. The village Rengarada is stated to have been situated in the province Khiñjaliyagadavishaya. The grant was issued from the camping place known as Koláda. Khiñjali, according to traditional accounts, is believed to be a tract of country forming part of the Baud State and from it the smaller States of Gumsur and Dasapalla are said to have been carved out. Koláda was the later capital of Gumeur which continued to be so till the extinction of its Bhañja line of kings. It is popularly known now as Kullada. It is situated at a distance of about 4 miles from Russelkonda, the head-quarters of the Gumsur Division and Taluk, called after the Commissioner Russel and is connected with it by a good metalled road. The remains of the residences of the old chiefs of Gumsur are still to be seen here covered by jungle growth. The place stands on the bank of a river adorned with the venerable old temples built by the Gumsur Rājas who have richly endowed them with fertile lands and costly movable properties. It is hemmed in all round by beautiful ranges of hills. The name Khinjaliyagada-vishaya signifies tne division adjoining the fort of Khiñjali, the former name of Gumsur. Gada in Uriyā means at fort. Khiñjaliyagada corresponds to the present name of " Gadamutha," a subdivision of the old Gumsur State, now a British possession ever since the year 1835 when its Rāja, late Dhananjaya-Bhañja, died in the course of a campaign with the British and his minor son, late Brajarāja-Bhañja, was removed to Vellore as a State prisoner. Village names like Bhangarada and Gerada which are to be found to-day in the Gransur Taluk may be compared with Rengaradi, the village granted. The copper-plate grant thus, I think, relates to the ancient State of Cursur, formerly known as the Khiñjali country. The grantor is a scion of the illustrious dynasty of the Bhañjas, so very famous in Orissa. According to the traditional account of Gameur it was founded in the ninth century AJ). by a son of the brctber of the Bhañjarāja of Keunjhar who had settled with his brotber ni Beud, both having been adopted by its king. Keunjhar was carved out from the ancient Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 5.) ANTIRIGAM PLATES OF JAYA-BHANJA-DEVA. Mayürbhanja State of Orissa, both of which still exist. The account further states that one of the Rājas of Gumsur named Pratåpa-Bhañja captured the Khond Chief of Kullada and changed his residence by constructing a big fort there, at a very great cost, during the twelfth century A.D. Jaya-Bhañja, son of Rāya-Bhañja and grandson of Vira-Bhañja, appears from what is stated in the inscription to have ruled the country around Koláda. The names of these kings are quite new and are neither met with in the traditional account of Gumsur, nor in any one of the several Bhanja plates hitherto discovered and published. It is not possible at present to state how the latter are connected with the Bhañja kings whose names have been discovered by these plates. The second set of copper-plates found with the present one and referred to in paragraph 1 above also mentions these very same names. The grantor and the grantee of both are identically the same persons, the occasion and the village granted alone being different. Jaya-Bhañja is, however, oalled therein! by the name of Yasa-Bhaja. These plates of Yasa-Bhañja have been noted as No. 10 in Appendix A of the Report of the Assistant Archæological Superintendent for Epigraphy, Southern Circle, Madras, for the year 1917-18 and noticed at page 137 thereof. This king is described therein as the lord of the entire Khiñjali country. The village Komyāņa granted thereunder has been observed as being situated in the Gumsur Taluk by the above-raid officer, to whom the plates had been sent by me for examination. The grant of Jaya-Bhañja is said to have been made in the third year of the victorious reign, no particular era being given. According to the traditional account of Gumsur, Kullāda was conquered and made the capital in the latter part of the twelfth century A.D. The characters of the inscription are found to be later in date than those of the Gumsur plates of Natri-Bhañja edited at pages 667-671 of Volume VI of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal and the Baud plates of Raņa-Bhañja edited at pages 321-328 of Volume XII of the Epigraphia Indico and the inscription has probably to be assigned to the twelfth century A.D. TEXT. First Plate. i Om [ll] Svasti sri-guna-samgha-samyuta-tard lok-[X]bhikirty-öttamē (1) Lakshmi[r]= ya tra] 2 nivāsini suviralā jātāš-cha vir-Ottamāḥ| Dharmo yatra sadá sthito ripu-jayaḥ khyātaḥ kshi3 tau sa[rvva]dä vars Bhañja-susamjñakë ripu-hariḥ sri-Vira-Bhañj-7[bha]vat || [1] Tat-sünn[r*]-dvi(i)ja-dova-på4 fiana-ratah sri)-Ritya-Bhanjo mripah durvvår-ari-narendra-darpa-daland viryena Sakr-opa5 maḥ [18] tat-putro Jaya-Bhañjadēva-nripati rājñām si(fi)rah-se (68)khara) [rū]pair=yð 6 Madan-Opamaḥ kshiti-tale dänau(ails=rha Kar[o]p-opamð(mah) || [2"] Månais-ch-api Suyodha7 n-opama-gataḥ Sakr-Opamo vikramai) durvvår-äri-kuranga-máraņa-hari) sri-Samka (This is not so. They were apparently brothers. Yasa-Bhañja was the elder of the two. Jaya-Bhañjs insued this charter under the seal of his brother the king.-Ed.] 1 [Expressed by a symbol. An interesting paper on "The Svastiks and the Omkars symbols" is contributed by Mr. Harit Krishna Deb, M.A., to th) Jo, and Pro. 4. 8. B. (new series), Vol. XVII, 1921, No. 3. This is . direct refutation of the theory of some that the symbol represents a figure of Gapapati.-Ed.] Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 8 rė bhaktimåna(n) (lt) bhakto vai pitçi-mätçi-pada-yugalo sri-vaishṇavaḥ sampratam || [38] Sa cha ma9 ha-mandalesa (sva)ra-sa (sa)ryva-g[u]n-alamkrita-brimad-rája(ja) Jaya-Bhaija-dēvaḥ kušali | Ko Second Plate ; First Side. 10 lada-kataka-[sthito](tah) pravarddhamăna-vijaya-rajyē tfitiya-samvatsarē Jyēshtha sukla11 pañchadasya(sya) Soma-grahaņa-vēlāyām Khiñjaliya-g[a]da-vishaya-madhya vartti(i)-Rengaradā-grå12 mam sa-jala-sthalar 8-Odvēlam sa-ni]dhi s-Opanidhikam sa-vitap-åraṇyam -cha(cha)ţa-bhata-(pra)13 vēžam su(sa)rvv-7padrava-vivarjitam saryva-sas [y*]-otpatt[i]-sahitam chata[s®]-simă vichchhinnam (llt) [t]ki14 rnpa-tā[mra]mo [a]dhi-vidhim śåsanam-akartkri(kri)tya (lit) Madhyadésiya-Tåkårt-vipra sa15 -mudbhava]m-agataya: Ko[nda]rávanga-vishaya-Dakshiņa-Toshala-stha-Patavāda-păta16 ka-vinirgataya Bhäradvāja-sa-gotrảy-Angirasa-VA(Bá)rhas[p]atya-Bhäradväjatriḥt-pravaraya 17 Yaju[r*]-vēd-ādhyāi(yi)në Madhyamdi(ndi)niya-säkhaya Paņạita-Dhärădharasya putrāya Daivajña18 [Śri]-Jagadharaya bhumi(m*)-dana-vidhină hast-odakam dat[t*]vă yathakala[mo]. bh(&*]vina [b] samu(It) Second Plate; Second Side. 19 [p-a]gatăn-a (llt) sosha-părthivana(n) prarthayati anyámscha răjapat[ra]-amatya yuvara[ja]. 20 Vira Bhañjadēvaḥ-akshapatali(li) - Vajradat [t]a-sandhi-vigraha(hi)- Punanaga-prati nāra-Bhopāla-ra. 21 naka - (La]kshmikalasa - rájamátula - Jathinäga-vyavahāri(ri)-Arapota-prabhri(bhpi) tinam rāja22 påd-opajivinaḥ (11) kirtitāḥ(n-a) (lt)kirtitān Khanqapala-Puraðjaya-sarah? (it) yathär har mana23 itya samăjñapayati matamwastu bhavatam b humi-danam-idam=asmad. dat[t*]a[m*] bha + Superfluous. [The fourth pada of this verse is missing. -Ed.] Verses 1 to 3 are in the śärdülavikridita metre. Read tamtam=adhi.. . [Samudharam=agataya seems to be used in the sense of jataya. It is also possible that we have to divide the words as samud bhara-Magała(dha)ya in which case the phrase would mean " Mugadha born of the Brahmans of Takári (modern Tikari?) who had immigrated from Madhyadeen."-Ed.] Cancel the risarga. > [Between ga and vya there seems to be a symbol for ti which has been possibly scored.-E.] . Read -prabhritin. ? [Rowl firin; the adjective kirttitan being in the plural, the mention of only two heroes Khandapala and Purajays must be taken to include also similar other beroes.-Ed.] Read yitra. Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 12 14 18 छ लाईक कम ऊ घराজ- 25 घुलत घाट लावतात मंडल व्रत झाला नवेकतेघराज प्रिय प्रপप्रभातল तरनाक तयार करीत जद (बरात झाला घट मेड घाट 16 तदा तागाधार जुताई तायरताः छत्रा सितदातालान नादानी घरात घाघ 15 भाटात येतायत 18 20 22 24 जना का उत्भति भ বাীলাভलता उসথतामাयवदाএऊधঃ 153 प्रकार घटते, पवार (जात ॥ नदीजाय त विज्ञान छु? दवारा रनरल नाबालक मध्य ऊघड जात न घनेत्र (जवरःरुत्वाध दाना मলदনৗ[ ম॥মतMেIC নে||Sত?লছে''त 88 भारतडर 8 लह RANপানাে(TA? भरि घा Ta|| get amনदাॐ জA3दा हालसाल iia. 26 ANTIRIGAM PLATES OF JAYABHANJADEVA. iib. 4 HIRANANDA SASTRI, 8 + व घनता घाल तर आटवतात तकल चालवत उभारी घाऊ छाया घजीवन की घालघर अघमरक्षा मान घমততदानी भ SCALE NINE-TENTHS. 10 वाहतात घालनी जनते भा प्रजन ৪6লताऊ মयान मदान नভনে।। ঘঘেॐৎघात (ননত11 तहत प्राय राघवरा यह ब्राঘসघया याते ॥ प्राधान 12 14 16 20 22 24 26 SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA, Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 30 32 34 36 222. राफात ठार यं (उठेघথवাशव याना घলমানघरय अनु घालनमा त्रयी घटना घरखेत बदरीत्र वाघम घरा जवारেघरসतारात प्राधले घरं घालन घर को उन সঘকমঅনঠনहा वाद ॐ धन हाघाना वना श्रीनाला घरकी उद्या हप्ता मद अघर घाल) देह महाबाड घनदाट कर जल घरत রতসঘতন সত8 পকলजंসত58 घाघघता बघता कातने । प्राताना POSTE SEAL ( FROM PHOTOGRAPHS . 8 FRONT VIEW. SIDE VIEW. 28 30 32 34 36 Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 6.] INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF HAMMIR OF RANTHAMBHOR. 45 24 vadbhiḥ (11) bhåvibhis-cha (llt) A-chandr-arka-kshiti-sama-kälan pålaniyam [ilo] Atra dharm-anu25 sam (barn)sina blokāḥ [ll] Bhimi-dana-samam dānam na bhūtam na bhavishyati dáněna ya26 ta(t) phalam proktam pålanõna tato-dhikar [4*] Va(ba)hubhir-Vaasu dhå da[t®] tā răjabhiḥ Sagar-a27 dibhiḥ [lo] yasyayasya yada bhimis-tasyatasya tada phalam [5] Mä hhümi. 'phala Third Plate. 28 sarkå vaḥ (It) para-da[t*]t-sti parthivaḥ sva-dânăt=phalam-anantys[m] para datt-ånapălanam | [6] 29 Sva-dattăm para-dattām-vă 70 haršti(te) vasundharam sva-[vi]-shthấyám ksimir-bb ütvå pitsibhiḥ saha 30 pachyate|| [7] Asåropi cha samsărē jivitasya phala dvayam [*) pălanan para-kirtti(tı)nă[m] 31 svayam kartritvam-övacha || [8] Anuchintya éri(i)yam jivyam padma-patr-åņuvind[u] vata(t) [1] vu(bu) [dh]vätr-Odáhri(hri)tam 32 sarvvam na lopyāḥ para-kirttaya) || [98] Asmad-vamsa(fa)-ja-bhupatir-yadi punar-bhup-nya-vams-0(6-0)33 dbhavo mad-dattam paripála [y]d-iha mahim tasmaidhfit-my-amjaliri [I 10®]Mata(t)-63(chchhà) sane pi34 tri(tri)-pitämaha-bhämi-bhåga-madhya-pradatta iha yaḥ kurutė-pakärarn Sambhoh pura[b*]sthita-va(ba)35 [hu]-dvija-vatsa-po(ghi)ta-niḥsantatiḥ sakala-janma-latöshu bhūyät || [11] Bhūmiņ yaḥ pratigri36 [hộati] yasya(yas-cha) bhumim prayaschJchhati | ubhau (tjan (panya-karmånau niyatau svarga-gäminau [ll] [12] 37 [Asya Kala-paņdi]ta[sya] vaņika(8)-Ganě[s]varðņa li(li)khitam-iti | No. 6.-INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF HAMMIR OF RANTHAMBHOR, DATED (V.S.) 1345. By R. R. HALDEB, RAJPUTANA Museum, AJMER This inscription is engraved on a stone slab which is built into a niche of the reservoir in front of the temple of Kavälji (Kapalībvara) lying in the Balvan estate of the Kotah principality of Rajputānā. It was discovered by Rai Bahadur Pandit Gaurishankar Hirachand Ojha, who gave a brief account of it in the Annual Report of the Rājputānā Museum at Ajmer for the year 1920-21. It is in a good state of preservation. On account of its importance for the history of the Chauhāns of Ranthambhor as well as the Paramāras of Mälwå, a detailed notice of it seems to be necessary, and is given below with the text based on the ink impressions kindly placed at my disposal by the said scholar. + Superfluous. The syllable pha is written below the line. . Read blusaphala- as in other inscriptions • The second balf of verse 10 is missing. Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. The inscription contains thirty-nine verses written in twenty-nine lines with nearly half a line of prose at the end. The character is Nagari of the thirteenth century A.D., common in Rajputana during that period. The letters show no peculiarity except in one or two instances, namely, in and fer (lines 4 and 21 respectively) where it is written in a different way from that in other lines. Also, , when joined to a letter, is written in a quite different way as in wure (1.5), farfa (1. 19), etc. Such xs and s are generally found in the inscriptions of earlier period. Also is written in two ways as in and at in lines 1 and 19 respectively. The letters are on the average about " in height and the area covered by the writing is about 3 sq. ft. The language is Sanskrit throughout with some occasional mistakes which are duly shown in the foot-notes accompanying the text. As regards orthography, it may be noted that is used for b throughout. Consonants are mostly doubled after r as in रविन सुवर्ण, दुम् विनित, बितीर्ष्या, etc. ( lines 5, 7, 9 and 16 respectively). Anusvāra is mostly used for nasals as in a, e, dy, i, d, etc., in II. 1, 2, 11, 15 and 16 respectively and also at the end of stichs and hemistichs, as in great (1. 7), afaret (1. 24), a (1. 22) and at (1. 26), etc., and is redundant in tara (1. 7). The symbol ri is used in others but not in fata (1. 19). Redundant strokes are to be seen as in 11. 3, 10, 24, etc. The inscription is a prasasti of the Chauhan kings of Ajmer and Ranthambhor, and gives a eulogistic description of the family of the minister of Hammira, the last Chauhan king of Ranthambhor. After the usual invocation of Ganesa and Kapalisvara Śiva, it names the surroundings of the temple in front of which it is found, and mentions the Chakrataţinî, Mandakini and Ketumukha as flowing close by it (vv. 1-2). It then praises the Chauhan rulers. Prithviraja, the well-known Chauhan king of Ajmer, is mentioned in the fifth verse; while Vägbhata, the Chauhan king of Ranthambhor, in the sixth. Jaitrasimha, who succeeded Vägbhata, is mentioned as having harassed Jayasimha of Manḍapa and killed the Karma king and a king of Karkarälagiri (vv. 7-8). He is also said to have defeated hundreds of brave warriors of the king of Malwa at Jhampaitha-Ghaṭṭa (Ghat), and kept them as prisoners at Rapastarbhapura (v. 9). Hammira succeeded Jaitrasimha and is said to have defeated Arjuna in a battle, thereby depriving Malwa of the fame and glory which it then enjoyed (v. 11). He also erected a three-storied golden palace called Pushyaka (? Pushpaka) at Rapastambhapura (v. 12). Next, the family of Hammira's minister is described. In it, both Narapati, the minister of Jaitrasimha and Hammira (v. 35), and his wife Nayaéri stand prominent on account of their many acts of charity. Verse 13 says that Ananta, Sedha, and Sridhara were born in suc cession in the Katariya-Kayastha family, which migrated from Mathura. After them came Lakshana whose son Purnapala had a son named Yamunapala (vv. 14-15). His son Sōmaņa married Sōmaladevi, daughter of Devaraja (v. 16). His son was Narapati (v. 17). Narapati's younger brother was Sripati and wife was Nayasri, who got herself weighed against various metals ten times (vv. 18-20). She had five sons, namely, Padmasimha, Thiru, Lōla, Lakshmidhara, and Soma (vv. 22-30). Padmasimha's son was Mokshasimha (v. 31). Thirü had two sons Kesava and Sodha (v. 32). Lola's son was Gangadeva, and Soma's was Jaysaithha (v. 33). Then, the name of the composer of the record is given as Vaijäditya, who was the Purana-reciter at the court of king Hammira (v. 39). In the prose line at the end, the date is given as Samvat 1345 (A.D. 1288) and also the name of the Sutradhara (engraver), viz., Gajaka, son of Trivikrama. As regards the places or other names mentioned in the inscription Kapalisvara (v. 2) and Kardamalēsvara (v. 34) are still represented by the local name Kavalji. Chakratațini is Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 6.] INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF HAMMIR OF RANTHAMBHOR. the Chakana which flows to the left of Kavälji's temple. Mandakini is the Madākapa which flows behind the temple. Mandapa (v. 7) is the famous fortress of Manḍu. Jhampaithā Ghatta, as the name shows, might be a hill pass or a river ford somewhere in or about the Kotah territory. Kētumukhā (v. 2) and Karkaralagiri (v. 8) I cannot identify. Rapas tambhapura is the fortress of Rapathambhor in the Jaipur State. Pashyaka (v. 12) may be the old palace of Hammira. As to the personages spoken of in the inscription, Prithviraja is the famous chivalrous Chauhan king of Ajmer. Vägbhata was the fourth in succession from Govindaraja,1 and is also known as Bahaḍa or Bahaḍadeva. He went for some time to Malwa owing to some internal dissension with his nephew, and consequently Ranthambhor fell into the hands of the Muhammadans. He, however, soon returned and once more became master of Ranthambhor. He was twice attacked by Ulugh Khan in the time of 'Alau-d-din Khalji. Jaitrasimha (v. 7) was the son and successor of Vagbhata. In Samvat 1339 (A.D. 1283), he handed over the reins of Government to his son Hammira and went into seclusion. Hammira (v. 10) was the last independent Chauhan king of Ranthambhōr. His fame is sung in many a Sanskrit and Prakrit verse. According to the Hammira-mahākāvya, the date of his accession is Samvat 1339 (A.D. 1283), but, according to the genealogy given at the end of the Prabandhakosha, it is Samvat 1342 (A.D. 1285). He led a series of successful warlike expeditions into different countries. In one of the many battles fought by him, he is said to have defeated Rājā Arjuna of Saraspura a fact which does not quite agree with that of this inscription. He was killed in Samvat 1358 (A.D. 1301). Jayasimha (v. 7), who was harassed by Jaitrasimha, was the Paramāra king Jayasimhadeva III of Malwa. He succeeded Jayavarman II between Samvat 1317 and 1326 (A.D. 1260 and 1269), and ruled from A.D. 1261-1280.7 The Kürma king, who is said to have been killed by Jaitrasimha (v. 8), belonged to the Kachhavaha (Kachchhapaghata or Kachchhapäri) family of Amber. It is generally believed that the Kachhavaha prince Pajjuna was one of the great vassals of Prithviraja III of Ajmer. So, the Kurma king mentioned above must be a descendant of Pajjupa. The Kachhavahas of Amber belonged to the junior branch of the Kachhavahas of Gwalior. They were the descendants of Sumitra, the younger son of Mangalaraja, the third Kachhavaha ruler of Gwalior. According to the writer Muhnot Nainsy (A.D. 1610-1670), Sōdha (Sōdhadeva), who belonged to this junior branch, migrated to Rajputana and took Dyosa in Jaipur territory from the Baragujaras, and established his rule there. 10 His descendants took Amber from the Minas and made it their capital. Amber remained the capital of the Kachhavahas of Rajputānā till the time of Sawai Jaisimha (A.D. 16991743) whe founded the modern city of Jaipur. As to Arjuna (v. 11) of Malwa, who is said to 1 He was the founder of the ruling dynasty of the Chauhans of Ranthambhör. After the death of his father Prithviraja in A.D. 1192, he was appointed governor of Ajmer by Muhammad Ghori but was soon driven out of Ajmer towards Ranthambhor by his uncle Hariraja (Hemraja or Hiraj). (Briggs' Ferishte, Vol. I, p. 193.) 2 Indian Antiquary, Vol. VIII, pp. 63-64. Elliot's History of India, Vol. II, pp. 367-70. The Hammira-mahākāvya, Sarga 8, ślōka 56. Ind. Ant., Vol. VIII, p. 64, n. 14. Indian Antiquary, Vol. VIII, p. 64. Ibid., p. 73, n. 20. The Parmaras of Dhar and Malwa by Captain C. E. Luard and K. K. Lele, p. 41. Tod's Rajasthan, Vol. II, p. 717, n. 3. Cunningham's Arch. Sur. of India, Vol. II, p. 374. 47 Muhnot Nainsy's Khyata (manuscript), pp. 63-64. [Muhnot Nainey was the minister of the Maharaja Jaswant Singh (A.D. 1635-78) of Jodhpur and was a reliable writer of historical accounts of Rajputana] 10 Muhnot Nainsy's Khyata (manuscript), p. 64. Supplementary notes to Tod's Rajasthan (in Hindi) by R. B. Pt. Gourishankar H. Ojha, p. 373. Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. - have been defeated by Hammira (v. 11), he must be designated as Arjunavarman II in the genealogy of the Paramāra rulers of Mālwā, as stated by Pandit Gourishankar Hirāchand Ojha and is different from the king named Arjuna or Arjunavarman who ruled Mālwa, but died before Samvat 1275 (A.D. 1218) and consequently could not be the contemporary of Hammira of this record. In fact, he (Arjuna of this record) was the sixth in succession from Arjunavarman I and, therefore, must be the successor of Jayasimhadēva III of Malwa, who was defeated by Hammira's father Jaitrasimha. The defeat of Arjuna might have taken place between Samvat 1339 and 1345 (A.D. 1283 and 1288); that is, between the period of Hammira's accession and the date of this record. The genealogy of the Chauhāns of Ajmer and Ranthambhor in the light of this inscription and other authorities would be : The Chauhāns of Ajmer. Arņõrāja. Annalladēva. Anaka. Anáka. Vigraharaja IV. Visaladēva. Jagadēva. Sõmēsvara Prithvibhata. Prithvīrāja II. Prithvidēva. Pēthadadēva. Aparagāngēya. Amaragāngěya. SAmaragangu. Nägarjuna. Prithvirāja III. Hariraja. Govindarāja. * The Chauhåns of Ranthambhor. 1. Govindarāja. 2. Balhanadēva. 3. Prahladadēva. 4. Vägbhata. 5. Jaitragimna. 6. Hammira, (1283-1301 A.D.). Viranārāyaṇa. 1 According to Prithviraja-rijaya, Hammira-mahakavya and several inscriptions. Professor Kielhorn read this name as Avelledēvs (Ind. Ant., Vol. XIX, p. 218). Te same is written in Duff's Chronology, p. 184. The correct name, however, is Annalladéve. * This name is given by Abul Fazl in his dini-Akbari. [Cunningham's Arch. Sut. of India, Vol. 1, p. 159.) • According to the Hammira-mahäkävya. Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PROFESSOR DR. E. HULTZSCH, PH. D. LATE GOVERNMENT EPIGRAPHIST (1886–1908). Born: 29th March 1857 Died: 16th January 1927 at Dresden, Germany. at Halle (Saale), Germany. Photo-engraved printed at the Omces of the survey of Indir, Onleutta, 1927 Page #71 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 6.) INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OP HAMMIR OF RANTHAMBHOR. The position of Arjuna of this record in the genealogy of the Paramāra rulers of Malwa commencing from Arjunavarman I would be (according to the inscriptions): 1. Arjunavarman I. (1210-15 A.D.). 2. Devapāladsva (1218-35 A.D.). 3. Jayatugidēva or Jayasimha II. (1243-57 A.D.). 4. Jayavarman II. (1257-60 A.D.). 5. Jayasimhadeva III. (A.D. 1269-....).1 6. Arjuna or Arjunavarman II. TEXT. [Metres :-Vv.1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 15, 19 to 22, 28 to 39, Anushpubh 3 v. 2, Sardalavikridita, v. 5, Aryā; vv. 6 and 13, Giti ; vv. 8 and 10, Vasantatilakā; vv. 11 and 26, Indravajra; v. 14, Rathoddhata; v. 16, Svāgatā; v. 17, Pajihatikā; v. 18, Upajali%3; v. 23, Salini%; v. 244 Hariņi; v. 25, Bhujangaprayata ; v. 27, Sikhariņi.] भों ॥ [शं] वो 'संवोदरी देयादेककालं कलत्रयोः । "वधिसिद्ध्योः स्तनमर्थ हैतोरिव चतुर्भुजः । १[1] दद्रुश्लोपदकुष्ठदुष्टवपुषामाधिं विनिम्नवृणां कारस्पेन समोहितं वितनुतां देवः कपालोखरः । वामे यस्य चकास्ति चक्रतटिनी पृष्ठे च मंदाकिनो नियत्केतु मुखापगा. जलवह कंडं प्रसिहं पुरः ॥२[1] यदंतिके श्रावतां कुलको टिविमुक्तिदः । अनादियादपोद्यापि दृश्यते किल मालिः ॥[."] चाहमाननरेंद्राणां वंयो विजयतामयं । उपायुज्यत यहंडः कलो गीतषरक्षणे ॥४[0"] क.. लिकालकेसरिकुलचस्यहोचक्ररक्षणे दक्षाः । प्रभवन्विजितविपक्षाः पृथिवीराजादयो भूपाः ॥५[.] तये राजानो भानव इच(व) वैधवा 'वभूवांसः । वाग्भट देवप्रमुखा जनकुमुदोशासनकसहावाः [] ततोभ्युदयमासाद्य त्रसिंहरविर्ववः । अपि मंडपमध्यस्थ जयसिंहमतो तपत् ॥[n"] कूर्मक्षितोशकमठोHis reign may have lasted longor than 1280 A.D., vida f. n. 7 on p. 47 above. ! Kead tao. • Bend gir. The strokes are redundunt. Read maate: Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50 6 7 8 9 10 11 127 13 14 15 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. aforceपोठी विलुंट (ठ) कठोर कुठारधारः । यः कर्करालगिरिपालकपालपालिखेलत्करालकर वालकरो विरेजे 15 [1"] येन पारथाच [r] लवेशभटा: शतं । 'वा रणस्तंभपुरे चिता नीताब दासतां ॥ [*] तस्मिन्वत्वं धनदाननिदान - पुण्यपस्यैः पुरंदरपुरोतिलकायमाने । 'सान्यमाव्यपरि [Vot XIX. तोषितव्यवाही हंमीर भूपतिरविंद ( द ) स भूतधायाः [*] 12 [#* ] यः कोटिहोमचितयं चकार श्रेणीं गजानां पुनरानिनाय । निर्जित्य येनार्जुनमा जिमूर्ध्नि श्रीमालवस्योजग्गृहे हठेन ॥ ११[ ॥ * ] रणस्तंभपुरै दु[र्गो] वेश्म पुष्य (ष्य) कसंज्ञकं । तिसृभिर्भूमिभिर्युक्त' य: कांचनमचौकरत् ॥१२[*] मथुरापुरीविनिर्मामकाय [स्थ] कटारियान्ववायाको' । जाता अनंतसेढश्रीधरसंज्ञाः क्रमेण मणयः प्राक् ॥ १३[ ॥ *] लक्षणाधिको लक्ष्यलचणविचक्षणोभवत् । यबलत्वा ।" लक्षणस्तदनु मलको मलेक्षणो व ब ) धुवत्सलतयेव लक्ष्मणः ॥ १४ [ ॥ *] पूर्णपालः स भूपालप्रियोस्य तनयोभवत् । यः प्राप यमुनापालम'वालचरितं सुतं ॥ १५[ ॥ *] तस्य सूनुरज निष्ट वरिष्टो (ष्ठो) विष्टपेपि खलु सोमणसंज्ञः । देवराजदुहिता परिणोता येन शीलनिधिसोमलदेवी ॥ १६ [*] तस्य सुतोजनि नरपतिनामा भानुकृशानुक ।' नकसमधामा । यगुणजनितकीर्त्तिमृदुवामा दूरमियति सततमभिराम [1*] ॥१७ [॥*] तस्यानुजन्मा• भवदग्ग्रकमा स श्रीपतिः श्रीपतिसक्तचेताः । अन्यां 1 Read • Read यावी. 1 This stroke is redundant. गनासोदरताव्रतं यो दधौ सुधासंघमिवास्वतांशः ॥ १८ [॥*] श्रीमत्परमनामाख्यमोत्रा धेरिंदिरोपमा । मयत्रोरिति विख्याता भार्या नरपतेरभूत् [[[*] १९[*] ए[क]मि (स्मि) में (ओ) व दिवसे स्नात्वा सुधबुधा' । • Rend साम्रा ● This stroke is redundant. & Rand "धे" .} • Read टुक्रं. ● Bend बाल • Rend बुधौ. Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 6.] 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF HAMMIR OF RANTHAMBHOR. ताबकांस्यादिवस्तूनां ददो सा दमधा तुलां ॥२०[॥*] वाचस्मद्रो सिंहनते गौतम्यां स्नातया यया । मुंब विप्रेभ्यो विती चैनकः शतं ॥ २१[*] व्यावलात्कुंडलाचारनेत्रा भूतिविभू[षि]ताः । व (ब) भूवस्तसुताः पंच महेश्वरमुखोपमाः ॥२२ [n] तेषु ज्येष्ठः पद्मसिंहों नि रोहो दोषव्यूहेष्वस्ति यत्कोर्त्तिहंस्या 1 प्रत्यर्थिस्त्रीवऋपात्रात्रिपीतं हास्यचोरं गंभो विमुक्तं ॥ २३ ॥ * ] यदतिललितं रूपं दृड्डा स्मज्वरतप्तया सुसरसि तथा सस्ने कत्स्ने कयापि मृगोशा | तदुदकभरैरुष्णीभूतैर्भृशं परितापितः सकलसकुलव्यूहो 'वाटतानि पतन्यथा ॥ २४ [ ॥ *] परिज्ञात• ॥ सप्ताश्वमंचैकसागे 'वभूव द्वितीयच रुदारः I प्रियांभोजपुंजस्थितिं योत्र लक्ष्मीमधात्याचहस्ता—जगामेव शुमो [*]|२५[*] लोलन (स्तृतीयस्त्रि पुरापराध' पादा' पूजाधिगतप्रसादः । भानूजवातोयतरंग सँगिहंसत्रियं विश्वदसंभ्रमो -- भूत् ॥ २५ [ ॥ * ] चतुर्थो भूनाथस्तुतविविधदेशोद्भव प्र' वोधप्रावी: समजनि स पदनवधा निहितं शंकादोनां लिपि - लक्ष्मीवर इति । यमाजग्मुर्व्विद्या युगमाला 'व फलरसालद्रुममिव ॥२७ [*] सत्वरं गत्वरं मत्वा वित्तं वाडवसेवया । पात्रत्राकृ' तस[र्व्व]स्वो यो वदान्यान्व्यािपत् ॥ २८ [*] सोमः स पंचमो जोयादपूवं यन्मुखांबुवं" । समस्थितवहि" ॥" श्मीरं वो अभग्न मानम जडमकलंक विलोक्य यं । हृदये तवात् ||१० [*] पद्मसिंहस्य तनयो मोक्षसिंहः मातुरः प्रियं कु []]न्दीर्घमायुरवाप्नुयात् ॥ ३१[ ॥ *] दीर्घजीवितं । तचैकः केशवो माया द्वितीयः 1 Bond बाही. • Rend "जमा". 1 Read ra. 30 Rend 13 The strokes are redundant. 51 The strokes are redundant. ● Road दाज ● Read बहु 11 Bead af. सरखती ॥ २८ [ ॥ *] मर्षमालिन्यमिदुईसॅकके सदा पितुः । घोरूनास्त्रोस्ति तनयद्दितयं सोटसंज्ञ- 23 Read बभूव Read faw. • Better read पान सारक. 13 The strokes are redundant. H 2 Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. * wronarma woma [VoL.XIX. कः ॥३२[*] गांगदेवो(वस्तु गंगाया लब्धो लोलात्मजः सुखी । जयसिंहस्तु सोमस्य सूनुः 'स्तात्सूतप्रियः ॥२३[*] कईमालखरस्थाग्रे ज्ञानवापोति नामतः । शि लासु वक्षसीपान कुंडं नरपतिबंधात् ॥ ३४[*] जैत्रसिंहस्य भूभतः थोहमीरपस्य च । नीतियाखेषु निष्णातो यो लेभे मंत्रिमुख्यतां ॥३५[*] सहैव धोर स्वामिन्या सप्ता: कुलदेवता । यत्कुलेनादिपुरुषादारभ्याद्यापि पूज्यते ॥३६[*] रणस्तंभपुर दुर्गे देवालयचतुष्टयं । कारयामास वा पी च ग्रामे पिप्पलवाटके ॥३७[*] . सिंहपुर्यों कुरुक्षेत्रे गोदावा क्रमेण यः । गवां सहस्रमकैकं विप्रेभ्यः प्रत्यपादयत् ॥३-[*] बोहंमोरनृवी. - रस्य पौराणिकपदे स्थितः । वैजादित्यो नृपामात्य [:] प्रशस्तिमतनोदिमां ॥३८[*] संवत् १३४५ वर्षे घटिता सूचधारत्रिविक्रमसुतगाजुकेन ॥ No. 7.-AHAR STONE INSCRIPTION. By Daya Ram SAHNI, M.A., RAI BAHADUR, The stone slab on which this inscription is engraved is stated to have been discovered in a ruined house in the ancient town of Ahär situated on the banks of the Ganges at a distance of seven miles north of Anūpshahr and twenty-one miles from Bulandshahr. Mr. W. E. J. Dobbs. Collector of Bulandshahr, was informed of this discovery when he was camping at Ahär for the Christmas week of 1923, and at the suggestion of the Hon'ble Mr. R. Burn, C.S.I., of the Board of Revenue, United Provinces, the inscribed stone has been transferred to the Provincial Museum, Lucknow. The impression published with this paper has been kindly supplied by Mr. Prayag Dayal, the Curator of that institution. According to Mr. H. R. Nevill, I.C.S., the name of Ahār is locally derived from ahi and här (Sanskrit kāra), the killing of the serpent, and the present town is said to be the place where Janamējaya performed the great Snake-sacrifice. Abār is also locally believed to have been the residence of Rukmini, the wife of Krishna, and the temple of Ambikādēvi at Muhammadpur is said to be that from which Krishna carried her off. The numerous mounds in and about Abär show that the town was the seat of a Hindu principality for some centuries previous to the Musalman invasion. None of these mounds has yet been explored. I Read भा. * [Perbaps a gar is meant. --Ed.] • Read 'मुबा • Bulandshahr Gazetteer, p. 172. [Evidently an instance of popular etymologs.-Md.] . [Bat that was in Vidarbha (Berat) - Ed ] Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 7.) AHAR STONE INSCRIPTION. The inscription consists of twenty-eight lines which cover a space of 3'4" X 1' 81". The whole of the inscription is in a perfect state of preservation except for a portion measuring 8" x 5" which is defaced on account of the flaking off of the stone in the upper left corner of the slab. Three or four letters have also mostly disappeared in the lowest or last line. The letters measure about half an inch in height exclusive of the vowel marks. The characters are Nāgari of about the 10th century A.D., and are regularly and beautifully formed and artistically engraved from beginning to end. The language of the inscription is Sanskrit prose throughout, though the author of the record would seem to have been equipped with a meagre knowledge of Sanskrit grammar while some of the mistakes appear to betray the influence of the vernacular of the period. As regards orthography, ba has throughout been denoted by the sign for va, while the dental sibilant has often been employed in place of the palatal. Besides this we notice many other mistakes and defects of various kinds. Some of these are : The use of the vowel for fr and & in eas in place of afas (11. 14, 16 and 20) and #tat for faarat (1. 24) and for (11. 11 and 27); the use of for sy (1. 3), a for FUS (1.5) and apa for aa (11. 12, 18 and 21); the use of short vowels in place of long ones as in w a r in place of what atât (1. 3, etc.); single consonants for double ones and vice versa, as in wat for g (11. 7, 10, etc.), Centar for m * (11. 7 and 20), महाननेन for महाजनेन (11. 6, 20, etc.), पाधा for पाघाट (ll. 9, 10, 13, etc.) and भाइक for भाटक (II. 10, 11, 21, etc.). Examples of wrong sandhi are oqro for atao (1.1); femtio for afaro (1. 5, etc.). In some cases sandhi is ignored between the component parts of the same compound as in gaf Tin 1.2; faqeemt in l. 6; HERZ in 1. 10; HEITA*: (1.13), etc. Specimens of extraordinary sandhi, one of which is repeated several times in the inscription, are चावार्याराघाटा in place of पावायाँ भाघाटा and पूर्वतो इसव for पूर्वत इहैव (1. 4). Examples of wrong absolutives are al for HT (1. 11), and ratat for retas (11. 8 and 18). Examples of irregular participles are sfaatria: (1.3) and face atat: (1.17), etc. As regards the treatment of nouns, we observe the omission of case-endings in (0)1998 (1. 3), Ayna (1. 8), trufa (1. 10), etc. Sometimes wrong cases have been employed : Ct. favnet for fandt (1.4), uit at for ugo (1.4), wory for var TT (1.7), etc. Bases ending in consonants are in some cases declined like those ending in ২, ৫.9., ৰব in place of ৭ (l 9), and ৰৰি for ঘি (l. 28). In connection with compounds, the visarga is sometimes wrongly used in the earlier components, of. Giga:904° (1. 1). As instances of irregular causatives and their derivativer, ve notice afufuator (1.3), grafa (1. 7) and v 9 (11.5 and 28). In the text given below many of the mistakes have been corrected in round brackets. Owing to bad grammar the meaning of some of the passages remains uncertain. For this reason only a comprehensive summary of the contents instead of a complete translation is given. Like the Siyaçõni stone inscription, the present epigraph is a collective public copy of a series of ten separate documents recorded at different dates. The inscription itself is not dated. but each of the component records contains its own date. Inscription No. I is interesting inasmuch as it is dated in the reign of the Paramabhattāraka Mahārājādhiraja Paramë. Svars and illustrious Bhojadēva (of Kanauj), the successor and, presumably, the son of the Paramabhattāraka Mahārājādhiraja Paransēsvaja and illustrious Rāmabhadradēva. Other kaown inscriptions of this king are the Devgadh Jain pillar inscription of the Vikrama year Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 919 and the Saka year 784, the Pehevä (Pehoa) inscription of the Harsha-Samvat 276, the undated prasasti at Gwalior, the inscription in Pandavo-ka-kila at Delhi, the Gwalior inscription of Vikrama-Samvat 932, and the Gwalior inscription of Vikrama-Samvat 933." The remaining nine documents of the present inscription do not mention the names of the kings who were ruling at the time they were recorded. Nine of the ten dates mentioned in the inscriptions are given in terms of the Harsha era, though the name of the era is nowhere specified. This is also the case in the Dighwa Dubauli plate of Maharaja Mahendrapaladeva and other inscriptions, the dates of which must evidently be referred to the Harsha era. It will be ob served that the tens and units figures of the dates in the first two inscriptions are denoted by numerical symbols, and the hundreds by ordinary numeral figures, as is the case with the dates of the remaining eight inscriptions. These dates range between the years 258 and 298, corresponding respectively to A.D. 864 and A.D. 904. The tenth inscription, i.e., No. IV of the series, is dated in the Vikrama year 943. The exact duration of the reign of Bhojadeva is not known and all that we know at present is that he was ruling at Kanauj (Mahodaya or Kanyakubja) in the years 862, 875, 876 and 882. Smith assigned to Bhoja a reign of half a century (oiros 840890 A.D.), although no inscription of as early a date as A.D. 840 and attributable to his rule was forthcoming when he wrote. This want is now supplied by an inscription of Bhoja found at Barah, District Cawnpore, which is dated in the Vikrama-Samvat 893 (A.D. 836) and has recently been published. It clearly shows that the king had come to the throne of Kanauj even four years sarlier than had been tentatively supposed by the late Mr. Smith. There is, however, no epigraphical evidence of Bhoja having continued to reign beyond A.D. 882 and consequently we can only refer documents Nos. I, II and IX with certainty to Bhoja and Nos. III, VIII and X to his successor Mahendrapala, who, we know from the Siyadōni inscription, was reigning between the years 903-04 and 907-08 A.D. The remaining four inscriptions (Nos. IV to VII) whose dates range between A.D. 886 and A.D. 902 must have been issued in the time of either Bhoja or Mahendrapāla. Summary of the inscription. Document No. I. [Lines 1-2.] This epigraph simply states that on the tenth tithi of the dark fortnight of Märggasira, (Harsha)-Samvat 259 (=A.D. 865), (given in words and figures), in the reign of Mahārājādhirāja Bhōjadēva, meditating on the feet of Mahārājādhiraja Ramabhadradova, this excellent eulogy was engraved at Tattänandapura at the bidding of the messenger, the danḍapāsika Amarāditya and under the orders of the illustrious (and) noble Chaturvvaidya, i.e., the community of Brahmanas acquainted with the four Vedas. Document No. II. [11. 2-6.] This inscription appears to state that on the tenth tithi of the dark fortnight of Ashadha, [Harsha]-Samvat 258 (in words and figures), Bhadraprakasa, son of Bhaddāka Ambuvaka of the vanik-varkkata caste which had migrated from Bhillamāla and was residing at Tattanandapura, and Maumka, son of Gōsuka and of the Lambakanchuka-vanik caste, purchased with drammas belonging to the illustrious Kanchanadevi, 1 Ep. Ind., Vol. V, App., List of Inscriptions of Northern India, Nos. 14, 15, 16 and 546; 4. S. R., 1903-04, pp. 277 seq., and the Annual Report of the Ajmer Museum for 1923-24, p. 3 respectively. The Delhi inscription was found built in a modern flight of steps inside the Talaqi gate of the Pandavo-ki-kila or the Indrapat Fort, as it is commonly called. At my suggestion this inscription has been taken out and placed in the Delhi Fort Museum. [The Barah copper-plate may also be added to this list.-Ed.] Oxford History of India, p. 183. See above, pp. 15. "Now called Chaube.-Ed.] Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 7.1 an avāri (a shop or enclosure), which contained three rooms, together with entire elevation, and that the community of the Sauvarnnika traders together with the two persons Bhadra and Mäumka assigned the avārī in question to the aforesaid temple of Kanchanadevi to provide funds for perpetual cleaning and plastering, saffron, flowers, incense, lamps, flags, whitewashing and the repairs of broken and cracked buildings. Obviously what is meant by the passage is that the materials, etc., mentioned above, were to be provided for out of the rent of the place acquired and the entire community of the sauvaranikas, with sons, grandsons and other deseendants, is enjoined to respect the transaction mentioned in the record. The inscription contains a detailed description of the situation and boundaries (chaturaghata) of the avari, which stood in the centre of the town (Tattanandapura), in the middle portion of the eastern bazaar. AHAR STONE INSCRIPTION. 55 Document No. III. [11. 6-7.] Like document No. I, this epigraph also simply records that this inscription was engraved at Tattānandapura at the bidding of the messenger Kaluvā and under the orders of the illustrious Uttara-sabha (Supreme-association), on the eighth tithi of the bright fortnight of the month of Chaittra, when two hundred years of the [Harsha] era increased by ninety-eight (=A.D. 904) had elapsed. Document No. IV. [ll. 7-11.] This inscription registers the fact that there were four persons, named Madhava, the son of Naga, who was the son of...., his (Madhava's) younger brother Madhusudana, Kesava, the son of Govinda, the son of Sarvvasa, and Devanaga, the son of Sarvvasa, and that, after bathing in the Ganges at a lunar eclipse, they gave, on the 13th tithi of the dark fortnight of Pausha of [Vikrama]-Samvat 943 (expired), for the increase of their parents' and their own religious merit and fame, as surety for a monthly payment of ten vimsopakās to the illustrious Kanakaśrīdāvi, a house-site which had been acquired by their grandfather Mamgalavarmman for a term of ninety-nine years and on which they had themselves constructed with burnt bricks two apavarakas (inner apartments) which faced to the east, half of which was occupied by a large pillared hall, and which were entered by doorwaya on the east side. The donors further enjoin their sons, grandsons and other descendants in succession to enjoy the rent of the above-mentioned house after they had paid every month ten visōpakās to the temple of the goddess named above. The house in question was situated in the central portion of the eastern bazaar of Tattanandapura and its boundaries were : On the east, a lane; on the south, the site of the house belonging to Vijāṭṭa; on the west, the site of the house belonging to Bhatta Indra; and on the north, the house of the merchant Ujuvāka. Document No. V. [11. 11-14.] This inscription states that on the 8th tithi of the dark fortnight of Phalguna, when 280 years of the [Harsha] era had elapsed, the gōshthi purchased with money belonging to the illustrious Kanakasridevi, by a deed of ninety-nine years, the southern half of a building site, measuring 27 cubits on each side, which was situated in the south-eastern portion of the same town and contained a dwelling of burnt brick facing to the west and two āvāris facing to the south together with all the inner apartments and total elevation, from Bhaṭṭa I(I)svara, the son of Mahādēva, and Mahādēva, the son of Asaiva, who belonged to the illustrious noble Chaturvaidya caste, residing at the illustrious Tattanandapura, with the consent of the mother Iyaṭṭā and gave it to the temple. Document No. VI. [IL. 14-16.] This inscription records that on the 11th tithi of the dark fortnight of Märggasira, when two hundred and eighty-seven years of the [Harsha] era had elapsed, an āvārī comprising three rooms, and facing towards the west, which was situated in the middle portion of the eastern bazaar, inside the town of Tattanandapura, was acquired, with padlocks and wooden doors together with entire elevation, with money belonging to the Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. ilustrious Kanakaéridevi, from the kshatriya merchant Sahāka, the son of Ichchhuka, by a sale deed of the extreme duration of ninety-nine years. The boundaries of the place were:On the east, the house belonging to the merchant Paņēka; on the south, the āvārī of Gandhasridevi; on the west, the bazaar; on the north, the avari belonging to Sarvvadēva, the son of the merchant Jayamti. Document No. VII. [11. 16-20.] This document registers the fact that on the 14th tithi of the bright fortnight of Bhadrapada in the year 296 of the [Harsha] era, the Sauvarppika Mahajana acquired, with money belonging to the illustrious Kanakasridevi, by a charter of ninety-nine years' duration, an äväri, which faced to the east, was constructed with burnt bricks, comprised three rooms, and was situated in the town of Tattanandapura in the middle portion of the eastern bazaar, together with the padlocks and doors and the entire elevation, from Bhatta Divakara, the son of Bhaṭṭa-Taragana, Achyutasiva and Damodarasiva, the sons of SaivaBhaṭṭa-Diyaka, and Anamda-Bhaṭṭa-Siva, the son of Achyutasiva, all of whom resided in Tattanandapura, belonged to the noble Chaturvvaidya caste, followed the Bahvṛicha-śākkā of the Rigveda and belonged to the Sarkaräkshi-götra. The avari in question was bounded on the east by the bazaar, on the south by the avāri belonging to the illustrious Dasavatara-ceva (ten incarnations), on the west by the temple belonging to Sri-Nanda-Bhagavati, and on the north by the avari belonging to the temple of Sarvvamangaladevi in the orchard of Sutuvāka with the consent of the mother Bhattini Mahādēvi. Document No. VIII. [11. 20-22.] This inscription was recorded at the bidding of the messenger Kavilāka and under the orders of the illustrious Uttara-sabha at Tattānandapura on the 13th tithi of the bright fortnight of Jyeshtha in the year 298 of the [Harsha] era (=A.D. 94). Here we learn that formerly (i.e., in Vikrama-Samvat 943) Sarvvasa, the son of Mamgalavarmman mentioned above (inscription No. IV), together with sons and grandsons, had given a house, facing towards the east, as a surety for the monthly payment of ten vimsopakäs out of its rent. This inscription records that the kshatriyas Kökäka and Padmanabha, the sons of Madhusudana, who resided in Tattanandapura, also Lachchhika, the wife of Devanaga, and Sampat, the wife of Madhava, made over the entire rent by a deed of ninety-nine years to the holy Kanakasridevi in consideration of payment out of the funds of the said temple by the Sauvarņņika Mahajana. Document No. IX. [11. 22-24.] This inscription states that on the 3rd tithi of the dark fortnight of Ashadha, when 261 years of the [Harsha] era had elapsed, the SauvarnnikaMahajana purchased with money belonging to the illustrious Kanchanasridevi, by a sale deed of the extreme duration of ninety-nine years, a house constructed with burnt bricks, together with its entire elevation, which faced towards the west, and was situated in the middle portion of the eastern bazaar in the town of Tattānandapura, from the merchant Madhava, the son of Levanaga who belonged to the Mathura caste and was a seller of perfumes, residing in the above-mentioned town, who had originally purchased the house with his own money. Document No. X. [ll. 24-28.] This inscription states that on the 5th tithi of the dark fortnight of Bhadrapada, in the year 298 of the [Harsha] era, the Sauvarņņika Mahājana acquired, by a deed of ninety-nine years, with money belonging to the iilustrious Kanakaśrīdēvi, six āvāris, namely, one āvārī measuring 27 cubits along each side, the northern half of which was occupied by a house built with burnt bricks, one other which comprised two rooms, also three āvāris, each comprising two rooms, and one äväri consisting of two rooms one of which faced to the north and the other to the west, from Bhatta Ïśanadatta, the son of Bhatta Kesava, who belonged to the noble Chaturvvaidya caste, the Bhāradvāja 1 Mr. H. Sastri informs me that the ninety nine years' lease is well-known in Southern India, Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 7.) AHAR STONE INSCRIPTION. götra and the Bahvpicha-sakha (of the Rigvēda). These avāris were situated in the middle portion of the north-eastern part of the town of Tattānandapura, and had descended to the seller from his father and grandfather, after being duly partitioned with his uncle, grandfather and brothers. The boundaries of the property purchased are duly mentioned and it is further remarked that whatever rent accrues from this immovable property should be religiously applied to the provision of saffron, incense, flowers, lamps, flags and to whitewashing and the repairs of the broken portions of the temple. From the above extracts it will be seen that as many as seven of the documents included in the inscription record acquisition of land or houses with the revenues of a temple of the goddess Kanakadēvi which was situated in the town of Tattānandapura. This goddess is denoted by the synonymous name of Kanchanadēvi, i.e. Kāñchanadēvi, in documents Nos. II and IX. Six of these purchases (Nos. II, VI-X) were effected by the Sauvarnnika-Mahājana while the seventh (No. V) was accomplished by goshthis or a certain goshthi, presumably the managing committee of the temple, which, apparently, controlled the Mahājana mentioned above. This assumpo tion is borne out by document No. X from which we leara that whereas the acquisition of the property mentioned therein was made by the Sauvarạnika Mahājana, it was the function of the goshthi to ensure the application of the rent derived from it to the provision of the usual materials of worship and repairs, etc. The Uttara-sabhā mentioned in inscriptions Nos. III and VIII would appear to have been identical with the goshthi referred to above or the general controlling body. The object of these purchases would appear to have been the safe investment of the income of the temple. The houses or other property thus acquired were let out on rent and the amount thus obtained was utilized for the maintenance of the temple, the entire capital thus remaining intact. The persons from whom the property referred to above was purchased were either merchants of different castes (Nos. II, VI and IX) or Bhattas, i.e., Brāhmaṇas (Nos. V, VII and X), all of whom resided in the town of Tattānandapura. It will be noticed that most of these sales were subject to a lease of ninety-nine years' duration. Inscription No. IV is the only record of a free gift which was donated by four private persons after bathing in the Ganges at a lunar eclipse. The temple of Kanakadēvi, mentioned above, was situated in the town of Tattānandapura, spelt as Tātānandapura in one or two places, which must have formed part of the dominions of Bhõjadēva as is evident from document No. I. This town was most probably identical wit) the town of Ahär where the inscription under discussion has been discovered and like which it was situated on the banks of the Ganges. Tattānandapura must have been an important town, for, besides the temple of Kanakadēvi, it contained temples dedicated to other Brahmanical deities also. Such were the temples of the goddess Nanda-Bhagavati and Vāmana-svāmin mentioned in inscription No. II ; Gandhadēvi (inscription No. VI); the ten incarnations of Vishņu and Sarvvamamgaladēvi (No. VII). Some of these edifices may still be buried in the mounds at Ahär. The town contained main bazaars (hatļa-märgga), main streets (u(b pihad-rathyā) and small streets (ku-rathyā), and the houses in it were constructed mostly with burnt bricks. It must also have been an important centre of trade, for merchants migrated to it from the distant towns of Bhillamäla (modern Bhinmāl or Bhilmäl), the ancient capital of southern Rajputāna mentioned in inscription No. II, and Apăpura (inscription No. IV) which cannot yet be identified. It is difficult to say if this place has anything to do with Apapui or Papà or Pāvā, situated seven miles to the south-east of Bihar town, where Mabāvira, the 24th Tirthankara, died or attained Kēvalihood. Vide Geographical Dictionary of Accient and Medieval Iudia, by Nandolal Dey, Indian Antiquary, October 1923, Page 148. Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Voz.xIx. The only state official mentioned in the inscription is the dandapātika Amarāditya in No. I. Only two varieties of coins are named in the inscription. These are the drammas (1. 3) and the vintöpakās (11. 10, 11 and 20). Coins of the former designation are well known. The vimbo pakās would appear to have been a fractional part of the dramma. TEXT.. [Document No. I.] 1 [परम]महारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेशरबीरामभद्रदेवपादानुध्यास:(त)परमभट्टारकमहा. राजाधिराजपरमेश्वरबीभोजदेवपादानामभिप्रवईमानकल्याणविजयराज्ये सम्ब सरपतहये एकू(को)नषष्याधिक म(मार्गशिरमासव(ब)हलपञ्चदशम्यां सम्ब सो (मराः)२५८ 2 [मार्गशिर [वदि १.पस्वां सम्बत्सरमासदिवसपूर्खायान्तिथाविह बीततानन्द प(पु)रे श्रीमदार्यचातुबद्यादेशाइडपाशिक पमरादित्यदूतकवचनामस्तेय मुवीर्या [Document No. II] तथाऽतीतसम्वत्सरपतहये अपञ्चामदधिक भाषाढमासव(बहुलपचदसम्यां सम्वत्सो (सराः) २५८ पावाढव(ब)दि १. पस्यां सम्व.3 सरमासदिव[सपूर्खायान्तिथा] विह बीतत्तानन्दपुरे प्रतिवसमामः श्रीभिजमाल विनिर्मातबणिम्बईटलातीयभद्रप्रकासनामामा) भहाकपन्मु(अंश)वाकपुच[:] तथा लम्ब(ब)कञ्चुकवणिग्जातीयमाउंक: गोमुकपुत्र[:] अनयोबांना पचमभि लिखाप्य श्रीमत्वाचनश्रीदेव्या द्रः क्रयक्रीतावारी इव पत्तनाभ्य. 4 [न्तरे] पूर्वमध्य[प्रदेश विप्रकोष्ठ(हा)] तलाईसमस्तीच्छयसमता(ता) पखा. वारा(चा) घाटा बच भवन्ति पूर्वतो(स) दहेव पत्तनाश(क)हिक्षिणा दिशि या नन्दा भगवती देवी वस्त्रास्मक पक्केष्टक एहं दक्षिणतो भहमीणाकव(ब)हिस्फोटसत्वावारी पसिमतो हमार्ग: उत्तरतो बामनवा6 [मि] . . सत्कावारी एवं [चतुराघाइ(ट)विश]. . . . [व] पत्तनाब(क)शिक्षियस्यां दिशि श्रीकचनश्रीदेव्यायतमस्य इहव थीमत्तातानन्दपुरनिवासिसौवर्मिकवणिक्म(ग्म)हाजनेन भन्माउंकाभ्यां च सदा सम्मा(म्मा)जनोपलेपनकुंकुमपुष्पधूपप्रदीपध्वजाधवलापनसिन्दूरखण्डस्फुटित · [The floral designs separating these documenta, though sen on the plate, are omitted in the text.-Ed.) · [The conjunct letter of the ligaturo goes with Sanual and the symbol for aro standa for handred. So the oorroot rending would be nomvat 100x2 (i.e., 200) etc.-Ed.] • Written below the line. The nual form would be safefcen t , though the words in the original inscription might do, if some rach wont so fa, sufe: etc. were supplied by the reader. • Here two letters are missing. Hore three or four letters are missing. Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 7.3 AHAR STONE INSCRIPTION. 59 8 [समरचनादि] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 प्रतिपादिता । यतोद्य प्रति समस्तसौवर्मिकमहाज्ज(ब)नेम पुत्रपौचाव(ब)यसहितेन यथाभिलिखितपाखनेयं कर्तव्येति ॥ [Document No. III] सथातीतसम्ब सरपतहये पष्टनवत्यधिक चैत्रमासमीत पच पाष्टम्यां सम्ब7 [मर २८८ चैत्र शु.८ पस्यां सम्वत्सरमासदिवसपू]ायामिह श्रीतत्तानन्द पुरे श्रीमदुत(स)रसभादेशादू(१)तककलुवावचनात् लिखितम स्वीमिंता च ॥ [Document No. IV] त[थ]स(था) प्रतीतसम्बत् ८४३ पौषव(ब)दि १३ प्रस्थां तिथाविह श्रीमदपापुर कार्याभ्यागताः श्रीतत्तानन्दपुरवास्त8 [व्य] . . . . . . सुतनागः नागसुतमाधवः अस्य लघुचाता मधु सूदन[:] तथा सर्वसमुनगोविन्दः अस्य सुत[:] केयवः तथा सर्बससुतदेवनाग[:] चत्वारो ये ते [ए]कमतीभूत्वा(य) श्रीतत्तानन्दपुरे पूर्व हमध्यप्रदेशे श्रीमदार्यचातुर्वे 9 बस्तिस्य] . . . . . [सत्का एहभूमि][:] अस्मदीयपितामहमंगल वम्म (म)ण(णा) नवनवतिपत्रेण ग्रहीता स्वयंकारितपूर्वाभिमुखपक्केष्टक मपवरकइयं विशालकस्तम्भसा(मा)लातलाई समस्तोच्छ्यसमेतं पूर्वहा रभोग्यं पस्याचाहा(टा) यत्र भवंति पूर्वत: कुरण्या दक्षिण10 तः विज[T] सत्वा पहभूमि:*] पश्चिमतो भट्ट-इंद्रसल्का गृहभूमि[:] उत(न)रतो वणिक-उजुवाकगई एवं चतुराधा(ट)विराई यह सोमग्रहणे गंगादेव्यां सात्वा मातापिचोरामन पुण्ययशोभिः(भिवृध्य (a) प्रतिमापचेण दस(ग)विंशोपकामासप्रदेयभा(ट)कन्यासे11 न श्रीकनक(श्री)देव्याय(व्य) प्रदत्तं अस्मदीयपुत्रपौत्रसंतत्यानुक्रमेण भाह (ट)कमध्ये विंशोपका दश दत्वा(चा) भोतव्यमिति ॥ [Document No. V] तथातीतसम्बत् २८० फाल्गुन व(ब)दि ८ पस्या तिथाविष्ट श्रीतत्तानन्दपुर प्रतिवसमानत्रीमदार्यचातुर्वेद्यसामान्यभट्टर(३)श्वर19 महादेवपुचपसेवसुतमहादेवमाताश्यहासम्म(म्म)तेन रहेव पत(स)नाभ्यंतर पूर्व दक्षिणदिग्विभाग स्वकीयकयक्रोता उभयसप्ता(H)विंशतिहस्तप्रमाणा रहभूम्यई दचिणपारवो(?)यं पश्चिमाभिमुखं पकष्टकं एहं दक्षिचाभिमुखा(ख) पावारीयं समस्तपपवHere about 22 letters are inising. [Possibly it stands for fem-Ed.) Read ° विखित. •Thad originally read पटक(का)मयबरक. I am indebted to Mr. H. Sastri for tho rending 'भपबरका. 12 Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. xIx. 13 रकैः समस्तोच्छयसमेतं पस्य ग्रहावार्योराघाहा(टा) यच भवन्ति पूर्वतः भट्ट च्छितराकमाकयो[:"] सत्कटहभूमि[:"] दक्षिणतो () हद्रथ्या पश्चिमतः कुरण्या उत(त्त)रतो(त:) सहुलाकसत्कराभूम्यई उत(त)रपारश्वो(/)यं एवं चतुराघा(ट)विशुई एहभूम्यई राहावारीयसमेतं 14 श्रीकनकयोदेव्या द्रव्येण गोष्ठि] भि[:*] (क)यक्रीता:(त) भट्टर(६)श्वरादिभिः नवनवतिपचेण विक्रीता(त) सम्पदत्ता(त्त)च(च) । [Document No. VI] तथातीतसम्बत् २८७ मार्गशिर व(ब)दि ११ अस्यां तिथाविह श्रीतत्तानंदपुरे प्रतिवसमानराजा चतु(चि)यान्वयः वणिकसहाक इच्छुकपुच हैव 15 पत(त्त)नाभ्यंतरे पूर्व मध्यप्रदेशे स्वकीय क्रयक्रौता पश्चिमाभिमुखावारी त्ति(वि)प्रकोष्ठा तलो(ला), तालकपट्टकसमस्तीछयसमेतास्वावार्या [पा*]घाहा(टा) यच भवंति पूर्वत: वणिक्पाणेकसत्करहं दक्षिणतो(त:) श्रीगन्धवीदेव्या वारी पश्चिमतः हमार्गः उत(त)रती व. 16 णिजयंति सुतसर्वदेवसत्कावारी एवं चतुराधाह(ट)विशुद्धा पश्चिमाभिमुखा वागे श्रोकनकयोदेव्या द्रव(व्ये)ण सौवनिकमहाजनेन क्रय क्रीता क्षत(चि). यमाहाकन नवनवतिवर्षाण्यां (णां) चावत्यंतिकविक्रयपत्रेण विक्रीता संप्रदतान (त्ता) च ॥ [Document No. VII] तथा संव17 त्सरशत' २८६ भाद्रपद शुदि १४ अस्यां तिथाविह श्रीतत्तानन्दपुरे प्रतिव समाना[:"] श्रीमदा[य]चातुर्वेद्यसामान्या: शर्कराक्षिसगोचा: व(ब)एचस[ब]. चारिणा(णो) भट्टदिवाकरभट्टतारागणपुचतथासैवभदौयाकपुत्रो पच्युत शिवदामोदरशिवो अस्य अच्युतशिis व[स्य*] पुत्रो(चः) आनंदभवृशिवो मातम(भ)टिनोमहादेवोसम्म (म्म)तेन एकमती. भूत्वा(य) इहैव पत(त) नाभ्यंतरे पूर्वहमध्यप्रदेशे पूर्वाभिमुखा पक्केष्टका. ति(चि)प्रकोष्ठा तलो(ला)ई सालकपटकसंयुक्तावागे समस्तीच्छ्यसमेता भदौयाकेन स्वयमा(म)जिंता क्रयेण अस्या वार्यारा(पा)19 घाट्टा(टा) यच्च भवंति पूर्वतः इहमार्ग[:.] दक्षिणतो(तः) श्रोदशावतार देवसत्कावारी पश्चिमत: श्रोनन्दाभगवत्या[:] सत्कराह उत(त्त)रतोपि सुतुवाकवाहि(टि)कायां श्रोसर्वमंगल देव्यायतन(न) सत्कावागे एवं चतुराघाह(ट)विशुद्धावारो थोकनकशोदेव्या[:] द्रव्येष सौरसिकमहा I Read नयी:• The word - Read चाव्यन्तिकविक्रमपण. is niig or fluncs. Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 7.] AHAR STONE INSCRIPTION. 20 न(ज)नेन क्रयक्रोताभट्टदोयाकादिभिः नवनवनि(ति)पत्रेण विक्रोता । [Document No. VIII] सम्वत् २८८ ज्येष्ठ शुदि १३ पस्यां तिथाविह श्रोतत्तानन्दपुरे श्रोमदुत(त्त)रसभाबे(दे)शादू(छ)तककविलाकवचनात् लिखितं इहैव प्रतिवसमानौ क्षत(त्रि)यजातोयो कोकाकपचनाभौ म21 धुसूदनपुत्चौ तथा देवनागभार्या लच्छिका तथा माधवभार्या सम्पदाभ्यां सन्म (म्म)तेन उपरिलिखितमंगलवर्मसुनसर्वस सत्कपुत्रपौत्रैव प्रतीतकाले दविंसो(शो)पकमासप्रदेयभाटे(ट) कन्यासन पूर्वाभिमुखं गृहं दता(त्तमा) सीमां प्रतं कोकाकादिभि: सबभा22 (ट)केन नवनवतिपत्रेण श्रीकनकोदेव्या द्रवे(व्येण सौसिंकमहाजनेन क्रय क्रीत कोकाकादिभिः सर्वभादृ(ट)केन निवेदितमिति ॥ [Document No. IX] तथातोतसम्बत् २६१ आषाढ व(ब)दि १ अस्यां तिथाविह श्रोतत्तानन्दपुरे प्रतिवसमानगन्धिकमाथरजातीयवणिक(ग)माधव23 देवनागपुच्च इहैव पत(त्त)नाम्यंतरे पूर्व मध्यप्रदेशे स्वकीयकयक्रोत पश्चिमाभिमुखं पक्केष्टनं(क) राहं सर्बोच्छयसमेतं प्रस्याघाटा(टा) यत्र भवंति पूर्वत[:*] सवचन्दाकसत्कावारी दक्षिणतोप्यसै(स्यै)वमाधवराई पश्चि मत(तो) (बृहद्रथ्या उत(त)रतो वणिक(ग)मेचाकसत्कग्रह एवं च24 तुराधा(ट)विशई ग्रहं श्रीकञ्चण(न)श्रीदेव्या द्रव्येण सौवर्थिकमहाजनेन नव. नवल्यात्यन्तिकविक्रयपत्रेण क्रोतं वणिक (ग)माधवेन स्वहस्तपत(वि)कायां विक्रोत सम्पदत(त्ताच ॥ [Document No. x] तथा सम्वत् २८८ भाद्रपद व(ब)दि ५ अस्यां तिथाविह श्रीतत्तानन्दपुरे प्रतिवसमान25 श्रीमदार्यचातुर्वेद्यसामान्यभारहाजसगोचव(ब) वृत्सव ()ह्मचारी भट्टा()शानदत (त) भट्टकेशवपुच इहैव पत(त)नाभ्यंतरे पूर्वोत(त्त)रदिग्विभागमध्यप्रदेशे पितुपितामहो(हा) यातपितृव्यपितामहावण्टनायातभ्रातृभिः सह वण्डनपु(प)च णायाता क्रयक्रोता उ. 26 भयसप्ता(प्त) विस(श)तिहस्तप्रमाणा सहभूम्या(म्य) ई उत(त्तरपारस्वो(/)यं पोष्ट कावारी एकप्रकोष्ठहयं तथा विप्रकोष्ठा(ठ) वारोच(त्र)यं उत(त्तराभिमुना तथा पश्चिमाभिमुखा विप्रकोष्ठ मेकं एवं (व)मावारो(य:) षट भागमपत्रे सह सर्वोच्छयसमेता अमीषामावा. Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. यच भवंति पूर्व्वतः कमलानंक भट्टहरदत (स) - अस्तेय भूमि (९) दचिणपारची (श्रीं) यं महततच्य कुरण्या उतरतोपि (द्रव्य एवं चतु गृहभूम्बई पकेटका (क) मावारी (र्य.) षट् श्रोकानका (श्री) 27 थ (रीयां) पुचाणां gerat बंड (ट) गावात पश्चिमती (तः) राघाड (ट) विसु (शु) देखा [:] द्र 28 व्येण सौवर्षिकमहाजनेन भट्टर (ई) सा (शा) नदत (प्त) हस्ते नवनवतिपक्षेण क्रीता सम्पदता (त्ता) ब ॥ एतेषां 4414[गीतिभिः] कुंकुमधूपपुच्य (ष्य) दीपकधर्म्मोपयोग्यं कर्त्तव्यं ॥ रा (चा) घाटा (टा) गृहं दचिणतः इ (ई) सा (शा) नदते (ते) न विक्रीता [: *] राणां भा(ट) मुत्प (कामुत्पद्यते तक ध्वजाधवलापनखण्ड स्फुट्टि (टि) तसमरचनादिषु No. 8.-JEJURI PLATES OF VINAYADITYA: SAKA-SAMVAT 609. BY PROF. D. R. BHANDARKAR, M.A.; CALCUTTA, These plates, which belong to the early Chalukya dynasty, came from a village called Jějūri in the Poona District. In September, 1917, Mr. P. B. Gothoskar of the Bombay Asiatic Society was good enough to send them to me for inspection. But, as my hands were then too full with other matters and I had not enough leisure, I had to be content with merely publishing a short notice of the inscription, for the information of scholars, in the Annual Progress Report of the Archæological Survey of India, Western Circle, for the year ending 31st March, 1917. I have since then been able to prepare the necessary transcript and am now in a position to edit the plates. These are three plates, each of them measuring about 93" by 4". The first and the third plates are inscribed on one side only, while the second is on both the sides. The letters, on the whole, are in an excellent state of preservation, and have been neatly incised. The language is Sanskrit. Excepting the invocatory verse at the beginning and the benedictive and imprecatory verses at the end, the inscription is throughout in prose. In point of phraseology, it resembles other published records of the early Chalukya family, especially the Sorab and Harihar grants which also belong, like the present one, to the Chalukya king Vinayaditya. The characters belong to the Southern class of alphabets prevailing in the 7th century A.D. In respect of orthography, the letters, d, n and v are doubled after r as in arnnavam (L. 1); Senanir-ddaitya-balam (1. 16); smabhir-nnavõttara (1. 21) and nirvvisesham (1. 30). Ri is employed instead of ri only once in krimiḥ (1. 35). In many places the anusvāra is wrongly omitted. The inscription refers itself to the 9th year of the reign of Vinayaditya and is dated in Saka era 609 (expired) corresponding to A.D. 687. The object of the inscription is to record the gift of a village called Vira situated between Kalahaṭṭhāna, Parañchika and Haripayiga, on the north bank of the river Nira, in the Sātimāla-bhōga, in the Palayaṭṭhāṇarishaya. The naine of the donee is Allaéarman, son of Panchalasarman and grandson of Durgasarman, of the Kaundinya-götra. The gift was inade when the king was encamped at the village of Bhaḍali near Palayaṭṭhāṇa. Most of the localities mentioned in the record can be easily identified. Palayaṭṭhāņa is the same as the modern Phaltan (North Lat. 18°, E. Long. 74° 30"), the chief town of the lower Nira Valley and capital of the Native State of the same hame. Bhadali, from where the grant is issued, Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 8.] JEJURI PLATES OF VINAYADITYA; SAKA-SAMVAT 609. is undoubtedly the present Budleebudruk (Atlas Sheet No. 39), five miles south-east of Phaltan. Vira, the village granted, is certainly the modern Veer of the Atlas Sheet (N. Lat. 18° 9", E. Long. 74° 9"), from which the surname Virkar among Desastha Brahmanas is derived. It is about 1 miles to the north of the river Nira, which again is identical with the river of the same name mentioned in this grant. The village of Kalahaṭṭhāna cannot be identified at present. Parañchika is obviously Paramchi (or Porinche) and Haripayiga is the same as the modern Harni, about 3 and 24 miles north and north-east of Vira, respectively.1 Before the discovery of these plates, eight records of the reign of Vinayaditya were known. Of these, one, namely, the Lakshmesvara inscription, which professes to bear the earliest date (Saka 608) among the dated records of Vinayaditya, has been proved to be spurious by the late Dr. Fleet. So the Jejuri inscription, which bears the Saka date 609, is to be regarded as the earliest of the dated records of that prince. This record is not altogether without some importance. One eminent scholar has said that Vinayaditya subdued the Pallavas, Kalabhras and others and made them his faithful vassals between his eleventh and fourteenth years. He was led to this view, because this fact" is not mentioned in the grant of the eleventh year of his reign (Ind. Ant., Vol. VI, p. 89), while it does occur in that of the fourteenth year (p. 92) and in those of his successors." But we can now say that the event certainly took place at least in the ninth year of his reign as it is found mentioned in this inscription. First Plate. Svasti [*] Jayaty-avishkṛita[m*] Vishnōr-vväräham kshōbhit-arnnavam [*] dakshinōnnata-damshṭr-agra-viśranta-bhuvanam vapuḥ [*] Sri matām sakala-bhuvana-samstuyamana-Manavya-sagōtraṇām? Hariti-puträņām saptalōka-mātṛibhi s-sapta-matribhir-abhivarddhitānāṁ parānam Bhagavan-Na TEXT.6 Kärttikeya-parirakshana-präpta-kalyāṇa-param 4 rayana-prasada-samāsādita-varaha-lañchhan-ekshana-kshana vaśīkṛit - Aéesha - mahibhri tām Chali 5 kyānāṁ kulam-alankarishpor-aévamedh-avabhritha-snana-pavitrîkrita-gātrasya śrī Pulakesi-vallabha 63 6 mahārājasya sūnuḥ parakram-akra[m*]ta-Vanavasy-adi-para-nṛipati-mandala-pranibaddha-[vi-] 7 suddha-kirttiḥ śri-Kirttivarmma-prithivivallabha-mahārājas-tasy-atmajas-samara 8 th-eévara-sri-Harshavarddhana-parajay-õpalabdha parameévar apara namadheyas samsakta-sakal-Ottarapa Satyasraya-śrī-prithiviva 1 Annual Progress Report of the Archl. Surv. of India, Western Circle, 1917, p. 49. Fleet, Dynasties of the Kanarese Districts, Bom. Gaz., Vol. I, Part II, pp. 368-70; D. R. Bhandarkar, Ind. Ant., Vol. XL, p. 240. Dynasties of the Kanarese Districts, p. 368, note 8. Early History of the Dekkan, Second Edition, Bomb. Gaz., Vol. I, Part II, pp. 188-89. Ibid., p. 189, note 1. From the original plates. Read Hariti. 1 Read "sagitrāṇāṁ. Read äkränta. Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 EPIGRAPHIA INDIOA. (VOL. XIX. Habha-mahārājadhirāja-paramēsvaras-tat-priya-sutasya Vikramaditya-paramēbvara bhattārakasya 10 pavi-sahāyāl-sähasa-matra-samadhitata"-nija-vamba-samuchita-chita - rājya - vibhavasya vividha-rasi Second Plate ; First Side. 11 ta-síta-samara-mukha-gata-ripu-narapati-vijaya-samupalabdha-kirtti - patāk - avabhāsita dig-a12 ntarasya himakara-kara-vimala-kula-paribhava-vilaya-hētu-Pallava - pati - parājay. ananta13 ra-parigpihita-Kāñchi-purasya prabhāva-kuliba-dalita-Pandya-Choļa-Kõraļa-dhara pidhara-trāyama14 Sna-māna-épingasya ananya-samavanata-Katchi-pati-makuţa-kata-kirana-salil-abhi shikta-chara15 na-kamalasya tri-samudra-maddhyavartti-bhuvana-mandal-adhībvarasya sūnuḥ pitur ājñasya] 16 BAl-ēndu-sēkharasy-ēva Sēnānirddaitya-balam=atisamuddhatam trairājya-KKA chi-pa17 ti-balam=avashtabhya samasta-vishaya-prasamanād-vihita-tan-mano-nurañjanah at yants-Vatsalatvad-Yu18 dhishthira iva Sri-Rāmatvād-Vāsudēva iva nļip-āṁkusatvāt-Parasurama iva rājābra yatvād-Bhasrata il19 Va Pallava-Kalabhra-Kērala-Haihaya-Vila-Maļava-Chola-Pāņdy-ädyāḥ yen Aļuva -Gamg-adyai20 r-mmaulais-sama-bhrityatán-nitāḥ Vinayaditya-Satyāśraya-Sri-Prithivivallabhamahārā Second Plate ; Second Side. 21 jadhiraja-paramēśvara-bhattārakasya [ll*] Viditam-astu võ-smābhirennav-öttara shat-chhatēshu Saka22 (va]rshöshy-atītēshu saka-Varshēshy=atītēshu pravarddhamāna-vijaya-rajya samvatsarē navami vartta23 mānā Palayaţthāņa-pratyāsanna-Bhādali-grāmam-adhivasati vijaya-skandhavare Asha24 da?-Paurppamāsyam Bhammaņa-rāja-vijñāpanayā Kaundinya-gotrasya Dugga barmmaṇaḥ pautrāya 26 Páfichāla šarmmanah putrāya Allaśarmmaņē Palayaţthāņa-vishayē sa (?)26 timāla-bhögë Nira-nady-uttara-taţasthah Kalahatthäņa-Parañchika-Hari payiga27 grāmayor'mmadhyasthaḥ Vira-nāmā grāmas-sabhõgas-sarvva-parihar-opēto dattaḥ * Read samadhigata. * Read Kufa 1 Kaed mati-sahayao. • Road trayamina. · [The plate seems to have pa. -Ed.) • Avuluntly this has been repeated through oversight. Better omit 'yorm or read grāmawam.Ed.] "Red Asladha, Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JEJURI PLATES OF VINAYADITYA: SAKA-SAMVAT 609. 21 22 58ะราการ 24 7 วัน 2 04 กม4วั งJ) 573 523 ย . - 2 A : **วรรษ งม 2559 กามา ก็ว 4 442525 2524กมาย สาส8535ะวะ 4 (08:25 2559 ราย233 25399 เสรวง 24 ชะตากรรมชมง รีส์ชายนะคะ มอยป%9J7 478ซมยังรอ ง 254 285ะยะ 59065 * *) 10 -8% โrrow 873334359507S384429 10 ii a. 525 - 133 ][ 138 ยอาร5050425 12 : d 819 5 จะอย 53917) อยคอยข้ 12 0865f34ย างรัC95ตรา 225 J๕.๘868 14 -16264gi ชมรม 382 38 * 9 ข้างมา 14 '033r5145 446 0.95 ซึ่งยฐ 21 วั น 9รสว18 2590 8/31 5 55 สงข23 16 3dbig3)86-398496า8%-533.J2 53) 1359 18 8888885zาว อก5) ขายยางมาก 18 - 9.3 ซEZE2U8 96 | 97 202.298) 8325-8540549 รา) 3g82895ก 20 HIRANANDA SASTRI. SCALE TWO THIRD. SURVEY OF INDIA. CALCUTTA. Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ id 6. iss [มรย์ gif 3g887 -34315" .9 2289386fdagge 23404 g r45 ชช : 22 30วยงาน รายงานว่า 88,881 48286 24 2444) ตรากาะ 34.) 8175 ) 14 4 4 24 ะ 99 %ายาม594%าบ ๒๕๖๐ 26 ส์ 37 43 44 : 20 g 3 ( Gา 26 28.2043-5151 32 ยัยตาม9 2 ซีซี PE 0.92 0.20-24 25 8 + 89 *** 30 iA8 2 298 สผ.. 56 9 21 - 30 32 . ผู้เคาระที่29 9 ยก4843) สาย 3 85) เอ 330 4 24 ขา 5394-95 สาะห์ รอย 34 วะฮาดดอง ช70%B8% 82552 34 มตตาเริง20,20 ซอง 999 ด้วยสิ Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 9.] SEVEN INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 28 Tad-agamibhir-asmad-vamsyair-mayais-cha rajabhir-ayur-aiévaryy-ādinām . 65 vilasita Third Plate. 29 m achiramáu chamchalam avagachchhadbhir - a- chandr-arka - dhar - ārņpava sthiti. * sama-kala[m*] 30 yasas chichishubhis-sva-datti-nirvviéesham paripālaniyam [*] Proktañ-cha Bha gava 31 tā vēda-vyāsēna Vyāsēna [*] Bahubhir-vvasudha bhuktā rājabhis-Sagar-ādibhir= yyasya 32 yasya yada bhumis-tasyatasya tada phalam [*] Svan-datum-sumahach-chhakyam 33 duḥkham-anyasya palanam [*] dāna[m*] vā palanam vēti dānāch-chhreyōnupāla 34 nam [*] Sva-datta[m*] para-datta[m*] va yō harēta vasundhara[*] shashți. varsha-sahasrāņi vishṭhāyām jāya 35 të kri[m]iḥ [*] Maha-sandhivigrahika-sri-Ramapunyavallabhēna likhitam-idam sasanamh [*] Om No. 9. SEVEN INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. BY DAYA RAM SAHNI, M.A., RAI BAHADUR. The seven inscriptions edited in this paper are some of those brought to light in recent years by Rai Bahadur Pandit Radha Krishna, Honorary Curator of the Museum of Archæology at Mathura. Some of these have been found in excavations carried out by him on behalf of the Director General of Archæology in India, while others have been acquired from private possession. All the seven inscriptions discussed in this note are comparatively short dedicatory records which register the installation of images or other objects on which they are inscribed. With the exception of inscription No. V, all the others are in a more or less damaged condition. Like most of the other Brahmi inscriptions of the Kushana period, the documents edited here are composed in the mixed dialect, consisting partly of Prakrit and partly of Sanskrit words and forms. Peculiarities of this dialect have been fully discussed by Bühler3 and it is not necessary to make any further remarks here. Six of the objects on which the inscriptions are engraved belong to the Buddhist faith, while document No.IV is engraved on the pedestal of an image of the Jaina Tirthankara Vardhamana. Only one of the inscriptions, viz., No. II, contains the name of the ruler of the time, namely, Huvishka. No. I, which is dated in the year 23, must have been installed in the reign of Kanishka, while No. IV dated in the year 84 would belong to the reign of Vasudeva. A point of interest in these documents is the mention of the names of four monasteries which existed at Mathura in the Kushana period. These are the Prävärika-vihära or the monastery of the cloak-makers (No. I), the Siri-vihāra (No. V), the Suvarnakara-vihara or the monastery of the goldsmiths (No. VI) and the Chutaka-vihära or Chütaka-vihara, i.e., the mango monastery (No. VII). None of these edifices appears to be referred to in any of the previously known inscriptions. [The original has paripilaniyam-ukta-cha.-Ed.] Read adibhiḥ [*] yasy 1. Ante, Vol. I, p. 373. Fide my paper on "Three Mathura Inscriptions and their bearing on the Kushana dynasty" in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1924. K Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX No. I.-Buddha image inscription of the year 22. This inscription, which consists of two lines, is engraved on the lower rim of the base of # headless image of Buddha (height 2' 1"; w. 1'61') which was found in the city of Mathura and acquired for the Museum in 1918. The first line is in a good state of preservation but only one or two aksharas have survived in the second. TEXT. 1. On Siddham Sa[th*] 20 2 gri 2 di 30 asyām pārvvāyām Prāvārika-vihārē Buddha-pratimă pratisht(th)āpitā 2. . . . samdhi] . . . . . . TRANSLATION. "Om Success ! On the 30th day of the 2nd [month) of summer, in the year 22, on this occasion as specified, (this) image of Buddha was installed in the Prāvārika-vihāra No. II.-Bodhisattva image inscription of the year 39. TEXT. 1. [Mahārājasa dē*]vaputrasa Huv[i]shkasya sama 309 va 3 di 5 étasyarh purvayam bhikhuniyē Pusahathiniyē sa 2. bhikhuņiye Budhadāvāyā Bodhisatvo pratithāpito sahā mātāpitihi sarva-satvahita-sukha[yē*] TRANSLATION. " (In the reign) of the Mahārāja, the Dāvaputra, Huvishka, on the 5th day of the 3rd [month] of the rainy season in the year 39, on this date as specified above, (this) Bodhisattva was set up by a nun named Pusahathini, together with the nun Budhadeve, together with (her) parents, for the welfare and happiness of all sentient beings." han : No. III.-Bodhisattva image inscription.' TEXT, 1. Mahārājāsa Dāva putrasa) . . .. s a .hő.. . di 10 9 [asyām) purvāyām s[a]rthavahasa bha 2. vasa ... [ni]sa kuțubiniyo Dha(nya]bhavayo (dānam Bodhisa]cho [yu). d-attra P[u]-nya[m] ta[d-bhavatu] TRANSLATION. “On the 19th day of the ... month of the cold weather in the ... year of the reign of the Mahārāja, the Dēvaputra ...: . this Bodhisattva is the gift of Dhalnya]bhavā, the wife of ...., the caravan merchant. Whatever merit there is in it, may it be . . . . . . . .." The image in question is described in the 4. S. R. for the year 1916-17, Pt. I, p. 13, and illustrated in Pl. VII, fig. C. See also the Annual Progress Report of the Superintendent, Archcological Surrey, Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle, for the year ending 31st March 1917, p. 8. Ibid. p. 9. Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No 9.] SEVEN INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. No. IV.-Vardham na image pedestal inscription of the year 84.1 TEXT. 1. Om Siddha[m] salth] 80 4 va 3 di 20 8ētasmi purvvays[m] Damitrasya dhit[u] Okha 2. rikayo kuțubiņiyē Datāya dānam Vardhamana-pratimk pratithapitā 3. ganato Kottiyato [ba] . .. .. .. .. B[ya] Satyasõnas[ya) . . . dharavşidhisya ni[rvartana] TRANSLATION. « Om Success! On the 28th day of the 3rd (month) of the rainy season in the year 84, on this occasion as specified, (this) image of Vardhamana, a gift of Olharikā, tho daughter of Damitra, and Data (Sanskrit Dattā), the wife of a householder,' was set up under the advice of . . . . Satyasõna and ... dharavridhi, of the Kottiya-ganan." No. V. Stono slab inscription. This inscription is engraved on a stone slab, measuring 2' 11' in length, 11" in width and 27 in thickness, which was reclaimed from the Gau-Ghät well in the city of Mathură. It is roughly dressed on three sides. The fourth side contains an inscription of three lines, each measuring 1'21" in length. The inscription is in a perfect state of preservation. Neither the date nor the name of the ruling king is mentioned. The inscription records the installation of an image of a Bodhisattva, and the slab on which it is engraved must have been exhibited by the side of the statue. TEXT. 1. Bodhisatvð sahā mātā-pitihi sahā upajhāyēna Dharmakana 2. saha ātēvāsikēhi sahā ātēväsinihi Siri-viharë 3. achariyana Samitiyām.a parigrahē sarva-Budha-pujāyo TRANSLATION. "(This) Bodhisattva (was dedicated by somebody, whose name is not mentioned), together with parents, together with the preceptor, Dharmaka, together with male pupils, together with female pupils, at the Siri-vihāra for the acceptance of the Samitiya teachers, for the glorification of all the Buddhas." No. VI.-Stone bowl inscription. This inscription is engraved round the outer upper edg of a hemispherical stone bowl supported on the broken head of a male figure (ht. 1' 8"). The fragment was lying in the Jamni Bagh on the right bank of the Jamnā river just outside the Mathura city and was being used for watering cattle. Rai Bahadur Pandit Radha Krishna acquired it for the Museum by substituting a little masonry reservoir for the aforesaid purpose. The head of the statue is Vide Anxual Progress Report of the Superintendent, archeologicul Survey, Hindu and Buddhis! Yorumeste. Northern Circle, for the year ending 3 fet March 19.7, p. 10. This name also occurs in a Mathura inscription of the year 299 (Ind. Ant., Vol. XXXVII, p. 33 and PI. facing p. 66). In the translation of the epigraph, I have interpreted the word by bişi (Banskrit lufumbini) in its generio sense as the wife of a householder. It might oqually well be proper name. If this suggestion were correct, it would be poesible to identify the three female figures to the right of the wheel in the centre of the base of the image with the three ladies who donated the image, and the three malo figures on the opposito side with the three men who suggested the pious act. Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 68 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. much defaced and the features of the face and the ears are damaged. The turban is interlaced with a flower garland and we notice, above the forehead, a large round knot encircled with a garland and leaves. The inscription consists of two lines measuring 3' 71' and 31" respectively. The first line which begins immediately above the level of the right ear of the statue is preceded by a blank space of two inches to mark the commencement of the document. The inscription records that the bowl, on which it is engraved, was presented by Ayala, the son of Indrasama or Idrasama, at the hospice of the goldsmiths in honour of all the Buddhas for the acceptance of the acharyas, who were great preachers. The name Imdrasama may be construed as "equal to Indra" or it may stand for the Sanskrit Indrašarman. Another bowl similarly mounted on a wellpreserved female figure is now kept in the Fyzabad Museum. The bowl being described was presumably used for worship. Fa-Hian informs us that in his time the Buddha's bowl was worshipped in a monastery at Purushapura (modern Peshawar).1 There are in the Mathura Museum two or three other bowls of stone one of which (ht. 1' 11", diameter 2 1") is labelled a Mahāpätra' and must have been used for veneration as an imitation of the Buddha's alms-bowl. It is, however, noteworthy that a stone bowl unearthed by Sir John Marshall at Sāñchi bears & short inBoription to the effect that the bowl in question was used for the storage of the food, which, having first been presented to the deity, was afterwards distributed among the pilgrims. TEXT. 1. Indrasama [or Idrasamal-pūtasa Ayalasa dana 8aVa-Būdhana pājāya Suvanakara-[vihārēj achariyana [ma]hópad[@]sakana 2. parigahe TRANSLATION. "(This bowl is) the gift of Ayala, the son of Indrasama (or Idrasama) in the monastery of the goldsmiths for the adoration of all the Buddhas (and) for the acceptance of the teachers who were great preachers." No. VII.-Stone channel inscription. This inscription is incised on one side of a stone fragment (length 11") which probably formed part of a stone channel for carrying off water. The fragment was found in the débris of a house which fell down in 1917 in the Mātā Gali lane of Mathurā city and was acquired for the Museum in August of the same year. The inscription is complete at the top and at the bottom but broken off at both ends. A continuous translation of the document is not practicable. It is, however, manifest that it records the erection of something, possibly the channel itself, on a piece of which it is engraved, in inonastery designated Chutaka-vihára which may possibly be interpreted as Chatakavihāra, i.e., the mango monastery. The last line contains the year 91 which presumably is the date of the inscription. It should probably be referred to the Kushāna era. The pious act mentioned in the epigraph was executed for the increase of the religious piety and strength of the (Ma]hāsānghikas, one of the eighteen schools into which the Buddhist churoh was split up early in the history of that religion. Two aksharas at the end of the first line which may be read 28 ryāstā cannot at present be explained, though I am inclined to think that the word intended was vastavya. 1 Travels of Fa-Hian, translated by Legge, p. 34. Annual Report of the Superintendent, A chæological Sur.ey. Hindu and Bud thist Monuments, Northern Circle, for the year ending 3186 March 1917, p. 8. * See Sir John Marsball's Guide to Sanchi, p. 104, and Catalogue of the Museum of Archæology of Sanki, p. 37, No. B. 1. Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 10.] THE KALVAN PLATES OF YASOVARMMAN. TEXT. 1.. .... pito Chutaka-vibärö vyista. . 2. .. [Ma]h[@]sānghikana dharma-va(ba)la-[vsiddhyartham*] 3. ... [va]rshaņā 90 1 kāruņika . . . . . . TRANSLATION. " . . . .was erected .. . . . .. . . . for the increase of the religious merit and strength of the [Majhāsānghikas (residing) at the Chutaka-vihkra . .. ninety-one years . . . ... ." No. 10.--THE KALVAN PLATES OF YASOVARMMAN. BY R. D. BANERJI, M.A., CALCUTTA. The inscription edited below was discovered in a village near Kalvan in the north-western part of the Näsik district of the Bombay Presidency. It was brought to the notice of Mr. A. H. A. Simcox, 1.C.S., then Collector of the Násik district, by Mr. Gajanan Gopal Joshi, a teacher of school at Kalvan, who also read portions of the inscription. In the first instance, only the first two plates were recovered from a Bhil, but on a reward being announced the third plate also was found at the same place. The plates were purchased for the Prince of Wales Museum of Bombay through Mr. A. H. A. Simcox, I.C.S., who spared no pains to obtain them for that institution. The inscription is incised on three plates of coppor each measuring 10" 57". There is a hole in the upper part of each of these plates proving that they were attached together at one time by a ring. The ring as well as the seal, that must have been attached to it, are missing. The first and third plates are inscribed on one side only, the second plate being inscribed on both the sides. The language of the inscription is Sanskrit and, with the exception of the imprecatory verses, the entire record is in prose. The inscription abounds with mistakes. Sa is generally substituted for sa: cf. yasa for yaśaḥ (11. 2, 4, 7, 8, 14), sira for firah (1. 3), asiti for aftti (II. 8-9), subha for Subha (1. 11), and Kalakalësrara for Kalakalesvara (1. 12). So also we find la for sa in sahasra instead of sahasra in 11. 8, 33 and 37. Vakaigala (1. 21), pamchavisa (1. 20 f.), tēlaghanaka (1. 22 f.), jin-alad (1. 25), chāurika and dandavāsika (1.27) are instances of Präkritism. The alphabet of the inscription is Nāgari of the Northern variety of the eleventh century A.D. and may be very well compared with that of the Banswaral and the Ujjainplates of Bhojadēva. The ai symbol is represented by the two usual strokes at the top of the consonant or by a single stroke and a vertical line placed before the letter. Long initial i is distinguished from the short by a rectangular stroke placed over the latter (1. 16). A peculiar final form of n is to be found in ādin in l. 28. The letter ya in l. 2 (Siyaka) is not closed at the top as is gewerally done. Na has two forms (see 11. 23 and 24). The inscription is not dated but refers itself to the reign of & subordinate chief named Yabóvarmman. Even the genealogy of this prince, in whose territory the land was granted, is omitted. He is simply introduced as having obtained one-half of the town of Salluka from the illustrious Bhöjadöva (I) and as being in the enjoyment of 1,500 villages. Thin Bhöjaděva is said Above, Vol. XI, plate opposito p. 182. "Indian Antiquary, Vol. VI, pp. 63-64, Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 70 [VOL. XIX. to have defeated the kings of the Karppata, Lata and Gurjara countries as well as the lords of Chedi and Korhkana and to have meditated on the feet of the illustrious Sindhurajadova, who cleansed the earth from the mountains to the sea by his wide fame and meditated on the feet of the illustrious Väkpatiräjadeva (II), who meditated on the feet of the illustrious Siyakadova (II) of the Pramvāra (Paramāra) family of Dhara. The reference is very clearly to Bhoja I of the Paramara dynasty of Dhara, who was the son of Sindhuraja, the brother's son of Väkpatirāja II and the grandson of Siyaka II. The very fact that an ordinary feudatory chief dares to make a grant of land without referring the matter to his suzerain shows that the power of the Paramaras of Malava had weakened considerably at the time of the issue of the grant. It is known from the other inscriptions of the Paramaras of Malava as well as the Haihayas of Tripuri that Bhōja I, the conqueror of the Komkapa and the great patron of literature, had suffered a crushing defeat and had most probably fallen on the battle-field while trying to stem the tide of a combined invasion on the kingdom of Malava by Karnna, the king of Tripuri, and Bhima I of Gujarat. Though the successor of Bhoja I was on its throne in V. S. 1112 (=1055 A.D.), yet history shows that the kingdom of Malava lost its independence for a short time about that period. It regained its independence under Udayaditya, a kinsman of Bhōja I, and continued to be a divided kingdom up to the twelfth century. It was during these troublesome times that the grant was issued by a subordinate chief Yasovarmman, who, apparently, gave the genealogy of Bhoja I, by way of custom only. The Svētapada country, which is the same as the northern part of the modern district of Nasik, was once conquered by the Haihaya king Lakshmanaraja and again by Vapullaka, a general of Karnņa, the king of Tripuri, some time before the Kalachuri Chědi year 812 (=1061 A.D.). When he (ie., Vapullaka) erected a temple of Siva, in the inscription recording its construction he enumerated some of the famous battles in which he had fought for his king. Therein he also mentions his having defeated a king of Southern Gujarat named Trilochana, who is known from the Surat plates of Saka 972 (=1051 A.D.), and a Jain ascetic named Vijjala. The conquest of Śvētapada, which is adjacent to Surat, must have taken place after 1051 A.D. and before 1061 A.D., i.e., about the time of the fall of Bhoja I. We knew from the Nagpur prasasti of the rulers of Malava that " Bhōjadeva's end was unfortunate, and that during the troubles which then had befallen the realm, Bhöjadeva's relative Udayaditya became king, whose great achievement was that he freed the land from the dominion of (the Chedi) Karpa who, joined by the Karnatas, had swept over the earth like a mighty ocean." The same fact is referred to in v. 21 of the Udaipur prasasti of the rulers of Malava. The grant under notice differs from the regular land grants of the Paramāra kings of Malava in the following details :-(1) The absence of the Garuda and snake seal or the emblem of the Paramaras. (2) The absence of the date and of the mention of the reigning king as kusali. (3) The absence of the customary verse at the beginning in praise of Siva. It is, there. fore, almost certain that this subordinate chief Yasovarmman had issued this grant during the period of anarchy which followed the fall of Bhoja I and the occupation of Malava proper by Karpa, the king of Tripuri, the anarchical state of things lasting up to the time of the defeat of Karna by Udayaditya. The Svētapada country whose location is now fixed by the mention of the temple of Kalakālēsvara, which still exists at a distance of ten miles from Kalvan, was not included in Mälava proper, but formed a part of the country that lay within the sphere of influence of the Paramara rulers at the time of their ascendency. 1 Ante, Vol. VII, p. 86 and note 3, 89, 1. 6. Ante, Vol. II, p. 181. Ante, Vol. I, pp. 236, 233. Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 10.] THE KALVAN PLATES OF YASOVARMMAN. The inscription belongs to the Svētambara sect of the Jaina religion and is, therefore, important, for very few Jaina grants have come down to us. Herein we are informed that the Rapaka Amma, who was a chief of the Ganga family, while in the village of Muktapali, in the district of Audrahadi which consisted of eighty-four rent-free villages (Manyakapaṭṭa), after hearing the exposition of Dharmma and Adharmma from the mouth of the illustrious Acharya Ammadeva of the Svētämbara sect and having been made to understand by his teaching that the principal Jaina-dharmma gives more auspicious results than other dharmmas in this world as well as in the next, gave certain pieces of land at Mahishabuddhika in the holy tirtha of Kalakalösvara, on the occasion of a solar eclipse, on the new-moon day of Chaitra. The grant consisted of several pieces of land, the first of which measured 40 nivartanas and the second 25 nivartanas. The latter, however, appears to have been once given by a prince named Kakkapairaja. The third measured 35 nivartanas while the fourth measured two nivartanas and consisted of a flower garden. In addition to these pieces of land two oil mills (taila-ghanakas), 14 Baniya shops (Vanik-hatṭaḥ), and 14 drammas were also given to the illustrious Muni Suvratadova in the temple of the Jina in the country of Svētapada which was completely repaired (lupta-jirnnöddharam). The land, the oil mills and the shops were given to defray the expenses of worship, which are enumerated in detail (puja, abhisheka, naivedya and Chaitrapavitraka), as well as for the maintenance of the Jaina monks, who are called Rishis. The officers mentioned are Desilaka, Grāmataka, Gokulika, Chayrika (Chaurika), Saulkika (Saulkika), Damdavasika (Dandapäsika), Prätiräjyika and Mahattama. There are eight imprecatory verses at the end of the grant, which are numbered. The deed was written by the illustrious Samdhivigrahika Yögösvara of the twice-born race. Among the places mentioned, Dhara is the modern city of Dhar, which is the capital of the native state of the same name in the Malwa Agency of Central India. Kālakālēsvara, spelt Kalakalesvara, is, as has been stated above, a temple of Siva, ten miles to the west of Kalvan, in the Nasik district of the Bombay Presidency. I am unable to identify the village of Mahishabuddhika, where the Rapaka Amma resided, and also the district of Audrahādi. TEXT. nirmmali First Plate. 71 1 Svasti [*] Śrīmām (n)1-Dhārāyām Mēru-maha-giri-tumga-sring-opame Pravāmrānvayê aneka-samara-samghaṭṭa-[sa] 2 dhita-satru-paksha-vistrita-yasa(so)-dhavalita-dig-amtaralaḥ śrī- Siyakadēva-pād-ānu dhyataḥ Sara[sva] 3 ti-mukha-tilaka-bhūta(b) krita-kävya-mukta-siyaka-ghürmmkyita si(6î)raḥ-kavi-jana satta(tru)-paksha 4 ári-Vakpatiräjadēva-pād-änudhyātaḥ aneka-mah-ahava-vijit-ari-jana-prathita-yasa (so). 5 krita-sakala-dharadhara-dhara-jaladhi-sīmā - śrī- Sem (Sim) dhurajadova - pad-[ā*]nu. dhyātaḥ maha-va(ba) la-prachamda-ri 6 pu-paksha-nirddarita-Karppäta-Lata-Garjjara-Chedy-a (a) dhipa - Komkaṇēsa (sa) - prabhriti-ripu-vargga-nirddārita 1[If it goes with Dhars, we should expect Srimatyäth instead.-Ed] Read Paramar°. Cancel the visarga [or the oase-ending here as well as in some of the following attributes-Ed] Read-shirsagits. Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 7 janita-trasa-yasa(so)-dhavalita-bhuvana-trayaḥ Selluk-arddha] 8 a-arddha-sahasra (sra)-grāmāņām bhōktāraḥ❜ vishaye Mukta[pallyäm chatur-äsi(śi)9 ti-Manyaka-paṭṭa-Audrahādi-vishay sāmaṁto [VOL. XIX. éri-Bhöjadeva-prasād1-āvāpta-nagara éri-Yaso (so) varmmah Tasmin Garhga-kula-tilaka-bhūtah A[mmar 10 pakena | Sve(Sve) tāmva (ba)ra-sri-Ammadev-acharya-mukh-akhyata-dharmm-adharmm agama-vakya pravo(böjdhita Il chihna makkha(khya)-Jina-dharmmam-any(nyad)-dharmma[d]-iha para-lokaBu(su)bha-phala-dana [m-*] iti vichim éri Second Plate; First Side. 12 [tya] jäta-manasa Mahishav(b)uddhikäyär bri-Kalakalösva (sva)rë punya ti[rthe Chai] 13 tra-mas-āmā[vā]syā[yä*]m süryya-grahan [3] sägara-taramga-chamchala-jivalo. [ka]chchhä 14 ya-sama Lakshmi phen-öpamam jivitamam (tam)-avadharya mätä-pittror-ätmanasya punya-yasa(ab) 15 śri-vriddhaye sōpavitēna pāņina puny-ottama-tirtthe amvum(bu) grihitvä supürņņē. [na] ka 16 mamḍaluna Chaluvy'-anvaya-prasuta-dharmmapatni śri-Chachchal-räjä-kara-grihita[mikshipta] 17 jalēna padau prakshälya bhumir-iyam datta Muktāpalyā uttarēņa Mähudalăgrăm-öttara 18 disa(sa)yam bhumi(mi)-nivarttanani chatvārims(6)-asya simā pūrvvě nadi dakshinë Hathāvāḍa-grā 19 ma-simā Kakadaḥ paśchime gartta uttare parvvatam (tah) vam chatur-aghațavisu(su)ddha bhumi (mi) [rilyam ta 20 tha Kumaristana-dömgarika-ubhaya-tate śri-Kakkapai-raja-datta-bhu-niva[r]ttanani [pa]mcha 21 visa tatha śri-Vakaaigala-prabhriti-nagarēna Sarhgama-nagara-simä-pārévě Chadal22 vat niva[r]ttanini pathchatri(tri)mhéa[t] pubpavāțiki-bhdmi-nivarttana-dvayah taila [gha] Second Plate; Second Side. 23 paka-dvaya [m] vanika(k)haṭṭas-chaturddasa drammā ēva shatra chaturddasam dadāti [*] Attaņi1. 24 kāyām vōli[kām 13] pratipatrāņi pamchasa(sa) 14ity-ase(ée)sham lupta-jirnnöddhāram kritam achamdr-a 25 rkka-kalam ya[vat] Svē(Svē)tapada-Jin-alaë(ye) śri-Muni-Suvratadēvāya niv[e*] Puj-abhishē dita Read Chaluky.. 10 Read pushpa. [This would indicate that Yaso varmman was a Samanta or rather some subordinate officer of Ehöja.-Ed.] Cancel the syllable rah. Read varmma. [Doubtful; chihe(tte)na would be more likely.-Ed.] Red panchavimsat. 12 [It seems to be affäl[i]kā.-Ed.] [Better read (sa) [d]-ity--Ed.] [The reading seems to be muktva-Jina-dharmmam-anye dharmma ihaparalčki mu bu)bhaphalada na iti.-Ed.] Read ätmanabmcha. [The reading should be mead-aya.- Ed.] 11 Read Southbach-attra. [Doubtful.-Ed.] Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ KALVAN PLATES OF YASOVARMMAN. Shab मा समाया मेकमहाजिदिरानगाव मे पदाताहर जमकरमपटा कर तापमययनवाला दिसलवालम्बीमार तदेव पायामुपासवर नास किलकरःवरका क्रयायवाभारित सिमः कविमनस +18 (चाला नारा देने या यान या मतमतात विनितिनमचिपसास लस गोला जाताना मागावातवधायउधामःमहावलगवरान पर ((ठली र लारमा ईनतिपकिराय तिपिए व पनि कासया लिलामवयःसा देव पासातामकारका गईटामाया मोहानीयों मानसिपमुद्रामा ५० दिमाशक पारितिवापरामनाम गलतिलकराम 10 ललकारनामायाण मुमारामानवमीमामा दाबी मकार जयमामामालाकारगरला गरिदिला, iia. 12मसामदिन काग बाल कालीन 2 भासामा दायासागर सामागोपन नंगात बलती बलातकार जानमाला कापला पगली विद में तापमानाशिवाजा नालंदा या 10 देय माती नया कामात मी वाचन काका मरल माता न टास्य प्र. समीप नाही कारणमी तनि1ि6 लेकमा यो । वामानय कामदापलो कलमा सरमगामा 18 मायारमा नेता को जिन का निवासासीमापालाशतामा १० न सकिन मा की रोग निकोबाट तर पदिगाधर मानीसस रोग काउद यति कला र दलित वर लगबात के मालपरमित लामा ट HIRANANDA SASTRI. SCALE THREE-FIFTHS. SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA, Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ स्या लिहिरासनाdaadTM कायत निरारिमालसमान माता सा नंगासिकपातमाल जीमुनिनुमदेवाय निवारिकाप्ताहिक 28 लनदेव तवक गामिनिषालामुपयाणाम(दिबाताया साल कगाम तक SEPकसी विकरातासिकपन का कमानमाविमा कासनम बासिनो तल पहारा दायनारमा रो तस पारमहराजरको गिामिम्पलिगपतिया में भी । पमन्या: पालमिराशामा वा राहामायाला माहिया व या मामः यः पंवाद शाखा यानाके ऊ म पान्य युगारिहार पर सकासारोकारवागारगतितालमेनकावर या कालवासरतालिस्तानमा STARRENT सुशाल तितत्व सला सिंगरयासरतावनामा तारमा नरामा विमा 3योतिसार या लत नसतीम मंसी मायामाल RESOमराह या तालमा 980शि को रिपोकलाइ महसुला सिमानापार SANGAMकलायात कालि लामाहट मसोसाहात बसमा 10 मालायालयापुढापमा बालसावि पाइलाकेका यत्रामामारली वसतियानमेलमा तिहानिशा का वादा कलम या 42Tgसार पुलवामानाकामावसन्तयत्रास हा या किसमिसला रहि सुतारकामाधारसामारि दिसायला यमान र मानणानुशरायला लावलीमकामयेर तिरिमारनामा MS Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 10.) THE KALVAN PLATES OF YASOVARMMAN. 73 38 ka-naivodys-chaitra-pavitraka-gräs-achchhădam(da)nēshu ri(ri)shiņām=upayogya [1] asmin=vishasa(ya)-väsi(i) 97 [da]silaka-grāma[ta]ka - gokulika - chāü(au)rika - sau(sau)lkika - damdā(da)vā(pā)si(li)ka pritirājyi28 "ka-mahattama-kutumv(b)ino-nyāms-cha tan-niväsind janapad-ādin v(b)odhayaty-usya (48 tu) võ 99 viditam mayā dattam | mad-vamajaiz-anyair-vv-āgāmi-nçipati-bhögapatibbirmiyam asmad-da80 yðanumaṁtavyaḥ pālayitavyas-cha yo v=ājñāna-timira-pa[ta]l-avrita-matic-achchhi mdy[a] 31 d-achchhiñdyamānaḥ saḥ pamchabhiremmahä-pātakair-upapātakaiḥ samyukta[b] syād=iti U 32 ktam va(cha) bhagavatā Vyasõna | Déva-dravya guroredravya dravyam chwaiva Jinēsva(sva)rē [1*] tri(tri)vidham pata# nam dfishtam dāna-bhakshana-lamghanë | 11 Shashţir-vvarsha-sahabzä(srā)pi svarggo tishthä(tha) Third Plate. 34 ti bhūmidah [*] achchhēttā ch=inumamtā cha' täny=ēva narake vasēt 12.38 Sam (Sam)kham bhadrāsanam chchha[tra] "var-āsvāsévā)vara-vāhanāḥ [l*] bhūmi dānasya chihnāni 86 drisya(sya)[ntē] tāni Bhārata 13 Sapta-json-āmtarēn-a(ai)va yat=punya pürvva samchitam | arddh-amgu37 lēna simāyā haraņēna prapasya(bya)ti[4] I. Agnishtöma-sahasra(sra)&=cha i Vājapēya-bata(tē). 88 shu cha lgavāṁ kõți-pradānēna | bhūmi-harttä na su(su)dhyati ![5] | Kim süryah (8)-tivra-tapo daha89 ti basi(si)-kalā[m*) păvakő-ti jvalamtēls no rūdham bhūmi-sasyam na vasati vishayē mă 40 dhavag-ch=ālpa-vpishțiḥ kim goshu kshiram-alpam sushati sarisarā(6) jīvalokē na vsiddhiḥ 41 yatr=āyam bhūmi-harttă vasati parijanē tasya chihnāni-māni(tāni) | 6 | Ya[smi]nu(n) kulē jāyati 42 bhümi-dätā sa mödatë putra-kalatra-dhānyaiḥ | sustham prajānām vasato cha . yatra B[au]khyam &ri(sri)ya43 namdati bhūmipālā(lah) 17 Va(Bajhabhir=yvasudh bhuktā rājābhiḥ Sagar adibhiḥ| yasya yasya ya44 dá bhūmim(miḥ) tasya tasya tada phalam 81 Likhitam-idań Dvij-anvayê [sa]adhivigrahika-sri-Joga(gē)sva(sva)45 rēn-ēti" TRANSLATION. (Lines 1-8). Hail! In the illustrious (city of) Dhārā, in the Paramāra family, which was w sublime as the high peaks of the great mountain of Mēru, (was born) the illustrious Bhojadova - [Note the symbol here --Ed.] Read shfisin varaha, (There seems to be a saperfluous cha here.-Ed.) *[Darda is unnecessary. -Ed] Road rajabli. Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. who had caused the three worlds to be whitened by his fame (won by) causing fear and by destroying his enemies such as the lords of Korkana, Chedi, Gurjara, Lata and Karņāţa and who had destroyed the hosts of his fierce enemies by his great army, (and) who meditated on the feet of the illustrious Sindhurājadeva, whose fame had become extensive by his defeating the enemies in many great battles, (and) who had purified the entire earth up to its boundaries of mountains and seas, (and) who meditated on the feet of the illustrious Vākpatirājadēva who was, (as it were), the mark on the forehead of the goddess of learning, (and) who had caused the heads of poets and his enemies to be turned by his poems and arrows (respectively), (and) who meditated on the feet of the illustrious Siyakadeva who had caused the cardinal points' to be whitened by his wide fame (won) by his defeating the enemies in many battles and engagements. Through his (i.e., Bhoja's) pleasure, the illustrious Yasovarmman had obtained one half of the town of Selluka and was enjoying 1,500 villages. (Ll. 8-17). In that province, in the (village) Muktapali, in the Auḍrahadi-vishaya (with its) 84 rent-free (villages), the sämanla, the illustrious Räpaka Amma, who was the mark on the forehead of the Ganga family, having heard dharmma and adharmma from the illustrious Švōtambara Ammadova-Acharya (and) being made to understand by him, by words as well as by signs, that this particular Jina-dharmma is superior to other dharmmas, in this world as well as in the next, in producing good results; (and) having thought so and having made up his mind, this land was given by him at Mahishabuddhikā, at the holy and illustrious tirtha of K[a]lak[āllēśvara, on the occasion of a solar eclipse and the amāvāsya day of the month of Chaitra, having ascertained that fortune is (as fleeting) as a shade (and) the world is as transient as the (moving) waves of the sea (and) the life (as worthless) as foam, for the increase of the merit, fame and fortune of his own self as well as of his parents, having taken water in this most holy tirtha with (his) sacred thread in his hand in a well-filled kamandalu and having washed the feet (of the Jina ?) with water thrown from the hands of his legal wife (dharmmapatni) the illustrious Queen Chachchai, (who) was born in the Chalukya family. (Ll. 17-31). This land which is to the north of Muktapali, on the northern side of the village of Mahuḍalā, (measures) forty nivarttanas. Its boundaries (are) :-on the east, the river, on the south, the boundary of the village Hathāvāḍa, and the Kakada (?), on the west, the watercourses, (and) on the north, the mountain. This land is thus defined with its four boundaries. Again, the twenty-five nivarttanas of land given by the illustrious king Kakkapai on both slopes of the hill known as 'the breasts of the virgin'; also thirty-five nivarttanas (of land) by the Vakaaigala and others of the town, by the side of the town of Sangama at Chaḍailivata; (as well as) two nivarttanas of flower gardens; 2 oil-mills; 14 shops of merchants; as well as 14 dramma coins, and in market places (and) village streets, per leaf (?) fifty. Having caused endless repairs and restorations to be made, to last as long as the Sun and the Moon endure, in the temple of Jina in the Svētapada country, are dedicated to the illustrious Muni Suvratadova for the purpose of worship, abhisheka, naivedya, chaitra-pavittraka, for food and clothing of Rishis. (The following officers) and inhabitants of this vishaya :-Desilaka, Grāmataka, Gökulika, Chaurika, Saulkika, Damdapātika, Prātirajyika, Mahattama, householders and others, the inhabitants of towns, are informed: "Let it be known to you, that this (land) given by me, is to be recognized as a gift, by my descendants as well as other future kings and enjoyers and protected, and whoever, with his mind being covered with the dense darkness of ignorance, violates this or causes this to be violated, will be connected with (i.e., afflicted with) the five great patakas as well as upapātakas." 1 [See footnote on text line 11 above.-Ed.] [See footnote on text line 23 above.-Ed.] Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 11.) AMODA PLATES OF THE HAIHAYA KING PRITHVIDEVA L. 78 (Ll. 32-44). It has been said by the venerable Vyasa [here follow eight of the usual imprecatory verses). Written by the illustrious Sändhivigrahika Jogõsvara of the twice-born race. No. 11.--AMODA PLATES OF THE HAIHAYA KING PRITHVIDEVA I: CHEDI SAMVAT 881. BY RAI BAHADUR HIRALAL, B.A. (RETIRED DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, CENTRAL PROVINCES). These coppor-plates were found in a field in Amoda village, about a foot below the surface. Amodi is about 10 miles from Janjgir, the headquarters of a tahsil of the same name in the Bilaspur District of the Central Provinces. These are two plates, each measuring 11' x 77", the total weight of both being 107 tolas. Each has a hole, the first at the bottom and the second at the top, for being strung with a seal which is lost. They are inscribed on one side only, the first containing 20 and the second 21 lines. The plates when found about May 1924 were deposited in the Nagpur Museum, whence I obtained them for deciphering. The Accompanying facsimile copy was prepared from impressions taken by Mr. Abdus Suboor, Coin Expert of the same museum. The writing is in a fairly good state of preservation, except where the metal has been corroded. The size of the letters everages t'except in the last 5 lines in which it is reduced to it. The characters are Devanagari of the Kalachuri type with the usual peculiarities found in the records of the kings of Tripuri and Ratanpur. No difference has been made between ba and va, both being expressed by the sign for va. The dental sibilant has been usually employed for the palatal and vice versa, for which the text may be read, where the correct sibilant has been put in brackets, just opposite the incorrect one. In many words the dental n has been used for the anusvāra, e.g., in line 5 vansa stands for vamba and in l. 8 sinhāḥ for sinhäh. The letters ta, ra and na have been so formed that they are easily mistaken one for the other, and so is the case with pa and ya, and also with va, cha and dha. The letters a, i, kha, na, dha, bha, ra and to bear antique forms. The record is composed in Sanskrit verse and prose, there being alte gether 22 verses of which 14 at the commencement are devoted to the eulogy of the donor and his ancestors and the remaining at the end to imprecation, benediction, and mention of officials like the minister for peace and war, under whom the department of gifts was usually placed, and the writer and engraver of the charter. Between these two sets of verses is placed the business portion in prose. The salutation to the deity in the beginning and the year at the end are also given in prose. The proper object of the charter is to record the grant of a village named Vasaha ur Basahā of the Yayapara-mandala to a Brāhmaṇa named Kötava, son of Chatta and grandson of Thirāicha (who had come from a place named Hastiyāmatha), on Sunday, the 7th tithi of the dark hall of Phålguna in the Chôdi year 831, on the oceasion of the dedication of a Chatushkikā or hall resting on 4 pillars to the god Vankēsvara at Tumāņaka, by Prithvidēva I, son of Ratnadöva, and queen Nonnala, daughter of Vajuvarman, prince of Komd-mandala. The genealogy is traced to Kärtavirya, who imprisoned Rāvana, violently shaken to and fro by the waters of the great Rēvā. In his family were born the Haihaya kings, in whose line Kókkala became the lord of Chodi and other countries. He raided the treasuries of the Karnata, Vanga, Gurjara, Konkaņa, and Sakambharf kings and also of those born of the Turushka and Raghu families. He had 18 sons of whom the eldest became the king of Tripart, while the others were made feudatory chiefs near about. To one of the younger L? Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX brothers was born Kalingarāja, whose son was Kamalarāja. The latter defeated an Utkala king and endeavoured to equal Gängeyadēva in prosperity. To him was born Ratnarāja or Ratnadēva, the father of the donor of this gift. Prithvidēva is described as the master of twenty thousand, the lord of the whole of Kosala, a mahāmandalēsvara, and sprung from the Kalachuri family. These facts are important as showing that in spite of being a lord of a very big country like Kosala extending west to east from Berir to Orissa and north to south from the Amarkantaka to the Godavari, he continued to owe allegiance to the parental house at Tripuri near Jubbulpore. It is somewhat difficult to say what the master of 20-thousand ' means, but it appears to be a measure of importance belonging to the class in which the Southern kings usually indulged. Some writers construed the figures against place-names referring to their revenue capacity, the value of the produce or the quantity of seed required for the cultivation of the tract, but Dr. Fleet in his note on Ancient territorial divisions of India contributed to the Royal Asiatic Society's Journal of 1912 has clearly shown that the numerical figures refer to the number of cities, towns and villages assigned to each territorial division. In certain cases like Rattapādi 7,50,000, Kavadidvips 1.25.000. Gangavādi 96,000, Nolambavādi 32,000, the figures look enormous, but these he ex. plains as conventional or traditional or at any rate greatly exaggerated. In the light of these, our figure of 20,000 for the lord of the whole of Kõsala country is apparently very modest. In & record found in the Madras Presidency, referring to a gift made by the Kalachuri king of Tripuri, to Sadbhāva-Sambhu, the head of Golakimatha, the following occurs :- freone megfratreneraf: 1 yarat yurizeazafa: fiat faceret i.e., to him the Kalachuri king Yuvarājadēva gifted 3 lakhs of villages. The same record assigns 9 lakhs of villages to the Dāhala country, lying between the Jumna and the Narmadā, which Yuvarājadēva held. For our donor, therefore, to hold 20 thousand villages as a Mahamandalesvara of Tripuri, looks to be a normal affair. In those days the units must have been very small, as they are still found in backward places like the Bastar State. The importance of our charter lies in the fact that it is the oldest dated record of the Hai hayas of Mahäkosala. Up till now Prithvidēva's son's record of the year 1114 was the oldest. Of all the dated records of the Kalachuri kings, the one under notice stands second, the first being that of Karnadēva of the year 1042 A.D.2. Karna was the son of Gangeyadēva,' who finds & mention in our record as a king to be imitated for augmenting one's prosperity. He had died in 1041 A.D., or 38 years before the charter under notice was issued. The date of our record regularly corresponds to Sunday, the 27th January 1079 A.D. In this charter the Sativat is given as Chëdisasya (of the lord of Chēdi), and not as Chedi or Kalachuri Sarvat, as found in other records. This seems to support the hypothesis formulated by me about 15 years ago that Chhattisgarh owed its origin to Chēdisagadha, meaning the forts or districts of the lord of Chedi, and not to the numerical word chhattis meaning 36. There is no proof of the gachas or forts having been limited to 36. On the other hand the account books of the kings of Ratanpur which were seen by the Settlement Officer of the Bilaspur District about 60 yeurs ago showed the names of 48 gadhas instead of 36. In no inscription has the name Chhattisgarh Leon used for Kösala or Mahākõsala. The Bilaspur District or at any rate a portion of it formed part of the Chēdi country under the sway of the Tripuri kings and the rulers of Mahākörala were the sions of the same family and remained subordinate to that paramount power. It was, therefore, natural to call all the new forts which formed units of power as belonging to the Chēdīša or Lord of Chedi. 1 Seo Jijalladēva's Ratnapur inscription in Ep. Ind., Vol. 1, pp. 32 ff. Ep. Inl., Vol. VI, n. 297 ff. One roourd of this king is also found with a doubtful date corresponding to 10:38 A.D. Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 11.] AMODA PLATES OF THE HAIHAYA KING PRITHVIDEVA I. 77 The geographical names mentioned in the record include the Rēva river, which is an alternative name of the Narmada, the sacred river on whose banks Tripuri, the present Têwar, 8 miles from Jubbulpore, lay, and of whose sanctity the Säröddharini speaks as follows: The Ganges is very sacred at Kanakhala, the Sarasvati at Kurukshetra, but the Narmada is sacred everywhere, in any village or forest." I have already spoken about the extent of the Kōsala country in which Tumanaka or Tummaņa, the present Tuman, is situate. It is 45 miles north of Ratanpur, which in its turn is 16 miles north of Bilaspur, the headquarters of the district of the same name. The district is formed of many old mandalas of which Kōmo-mandala, whence the donor's mother hailed, is still identifiable with the Pendra zamindāri, in which there is still a village named Kōmo. The Yayapara-mandala, in which the village Vasaha or Basaha lay, must have been the tract lying about the present village Jaijaipur, 10 miles from Amodā. Basaha apparently exist with its name unchanged in the Bilaspur tahsil, a part of which must have been included in the Jaijaipur-mandala of ancient days. Among the countries mentioned as raided by Kōkkala, Karnņāta, the present Karnatak, lies far away in the south. Close to it is Konkana, still retaining the same name. Further up one meets Gurjara, the present Gujarat, to the east of which in Rajputana lies the country of Sakambhari, the tutelary goddess of the Chauhans. Vanga is (Eastern) Bengal, but it is not clear what country the Turushkas and Raghus then occupied. Apparently, the latter's dominions had no specific name. Kamalaraja is stated to have vanquished an Utkala or Orissa king, but the personal names of the conquered have been left out in every case. The temple of Vankesvara, as is clear from the record, was situated in Tumāņa, where a superb temple, now in ruins, still exists. For further details I may refer the reader to my article on a visit to Tumana published in the Indian Antiquary of 1924. The temple of this god has also been mentioned in a stone inscription of Jajalladeva of the year 1114 A.D. But I cannot find a god of this name in the recognised Hindu pantheon. Apparently he was an aboriginal local deity, believed to exercise the greatest influence and was, therefore, adopted by the Kalachuris as their tutelary god in order to prevent him from doing any harm to the newcomers, unless it is another name for Siva, of whom the Kalachuris were the great worshippers. In fact they styled themselves as Porama-Mähesvaras, as has been done in this charter also. They belonged to a sect which is known as Pasupata-pantha, now believed to practise a degraded form of Siva worship. Vankesvara means the lord of vagabonds', a title equally applicable to an aboriginal god or to Siva, as the latter is always accompanied by an army of vagabonds. Prior to the advent of the Kalachuris in the Bilaspur District, the country was inhabited mostly by aborigines, as it is so even now in the portion where Tumana is situated. It is, therefore, very likely that Vankesvara was adopted from their pantheon, otherwise we should have temples dedicated to that deity in the Dahala country, at least in the capital at Tripuri, but we find no trace of him there. It is curious that, barring the names of kings, other names even of high officials like ministers of peace and war sound non-Aryan. The minister was named Dhōdhāka or Dhodha in plain language. Although the donee was named as Kesava and was given the high title of Rishi, yet his father was named Chaṭṭa and his grandfather Thiräicha, both being ont and out nonAryan names. Even the prince of Komo-mandala was named Vaju, which cannot be considered to be flattering. His daughter who was married to Ratnadēva bore the name of Nonnală, more correctly Nōnalla as found in other records of the same family. This seems to be an inflation 1 गङ्गा कनखले पुण्या कुरुक्षेत्रे सरस्वती । शामे वा यदिवार पुच्या सर्वत्र नर्मदा | Ep. Ind., Vol. I, pp. 35 ff. Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX of Noni which in the Chhattisgarhi dialect of Hindi means 'a maiden,' as it does in Oriya and Bengali. The ladies of rank apparently had the termination "alla" added to their names, as we find other queens of the same family bearing names like Avalla, Lachhalla, Rājallā, Rambhallā, Jäsalla, Sōmallä and Trialla. In noticing these few points which the charter brings to prominent notice, I have been actuated by the idea that the time has come when a broader view of the manner of studying these records might well be taken, than has been hitherto the case. Up to this time attention was chiefly concentrated on kings, dates and places, but these unusual finds reveal a lot of unusual ethnographical and other data, which is well worth collection. TEXT. [Metres : Vv. 1, 4, 10, 11, 12, 17-23, Anushtubh ; v. 2 Upendravajra ; v. 3, Sragdharā; vv. 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, Vasantatilaled ; vv. 7, 15, 16, Upajāts; v. 13, Sikcharini ] First Plate. 1 चम् ॥ श्रोम्' नमो व्र(ब्रह्मणे | निर्गुणं व्यापकं नित्य शिव "परमकारर्थ । भाववाच्यं परं ज्योतिस्तस 2 ( नमः ॥[१॥ * ] यदेतदग्रेसरमम्ब (म्ब) रस्य ज्यो । । तिः स पूषा पुराणः । अथास्य पुत्री मनु पुरुषः 3 रादिराजस्तदन्वयेभूवि [1] वीर्यः ॥ [२] ॥*] देवः श्रीका वो: चितिपतिरभवषयं भूतधाचा 4 सप्ताद्रिव (विभ्य हिमगिरिसुता [शेष ] सन्तोषितेयम् । दोईखाक (का) सेतुप्रतिगमितम 5 हावारिवाप्रवाह' व्याधूतच्च च पूजागुरु जनितरुषं रावणं यो वव (बब ) न्ध* ॥[२] तन्स (वंश) प्रभवा भूपा व (ब) 6 भूवुर्भुवि हयाः । तेषां वन्स (वंशे) च चेद्यादिचितीस : (गः) कोलोभवत् । [४] काट (ट) वह पतिरकी - 7 णेशसा (शा) कंभरोपतितु[रुष्कार ] घूजवानाम् । चयं न स्तंभी जय आ[द]ाय को [भ] हरिदन्त (ति) 8 स्व विचितो विन राजा ॥[५] अष्टादशारिकरिकुंभविभङ्गसिन्हा: (सिंहाः) पुत्रा [] (ब) भूवर तिसो (यो) यं 9 पराच तस्य । तत्राग्रजी नृपवरस्त्रिपुरोश पासीत्पाखें (खें) च मण्डलपतीन्स चकार व (ब) बून् ॥[4॥ * ) तेषा 1 Represented by two different signs. [The first symbol possibly stands for सिद्धिरस्तु see above, Vol. XVII, p. 352.Ed.] [The dandas are unnecessary.-Ed.] Here the space enclosed by the two vertical lines and just below it in the second line was reserved for making a hole for stringing the first plate with the second plate, but the hole was finally made at the bottom instead of at the top. Compare with the 3rd élōka of the Benares copper-plate inscription of Karnadeva (Ep. Ind., Vol. II, p. 305). 4 Elsewhere this reads as शेष य (800 Ep. Ind, Vob I, p. 34 slokai). Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AMODA PLATES OF THE HAIHAYA KING PRITHVIDEVA I, CHEDI SAMVAT 831. ही तालानग यातिनिशा तिनकारलाई भोटडी नया साल मन मामा तिहास सातपूना 'लालिमा चिनिएका सानाधित नदिई कि हर गाविना हावाघ नवा प्रवाह गावात राडार जनियुतानला वेवातिदन देवालयात • जनताहे. त्यानियोलपतात आदिका मामलोग बनला हवा काही टवडनिय है पाका हलमाकानीमा 35वामानहाया का महानता नसीहा टन स्यविलित हातायन । मोड सारिकामाकविनास टापुनातु निमाय सातत्याना गाडाटपदामिएनीमा नानीमाबत माता सतना नव गतिमा बजसनालाइ नापता पितासाजाका नामोहसतायात नाबाटपाचाला माई प्रपतनान याल कातिकानात एकलाम पता " पति हापसापुतान मलनिताना तानाशपातसवका मनाजोल उपकालनमावीला गादिया वहावमदाहायचालविता - नानुरारिता समन मुलि नाम निकालियापन मिला वललालपसमयमा मऊसमानतमालपताका नायर निसन्तान प्रदायेविला ने मामा शानिनामा लमही 20 नाति सचिवाताव कामताका नाशवतानाशाजनाताल HIRANANDA NASTRI. SCALE THREE FOURTH. SURVEY OF INDIA. CALCUTTA. Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ दिदातावितरित कितनम मानलावादाचा नापनेनसमसमान 22 पतिसौदापतशीलहाननिहालतमसन पुरसंचामनजित राजपुतान सिवानावित केलामावाना पंतपमानाशाहहतातर-मनसा। 24दि विभतिशहरोकांना माविसकालकासा भास मालाला 24 निनामा हतारिन यावानीविनाऊमातालवाललहनियामला 26बायात्रादि सरवायामासम्म तासीरामदायतमतमाभान असा Musiवायविमानालासिक समवलनतलमानगावात 20 निमालकारनधी वाहतसादियायामानातनदाशुका ० ला साततालमावतवार तु लाचनम तुसवयहाणामकामा ७० विमाहोमो सामनक्षला मनिटानादन मनाया सदा ३० दिवा शितिकाजातिपतलामालियावर माविशकिगीन का नतीला समबनी इस पद नामबहानमायानादासाहीत धनराधका मनावरासायी नयन साडनाममानताकामावापतामई मानपुरा शरलानावाद हा जमीठोटासा प्रवासात्तता काहिताका देवमासातसादहशवढाउनसुतकमा 36 साकारलायब मिस मनुदाफलमगारमियाप्रतिगमतिमा शामायाजतिले नितिनयनामिनासतासनतनतनाव व जमा 38 निदान समितपत कर हायता पावसानसमक्तासषधावा बुलावामी बार 38 लगतासमतिबमिरा र बवतातलामकाकनवासउपासना विकिन सावित कर सोलिवितस्तारियाहायलासकलाक्लाजावाजवायनाला 0 पति सव हा दातदातासास Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 11.) AMODA PLATES OF THE HAIHAYA KING PRITHVIDEVAL 79 10 मनू'जस्य कलिङ्गराजः प्रतापक्षिपितारिराजः । जातोन्वये विरिपु प्रवीरप्रियान11 नाम्भोरुहपार्वणन्दुः [७ *] तस्मादपि प्रततनिर्मलकीर्तिकान्तो जातः पु(स)त: कम ]लराज इति 12 प्रसिद्धः । यस्य प्रतापतरणावुदित(ते) रजन्यां जातानि पहजवनानि विकासभाजि(भाजि) ॥८॥*] क्षीणो13 दपु(मु)कलन्टपं परिमध्य धौरो गाने)यदेवविभवे स(श)मदायिं यः । उच्चैरिस्थरप्रण[धरताप14 रत्नदानसंतोषितासुरसरः स हि मन्दराभ: n[e "] महीभर्तृविभूषाय पपो(यो)धिरिव [कौस्तु]15 भं। जितसू (शू)रप्रतापं हि रत्नराजमभूत स: [१० ॥"] दृप्त[वि]हिष्ट सामन्तध्वान्त[व]सनभास्करं । 16 यस्य प्रतापतप्त्येव सै(0)त्याया(धि)श्रिता हिषः ।[११॥"] नोबलाख्या प्रिया तस्य सू(शू)रस्येव हि 17 सू(श )रता । कोमोमण्डलनाथस्य सुता या वजुवर्माणः [१२॥*] तत[:] पृथ्वोदेवः सकलधरणी. 18 भूषणमणिः समुत्पत्रः श्रीम[]धजनमनोभोजतरणिः । प्रतापानौ यस्य 19 लति सततोत्तप्तहृदयविलीनं सामात्यैगंडक्कतस(म)रीरैरिव परैः ॥ [१३ ॥"] यस्मिन्मही20 [म*]वति नीतिविचारस(सा)रे वातोप्यवर्मनि पदं न करोति कोन्यः । धर्मा[1]ध्वनिष्ठितमतौ च न Second Plate. 21 देवस्थेचन' दैवतोपि लोकेपु(पु) नूनमुपघातलवोदयोस्ति ॥[१४] भनेन समस्तप्रति22 पत्तिसमूहससु(मु)पेतश(स) लहारविभूषितेन सं()खयुग्मध्वनिपूरितनगनप (य)खर' 28 रवत्रासितारातिचक्रेण समधिगताशेषपंच(पत्र)महासदे(द)न श्रीमहख(ख)र वरलब्ध(ब)प्रसा1 should be short, but apparently it has been made long for the sake of metro, with view to make it & pada of Indravajnå, like the third pada of the same flöka, the second and fourth being those of Upendravofra. Elsewhere it reads fantú which appears to be better (Heo Ep. Ind., Vol. I, p. 35, Soka 9). Delete the first five letters as superfluous. [These two letters seem to be undecessary. The reading is not certain. Mr. Hiralal conjecturally suggests अगर येम्वर-Ed.] Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX, 2. देकविध(विय)तिम(स)()कनाथमप(वा)प्रचण्डसकलकीसमाधिपतिमा पर. . ममाहेब(ख)रण कल25 रिवन्मो(वंशो)अनि ] त्यादि समस्तराजावलोविराजमानमहामण्डलेश्वरेण स्ति यामठिनि. 28 मोताय । पाङ्गिरसगोत्राया(य) उचि(च)ध्यगौतमवसिष्ठेति शि:(चि)प्रम(क) राप(य) व(ब)चसामा)खिने [य] सो(यो)दे27 वणव(व)उपाध्यायथिरारचनले चा[स]ता[य] रिसि(ऋषि) कोसप)राम(वाय) (फाल्गुनवष्णसप्तम्यां रविदि28 ने तुमाणके देवत्रोवलेख (ब)रचतु[ष्किकाप्र]तिष्ठायां योमहरख (वर)[पष्टा]धि. सम्बदौ(दो) पादौ प्रचा 29 य कुमा(मा)चततिरस्यसमन्वितवारितुण्डकमालययपरमंडल(माले) वसहा. प्रामचतुःसीमा80 विस(स)हो मातायि(पि)चोरामनच पुण्ययसो(गो)भिवाये []तो. दक[सा](या)मनतया . [दत्तस्तदयं 81 चंद्रदिवाकरचितिपायोधिपवनाम्ब(म्ब)राणि यावत् म(प)विछिनभुयावाग [भाम] करम[ग]ला32 रसवतोड दम(समा) इत्य (त्या)भ्यन्तरसिया(ध्या) भजनेतयुषपोचादिभिव भोकव्यः । विपूर्वको विक्र38 मराजधेयः सौ(गो)ोडतो. विक्रमराजनामा । तथानो वीरवरो - जितारिरभिः प्रद84 वा:(ता.) खलु (मोत्सवाचः ।[१५ ] ण(त)थ [था] सधे(संधि विधा राजमंचौ बेष्ठी यसो(यो)रखपुरप्रधा[न]: । धीधा85 कपाबहिलकेस(म)[वाय ददौ] [रा संचितसवधर्मः [१ ] व(बहुभिर्वसुधा (भु)ला रात. . 38 मिः समरादिभिः । यस्ययस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य[तस्य'] तदा फसम् [१७॥"] भूमिं यः प्रतिगडा(शा)ति य87. भूमिः प्रयच्छति । उमौ [तो पुण्यकर्मा]ो नियतं खमंगामिनो । [१८ ।"] सं() भद्रासन(न) छवं वरना(रावा) वरवारवाः । 88 भूमिदानस्य चिहानि फलमतत्परन्दर ।[१८] [रते हारयते वो मन्दबु(कु)पितमोहतः । स प(ब)को वारः पा()स्तिर्यम्बी. .....Bandingmoertain,- . do: Upajati. Apparently the intention was to write in Indrarajno metro. But throngh the faalt of the pure or otherwise it has become irregular Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 12.] TAKKOLAM INSCRIPTION OF RAJAKESARIVARMAN (ADITYA I). 81. 39 मिं च गच्छति ॥[ २० ॥ *] न विषं विषमित्याहु ( ) स्वं विषमुख (ते । विषमेकाकिनं ह[न्ति] व्व (ब्रह्मस्व (खं) पुत्रपौषि (व) कं ॥ [ २१ ॥ ] गव(ख) र सु 40 विरहण इंग्रभहस्तांबे (मं) चक(को) रनयनां (गो) लिखितं सुधाचिः । योहास (घ) ल: सकलसि (शि)ल्पनिधिः सुबु (बु) हि रुत्कीर्ण (पूर्ण) वा 41 का भु (च) मप (पं) चि चेदीस (घ) सव (द) चरं च ॥ २२ ॥ चया यां[ष] | १९ No. 12. TAKKOLAM INSCRIPTION OF RAJAKESARIVARMAN (ADITYA I). BY K. V. SUBRAHMANYA AYYAR, B. A., M.R.A.8., OOTACAMUND. Takkolam, which is now a petty village in the North Arcot District and a flag station on the Arkonam-Chingleput line of the South Indian Railway, was an important place in ancient times. It occurs under the name Tiruvüral in the Devaram, and is stated to have been situated in Tondainadu. It is celebrated for its Siva temple, referred to in the hymns of the Tamil Saiva saint Tirujñānasambandar, who flourished in the middle of the seventh century A.D. Even at the present day, its Siva temple is an old structure of the Chōla times, referable to the 9th century A.D., to judge from the inscriptions engraved on the walls of the central shrine. Besides being a place of pilgrimage, it is historically important as one of the ancient battle-fields of South India. In the middle of the 10th century A.D., it witnessed a sanguinary encounters that took place between the Chōlas on the one side, and the Rashtrakutas allied with the Gangas on the other, the bone of contention being Tondai-mandalam,-the plum of the Pallava dominions,-which had been snatched away by the Chōlas from the Pallavas in the third quarter of the 9th century A.D. The Cholas were under the banner of the great Paräntaka I, the general being the valiant Chōla prince Räjäditys, while the contending Rashtrakuta was the famous Krishna III,7 allied with the Ganga Bütuga II.8 In the encounter, Bütuga managed to get into the howdah of the 1 Regarding the situation of Takkolam, see Ep. Ind., Vol. V, p. 167. Tiruvural is included in the first Tirumurai and is stated to be a place in Tonḍai-nādu. Of the eleven verses composed by this saint verses 6 and 7 are lost and the rest are preserved in the Devaram. The inscriptions of Takkolam are registered as Noe. I to 19 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1897 and Nos. 243 to 277 of the same collection for 1921. The kings represented in them are Rajakesarivarman (No. 5 of 1897 and Nos. 255 and 260 of 1921), Parantaka I (Nos. 8 to 12 of 1897 and Nos. 245, 246, 248, 249, 251 to 254 and 261 of 1921), Kapparadeva (No. 2 of 1897), Parakesarivarman (No. 6 of 1897 and No. 250 of 1921), Parthivendravarman (Nos. 4, 7, 13 and 14 of 1897), Rajaraja I (No. 3 of 1897 and Nos. 247, 257, 258 and 259 of 1921), Rajendra-Chōla I (No. 15 of 1897 and 256 of 1921), Vimaladitya (No. 1 of 1897), Rajakesarivarman Vijayarajöndradeva (No. 262 of 1921), Rajakesarivarman Viraräjöndra (No. 19 of 1897), Kulottunga I (No. 18 of 1897 and Nos. 243, 263 and 268 of 1921), Tribhuvanachakravartin Kulottunga (Nos. 16 and 17 of 1897), Tribhuvanachakravartin Rajaraja (Nos. 265 and 266 of 1921), Vijayagandagopala (Nos. 264 and 267 of 1921), Rajanäräyana. Sambuvaraya (No. 271 of 1921), Devaraya (No. 270 of 1921) and Sadasiva (Nos. 289 and 272 of 1921). One bears no king (No. 273 of 1921). This battle is mentioned in the Atakur stone inscription (see Ep. Ind., Vol. VI, p. 55). This fact was first surmised by Mr. Venkayya in editing the Tirukkalukkupram inscription of Rajakēsarivarman, dated in the 27th year of reign (Ep. Ind., Vol. III, p. 279), and subsequently proved to be correct by a statement in the Tiruvälangadu plates (S. I. I., Vol. III, p. 419, v. 49). 1 Krishna III is invariably referred to in Tamil Inscriptions by the appellation" Kachchiyum Tañjaiyumhonda Kannaradeva," (Kannaradeva, the capturor of Conjeeveram and Tanjore). The Doddasivaram inscription (No. 112 of 1899) refers to his having been encamped at Malpädi in the North Arcot district. Ep. Ind., Vol. VI, pp. 55 and 57. Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 82 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, [VOL. XIX. elephant on which Räjāditya rode, engaged him in a hand-to-hand fight and put him to death, thus securing victory to his overlord. Soon after, Krishna III is said to have marched through Topdai-mandalam. To fix the date when the Rashtrakūta invasion of the Chola country took place, we may briefly state here the events of the period :(1) A number of stone inscriptions of Parāņtaka I have been found dated in years 40 and later and of these the latest known so far is one belonging to the 46th year of reign. His accession being in A.D. 907, the last date takes us to A.D. 953. In the face of the existence of this record which has been recently examined and found to be clearly of the 46th year and of another dated in the 45th year, we cannot place Parantaka's death before A.D. 952-3. (2) The Kanyakumari inscription states that Parantaka I bimself fought with Krishparaja and defeated him earning thereby the title Vira-Chola, though it does not state when and where the encounter took place. If the success attributed to Parintaka I is to be taken seriously, we must regard this event as having happened before A.D. 944 when, as will be shown in (3) below, Krishnaraja was occupying Tondai. | mangalam. (3) The Rashtrakūta king Krishna III occupied Tondai-mandalam in at least A.D. 944, for there is a clear record of his at Siddhalingamadam in the South Aroot District dated in the Bth year of his reign mentioning his conquest of Kachohi and Tañjai. Records of Krishna III show that he reigned for 28 years' and one of them states in unmistakable terms that he died in A.D. 967. Therefore, it is certain that bis reign lasted from A.D. 9:0 to 967 and that his fifth year fell in A.D. 944. (4) A few years.after his occupation of Tondai-mandalam, Krishna III had to fight against the Cholas at Takkölam. We have definite information in contemporary records as to when this happened and the whole course of events that followed, The Solapuram record is dated in A.D. 949, which is stated to be two years after Krishna JII had fought with Rajădityand entered Tondai-mandalam. Who it was that killed Rājāditya in the battle and what kind of entry is referred to here are clearly learnt from the Atakur stone inscription. It statesli that at the time when Krishna III was fighting against the Chola, Būtuga II (the Ganga ally of the Ep. Carn., Vol. III, Md. 41 and J. R. 4.8. for 1909, p. 443. ? Ep. Ind., Vol. VII, p. 195. Ep. Ind., Vol. XV, p. 52. Some of the statements therein made fell self-condemned. • Madras Epigraphical co!lsetion Nos. 384 of 1903, 232 of 1894, 82 of 1996, 520 of 1805, 310 of 1008, 225 of 1915, 345 and 33 of 1918 belong to the 40th year; Nos. 88 of 1892, 419 of 1903, 184 and 313 of 2006 snid 149 of 1916 belong to the 41st year: No. 465 of 1918 bolang to the 45th year and No. 15 of 1896 to the 18th geac Trav. Arch. Series, Vol. III, p. 143, v 48. No. 375 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1909 Quite a large number of inscriptions of the 28th year of this king have been found::eo Nos. 125 of 1906 and 364 of 1902 of the Madras Epigraphical collection. • No. 238 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1913 from Kolagallu is dated in Saka 889, Kshaya, Phalguna, du. di. 6, Sunday, and states that Krishpa UI died in this year and Kottiga succeeded him. The data equivalent is Sunday, February 17th, A.D. 967., Since the Dooli grant of Krishna III is dated in 940 A.D. and does not mention his conquest of the Chilas that event should have happened after this date and most probably in A.D 944. 10 Ep. Ind., Vol. VII, p. 195. The actual words used are " Susii Gri yandu irandu Saka warsha eynir et pull-ouru chakravartti Kannaradi va-vallabhan Rajadittarai erindu Tondai-mandulam pagundandi 11 Ep. Int., Vol VI, p. 57, 1. 20 am J. R. 4. S. 1909, p. 445. Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 12.) TAKKOLAM INSCRIPTION OF RAJAKËSARIVARMAN (ADITYA I). 83 Rāshtrakūta king) made the howdah of the elephant on which Rājāditya was mounted the battle-field, fought with Rājāditya, stabbed him with a dagger and killed him. In token of appreciation, Kțishna III gave Bütuga the Banavase 12,000, Belvola 300, Purigere 300, Kisukād 70 and Bāgenād 370. The same record further informgl us that Krishtia III having attacked Mummadi-Chola Rājāditya and having fought and killed him at Takkolam was going in triumph. Thus, it is clear that this entry into Tondai-mandalam which took place a few years after the Rashtrakūta occupation of that part of the Chōļa dominions was the faral triumphant march or state procession in the 'conquered territory when all obstacles had been overcome. It will be noted that Räjāditya died long before his father's death. Accordingly, we see that the Tiruvāla gādu plates do not state that he became king while they do sey so with regard to his brothers. (5) Twelve yeats after Kțishņa III had this state entry into Tondai-mandalam, i.e., on the 9th day of March 959 A.D., he was encamped with his victorious army at Melpādi in the Chittoor district when he established his followers in the southern provinces, took possession of the estates of the provincial chiefs and began to construct temples to Kālapriya, Gandamārtanda, Kộishņēśvara, etc. The events of the period, in the order of occurrence, may be given thus :1. Before A.D. 944 . . Parāntaka I fought with the Räshtrakūta king Krishna III and gained victory. 2. A.D. 944 . . · Krishya III oocupied Tondai-mandalam. 3. A.D. 947. . Battle of Takkõlam : Rājāditya 'killed by Būtuga and the triumphant march of Kộishna III into Tondai-mandalam. 4. A.D. 953 . . . Last year of Parāntaka's reign known so far. 5. A.D. 959 . . . Krishna III's encampment at Melpädi and the establishment of Rashtrakūta subordinates in the several provinces of Tondai mandalam. 6. A.D. 967, . Death of Krishna III. The gubioined inscription is engraved on the west wall of the central shrine in the Jalapāthēs. vara temple at Takkõlam. It is written in the Tamil and Grantha characters of the ninth century and is in the Tamil language. The record is in a good state of preservation. The Grantha letters used are svasthi fri (1.1), süryya graha (1. 5) and mähesvarakshai (1. 11). The ou in Tiruvural (1. 6) is shaped as in Grantha. A careful comparison of the characters employed in this record with those of Parāntaka I found in the same place, shows that this inscription must belong to a slightly earlier period. It is worthy of note that while the Parāntaka inscriptions in this place do not use the puļli or virāma, it is invariably marked by a small vertical line over the letters throughout this inscription, wherever necessary. The characteristic Tamil letters that 1.Ibid., p. 55, L. 2. South-Ind. Infcrs., Vol. III, p. 419, v. 54. • Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 281. It is stated in this inscription that Krishna III erected a high column of victory at Ramēśvaram after making the Chēra, Chöļa, and Pandya his tributaries (V. 35 of the Karhad plates). • No. 5 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1897. . It is also marked in the Tirukkalukkuprann icription of the same king (Ep. Ind., Vol. II, plate facing page 28-4). Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX show an earlier type are ta, ma and ta. The marking of the secondary i-symbol from right to left like a circle over the letter is another archaic feature that is worthy of note. The etymology and orthography of the record do not call for any remarks. The inscription is dated in the 24th year of the reign of Rajakõsarivarman without any distinguishing epithets and registers the grant of a silver water-vessel with a spout, made to the temple of Tiruvural-Mahādēva by Piridipadiyār, son of Māramaraiyar, on the occasion of a solar eclipse which occurred on the first day of the bright fortnight in the month of Aņi. The donor Piridipadiyār is no doubt identical with the Ganga Prithvipati II, son of Marasimha, who is referred to by the name of Máramaraiyar here. It was on this Ganga chief that the Chūļa king Parāntaka I (A.D. 907 to 953) conferred later on the Bāņa kingdom which he had obtained by defeating the then reigning Bāņa chief, along with the feudatory title Sembiyan Māvali-Vāņarāyap. Since before Parāntaka I the only Chõla king that bore the title Räjakēsarivarman was Aditya I, this inscription must belong to him. Paleographical considerations and the fact that Přithvipati II figures as donor in this record point to the same conclusion. The importance of this inscription consists in the fact that it can, with certainty, be ascribed to the Chõļa Āditya I ; that it enables us to fix the date of his accession to the throne which has not hitherto been done ; besides, it also reveals the fact that the Gangas under Prithvipati II assumed a subordinate position under, or were at least friendly towards, the Chöļas even during the reign of Aditya I, as they certainly were in the time of Parantaka I. It is reported in the Udayēndiram grant that the Ganga king Prithvipati I, grandfather of the donor of our record, fought on the side of the Pallava Aparājita against the Pandya king Varaguna in the battle at Sripurainbiyam and secured victory for his ally, though he himself lost his life in the strife. The Pandya king Varaguna, who was defeated in this battle, is no doubt VatragunaVarman, the eldest son of Srimāra Parachakrakólahala.. Of bis reign an inscription had been found at Aivarmalaio in the Madura district dated in the 8th year and Saka 792, from which it is learnt that he ascended the throne in A.D. 862. It is clear that the battle of Sripurambiyam must, therefore, have been fought some time after that date, perhaps in about A.D. 870. The victor in this battle, i.e., the Pallava king Aparājita, continued his rule for some time when he had to encounter a more formidable foe in the Chola Aditya I. The Tiruvälangadu plates state that Aditya I defeated the Pallava Aparājita, gained victory and took possession of his dominions. This must have happened in about A.D. 870. The statement made in this inscription that in the 24th year of the king's reign there was a solar eclipse in the month of Āņi is of the utmost importance, for it enables us to fix the year of his accession to the throne as will be shown presently. Keeping A.D. 907, the year of accession of Parantaka I, as the last year of the reign of Aditya I, we have to look for the date meant in the Prithvipati I, having died in the battle of sipurambiyam, it is impossible that he might be meant in this record though Máramaraiyar may be equatod with Sivamära or Marasimha. See 8.1.1., Vol. II, pago 384. See also Sholingur inscription of Parantaka I (Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, page 224), where the following words अलभत पहमयं प्रसादं वायाधिराजपदलंभनसाधनं are used with reference to the title obtained by Prithvipati II from l'arantaka I. * See 8.1.1., Vol. II, p. 384, v. 18, and Ep. Ind., Vol. IX, p. 87. * A. R. on Epigraphy for 1907, Pt. II, page 66 f. No. 705 of the Madrs Epigraphical collection for 1905. • The inscriptions of Aparajita range in date from the 3rd to the 18th year of reign free No. 135 of the Vedras prgraphical collection for 1905 and No. 351 of the same collection for 1908). 58. I. I. Vol. IIT, P. 419, v. 49. Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 12.) TAKKOLAM INSCRIPTION OF RAJAKESARIVARMAN (ADITYA I). 88 inscription. From Mr. L. D. Swamikkannu Pillai's Indian Ephemeris, it is seen that before A.D. 907 the following are the dates when solar eclipses occurred in the month of Api : 1. Saturday, 5th June 829 A.D. 2. Thursday, 5th June 848 A.D. 3. Saturday, 16th June 866 A.D. 4. Friday, 6th June 867 A.D. 5. Saturday, 27th May 876 A.D. 6. Wednesday, 16th June 885 A.D. 7. Friday, 7th June 894 A.D. 8. Wednesday, 28th May 895 A.D. It may be noted at the start that as Parāntaka I had had a long reign extending to 46 years Aditya I, his father, could not have reigned as long. And if the fact that the Pallava king Aparajita and his Ganga ally Prithvipati I fought at Sripurambiyam in the Tanjore district not far from the new capital of the Cholas, without the Cholas taking any part in it, against the Pandya king Varaguna, which event must have taken place after A.D. 862, the year of accession of Varaguņa and somewhere about 870,--could suggest anything, it is that the Cholas had not formed themselves into a power to count for much. For these reasons, we cannot place the date of accession of Aditya I, prior to A.D. 862. As such, we can safely leave out of consideration the first six probable dateequivalents of the details given in our record, since they give an accession date earlier than A.D. 862. Thus, the only two probable equivalents of the day of the solar eclipse in Api given in this inscription are 7th June 894 A.D. and 28th May 895 A.D. which would place the accession of Aditya I in A.D. 870 or 871 and give him a rule of 36 or 37 years. The only other equivalent that is worthy of consideration is 16th June A.D. 885. This would place Aditya's accession in A.D. 861 and give him a long reign of 46 years. In the absence of any evidence to show that Aditya I was a mere boy at the time of his coronation, one would rather hesitate to adopt this 88 & probable date for the reason that the reigns of Aditya and his son Parāntaka I would cover & period of 92 years. Sometime after his accession to the throne Aditya I should have thought it opportune to try issues with the Pallava victor of Sripurambiyam, i.e., Aparajita. While the Tiruvälangalu plates state that Aditya fought with the Pallava Aparājita and defeated him, the Kanyākumāri inscription goes further and explicitly declares that he killed him and got possession of the territory. It is very likely that Aparajita, after having reigned for 18 years, lost his life and his kingdom in the encounter with the Chõļa Aditya I. Here it becomes necessary to consider certain inscriptions of Rājakesarivarman which have been thought, perhaps on palmographical grounds, to be of an earlier date than A.D. 907 and consequently as belonging to Aditya I, noticed on page 96, para. 20 of Part II of the Annual Report on Epigraphy for 1915 and for which 5 possible equivalents are noted on page 72 of the same report. Of these equivalents, the only one that agrees with one of the equivalents of the present record is the first which places the accession in A.D. 861 and which also we consider as highly improbable. I think these inscriptions of Rājakesarivarman should belong to some sovereign in the Chola line who came after Parāntaka I and not to one that preceded him. My reasons for thinking - 1 South Indian history affords an odd example where the reigns of two consecutive sovereigns together lasted for more than a century. This is the case of Nandivarman Pallavamalla and his son Dantivarman; but in this case we are assured that Nandivarman Pallavamalla was crowned king while he had not reached the teens. 18.1. I., Vol. II, p. 419, v. 49. * Trav. Arch. Series, Vol. III, p. 155, v. 55, where it is stated that Aditya, called also Ködandarama, pounced upon and killed in battle the Pallava king who was seated on a rutting elephant. Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. ! that they are later than the time of Parantaka are(1) that in two of these records, which palaeogra phically indicate the same period, there oocurs a Village called Uttamasili-chaturvedimangalath which should have been so termed after Uttamašili, one of the sons of Parantaka I as we know it from his inscriptions; and (2) that these two inscriptions mention a chief named Vélan Viranārāyaṇa alias Sembiyan Vēdi-Vēļān, who must have been so called after Viranārāyaṇa, one of the surnames of Parantaka I. The only two Rājakēsarivarmans to whom they could be assigned in my opinion, are Sundara-Chola and Rajarāja I, both of whom coming after Parantaka I bore the title Rājakësarivarman. The equivalents of the details of dates given in these records for either of these two kings are noted below : No. and your. Details of date. Equivalent for Sundara Chole Equivalent for Rajaraja I. . 74 of 1914 . . . 2nd Jan. 991 A.D. 101 of 1914 . . 19th Jan. 992 . 104 of 1914 . ilth Jan. 994 105 of 1914 . . 5th yr. Makars, Friday, 4th Jan: Punarvasu. 7th. Makars, Tuesday, 27th Dec. 964 Ardri. 76 Makara, Thursday, 14th Jan. 904 Müls. 7th, Sinha, Saturday, 16th Aug. 983, Rohiņi. oth. Makara, Tuesday, 23rd Dec. 962 Sväti. i Makars, Tuesday, 27th Dec. 964, Ardri. sth. Mithuna, Wednes. 4th Jan. 961 , day, Sväti. 12th Aug. 993, 127 of 1914 . . · 17th Jan. 993 130 of 1914 . . 19th Jan. 992 133 of 1914 . . . . 27th May 991 The part played by the Gangas in the political affairs of the Tamil country calls for some remarks. In the beginning of the 9th century A.D., the Western Gangas of Talakkad were hard pressed by the Rashtrakūtas who under Dhruva II raided the Ganga territory, actually took possession of a part of it and twice kept in prison Sivamāra II, the then reigning Ganga sovereign. Not long after Sivamāra II was set at liberty and reinstated on his throne by the Rashtraküts Govinda III he passed away, and the country became subject to the rule of Rājamalla Satysyäkya I, who tried to regain possession of the territory lost under the late king, and when he was effecting this, he found a fierce opponent in Bankēta, & general of the Rashtrakūtas. Fortunately for the Ganga this general was recalled owing to certain internal dissensions in the Rashtrakūta realm, thus affording the 'Gangas a breathing time. Rajamalla's successor Nitimarga Lad to face the rising of the Bānas who took up the place of the Rashtrakūtas in causing disturbance to the Gangas, and this he did effectively by gaining a victory over the Pallava army at Rajaramada uod capturing from the Bānas Mahārājara-nādu called also the Mahārājavādi (in the Cuddapah district).' We find Rajamalla occupying the North Arcot district which should have been previously held by the Båpas and where their inscriptions are actually found. While this was the case with the Gangas, the country of Drāvida was not in a state of Nos. 104 and 105 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1914. * Bp. Ind., Vol. VI, p. 26. Ep. Carh., Kl. 90. Nj. 269. and Mb. 228. Ep. Inili, Vol. IV, Pago 140. Page #116 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TAKKOLAM INSCRIPTION OF RAJAKESARIVARMAN (ADITYA I). 4 A HIRANANDA BASTRI, SCALE THREE-TENTHS. SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 12.) TAKKOLAM INSCRIPTION OF RAJAKESARIVARMAN (ADITYA I). 87 quiet. The successors of Nandivarman Pallavamalla could not command his strength or tact. A. general like Udayachandra was also absent from the scene. The Pallava dominions were exposed to the rushing tide of the Pandya aggression which was ever threatening to sweep off at least the southern parts of it since the time of Arikēsari Märavarman." Seeing that the Pallaves were becoming weaker, the Bånas also appear to have aimed at independence. The trouble caused to the Pallaves which is evidently manifested by the Pandya king Varaguņa-Mahārāja marching as far north as Araisūr on the banks of the river Peņņai, and the pressure that was brought to bear on the Gangas by the Rashtrakūtas and the Bāņas, as we have seen already, appear to have brought about a union of the Pallavas and the Gangas at this period. The Cholas were then holding, be it noted, a subordinate official position under the Pallavas and this is in evidence in the Vēlārpālaiyan plates which state that the Cholamahārāją Kunārānkusa was one of Nandivarman III's principal officers. The position of the several powers of South India at the time of which we are speaking is clearly brought out when the Singamagar plates state that Srimära Parachakrakālāhala fought at Kudamūkku, i.e., Kumbhakonam against the allied armies of the Ganga, Chola, Pallava, Kalinga and others. Not long after, we notice the Ganga Prithvipati I, son of Sivamāre II, forming an alliance with the Pallava Aparajita and fighting against the latter's foe, i.e., the Pandya Varaguna. We can well imagine that friendly relations must have existed between the Gangas and the Chõļas, the latter of whom held then & subordinate position under the Pallavas, while the former were their allies. This relationship should have continued even after the downfall of the Pallava power which was brought about by Aditys I: it is not unlikely that the Gangas aided the Cholas in the endeavou. The aim of the Gangas must have been to secure help against the Banas which they needed badly and which was fully obtained in the reign of Aditya's successor Parāntaka I. These circumstances clearly show the interest taken by the Gangas in the affairs of the Tamil country and account for Prithvipati II figuring as donor in qur record and the subsequent acqui sítion by him of the rule of the Bapa kingdom together with the title Sembiyap Mahávali Vāparāyap from the hands of Parantaka I. TEXT. 1. Avasthissti) krt [11] Kõv-Irākako. 2. daripapma[r*]kku iyāņdy 3. trubattu-nälāvadu A. 4. pi-ttalai-ppiraiyal 5. tindiņa Suryya-grahaņat The Pipdya king Arikori Maravarman is said to have gained a victory over Pallavamalla, Varaguna Mahaja is reported to have advanced as far north as Araisär on the Pennar and to have enoamped there. Srimara Panchakrkoláhala called also Pallavabhadjana is said to have fought the battle of Kudamökku against the Pallava and others. 1 Ep. Ind., Vol. IX, pp. 86 and 91. S.I.I., Vol. II, p. 512, v. 26 and the Tamil portion which follows it. It is said of him that he was the herois head-jewel of the Chöļa race, that his glory was well known, that he had the liberality of Karna and that his conduct was upright. • Annual Report on Epigraphy for 1907, p. 68, par. 23. 8. L. I., Vol. II, p. 384, v. 18 and Ep. Ind., Vol. IX, page 87. • All the circumstances so far known seem to suggest that Vijayalaya, the first member of the revived Choa line, could not have had any independence. There is no question of his valour or chivalry. At the same time there is nothing to suspect the statement of the Tiruvalangadu plates that he captured the town of Tafijapuri. What looks probable is that he might have done it being under the employ of the Pallava.' Perhaps, he was Antt to protect the Pallava interest in the southern portion of their dominions, 6.6., the Tanjore district, which was exponed to studio for years by the aggressivo Pandya4. Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 82 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX, 6. ti-näpru Tiruvöral-Mädēva7. rkku Māramaraiyar magagar 8. Piridipadiyar kudutta ve9. llikkeņdi nisai mugnu 10. rru-orubatt-elu kalaõju 11. idu pag-Māhēsva[ra*]-rakshai illo] TRANSLATION. Hail ! Prosperity! On the day of the solar eclipse which occurred on the first moon In the month of Api in the 24th year of the reign of) king Rājakõsarivarman, Piridipadiyār(i.6., Prithvipati), son of Māramaraiyar (i.e., Mārasithha), presented a silver ean with a spout weighing three hundred and seventeen kafanju, to the temple of the god) Mahädēva at Tiruvural. This (gift shall be under) the protection of all Mābēsvaras. No. 13.-A FURTHER NOTE ON THE BEZWADA PILLAR INSCRIPTION OF YUDDHAMALLA. BY J. RAMAYYA PANTULU, B.A., B.L. Mr. C. R. Krishnamacharla's note on the inscription, named above, and his readings or interpretation of it cannot be accepted except in one case. He says that the word “bayanna" in the 3rd line of the 4th verse (1. 27 of the inscription) must be read as mayanna (mba does not scan well) and not as maiyunna as proposed by me. Apart from the difficulties of construction, Mr. Krishnamacharlu's reading offends the law of prosody in a very important respect. It was shown in the original article, that the verses of the inscription are in the Madhya-akkara metre. The scheme of this metre requires an indra-gana at the place where bayanna standa. Bayanna is a ja-gana and a ja-gana cannot be an indra-gara. The possible contention that ja-gana may have been regarded as an indra-gara at the period when the inscription was composed upsets the whole scheme of the metre adopted in the inscription. The emendation maiyunna meets this difficulty and renders the passage quite natural and clear. Admitting that emendations should not be proposed where the original reading can possibly be adopted, it may be contended that this is a case in which the original wording of the inscription cannot be adopted and an emendation is necessary. As for the contention that the verse should be so interpreted as to moan that it was king Yud. dhamalla, and not the god Kumārasvami that went on a pilgrimage from Chēbrölu to Bezwada, it must be admitted that this interpretation is literally possible, though the interpretation offered already is the more probable one. Chēbrolu does not appear to have ever been a Chalukyan capital. The second point in the note concerns the prose passage in lines 29-36. The restoration of the lost letters suggested herein is problematical and rests upon emendations in other parts of the passage. The third point is in regard to the reading and interpretation of the word 'vëreru' in lines 39 and 40. The exact reading is certainly neregu but the interpretation put upon it by Mr. Krishnamacharlu cannot be accepted. Eru' is unknown to Telugu. In Kanarese, it is a verb meaning to be complete', and it can hardly be used in Telugu as an adverb in the way suggested. The fourth and last point is in regard to the reading and interpretation of the concluding portion of the inscription consisting of the last two letters of line 44 and lines 45 and 46. The deci. [See above, Vol XV, p. 364 1.-Ed.] Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 14.) KANDUKURU PLATES OF VENKATAPATI DEVA I. SAKA 1585. 89 pbering of this passage is quite correct. Mr. Krishnamacharlu takes the last two syllables kunda as a noun meaning 'a pillar', and interprets the passage ngipula kunda as meaning pillar for kings (that recognize and maintain his charity).' The Kanarese word kunda is identical with the Telugu word kundamu and means the same thing, viz., 'a pile of bricks or tiles'. This is not exactly a pillar. Nripula kunda means kunda of npipilu (kings) but not kunda for ngipulu. Pillar of kings' does not give any sense. Yuddhamalla, apparently, erected this pillar for the purpose of 'having the inscription engraved thereon and not to the honour of unnamed future kings whom he wants to maintain his charity. How does this pillar serve the latter purpose? Is there any other instance of such a pillar being erected! The passage, so far as it goes, scans exactly to the Madhya-akkara metre and the last syllable da which, for purposes of yati, matches with ta, the initial syllable of the passage, certainly sug gests that the passage is part of a verse line, and a glance at the estampage cannot fail to show that the engraving is abruptly left off at this point. No. 14.-THE KANDUKURU PLATES OF VENKATAPATIDEVAI: SAKA 1535, By G. V. SRINIVASA RAO, B.A., MADRAS. These five copper-plates were secured on loan from M. R. Ry. Uddi Narasimhacharya of Kandularu, Madanapalle Taluk, Chittoor district, in 1921-22. They have raised rims and curved tops with & ring-bole, about 3' in diameter, bored in the middle. They measure 91' in height together with the projections and 71 without them and are 6+ wide. To the ring, which is circular in shape with a diameter of 24", is attached, by a hole at the back of it, sliding circular seal measuring 17" in diameter. On this is represented in high relief a boar; advancing to the proper left, and a dagger pointing downwards, both cut upon a horizontal double line supported by & vertical line in the centre. Above the boar are the figures of the sun and the crescent. The plates with the ring and seal weigh 307 tolas. The ring had been cut when the plates were received in the office of the Assistant Archeological Superintendent for Epigraphy at Madras. The inscription is engraved on the inner sides of the first and last plates and on both sides of the rest. The leaves are numbered in Telugu numerals incised to the left of the ring-hole on the first written side of each plate. The alphabot of the grant is Nandi-Nagari except the sign manual. Sri Venkatāśa' at the end which is in Telugu, and the language is metrical Sanskrit. The portion in lines 148 to 152 is, however, in the Telugu language and is evidently an addition made after the original grant was completed. The inscription shows the various orthographical peculiarities usually seen in the Vijayanagara grants, such as (1) the invariable use of anusvāra in place of the nasal and vice versa, (2) the treatment of the second letter as adjunct to the repha in conjunct consonants, (3) the omission of the visarga generally before the letters fa and 8a, and also in a few other cases, (4) the omission of the first member in double consonants, (5) the superfluous use of an anusvāra before nasals, (6) the use of a stroke in addition to a hook after the vowel i to denote length as in consonants, (7) the occasional use of the letter a followed by i to denote ai sound in consonante. (8) the substitution of their mere vowels for the letters ya and va and vice versa. The grant was issued by Venkatapatidēva of the Karnata dynasty and is dated in Saka 1535, Pramäthin, Vaisakha, su. 12, which regularly corresponds to A.D. 1613, April 21, No. 9 of Appendix A to the Madras Epigraphical Report for 1921-22. Soo Ep. Ind., Vol. III, p. 230, Vol. IV, p. 299, Vol. XI, p. 327 and Vol XVI, p. 241. Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 90 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA [VOL. XIX. Wednesday, and is, therefore, nearly three months earlier than the British Museum plates of the same king. After the usual invocatory verses, the inscription begins with the genealogy of the king which agrees with that given in all the other grants of the dynasty up to Tirumala L Like the Dalavay-Agraharam plates and the Vilapakkam grant, this record also mentions the two sons of Tirumala by Vengalamba, viz., Srirangaraya and Venkatapatideva. In the course of the narration of his ancestry and its panegyric, the document mentions Bukka as having firmly established Saluva-Nrisithha on the throne, and his son Ramaraya as having put to flight Kasappodaya and captured the hill-fortress Adavani' protected by Sapada's army of 70,000 Sindh horse' as well as Kandanavõlu. Kasappodaya has been surmised to be identical with Kachapa-Nayaka of Adavani' who figures as a subordinate of Saluva Narasingaraya in Saka 1420. Possibly Kachapa, for selfish ends, made common cause with the Mussalmans who invaded the Vijayanagara dominions in Saka 1425, and Ramaraya continued his allegiance to the political successors of the Saluvas under king Krishnaraya. Sapada has been identified with Yusuf Adil Shahi of Bijapur who is said to have borne the name Savaee. The next important member of the line was Tirumala, the brother of Aliya Ramaraya, who was the first to adopt the title 'Samrat.' His successor was Sriranga and after him came Venkata, the donor of the grant and the last powerful king of the family. He was born about Saka 1471 (A.D. 1549-50) if we can rely on the testimony of Barradas who says that he was 67 years at the time of his death which, according to Floris, took place in A.D. 1614.10 He figures as a subordinate of king Sadasiva in A.D. 1567-68.11 We learn from the Vasucharitramu and the Chikkadevaraya-vaméāvali that during his father's time he was the Viceroy of the Chandragiri-rajya comprising the Tundira, Chola and Pandya countries, and had his capital at Chandragiri while his brother Sriranga governed the Telugu districts from Penukonda. When the latter came to the throne, Venkatapati continued to be the Viceroy and held the charge of the Telugu country also. This is gathered from No. 541 of 1909 which states 13 that in Saka 1502 (A.D. 1580) the Golkonda Sultan Hazrat Ibrahim Padishäh acquired Uddagiri (i.e., Udayagiri) by driving out Venkataraju and captured the regions around Vinikonda, etc., and Kondavidu. In the same year Sriranga was taken captive by the Sultan who, with the help of the Hande chiefs, gained effective possession of the territory lying to the north of Penukonda. This event is mentioned in No. 70 of 1915 dated Saka 1506 (A.D. 1584) which states that Ahobalam had been in the occupation of the Muhammadan chief Vibhurāmu and his Hande allies for about 7 years. Probably it is these reverses that account for a grant of land in A.D. 1579 to a temple at Mahabalipuram by Göbüri Tirumalai-Nayakkar for the merit 1 Ibid., Vol. XIII, p. 231 f. Ibid., Vol. XII, pp. 159. Ibid., Vol. IV, pp. 200 ff. Mad. Ep. Report for 1920-21, Part II, paragraph 12. No. 719 of the Mad. Ep. Collection for 1917. Brigg's Ferishta, Vol. III, p. 348. The Krishnaraya-vijayam mentions Araviti-Bukkaraju as one of the chiefs who attended the coronation of the king. (Sources of Vij. Hist., p. 129). Ep. Ind., Vol. XVI, p. 243, footnote 6. Sewell's Forgotten Empire, p. 224. 10 Sewell's List of Antiquities, Vol. II, p. 251. 11 Nos, 240 of 1897 and 163 of 1905 of the Mad. Ep. Collection. 13 In No. 383 of 1919 dated Saka 1496 in Sriranga's reign he confirms certain appointments made by Tată charya. 18 Mad. Ep. Report for 1910, Part II, paragraph 64. 14 These, according to the copper-plate grant No. 23 of 1910-11, had been conquered by Sriranga in Saka 1498. Ibid. for 1911, Part II, paragraph 57. Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 14.] KANDUKURU PLATES OF VENKATAPATIDEVAI: SAKA 1535. 91 of Verkatapati. The Telugu work Rāmarājīyamu states that Venkata chased the Golkonda army back and defeating it on the banks of the Penner settled, with his vanquished and suppliant enemy, the river Krishna as the boundary line between their territories. His faithful feudatories who helped him on these and other occasions were the Matla chief Anants who calls himself tho right hand of the Karnita emperor,' and the Tanjore chief, Achyutapps as well as his son Raghur DĀtha who 'brought all the Karnāta territory once more under Venkatadevaraya.' But he had his own internal enemies to contend against; for we hear of a revolt of the Nandyal chief Krish Dama having been quelled by Venkata early in his reign and of Krishnappa Nayaks of Gingee having been imprisoned by the emperor and subsequently set free.Virappa Nayaks of Madura also seems to have aimed at independence. The Chikkadevarāya-uamdāvali informs us that shortly after his accession, Venkata sent his nephew Tirumala against Madura, but the latter received bribes from the chief and retired with his army to Srirangapattana. In spite of this, Venkatapati should have asserted his authority over Virappa as evidenced by later granta. We get some interesting glimpses into the history of this period from certain Jesuit letters! noticed by the Reverend Father Heras of Bombay. About A.D. 1607 Venkata had removed his seat of government to Vēlār though Chandragiri was still the royal city.' Towards the close of his reiga Venkata had to yield to the rising chief Rāja-Udaiyar of Mysore on whom he had to confer the viceroyalty of Srirangapattana, as his attentions were diverted again by the troublesome Golkonda chiefs who threatened his dominions in the north. It was on this occasion that Raghunatha-Nayaka of Tanjore came to his rescue and saved the kingdom from the Muhammadan invasion. It is probable that Muttu-Virappa Nayaka of Madura was also trying to shake off the Vijayanagara sovereignty, and therefore espoused the cause of Jaggaraya in the war of succession after Venkata's death. The object of the document is to record the grant of some garden lands and fields at Chandragiri and Gollapallo for the worship of the god and the goddess at Tirupati during certain festivals specified in it. The grant was made by Venkatapatidēva at the request of Mahāmandalesvara Gobari Śēshādrirăja, the son of Venkataraja and the grandson of Pāpa-Timmarāja of the Solar race and the Kabyapa-gotra. Very little is known of these Göbüri chiefs so far except the names of some individual members of the family. They first figure in the reign of Krishnarāya at the time of his expedition against Kalinga, 40 but came into prominence during the rule of Sadāsiva and his successors and had frequent matrimonial alliances with the latter. We meet with a certain 1 Mad. Ep. Rep. for 1910, Part II, paragraph 56. Ibid. for 1916, Part II, paragraph 75. • Sources of Vij. Hist., p. 285. • Ibid., p. 243. terardi ( 2) martie: रकतानी रखनाथभूपः। पाराषितं चपनायर्कतं. बबीचयकटदेवराया। (Raghund thabhyudayam of Ramabhadrimba, Canto VII, verse 73). . Ep. Ind., Vol. XII, pp. 159 f. Copper-plates Nos. 9 of 1906-06 and 9 of 1911-12 of the Madras Epigra phical collection. Mythic Society Journal, Vol. XIV, pp. 130-140 and 312-317. . This is probably in consequence of the revolt of Lingama-Nayaka whom, according to Bahuladvacharitram, Chonns defeated on behalf of Vonkata. Sewell's Forgotten Empire, p. 230. 10 Sources of Vij. Hist. p. 131. 11 According to the Ramarajiyamu, Kondamma, one of the five queens of Venkate I, was a daughter of Obs. rijs, while two more daughters of his, Narasingamma and Bangaramma, were respeótively married to Rims and Verksta II, the grandsons of Asiya-Ramarija. Other members of the family who had marriage counutions with the Arayldu chiefs were Gobari Vengals, the father of certain Papamms married to Srirange HII, the adopted son of Gopala who was himself the son-in-law of (Gobůri) Giriyapps, and Yatiraju whose daughter Kardamma was married to Bima IV. N Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 92 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX Malamandalesvara Göbüri Obayadēva-Mahārāja as a subordinate of Sadasiva in Saka 1469 in an inscription at Ahobalam, though we cannot say for certain whether he is the same chief who is referred to as Mahamandalesvara Göbūri Aubhalarājayya in No. 543 of the Epigraphical colleotion for 1915, dated in Saka 1482, from the Bellary district. About this period some more chiefs of the family are brought to our notice, who were connected with the Kurnool, Cuddapah and Chingleput districts. For instance, we find & certain Kondrāju in Saka 1473 at Koilkuntla, Narasaraju in Saka 1478 at Tondūru,' a Giriyapparāju in Saka 1529 at Dudyāla, a Göbūti Tirumalai-Nāyaka in Saka 1501,' and a Mahamandalēšvara Göbūri Obarājayyadēva-Maha. raja. Barradas? mentions a certain Obo Rāya as the brother-in-law of Verkata and a Chinnaobrays (Chinna-Obala-Rāya) as a brother of the traitor Jaggaraya who also belonged to the Göbūri family, and whose daughter Bāyamā was married to Venkata. This Obarājayyadēvs should evidently have been different from Obayadēva, the subordinate of Sadasiva, and possibly his grandson. He has been surmised to be a son of Tirumalai-Nayaka of the Kunnattür in. scription with whom again, if we may hazard & guess, Päps-Timmarája, mentioned above, and Timma, who married Obāmbā, the sister of Tirumala I, 10 and was the father of Narasa, might be identical. In that case Venkataraja, the father of Seshadriraja of the present grant, Oburaja or Obalarāja and Narasa should have been brothers. Of the places mentioned in the grant, Tirupati is called Soshachala and Phapisvaragiri. Tangataru is a village in the Prodduțur taluk of the Cuddapah district. Chandragiri is too well known to require identification. Venkațājammapēta seems to have been a part of Chandragiri itself. The name Tondavādi-tațáka seems to be connected with the modern Tondavāda near Chandragiri and Gollapalli is a few miles further east. I am unable to identify Gopidēvipálys. Like the Mangalampăd charter of the same king! this grant was also composed by Chidambara-Kavi and incised by Kāmayāchārya. TEXT. [Metros : Verses 44-69 and 73-76, Anushfubh ; vv. 70-72, Arya ; v. 77, Salint.] Fourth Plate ; First Side. 111 . . . arama 112 ufua ATHAT" a wife a. 113 gramafa [188] Tage getui (at)fauti 114 Uuetoa ufa' [184] ITTHON 7 1 No. 63 of the Mad. Ep. Collection for 1915. * Rangacharya's Madras Inscriptions, Kl. 110. • Ibid., Cd. 635. Ibid., Kl. 401. No. 255 of the Mad. Ep. Collection for 1909. See Ep. Repl. for 1910, p. 105, para. 36. • No. 332 of Mad. Ep. Collection for 1909. 7 Sewell's Forgotten Empire, pp. 223 and 228. • Sources of Vij. Hist., p. 263. • Mad. Rp. Rep. for 1910, Part II, para. 56. 10 Sources of Vij. Hist., Genealogy on page XIV. 1 Nellore Inscriptions, Part I, p. 26. 12 In line 1 to 111 the first forty veres of the Viläpakkam grant (p. Ixd., Vol. IV, pp. 273-278) are topro duced with two other verses (Nos. 39 and 80) which occur in the Ponagalära graat m v. 81 and 89 (Ep. Ind., YOL. XVI, p. 950). ** Rond AG [The time of the year Is Prouidin.--Ed.) 14 Read guet fort. Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 14.) . KANDUKURU PLATES OF VENKATAPATIDEVAI: SAKA 1535. 98 115 .. कस्तूरीचिन्ह(क)बीवत्सलक्षणे । पूषानुष्णांशुनेत्राय शेषाच. 116 लकुटुंबिने ।[181"] खामिपुष्कर(रि)णीतीरधामनित्यविहारिणे । 117 रंटिराया जगन्मातर्मदिरा(यि)तवक्षसे ।[४७"] शयनालीनदुः 118 ग्वाधिशैवाललतिकोपमा । वहते वारिजाचाय वक्षसा 119 वनमालिका [use"] शखं चक्रं च कहते 'गयाम्यामुज्वलं रचा । 120 दृशाविति जापयते चंद्राओं वामदक्षिणे [1४८] महनीय(य)तरं र. 121 बमकुटं मूधि(f) विभुते । चतुर्भूतेंदुमार्ताडजो(ज्यो)तिरक्रमि-... 122 वाश्रितं. ५."] श्रीमहेंकटनाथाय श्रीनिवासाय विष्णवे । श्री. 123 (बो)वेकटाचसेंद्रस्थ शिखराभरणार(यि)ते [५१"] प्राचोभागपरिष्का124 रे शोणवल्पशिलोचयात् । नटमी [न*]रसणनायकोद्यान125 दक्षिणे [५२'] विशालरथवीप्यार वायवों दिशमाबिते । अयस्कर126 जोयगारितोटादुत्तरदिग्भवे ।[५३"] श्रीमहोबूरिशेषाद्रिरा[जा]127 रामे मनोरमे । दीपयंतं दिशो दीया महामणिमंट[4] [[५४"] Fourth Plate ; Second Side. 128 'पतिमासं भूषयतः फणोश्वरगिरीथितः । विविधा129 पूपनैवेद्यविभयो(वो)त्यादनाय च ।[1५५*] तवैव स्वामिनो नं. 130 म्ह'वसंतोत्सवयोरपि । नानागंधोपचाराय नैवेद्याय 131 विशिष्य च [4"] 'मुक्कोटितीर्थनाचारितेप्पदिष्योत्सवेषु च । पर182 प्यर्थ च सततपुष्पदामार्पणाय च [५७] रमापदं चंद्रगिरि.. 133 राजधानीप्रसाधनं । गोपिदेवीपाळ्यराजवोधी निधिपथा134 दपि [५८*] त्रोवेंकटाजमपेटादपि प्राचीदिमात्रयं । बीमबउ(बु)ल185 बंडाच दक्षिणस्यां दिशि स्थितं [ine*] तोंडवाद्रि(डि)तटाकांतसीमांता. 136 दपि पश्चिमं । बु(उत्तरं श्रीगोपरानकास्वाकेदारवैभवात् [.'] तंग। 137 टूरि कोंडुभट(१)मान्यकेदारकं विना । सूरप्पका[ळवा] सभगतोटो. 138. कदंवकं [११] गोलपण्यामुळवडकालाकै (के)दारवाण्यपि । सर्वमा189 ग्यं चतुल्सी(मी)मासहितं च सम[*]त: [m] निधिनिषेपपाषाण. ... सिसाध्य. 140 बलान्वितं [1] [चि*]ण्यागामिसम्युक्त देवभोज्यं सभूक [] परीतः प्र. IPerhapas mistike for..कराया । Read fao. • Read T. feal is the name of a tank at Tirupati. Almost every temple in South India has a tank or well with a sacrednoss attached to it. The literal meaning of the first part of the word is 3 crorog and the belief in that the tank has the collective virtue of so many sacred waters of the country. Compare the Kofi-Hirtha at Ramëvaram and the Sarta-firtha at Conjeeveram. . •Bond बीया. Readसंग Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX __141 यते[*] निग्धैः पुरोहितपुरोगमैः । विविधैर्विबुधैः] श्रौतपथिकैर 142 धिकैगिरा [६४*] कास्य (श्य)पान्वयदीपस्य कास्य(श्य)पोकल्पशाखिनः । यो. 143 सूर्यवंशरवस्य श्रीमतामग्रयाइने [1६५*] श्रीमन्महामंडलेश्वर 144 स्य सारस्य शालिनः । प्रतीतिमत्यापतिमराजपौषस्य रा. 145 नतः 14"] श्रोवेंकटमहीपालपुषस्यामित्रकर्शिनः । श्रीमहो। 146 री(रि)शेषाद्रिराजस्य रवितेजसः [७] विशेषत्रानभरितां विज्ञप्ति 147 मनुपालयन् । श्रीवीरवेंकटपतिमहारायमहीपतिः ।[10] सहि. 148 रण्यपयोधारापूर्वकं दत्तवान्मुदा' । [२८] श्रोवेंकटेश्वरस्खामुख क[]. 149 ड शेशिनदि धर्मकर्त (से)नामोदलारि कृष्णयगारिकि प्रतिसंवत्सरामकुम ग २४ 150 वरहालु । तोटवाक(कि)ट पलिविद्रकुत्रु Fifth Plate. 151 तोट शेवालकु प्रासालुबु ई काखरोखलोनु क. 152 दृड शायनवधरिचिनारु ॥ श्री । 153 श्रोवेंकटपतिरायक्षितिपतिवर्यस्य कोर्तिय॑स्य ॥ 164 शासनमिदं सुधोजन कुवलयचंद्रस्य भूमई()द्रस्य(1) ॥ [७०*] श्री 165 वेंकटपतिरायगिरा सिवसूर्यकवोंद्रभागिनयत166 या [*] कलितोबतिचिदंबरकविरवदत्तानशासनलीका. 157 न [७१] श्रोवेंकटपतिरायमापतिदेशेन कामयाचार्यः । 158 गणपयतमय[:] शासनमलिखदिदं वोरणानुजस्ताम्बं ।[1७१*] दा LL 159-167 give five imprecatory stanzas Danapalanayor, eto. eto. 168 श्रीवेंकटेश' ABRIDGED TRANSLATION. (Vv. 44-69.) In the Saka year computed by the arrows (5), Sakti (3), arrows (5) and moon (1)-(i.e., 1535)-in the (cyclic) year called Pramădin, in the month known as Vaitakha, in the bright fortnight, in an auspicious asterism on the sacred tithi of Dvadasl, at the holy lotus-feet of (god) Sri-Veikatisa, the abode of all happiness, to the (same) glorious Vishpu known as Venkatanatha and Srinivasa, and living at Seshachala, ever sporting in his residence on the banks of the Svåmi-Pushkarini (tank), whose chest is made the abode of Indirā, the mother of I Read यायिनः * The second half of this verse is wanting though the sense is complote. This word is written below the line. • Read कौश्यिस्य • The letter seems to beacorrection from म. • Rend शिवसूर्य. +In Telugu characters. Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 14.] KANDUKURU PLATES OF VENKATAPATIDEVA I: SAKA 1535. 98 all the worlds and is adorned with the Srivatsa (mark) bearing marks of musk from her breast, who bears on his chest the Vanamalikā (garland)1 resembling the mossy creeper (growing) in the milky ocean clinging to his couch; who holds in his hands the conch and the disc glowing with lustre, whose left and right eyes are the Moon and the Sun, who wears on his head the magnificent jewelled crown appearing (by its brilliance) as if it were the very halo of light of those dual luminaries settled (thereon), and who adorns like a crest-jewel the glorious Venkata, the king of mountains, for various cake offerings and excellent unguents to this lord of Phanisvaragiri (Seshachala) who adorns every month the jewelled mantapa of great value illuminating with its splendour (all) the quarters, built in the pleasure-garden (founded by) the prosperous Gōbūri Śēshādrirāja, which is situated to the east of the Red Hillock, to the south of the fair garden (called after) Narasana-Nayaka, to the north-west of the broad car-street and to the north of (the garden) Sayaakara-Jiyagaritöța; for worship with sandal and various offerings (to the god) in the same place during the Brahmotsava (grand annual festival) and Vasantotsava (spring festival), and for the unintermittent offering of flower. garlands particularly during the floating festivals of the goddess (Nachcharu) in the Mukkōţitirtha (tank); with due regard to the wise request (made for this purpose) by the illustrious Mahamandalesvara Goburi Seshadriraja possessed of great excellence and of splendour like that of the Sun, who was the grandson of the famous Papa-Timmarāja and the son of VenkataMahipala, the destroyer of his foes, who was the gem of the Solar race and the light, as it were, of the Kasyapa-götra and was of the school of Kasyapi-kalpa, and who was the foremost of the fortunate; the glorious king Vira-Venkatapati-Mahārāya, being surrounded by pious and amiable priests and several wise and learned men following the path prescribed by the Vedas, gave away with pleasure, to the accompaniment of libations of gold and water, excluding the small manya field of Kondu-Bhaṭṭa of Tangațūru, the whole beautiful plot of garden-lands and fields called (after the canal) Surappa-kälva which is the very abode of Rama (Lakshmi) and the ornament of the capital city of Chandragiri and is situated to the east of the high-road to Gōpidevipalya and of the happy Venkaṭājammapeta, to the south of (the rock) Nüvulabanda, to the west of the extreme border-line of the (tank) Tondavādi-taṭāka and to the north of the field called (after the canal) Gōparāja-kälva; and also the group of fields (known as) Ulvada-kälvā in Gollapalli, together with the trees (growing on them) and (the other eight privileges such as) natural resources and deposited treasures, stones, realised and realisable (income), water, akshini and āgāmi, as a sarvamanya with the four boundaries (marked out) on all sides to be enjoyed by the god (in perpetuity). (Ll. 148-152) (The god) Sri-Venkatesvarasvami ordained (the payment of) 24 varahas every year to the Dharmakarta Sēnā-Modalāri Krishnayagāru. For the watershed at the entrance of the garden and for the maintenance of the gardeners, (He) was (also) pleased to command (payment to be made) from the cash (income) from the above kalvā. V. 70. [In praise of king Venkatapati.] (This is identical with verse 124 of the Kuniyur plates of Venkata II.) 1 Vanamalika is thus defined : winguifat are w मध्ये कन्याया मनमादेति कीर्तिता ॥ Dasaratha is described as wearing a wreath or vanamala on his crown while going out hunting. (Raghuvama IX, 51.) In the vernacular idiom any beautifal place is known as the favourite haunt of Lakabmi, the Goddess of Prosperity, who is supposed to dance there for sheer joy. The meaning of the word w occurring in the verse is not clear. Perhaps it is a Sanskrit rendering of the Tamil word Sirappu which means "efferings made on special occasions and distributed to the devotees then assembled." It is called charupu in Kanarese and Telugu. Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, (VOL. XIX. (Vv. 71-72.) By the order of the king, Chidambara-Kavi, the sister's son of the poet SivaSürya, composed this edict and Kamayacharya engraved it on the plates. (Vv. 73-77.) The usual imprecation and admonition. (L. 168.) Sri-Venkatēta. No. 16.-MATHURA PEDESTAL INSCRIPTION OF THE KUSHANA YEAR 14. BY DAYA RAM SAHNI, M.A., Rai BAHADUR. This inscription is an entirely new discovery, photographs and estampages of which have, with his characteristic promptitude, been supplied to me by Rai Bahadur Pandit Radha Krishna, the Honorary Curator of the Museum of Archæology at Mathurā. The stone image pedestal on which the epigraph is engraved was found in an elevated part of the Dalpat-ki-Khipki Mohalla in the city of Mathurd when an inhabitant of that town was digging foundations for his house. The excavation was not done with care with the result that the pedestal was broken into severa) pieces. Of the statue itself only the feet remain with the lower portion of a small standing figure at each side. There is thus nothing to show the exact nature of the central image, though from the tenor of the epigraph and other indications it must have been a standing image of Gautama Buddha. The epigraph consists of three lines (measuring respectively 149", 147" and 44") and is in & perfect state of preservation, except for the two aksharas, which have been partially cut away at the end of the first line. The characters used belong to the Brāhmi alphabet of the Kushāņa period. It must, bowever, be noted that the m everywhere shows the advanced form of the Gupta period with a small knob attached to the left of the letter instead of the triangular base. Similarly the akshara 'l' assumes the form peculiar to the eastern variety of the Gupta script in which the horizontal base-stroke is completely suppressed, the hook of the akshara being turned sharply to the left. The anusvāra is throughout represented by a short horizontal stroke instead of the usual dot. The long medial à is in some cases not distinctly defined. The inscription is composed in the usual mixed dialect, though the deviations from the Sanskritic mode of spelling, the rules of sandhi and declension, etc., are much fewer than are generally found in the inscriptions of the Kushāna period. The irregular forms met with in the inscription are:-asmin divase in place of asmin divase in l. 1; bhagavató pitämahasya in place of bhagavataḥ pitamahasya, saṁmya-sambuddhasya in place of samyak-sambuddhasya in l. 2; and dukkha instead of duḥkha in l. 3. • The object of the epigraph is to record the fact that, on the 10th day of the month of Pausha in the year 14 of the Mahārāja, Dēvaputra Kanishka, a certain Sarhghila, the wife of the Prävarika Hasthi (), installed, for the cessation of all misery, an image for the worship of her favourite deity, the Lord, the Pitămaha, who is truly and perfectly enlightened. It will be noticed from the text given below that the name of Gautama Buddha is not men. tioned in the inscription. The title saṁmya-sambuddha (Pali, sammā-sambuddho) is ordinarily applied in Buddhist texts to any supreme Buddha. The term is, however, often used as a proper noun, signifying Gautama Buddha himself, as for example in the sentence, namo tassa arahatð samma-sambuddhassa, which is generally written in the beginning of Buddhist texts 1 The substitution of the word pitämahasya for arahato in the inscription is inexplicable. Both in Buddhist and Brahmanical texts this word is commonly applied to the Hindu god Brahmā, and I am unable to say why it is used here as an appellation of the Buddha. Vide Kuchesāyana's Pali Grammar by Francis Mason (Bibliotheca Indica, No. 123), p. 162. Page #128 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MATHURA PEDESTAL INSCRIPTION OF THE KUSHANA YEAR 14. 8245344 རྒྱན་ནམSལོན་མནབབང སྣས དང ནསན ཀནེལ མགཅན ༣༠ལོ+ཏོདནཱ HIRANANDA SASTRI. (FROM A PHOTOGRAPH). SCALE ABOUT A THIRD. SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 1'e.] PATNA MUSEUM PLATES OF SOMESVARA II. The main interest of the inscription lies in the fact that it is the first Brähmt inscrip. tion of the Kushåpa period which quotes the month of its date by its Hindu solar name instead of by the season name, which is invariably the case in other Brähmi inscriptions of this period. This remark, of course, does not apply to the Kharoshthi inscriptions, as several of them contain the solar names of months. The inscription is also important for another reason. Hitherto we possessed no inscription dated between the years 11 and 22% of the Kushāna era which was definitely assignable to the reign of Kanishka. The present inscription is clearly datod in the year 14 of that king. TEXT. 1 Mahārāja-Dövaputrasya Kanishkasya sarhvataarē 10 4 Pausha-misa-divast 10 asmir divasē Prāvarika-Ha[sthisya] 2 bha(a)ryyĀ Sarhgbila bhagavató pitämahasya Sammyasambuddhasya svamatasys dēvasya pūjärtthath pratima(a)m pratishtha8 payati sarvva-dukkha-prahaņārttham-[ll] TRANSLATION. On the 10th day of the month of Pausha in the year 14 of the Maharaja Dāvaputra Kanishka, on this day, Sathghila, the wife of Prävarika Hasthi (?), installs (this) image for the veneration of her favourite deity, the Bhagavat, the pitāmaha, Gautama Buddha (lit. who is truly and completely enlightened), for the cessation of all misery. No. 16.-PATNA MUSEUM PLATES OF SOMESVARA II. By R. D. BANERJI, M.A. 2. The inscription edited below is inscribed on a set of three copper-plates discovered in the Baudh State of Orissa by Mr. L. E. B. Cobden Ramsay, I.C.S., Political Agent, Orissa Feudatory States. The plates were sent to the late Dr. D. B. Spooner, B.A., Ph.D., then Superintendent, Archeological Survey, Eastern Circle, who had them sent to Rao Babadur H. Krishna Sastri, the then Government Epigraphist for India. A short note on the inseription was published in the Annual Report of the Archological Survey, Eastern Circle, for the year 1916-17. A set of impressions of the roeord was supplied to me by Dr. D. B. Spooner for publication. Later on, at my request, Sir Edward Gait, I.C.S., K.C.S.I., then Lieutenant. Governor of Bihar and Orissa, kindly lent the original plates to me for examination. The plates are joined together by a thick ring of copper to which is attached the seal, bearing a lon couchant in relief but no inscription. The first and third plates are inscribed on one side only while the second plate is inscribed on both the sides. The characters used in the inscription are Oriya of the fourteenth or fifteenth century A.D., and are much later than the Sonpur plates of Kumāra Sõmēsvara and the Mahada plates of Yögēsvara 1 Cf. Ind. Ant., Vol. XXXVII, p. 46. Svo my articlo on "Threo Mathura Inscriptions, etc." in the J. R. A. 8., 1924, pp. 800. Page 4, para. 5. Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDIOA. (VOL. XIX. dēvevarmap. The beginnings of the cursive Oriya script are to be found in the form of a in 1. 25. The first eight lines contain three verses giving the genealogy of the donor. The first person mentioned is Challamarāja of the Chola lineage (1.2), whose son was Jasarāja ( Yabörāja) I, whose son was Somāšvarą I. This prince was succeeded by his nephew (bhrātrija) Jasarāja II. The donor of the grant is the latter's son Somēgyara IL. An additional name is furnished in the prose account of the genealogy in II. 8-14, according to which Sõmēśvara II meditated on the feet of the Paramamāhekvara Jasarāja II, who meditated on the feet of the Paramamāhēbvara Chandrādityadēva. The last named person may be the younger brother of sömöbvara I and the father of Jasarāja H. Sömēbvara II is styled the lord of the entire Kösala (sakala-Kosal-adhisvara), the devout worshipper both of Siva and of Vishnu (Paramamāhèsvara-Paramavaishnava), a Mghavyuhapati, Rāja and Rāraka. These titles indicate his subordinate position and, most probably, he was a subordinate chief under the Eastern Ganga kings of Kalinge. He is also called the bee on the lotus feet of Vaidyanaths. This Vaidyanātha is evidently the same as that mentioned in the Mahada plates of Yögēsvaradēva varman, and identified by Mr. B. C. Mazumdar with a temple of that name in the State of Sonpur. The object of the inscription is to record the grant of the village of Phullamuthi together with Dohali situated, probably, in the vishaya of Chärodă. The grant is addressed to the people of another village named Vaniyāvandha, the connection of which with the two villages granted is not understood. The donees were Utsavakara and Divakara, the two Brāhmanas belonging to the Gärggya-gotra, who followed the Rig-vēda and had studied the rites of the Yajur-vēda. The grant was made with the object of pleasing the Lord Nārāyana (11. 23-24), on the sixth day of the bright halt of the month of Jyaishtha in the year 17, evidently of the reign of Sõmēsvara II. Phe inscription was written by Pandita Nārāyaṇa and incised by Lokanatha, & Vijñāni (?). I am unable to identify any of the localities mentioned in this grant (viz., Chārödā-vishaya, Vaniyāvandha, Phullamuthi and Dohali), except Svarnnapura (1. 14) which is the modern Sonpur in Orissa. I edit the inscription from the original plates Техт. First Plate. 1 Om [1] Asit kshatriya-sattamo Ravi.samutpannē-tra Chol-anvayi bri2 mån Challamarāja ity-ari-vadhū-vaidhavya:diksha-guruh tat-putro 3 Jasarājądēxa iti vikyātah satā[m] vallabho jitvå vairi-va/ba)lam ve/ba)4 bhāva nanti)patizedāmā(vak) chiram Konala # {1** Tasmādsabhūd=ari-kulam kshaya-dhūma5 hētuḥ Somēśvarð nripat[i*]r=apratima-pratāpaḥ 1 tad-bbrátçijas=tadan{u*} | 6 niti vida varishthah Sriman-abha(bhū)n-narapatip-dasarājadi()vah || [28] 7 Tat-tanayi gunaśāli prasiddha-med(h)ima jit-ári-vara-Vargga[h*l] [The script is not so late. See Mr. H. Krishna Sastri's remark in the note referred to in the preceding para.-Ed.] This chief is probably mentioned in the Kaokálf and Kawardha inacriptions No. 235 of the Descripting Ljste of Inscriptions in the Central Provinces and Beras, by Rai Bahador Hiralal, Pp. 165-66. * Bao Bohadur Krishna Sastri is inclined to identify him with Challamarāja; spe Ann. Rop. of the Arch. Sur. of India, E. C., 1916-17, p. 4, para. 5. A chief of this name is mentioned in the Barsûr inscription Descriptive Lists of Inscriptions in the C. P. and Berar, pp. 144-45, No. 198, who also claims to be a Chola. • Expressed by a symbol. The metre is Sardūlavikridita. • The anusvára is superfluous, Delete the darda The metre is Vasantakilala Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PATNA MUSEUM PLATES OF SOMESVARA II. গ্রাসীহ্মঠেখান্সিং শুয়াযেলা প্রাণ। সবাশ্রমহাষ্ট্রবিq0 2 8)ক)558)O) । জলজজি(5(@r 5ঃসতারল্লা বােরি( বর। ৫ণতামোহিবাকামাল || হবিলম ঐ33সামে প্রবেY5(5মগgs| 2টাসুন। • নীতিবিদী(রঃী: নগ্নবীজ(৭৫|| ইরয়েল লীলা ইকবাল ক্রির সফল প্রাঙা মায়াতে জোড়া রাসু9|Bতত্র গ্রহরত্রানুয়তীবালালে 10 বউভাঙ্C ]া /জীগ্রা অনুগ্রবল। শ্বহগ্রস গল্লোল্লাহ5Cলবলতা ইচ্ছা ৮ঠার্থেী নেত্রকোভাবে না?slঞ্জ স্ত্র 39ইব লাল-নদীসহ বৃহগ্রীচৈত্রনাজ 14. ভার্চাননঃস্বলুপ্তাবলী 5বাবা । লিঙ্গেn 2 ঠগ বা মা। 18 @qqনু:সাই915) ইহাই (২ =াহত: 16 ঈদলীলঃ বীজারঃ,১৭-লক্সজান্সা HIRAXANDA SASTRI. SCALE TWO-THIRDS. SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ । | |সুগ/ গুতাইতেলিংসুকী হত্বা বয়সকাজয়িনীর ঐSSCলাগঞ্জীবকােণ জলানাখীৰ্থীস/সারাঙ্গামাঠ। গ্রাম:/হাসে হানাফীস ফাইdলন 5 ভােজসজুলাই। ১ মাত্রাষ্টালতে [{(ত্ববোস্থ . হাতাজা২ালগুন্নাহ|g5(জাতীবাহাসে ৭sag||| ৪(চা55ীই মন ঘু3ে / ইও। 35 536) চি5 (গ্রাহী গীত / 3 grশনে । রাগ: হত । 25-২২ SEজলিল প্লীহ ফS২৪া, " , সমনুি মােহন | Cীগ্রামবাসীর , £ নিশ হাইয়থন”ত শীতা! (ৗীত | মlিisfাকা ঠো স্বাস, মৃণমা এক হােন' 'প্লবীবাহবা জংঙ্গা, হাইঃঃরাষ্ট||মস্তুতকগ্রসমাস । ৭(স্ত্রনিতিশুণাগুলেন তৎকালীন Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 16.) PATNA MUSEUM PLATES OF SOMESVARA II. Seoord Plute; Firet Side. 8 dharmm-aika-Vasatir=amalaḥ sa jayati sömēsvarð nfipatiḥ || [3*]1 Paramamābēsvara9 samasta-prasasty-alamkrita-srimach-Chandrădityadēva-păd-änudhyāta ParamamahēšvaNO Yå-samasta-prabásty-alarkfita-drimajandr kjadöve-pad-imdhyâta-Peramamakesvara para11 tavaishnavadaredsta-prasasty-alamkçita dörddándo-chandima-khandit-aratt-kshatriya · kula mahi12 - Mahadeva Chotakula-kamata katikā-vikāba bhāskara-Vaitya(dya batha-pa(pada-pa 13 nkam (nka)ja-bhramara-Bakala-Kosal-adhigvara-mahăvyűhapati Rånaka-brimad-raja14 Bothögvaradova pada kubalinah | Svatppapara-samávāsāt | Gharda-vi16 shayiya-Vantykvandhi-[gr]mo vra(bra)hman-adi-samasta junapadän månayanti 26 vöbő)dhayanti samádibanti che viditat=sabu Bhavata[]" grāmā-yam Paullámouth 17 Dobadt-sahitah chatuh-simăvachchhinnaḥ sajma sthalah satnataya Petond Plette ; Bedond Side. 18 kachchhapaḥ prastara-nikha(a)ta-kfita-simo chataitta)-bhatta-pravésah á kala vidhi virodh-ādi-ra19 hitaḥ samasta-raja-deye-nikada-visay-adi yavad-utpattimšti bhtimichchhidr-āpi{bhi)dha20 na-nykyan. Behantr-&rka-kshiti-sanakalar Gärggya-sagoträbhyam Try-årsha(O) 21 pravarábhyath | Rig-védibhyam Yajur-vēda-vibit-abhyāsābhyām amfiti-pu22 tan-di-&ravana nikata-kalmashabhyath nitya-sad-arushthana-pavitrābhyar 28 maha-vrl(brā)hmanya-sõbhit&bhyām sidhu-Utsavakara-Diväkarabhyam Bhaga 84 Vato Nārāyana-bhattarakasya pribaya matol-pittor-átmanasudha punya 25 266-bhivriddhy-atham tamra sāsanikpitys pradatto'smabhiḥ ataḥ pra26 bhriti etayor adhinibhūya ti[r]shika-pratyilya nikat-ittikam 27 dadanah sukhath prativabata karahata cha | asmad-ariantara Third Prate. 28 bhavibbis-cha rajabhir-bhūmi-dā[ na-pājlana-punya-bravanat harana29 n-naraka pāta-bhayād=asmad-dattam-idam sva-dattam-iv-ānumödya pari.? 30 paripälaniyara Bhavanti ch=ātra dharmm-anusa(sa)msinaḥ slokāḥ Bhimin yah prati31 grihnati yas-sha bhūmim prayachchhati [l*] ubhau tau punya-karmmānau niyatam Sva. 32 rgga-gâminat. Il [4*) Gām=ēkām svarnnam-ēkām cha bhūmēr=apy-arddham angum(gu)lam haran-na33 rakan-ipnoti ydvadıo-abhūtisamplatra(va) [5] V(Ba)hubhir-vasudha datta rajabhiḥ Sa34 gar-adibhih yasya yasya yadā bhūmis-tasya tasya tadā phalam || Samvat 35 17 Jysishtha sudi 6 [*] likhitam Pandita-Nárāyaņēna (11 utkirnnat Vijñāni-La (LS) kana36 thốn=&te(ti) THI The metre is Arya i Cancel the darda. • The letter grå war astually written gya. The artidvdra mark is poculikt. • Avagraha is used hare • (Hardly any distinction is made between 1 and ta, n and no and also m and ma in some cases.--21] * This word is superfluous. • The avagraha-like siga after sva is superfluous. . This and the two following verses are in the Annahfubl metre. 10 The letter da is written over the line. Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. No. 17.-RITHAPUR PLATES OF BHAVATTAVARMMAN. By Y. R. GUPTE, B.A., M.R.A.S. These copper-plates were discovered at Rithapur (Riddhapur of the Mahanubhavas) in the Morsi taluka of the Amaravati (Amraoti) district of the Central Provinces, along with a set of copper-plates of the Vākāṭaka queen Prabhavatigupta, and were lent to the Bharata-Itihasasamsödhaka-Mandala of Poona by Mahanta Dattaraja. The Secretaries of this Mandala handed them over to me for decipherment, and with their kind permission I edit the interesting record incised on them, in this Journal. The grant is engraved on three copper-plates, which measure 7" long, 3 to 318" broad and thick and weigh 87% tolas. The first plate has no writing on its outer side; the second and the third plates are engraved on both the sides. The letters are well-cut and well preserved, except a few on the back side of the third plate. Their average size is 1" to 1". There is no seal attached to the plates though holes, 1" in diameter, apparently meant for the ring, are to be seen on the proper right margin of each plate. The alphabet is of the box-headed type which was current in the Central Provinces about the 5th century A.D. The peculiarities are:-(1) the contraction of the breadth of letters, and (2) the conversion of the curves, seen in older forms, into rectangular strokes. Though the box-headed type of the alphabet used here is decidedly Southern, yet the influence of the Northern script is clear enough. The most marked Southern characteristics in the present record are: (1) The retention of the ancient forms of pa, sha, and sa open at the top, of the old ma and the semi-tripartite ya; Cf. °nripa-vamsa- 1. 2, vishayöehitaḥ 1. 11 and sadasa1. 16. (2) The right hand stroke of la is longer than the left; Cf. lobhat- 1. 14. (3) The rightangled ornamental strokes to the left of the verticals of a, a, ka, na, ra, of the subscript ra, and of the medial u and u, which are evidently developed out of the curves. (4) The da with two right angles, evidently an adaptation of the da with the round back; Ct. pindaraka. 1. 19. (5) The medial ri with a curled curve to the right; Cf. "nripa 1. 2. (6) The form of na; Cf. hirany-adayah L. 11. The influence of the Northern script is observable in the following cases (1) Ga and sa with bends at the left downward strokes; Cf. giri-grāmē 1. 3 and sadasa- 1. 16. There are two forms of the letters ga and a in this inscription, of which one is with a hook and the other has no hook, (2) Na with a loop and ta without a loop; Cf. Nandivarddhanat 1. 1 and anugrihitena 1. 24. (3) The occasional peculiar mātrās above the line, though the horizontal and the middle mātrās are most common as in the Southern script; Cf. äsmäkam- 1. 6 and samvai(e)dye 1. 5. The raised marks for the long & are seen in the Southern alphabet also. (4) The turn of the medial i to the left; Cf. °nivarttanikah 1. 16. There are alsc some examples of the medial turning to the left." The epigraphical peculiarities of the present record are:-(1) The loop on the left side of ya is complete in some cases while not so in others, thus shewing the transition from the tripartite form to the bipartite one: Cf. yo in Yamunayos 1. 5, ya in Mäträdhyāryyāya 1.7, and yā in -tārikaya 1. 12. (2) The tha with a peculiar transitional ringlet at the base as in the 1 For a brief notice of the record see the Quarterly Journal of the Bhar. Itih. Sam. Mandala, Vol. IV, pp. 115-116. Vide ibid., Vol. III, Nos. II-IV, pp. 89-90; Ind. Ank, 1924, p. 48, J. R. A. 8., 1924, pp. 94-96 and J. B. A. S., pp. 53-62. See Bühler's Ind. Pal,, Tafel VII, col. XIV. bid., col. X. Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 17.! RITHAPUR PLATES OF BHAVATTA VARMMAN. 101 Western script : Cf. ekādaś=ēlha l. 20. (3) The form of ba is two-fold in this record : in Brāhmana l. 3 where it is a correction from pa, and in Boppadēvēna l. 26 where it is open on the left side: but in Bakasāmalakam 1. 19 it is closed on this side. The initial a occurs in Il. 1, 13 and 16; à in 11. 10, 12, 22, 23 and 24 ; è in ll. 10, 12, 17 and 20. The final t and m are reduced in size and slightly different in shape when compared to their usual symbols : Cf. t in ll. 1, 15, 16 and 24 and ma in 11. 6, 7, 9, 10, 21 and 23. The letter ma is written in this record in three different forms (1) with the box-head attached to the left arm of the letter (11. 1 to 5), (u) with this head attached to the right arm of it (grāmaḥ in l. 12), Omaryyādā (in 1. 14, etc.), and (ii) with the head attached to both the arms (Kumārao in l. 8, navamāga and Mātrā° in l. 10). Similarly there are also two different forms of the subscript m, viz., one with one box-head (varmma and Brāhmana' in l. 3, Osmābhih in l. 4), and the other without the box-head at all (ātma and Brāhmaṇao in 1. 10, asmābhih in l. 16). The letter su is written in two different forms: one with the u-sign turned to the right as in l. 11 and the other with the sign turned to the left as in 1. 13. The letter su is written differently from this letter in the box-headed type shown in Bühler's Palæographical Table VII, Col. XI, where the w-sign is turned to the right of the letter and not to the left as in this record. On this account there is a very slight difference between the shapes of a and sa in our inscription. The medial i is shown by one curve but the i is expressed by this curve supplemented by a smaller curve within it, With regard to orthography we may note the doubling of consonants (with the exception of sibilants) following r, such as Mātrādhyāryyāya and Deväryyasya 1. 7. In this process of doubling, if the letter is the 2nd or the 4th of its class, the first member is replaced by the lst or the 3rd of its class, e.g., Nandivarddhanät l. 1. The letter va is doubled when it comes after the anusvära either in the same word or in the following ; see saṁvvaidye in l. 6 and lopar vvä in 1. 15. The class nasals are generally used in this inscription : Cf. kufumbinah 1. 4, Gangao (1. 5), etc. The rules of sandhi are often ignored vibhavaḥ Nalangipa-vamsa-prasūtah tripatāka- 1. 2; asmābhih Bhagavataḥ 1. 4; ch=ety-evam ātmanavamaya 11. 9 and 10, etc. The Upadhmāniya occurs once (1. 23) and is used wrongly, being followed by cha. It is likely that the engraver discovered his mistake and tried to change hcha to ma. The engraver seems to have misread the draft in the following cases : -For samahattara he has put in sama-harttarao 1.3; for mwavichälyan he has engraved hchavachälyan 1. 23.1 The language is Sanskrit prose, excepting the verse in the Aryā metre which gives the date and mentions the writer of the grant. Dhe inscription refers itself to Mahārāja Bhattaraka-Artthapati Bhavattavarmman of the Nala family. Artthapati, I understand, is only an epithet. It literally means the lord of riches', that is, ' a king'. But it is probably not used in its general sense in the present record. The Assistant Archeological Superintendent for Epigraphy, Southern Circle, Madras, copied sometime ago at Podāgadh in the Jeypore Agency (Vizagapatam distriot), en epigraph of the 12th year of the son of king Bhavadatta, also of the Nala family. This docu. ment has been briefly noticed in the Annual Report on Epigraphy for the year 1921-22, wherg a facsimile of it is also given. The possibility that Bhavatta may be & prākritised form of Bhavadatta is not altogether precluded. But it is presumptuous at this stage to identify 1 Vide f. n. 7 on p. 103 below. * See p. 95 and plate II. (It was first noticed by the late Mr. Robert Sewell who in his Lists of the Antiquarian Remaine in the Malras Presiilency, p. 317, mentioned it as an inscription on the rock in Doranagari characters without giving its contents.-Ed.] [It is interesting to observe here that another name, which in all probability was Durgga.datta, has been written (1.9) Durggatths', and that in Düvadatta' da was added as a correction below the line-Ed.] Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. Xix. Bhavadatta with Bhavattavarman. As very little was known so far about the Nalas, these two records are of special value for they help us in determining the country over which they ruled. The inscription records the grant of a village called Kadambagiri-grama to Matrādhya. ryya and his eight sons, namely, Döväryya, Dāvadattaryya, Kumāradattarya, Vi(VI)radattaryya, Vasudattarya, Go(Gauridattaryya, Dhruvadattāryya and Durggatth(datt)āryya of the Parāśara-gotra. The grant was issued from Nandivarddhana but actually made at Prayāga or the confluence of the Ganges and the Jumna. However, it does not follow that Prayāga formed part of the dominions of Bhavattavarmman, for grants of distant villages, we know, were often made at exceptionally holy places or tirthas like it or Benares. The charter was written at the oral instructions (of the king) by Chulia, his confidential officer, and engraved by Boppadēva, the grandson of Paddopadhyāya. The document is dated on the 7th day of the dark fortnight of Kärttika of the 11th (regnal) year of king Bhavattavarmman. Paleographically the record may be assigned to the latter half of the 5th or the first half of the 6th century A.D. Of the localities mentioned, Nandivardhana, from where Bhavattavarmman issued the grant, deserves notice. Perhaps, it is different from the Nandivarddhana which has been identified by Rai Bahadur Hiralal with Nagardhana in the Nāgpur district, and is identical with Nandur in the Yeotmal täluka of the Central Provinces, which has a good camping ground, Kadambagiri-grama is apparently Kalamba in the same district, without the appendage girigrāma. Other villages I am unable to identify. TEXT.. First Plate 1 सि[म] ॥ खस्ति [0] नन्दिवनात् [1] महेश्वरमहासमातिबाट १ राज्यविभवः नलपवंशप्रसूत: चिपताकाध्वजः श्रीमहाराज. 3 भवत्तवर्मा कदम्बगिरिग्रामे [व]णिपुरोगान् समात(स) र. 4 कुटम्बी(बि)न: समानापयति ययममाभिः भगवतः प्रजापति (ते.) 5 प्रसादसिवयेचे मायमुनयोसंवे(वे)थे प्रथागस्थितेदकपूर्वक Second Plate ; First Sido. 6 मम चाचपो(पि) भा[]रिकायाय दंम्म(दाम्प)त्यस्याम्माकमनुग्रहार्यम् (a) पराशरस7 मोचाय माचाव्यााय पुत्राणां चास्वाष्टानाम(ना) यथा देवाबस्व 8 देवदताव्यस्य कुमारदत्तार्थस्य वि(वो)रदत्तार्थस्य वसुद9 ताय॑स्य गो(गौ)रिदत्तायस्य ध्रुवदत्तार्यस्य दुर्गत्या(दत्ता)य॑स्य चेत्येवम् 10 पालमवमायमा बाचार्याय दत्ता(तो) यत एतेषाम् ब्राणाना]म(ना) वि. See the Dynasties of the Kanares Districu of the Bombay Presidency, p. 6, and the Early History of the Deccan, p. 49. * From the original plates. • The letter seems to be a correction from प. [The plate reads (1)[.7 being invised below 11.-Ed.) Superfluous. [Or perhaps sfee is meant-Ed.] is added below the line by way of interlineation. The two horizontal lines in the margin may be noticed Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RITHAPUR PLATES OF BHAVATTAVARMMAN. 9 13 : 5. PPP即国家的 国留,可同 iia 9999 iia ussipm=a 到到到到到 iib ( 35 到目 per:29: 。 399画 20n 2 1999993 ago 說 HIRAXANDA SASTRI. SCALE: THREE-FOURTHS. SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 22 24 26 iiia 3/12 37 G H I J J A S BY ਸਭ ਦੇ ਲਈ ਬੜਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਈ ਸਾਲ 933737919711327 g z གླ2 9བྷཱུ อย่าง แรม 8 รอบฐานข a ཥྭ།བྷཾ།ཕྱ། ཞཱ།ཞཱ༡ཛ 11:11.1132༢ ཞ༞་དུ་ ཟླ28ཡོཛྭ133 །13།ཤ་ཁུ་རྔུ23)72|62 20 iiib Fran yan sa plas 1451 일일이 국무 18 22 24 26 Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 17.] RITHAPUR PLATES OF BHAVATTAVARMMAN. 108 Second Plate ; Second Side. 11 [यो] चिता: हिरव[T]दयः पर्वप्रयायाः दातम्याः इथूनाच(च) वर्त12 व्या = एष च ग्राम: पाचन्द्रतारिकया स्थित्या सर्वकरविसर्जितः पा(प)भ. 18 मवेयः पवतः पयली:(क) सर्ववादपरी(सिौन: चिञ्चालप14 लायपद्रकमांदवा न कि'शिवतव्यः [] यो वा कषिखो(जो)मादागाहा कर15 प्रवर्तनं भूमिलोप(पं) व्वा(वा) कुर्यात् स पञ्चभिर्षहापातकैसंयुको मन 16 वेत् [1] पस्माभिश्च सदशनिवर्तनिकः सहसः सवाटक: Third Plate ; First Side. 17 ग्रामोयम् दत्तः यत एतदयम्(3) न क(क)नचित् किचित् क्तव्यः [1] सि(सी)मा चास्य 18 ग्रामस्य उत्तरेण पर्बत: विषयसि(सौ)मान्तिको कर्मन्सकेन सह मा19 सुकविरकः मधुकमतिका पिडिरवाहक्षेण चकसामलकम(क) चिमन्दर20 ब विरक: राज्यसि(सी)मति [*] 'याचे कारण वर्षे कार्तिकमासम 21 सतम्याम् [1] खमुखाजा(ज)याभिलिखित(ता) रहसि नियुक्त (न) मुझेन ॥ श्रीमहारा22 मार्थपतिभट्टारकेण पामयः मातापित्रोः पुण्यकीर्तिवईनधर्मस्थान(न) Third Plate ; Second Side. 23 [पुषाणां पहाणा][मा]चन्द्रास्थितिकालिका (म)[वि]चाल्यं भवविति 24 न[r"] पार्यकपादप्रसादानुग्रहीतेन ताम्बु(घ)शासनमेतत् कारितमि25 ति [1] खस्ति गोब्राणप्रजाम्यः = सिहरस्तुः (स्तु) ॥ 26 पदोप(पाध्यायपुत्रस्य पुत्रेण बोपदेवेण(न) चतमिद[म् ॥] if is engraved below the line. * The TT of wat is entered below the line. It is written above the line. Here follows a verse in the Aryi motro. *[A letter like Et seems to be writton below the symbol for bbi, apparently, as a correction.-Ed.] • Tharonding पुवाचाis not quite certain but the traces of the damaged letters fsvour the roading पक्षचामा at any rate (Then wen would require correction. Cf. reading in L. 7 above. -Ed.) '(The cormeet rending neems to be का[वि.] कम[विचारवं भवत्विति.-Ed.] The engraver soms to have inserted a abovo Tu so as to make it o u . Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX TRANSLATION. (Lines 1-21.) Perfection has been attained ! Hail ! From Nandivarddhana. The illustrious Mahārāja Bhavattavarmman, whose banner bears the Tripatākā (hand with three fingers stretched out or whose banner consists of three pennons), who is born of the lineage of the Nala kings, upon whom has been bestowed the glory of royalty by Mahēšvara (Siva) and Mahasēna (Kārttikoya), orders the house-holders and great mon loaded by the Brāhmans, residing in the village of Kadambagiri, as follows:--Know) ye (that) by us while staying at Prayaga, the place blest by the favour of the Divine Prajāpati (Brahma) at the confluence of the Ganges and the Jumna, (this village) is bestowed for blessing the matrimonial relationship of ours, i.e., myself and (my) queen, with libations of water, on Mātrādhyāryya of the Parāśara-götra and his eight sons, namely, Dāvăryya, Dāvadattăryya, Kumāradattăryya, Vi(VI)radattăryya, Vasudattāryya, GO(Gau)ridattāryya, Dhruvadattāryya and Durggatth(datt)āryya, he himself being the ninth (recipient). To these Brāhmans, therefore, all the taxes including gold duly accruing from the place (mentioned below) should be given and (all customary) services should be rendered. And this (grant of the) village is to endure with the moon and the sun (i.e., for ever), free from all taxes. It is not to be entered by soldiers or horses. It is to be free from tolls and customs duties and from disputes. Nothing shall be said (against this grant) with (reference to some) tamarind or palāta tree or any boundaries in the village. Whoever out of covetousness or passion, levies taxes or takes away the land (granted), shall incur the five great sins. This village, measuring in extent ten nivarttanas, is given together with the right of) ploughing and the garden, for which nothing should be spoken (against it) by anybody. The boundaries of this village are : to the north is the mountain, the extreme limit of the vishaya (district), Mäluka-viraka with the cultivated ground, Madhuka-latikā,' Bakasāmalaka with the pomegranate tree, Trimandaraviraka, and the boundary of the district (rājya"); which (royal grant) has been written at our oral command by Chulla, the Confidential Officer, on the seventh day of the dark fortnight of Kärttika in the eleventh (regnal) year. (Lines 21-26.) This copper-plate charter, which is the abode of the virtue of increasing the sacred fame of his father and mother, has been caused to be made by the illustrious Mahārāja Artthapati. Bhattāraka, who has been favoured by the kindness of respectable people, so that it may last undisturbed (in the possession) of the said) eight sons (enduring) with the sun and the moon. (May there be) prosperity to cows, Brāhmans and subjects ! May there be success ! Engraved by Boppadēva, the son's son of Paddopadhyāya. Ha may either stand for a horse in particular or a convoyance in general. fara: apparently stands here as well as below (1.2) for a village or its suburb. मधुकलतिका, नकसामलकम् and बिमन्दर विरक: are apparently the names of bordering villages or burbs. tri does not mean a kingdou bore. It is used for a division of a kingdom. . See L. n. 5 on p. 103 ante. -Ed.] This is apparently, as suggested by Mr. K. N. Dikshit, M.A., an epithet of king Bhavatta varmman. In construing theun words as I bave done, there will be, I must admit, the fault of dirantaya. Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 18.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF RAJASIMHA-NARASIMHAVARMAN II. 103 No. 18.-TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF THE PALLAVA KING RAJASIMHA-NARA SIMHAVARMAN II. By V. RANGACHARTA, M.A. A.-THE MAHĀBALIPURAM INSCRIPTION. This record is engraved on the plinths of two platforms in the western side of the second courtyard of the Shore Temple at Mahabalipuram (Māmallapuram), and was discovered by the Archeological Department in 1912. The platforms have been surmined to be either the balipithas of the two main shrines of that terople or the supports of their missing flagstaffs. One of the three Chola inscriptions of the Shore Temple, discovered in 1887, calls the god of the temple the Lord of Tirukkadalmallai.' Another calls the temple itself Jalasayana, while the third mentions the shrines of Kshatriya-simba-Pallavēsvara-dova, Rājasimha-Pallavēśvara-dova and Pallikondaruliya-dova. Rao Saheb Krishna Sastri believes that the two platforms, above mentioned, and tho monolithic dhvajastambha in the sea are the probable remnants of the three shrines referred to in the last of the Chola epigraphs. The discovery of the inscription on the platforms is important for the fact that it throws light on the identity of the king who bailt these shrines, a question about which nothing definite has been known. It is true that the names Räjasimha and Kshatriyasimha, after which two of the deities were named, indicated & Pallava origin to the temple; but no direct or contemporary evidence had been available to prove it. The present inscription supplies it. The inscription is written in the Pallava-Grantha character and consists of a single line running round the plinthe. It is much damaged. The existing portion comprises six Sanskrit verses in the Arya, Vasantatilaka and the Anushtubh metres, besides the attributes [Bhaya]rahitaḥ and Bahunayaḥ after the first verse and the title éri-Udayachandraḥ after the second verse, which are in prose. They contain the names, surnames and titles of a Pallava king who, as will be shown presently, has to be identified with Narasim haverman II. The first verse, which is wanting in the last three syllables, gives the king the epithets of Apratima, Avapibhüshana, Akalanka, Dharaņichandra, Arimardana, Atulabala and Kulatilaka. The second verre gives him, among others, the titles of Atyantakāma, Aparajita, Chandrārdhase 1 Seo my Topographical List of Inserns., Vol. I, pp. 327-329. The local inscriptions heroin noted (Cg. 60-8L 1.) do not include those taken from the Mack. Mes., which are 31 in number. Of the thirty-six included in the list twenty (Cg. 58-74 & 77-79) bave been edited by Dr. Haltzsch in 8. 1. I., Vol. I, pp. 1-16 and Ep. Ind., Vol. X, pp. 1-11. Two inserns. (Cg. 75 and 76) discovered by the late Mr. Venkayya in 1907 are edited in Ep. Ind., Vol. X, p. 8, under Nos. 18 and 19. All these belong to the Pallava kings from Mahendravarman I onward. Of the remaining nine epigraphs five belong to the Chola kinga Rajaraja I, Rājēndradēva, Vira-Rájöndra and Knlöttunga-Chola I ; the details of two (Cg. 53 and 54) are not available ; aud one (Cg. 56) is dated in the reign of the Vijayanagara emperor Achyutaräys. The inscription which is edited above, forms No. 566 in that year's official list of epigraphs and Cg. 80 in my Topographical List. These are No. 1, 2 & 3 of 1887 and Cg. 50-53 in the Topographicul List. They have been edited by the late Dr. Hultzsch in 8. I. I., Vol. I, ander Nog. 42, 40 and 41 rospectively. + Madr. Epigr. Rep., 1913, p. 88, para. 8. The Rao Saheb surmises that god Talabayann whom Tiramangri. Alvir refers to was Vishu and the Suivite god, Kshatriyasimha-Pallavēsvara " who is directly facing the sea and being even washed by it, appears to have received tbe Dame Jalasa yana"-the ono being on land, and the other on water. It seems to me that Jalasnyana is a later pauranic variant of Talisayan and that both the terms can refer to Vishnu Palļikondaraliyadēva alone, as Siva is not in the ia yang postare. Moreover, Talafayana is only A sorter form of Kadalmallaittalafayans and, as such, need not be taken as a term of contrast to jalafayana. It may be pointeil out that the analysis given in this paragraph is not based on the plato given in the Kadr. Epigr. Rep., 1913 (p. 88), but a rovind one kindly prepared by the Government Epigrajulist for the present olition. A comparison of the two plates will show that the order of the verses is changed. Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. śēkhara-sikhāmaṇi and Chandasani. The third verse is identical with the last verse of the inscription round the outside of the Rajasimhosvara shrine in the Kailasanatha temple at Käichipuram. Vorsos 4 and 5 give, among others, the birudas Sri-karmuka, Kalakala, Abhirama, Raṇabhima, Guṇalaya, Sri-Vallabha, Atimana, Urjjita, Unnataraga and Yuddharjuna. The last verse, which is damaged in the beginning and which cannot be satisfactorily read, makes, however, clear mention of the expression Narendrasimha in its latter part. The identification of the king who bore the above titles is, as Mr. Krishna Sastri has pointed out, easy enough. First, it is obvious that he was the same as the builder of the Kailasanatha temple at Kanchi. Secondly, the identity of verse 3 in the present epigraph with the last verse of the Rajasimhosvara epigraph at Kanchi gives a clue to the eulogy of the same sovereign. The Kanchipuram epigraph tells us that Rajasimha was the son of Ugradanda or Paramēsvara, who was the destroyer of the city of Ranarasika. Dr. Fleet has pointed out that Raparasika is an epithet of the Western Chalukya king Vikramaditya I (A.D. 655-680), that Ugradanda is identical with the Pallava king Paramosvara varman I who, the Karam Plates tell us, crossed arms with Vikramaditya, and that Rajasimha (alias Narasimhavishnu) must be identified with Narasimhavarman II. Now, an inscription of Rajasimha Narasimhavarman II discovered at Vayalür in 1908 says that be had also the title of Kshattrasimha (Kshatriyasimha of other inscriptions). To quote the passage itself: श्रीपज्ञवान्वयकुलाचलराजसिंहो यः चत्रसिंह इति विश्रुतपुण्यकीर्त्तिः । a: It is thus clear that the two Siva shrines of the Shore Temple, Rajasimha-Pallavesvara and Kshatriyasimha-Pallavesvara, were named after Narasimhavarman II and are, therefore, his works. In his analysis of the scripts of the Mahabalipuram and Sāļuvankuppam inscriptions Dr. Hultzsch distinguishes four styles. Of these one is entirely northern and may be ignored for the present discussion. The remaining three, he attributes respectively to the epochs of Narasimhavarman I, Atyantakama (whom he identifies with Paramesvaravarman I) and Atiranachanda (whom he assigns to the age of Nandivarman Pallavamalla). The paleography of our inscription closely resembles that of the Atyantakāma group. As will be seen from my note 12 at page 108 below, I believe that the attribution of the second set of inscriptions to Paraméévaravarman I by Dr. Hultzsch is without sufficient basis and that it can be equally legitimately ascribed to his son Narasimhavarman II. I am also disposed to believe that Atiranachauḍa is Narasimhavarman II himself (see below, page 109, note 3). But this difference of opinion regarding the identity of the kings need not cause a doubt in regard to the relative times of the three sets of scripts, though even from this standpoint there can be no agreement in regard to the exact chronological gaps dividing them. A comparison of their scripts from the fine facsimile plates given above (see Vol. X, plates Nos. 1 to 6) shows clearly that the first of these is archaically simple, the second very florid and ornamented with elaborate flourishes, and the third much simpler though not so simple in formation as the first set. 8. I. I., Vol. 1, p. 13, v. 12. Thid., verse 5. रणरसिक पुरोम्मईना दुय दण्डात्सुब्रह्मभ्यः कुमारी गुरु व परमादीश्वरादात्तजन्मा. Dyn. Kan. Distr., p. 329 f. In his S. I. I., Vol. I, p. 11, Hultzsch identified Rajasimha with Narasimha. varman I, but in Ep. Ind., Vol. X, he accepts the conclusion of Dr. Fleet. See lines 40-41: fafe azafarfaqenfuag ga[arq*]. S. I. I., Vol. I, p. 149, Text 1.49 f. Cg. 1235 in my Topo. List. I am thankful to the Government Epigraphist for permission to consult and uote from the office copy of this inscription. Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 18.2 TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF RAJASIMHA-NARASIMHAVARMAN II. 107 A close study of the pailmograpby of the present epigraph shows that the Shore Temple insoription is later than the Atyantakāma and Kanchipuram inscriptions and earlier than those of the Atiranachanda group. Incidentally it shows that to judge of the identity of kings from the palæography of their iuscriptions alone, is dangerous in-as-much as at least three styles, namely, those of the Atyanta kama and Rājasimha group, the Shore Temple inscription and the Atiranachanda group, have to be attributed to the same king, i.e., Narasimhavarman II. This question as well as the chronology of the epigraphs will be discussed in my paper B on the Panamalai inscription of the same king printed below. TEXT1 Platform a. West Sideश्रोः [1] अप्रतिममवनिभूषणमकलंकन्धरणिचन्द्रमवनीन्द्राः[1"] परिमईनमतुल . South Sido- *[4]लं कुलतिलकं ये नमन्ति ते . . . [१] . .रहितो बहुनय-' East Sido। प्रत्यन्तकाममपराजितमेकराणचन्द्रायेखरमितामणिमजुतं' यम् [*] चण्डाश North sideनिं चितिमताम्मातामसचं सम्प्राप्य काममिव नन्दति जीवलोकः [॥२"] श्री:(श्री) उदयचन्द्र:M' Platform B. West Sidoश्रीराजसिंहो रणजय[:"] श्रीभरचित्रकाम्मु कः[*] एकवीरश्चिरम्यातु शिवचूडामणिमहीम [॥३*] श्रोकार्मुकः Suuth Sideकालकालः काला' . . . . . . [*][]भिरामो विजयते रणभीमो गुणालयः M [४] श्रीवाभमति 1 Prom the plate prepared by the Editor of this Journal. I must slao thank him for his having permitted me to coralt his transcript. . The space available at the beginning of this lines more than necessary for the letters. the opitta of this verse is Aryi, foar witras are wanting in order to complete the verse. Adopting the above reading, the word wat will ruit the purpose, and being appositional. w w: would suit equally well. • Two tyllables are wanting here. They may be wa or as in the 22nd and 9th niches respectively of the B&jnimbbkran temple inscription. See 8. I. I., Vol. I, pp. 15 and 16. The visarga of this word is seen in the beginning of the east side. The reading afraid is also possible. This symbol has been cada punctuation mark. par seems to be the more probable reading, in the opinion of the Government Epigraphlot. Bix syllables are wanting to make up the snuifubh metre. It might be restoral by some such expression पदाक: 2 Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. Fast Sido-- Ari mati gripit ...... [1"} ss for an ATTACHA gar (Ha] ...... [114] North Side.. JAZZETTATA . #. #. . 7777*.. nefesaAfrT 791: M [4] TRANSLATION (Verse 1.) Prosperity! Those kings are fortunate who) bow to the king) who is nuequalled,tho ornament of the earth, the spotless, the moon of the earth, the conqueror of enemies, the matchless in strength, the ornament of (his) family, The fearls (or the gnilele68).10 The great statesman." (V. 2.) The world of men, having obtained this (king) is happy, as if it has obtained (its) desire--the king whoso desires are endless, the invincible, the sole ruler, the wearer of Siva ns his crest-jewel,is the wonderful, 16 the fierce thunderbolt who is intolerable to gront (lostile) kings. This space should have been filled by six or seven letters representing eight matras. Bach as URUYOR . As wuha is Imperative, 2nd person, plural, we bare to rappone that this is an address, mod on expression liko H itat: after you may be understood. The letter is found in imaller size after I and that enables us to decipher the word guro, which is also found in 8. I. I., Vol. I, No. 25, niche 16. This reading is tentative. As the space available is for 32 letters, the verso may be in the Anwolubb metre but the last portion does not agree with this, and suggests the Arya metre. The Government Epigraphist would read the enrlier portion thus : JARÚGÈ N . HETAN[IO] faqawwi fan. The whole verse is so defaced that the reading given above is, as it is, meaningless. [In the Vayalür inscription also Mahimalla occurs as a surname of Narasimhavarman II.-Ea.) • Sre niche 27 in 8. J. I., Vol. I, No. 28. . The same is found in nichos 8 and 19 above in modified forms. • Cf. fafcater in nicle 19 of the above. * Ibid., niche 4. Compare also of : in niche 44. . Ibid., niebe 26. Ibid., niche 4. 10 Ibíd., niche 9 where the expression surfear is found and niche 22 where the opithet weefs is given. 11 The epithets strua: and margard occur in the 3rd and 42nd niches of the above epigraph Compare also fafcawu: in 8. I. 1., Vol. 1, No. 24, verse 5. 12 This biruda is found in 8. 1. 1., Vol. I, No. 24, verse 5, ibid., No. 25, niche 1; and the Viyalar and Tirupporür inscriptions. Atyantakama was also a biruda of Narasimbavarman I as is proved by No. 6 of the Dharmarājaratha inscriptions at Mahabalipuram. The late Dr. Haltasch believed that it was also the title of Parnmösvaravarmau I, to whom he attributed No. 17 of the Dharmarija-ratha epigraphs and those in the Gapita temple (8. 1. I., Vol. 1, p. 4, No. 18 and Ep. Ind., Vol. X, p. 8, No. 20), the Dharmaraja-mandapa (ibid., No. 21) and Råmånajn-mandapa (ibid., No. 22). The reason why he concluded thus is the mention of Paramebrara. It seems to me to be, however, a mere pun and not a real name. The palmography of the epigraph in wbieh it occurs, moreover, is the same that of Rajasimbs in the Kailasanatha temple. On these ground, I seriously doubt the correctness of identifying Atyantakāma with Paramokvark varman I und um disposed to think that all the birudas attributed by Hultzsch to this king must be attributed to Narasimhavarman II. See 8. I. I.. Vol. I, No. 25, niche 2. Ibid., niche 37. Compare fatturafa in verse 8 and natuurferatfe in the Vayalar epigraph. Compare niches 10 and 28 in 8. 1. I. Vol. I, No. 25. 10.d., niche 10 which gives the expression fraft. Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 18.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF RAJASIMHA-NARASIMHAVARMAN IT. 109 The glorious rising moon.1 (V. 3.) [For the translation of this seo 8. I. I., Vol. I, p. 14.] (V. 4.) The blessed archer, the death to Death the beautiful, the terrible in war, the abode of virtues, --is victorious. (V. 5.) (0 kings !) bow (to him) who is the beloved of Sri? (Lakshmi), who is highly proud, the hero in battle,...the mighty, to the exalted and lovely," like Arjuna in war. (V. 6.) ...... The liouls among kinga....ll kings obeyed.... B.-THE PANAMALAI INSCRIPTION. The subjoined inscription and the temple on which it has been engraved are mentioned in Mr. Sewell's Lists of Antiquities, Vol. I, p. 209, and the Gazetteer of the district of South Arcot, p. 385. It was brought to the notice of the Assistant Archwological Superintendent for Epigraphy, Madras, by Prof. J. Dubreuil of Pondicherry in 1915. The village of Panamalai is situated sixteen miles north of Villupuram. An inscription 14 from this place consisting of one Sanskrit verse which is identical with the last verse of the Kailāsanātha inscription of Rājasimha and the third verse of the Shore Temple inscription of the same king at Mahabalipuram, has been published in S. I. I., Vol. I, p. 24. Rao Suhib H. Krishna Sastri had the present inscription oopied and registered as No. 616 of 1915 in his Report for 1916. A facsimile of the inscription is published, together with a summary of its contents, (p. 114, para. 5 and plate III opp. p. 114) in the same Report. Prof. Dubreuil also has published a photo of the epigraph in his Pallava Antiquities (Vol. I, Plate I), together with a tentative translation of it by Prof. 8. Krishnaswani Aiyangar. It is stated in the Epigraphical Report for 1916 that the beginning and the end of the inscription are covered by the paved floor of a mandapa in front of the temple. The visible portion of the record consists of a single line in the Pallava-Grantha script cut over a 1 Ibid., niche 11. * Compare and in verse 3 and niche 13 in 8. I. I., No. 25 and 1 in Ibid., No. 26, niche 16. * This title is proved by the Mahöndrawarmośvara temple inscription of queen Rangapataki (8. 1. I., Vol. I, No. 29) to be tho title of Narasimhanvisliņu and so the latter should be Rajasimla-Narasimhavarian Il. It follows logically that the Maböndravarinan of that opigraph is the third king of that name. As Kalakala was also the title of Atirayachanda (neo 'p. Ind., Vol. X, p. 12) We have to conclude that the latter was identical with Narasimbavarman II. • See 8. I. I., Vol. I, No. 25, niche 1. Compare ytta in niche 16, Ibid, • Ibid., nicho 32. 1 Ibid., nicho 15. • See 8. I. 1., Vol. I, p. 3, No. 9. Ibid., No. 25, niche 24 10 Ilid., niebe 2 and Ibid., No. 26, niche 4. 11 This biruda is seen in both the inscriptions referred to in the previous note. See the 6th and 9th niebe respectively. 11 See 8. I. I., Vol. I, niche 14 of No. 25. This is only the variation of Rajastha and gives clue to the name of the king, Narasimhaverman IL. It occurs also in the Vayalür inscription. 11 This is No. 31 in 8. 1. I., Vol. I. Prof. Dubreuil points out that the inscription is not, as it is gonerally doscribod, in a templo out in the rock, but" simply on an anfractuosity of the rook within which an image of Kal (Mahishinuramalan) has boon placod." Bop his Pallava Antiquitics, Vol. I, p. 11. 16 8. I. 1., Vol. I, No. 24. * Soe above, p. 107. Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 110 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. belt of granite running round the temple as in the case of the Kailāsanātha inscription of Rājasimha at Kāñchipuram. It is a prasasti of king Rājasimha II and, like the one in the Shore Temple at Mahābalipuram, has no reference to his building of the shrine. The close resemblance, however, which the Panamalai temple bears to the Kailāsanātha temple in its style shows that the builder of the one must also have been the builder of the other. The similarity of the contents of the two inscriptions, moreover, proves the identity of their subjects of praise. The Panamalai inscription consists of six verses in the Sragdharā and Vasantatilakā metres. It begins with the names of Asvatthāman (Drauni) and his eponymous son Pallava, the founder of the dynasty (verses 1 and 2). It then gives a eulogy of the Pallavas and mentions the birth of Rājasimha to king Ekamalla Paramāśvara, which it compares with the birth of Guha (Subrahmanya) to Paramēsvara (Siva). The next two verses describe the virtues of Rājasimha, his valour and his devotion to Siva. The last verse is in the form of an assertion and mentions the revival, in his régime, of the tree of dharma, in spite of the cruel and scorching sun of the Kali age. The Conjeeveram epigraph gives the same details, often the same expressions. In its description of Rājasimha, for example, the latter uses the phrases गुपदव परमादीश्वरादात्तजन्मा (verse 5) and उत्तमबुपकुलरराजसिंह (verse 11), which are practically the same as those occurring in the present inscription in verses 3 and 4. The Kailäsanātha record, however, is more elaborate and adds the titles of Atyantakāma, Srībhara and Ranajaya to Rājasimha. It may be noted here that two other inscriptions in the same temple. which give more than 200 titles to Rājasimha must be attributed to the same king. This identification of the builders of the Kailāsanātha and Panamalai temples may be objected to on the ground of palæography, for a comparison of the Panamalai script with that of the Kāñchipuram temple shows that the former is much simpler and therefore later in date.. In fact it bears a very close resemblance to the Atirauachanda group of Mahābalipuram and the Sāļuvankuppam epigraphs, and not the Atyantakāma group (which is similar to the Kailāganātha epigraph). Compare the letters, for example, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7 and the signs for the secondary vowels -1, , and at and the correctness of the contention will be immediately obvious. It can be incidentally inferred from this that the Mahābalipuram Shore Temple inscription of Rājasimha which I have proved to be later than the Atyantakāma and Kailāsanātha group, and earlier than the Atiranachanda group, was slightly earlier than the present inscription. Dr. Hultzsch, who believed that palæography alone could give a clue to the identity of the kings, was of opinion that the carlier Kailāsanātha script belonged to the age of Rājasimha or Narasimhavarman II and the Atiranachanda group to the time of Nandivarman Pallavamalla of the Kāśākudi plates. Regarding the last, he has said : "It resembles, though it is not identical with, the alphabet of the Kabākudi plates of Nandivarman. The name or surname Atiranachanda is unknown from other sources. As the alphabet of stone inscriptions sometimes differs slightly from that of the contemporaneous records on copper, there would be no objection to assigning these records to the time of Nandivarman, the contemporary of the Western Chāļukya king Vikramaditya II." In his Pallava Antiquities (Vol. I, pp. 19-20) Prof. Dubreuil with characteristic insight, enumerates the various points of agreement, e.g., the possession of collateral niches always opening towards the east or west, the dedication to tho prismatic (eight or sixteon faced and not the cylindrical) type of the linga, the adornment of the sanctuary wall with the images of Somiekanda, Brahma and Vishnu, the rearing lion type of pillar-supports and the single-arched tirurāchis.' 1 Tho Vēlārpālaiyam plates (Madras Ep. Rep., 1911, p. 61) say that Narasimhavarman was the son's son (9 ) of Parameávara : but it is alone in this version and is not 60 authoritative as the contemporary Teord: at Kanchipuram, Mahabalipuram and Panamalai. * 8.1. 1., Vol. I, No. 25 and 28. • See Ep. Ind., Vol. X, p. 3. Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 18.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF RAJASIMHA-NARASIMHAVARMAN II. 11 But I have endeavoured to show in my edition of the Shore Temple inscription of Mahābalipuram that the Kailāsanātha, tho Atyantakama! and the Atiranachanda groups should all be attributed to the same king, viz., Narasimhavarman II. The identification of Atyantakāma with him is proved by the Kanchipuram, Vāyalür, Tiruppörürt and Shore Temples inscriptions and that of Atiranachanda with him by the Kanchipuram and Tirupporūr' epigraphs (which were apparently not known to Dr. Hultzsch), while the epigraphs at Sāļuvankuppam show that Atyantakāma and Atiranachanda were the titles of the same king (see S. I. I., No. 21, verses 1 and 5). The attribution of the Atiranachanda group to the age of Nandivarman II cannot thus stand. The palmographical comparison of it with Käsākudi plates, moreover, shows that the inference of contemporaneity which Dr. Hultzsch makes, cannot be maintained. In regard to letters , , , , and secondary vowel , we find that the Kāsākudi plates are distinctly later and more modern than the corresponding letters in the Atiranachanda style. The same remarks apply to the present inscription which, as has been already mentioned, is exactly like that of Atiranachanda. This conclusion will naturally give rise to the question how an archaic style like that of the KailāsanāthaAtyantakāma group could have co-existed with the more advanced styles of Sāļuvankuppam and Panamalai (as well as the style of the Mahabalipuram Shore Temple which comes midway between the two). This has been, in my opinion, satisfactorily answered by Prof. Dubreuil. He believes that the more archaic and florid alphabet was "perhaps devised by the predecessor of Rājasimha, fifty years earlier. As it was much embellished and little employed, it was handed down without any change, and the sculptors of the time of Rajasinha who wished to employ this alphabet were satisfied with copying the old models instead of embellishing the writing of their days.". Amongst the peculiarities of the present epigraph may be noted the combination of the conjunct ra and medial with a double curve (e.g., in verse 4 and zin verse 6), and the characterisation of the final with a slanting stroke (as well as smaller size), like é. A few words may be mentioned here about Narasimhavarman II. He seems to have been a man of peace, devoted more to religious pursuits than war and conquest. His father Para mēs varavarman I had gained the victory of Peruvalanallur over the Chāļukya Vikramaditya I (655-680 A.D.) and saved the integrity of the Empire, though he had not apparently been equal to the task of dispossessing the Chāļukyas of the district of Kurnool10 and possibly of Nellorell which they had seized. A clue to the date and site of the battle 1 It may be montionod that Prof. Dubrouil agrees with Dr. Hultzsch in identifying Atyantakäms with Paramekvara I ; but whilo I agree with him in regard to the style of the script of Paramośvara's time, I am not able to see oye to oyo with him in regard to his identity with Atynntakama. * See 8. I. I., Vol. I, No. 25, niche 1 and No. 19, versos 7 and 8. • Bottom block, which roads : layifut: 29: ET ... TH... • Piece No. 7. See ante, p. 106. • See 8. I. I., Vol. I, No. 25, nicho 3. Piooo No. 4. • Soe his Pallava Antiquities, Vol. I, p. 23. • Bootho Udayēndiram plates of Nandivarman, linge 16-17, which say: ma: 0 faforume: quat. The Kuram plates of Paramēsvara I descriko how ho mado Vikramaditya tako to flight, covorod only by rag (see 8. 1. 1., Vol. I, p. 149, lines 40-41). The factor is evidently a referenee to the engage. mont at Poruvasanallür. Tho Käfichipuram inscriptions also refer to the destruction of Ranarasika's city (i..., the city of Vikramaditya). See 8. I. 1., Vol. 1. p.12. VOTRE 1. See Kl. 1 and 4-6 in my Topographical List. 1 Ibid., NL. 483. See also Ep. Ind., Vol. IX, pp. 98-102. Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 112 EPIGRA PHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX of Peruvalanallur is given in the Gadval Plates of Vikramaditya I. These plates record a grant by him in A.D. 674, while he was encamped at Uragapura on the southern bank of the Kaveri in the Chōla kingdom. Uragapura has been identified by Venkayya with Uraiyur and the correctness of this has been confirmed by Prof. Dubreuil who has identified Peruvalanallar with a village of the same name, about ten miles north-west of Trichinopoly. The latter scholar further points out how the Pallava Paramesvara was probably helped by the contemporary Pandya Kochchadayan and the Ceylonese king Manavamma. He further surmises that Kochchadayan married the daughter of the Pallava prince Rajasimha (later on Narasimhavarman II) and hence had a son named Rajasimha, so named naturally after his maternal grandfather. However this might have been, Rajasimha must have succeeded Paramesvara varman I sometime after A.D. 675. He evidently did not distinguish his reign by any war. All his inscriptions, while describing his martial valour in vague and general terms, agree in calling him an ardent devotee of Siva, a saviour of Dharma and Truth. He seems to have furthered the arts and blessings of peace, if we are to attach any importance to his epithets इतिहासप्रियः काव्यप्रबोधः, वोषानारद:, धातोधतुम्बुरुः, वाद्यविद्याधरः eto. It was he that built the central shrine in the Kailasanatha temple at Käñchipuram, the Shore temple at Mahabalipuram, the Panamalai temple, and, as Prof. Dubreuil observes, the Airavatesvara temple at Kanchipuram. To these must be added some other structures from which the pillars containing Rajasimha's birudas were transferred to the later Kandasvami and Vyaghrapuri vara shrines at Tiruppōrurs and Vayalar respectively. It only remains to be mentioned that the date of the present epigraph is not incapable of being ascertained. It has been already mentioned that Parameśvaravarman I won a victory at Peru. valanallur over Vikramaditya I in A.D. 674. Supposing that Paramesvara lived for a few years after it, we may suppose that he ceased to rule, about A.D. 680. The struggle between him and Vikramaditya I was inherited and continued by their successors, the Pallava Narasimhavarman II, Mahendravarman III, Parameśvaravarman II and Nandivarman Pallavamalla on the one hand, and the Chalukyan kings Vinayaditya Satyaśraya (A.D. 680-96), his son Vijayaditya (A.D. 696-733) and his son and successor Vikramaditya II (A.D. 733-746) on the other. Of these the last Pallava king was defeated by the last mentioned Chalukya king about A.D. 740. Now, as Narasimhavarman II lived two generations before Nandivarman, we may reasonably suppose that he lived in the years which immediately preceded and followed A.D. 700. And this is in keeping with the date we have assigned for the termination of the reign of Paramesvaravarman I. These facts enable us to fix the Panamalai epigraph at about 1 Vide Madr. Ep. Rep., 1910, p. 10, para. 10. The record is dated in Vaisakha, full moon, S. 596 (the 20th year of his reign), i.e., Tuesday, April 25, A.D. 674, according to Dr. Floot, or the next day. See also Ep. Ind., Vol. X, pp. 100 ff. Soo Ep. Ind., Vol. X, No. 22, pp. 101-2. See his Pallaras, 1917, p. 43. The 5th king in the Volvikudi grant, the father of Termar n Rajasimha I (Arikesari Parankusa), and the victor at Marudur and Mangalapuram over Maharatha. Prof. Dubreuil believes that Maharatha was the Chalukya Vikramaditya I. Manavamma was king of Ceylon from about 660 to 695, according to Dubreuil, but 691 to 726 according to the Mahiramba. Sue Cg. 194 in the Topographical List. The chief epithets found are Aviratadanaḥ, Isana sarapah. Jus uasagarah, Gupavinitah, Dharapitilakah, Atirapachandah, Arikarikësarī, Prithvimāraḥ, Atyantakamaḥ and Abhavankarah. Soo Cz. 1231. Besides giving a full genealogy of the Pallavas, the record gives the titles of Narendrasil, Atyantakama, Ranajaya, Srinidhi and Kshattriyasimha to Rajasimha. This inscription has been edited by Rao Bahadur H. Krisluna Sastri, above Vol. XVIII, pp. 145 ff. Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 18.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF RAJASIMHA-NARASIMHAVARMAN II. 113 A.D. 700. Prof. Dubreuil ascribes it to between 700 and 710. The Shore Temple inscription at Mahabalipuram should be slightly earlier, while the scripts of the Kailasanūtha-Atyantakama group might be based on a script about 50 years earlier (i.e., A.D. 650), but engraved a few years before 700. TEXT.1 1 .. . . .. . . 'नोदपादि प्रथितभुजबलो द्रोणि रंशः' पुरारी: M[१] अश्वत्था. 2 बोथ तस्माविचितगुरुतपोनिर्म3 लादाविरासीदाबायादंगविद्याविसर इव महीवज[भः पक्ष'] वाख्यः [1] 4 यस्मादेष[:] ... पथि विहितपदात्यावने' माननीयो मन्दाकिन्या'] प्रवा6 : शशिन व महानन्वयः पक्षवानाम् m [२] समाजामश्वमेधावभू. 6 थविरजसा भूभुजां पजवानामस्म7 टापलवानां विमलसरभरहाजवंशोडवानाम् [*] केतो8 रत्षो बाहुद्रविणहतमहोचविख्यातकीर्यो देवा9 देकमज्ञाहुए इव पर मादीश्वगदात्तजन्मा'] MN] 10 . . . . . . भुज"विशावभासी सत्वो-५ 11 र्जित: समरदृष्ट"महाप्रभावः [1] यो राजसिंह इति विव 1 From the plato published in Ep. Rep. for 1916, opp. p. 114. * This is the 4th quarter of a stanza in the Sragdharà metre. Tho first three sylla blou (which should be throw gurua) are wanting. • Read द्रौषि. • Prof. Kristinaswami Aiyangar wrongly reads it as aleta. . There is an unwritten space of one foot here, capable of holding these three letters, which are found in the Kaichipuram inscription. See S. I. I., Vol. I, No. 24, line 11 (veme 3). • The space (about a foot) is unwritten. The three syllablos which are necessary for the motre may be nea: or port, which will be the predicate of you. Prof. Krishnaswami Asyangar corrects are into grant (300 Pallava Antiquitier, p. 13); but this is absolutely unnecessary as 979 is plainly the adjective of afy. • Read चौ. The stone on which the inscription is engraved is broken here and the passage inserted has toen taken from ३.I. I., Vol. I, No. 24, verses. 10 As the metre of this verso in Tarantatilata, the first six syllables (a tagapa and a bha-gana -u-uu) are wanting. An expression like futa will do. u Read & - Resd सली. Prof. Krishnaswami Aiyanger wrongly roads it as 8 Ho also confounds with and suggests thu wrong rending सुभाष in plaoo of प्रमा. Soo Pallava Antiquities, L, p. 13. Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 114 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 12 gwyngeugwcamftir: [My"] 'wat fe. 13 षद'समुच्छ्रयाणां [m]र्त्ता च कथाrपरम्परायाम् [] 14 चित्ते सदा सभृ 15 तभक्तिपूते धत्ते पदं यस्य मृगा' कमोलि [: * ] m[५] संकटाकाय "मयाने कशाखासम 16 [ची] 17... "मे फलकुसुमलताकान्तिमालम्ब 18 माना[:]] [[*] सद्वृत्ता" भोनिषेकैर्दुम इव सततन्तस्य जय" ति कलियुगपोष्ातसेपि" धर्म [m]. 1 Read få. * Prof. Krishnaswami Aiyangar mistakes it for (dri). * This verse is in the Indravajra metre. • Read . [VOL. XIX TRANSLATION. Verse 1. (To him) was born Drauni, the part-incarnation of Purari, who was famous for the strength of his shoulders. 10 Five syllables 11 Read : याससुवाम V. 2. From that Asvatthäman who was spotless with the great penance performed by him, there arose, like the extension of the Añgavidya17 (science of Vyakarņa, etc. contributing to knowledge) from the Věda, the beloved king of the earth called Pallava; and from him who trod the path of purity, came, like the floods of the Mandakini from the moon, 13 this great family of the Pallavas. .. 13 Read m°. 15 Four letters, viz., are probably missing to make up this påda. 14 The late Mr. H. K. Sastri thought that was the more probable reading. Read. Prof. Krishnaswami Aiyangar has the wrong reading . (Paltova Antiquities, p. 14, note 1.) This word is also wrongly read as 4 by Prof. Krishnaswami Aiyangar. Read at. • Read . As the verse is in Sragdhara metre, seven syllables are missing here: two gurus and five laghus like www. - are wanting. 1 Read fq. If the reading safe is taken instead of safe, then it is unnecessary to correct. 14 Notice the singular account which the Pallava inscription at Amaravati (8. I. I., Vol. I, No. 32) gives of Asvatthama's origin. It says that Drops propitiated Siva for obtaining a son who would found a race. 17 Apte defines it not only as the ferrer far but, according to the Brihat Samhita, as the science of fore te lling good or evil from the movements of the limbe.' 18 The Ganges flows from the matted locks of Siva amidst which the moon also shines. The Kailisantha inscription compares' Pallava' to the first-born Manu in regard to his being the founder of a race of kings. See 8. I. I., Vol. I, p. 12, verse 3. The composers of the Pallava eulogies seem to have been very fond of calling them the vallabha or the beloved (of the world). Cf. Küram plates, Sanskrit portion, line 11. Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 19.) TWO LOST PLATES OF NIDHANPUR OOPPER-PLATES. 216 V. 3 & 4. From the lord Bamattal whose fame spread over the globe, conquered by his inexhaustible might and wealth and who was the ornament (Rit, flag) of the Pallevas who were emperors, who shone by the baths which concluded the performance of the Abvamēdha, who were the enjoyers of earth, who were not toriched (even) by a bit (lava) of danger and who had their origin in the highly pure family of Bharadvija-from him was born, like Guha (t.e., Kumara) from the great Isvara, he who shone by his....might and wealth, whose greathtas was seen in the field of battle, who was valiant and powerful, who was well known as Hajatimna of holy Teputation and who was a toyal lion to the elephants of dating, hostile kings. V. 6. The conqueror of crowds of hostile kings, the door of a series of auspicious acts, in whose mind, purified by the feeling of incessant devotion, Mpigånkamauli (Siva) rests his foot. V. 6. The tree of Dharma which has got many sālchãs (i.e., Vēdic divisions in the one case, and branches in the other) in the form of .......... the Vedas ... which is sprinkled incessantly by the waters of his virtuous acts; and which bears the splendour of the fruits and flowers-flourishes, though scorched by the cruel sun of the Kali age.? No. 19.-TWO LOST PLATES OF THE NIDHANPUR COPPER-PLATES OF BHASKARAVARMAN. BY MAHAMÄHOPADHYAYA PANDIT PADMANATKA BHATTAONABYA, VIDYAVINODA, M.A. The three copper-plates which were discovered in 1912 at Nidhanpur in Pañchakhanda, Sylhet, containing an insoription of Bhāskaravarman were published by me in this Journal (vide Vol. XII, No. 13, pp. 65 et seq.). There I stated that one plate was missing. It now turns up that the number of copper-plates missing was more than one, as I have got two plates, one of which is undoubtedly the 3rd plate, and the other the penultimate plate; and the rumour goes that a third missing plate is in the possession of a Musalman and efforts are being made to get it from him. I have not, however, thought it advisable to defer any longer the publication of the two plates that have since been discovered, and if any missing plate be forthcoming at all, it will contain only a list of donees supplementary to what is found in the two plates under discussion. The discovery of these two lost plates he rendered some of my statements in the previous article, made, of course, on mere oonjeoture, liable to revision. In fact the grant had 1 It is plain that Eka malla is the title of Paramēsvaravarman I. The Käfchipuram inscription (8. 1. 1., Vol. I, No. 24) calls him Ugradands, the adversary of Raņarasika (the W. Chalukya Vikramaditya I, A.D. 666-80). Another inscription in the same place (ibid, No. 27) gives Paramēsvara, the title of Lókāditya. • Compare fromag : 74: in line 11 of Karam grant. • Vido 8. I. L., VOL I, No. 24, verse 5. C. et a fica rafea Unt in the Kanohipuram inscen. (8.1. I., VOL I., No. 94, verse 11). Compare the epitheta sankarabhaktab, and Isvarabhaktab, in the Kanchipuram incorptions. Also expressions like w urwuf...forurei wat #met; fafanya uword; fyystufe: ete. • The epitheta wawe, wolfra, ford found elsewhero show that the king had a great reputation for virtue. The simile of the Kali age is commonly met with in the Pallava insoriptions. In the Rajasimhēsvara ingcription the king is said to have heard the divine voice even in this Kali age, and elsewhere in the same inscription he is said to have saved the people from the jaws of the horrid monster, the Kaliage. Similarly the Palla vas are given the title of we a tus. (See 8. I. I., Vol. I, No. 24.) 22 Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. been made by Bhativarman (named Mahābhūtavarman in the second plate of these inscriptions) who was the great-great-grandfather of Bhaskaravarman; and it was only renewed by the latter in favour of the descendants of the original donees. The locality of the grantMayurasālmal-agrahara in the district of Chandrapuri -I am unable to identify. While in my former article nothing was known of the doneese we find now that actually there was a host of them of different Vēdas and götras--apparently the successors on the sons' and probably also on the daughters' side of those Brāhmaṇas who had got the original grant from King Bhūtivarman. A tabular statement of these, shewing the Vēdas and the götras and shares, is given at the end of this article. The total of these shares comes to 977, which, with the addition of seven shares more for bali-charu-satra' (worship, oblation and hospitality) comes to 104 2. Certainly the land could not have been divided into 1047 shares, involving the fractional part of an ama. It is not impossible that the rumour about another missing plate may be true, or that there may be something wrong in my interpretation of the terms like götreāṁsa. These two plates, namely, the third and the penultimate plates, have great importance as they contain information about a good number of Brāhmaṇas of many a different götra, and it is expected that this will throw a flood of light on the history of the Brāhmaṇas in this part of India. Bhāskaravarman is known to have ruled over Kamarüpa during the first half of the Beventh century A.D., and if we calculate four rulers in a century, his great-great-grandfather Bhūtivarman must have flourished by the end of the fifth or the beginning of the sixth century. It is remarkable that while in the neighbouring province of Gauda (Bengal) the alleged import by Adi-Sūra of five Brāhmaṇas from Kanauj or the mythical creation of the Saptašati (700) Brāhmaṇas is not attributed to a period earlier than the eighth century A.D., there should be so many Brāhmanas found in a single village in Kamarüpa two centuries earlier. It will not be difficult to understand why the grant was made to such a large number of Brāhmaṇas at a time. We learn from the accounts of Yuan Chwang that while the neighbouring kingdoms were full of Buddhist monasteries, the country of Kamarūpa was altogether free from them." They (i.e., the people of Kamarupa) worshipped the Devas and did not believe in Buddhism. So there had never been any Buddhist monastery in the land. The Deva temples were some hundreds in number and the various syetems had some myriads of professed adherents * * * * His Majesty (Bhāskaravarman) was a lover of learning and his subjects followed his example; men of abilities came from far lands to study here." If such was the state of things in the Kimarüpa of Bhāskaravarman's time, we might safely surmise that the condition of Kāmarūpa was the same also in Bhūtivarman's time. Bhaskaravarman was only maintaining the tradition of his illustrious predecessors whose excellent qualities are recorded in these inscriptions. A party of Brāhmaṇas probably That this grant was a resowal after the burning of the original plates is known from the list vorse on the last plato (above, Vol. XII, p. 76). In fact in the opening verse of the inscriptions plurality of the Brihmaņas was indicated by" Walimalan drijas manam" which was then looked upon 28 a case of honorifio plurality. • Bali means offerings to gode as flour, fruits, rioo, otc. (uncooked): charu signifies 'cooked offerings '; and aatre indicates distribution of food to the guests and the poor'. This would show that there was a shrine or common place of worship in the locality for which a provision was made by allotment of these 7 shares . Above, VOL. XIII, pp 287 and 228. Watters : Yuan Chwang, Vol. II. p 186. Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 19.) TWO LOST PLATES OF NIDHANPUR COPPER-PLATES. 117 annoyed at the Buddhist predominance in their own place (which was most likely in Mithila) came to settle in Kamarüpa that was free from Buddhism and the rulers whereof were reputed to be the patrons of Brāhmaṇas, the custodians of the old faith :- hence this grant was made to these Brāhmaṇas and the name agrahāra added to Mayūraśālmali supports what has been stated above. The locality of the grant, though it cannot be positively ascertained, must have been very near the precincts of Karna-Suvarna, as the term Gängiņi occurring in the description of the boundary of the grant indicates that the locality must be in some region where the word in its modern form of Gängină exists even now. In modern Kämrūp the term is unknown-whereas in the locality near about Karatöyă (which was the western boundary of the ancient Kämarupa), Gänginā' is still in use-80 the grant must have been located there! and hence near Karna-Suvarna. How the plates containing the record could be found in Sylhet has yet to be answered. It is stated in the third plate (1. 12) that Manorathasvāmin of the Kätyāyana-gotra was a 'paffakapati,' i.e., the holder of the copper-plates, evidently, as he was one of the leading men of the locality. There was still another person Sadhăranasvămin, apparently, the foremost of them all, as his name mentioned in the first place would show, who was also termed' patakapati': and though probably the plates were originally kept in the joint or alternate charge of both, yet they must have fallen eventually into the hands of the heirs of Manõrathasvämin of the Kätyāyana-gora who were among the Brāhmaṇas who migrated to Sylhetas is inferred from the mention of 'Katyayana' amongst the 10 gotras of the Sampradayika Brāhmaṇast of Sylhet. The Sāmpradāyika Brāhmaṇas designate themselves as "Maithilas" (i.e. belonging to Mithilā) and so do most of the Brāhmapas even of the modern Kämrüp, who, as well as the Sampradayikas, follow the smriti (law) of the Mithilā school. It is quite possible that in course of time these settlers in Sylhet lost the memory of the place from which they had come, and the oblivion was helped by the eventual loss of the copperplates which they had taken with them to Sylhet and which have lately been discovered about ten feet below the surface of the earth. Or, it may be that the migrators having belonged originally to Mithilā gave themselves out as 'Maithila' when they settled in Sylhet. One thing worth remarking in these two plates is the abbreviations used: Sva' is written for Svāmi, amba' for 'ek-āṁsa' and 'götr-arnsa' for 'gðra-sahit=ādhy-ardilh-amba'. A remark made in my previous article regarding the defective nature of the Aryā metre which has been copiously used in these inscriptions, should be amended here : the remark was based on the It may be also that the settlers might have been students who had come to Kämarāpa for study (vido extract from Watters' Yuan Chuang, above). * In the copper-plate inscriptions of Vanamáladévs (vide Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1840. pp. 786 et seq.) we find 'Chandrapari' south-east of the grant, a village named Abhisura valaka, west of Trisrota. This Tristain the modern Toesta', a river in Rangpur, Bengal, and is a little east of the river Karatoyi. It this Chandrapari be the Chandrapuri (pari in Vanamals's inscriptions may be an error of the reader for puri, and the reading is full of errors) of Bhiskaravarman's inscriptions, within which district the grant was ituated, then what has been stated here would become substantiated. In fact in my former article Ganzinika' was deemed as one of the factors in coming to the decision that the grant belonged to Karna-Suvarna (side footnoto No. 3, p. 66, Ep. Ind., Vol. XII). These tun gotras are: Vatas, Vataya, Bharadvaja, Krishnatreys, Parafara, Katyayana, Kidyap, Maudgalya, Svarna-Kausiks and Gautama. Of these, seven gotras are found mentioned in the plates, exactly as stated above • Vates' and 'Parabara' are mentioned in the plate as atsa' sud. Pärasarya' (atronymie forms): while the remaining götra, vis, Svarpa-Kausika,' is evidently represented by Kausika' in the plates, as the of the götra intoavarna,' rajata,'' ghrita,' etc., did not probably take place then. The form Sva has in every case been taken &s an abbreviation of Svāmi (in the nominative case singular) as dibai trou 1. 11 where Sådhåra pasvomi occurs as the stributo of ama duayu bhokļa. Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XI. prosodical test of verse No. 8 in which there was something wrong in the 2nd foot-that could not be improved by any tentative reading. The other verses seem to be all right and conform to the rules of prosody. TEXT.1 Third Plate; First Side. 1 flingana-prakațit-abhikā(gā)m[i]ka-gun-anuraga-vpittih Kal[i]yuga-parākram-ākalita vigra2 hasya samuchchhā(chchhvā)sa iva Bhagavato Dharmmasya nayasy-ddhishthanam ispadam gunānam nidhih 3 pranayinām-upaghnaḥ santrastānām bri-sampadām=āyatanam Vasumati-sata-kram-adhi. 4 gáta-pada-samutkarsh=&(rsh=a)darshi(rši)ta-prabhāva-baktir-mMahārājādhirajah Sri. Bhaskaravarmma6 darah kubali || Chandrapuri-vishayē varttamāna-bhävino vishaya-patin-adhikara6 nâni cha samåjñāpayati [*] Viditam=astu bhavatām-ētad-vishay-antahpāti-Maya(a). ra7 sālmal-agrahāra-kshēttram(tram) rājñā sri-Bhttivarmmană tāmrapafțīksitam yatast) tat-tāmra-patt-abhā. 8 vät-karadam=iti Mahārāja(jēna) Jyēshthabhadra(drān) vijñāpya punar=asy-abhinamra (va)-pattakaraņāya sāsam(sa)9 nam datvā(ttvā) chandr-ārkka-kshiti-samakālam-akiñchit-pragrābyataya bhūmi-chchhi dra-nyäyēna purva-bho10 ktu(ktri)-Brāhmaņēbhyaḥt pratipāditam yattra(tra) Brāhmaṇā(na)-nāmāni Prächētaso Vâjasaneyi-pattakapa11 tih anba(amsa)-dvaya-bhāktā Sādhāraṇasvā[mi]* || Srivasu(sur)-bhrātfi-ttra(tra)yena ēko-ma(h) || Sõmavasu(sur)-bhartsisahito-rddh-ansa[h] || 12 Katyāyana-Chchha(s-Chhā)nogo Mapõratha-svā chaturth-ansa-hino-dvir-ansa[h] pattaka. pati[h*) ! Arddh-ansa(66) Vishộughosha-[svā] [ll*] 13 Vēdaghosha-svä ēk-ansa[h*] || Yasko Bāhvpicha(chyo) Dāmadēva-svā ansa[ho] Ghoshadēva-svā arddh-ansa [h*] || Nandadē14 [va-svā] ardhdh-änsa[h*] il Bhäradvāja-Chchhändög-Orkadattatto) gõttra(tra)-sahitadhyarddh-ansa[h*] | Tushțidatta-svă arddh-a Third Plate ; Second Side. 15 nba[h] || Käsyapa-sagðtra-Vājasanēyi-Rishidāma-svā anba[h*] || Subhadāma-svä ansa[h*] || Kautso Vājasane16 vi-Sani(nai)écharabhūti[r*)-göttr-ánba[b] || Bāhvpicho(chyo) Gaurātr[]ya-Sankarshana svi dvir-auba[b ] || Nara-gvå anba[b] || Närāyana From ink iro pressions. The portion of the compound in the preceding plate is rachalita nirantara-pranaya-rasa-bharakishta. Kåmaripa-Lakshmisasuma, where the last two words must be Lakshmi-sama-; see above, Vol. XII, p. 75. For the qualities called a ligánika-gunab see the Nitisara of Kamandaka, iv, vy. 6-8 and Flect, Cor. Ins. Ind., Vol. III, p. 169 n. It should be noted here that both ba and va are written exactly slike in these inscriptions : #0 the same lotter has been transliterated as 'ba' or 'w' as the case requires. anusa is often spelt ansa'; as the correction is apparent it has been left uncorruotod alter this. • Spa, as already stated, is apparently an abbreviation of Svami and has been left as such (1.6. unamended) after this. Here sahita) seems to be understood. -Ed.] Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 12 18 20 22 24 26 28 (1. Two LOST PLATES OF THE NIDHANPUR COPPER PLATES OF BHASKARAVARMAN. ८. मकतल युণपণথ'কউপবএ नाशकात ना चुलशन आमदार कार के है। र शः कुली॥ वच शकाएं हुए राम लगाए AATEE TOTK "मेरीका 'ध्रुव' ५ नेहा है, न ही प Nই HIRANANDA SASTRI. THIRD PLATE. पता "च में यकारिणी इ हो" वृद्धि 4 May 2ন हा কঅনমले 15 GUARAN "64ফअब ल "রলকাকড な है वह नेटो रा (From photographs). SCALE ABOUT HALF. पावस स मुलन का शके SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. 10 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Penultiinate Plate. राने व एसरी नाम सा नापसरसन बनावदेव साधा सतदेवसरत सासरा सतववादास सदेत सुसहर समास- TJR हवनयादा यासासजसार राहपोट व सपा साहारा बसायन व हसनही हातमि सिनेमामा सामान जतासगाव ते नरसा सवाल एमआTITसबकाययता भासताना Eनमा सनसासमाधानमा वहसकर मनन । त सुन्न सक नया सात महिने बाबा सोया करने पपलनTE नजनजात तित हार पाहायलय राइक्लचीननसभा पलपल का चीन 40 वारेमममममता का सारसियर REATENART साथ CERT TALKING सपकान SECRET तहमानोटी का काममा समस्या नन्:महत्वाचन हन्न ORE सानिन बाबदस्यमा मात्र STRICTS: नारशास्त्रमा कानदार TT-गगनावरापन का सनकाल्सियस कटाव सहन SETतनाकामा REATापारा के राजा AMERICATE कराल HTTONETREENSTRI ल न (From impressions). Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 19.] TWO LOST PLATES OF NIDHANPUR COPPER-PLATES. 17 sva arddh-ansa[b] | Vishnu-sva ansa[*] Sudarsana-sva anéa[h*]|| Göpendra-svä ansa[*] Arkka-sva añéä[ch*]-chaturthō bhagaḥ 18 Bhanu-sva [a*]rddh-ansa[*]|| Bhuyaskari-sva arddh-ansa[h] Krishnatreyō Vājasaneyi-Yasa(so)bhüti-svä || götträ(trā)-néa[*]|| Bharadvaja 19 8-Chhandōgō Varuna-sva ansah*]|| Kaundinyo Vajasaneyi-Madhusena-sva anéa[*]|| Gautamas Chhändōgō 20 Dhruvasōma-sva anéa[*]| Vishnusoma-sva añsa[*]|| Bharadvajō Vājasaneyi. Vishnupālita-svā 21 [a]dhy-arddh-ansa[h*]|| Suchipălita-svä añéa[b] Mittrapalit-Arthapalitayō[h* arddh-ansa[*]|| añéach-chaturtha-bhaga[h*] 119 Gautamō Vajasaneyi-Madhu-svä Vatsas-Charakyō(aḥ) Kahmidapatten(tra)-vä 22 Prajapatipālita-svā ansa[b*]|| 23 Chakradeva-sva ardh-ansa[h*] || chaturth-ansa-hina-pa(pa)da[h*]|| I(1)évara 24 datta-sva dvir-añsa[h*]|| Maudgalyo(a)-Vajasaneyi (yi)-Sudarsana-Dinakara-svamibhyams ansa[*]|| Saubha(na)ko 25 Vajasaneyi-Yajñakunda-sva [a*]dhy-arddh-ansa[h*] Yasa [h*]kunda-sva päd-adhikō nsah] Sraddhakuṇḍa-svä ansa[*]|| 26 Nārāyanakuṇḍa-sva añsa[h*]| I(I)évarakunda-sva arddhapad-abhyadhika(o)-nsa[ḥ*]|| Saktikunda-svā 27 ansach-chaturtha-bhaga[*] || Tōshakunda-svā arddhapad-abhyadhika(ō)-néa[b*] || Päräsaryya-Charakaḥ 28 Sadhu-svä ansa[h*] || A(A)6(éva) layana(na)s-Chhändōgō Ganga-ava anéa[*]|| Väräh Ba[h*]vrichyō Nara (?)-svā ansa[*]|| Penultimate Plate; First Side. 29 Salakayano Vajasanayi-Sürya-svä añía[b]| Bharadvajo Vajasaneyi-Bhavadēva-avā ansa[b*]| 30 Sarvadeva-sva ansa[*] [*] Gomideva-sva arddh-[a]ñéa[*]| Sa(a)vittra(tra)deva-svā dvir-añsa[*]| Arkadeva-sva arddh-anśa[*] | 31 Sadharana-sva añéach-chatur-bhaga[h*]| Ga[r]gyo Väjasaneyi-Damarata-sva anéa[*] [*] Bharadva(dvä)jö 32 Vajasaneyi-Vasudattaava dvir-adóa[b] sva dvir-ansa[*] | 33 Visvesvara-svā ansa[*]| Alambayano Va(VA)jnaanéyi-J&(Yä)glévara Divyēévara-sva añsa[h*]| Ganesvara-sva añéa[*]| Buddhēsvara-svā ansa[]*]| 34 Jatéévar-Angesvarabhyam (m) añsa[*] | Dhō(Dhau)tesvara-svä ansach-chatur*-bhaga[h*]|| Maghesvara-sva a[m*]éach-chatur-bha(a)ga[*] || 35 Jahně(hnavi)évara-svá arddh-a(a)néa[b] Nandesvara-svā ansa[b*] | Angirad Vajasaneyi-Damabhūti 1[Dandas are unnecessary.-Ed.] The 'm' at the end of a word should not be changed into d (asusvära) when followed by a word beginning with a vowel: yet such a change is seen here and also in some other places (e.g. L 39 bhy arddhashiab). [But the plate reads bhyaḥ.-Ed.] The letter 'bha' seems to hp soratched and probably sa' was attempted to be incisedi n its stead. The name is illegible, but it seems to be of two syllables whereof the first is ke na. The name Nara occurs at another place also (vide. 1. 16 above). [Chaturthō is expected.--Ed.] Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 [VOL. XIX 36 sva anéa[b] | Kasyapo Bähvrichcha(chya)[h*] Prakasavara-sva(a) bhrātri-sahitōnsa[*]| Yaskō Vājasaneyi 37 Gayatri(i)pala-svä ansa[b] Pārāśaryo Ba1hvrichya[b] Santasarma-svä ansa[*]|| Kausikō 38 Bähvrichya[h*]||* Padmadāsa-svä gött-dé[*]|| Govarddhana-Yajnapala-Papu. 39 bhyam(m) arddh-anśaḥ Pikalya-Chhändigo Göpäla-svä adda KalyapasTaitta(tti)riya Ugradatta-svā 40 ansah Barhaspatyö Bähvrichyo Bhaṭṭinanta(nda)-sva amšaḥ [*] Sadhu-svā améaḥ || [*] Devakula-sva amsah || 41 Janardana-sva [a*]rddh-anśaḥ | Sunayana-Narayana-Vriddhi-svamibhyō-rddh-anśaḥ || Gautamō BähvŢi EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Sudarsanasvami Penultimate Plate; Second Side. 12 chya I[I]évarabhaṭṭa-sva amśaḥ || Bhrigu-sva arddh-améaḥ || Bharadvajō Bähvrichyo Rudraghōsha-svä aṁśaḥ| Katyayanas-Charakaḥ Kausisō 13 ma-sva amśaḥ || Gautamo Vajasaneyi-Prabhakarakirti-svä ansaḥ | Sandilyō VājasaneyiAnanda(nta)-sva améa[*]| 44 Saunako Bahvrichyō Gatibhaṭṭi-sva améah | Tēja-bhaṭṭi-svä amśaḥ || Mana(ntra)ghosha. Tajabhatti-Nandabbü 45 ti-svimibhyath (bhyä)[m=a*Jeddh-Adab | Dāmabhatti-svå athiah | Medhabhaṭṭi-svā amśaḥ | Sumatibhaṭṭi-sva améaḥ || 46 Suyogabhaiava athiab Vätaya-Bahvpichyo(a)-8ivatadama-av arhi[] || Ganta mas-Chhandōgō Tōsha-svā 47 ansaḥ Värähō Bahvrichye Bhaṭṭihara-svā angaḥ || Bharadvaj Vajaantyi Nägadatta-sva [a*]rddh-anśaḥ || 48 Alambayanō Dürvesvara-sva bhrātra sah-arddh-anśaḥ || Bharadvajo Rupadhya-svā [arddh-ab Ko(Kausika 49 Bahvrichyō(chya)-Chandradasa-Vimarddanadāsa-svaminōr=ēkō-ñśaḥ || Kas[y*Japo Vāja saneyi. 50 Supratishthita-sva ansah || Gautama (5) Nandana-sva añśaḥ || Sākaṭāyanō(as)-Tōsha-svā 51 arddh-añśaḥ || Gautama-Kasyapaya(yo) [s*]-Sarasa-Vakula-sväminor-ēkō-nśaḥ || Bharadvajō(ja)-Vidusha Yad= 52 svamino(r-a) arddh-ansas-ch-eti || Bali-charu-satr-öpayogaya sapt=änsä[h*]|| ētat-Ko(Kau)sik-opachitaka-kshetram 53 tat-pra(pha)la[m] pratigrahaka-chrä(Brā)hmaṇānām-eva yat-tu Ganginy-upachitakakshetram tad-yatha-likhita- . 54 ka-Brāhmaṇai[s*]-samam vibhajyatām-iti || Simano yatra pūrvēņa Sushka-Kausikā || Pūrva-dakshi 55 pēna s-aiva Sushka-Kausika Dumbarichchheda-samva(thvē)dya Dakshinen-āpi Dumvari chchha(chchhe)da[*]|| Dakshina ABRIDGED TRANSLATION. To whom was exhibited, with a fast embrace, the course of love for the abhigamikagunas [by the Lakshmi of Kamarupa drawn by an excessive sentiment of constant 1 The lotter va (or ba) has also the ri-sign added to it at the bottom. [Dandas are superfluous.-E.] [But the reading seems to be "bhyah, not "bhyam.-Ed.] For paichimena, etc., see the last plate (above, Vol. XII, p. 75). Fleet translated it as 'the virtuous qualities of an inviting kind.' See references in foot-note 8 on p. 118 above. Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 19.] TWO LOST PLATES OF NIDHANPUR COPPER-PLATES. affection] who is, as it were, the breath of the holy Dharma whose person has been seized by the powerful Kali (Iron age), the abode of Politics and good qualities, the receptacle of friends, the shelter of the terrified, the abode of good luck, whose dignified power was shown by the elevated rank obtained in order of succession from (Naraka) the son of Vasumati (Earth)-the king of kings, the illustrious Bhaskaravarman, in sound health, commands the present and the future district officers, as well as the courts of justice in the district of Chandrapuri (thus): let this be known to you (all)-that the land of the Mayurasälmal-agrahāra (grant to Brahmanas) lying within this district granted by issuing a copper-plate charter by king Bhütivarman has become liable to revenue on account of the loss of the copper-plates, so by the Mahārāja having informed the senior respectable persons (and) having issued orders for making a fresh copper-plate grant, the land has been awarded to the Brahmanas who had been enjoying the grant already in the manner of bhumi-chhidra,3 so that no tax is levied on it as long as the sun, the moon and the earth will endure. These are the names of the Brahmanas (donees). For bali (worship), charu (oblation) and satra (hospitality) seven shares are allotted. The produce of the land that is increased by the Kausika (river) will go to the Brahmanas, the donees of the grant, but the land which is enlarged by the Gangini shall be equally divided by the Brahmanas as recorded. These are the boundaries-to the east, lies the dried Kausika, to the south-east, that very Kausika marked by a (piece of) hewn fig tree, to the south even, a (piece of) hewn fig tree, to the south-west, etc., vide the last plate. Serial No. 1 2, 3, 4, 5 6,7 Väda etc. Vājasaneyin (i.e., Yajurvēdin). Do. Do. Gōtra. Prächētasa Do." Do. • Name. Sadharana-svamin (pattakapati, i.e., holder of the copper-plates). Srivasu with his three brothers Soma vasu with his masters. . 121 Share. + 1 Coutains translation of the preceding portion of the compound (vide foot-note 2 on page 118 above). The reading in the text may be-Maharaja-Jyeshthabhadra-vijñaptyd in which case the meaning will be at the request of Maharaja-Jyeshtha bhadra." Chhidra' means 'land not fit for cultivation' (vide Yadavaprakasa's Vaijayanti, Bhumikanda-Vaisy-ādhyaya-Verse 18): 'bhümi-' or 'bhü' prefixed to 'chhidra,' is merely expletive. In the copper-plate grant of Vaidyadeva (Ep. Ind., Vol. II, p. 353, 1. 51) we find 'bhüchchhidraucha akiñchitkaragrahyam' which indicates the meaning of bhumi (or bhu-)chchhidra-nyayêna' in copper-plate inscriptions: like a (worthless) plot of land unfit for cultivation. Such land when granted would naturally be exempted from assessment of revenue. [See Mr. K. M. Gupta's interesting note on the words bhumichchhidra and bhumichchhidra-nyaya in Ind. Ant., Vol. LI (1922), pp. 77-79.-Ed.] See the list at the end. This special treatment of the accretions to the Kausika and the Gangipl most probably shows that in the time of King Bhütivarman these boundary rivers had been streams with current and in the course of a century and quarter they became (in Bhaskaravarman's time) so much denuded of current that one got the qualifying term bushka (dried) prefixed to it and the other had the name Gangipika (meaning the bed of the dried river) given to it. In such circumstances, it is impossible now, after a lapse of more than fourteen centuries from Bhütivarman's time, to identify the locality of the grant with the help of the description of the boundary. The serial number, of course, is not to be found in the plates. Where there is no mention of the Veda or the çötra, it has been supposed that the immediately prceed. ing one holds good for the case. When the number is not stated, only one individual has been presumed and the serial number also put accordingly. Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA [VOL. XIX. Serial No. Vöda eta Götra. Name. Share. Chhändóga (1.6., Sama vodin), Katyāyana Manorstbevaknin (paakapati) . Do. Do. 11 . Do. Do, Yaske Do. Do. Bhäradvaja. 1 Kalyapa Do. Kautas Gaurätröya . Bähvpichys (1.d., Rigvedin), Do. Do. Chhandogs Do. Vajasaněyin. Do. Do. Babvpichya. Do. Do. . . olan share Do. Vishpughữeba-sinin . . Vedagteba-avanto . . . . Damadēva-gvāmin . Ghoshadeva-svamia . Nandadēvs-evāmin Arkadatta-avāmin with his can share. Tushtida tasvimin . . . . . . . . Subhadama-svāmin . Sanaiácharbhūti . Sankarshapa-svåmin. . Nars-avimin Näriya na-svamin . . Vishnu-evāmin. . Sudarsans-svamin Gopēndra-svämin Arka-avamin . Bhanu-svimin. . . Bhūyaskara-svåmin . . Yaáðbhůti-svamin . . Varupa-svāmin . . . . Madhusēna-svåmin . . Dhruvasóma svämin. . Vishpusoma-svämin . Vishnupalita-svimin . . Suchipálita-svamin . . Mitrapalita and Arthapatita. . Prakpa tipălita-svamin . . . Do. Do. *Vamin . Do. (olan share) Vajasanoyin. Chhandogs . Vajasanēyin. Chhändöga. Do. : Vajasaněyin. . . . Krishnatroya Bhärad väja Kaundinya . Gautama . 33 Do. Bhāradvija Do. Do. 35, 36 Do. Do. 37 Do. Do. 1 When only anfah' (share) is stated, one share' has been presumed : in the preceding case (serial 10) ekathiah (one share) is clearly mentioned; but for brevity's sake eka (one) has been omitted in subsequent 01.01. **Götra thiab (clan sharo) seems to be an abbreviation of 'gotra-nahit-adhy-and-abah' (one and half shares with clan share), as in serial No. 14 above; so here, as also in other places, 'goträdal' is taken to mean 14 sharo. It is not, however, clear what götra thah' indicates: it is given only in a few cases either to the sole representative of a götra of to the head of the götra. Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 19.) TWO LOST PLATES OF NIDHANPUR COPPER-PLATES. 123 Sorial No. Vöda eto. Götran Namo. Share. Gautama . Do. Vajasanoyin. . Do. . . Charakya (i.e., Yaj. urvēdin). Do. Vajasanoyin. . Madhu-svāmin . . Chakradēva-evāmin . Küshmanda patra-svamin . . . . . . Vätes . . Do. Do. Charaka . Chbândöga . Bühvrichya . Vajmanöyin. Do. Do. . . Isvaradatta-svamin . Maudgalya. . Sudarsana and Dinakars-svåmins Saubhaka (+ Saunaka) Yajñakunda-svamin. . . Do. Yasokunda-svāmin . . . Sraddhakunda-svåmin . . Nārāyapakunda-svāmin Isvarakunda-svämin. . Do. Saktikuņda-svåmin . . T5sha kunda-svimin . Päräsary . . Sādhu-svāmin . . Asvalāyana. . Ganga-svāmin . . Väraha . . . Nara-svamin . . Salahkāyana . . Sūryya-svāmin : . Bharadvāja. . Bhavadēva-svāmin Do. Sarvadēva-svimin Gômidēva-svämin . . Săvitradēva-svamin Do. . Arkadēva-svamin . Sadhāraṇa-svamin Gargya . . . Damarăta-svamin Bharadvāja. . Vasudatta-svamin Alsmbiyana . . Yagéévara-svämin Vibvēsvara-svāmin Divyēśvara-kvamin . . Gaņāóvara-svamin . . Buddhēsvara-svimin. . . Jațisvara and Angåevara-svamins Dhautėávara-svāmin . . . Do. 88, 70 Do. . It is stated in the Bhagavata-Purana that Charaka was a disciple of Vaibampayana who was a Yajurvēdin (vide verses 52 and 81 of Chap. VI, 8k, xn). x 2 Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 124 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XI X Serial No. Vēda eto. Götra. Name. Share Viasaneyin . Do. . Do. . . Do. Alambayans . Do. . Do. . Angirasa Kikyapa Yiska Päräsarya Kaubika . . 75, 76 77 78 Babrrichya . Võjasaněyin. Bähvpichya. . Do. olan share Do. Do. . . . Chhändöga . Taittiriys (Yajur. vēdin). Bāhvpichya . . Do. Pankalya . Käsyape Varhaspatya . . Do.. Mághévara-avamin . . . Jähna viúvara-svåmin . . . Nandes vara-svamin Dåmabhati-svimin . . . . Praklas vara svåmin with brother . Gayatripäla-svimin . . . Säntasarma-evimin . . . Padmadina-kvämin . . Govardhana Yajfiapils and Papu Sudar iana-svämina, Gopala-svamin. . Ugradatta-svamin . . Bhattinanda-avamin. . Sidhu-svåmin . . Dövakula-svimio . . . Janardana-svimin . . . . Sunayana. Närkyapa and Vriddhi svåmins. Isvarabbatta-svåmin . . . . Bhrigu-svamin . . . . Rudraghosha-svămin Kausinoma-svämin Prabhakarak irtti-svimin Ananta-svämin. . . Gatibhatti-svämin . . Tējabhatti-svitin . . Mantraghaha, Tejabhatti and Nandi bhūti-svåmins. Dāmabhatti-svåmin Mëdhabhatti-avámin . . . Sumatibhatti-svamin. . Suyogabhatti-svamin. Do. 88, 89, 90 Do. Do. Do. Do.. . . Charaka Vājasaneyin Do. Bihvpichya Gautams Do. Bháradvaja. Katyayana Gautama śandilys Saunaka . Do. 99 & 100 101 102 103 104 Do. Do. . 1 If it were not for the dual sign bhyam after these names, these would be considered as three persona i not four. This' bhyüm', however, may be an error for 'bhyö', as am' and 'o' marka aro basily interobangoablo (vida inscription, penultimate plate, 11 38 and 39). [See f. n. 3 on p. 120 above.-Ed.] * Mantraghosha (or Mandraghosha)-the word in the plate is Managhaha cor Maiju.Ed.)- to be sa adhoctive to Tejabhatti, probably to distinguish him from the preceding Töjabhatti (serial No. 98). Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 20.] THE SECOND HALF OF A VALABHI GRANT OF SAMVAT 210. 125 Serial No. Vēda eto. Götra. Name. Sharo. 105 106 107 108 109, 110 111 112, 113 114 Bahvpichya . Chhandogs. Bähvpichys. Vājasanēyin. Do. Do. Bāhvpichya. Vājasanēyin. Do. . . . . . • Do. Vätsya . . Gautama . Váráha . Bhäradvāja. Alambāyana . Bhāradv@ja • Kausika Käsyapa . Gautama . Sākațāyana , Gautama and Kasvapa. Bharadraja. śasvatadama-svimin . . . . Tosha-svämin Bhattibara-svāmin . . . Någadatta-svimin ... Dūrvēsvara-svåmin with brother. Räpädhya-svämin . . . Chandradāsa and Vimardanadana-svamins Supratishthita-svamin. . . Nandana-svimin . . . Tõsha-svamin Sarass and Vakula-svāmine . Vidüsha-svamin . . . . 115 . . . Do. 116 117, 118 Do. 1191 Do. No. 20.-THE SECOND HALF OF A VALABHI GRANT OF SAMVAT 210. BY D. B. DISKALKAR, M.A., RAJKOT. The plate published below was discovered in 1894 in (the small town of Tyāveja which lies 10 miles to the south-west of Pālitāna in the Gohelwär pränt of Käthiawär. It was found by Mr. Tudor Owen, I.C.S., the Administrator of the Pälitāna State some years ago, and is now preserved in the Watson Museum at Rajkot. As is clearly shown by the measurements, the distance between the holes of the ring, the characters and the opening words, it must be the second half of the grant the first half of which has already appeared in Vol. XVII, pp. 108 ff.. of this journal, The present plate, containing 15 lines of writing in clear and bold characters, is like the first one in an excellent state of preservation. There are comparatively few grammatical mistakes found in the inscription. The sandki rules are many times not observed. The sign for upadhmāniya is found in lines 2, 5 and 6. The grant issued by Dhruvasēna I, as may be seen from the first plate and from the year 210 in this plate, when as many as four other grants were issued by him, makes a gift in the follow. 1 Rp. Ind., Vol. XVII, p. 108. (1) Ep. Ind., XV, p. 255 (2) Ind. Ant., XXXIX, p. 130 and Ep. Ind., XI, p. 109. (3) Ind. Ant., XXXIX, p. 130 and Ep. Ind., XI, p. 112 5 (4) J. B. B. R. A. 8. (N. 8., Vol. I), p. 65. Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 126 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vor.xIx. ing way: (a) a hundred pădāvarttas in the south-east quarter of the village Bhadronika in the Surashtra to a Brāhmaps named Säntisarman, resident of Nagaraka and of the Atreysgötral and the Vājasanēya-takhā, (b) a hundred pādārarttas as well as & vāpibhollara with an area of twelve pädāvarttas in the same quarter, to Dēvalarman, brother of the same (Brāhmana). The meaning of vāpibhollara cannot be definitely given, but it seems to denote an unused well filled with earth'. The Dütaka who executed the present grant was Rudradhara. It may be mentioned that in the grants of Dhruvasēna I, preceding the present one, the Dütaka is found to be Mammaka, while in this and in the subsequent grants he is Rudradhara. The writer, as in the preceding and the subsequent grants of the king, is Kikkaka. TEXT.. 1 सनेयसब्रह्मचारिणे तथा पस्यैव भ्रात्रे देवशर्मणे पस्यामेव सोम्नि 2 पादावर्तशतं वापीभोजरं च हादशपादावर्तपरिसरं मया मातापित्रो 6पुण्याप्याय3 ना[या*]त्मनचैहिकामुष्मिकयथाभिलषितफलावाप्तिनिमित्तमाचन्द्रार्काण्णवक्षितिस्थि तिसरि4. त्पर्बतसमकालीनं पुत्रपौत्रान्वयभोग्यं बलिचस्वैश्य(ख)देवाद्यानां क्रियाणा[*] समुत्म 5 पणार्थमुदकातिसमेण निसृष्टं यतोनयो पूर्वब्रह्मदेयस्थित्या भंजतोः कषतो[:"] 6 कर्षापयतीप्रदिमनोर्वा न कैश्चिखल्याप्यावाधा विचारणा वा कार्या स्मशजैचा7 गामिनृपतिभिरपि अनित्यान्यैश्वर्याणि परिवरं मानुष्यं स[*]सामान्यं भूमि दानफ/8 सं(स)मकगच्छशिरयममहायोलुमनव्यः यसाबिंद्यादाच्छिद्यमानं वानुमोदेत"] 9 स पंचभिः महाप[*]तकः सोपपातकै: संयुक्तरस्यादिति- अपि चाच व्यासगोत10 श्लोका भवन्ति- षष्ठि(ष्टिं) सहस्राणि स्वर्गे मोदति भूमिदः [] पाच्छेत्ता धानुमन्ता च 11 तान्येव बरके वसेत्-[१] खदत्ता परदत्तां वा यो हरेत वसुन्धरां [*] सगर्वा शतसहन12 स्य हन्तुः प्राप्नोति किरिपल्बिषम् ॥२*] बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिः सगरादिभिः [*] यस्ययस्य the first plate. This must be read in continuation So much account of the first grantee is known from of text 1. 15 on p. 109 of this jo urnal, Vol. XVII. ? From the original plate. • Read q in place of . Danda is superfluous. . (Superfluous. -Ed.] Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SECOND HALF OF A VALABHI GRANT OF SAMVAT 210 ཉམ མ བྱ > འཆམg༠༡.༣ >༠nཙྩཀེ མgaཎིཙྪ་ རྨནཱནཤིp:ཨུ་ཙྪ༔ ༧༠fཙྩཾའ:2zཀནིརྣཙྪཐགཔ7. ༢༧ T ༧ གྱིsཀཀྐཱ ཙ ར》བྱི., gཀཙྪཀྱི་གསར ལ ཚེp ཀ u84j༧ ལཱནི། ཉུ ཏུ $ $ ན gu ༄༅85 Paso, gtn%8 ལཙི༔ ཚོམཱ ཙནོ gu རྒྱ་ wན sp ?z Uu5:%a37zཔརྣ: མི ནཾ 8g PR• རྦབོདw#* བ ད af- sg » ཚོང ཀམཚ༢ +- Ws:མr *a, ༠༤༣ p *, ༩ནpzpozo3, ༠༤༣ " སྨྱོ་ &f: | 10 ;: 889.pn77 མ 07ཊjpgaswareng མy སྐྱོ ༡ E༡༧༧ ༧༡༢ མྱRC0 ༧༧༢༤ ཀstpgཉ་ ་ ༤ ཙམབམགཉཙནཱཙaqབརྩེ རྣམྱང - ༢ :3༢Y. ༢༠ HIRANANDA SASTRI. SCALE: THREE-FOURTHS. BORYEY OP INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #167 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 21.) SOHAWAL COPPEB-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF SARVANATHA. 127 13 et gaan ni wafafar ( 1 2 eft) = a poo po (T*) que afe e .. [*] 14 स्वहस्तो मम महासामन्तमहाराजध्रुवसेनस्व - दूतको रुद्रधरः [1"] लिखित (@) [] No. 21.--THE SOHAWAL COPPER-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF MAHARAJA SARVANATHA--THE YEAR 191. BY R. R. HALDER, RAJPUTANA MUSEUM, AJMER. This inscription, which is published here for the first time, was discovered at Sohäwal in the Baghelkhand tract of the Central India Agency. It records a grant engraved on two copper-plates, which were brought to the Rājputāna Museum, Ajmer, by Thakur Saheb Gopal Singh of Kharwă (in Ajmer-Merwāra) for decipherment. An abstract of the contents of the inscription was published by Rai Bahadur Gourishankar Hirachand Ojha, Curator of the Museum, in the Annual Report of the Museum for the year ending 31st March 1924. The copper-plates are bored at the top, and their thick as well as somewhat raised edges have largely contributed towards the excellent preservation of the writing on them. The ring, which must have passed through the hole, and the seal, if there was any, are missing. The first plate bears inscription on one side only, while the other on both the sides, though it contains only five lines of writing on the back. The plates measure 7}" x 55" each and weigh about 21 lbs. or 95 tolas. The average size of the letters is ". The characters belong to the northern class of alphabets (Gupta-lipi), being almost similar to those of the Allahābād pillar inscription of Samudragupta. Excepting the usual benedictory and imprecatory Verses which occur in 11. 21-27, the document is written in Sanskrit prose. As regards orthography, some of the points may be noted here :(1) Consonants are mostly doubled when combined (i) with a superscript r, as for instance, in care: (1.7), °CFT (1. 9), arma: (1. 10), af (1. 32), AUT or AT (1. 33), etc.; and (ii) with a subscript r, as in utro (11. 1, 2, 4, etc.), faraf (1. 29), 07 (1. 32), etc. (2) The conjunct consonant is employed with the subscript y in 'agua (11. 3, 4, 5 and 6); (3) the occasional use of ba for va, as in qigai (1. 21), # THT° (1. 27), and vice tersa, as in afar (1. 15) and actua ( 130); (4) the use of n instead of anusrāra before &, as in 161€ (1.8), 9 8741° (1.17), and before l in afara (1. 19); (5) the use of instead of Tin 04 (1. 22); and (6) the use of upadhmāniya in o xogar (1. 19). Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 128 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. The genealogy given in the record is identical with the one usually found in the grants' of Sarvanitha, and the text is also similar. This inscription is also a charter of Mahārāja Sarvanatha which was issued from Uchchakalpa. Its object is to record that Mahārāja Sarvanatha granted the village of Vaisyavāṭaka, as an agrahara on certain conditions herein laid down, for the maintenance of the temple of Kartikeya, to two individuals named Visakhadatta and Sakti. The date is given in words and reads as the year one hundred and ninety-one, and the tenth day of the intercalary month of Ashadha (June-July). Assuming that the era used is of the Gupta reckoning, the year of the issue of the grant would correspond to 510-511 A.D. The document was written by Mahäsändhivigrahika Manoratha, the son of the Bhogika Varahadinna (Skt. Varahadatta) and the grandson of the Bhogika, the Amalya Phalgudatta, the Dukata being the Mahabaladhikrita, the Kshatriya Sivagupta. These persons are identical with those mentioned in the Khoh copper-plate inscription of Sarvanatha." The Mahārājas of Uchchakalpa ruled over the territories lying to the east and south-east of Bundelkhand (i.e., in Baghelkhand) at the time when the Parivrajaka Mahārājas ruled over modern Bundelkhand and its vicinity. Uchchakalpa was probably the name of their capital. The inscriptions of these rulers do not help us much to know the history of their family. "These chiefs seem to have been the tributaries of the Väkäṭaka rulers of the Central Provinces and Northern Deccan.7 Till now, four copper-plate inscriptions of Mahārāja Sarvanatha have been discovered. Of these, three are dated in the years 193, 197 and 214, or A.D. 512-13, 516-17 and 533-34 respectively. No document of the successor of Sarvanatha has yet been found. The present grant is the earliest known record for this king. Antiquarians seem to differ in regard to the era to which the dates of these inscriptions belong. Prof. Kielhorn was inclined to refer them to the Kalachuri era." R. B. Góurishankar H. Ojha is of opinion that they should be referred to the Gupta and not to the Kalachuri era, and I quite agree with him. My reason for holding this view is that the stone pillar inscription at Bhumara 10 makes it certain that Maharaja Hastin of the Parivrajaka family and Sarvanatha were contemporaries, and the date of Hastin's inscription refers to the Gupta era. 11 I am unable to identify Vaisyavaṭaka, Daṇḍapali, Gavayanagartikā and the river Kardamila mentioned in the document. 1 Corp. Ins. Ind., Vol. III, Nos. 28 and 29. Flect's Gup. Ins., p. 126. Ibid., p. 114. Ind. Ant., Vol. IV, p. 103. Dr. Barnett supposes them to be the fendatorios of the Guptas, Antiquities of India, p. 47], while Dr. Fleet, of the Kalachuri kings, [Guy. Ins., p. 8 (preface)]. Fleet's Gup. Ins., Nos. 55 and 56. Barnett, Ant. of India, p. 51. 'बाकाट के राजति देवसेने गु][षिकोशी] भुवि हस्तिभोजः [] Inscriptions from the cave temples of Western India, by Dr. J. Burgess and Pt. B. Indraji, p. 89, Ep. Ind., Vol. V, Appendix, p. 55, C. 337 and 392. Rajputana Museum Report, 1923-24, p. 2. 10 C. I. I., Vol. III, p. 110. 11 For Dr. Floet's views on the question see Ind. Ant., Vol. XIX, p. 228. Soe Prof. G, J. Dubreuil'a remarks on the dates of inscriptions of the Uehchakalpas in the Ind. Ant., 1926, p. 103-Ed.] 2 Ibid., No. 30. Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 21.] SOHAWAL COPPER-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF SARVANATHA. 129 TEXT.1 First Plate. 1 [i] खस्त्युच्चकल्या महाराजौघदेवस्तस्य पुत्तस्तत्वादानुड्या[तो] महादेव्यां] 2 कुमारदेव्यामुत्पवो महाराजकुमारदेवस्तस्य पुत्चस्तत्पादा3 नुयातो महादेव्यां जयस्वामिन्यामुत्पनो महाराजजयस्वामी [*] त[स्य] 4 पुच्चस्तत्पादानुयातो 'महादेव्यां रामदेव्यामुत्पनो महाराजव्याघ्र[:] [*] 5 तस्य पुत्रस्तत्पादानुद्याती महादेव्यामजिकतदेव्यामुत्पनी ' महाराज6 जयनाथस्तस्य पुत्चस्तत्पादानुगातो महादेव्या मुरुण्डदेव्यामुत्प7 बी महाराजशवनाथः कुशली वैश्यवाटके ब्राह्मणादीन्कुटुम्बि8 नस्मर्वकारून्च समाज्ञापयति [*] विदित(त) वोस्तु यथैष ग्रामो 9 मयाचन्द्रार्कसमकालिक : सोद्रङ्गः सोपरिकरः अचाटभट10 प्रावश्यः हलिकाकरसमेतः चौरदण्डवर्जित: उत्तरापथ्य खाथाना11 पुत्रविशाखदत्तशक्तिभ्यां एतत्पुत्रपौत्र ]प्रपौचतत्युचाद्यनुक्रमेण' ताम12 शासनेनाग्रहारत्वेनातिस्यष्टः [*] आभ्यामपि मया नुमोदितकं यथो13 [प]रिलिखितकक्रमेणव स्वपुण्याभिवचये स्वप्रतिष्ठापितकभगव"त. 14 स्वामिकार्तिकेयस्वामिपादानां खण्डफु प्रतिस(सं)स्कारकरणाय 15 वलिचरुसचगन्धधूपदीपतैलप्रवर्तनाय चातिसृष्टः [1] Second Plate ; First Side. 16 ते ययमेषां समुचितभागभोगकरहिरण्यादिप्रत्यायो[प]न[य] करि17 व्यथाज्ञाश्रवणविधेयाश्च भविष्यथ [1] ये चास्मह"नशोत्पद्यमानकराजानः] 18 तेरियन्दत्तिन विलोप्यानुमोदनीया [*] यथाकालञ्च प्रतिपालनोया [*] 19 समुचितराजाभाव्यकरप्रत्यायाच न ग्रायाः [*] यःर(१)मान्द"तिन्लोपयेत्सxप20 अभिर्महापातकैरुपपातकैश्च संयुक्तरस्यादुक्तञ्च महाभारत 1 From the original plate. 2 This is expressed by a symbol. - Read °कल्पान्महाराजौ. + Read देव्या. Read 'काय. . उत्तरापथेय is not a correct Sanskrit word but it might have been formed on the sualdcy of ग्रामय. 1Add उपभोरय: after क्रमेण. * Read 'ye: • Read भगवत 10 Read °स्फुटित' 11 Beal af 1" Resil तन. " Read शो'. "Read दत्त जोपर्यत्स पञ्चभि: Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. 21 भगवता वेदव्यासन व्यासेन [*] 'स्वदत्ताम्परदत्ताम्बा' यत्नाद्रच युधिष्ठि22 र महोम्महीम ताछ्रेष्ठ दानाच्छयोनुपालनं [11] प्रायेन हि नरेन्द्राणां विद्य23 ते न शुभा गतिः [*] पूयन्ते ते तु सततं प्रयच्छन्तो वसुन्धरां [12] बहुभिः 24 वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिः सगरादिभिः [*] यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य 25 तदा फलं [॥ 3*] षष्ठिं वर्षसहस्राणि स्वगर्गे मोदति भूमिदः [*] माच्छेत्ता चान26 मन्ता च तान्येव नरके] व सत्सवसस्यसमृहान्तु यो हरत वसुन्धरां [1] 27 खविष्ठायां कृमि तवापितृभिमह मज्जते [॥ 5"] लिखितं सम्ब'मर28 शते एकनवत्युत्तर हिराषाढमासदिवसे दशमे भोगिकफाल्गु29 दत्तामात्यनमा भोगिकवराहदिवपुत्ते ण महासन्धिविग्यहिक30 मनोरथेन [1*] दूतक महावलाधिकृतक्षत्रियशिवगुप्तः [*] Second Plate ; Sccond Side. 31 इलिकाकरप्रतिमोचनाभिलेखायानपि दूतकः उपरिक32 मावृशिवः [*] आघाटाः यच उत्तरस्यां दिशि गर्सा यावत्सन्मुखः]" 33 पूर्वेण कमिलानदी दक्षिणेन गर्ता पुन: पुनरावर्तकेम यावत्सम्मुखः' 31 गवायनगतिकाग्रामसमीपे कच्छको मध्य[मे]' गायाः दक्षिणामुखो 36 दण्डपाली ग्रामस्य पश्चिमे [न] यावदपरा गर्तेति ॥ TRANSLATION. Lines 1-8. On! Hail! From Ucitchakalpa-(There was) the Maharija Oghadēva. His son, who meditateil on his feet, (was) the Mahārāja Kumāradēva, born of the Mahadevi Kumāradēvi., His son, who meditated on his feet, (was) the Mahārāja Jayasvamin, born of the Mahādēvi Jayasvāmini. Ilis son, who meditated on his feet, (was) the Mahārāja Vyāghra, born of the Mahidivi Ramadavi. His son, who meditated on this feet, (was) the Mahāriija Jayanātha, born of the Mahadevi Ajjhitadāvi. His son, who meditated on his feet, the Maharija Sarvanātha, born of Mahādēvi Murundadēvi, being in good health, issues a command to Brahmans and others, bouscholders, and all the artisans, at (the village of) Vaisyavāțaka___Ll. 8-12. "Be it known to you that this village is granted by me in a copper edict as an agrahüra to Visakhadatta and Sakti, sons of Khăthânå of Uttarāpatha, (to be enjoyed by) tincir sons, (grandsons), great-grandsons and their sons, (and) to last as long as the moon and the sun will endure (i.e., in perpetuity), with the wdranga and the uparikara, (and with the privilege that it is) not to be entered by the irregular or the regular troops, with the right to) taxes on ploughs, (but) with the exception of the right to) fines. imposed on thieves. Tho mytre of this and the following four venios is Anushubh. Read परदतावा. Rond legt 18. - Rend प्रायेण. . Read ufe. • Read वसेत् ॥40 सर्व. - Rend संवत्सर. • Read दूतकी महाववाधिकत. .Real समाखः R[Why nor मध्ये? -Ed.] Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SOHAWAL COPPE) 3-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF SARVANATHA, THE YEAR 191. ライブ・マングリンチをするスレッド 2S2T-TURTE デリカード12 ントでのバスケッチーなアイドFFIFA! (それはもとパイラインカタ31になりますと、 のドンキとかで、 AnySETF True 1 iia 16 ホー 18 なのですすいですしスタマエさのダイビングトーン、 エルグラフクダ TEなさんおなかをすするからこんなの1s 28 47C等や24128 でのあらたねないのでエロいで 2011 ななみのチムでなのはさみたくなくE70 ーーーーーーーーーーーン HIBANANDA SASTRI. 8CALE FOUR-FIFTHS. BURVEY OF INDIA, CALOUTTA. Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 34 iib スナ ロス 32 € 34. Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 22.] PEYALABANDA ORANT OF KRISHNARAYA.. 131 Ll. 12-20. " Moreover, it is also given to them according to the same terms as mentioned above (and) confirmed by me, for the increase of my own merits, for repairs to whatever may be worn out or broken in the temple) of Lord Kārtikēya established by me, as also for the maintenance of bali, charu, sattra, perfumes, incense, lamps, and oil. “Therefore, you yourselves shall offer to these persons (donees) shares, the tribute of the customary royalties, taxes, gold, etc., and shall be obedient to (their) commands. "And this grant shall not be confiscated by those kings who will be born in our family, (but) should be assented to, and preserved, as in the (previous) time. (And) the tribute of the tates which by custom should not belong to the king, should not be taken. “Whosoever confiscates this grant-he shall be contaminated with the guilt of the five great sins and the minor sins." LI. 20-27. The usual benedictory and imprecatory verses.] LL. 27 ff. (This charter) has been written, in a century of years, increased by ninetyone, on the tenth day of the second month of Ashādha, by the Mahāsändhivigrahika Manoratha, the grandson of the Bkögika, the Amātya Phālgudatta, (and) the son of the Bhögika Varāhadinna. The Dutaka (is) the Mahābalādhikrita, the Kshatriya Śivagupta. Moreover the Dutaka, in the matter of conveying the letter (ordering) the remission of taxes on ploughs, (is) the Uparika Mātrisiva. The boundaries (are) :-in the north, a boundary-trench as far as (its) mouth. On the east, the river Kardamilā. On the south, again. (there is) a trench with & winding course up to its) mouth. Near the village Gavāyanagartikā (there is) a low hill (kachchhaka) in the middle of the trench facing Dandapāli' towards the south. On the west of the village, there is a western trench. No. 22.-PEYALABANDA GRANT OF KRISHNARAYA. By Y. R. GUPTE, B.A., M.R.A.S. These copper-platos, which belong to Mr. Archaka Venkatachar, were obtained on loan by the Tahsildar of Rāyadrug for the Assistant Archæological Superintendent for Epigraphy, Southern Circle, Madras, who noticed the record incised on them in his Annual Report er. Epigraphy for 1913. The following is an extract from the description of the prates he has given there - The plates which are well preserved are held together by & ring with a seal which bears on its countersunk surface the figure of a boar facing the proper right. The plates measure on an average about 74" from side to side and about 11/" from the highest point in the curved top to the bottom." The language of the record is Sanskrit verse throughout, with the exception of lines 88 to 98 which are written in Kanarese prose. The alphabet is Nandinigari of the period to which the-inscription belongs, i.e., about the 16th century A.D. As regards orthography, the record contains most of the peculiarities and defects common to the Vijayanagara grants of the period, which need not be mentioned here. [Apparently from Fleet's C. 1.1., Vol. III, p. 199.-Ed.) Dongar in Central Hindi and Marathi. • Probably '& row of bars', or a bridge'. • See p. 13, Appendix A, No. 7. Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 132 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VoL.XIX. .... .. . ... Omitting that portion of the grant which is common to the Hampi' and the Conjeeveram records, which have already been published, we find that the inscription, incised on these plates, refers to the reign of king Krishnarāya of the second Vijayanagara dynasty and records the grant of the village Pēyalabanda, also named Krishnarayapuram, which was situated within the limits of the principality of Nadugalla, to Nrisimhadhvarisarman, son of PalichiigniVishna(shpujyajvirya of the Agastya-yatra and the Badhiyana-stilra. It describes the donee us having commented on all the stixtras and performed the Sarvakratu sacrifice. The date given in the charter is pārņimă of the month of Vaisakha in the Saka year 1446 corresponding to the cyclic year Tāraṇa. It is regular and, according to the Jate Mr. L. D. Swamikkannu l'illai's Ephemeris, equivalent to 18th April 1524 A.D., Monday. Of the places mentioned in the grant, Pēgalabanda is evidently Pailbanın in the Madaksira Taluk of the Anantapur District and Kurrubaśivara is apparently Paläsivaram. The latter inight have been called Kurrubuśivarit because of its being inhabited by shepherds (Kurrubas). TEXT. [l'or the first 28 stanzas, which are here omitted, see above, Vol. I, pp. 363 ff., and also Vol. III, pp. 126 fi.] Second Plale; Second Side G॥ * * * * * . [२८] शालिवाहननिर्णी(5 ते शकाइ (ब्द) सचतुःशतैः । षट्त्वारिंशदधिक: संख्याते द66 शभिः शते ।। २८*] तारण वत्सरे मासि वैशाखे पौर्ण (णि माति67 थौ [*] तुंगभद्रा[नदी*]तीर श्रीविरूपाक्षमंनिधौ ।। ३०*] अगस्ता(स्त्य)गो68 बजाताय थोबोधायनर त्रिणे । याजुषाध्यायिने 6) वेदवेदांतागनवेदिने ।। ३१*] पंचाग्निविषण (षणु यज्वार्थसूनवे 70 जितमन्यवे । सर्वक्रत(तु)महायागयाजिने जितवादिने ॥३२*] 71 क्या(व्या)ख्यातो(ता)खिलशास्त्राय विख्याताय महात्मने । हिज79 श्रेष्टा(ठा)य शांताय नृसिंहावरिशमणे ।। ३३"] नडुगनाख्यदु73 र्गस्य राज्ये प्राज्ये प्रतिष्टि(ष्ठि)तां [*] कुरुबशोवरसीमायां 71 रम्यायां विहितस्थितिं ।। ३४*] ककरैनामकाहामादि(द्दि)शि 75 प्राचां प्रतिष्टि(ष्ठि)तं । हलुरुनामकाहामाद(द) दक्षिणस्यां 76 दिशि स्थितं ।। ३५*] महतो दंडमार्गात(त्त) प्रतीची दिशमाश्रितं [*] क(क) 776वशीवरसंज्ञात्तु ग्रामादुत्तरत: स्थितं [ ३६] ग्रामं पेयलबं78 डाख्यं प्रथितं शुभमुत्तमं । कृष्णरायपरं चेति प्रतिनामो Alvo, Vol. 1, PP. 313 t. BALove, Vol. III, PP. 126 11. Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 22.] PEYALABANDA GRANT OF KRISHNARAYA. 79 पयोभितं । [ २०"] सर्वमान्यं चतुःसीमासंयुतं च समंततः 80 सर्वदा सर्वसस्यान्यं गृहारामादिसंयुतं । [ ३८ * ] निधिनि81 चेपपाषाणायष्टभोगेः समा (म) न्वितं । विविधेष फलें 82 क्रमेकभोग्यं सभूरुहं । [ २८ ] वापीकूपतटाकेच कच्छेनापि स 83 में (म) न्वितं । पुत्रपौवादिभिर्भीग्यं क्रमादाचंद्रा (द्र) तारकं [ 80 ] दा 81 नाधमनस्यापि विक्रयस्यापि चोचितं । परीत[:] प्रय 85 मे[:] खिचैः (धे) पुरोहितपुरोगमैः [ ४१*] वीरयोरूणदेवेंद्रमहारा 86 यो महामना [] दक्षिणासहितं धारापूर्वकं दत्तवान्मुदा [ ४२ ] ते 87 स्तैः समंततः (त) खि: दिक्षु (र्दितु) प्राच्यादिषु क्रमातु (त्) । सीमैतस्या88 ग्रहारस्य लिख्यते देशभाषया ।[। ४३* ] ईपेयलबंडेय अग्रहा रद चतु[:] सीमेवलेयमासनद विवर ग्रामद ईशान्यद । [द]डिनदारिय पहुवलु दोड्डकरियगुंडिल वरद 91 वामनमुद्रे । अलिंद तेंकलु करियकल्लबेंबलिगों 90 Third Plate; First Side. 02 (डे) वरद वामनमुद्रे । कुरुदिन हम नेह कचिन मे 03 रये मूडनमेरेबेविनमरके कलु ने वामनमुद्रे । 91 चाग्नेयद मेरे [n] पचिंद पहुंचतु नेरुत्यमुले पर्यंत वामन95 मुद्रे नेह कल्लु । तेंकणमेरे नैरुत्यद मूले 966 नड (नेहा)द वामनमुद्रेक । पडुवण मेरे 97 द ईशान्यद क परियंतरा मूडलागि 98 मनमुद्रे कगले बडगण मेरे [Ll. 99 to 105 contain four admonitory verses.] 100 श्रोविरूपाच 133 कलिंद बडगलु वाया (य) व्यद मूले कल्लिंनडदु (नेडु) बरद वा ABRIDGED TRANSLATION. Ll. 64-87. In the year, computed by ten hundreds and four hundreds pius forty-six determined according to the Salivahana era and named Tarana, in the month of Vaisakha and on the pürnimä-tithi, on the bank of the river Tungabhadra in the presence of Sri-Virūpāksha, to the best Brāhman, named Nrisirhādhvari, who is calm, s great soul, well-known, expounder of all the śāstras, who has achieved success in discussions, is a sacrificer, who has performed all the great yāgas (sacrifices), who has controlled anger, in 1 Written in Telugu-Kannada characters, Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. the son of Pañchagni-Vishna (u)yajvarya, knows the Vedas, the Vedanta and the traditional lore, i.e., who is studying the Yajus, is of the sutra of Bōdhayana and of the family of Agastya, the well-known beautiful village of Peyalabanda which is adorned with the other name of Krishnarayapuram, is included in the great principality of Naḍugalladurga on the pleasant boundary of Kurrubasivara, whose boundaries have been defined (as follows), which lies to the east of the village called Kamkerre, to the south of the village called Haluru, lying to the west of the great military road situated to the north of the village named Kurrubasivara, free of all taxes, on all sides well defined by the four boundaries, always rich in having all the plants, full of houses and gardens, accompanied by theeight kinds of enjoyments (beginning with treasures, deposit and stones), having different fruits, to be enjoyed by one, with what is grown on the land having ponds, wells, tanks, even with mounds or marshy grounds, to be enjoyed by sons, grandsons and others in succession till the moon and the stars last, with the due right of sale, mortgage and gift, the brave Krishṇaraya, king of kings, high-souled, and surrounded by the pious and devoted head priests with delight granted the village with dakshina and libations of water. Ll. 88-98. The boundaries of this agrahara are given in the language of the country. To the north-east of the village, to the west of the military road (the boundary stone having) the Vamana-mudra cut on it (planted) in the pit called Doddakariyagundi; from that place to the south the natural stone which is the boundary mark having the Vamanamadra written on it posted near the pit called Kariyakallu; the boundary of the stone planted (is) the eastern limit to the north of the margosa tree, the planted stone having Vamana mudra (is) the south-east limit; from that place (to the) west upto the south-west the planted stone bearing the Vamana-mudra; southern boundary from the stone (planted) in the south-western corner (to the) north the stone planted; the western boundary from the stone planted in the north-western corner upto the stone (planted) in the north-east stone (planted) in the direction of the east; the planted stones bearing Vamana-mudra (form the) northern boundary. L. 106. Sri-Virupaksha. No. 23. VISHAMAGIRI PLATES OF INDRAVARMADEVA. BY THE LATE TARINI CHARAN RATH, B.A. These copper-plates are three in number and were discovered from a piece of barren dry land, near the village of Vishamagiri, situated within the Sanakhimedi Zamindari, Aska Taluk of the Ganjam District, when it was reclaimed for cultivation. They were found suspended by a ring on a small stick in an earthenware pot, filled up with sand, the two ends of the stick resting on the edges of the pot. The plates measure 7 inches by 38 inches each, their thickness being of an inch. They are held together by a copper ring measuring 4 inches in diameter and passing through a circular hole on there proper right side. The ends of the ring are secured by a circular seal about I inch in diameter, bearing marks which are not quite distinct. The figures on the seal appear to be a couchant bull and a crescent. The plates together with the ring and the seal, weigh 156 tolas. Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 23.] VISHAMAGIRI PLATES OF INDRAVARMADEVA. The first and third plates are inscribed on one side only while the second plate has inscription on both the sides. The edges of the plates are raised into well-formed rims to protect the writing. The letters of the inscription are big enough and quite clear, their size being a little more than of an inch. There are in all 35 lines, each side having 9 lines on it, excepting the second side of the second plate which contains only 8 lines. The language of the inscription is Sanskrit and the script used is later in form than that of the Dhanantara plates of Samantavarman which I have already published in this journal. The record is not dated. 135 The object of the inscription is to record that Mahārāja Indravarmadēva of Kalinga, a devotee of Sri-Gokarnesvarasvamin seated on the summit of the Mahendra mountain (near Mandasa in the Ganjam district), granted some land whose boundaries are specified in it and which lay in the Amerasinga village of the Jalamvora-vishaya (district) of the ancient Kalinga country, to Jakshasvāmi-éarman, a Brahman of the Vajasaneya-charana, Kanvasakha and Jatukarṇa-gotra, for the increase of his and his parents' merit (punya). The Dutaka or messenger of the grant was Mahāsāmanta Sri-Nagakheddi. The inscription on the plates was written by Mahapratihara Adityavarman and the king's seal was affixed to it by the minister of peace and war (Mahusandhivigrahiku) Chandapaka. It was engraved by the brazier (Kamsaraka) Dēvapila. The grant was issued from Svētaka. The record does not state the ancestry or lineage of the king, but there can be little doubt that he belonged to the Eastern Ganga family of Kalinga. A grant of king Indravarman I of Kalinga, otherwise known as Rajasimha, has been published in this journal, under the name of the Achyutapuram plates. The characters of these plates appear to be somewhat older than those used in this inscription. The king Indravarmadeva of the present plates is not the same as that of the Achyutapuram plates. He cannot, I think, be identified with even Indravarman II whose grants have also been published with specific years of the Eastern Ganga era. On palaographical grounds, the characters of the present plates, which are an admixture of the northern and southern types, may be assigned to the eighth or ninth century A.D. These plates are noted as No. 9 in Appendix A of the Annual Report of the Assistant Archaeological Superintendent for Epigraphy, Southern Circle, Madras, for 1917-18, to whom they had been sent by me for examination. TEXT. First Plate. 1 Om3 Svasti [*[Śve]tak-addhi (dhi)sṭhānāt | bhagavatta (ta)s-char-achara-[guroh*] suka2 la-sha(sa) sanka-sekhara-dharasya sthity-utpa[t*]ti-pralaya-kara 3 pa-hetōr-mMahendracha[la*]-sikhara-nivasi(si)-śrimärt Gokarnṇeśvara-bha 4 ttarakasya charana-kamal-arādhan-avva (va)pta-punya(nya)-nichaya[b] sakti-tra 5 ya-prabh-urañjit-déaha-(a)mante-shakra[b] va(ava)-bluja-va(ba)la 6 parakra[nta]-sa(sa) kala-Kaling-adhirajyē parama-mahēśvarō mātā 7 pitri-pad-anuddhyātō mahārāja-sri-Indravarmmadēva[*] kusali || yathakal-addhyāsi(si)-mahāśā(sa)manta-éri 8 Jalamvora-vishaye 96)manta-räjänaka-rājaputrā(tra)-kumārāmäty-parika-danda 1 See above, Vol. XV, pp. 275-278. Expressed by a symbol. [pra[ka raha night bo the reading.-Ed.] Soe above, Vol. III, p. 128. Read frimuto. Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX Second Plate ; First Side. 10 näyaka-vishayapati-grāmapati-vrā(brā)hma-purēgamān=811 tyä(nyām sucha châta-bhata-dandapāśikal-vallabha-jāti(ti)yam(n) yathārarha[m*]* má 12 nayati võ(bo)dhayati cha sa(sa)mādisati viditām(ta)m-astu bhavatām é 13 tad-viša(sha)ya-sa(sa)mva(mba)ndha(ddha)! Amērasinga-grāmē bhūmi[h*) pu(pūrva-diśē(si) põ(pu)14 shkarinyā[h*) paschima-pāli-parichchhēda[h*] | nadi(dim) yāvat-paschima15 pradēsē Vpid[dha*]bhögikasya bhögapāțaka-parichchhēdõ(dab) | u16 [t*]ta[ra*)-pradesēbhishtha-parichchhēda[h*) I dakshina-disāyam nna(na)di parichchhe17 da[h*] | nadilõmpāņi(nya-Jardha-bhoga[h*] | Vv(V)ājasēna.cha[ra*]ņāya Kanma(Kāņva) ba 18 khāya | Jāta(tu)karạna-gotrāya | Vasi(si)sthāţta[vat ?*]-Jätukarņņ=ēti-prava Second Plate ; Second Side. 19 rāya | Jätukarnnavva(va)tta(t) Jiva[dvi]jē[shtha]va[d*] i(-) anupravarāya 20 Bhattaputra-Ja[ksh]asvā(svā)mi-sarmaņā(ņē) I mättä(tā)-pitror=ātmanas-cha 21 punyā(ny-ā)bhivriddhaye s a(sa)lila-dhārā-puraśassa )aren-achandr-arkka kshi22 ti-ba(sa)makālam-ckariksitya pratipādisto*]-smābhish*) yatah sāsa(sa). 23 na-darśanād-dharmma-gauravā[d=a*]smad-gauravä[cho]-cha na kēnachi24 t-paripanthina (na) bhavitavyam tathā cha pathyatë dharmmagistré | Va(Ba)hubhih. 25 "=Vasudhã dattă rājāna Sa(Sa)gar-ādibhiḥ [*] yasya asya yada bhūmi[s=*] 26 tasya tasya tada phalam [il*) Sva(Sva)-dattam para-dattämvä( m v ) yö ha Third Plate. 27 r[@]ti(ta) vasundharam [1] svavishthāyām kļimir-bhütvä pitibhils*-] 28 sasa)ha pachyate ] Mābhuya(bhūd)-aphala-banki va[b] paradatt=ēti pā29 rthiva(väh) sva(sva)-dänat-phalam=ānantyam 17 paradatt-ānupälanē [11] I. 30 ti kamala-dal-amvu(mbu)-bindu-löläm frisya]m-anuchi31 ntya manusya(shya)-ji (ji)vitañi-cha sa(sa)kalam-idam=udāhsi32 tañ-cha vu(bu)dha(dhva) nahi purushai[h*] para-ki(ki)rtayo vilopyā[bl] Düttagö(tako)33 ttra Mahāsämanta-bri-Nāgakhēddi [*] Mahápratihära-Adi31 tyavarmmaņā 17 likhita[ ml | lāñchhitan-cha Mahasa(s)ndhivigrahi(hi)kah(ka)35 Chandapākēnah (na) ["] utki(tki)runam Ka[nkā}(msā)ra kā(ka)-Dāvapilēn-ětih(ti) ABRIDGED TRANSLATION. LI, 1 to 12. Hail! the glorious Mahārāja Indravarman who has acquired a store of virtue by the worship of the lotus feet of the divine lord Gokarnnesvara, the almighty master of the animate and the inanimate, who wears the crest ornament of the half-moon, is the cause of existence, genesis and destruction, and who resides on the summit of the Mahēndra mountain: --he, possessing the overlordship of the entire Kalinga country, won by the strength of his own arms, endeared to all his vassals by the pre-eminence of his threefold powers, a great devotee of Siva and meditator upon the feet of his father and mother, advises and commands, from the 1 °ka is written below the line between på and bi. • Read yatharan. Road Vajasan@ya. • The letter na is out below the line between pa and nihi. • The visarga is snporfluose, . Read rajabhis-Sao * Danda is superfluous. Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VISHAMAGIRI PLATES OF INDRAVARMADEVA. Coa250 कारावासात 13 DANCE ह रपलाकारा डेकोरटयामागेतरादा FDIOमागवावापुवाहटाया । टापक्षAGकाव्य तु बरुवात वापरासाटचा व्याक Cur गुहा स वरूपवता मोराव पटाया जाता हटाबासक 9/व्यवसाव्या व्यापारी १८ i e Goपधारामा DAMAZI354 राग (राएव्या वटा योबाटा 29 माCATE मरतुरयल Ve ( 54व्य सुदापुर AAAAGuसेसावासमा परे 27 साखावरी या 59 MIो कलदायी पOOGrd सालाच लाटात "या मायाताया HIRANANDA SASTRL SCALE NINE-TENTHS. SURVEY OF INDIA, CAI.CUTTA. Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 mত 22 सनि वादिम टाई व दल वा है देखो सदा यादव के रह शरी पहिली দখ। एখशवदुर वीर যदिर: यसादासा दদदङ्खम्रयई। 24 26 28 30 ii b. कला ल्लु तल छह हो या छह खुदाअनुस उहपुरुहমmমছ 32 34 iii. 20 বतु ফ@ যकॄ 23T डा। भारु ह्रরदलदिए विदरामा काँपरादातुन रे दिव्यतिदत्ता मुलि 19 मह মওष्মहররमूल सिद्‌बुद्ध एयुवा र डिपुरा, खेपा विदQ दुक ॐ महातमकर आदि 4 সুললকেমडाल विविध ड रंग के तातेलं का@ 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 24.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF EASTERN CHALUKYA PRINCES. residence of Svētaka, the Mahasamanta, Śrīsāmanla, Rājānaka, Rājaputra, Kumārāmālya, Uparika, Dandanayaka, Vishayapati, Gramapati and other officers in the Jalamvōra-vishaya, thus: 137 Ll. 12 to 24. Be it well known to you that the land in the village of Amerasinga belonging to this province, bounded on the east by the western face of the tank as far as the river, on the west by the Bhogapaṭaka land of Vriddhabhōgika, on the north by such limit as you like and on the south by the river as far as the middle of its bed, is granted to Bhattaputra Jaksha]svamiBarman of the Vajasaneya-charana, Kāņva-sākhā, Jātukarna-gotra, Vasishthaṭṭa(vat)Jatukarṇa-pravara and Jatukarṇavat-Jivadvijeshthavat-anupravara, for the increase of the merit of my father, mother and self, accompanied with the handful of water, to be enjoyed by him as long as the moon, sun and earth last. Nobody, whoever he may be, should interfere with this, out of regard for virtue and myself. Ll. 24 to 32. It is stated thus in the Dharma-sastra. (Then follow four of the customary benedictive and admonitory verses.) Ll. 32 to 35. The dutaka here is Mahāsāmanta śrī-Nāgakheddi. (The document was) written by Mahapratihāra Adityavarman; the king's seal was affixed (to it) by Mahāsandhivigrahika Chandapaka; and it was engraved by Kamsaraka (brazier) Děvapila. No. 24.-TWO COPPER-PLATE INSCRIPTIONS OF EASTERN CHALUKYA PRINCES. BY THE LATE K. V. LAKSHMANA RAO, M.A., MADRAS. The two copper-plate inscriptions which are now for the first time published, with plates. deserve special study by the students of South-Indian history. They are issued by the two brothers Bädapa' and Tals II, sons of Yuddhamalla II, not hitherto known to us. The first of the plates riz. the Arumbaka Plates of Badapa will be referred to as A and the second riz. the Sripuṇḍi Plates of Tala II as B. A. THE ARUMBĀKA PLATES OF BADAPA. These plates were found in 1921, buried underground in a pot, at a village called Polamūru in the Tanuku taluka of the Krishna District, Madras Presidency. I received them from a gentleman of that place and forwarded them for examination to the Assistant Archeological Superintendent for Epigraphy, Madras. The ring was not cut when they were first sent to me. They are noticed in the Annual Report on Epigraphy for 1920-21 aud are numbered as No. 16 of Appendix A, in that report. I edit the inscription from the original plates and from one set of ink-impressions kindly supplied by Mr. G. Venkoba Rao, the Assistant Archaeological Superintendent for Epigraphy, Madras. The plates are five in number and measure 43" high and 94" broad and are hung together on a ring 5" in diameter. A massive seal with a diameter of 31" is fixed on to the ring. On its surface are cut in relief at the top the figures of the crescent and an ankusa in horizontal position placed below it, with the legend Sri-Tribhuvana m]kusa cut below the latter. Below the This proper name has been read as Badapa in the Epigraphical Reports, Southeru Circle, for 1909, p. 108 and for 1920, pp. 86-7. But examining carefully all da's and da's in these two inscriptions and comparing them with each other I have come to the conclusion that the second letter in this word is a dental and not a lingual. 3 The last syllable of the legend is pat in the second line, to the proper right of the boar. Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 138 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XIX. legend is the figure of the boar standing on a lotus. The figure of the sun is ent towards the proper left of the seal near the head of the boar. The bottom of the seal through which the two ends of the ring are inserted and in which they are fixed, has the petals of a lotus engraved on it, The plates are rather thin and their rims are raised to protect the writing. The material of the plates is pure copper and that of the seal is bronze. The discoverer of the plates appears to have subjected them to several mechanical and chemical processes of test. The second plate has therefore been broken and a small piece of it has dropped away. In almost all the plates several letters are hopelessly disfigured and could not be deciphered even with the help of a microscope. The language of the inscription is Sanskrit. There is an admixture of prose and poetry throughout the inscription. Some of the phrases are bodily borrowed from the inscriptions of Amma II such as e.g. the Nammúru grant published in Ep. Ind., Vol. XII, pp. 61 ff. I propose to deal with alphabets the and orthography of both the inscriptions A and B together, for the sake of convenience. The secondary form of the vowel a, which is called talakattu in Telugu, is a horizontal straight line in B, just as we find the head line in Nagart letters of to-day. Then, again, the secondary form of a in B is very peculiar. It bends at right angles to the horizontal line on the head of the original letter and generally comes down straight to the foot-level of the letter and sometimes is prolonged a little downwards on the right side. e.g. tā, mā (1. 1), and rā (1. 9). Thus it almost resembles the secondary form of a in Nagari letters. The secondary form of a in A goes up in a few cases, directly above the original letter like a tail, e.g. mā, nā (1.1), ta (1.8), hā (1. 23), jñā (1. 24) and jā (1. 39). We find two different symbols for the short and long initial forms of ri in B (see ll. 9 and 35); and in the secondary forms a clear distinction is made in both the plates. In A three different ways of representing the secondary form of the vowel u are seen. The first of them and the one generally used here and in other inscriptions of the period is prominently to be seen in the letter bhu of bhuvana (1.1). The second form, which differs from the first, is found in pu of Haritiputrānām (1.). Both these forms are prominently visible in l. 37. The third form of the secondary u is found in Kalpataru (1.22). Here the secondary form assumes altogether & different shape and resembles the secondary form now used in the Nagari alphabet. All the three forms of u are seen together in line 38, where they can be conveniently compared and contrasted. The first form is used for all the consonants, the second, for m, p and y, and the third is seen only with the consonants and k (11. 21, 23, 25). In B we find only the first and the last of the secondary forms. The last form makes no distinction between the long and short vowel (A. 11, 53, 63; B. 1. 25). The secondary form of 2 is represented in two ways. in A, as in Mahāsēna (1.2), and vallabhêndra (1.4). The first of these is placed on the left side of the letter at the foot almost touching it. The second form is over the letter and is perhaps the precursor of the present Telugu ētvamu. B has two more forms, in addition to the two found in A. The line on the left side comes downwards from the top of the letter as in Velanändu (1. 24). The fourth form, as in afvamëdha (1. 6), and kritaklēša (1. 20), resembles the modern secondary form of o. This may be due to the mistake of the engraver. From a study of the palæography of these inscriptions we find that the Telugu language of that period must have had a short e. In A, for instance, the name of the sub-donee is given as Chandeņa (1. 63), and we can safely infer that the vowel e in the syllable de is short, as it is in the ninth letter in a foot of the metre called Indravajra. We have again in A and the word Volanāndu with a short e on u (1. 24). This makes it elear that both the short and lorge had only one symbol in writing. The secondary form of a is written in two ways, eg. A. Sarð-nātha (1. 52), pad-ambhoja (1. 54); B. tad-anujo (1. 19), gôtrand (1.2). The first is the combination of the secondary forms of a and i and the second one is an Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 24.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF EASTERN CHALUKYA PRINCES. 139 independent symbol. The first method of representing is still found in Telugu only in the case of a few consonants such as m and y. The secondary form of au in A differs from that Dused in B. In A it appears twice in Kaufild (1.1), and lawcha (1. 38). This form is common to the other inscriptions of that period. But B uses a form which is the same as that of o (Kaubiki, 1.2). Perhaps this again is due to the error committed by the engraver. The vowel riis usually confounded with the consonant ri and vice versa, e.g. on the seal of A we have Tribhuvanāmkusa instead of Tribhuvanārkusa, bhrisar for bhrisam (L 33). Coming to the consonants, we must note the existence of la, marked in this inscription by the symbol e (A. 1. 26; B. 1. 19). This sound is represented in Tamil by 4. Dravidian philologists were not aware of the existence of this sound in Telugu, The Bezwada pillar inscription of Yuddhamalla II prominently brought it into light. This is of course a purely Dravidian sound. In B it appears in the proper name Tāla (11. 17, 19). The word Tāla is fonnd in many inscriptions of the Eastern Chåļukyas and is spelt in various ways, such as Tāda, Tāla, Tāla, Tāla. This variation in spelling is a sure indication that the second consonant of this word, which was originally la, gradually gave way to da in the Telugu country and to ļa in the Kanarese country. In both the plates the anus dras followed by a letter of the ta-varga or ta-varga are invariably changed into the nasal of that varga, e.g. A. manyantē (1. 31), Gandandrāyana (1. 48); B. Velanăndu (1. 24). A special symbol is used for the compound letter ñcha, e.g. A. I. 65; B. 1. 37. This symbol is almost similar in both these plates. In cases where letters of other vargas follow, the anusulira is shown as such invariably and the nasal of the varga is never used in its place. So the southern system of representing the nasals of the vargas by anusvāras was already in vogue in the tenth century as far as the first, second and the fifth vargas (k, ch, p) were concerned. The inscription begins with the usual eulogy of the Chāļukya race found in numerous other Chalukya inscriptions, and then enumerates in order the names, the mutual relations and the periods of the reigns of the Eastern Chalukya kings from Kubja-Vishnuvardhana to Bhimarăja or Ohāļukya-Bhima II. All the details here given agree with those generally found in the other inscriptions of this family. The last king mentioned in the plates as the immediate predecessor of Bădapa, the donor, is Amma II, son of Chalukya-Bhima II. The length of his reign, which we know from other sources to be twenty-five years, is not given in this inscription. Amma II is praised (11. 16-17) as & virtuous king who ruled the country of Vengi together with Trikalinga, properly and justly, according to the injunctions of dharma. However, Bädape, the donor, who was the son of Yuddhamalla II of a collateral branch, defeated and sent into exile Amma II with the help of one Karnarāja-Vallabha (1). 17-18). Badapa further claims to have defeated other dayās (i.6., dayadas), to have held the titles of 'Samastabhuvanāśrays, Vijayaditya-Maharaja, Paramēšvara, Paramamåbēśvara and Paramabhattāraka' (11. 22-23). He had also the title Adhiraja' (v. 2). Tracing next, the genealogy of the donee, the plates refer first to a certain [BA!)āditya who had & son called Nfipakama. His wife was Nāyamamba. To them was born Gandanärāyana who was a famous arober (1. 55). To this Gandanarayana was given by Bādepa the village of Arumbaka situated in the Velanăndu-vishaya. Gaņdantrayana in his turn gave Ep. Ind., Vol. XV, p. 160. Mr. Ramayya Pantulu, however, thinks that the erat portion of the inscription may refer to Yaddbamalla I. * See my note on this inscription; above, Vol. XV. The system is now found among the Maratha, the Telagu and the Kanarese people. The Tamilians, bocorar, follow the north Indian system, [apparently, because there is no ansara in that alphabet.-Ed.] T2 Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. the village to one Chandena who was the son of his mother's younger sister (11. 59-61). The boundaries of the granted village are :--to the east Cherakumballi, to the south Sripündi, to the west Kāvüru, to the north Gomaduvu. The executor of the grant was Katakansipa; the poet, Ayyana-bhatta ; and the engraver, Bhattadēva. Karnarāja-Vallabha, as the epithet Vallabha clearly indicated, was a Rashtrakūta king and evidently the same as Kanna (or Krishna) III who was a contemporary of Amma II and ruled from A.D. 939 to 968. The poet of our plates, of course, mistook the word Kanna for the tadbhava of Karna, while in reality it is the Prākrita-tadbhava of the word Křishņa. Though no date is given in the inscription itself, it is not difficult to fix it. Bådapa claims to have conquered Amma II and to have reigned immediately after him. We know from several inscriptions that Amma II ruled for twenty-five years (A.D. 945-970). We car, there. fore, safely infer that Bāda pa issued this inscription after he established himself as the king of the Véngi country after A.D. 970. Following the statemert made in the inscriptions of the later Chāļukya kings commencing with Saktivarman, a period of 27 years, vis. A.D. 973-999, is generally considered by historians as an interregnum in the history of the Eastern Chăļukyas. But these plates of Badapa and Tāla reveal to us for the first time that there was no real interregnum during that period, but that the collateral or junior line then ruled the country sending the senior line into exile. The interregnum was only from the point of view of the senior line, whose members, driven away from the Telugu country, had to spend their time for 27 or 30 years in the Tamil or the Kanarese countries. The so-called interregnum (asvāmika) does not connote absence of rulers or anarchy in the Telugu country, as has been represented by the Chāļukyan kings of the post-restoration period or has hitherto been believed by some scholars, but only suggests the complete exclusion of the members of the senior branch from the Vèngi and Kalinga countries. I shall discuss in detail the history of this period (the RO-called interregnum) in the light of these and other plates, in a separate article. The villages mentioned in the inscription can easily be identified. Ārumbāka, the village granted, is found by the same name in the tālukā of Repalle in the Guntur District. The other villages mentioned in the plates are also found now in the vicinity of Arun baka. They are all around it within a radius of four miles. Sripūņdi is now known as Sripudi; Cherakumballi is now called Cherukumilli; Kāvīru has not changed its name even now. I am told Gömaduvu is the same as Gövāda which is three miles to the north of Ārumbāka, in the Tenali taluka. I must bere add that the village Sripūndi, which is described as the southern boundary of Arambáka in these plates, is the subject of a gift by Bädapa's younger brother Tåla II as found in Plate B below. All these villages were situated in the Velanāņdurishayat at the time of the gift. The donee of the grant is one Gandanārāyana and the sub-donee is his aunt's son Chandena. The donee and his ancestors are described in the plates at great length and with a flourish of rhetoric, in more than thirty lines (11. 25-55). The grandfather of the donee was an expert archer like Parasurāma and Arjuna (1. 26). His son Nfipakāms was also an archer and was [It is very doubtful if this is so. The participle fafering cannot indicate that Bädapa had once for all ousted Amma II from the Eastern Chāļukya throne. He might have temporarily displaced him for a time. The Mingallu plates (4. R. on Epigraphy for 1917, Part II, paragraph 24) clearly state that Amina II in the 11th year of his reign had to go to fight with Krishna, i.e. the Vallabha Rashtrakūta king Krishna III, who befriended Bidapa according to the Arumbāks plates.-H. K. S.] [It is very much to be regretted that this promised article is never to come, for Mr. K. V. Lakshmana Rao in now doad. Had be been spared to us, he would have made his mark in the field of Epigraphy, as be actually did in bia wide researches in Telugu literature and philology.-Ed.] • Vide Taluk map of Repalle, published by the Survey Office, Mudras. • Sre above, Vol. IV, p. 38. Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 24.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF EASTERN CHALUKYA PRINCES. 141 entitled 'Karmmuk-arjuna ' (II. 30-33) and the 'Lord of the Lake' (Sard-nātha) (1.35). He was also called Satya-Ballata (1.49). Nripakama seems to have been a petty chieftain perhaps of the Lake region, i.e. Kollēru, well known for his valour, benevolence and patronage to learning. He was a worshipper of god Siva (1.41) and is said to have killed five warriors at a time with his sword (1.43). By his wife Nayamathba, he had a Bon, the donee Bhaskara surnamed Gandanārāyana (v. 23). We can identify the father and the mother of our donee with the father-in-law and the mother-in-law of Amma II, as stated in his Gundugolanu plates.1 These clearly tell us that Nfipakāma alias Saro-natha (Lord of the Lake), also a worshipper of god Siva, was the father-in-law of the king, and that Nayamamba was his mother-in-law.. Thus Gandapärāyans was the brother-in-law of Amma II. It is therefore very strange that Bådapa who drove away Amma II should patronise his brother-in-law Gandanarayana. But we know that in times of revolt and revolution, political adventurers change their allegiance very often. Gandanarayana was, perhaps, also related to Badapa and was instrumental in overthrowing Amma II and the senior line. The sub-donee to whom Gandanārāyana gifted away the village was the son of his mother's younger sister Să[ma]kām bā. As the plates were issued by and under the seal of Bādapa and not by Gandanarayana, it is clear that the sub-donation was also recognised by the king. TEXT. First Plate. 1 स्वस्ति' [*1] श्रीमतां सकलभुवनसंस्तूयमानमानव्यसगोत्राणां हारोतिपुत्राणां कौशिकी. 2 वरप्रसादलब्धराज्या' मातगणपरिपालितानां स्वामिमहासेनपादानुध्याताना भगववारा8 यणप्रसादसमासादितवर[व] राहलांकणे क्षणक्षणवशीकतारातिमण्डलानां मश्वमेधा. 4 'वभृथसानपवित्रीकतवपुषां चालुक्यानां [कुलमला कारणोः सत्याश्रयवसमेन्ट्रस्य भाता कु5 ग्जविष्णुवईनोष्टादश वर्षाणि [३]गो देशमपालयत् । तदात्मजो जयसिंहस्त्रयस्त्रिं6 श[२] । तदनुजेन्द्रराज[नन्दनो] विष्णुवईनो नव । तनुम्मैगियुवराज: पंचविंशति' [1] 7 तत्पुत्रो जयसिंहस्त्रयोदश] । त[दव]रज: कोविलिः षण्मासान् ।"] तस्य ज्येष्ठो भ्राता विष्णु8 वईनस्तमुच्चाव्य सप्तत्रिंथ[२] । तत्पुत्रो विजयादित्यभट्टारकोष्टादश । तत्म"तो विष्णुवई- Ind. ant., Vol. XIII, p. 248. Ibid., II. 23-25. • From the original plates, • A floral device precedes this word. • Read ज्याना. • Read नेवण. Read° ममखानाम • Read °मलक. • Read विशति " Bend कीधिषि: 1 Read °समु. Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 9 : षट्विंशतं । ततो तत्सुतः कलिविष्णुव 10 ईनो [पईवर्षं] [1] तत्सुतो गुणगांकविजयादित्यचतुश्चत्वारिंशतं । तदनुज युवराजवि -- 11 क्रमाद्रित्यभूप [तेस्तनथचा 12 [VOL. XIX. विजयादित्यनरेन्द्रमृगराजखाष्टचत्वारिंशतं Second Plate ; First Side. का भीम ] भूपालस्त्रिशतं । तत्पुत्रः कोशबिगण्ड विजयादितद्युतोंबरा [जस्तप्तवर्षाणि ] [] तत्सुतं विजयादित्यवा त्यः षण्मासान् [1"] लमुच्चाच्च तालपो मा 13 समेकं । तं जित्वा चालुक्य [भीमसूनु ] [र्व्विक्रमादित्य एकादश मासान् [i*] ततस्तालपराजस्य 14 सुतो युद्धमल्लः सप्त वर्षाणि । तं जित्वा कोल्लबिगण्ड [वि]जयादित्य सुतो भीमराजी दादश वर्षा15 णि । तस्य महेश्वर [मू] तैः भीमभूपतेः उमासमानाकृते: लोकमहादेव्याः कु 16 माराभः खलु यस्तमभवदम्मराजाख्यः असौ सम्यग्धर्म्मन्यायेन वेंगोदेशं वि17 कलिंगसहितं रचति स्म [ ॥] चाश्रित्य क [ ] राजाख्यवल्लभं बादपाधिपः [ 1 * ] विनिग्गमय्य तन्दे-' 18 [शा] दम्मराजाख्यमुज्जितं " ["] [१* ] जित्वा" [दा ]यान्मृदित्वा रिपुनिकरमथाभ्यर्थिणां वस्तुराशिं दत्वा [ संपू]ज्य ब 19 धून्सकलगुणगणालंकृतो [त्तं ग्ग] कीर्त्ति [:] [1"] मानी धीरः प्रतापो मनुमतचरितः पालयग्भाति भू 20 मिं वेंगीशो युद्धमज्ञचितिपतितनयो बादपाख्याधिराजः ॥[ २*] यस्मिन् शासति नृपतौ । परिपक्का Second Plate; Second Side. 21 मेकसस्यसंपत्सहितः । भमति " धर्मानुरक्तो निरीतिरपरुङ्गिरस्तचोरो देशः ॥ [३*] मनुरिव सकलजनानां जन [क] 22 इवाशेषभृत्यवर्गाणां [1] काम इव [क]ामिनोनाम स्थिजनानां च कल्पतरुः ॥[४*] स्मृ" समस्तभुवनाश्रयश्रो विजया Read स्विंशतं. The anusvära is marked on the left top corner of the letter ka. • Read विभिग • Read संदेशा. • [Pe:haps the traces of the lotter in brackets indicate .Ed.] 1 Read at. 10 lond भवति. • Rend "तुंग 11 Read . 1 • Bend मूर्ति • Dands is not neded. Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARUMBAKA PLATES OF BADAPA. = == by 2 ) , » T 7- បង ៤ តែជ " នឹង ?ន៍ LT 3ger fr * ១សប្រ©, 0.1799 }} ២០g old , អé!! ១៥៩៨ រ *ទី ៖ ៩នាស្លាវ។ សាសងរៀងខ្មែរដើម្បីខ្ញុំ ! | បាន (] ៤៦ <Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ iiia. actice తాజాగా on a పాసులు 32 - M U Blage h Nee " RAO జనాశనం Q iii. A P ఉతాల్లో అత్యంత 42 P అను మందులు అందుకు అనువు ina. Samanna పంగ బడుల వారు తరంలో Panas - S . . 48 నుండి ప్రతి తంగ త గ మంచం మన కాలంలో త న ప్రతులు వర్తి నన్ను ఆ Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 24.) TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF RASTERN CHALUKYA PRINCES. 143 23 दित्यमहाराजाधिरा[जपरमे[खर]: परमभहारकः परममाहखरः परमब्राण्यो । मातापितपादानु24 धायी वेलनाविषयनिवासि[मो राष्ट्रकूट]प्रमुखास कुटिविनसमाइयेत्थ माज्ञापयति [1] विदितम26 स्तु वः श्रेष्ठो यच धनुर्धर[ः कलि]युगे तत्काय॑ वोर्यापहः भूयो जात इति प्राम26 हिमो रामार्जुनाभ्यां सम्मः' । [बा]आदित्यविशेषनामविनुतो धमें रतस्मत्यवाक () वाता] 27 . . . . . . . . . . विहिष्टकालानल: [५] तत्पुत्रो नृपकाम इत्यभिनुतस्मत्यप्रति28 [ज्ञो ध]नुईम्म चाप्य . . . . . . . . . विख्यातशौर्याकरः [*] याष्ट्र पथि गच्छतां च पवणी' नास्र29 सय[त्य]इक चोरे . . . . . . . ता यस्य प्रतापानलेः [4] स कार्मुकजितारित्वात्कार्मुका30 र्जुननामभृत् [*] सत्यै [क] . . . . . . [सत्यबला]त सैजकः [॥७"] धीमन्तो गुरुमग्रजन्मनिकरा व्या Third Plate ; First Side. 31 [सं] सहायं नृपाः [प्रोत्या] . . . . . . खजनकं कल्पद्रुमं चात्थिण: [[*] मन्यन्तेपि स32 दैकमूर्जितमनेकं पार्थसुधन्विनः चिवं श्रीवरकार्मुकार्जुननृपं कामा-1 [मकामा*] स्त्रियः [1] [-] 33 यच्छौर्य युधि वैरिभूपनिवहव्याघातजातं "निशं यहानं हिजसंशि. 34 तार्थिजनसग्विप्ति"क्रियाप[*]लं । यस्कोतिस्मकलाच चन्द्रधव35 ला शुभ्रीकरोति क्षिति] सोयं भाति सुकार्मुकार्जुनसरोनाथोजितो वी. 36 र्यवान् [2] कनति सपकामसर:पति[*] श्रितजनाननपद्मसुनन्दनः । र सदो37 दितिरंशनिधिः क्षिती" (1) रिपुतमोनुदिनन" समोनघः ।। १."] दानोदार दयावलप्र I Band °म्कुिटुंबि. + Read तरकार्तवीर्यापहः - Read प्रष्ट • Bead #:. [The letter in brackets looks more like wthan. -Ed.] • Rend पवनी. - Read व्यंशकं. • Read संकः . • The letters to it are written on an erasure. 10 Read चार्थिन: WRead काम सकामा " Read भयं. 13 Read Émir'. Agend चिदी. " Read वमोबदला Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 144 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VoL. XIX. Third Plate ; Second Side. 38 कटितप्रावीण्यशौचक्षमामानासंध्यशिवाचनोरुगुणमुनाहारसंभूषितः [१] 39 दीनानाथनटाम्धनग्नकविवाग्मीन्द्रद्दिजानन्दकिजाति प्रस्तुतकोर्तिमानणजयो 40 श्री[स]त्यबजातराट् [॥११] धवल]गुणो धवलयशो धवलितदिग्मण्डलो [व]दमितारा41 तिः । भवभक्तो भवकरुणोद्भवभवभोगान्वितो विभाति सुकीर्तिः [ ॥ १२] पर्कप्रता42 पोरिरिउग्रधन्वी थोड़ीमाज्ञाकरुणाश्री(त्रि)तोभी: [1"] एन:चिदस्यां भुवि भाति नित्वं ।' 43 सत्याश्चितस्मबृपकाम[शो]रि[:*] [1 १३] योवधीत्चरिकेणैक: पंचवीरान्वला. रस्वयः । पु. 41 [त्त] धनुषा शत्रन्सहस्रान्युधि भाति सः ।। १४*] ब्रोगेन्द्रषिोकेश कुमाराणां Fourth Plate; First Side. 45 [य]थाभव वाग्वधूमाशचोलक्ष्मी । जयश्री सुभमा[:*] स्त्रियः ॥[१५] तथा तेषां सम46 स्याभूवपकामसरःपतेः [+] तासा' समा प्रिया भार्या नायमंबा इति 47 [वता [१६] सर्वलक्षणसंपना सर्वाभरणभूषिता । सर्बस्त्रीधर्मतत्वज्ञा शो48 ल[वृत्तवती सती ।[१७] तस्यां पतिव्रतायां च गण्डनारायणाय[:]" [*] स49 त्यबल्लातनामांक: पात्रं पुत्रमजीजनत् ॥[१८] उमावृषांकयोर्य50 [था] गुहश]चि"न्द्रयोरिव [*] जयन्त इत्यभूत्सत: तयोश्च तत्समानयोः [३] [१८] 51 [व्य ढोरस्को वषस्कन्दः स्कन्दप्रतिमविक्रमः [1"] महोत्साही महोद्योगी महा Fourth Plate ; Second Side. 52 बाहुर्माबलः ॥[२०] तृपकामसरोनाथपुत्रो ज्येष्ठोतिबुद्धिमान्ग"ण्ड नारायण[:] 53 श्रीमान्गजाखारूडकोशलः" [२१] पटुमरश्शुचिर्पक्षशील हत्तगुणान्वितः [1] धनुभत्युI Read कहाति. - Read दिङम. • [Danda is unnecessary. -Ed.] * Read zei. • Rend °°. The two letters at the beginning of the next line look like म:म on the original plate. • Read श वन्म. - Read °° Read भवन् । वाम्ब. • Read तासां. 10 [The an ustära is placed on the syllable --Ed.] " head . " Road पोन्द्र'. * Rend :. 11 Reat विमान । बर' * [I would read it as ax'.--Ed.] * Read agoncofaenter. Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARUMBAKA PLATES OF BADAPA. irb. - . 52 | అన్న నా త ల 15, 20 మంద 5 కు ఉపయన్ని తరాలు గా ఈ Fanta మత తత గారంగా 5 న క త ం ం ం క లకలం సంజయ హోరల నా తగ్ర'లో సంతకం ఆసుపealand 5 గ్రాస్తున్న 58 ra. video AGAR సమయం ARATH Now M 62RUTH అన్ని తప్పులు దీపం రండి తన called Spంత పుణ్యంత ఎలా rema వరకు Co tvt . 0 . Healడతనాలంలో అందంగా F. KIRANA BABTRL. SCALE -6. BURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SEAL. FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 24.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF EASTERN CHALUKYA PRINCES. 145 64 सपत्रेष्ठ[*] श्रेष्ठसम्बकलासु च ॥[२२*] मातापितपादाभोजनमरो भास्व. 55 रो [णां] [1] महनारायणाजी यमवंशस्त्रभितां वरः ॥[२३] तस्मै बादपराजाधि56 []जो रा[जे]पुंगवः [*] प्रीतः प्रादाबहाग्राममारंवाति विश्रुतः ॥[२४] ती ग57 [हनारायणाय वेतनाच्छुविषये पावामानामग्राम बर्वकारपरिहार 58 [ताम]शासनी[कत्य मया दत्त इति । बादपराजेन्द्रेण दत्त (दत्त) पाम स्वीकत्वा' ___ Fifth Plate ; First Sids. 59 . . गण्ड नारायण[*] स्वयं स्वमातुनमंबायाः कनीयसी सहोदरी सा. 60 [म]कांबां त[स्याः पुत्ववन्देणाख्यः ॥'ती चन्दे [णा ख्याय स्वीकृतमारंबाकनाम61 [प्रामं मुदक[पूर्व] प्रादात् [*] तं ग्राम खोलत्वा' चन्देनाख्यः कलान" स्वीकात्या' पूर्यचन्द्र इव मा62 जति स्म [*] शूर: कुमारभ[टा अगमसरोवरायां बालागमनः [1] कारस्यवा68 गतिशत्रुहन्ता चा[क]दयो भाति सुचन्दनार्थः ।[२५] तस्य प्रामस्या वधय: पूर्व 64 त: चे मुंबमि दक्षिणतः त्रीपूडि पश्चिमत: कावूरु उत्तरतः गोमडुवु ॥ अस्य ग्राम65 स्योपरि न केनचिधाधा कर्तव्या यः करोति स पञ्चमहापातकसंयतो भवति । स्वद. 66 तां परदत्ता वा यो हरेत वसुन्धरा [*] षष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि विष्टा(ठा)यां जायते क्रमिः ।। २५] व्यासेना[प्यु] Fifth Plate ; Second Side. 67 # [*] बहुभिर्वसुधा दत्ता बहुभिचानुपालिता [*] यस्य यस्य यदा भूमि"तस्य तस्य तदा फलं [२७] पानप्ति68 [8] [टकनृपः कविरय्यनभसर्वशास्त्रज्ञः [*] लिखितं भदेवेन शासनमा. . चन्द्रताराकम् ॥ [२८] 1 Read acto. - Read भता. • Read perhaps विश्रुतं. • Read यामम्मुई. "The syllables e repeated for the second time have been erased in the original, • [The plate shows R:.-Ed.] Read at. . Read ster. [The anusvåra is placed on the syllable 1.-Ed.] [Dandar are unnecessary.-Ed.] Read Tto. . Bond कलाः Bend g. Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX, TRANSLATION. (Lines 1959. Hail! The birother of Batyafraya-Vallabihčndit--an ornament to the family of the blessed Chalukyas, who belonged to the götra of the Mānavyas praised by the whole world, who are the sons of Hārīti, who acquired (their) kingdom through the favour of the goddess) Kausiku who are protected by the asgergblage of (divine) Matria, who meditate on the feet of god Mahäsēna, who have subdued the realms of (their) enemies in a moment by the (mere) sight of (their) superior boar-banner which was obtained by the grace of Lord Nārāyaṇa, and who have purified their bodies by sacred bathinge performad) at the end of horse sacrifices, Was Kubja-Vishņuvardhana. (11.5 15). (He) ruled the Vengt country for 18 years; his son Jayasinha, fór 33 (years); Vishņuvardhana, the son of his younger brother Indrarāja, for 9 (years); his son MangiYuvarāja, for 25 (years); his son Jayasimha, for 13 years); his younger brother Kokkili, for 6 months; dethroning him, his elder brother Vishnuvardhana, for 37 (years); his son Vijayāditya-Bhattaraka, for 18 (years); his son Vishnuvardhana, for 36 (years); his son Vijayāditya-Narēndra-Mrigazájd, for 48 (years); his son Kali Vishnuvardhana, for a year and a half, his son Gunagka-Vijayāditya, for 44 (years); king Chalukya-Bhima, the son of his younger brother Yuvaraje-Vikramaditya, for 30 (years); his son KollabigandaVijayāditya, for 6 months ; his son Ambarāja, for 7 years; dethroning his son Vijayaditya, who was a boy, Tilepa for one month; having conquered him, Chalukya-Bhima's son Vikramaditya, for 11 months. Then Talaparāja's son Yuddhamalla (ruled) for 7 years. Having conquered him, Bhimarāja, the son of Kollabigaņda-Vijayaditya (reigned) for 12 years. (LL 15-17). This king Bhima, the personification of Mahadvara; begot by his wife Lokamah dēvi, who resembled Uma in form, & son called Ammaraja who resembled Kumära. This (Ammarāja) ruled well the Vēngi country with Trikalinga, according to the injunctions of Dharma. (Verse 1). Badapa with the help of the Vallabha (king) called Karparaja drove away from the country the prosperous (king) called Ammaraja. (V.2). Haxing defeated the dayas (agnates) and crushed the multitude of enemies, given a heap of things to supplicants and honoured his relations, the Adhiraja called Badapa, son of king Yuddhamalla, lord of Vengi, rules the earth and conducts himself according to the injunotions of Menu, adorned with all virtues. He is highly famous and valorous, a man of self-respect and a warrior. (V.3). During the reign of this king the country, rich with abundance of many and fullgrown crops, was mindful of its duties (dharm-ānurakta) and free from calamities, diseases and thieves. (V. 4). He was a Mann to all his subjecte, a father to all his servants, Cupid to women and desire-fulfilling tree to supplicants. (LI. 22-25). He, Samastabhutanafraya, sri-Vijayaditya, Maharajadhiraja, Paramēsvara Paramabhattarake, the great worshipper of. Mahescara (Siva), most hospitable to Brahmans, one w no concentrates his mind on the feet of his parents, having called together all the chiefs of families headed by the Rashtrakatas residing in Velanāņdu-vishaya, orders (them) thus:-"Be it known to you". (V.5). There is one who is well-known by the famous name of (BallAditya, a superior archer whose greatness is taken for that of a re-incamation.of.the.Destroyer of Kärtavirya (i.e., Parafurāma) ir the Kali age, who is equal to Rama aad: Arjuna (in.atchery), is devoted to [harma, speaks the truth, and is the saviour..of .......... and a fire of destructicu to his enemies. · [Sae foot-note on Text 1, 18.-EA) Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 24.] (Vv. 6 and 7). His son, known as Nripakāma, is one who never swerves from his word... in the practice of the bow and well-known as a mine of prowess. Besides, in his kingdom, on the roads, the cloths of the travellers are not even loosened by the winds; the robbers........ by the fire of his prowess. He received the appellation of Karmuk-arjuna (an Arjuna in archery) because he conquered his enemies with a bow, and the title Satyaballata because .. TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF EASTERN CHALUKYA PRINCES. 147 (V. 8). The excellent king Karmukarjuna is taken by crowds of wise Brahmans to be the teacher (guru) Vyasa; by kings, to be a helper; .... to be their father; and by supplicants, to be the desire-fulfilling tree. It is a wonder that by great archers, he is taken to be many Parthas (Arjunas) though (he is) one (unequalled) and victorious (hero), and by passionate women to be Cupid (the god of beauty). (V. 9). His valour, indeed, is born in the heavy blows dealt in battle-fields to the multitude of enemy-kings; his charity is charming by satisfying (fully the wishes of) Brahmans, dependents and supplicants; his glory, white as the moon, purifies (or makes white) the whole world. So shines he, the good Karmakarjuna, Saro natha (lord of the lake), powerful and victorious. (V. 10). The noble and good Nripakāma, lord of the lake (Sarahpati), shines on this earth like the sun, a repository of brilliance (or rays) to the delight of the lotus-like faces of his dependents, always rising and destroying the darkuess, viz. the enemies.. (V. 11). He is adorned with the pearl necklace of great virtues, such as charity, unstinted kindness, strength, . . . . proficiency, purity, forgiveness, respectability and inestimable worship of Śiva; he is the source of pleasure to the poor, the forlorn, the actors, the blind, the naked, the poets, great orators and Brahmans. So shines the illustrious and famous chief Satyaballāta, the conqueror in battle-fields. (V. 12). With pure virtues and unsullied fame, he brightens the points of the compass, destroying his enemies. He, the devotee of Bhava (Śiva), enjoys the pleasures of this world through the grace of Bhava and is very famous. (V. 13). With prowess like that of the sun he destroys his enemies and is the foremost of archers, the abode of wealth, modesty, forgiveness, authority and mercy, and the fearless one. This Sauri (Vishnu), viz. the good king Nripakāma, patronising truthfulness, shines always in this world, a destroyer of sins. (V. 14). Strong and glorious, he killed single-handed with his sword five warriors (at a time), and with full(-stretched) bow, thousands of enemies in the battle-field. (V. 15). Just as the gods Brahma, Isa (Śiva), Indra, Hrishikēša (Vishnu) and Kumāra (Skanda), have for their beautiful wives the Goddess of Speech (Sarasvati), Uma, Śachi, Lakshmi and Jayasri (the Goddess of Victory), respectively, (V. 16). so, Nripakāma-Saraḥpati, who resembled those gods, had a wife who was dear to him and who resembled those (goddesses) and was well-known as (ie., by the name of) Nayamamba. (V. 17). She had (on her body) all auspicious signs and was adorned with all ornaments. She knew the principles of all the duties of a woman, and was a house-wife (sat) possessed of virtuous character and conduct. (V. 18). By that devoted wife he, surnamed Satyaballata, begot a worthy son named Gandanarayana. (V. 19). Just as Guha (Skanda) was born to Uma and Siva, (or) Jayanta to Sachi and Indra, a son was born to them who were equal to those two divine pairs. (V. 20). With an expanded chest and shoulders like those of a bull, he resembled Skanda in valour. With strong arms and extraordinary strength, he possessed great energy and perseverance. t 2 Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 148 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. (Vv. 21-23). The illustrions Gandanarayana, the eldest son of Nripakāms-Saronátha, was highly intelligent and proficient in mounting elephants and horses. He was strong, brave, pure, clever and possessed virtuous character and conduct and good qualities. He was the best among the archers and the most proficient in all the arts. This sun among men named Gandanår yana is the best of all warriors and a bee at the lotus-like feet of his parents. (V. 24). To him Bådapa, the king of kings, and the mightiest among great kings, being pleased, gave the big and famous village Ārumbāka saying: (Ll. 56-58). "I have given to Gandanarayana having issued an order on plates of copper the village called Arumbāka in Velanandu-vishaya free of all taxes." (LI, 58-62). Having accepted the village granted by Bådapa, the best of kings, Gandanāra. yapa, in his turn, gave, with an oblation of water, the thus accepted village named Arumbaka to Chandeņa who was the son of sa[ma]kamba, the uterine younger sister of his (Gandanåráyana's) mother Näyamamba. After accepting the village, (the said) Chandeņa shone like the full moon who receives the (sixteen) kalas (phases). (V. 25). Resplendent is the good Chandenārya, a brave young man, the foremost of good Warriors, who, among men of the Saras (lake-lords), possesses the knowledge of all the agamas, is compassionate, is the destroyer of proud enemies and is rising fortune. (LI. 63-64). The boundaries of that village (are): to the east Cherakumballi, to the south Sripündi, to the west Kavüru, (and) to the north Gomaduvu. (LI. 64-67). No one shall interfere with this village. If any one so interferes, he shall incur the five great sins. [Here follow the two imprecatory verses (26 and 27), viz., ezut pient etc. and fairy etc. (sung by Vyāsa), which are well-known.] (V. 28). The executor (&jñapti) (of this order) is Kataka-npipa; the poet is Ayyanabhatta who knows all the fistras. The edict was written by Bhattadēve, to last as long as the moon, the stars and the sun would last. B.-THE ŚRIPŪŅDI PLATES OF TĀLA II. These oopper-plates, registered as No. 5 of Appendix A of the Annual Report on SouthIndian Epigraphy for 1908-09, were received from the Collector of Guntar in 1908 by the Assistant Archæological Superintendent for Epigraphy, Madras, and noticed by him at page 108, paragraph 61 of the same report. But it may be noted that these plates had been examined, transcribed and included, already about A.D. 1800, in the Mackenzie Collection of Manuscripts. In one of the copies of the plates thus preserved it is remarked that the original copper-plates were found buried in the ground, some fifteen years before, in the village of Sripindi by the karnams of the place'. It is further noted that there was a tradition in the village that it was given by a king called Vishņuvardhana to some Blafrājua - Telugu caste, analogous to the Bhațs of Rājputana. The inscription consists of five plates with raised rims measuring in height 81" and in breadth 31" to 33". The first and last plates are written only on the inner side. They are strung on a circular copper ring measuring 476" in diameter and nearly 16" in thickness. The 1 (and possesses a lovely appearance. -Ed.] See Bk. No. (15-5-30), pp. 179-182; Bk. No. (5-6-21), pp. 136-138, and Bk. NS (15-5-85), pp. 41-43, pro served in the Oriental MSS. Library, Madras. The second, the third and No. 5 of 1908-09 (Appendix A of the Madras Epigraphical R-port) bave been noticed by Mr. V. Rangacharya in his Topographical List of Inscriptions of the Madras Presidency, as Gt. 589, 607 and Ms. 165 and are given as separate copper-plates, while in reality they are copies of the same. In one of the copies (riz. Bk. 15-5-35) Rashfraktifa is read as Sorrashtra, Sripindi as Sritāru, Velanandu-vishaya as Telugupfi-goshti, and Ravivarmacharya is Kapi: harmadharmacharya. Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 24.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF EASTERN CHALUKYA PRINCES. 149 ends of the ring are soldered into the bottom of & circular soal measuring 21 in diamete'. The bottom is fashioned into a flower of several petals which support the seal. An expanded lotus flower and above it the legend Sri-Tribhuvanasiha are cut in relief on the seal but are slightly damaged. Above the legend is a standing boar facing the proper left with the tip of its sont slightly raised. Above the boar is an askusu laid in a horizontal position and above the latter, the crescent with a dot which latter, perhaps, stands for the symbol of the sun. The rin; had been cut when the plates reached the Assistant Archeological Superintendent's office. Tho plates are in & perfect state of preservation, and not a single letter is illegible as the work of engraving was most carefully done. They are now deposited in the Madras Museum. Remarks on the palæography and orthography of this inscription have been included in my introduction to the grant A above, The inscription commences with the usual titles of the Eastern Chalukyas beginning with the words “ Svasti Srimatān" and ending with " Chilukyānan." It then enumerates the kings of the Eastern Chāļukya line from Kubju-Vishnuvardhana, the brother of Satyāśraya-Vallabhēndra, down to the donor Vishnuvardhana-Tāla (II). Unlike the other inscriptions of the Cbälukyas, the periods of reigns of the different kings are not given in this inscription. The genealogy also differs widely from the genealogy given in A above-the Arumbāka plates of Bådapa-and from the other published grants which supply a genealogical list of the Chalukya kings. The relationship, for example, of the ruling kings from Jayasinha-Vallabha to Mangi. Yuvaraja, is different. The interval between these two kings includes five generations instead of the usual two. From Vijayaditya-Bhattáraka to Amma I the genealogy is correctly given and in the right order of succession. Next, coming to Amma I, it is stated that he, Vikramaditya (II) and Tala I, ruled one after another, and then came Yuddhamalla II and the latter's two sons, Badnpa and Täla II. The omission of the short reigns of Béta-Vijayaditya V and Bhima III, the two sons of Amma I, and the reversing of the order in the case of Vikramaditya II and Tåla I, perhaps suggest that the author of the record intended to represent that after Vikramaditya II, from Tala I to Tala II, there was an unbroken succession quite contrary to what is stated elsewhere. This seems to be the reason why he took care to omit to mention the number of years each king ruled. The donee is one Kuppanayya, grandson of Kalivarma and son of Makariyar ja. He occupied the position of a great fendatory and minister (mahāsāmant-āmatya) under the king, hnd encoessfully stood the test of the four kinds of honesty (upadl), vis. loyalty, disinterested ness, continence and courage, and was a member of the family of Pallavamolla. His father Makariyarája is stated to have suffered and lost his life in serving his master. Thus it is evident that both father and son were in the service of Tala II. The Vandram plates of Amma II also mention a donee by name Kuppanayya or Kuppanimitya; but there, his grandfather was ong Tûrkiya-Peddiya or Tärkiya-yajvan. We cannot therefore identify Kuppanayya of our plates with that Kuppanåmitya. From the appellation 'yarma' applied to the name of the grandfather of the donee we may take it that he belonged to a family that claimed to be Kshatriyas. Regarding the family-name Pallavamalla, we know that the usurper Pallavamalla Nandivarman, the last great king of the Pallavas, flourished about A.D. 717 to 779.4 After the fall of the Pallavas, some of the later members of the family may have settled in the Telugu sountry; and Kuppangyya's family has evidently to be traced to one of them. The high-sounding titles of the donee indicate that the members of the family may have once enjoyed a great position 1 They are gambered Eastern Chilukys plates No. 12, in the "Catalogne of Copper-plate Grants in the Government Mukom, Modus" (1918). In the remarks on these plates, there, it is stated that the grant must bave been made by Tan I who reigned for a month in 925 A.D. Bat we know from the plates themselves that these were inced by Täla 11, the grandson of Tale I. • Ind. Ant., Vol. XX, p. 28% • A bove, Vol. IX, p. 131. Profonor G. J. Dabrouil'. The Pallars, p. 74. Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. The language of the plates is Sanskrit prose which is very carelessly written. Teluga words are, however, used in describing the boundaries. Some of these are out of nee in the current spoken dialect and are not found in standard Telugu lexicons. They are therefore of great interest and must be carefully interpreted with the help of cognate words in other Dravidian languages : (1) Mandi-morika-chinta : mandi means 'bent' (Kittel) and chinta means 'a tamarind tree': morika may be taken as moka which means 'a sprout' or a young tree'; mandi-morika-chinta will mean the young tamarind tree which is bent'; perhaps the tree was known in the village by that name. (2) Kodamaduvu ... We may try to interpret this compound word thus :--The top sill of slnice is called godugubanda (lit. the umbrella-slab) in Telugu, perhaps because it stands like an umbrella on the sluice. Similarly the top plank of a door-way is called a godugu-balla. In Tamil and Kanarese, the cognate word for godugu is kodai or kode. Maduva in Tamil means a sluice'. Hence koda-maduva may mean'a sluice of a tank with a top sill', ...., & sluice with masonry construction, as contrasted with an ordinary sluice. If we take koda as 'konda then the word would mean'a sluice on the hill-side. (3) Gogurēvui : gögu means 'hemp' and rēvu beginning with r and not with r means in the current Telugu langunge, ford, a ferry, & landing place, a fort'. Kittel's Kannada Dictionary gives this word in both the forms rēru and rêvu in the same sense. In the Nandamepåndi plates of Rajaraja I, we have the terms tadla-tēva (1. 82) and golla-rēva (1. 86). We have in Telugu Chakali-rēvu, the place where washermen do their washing business. I take rēva and rēvu to be the same word and interpret it as a place where a group of people or of trees is to be found. If this interpretation is correct, gögurēvu would mean the plot of land in which generally gogu plants are cultivated or grown in abundance. (4) Kadamukopu. Kopu is a conical bar or colnmn as the small pillars of earth left in the middle of pits by earth diggers, to indicate the original depth of the pit at different places. Bars of slate pencils are also called balapapu kopula. Kadamu may be kadambu, the Dravidian form of the Sanskrit word Kadamba. The compound word then means the trunk of a kadamba tree which was like a cone'. (5) Kalavelalagula-pedda-chinta. To make some sense out of it I would like to correct this compound word as Kalvelagula-podda-chinta. Kal is stone' and velagula or (velugula.) means a fence'. We can translate the whole phrase as the big tamarind tree adjoining the stone fencing!! (6) Chirufodi-maddalu. Chirusodi is perhaps the name of a village or a variety of maddalu, and maddal means the maddi (bricadelia retusa) trees'. (1) Goragapallamu and Kaffumbodalu. Goraga is a Saiva mendicant and pallamu means a low land, & wet land, a paddy-field. Therefore the first phrase means the paddy fiela belonging to the Saiva mendicants'. Boda means a tiny embankment constructed to irrigate a field. Kattumbodalu would mean artificial embankments', or, as there is no distinction made in these plates between a short and a long 0, we may read this word as Kaffumbodalu and divide it as kaffu(m) + podalu. Kaffuua means a fence and podalu means 'bushes'. The compound word would then mean the fences made of natural) bushes'. (8) Badiya-bola-yant a pădariyaku-jinta. The meaning of Badiya is not clear. It may be a village. Bola is pola which means boundary'. This word is found in this sense in the Nandamapandi grant (11. 81, etc.). Yanga is anta and means touching, near, by the side of'. [The Tamil word for ' sluice is madagu or madai -Ed.) [The word may be corrected into kavala-nelayala, that is, of bifarcated wood apple treas',-Ed.] Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 24.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF EASTERN CHALUKYA PRINCES. 151 Pēdari means 'poor'; pēdariyāku may be translated as 'poor-leafed', (with very small leaves). The tree perhaps had peculiarly tiny leaves. The whole phrase may be translated as the dwarf-leafed tamarind tree which is near the boundary limits of Badiya.' 4 It is not clear from the text whether the village given away, was Sripandi or the adjoining Adaru or both. In 11. 29-30 it is stated that the small village (gramatika) of Sripandi is given; while in 11. 35-36 Adara is mentioned as the hamlet (gramatika) which is the subject of the gift. I think this contradiction is due to a mistake of the writer. I believe that in 11. 29-30 he ought to have written (Aduru-gramantarvartini) Sripunḍi-nama-grāmaṭikā maya datta but omitted by mistake the letters put in brackets, and he ought to have repeated the same words in 11. 3536. It may also be suggested that the mistake of the writer was rather in 1. 36 than in 1. 30. He ought to have stated simäntarvartini-Aduru-(sahita-Sripundi)-nāmā grāmaṭikā ēta. Thus it would be that the king gave Śripündi with Adoru (as its upagrama). But it is not likely that Aduru formed part of the gift, because it is mentioned in the plates as a boundary to the place mentioned which is the subject of the gift (1. 32) and because if Adaru was one of the villages given, the donor in all probability would have defined its bounaries also. Anyhow the limits of the village do not seem to have touched the boundaries of any of the neighbouring villages except that of Adara in the south. It may, therefore, be inferred that instead of gifting away the whole village of either Śripūṇḍi or Adara, a new hamlet was carved out of the old village or villages for the purpose of this grant. This view is strengthened by the boundaries given in the plates of Badapa. There, Sripandi is given as the southern boundary of Arumbaka (1. 64). If the whole village of Sripundi was given, we should have expected the name of Arumbaka as the northern boundary of Sripundi. Instead of that we have some embankments or bushes as the northern limit. There is no doubt about the identification of Sripunḍi; because it is given as the southern boundary of Arumbaka in A and we find it in the same position even now in the Repalle täluka of the Guntur District. But Adüra is not found now. Perhaps it has merged in the parent village. In describing the position of the village Sripandi it is said that it was in the middle of (or between) vägaru. But what is vagaru? I think it is a compound word consisting of two words tagu and aru. Vägu means a stream and aru may be equivalent to aru which means a river' in Tamil, the cognate of ēru in current Telugu. The land given by the grant seems to have been situated within a delta formed by streams, one of which was known by the name of vagu and the other aṛu or aru. The date of the grant, though not given in the plates,' can easily be guessed. Of the kings mentioned in the plates Amma II is the last one: known to us and the grant must have been therefore issued subsequent to his reign and prior to the restoration. Whether Tala II of record B actually ruled for some time and whether this grant was issued during his de facto rule or whether he considered the reign of his brother Badapa as svarajya-samaya cannot be definitely determined. But the probability seems to be that Tala did not rule independently of his elder brother Badapa. The legend on his (Tala's) seal and the epithets used for Bådapa and Tala in these plates support this view. The legend on the seal of Tala is Tribhuvanasiha' instead of the imperial legend of Tribhuvanankusa which we find on Badapa's seal In mentioning the prior kings the inscription uses nó royal epithets. But on coming to Badapa he is styled as Badapakhya-Maharajadhiraja-Paramesvarah' (11. 18-19). This clearly indicates that the previous kings were dead and Badapa was the living supreme ruler according to the writer of the inscription. Again, in mentioning Tala, he is styled at one place only as Tala-bhūpala (119) and at another place Maharajadhiraja (1. 24), but the epithet of Parames Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vo..xIx. vara is not applied to him. We know that Pulakesin II aoquired this title as a sign of Paramountoy after defeating Harsha, the paramount lord of the north, who had this title From this we can infer that Badapa was ruling as the supreme lord of the kingdom, and Tala acted as a subordinate and lieutenant. It is not necessary that such charities should be conferred by the reigning prince alone, and starajya-samaya need not necessarily mean the reign of the douor. It may here mean the period during which the once-excluded junior line obtained possession of the kingdom, which, in their view, really belonged to them. Tåla, of course, considered the possession of his elder brother as his own possession.1 TEXT. First Plate. 1 'खस्ति [श्रीमतां सकलभुवनसंस्थयमानमान'व्य2 सगोत्राणां हारीतिपुत्राणां कौशिकीवरप्रसादल[ध] राज्या3 ना म[1]तुगणपरिपालिताना स्वामिमहासनपा4 दानुध्यातानां भगवनारायणप्रसादसमा सादितवरवराहलांछनोचणचणवचौकि तारातिम. Second Plate ; First Side. 6 डसना पखमेधावभृत(थ)सानपवित्रीक्रितवपुषां 7 चाकुक्य[1]नो कुळमळंकरिष्नो प्रत्याश्रयवामिन्द्रस्य 8 माता कुमविवईनः । ततो जयसिंहव9 सभः । तत्स्नुर्विष्णाराजः । तत्पुनः इद्रिभट्टार. 10 कः । तत्पुत्री विष्णुवईन: । ततः सत्याश्रयः । तत्सूनु Second Plate ; Second Side. 11 मर्मियुवरज" तत्पुनः कोकिक्रः । ताता विराजः । सहा*]12 ता विजयादित्यः । तात्पुत्रो विवईमः । तात्पुत्रो" विजयादि18 त्यभट्टारकः । तत्पुवः विष्णवईनः [1] तत्सतो नरेन्द्र 14 विजयदित्यः [*] तत्पुनः कलिविव[]मः । तत्पुतो' 15 गुणकनमातविजयादित्यः । तदनुजसुतो भिमराजः । Vide Ploet's Dynastia of the Canatese Districta, p. 862. 1 The marks of floral design are faintly visible here. • The letter is cut above the line in the plate. • Read °atबने. • Read वशीक्वता. • Rend °बोलत. • Read 'कुलमखंकरिषी. - Read °में गियुवराम: W.Read विधि: - Rend विजयादित्य: 15 Read agat. - Read संस्यमान Read मचलाना. "Rend पन्द्र " Read तरपुषी. " Read भीमराय Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SRIPUNDI PLATES OF TALA II. 'ನೀಡಿ ತಾ ಸ ದನ ಸ ಆಸಕ್ತಿ 2 28 ನಿ? ತಾಳಿತ ತಕ ೮ ಗದು ನಿನ್ನಾ ' ਨਨ ਏ ਧਨ ਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਝੜਨ ರೈತ ತಾನಸ್ ನೌ ಗಾಯ * 4 ಸ ಸ ಸುತರ ಆ ಶತಅತಿ ಪ್ರಸಿಣಗಿ ಪ್ರಕಾಶ್ ರಾಠ! ತೆಶ್ಚಿತ: ಕಲ್ಲಡಿತ "ತಾಶವೇತನ ನಂಜು ಪygjತ ತನವ ನುಡಿ ಅನ್ನುತ್ತ ಪತ್ರಕೆ 18 ತಿಂ ತ೯೬೭ಟ ೩ ಫ್ರಾರಿರಾಯತ T\j ನಿವಾಸಿ ಇ ಅನುರಣ:೩ರಾg 20 ಆಪರಪ5 ಸd6) 'ಕನರಟಿತ ಪ್ರ ಯಾ -- - rib. ಅತಷ್ಟಾe/ಚಿದಾನಕಣಘಾತಾಡತ 22 ಬಬw/jYA/ರಗತಿಗೆ ಅಪತತ್ರತಜ೯ದe 6 ಅನ್ನ ಆತನಕ್ಕೆ ಸಶತಕತನ 5 ಇ.ಕನಕ ತ ಕ ಪುತ್ರನ 8 ತುಲಾ : ತಿಕ್ಲ ಪಕ್ಷದ ಸುತ್ತ Eವೆ: , ತಕ್ಷಕರಾ:ತಕ್ಕೆ ಪೂರ್ಣ 16 'ಆತ್ಮಕ್ಕೆ ಕ್ರಮಟ್ಟಶ್ಚಿತ: ಕಳು 24 zz ಇವನಬಾರದಿರಾಜರಠಿನ್ಸಿ: ತಪಸದಸ# P GF/ Basಟಿನ HTTE : THಶ್ರುತಪ್ರತ್ಯಾ :ಶಿಸಿ 12 ಪತಿ ಪತ್ರ ತಪ್ಪಿತಸ್ಥ... F/೮giಿತವನ್ನು 15:ತತ್ರ/ತ್ರಜ್ಞಾನ:5ಕ್ಷರ್ತಕತ್ರ 25:55(ತ-ಕಲೆತಿ ಕೈ/ಆಸ: ರಕ್ಷಣೆ ಸತತ ಯಶg:/Yಶ ಸl೯ನನನ 26 |ಇತಣ್ಣೀರಾ? ಆಕಸ ಸ್ಥಳ? E/Qಘಲುಕೆಲಿದಕ್ಕyಘತತ ಈ ಸ್ಥಳ 28 : ಸ್ವದೆ ಈತನ ನನಗೆfಮge 28) ಐಮಗನಾದರಾದವುಗಳ 30 ಸಪ್ತಶತಿ ಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸತತulಇg. - 3 / H. KRISHNA SANTRI SCALE 4 SUMNEY Ipl is 1974, *AL 47TA, Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ೩೭ರಿ. 5ರ ಸುಸ್ಥಪತ:ಾರಾರ್ಷ್ಟ 32 ರ ಸಣಣ *(53:fಓಕೆ/ಪCಡಕ್ಕೆ ಅಶ ರ ನಟಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದವನ್ನು ಪ್ರತಿವೆ ಇಹ್ಮ. 34 (ಪ್ರತಿ ಗತ:೧ರಕತQAg “ಆತ್ಮಗತ ತೆಳ್ಳುವುದು ತಪಡಿತಲ್ಲ9. 36 ಕು! ಈPiಎತf25ನಿಕರ ಆಕರಣದಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾಗಿ 7. ? ತಲಿರ್ಪನಿನ :ರ್ಕನಿಪ್ಪಣ 38 ಬ ಬ ತ ಕ ಸತ್ಯವಂತರಿ ಸುತ 'ಸ್ವಶಕ್ತಶರತ್. ಏಾಗಿ ಪರಿತರಾತನವಿ ಸರ್ಪಶ್ನೆ 40 ಕ್ಕೆ P ಅಡ್ರ ದದಲ್ಲಿ ಪಾತ್ರ ನಿಜ SEAL. (FROM A PHOTOGRAPH.) Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 24.) TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF EASTERN CHALUKYA PRINCES. 153 । Third Plate ; First Side. 16 तत्सतः कोलविविजयादित्यः । तत्मनुरम्मराजः । तदनु वि. 17 क्रमादित्यः [*] तदनु भीमानुजः त'भूपाल: । तर पुत्र[:] श्रीयु18 दमन:।"] समतो बादबा(पा)ख्यमहाराजधिराज: परमेश्व19 : । तदनुजो विष्णुवईनस्ताभूरालः' स्वराज्यस20 मये परमनि' त्यस्य क्रितलैशा[छ] रजीतस्वमझिदयस्य Third Plate; Second Sile. 21 पल वान्वयस्य चतुरुपधाशुहस्य महासामन्तामात्य22 पदनियुक्तस्य सक[ल*]गुणगणालक्रितस्य' पती हितधवल23 स्य नानाकिंकुवाणतया परमकरुणापति24 दयस्मन्विष्णुवर्धनमहाराजाधिराजः वेलनाण्डु25 विडय"निवासिनी राष्ट्रकु(कूटप्रमुखान् कुटबिन पाह Fourth Plate ; First Side. 26 य इस्थमाजापयति स्म । विदितमस्त वीस्माभिः पी 27 पल्लवमनान्वयाय कलिवर्मस्य पोवाय" अमन28 स्तावमृतस्य क्रि"तकेयस्य मकरियराजस्य 29 पुत्र[1]य कुप्पनय्यवरना[ने"] वागमच्ये" 30 श्रीपुण्डिनामत्रमटिका मय[*] दत्त । तस्य [*] [*]वधयः । पुर्व Fourth Plate ; Seron Side. 31 त मण्डिमुंकचिन्द भाग्नयत: कोडम दक्षिणतः प.. 32 दुरि सीमान्ती(न्ते) गोगुळवु नैरित्यत: कदमकोपु पश्चवात क. 33 लषललगुलपेद्दचिन्त । वायव्यत: चिशो31 दिमहलु उत्तरत: गोरगपल्लमनुत्तरमुन कटुंबोदलु 35 ईशानतः बादियबोलय[ण्ट] पेदरियाकुजिन्त । एतम"मान्तर्व- Read तालभूपाल:_ Real 'राजाधिराजः - Read 'भपाल:• Rend निभृतस्थ. • Read [तकेशाचारजितखामिा.-El] • Read पवा. 1 Read°लंकृतस्य. - Read पति. • Read *दय. 10 Read °विषय. 1 Read वर्ग: पौवाय. u Rend बेशस्थ. 11 The snperscription (here and in line 31 below) is written in the forn of a finals; while in otlier ces (suel 01.6 नान). 1.7पिजी. etc.) it is formed as in modern Tolnga. " Read °मध्ये. - Read यौखिनामयामटिका. ___- Read दला. " Read पूर्वत: ॥ Resd चिच. - Read भाग्नयन:• Read चादर " Rond मेव्यत: " Eend पश्चिमत: " Red चिन्त. 2. Bend vaell' Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 154 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. Fifth Plato. 36 fi[at] []TATA() vafta Faktoferre ATENT 37 En efa [*] ceufs 7 a VII[W]" dal # afa og 38 [01] a m Hof | MYT I want atga[t] 39 AT at via Tug [t'] fyadox[s]ify fa[8]r40 t ffe: qui fufen ! TRANSLATION (Lines 1-8). [The usual titles of the Chalukyas, and the mention of Satyasraya Vallabhēndra as in ll. 1-4 of A.] (Ll. 8-19). His brother was Kubja-Vishnuvardhana ; his son Jayasitha-Vallabha; his son Vishnurkja; his son Indra-Bhattāraka; his son Vishnuvardhana; his son Satyasraya ; his son Mangi-Yuvarāja ; his son, Kokkili; bis brother, Vishnuraja; his brother Vijayāditya ; his son Vishnuvardhana; his son Vijayaditya-Bhattarake; his son Viabnuvardhana; his son Narēndra-Vijayaditya; his son Kali-Vishņuvardhana; his son GuņakkönallataVijayāditya; his younger brother's son Bhimaraja; his son Kollabi-Vijayaditya; his son Ammarāja; after him, Vikramaditya; after him, Bhima's younger brother Talabhupala his son Sri-Yuddhamalla; his son Mahanajadhiraja Paramösvara Badapa; his younger brother Vishnuvardhana Tālabbtpala. (LI. 19-26). (This) Vishņuvardhana-Mahārajadhiraja, during the period of his rule (svarājya),-(moved) with heart full of great kindness on account of the various services rendered by one, who was very much devoted (to him), who won the heart of his master by hard work and good behaviour, who belonged to the family of the Pallaves, who came pure out of the four tests (loyalty, etc.), who was appointed to the position of a great samanta and amatya, who was adorned with all virtues and who was pure in the cause of his master-sønt for the chiefs of families residing in Telanāņdu-vishaya headed by the Rashtrakatas and ordered them thus:-- (LI. 26-30). "Be it known to you that to this (donoe) named Kuppanaysa, of the family of Pallava malle, grandson of Kalivarma, and son of Makariyaraja who has suffered And died in our cause, have giren the spell village (gramatika) named Sripündi (situated) in the middle of Vāgasu. (LI. 30-35). "Its boundaries are: to the east mandimuska-ohinta, to the south-east koda-maduvu, to the south gögupany which lies at the end of the boundary of Agru; to the south-west kadamu-kopu, to the west kalavólalagula-podda-chinta, to the north-west Chirugodi, maddalu, to the north kafun-bodalu north of Goraga-pallamu, to the north-east būdiyabolayanţa pēdariyaku-chinta, (LI, 35-37). “Within this boundary I have given you as manya the small village called Adūru exempted from all taxes." (LI. 37-40). None should interfere with this (village). One who does so shall be deemed to have committed the five great sins. Vy sa has also said : [the usual imprecatory verse want gut, etc.). Written by Ravivarmmkeharga. Read of TNT • Read Taat. Rond of Capod the answara. • Read जाय. • Rend.fefird, . Read it. . (Read afg:-4) Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No 25.) PANCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION. 155 No. 25.- PANCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION OF THE KONA KING CHODA III. SAKA-SAMVAT 1325.1 By J. NOBEL, PH.D., BERLIN UNIVERSITY. An inked estampage of the inscription (No. 210 of 1899) was supplied by the late Mr. Venkayya and made over to me by Prof. Lüders. The inscription is engraved on three fares of a square pillar at the eastern entrance of the Dharmalingesvara temple at Panchadhārala in the Vizaga pa tam district of the Madras Presidency. On the north face are five verses (pancharatna) which are not connected with the inscription, but were composed, as stated in the first five lines of the west face, by a certain Chen[n]åpeg[gada Chenna kaviraja-kala harinsa in praise of the god Dharmalinga. That these verses were engraved at a later time than the inscription is shown by a Telugu inscription' on a pillar at the western entrance of the same temple dated in Saka-Samvat 1465, which mentions & certain Chenna peggada Chenna kaviraja, and by a pillar inseription at the entrance of the Vishņu temple in the same village dated in Sa ka-Samvat 1452, which contains a verse by & poet called Chennaka virāja. There can be no doubt that the person mentioned in these two inscriptions is identical with the author of the pancharatna.' The inscription contains 93 lines of writing. The average size of the letters is 1 inch. The alphabet is Telugu. Peculiar is the subscript form of tha which resembles the ta in its full form (see e. g., Sthānuśailah, l. 14; paritrān-arththur, l. 37). The same sign is used for expressing the second dha in the ligature dhdha (see e.g., Varasidhdhalingh, I. 83). The language is Sanskrit, and, with the exception of the last remark in Telugu (slokalu 20), the whole inscription is in verse. Regarding the orthography it may be stated that after anusvira as well as after , consonants are sometimes doubled, as in limggas-tirththan in 1. 43. The inscription is of some interest as it makes us acquainted with one of the smaller dynasties of Southern India, of which but little was known to us hitherto. After an invocation of god Ganēća (v. 1) the inscription begins with a mythical genealogy of the Kona dynasty. From Vishnu's na vel sprang Brahmā, his son was Marichi, Lis son was Kasyapa, from him sprang Bhānu (the Sun), from him Manu, and in his race was born Arjuna Kärta virya (v. 2). The historical genealogy begins with verse 3. In Arjuna Kärta virya's race there was Choda I, who governed the country lying between the Vindhya mountain and the occan (v. 3). His birudas are enumerated in verge 4 and are: Māhishmaty-adhipa, Saubhadra, Birudankarudra, Atrêya-gotra Gandavēnda, Manniya-kehinūpäli-mpiga-vērtakära!. The title of the lord of Mahishmati 'seems to be founded only on the fact that he derived his descent from Arjuna Kärta virya. Chôda I was married to Mallămbă (v. 5). Their son was Upöndra (v. 5), of whom nothing is recorded except that his biruda was Gandavēnda (v. 8), and that his wife was Bimbămbika (v.7). From her he had a son, Choda II (v.7). In verse 8 we are told that he ruled over tlie kingdom which was given to him by his father, the honoured Ganda vēnde, the ruler of 1 [I had to make a few altonations in this and the next article and am alone responsible for thom.-EL.] See the Anittal Report on South Indian Epi raphy for 1900, p. 39, No. 211. Soo ib., p. 40, No. 280. See above, Vol. VII, p. 120. The same dinała w bottle by prince Viraparija, who is mentioned in a Telugu inscription from the Mamo Dharmalige vara teryto a Palohudhrade, dated Saku Sanavat 14)[0), and by a king Lakkaxa-Choda In an undated inscription from the same place. See Annual Report for 1000, p. 39, No. 212 aud p. 40, No. 222. Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ J56 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. Madhyadēsa. Madhyadēša is usually taken to be the name of the country lying between the Ganga and the Yamunā. It seems impossible, however, that this region should be meant by the Madhyadesa of our inscription, because we are told in verse 5 that Choda I ruled over the country between the Vindhya mountain and the ocean. For this reason Madhyadēša must be taken in a sense different from the usual one. It apparently denotes the region lying between the two rivers Godavari and Krishṇā, which by its natural condition bears a certain resemblance to the country between the Ganga and the Yamuna. In the same meaning Madhyadēša appears to have been used in two other passages. In the Pithāpuram pillar inscription of Prithvisvara, dated in Saka-Samvat 1108, the chiefs of Velanändu claim their origin from Indrasēna, whose capital is said to have been Kirtipura in Madhyadēša, (a city) that was the only receptacle of the bliss of the enjoyment of all pleasures (asesha-sukha-sambhogan bhāgadhey-aika-bhā[ja]nam | Madhyadēšë-bhavat tasya sthāna Kirtipuram mahat 1.' Since we know that the chiefs of Velanändu ruled over a tract of the Telugu country, it is highly probable that here also Madhyadēša is to be understood as the name of the country between the Gödāvari and the Krishnā. This conclusion is corroborated by verse 23 of the same inscription. There we read that the king Vēdura II won a victory over an unnamed Pāņdya king under orders of Vira-Choda, who conferred upon him, as a reward, one half of his crown and the Sindhuyugmāntara, the country between the pair of rivers.' The late Prof. Hultzsch was certainly right in identifying the pair of rivers' with the two rivers Krishna and Gödāvari. Sindhuyugmāntara, then, would be the same as Madhyadēša. The second passage occurs in a verse in Rudrabhatta's commentary on the Vaidyajīvanaf : Yatr-āgata Tryambaka parvatāch=cha Godavari sindhunadēna yukta | tatr=āsti Godātaţa-Madhyadëśë Shatkhēļakākhyam nagaraṁ suramyam | The Godātaţa-Madhyadēsa of this stunza cannot be the country between the Gangā and the Yamunā, but must be looked for in the vicinity of the Gödāvari, as the region included by the Krishņā and the Godāvari. In verse 9 we are told that Choda II set about in aid of the harassed Sultan (suraträna) of Panduva, vanquished the Emperor of Dilli (Delhi), and gave the goddess of victory together with twenty-two elephants to the king of Utkala (Orissa). The Sultan of Panduva 'is, apparently, Iliyās Khwāja Sultān, the first independent ruler of Bengal, who in 1353 A.D. transferred his capital from Gaur to Pandua in the Mälda district, and the verse of our inscription refers to the war between him and Firoz Tughlaq, the Emperor of Delhi and successor of the well-known Muhamad Tughlaq. According to Ferishta the campaign took place in 1353 A.D. which would agree well with the statement of the present inscription, that the grandfather of Choda III, whoso date was 1401 A.D., took part in the campaign against 1 Above, Vol. IV, p. 32. * See Aufrecht, Cat. Cod. Sanser. Bibl. Bodl., p. 3184. See also above, Vol. VI, p. 132, noto 8. * The town of Shatkhētaka I am unable to identify. 4 There are altogether three places of the name of Panduva. The first is a village in the Godavari distriet, situated about 40 miles to the south-west from Dakshārama (aee v. 10), butitis quite improbable that the Panduva of cur inscription should be identical with that place which apparently in early times was only a village. In bis i s' of the Antiquarian Remains in the Presidency of Matras, Vol. I, p. 39, Mr. Sowell mentions that there is a copper-plate inscription dated in Saka 1056 which records the grant of the village of Panduva, as an agrahara to certain Brahmans, by Kolani Kötappa Nayaka, lord of Sarasipura. Another Pandua is found in Bengal in the Hügli district. It is at present a village, but in ancient times it was fortified and the seat of Hindu rājā, but it never was the capital of a Mabomedan ruler (see Imperial Gazetteer of India, New od., YOL XIX, p. 394). For the third place of the name of Pandua in the Malda distriet, see ibid. p. 392. Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 25.] PANCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION. 157 the Emperor of Delhi. Of the war Ferishta gives the following account in his History of the Rise of the Mahomedan Power in India 1 : "In the year 754 (i.e. 1353 A.D.) the King (Feroze Tughlak, the successor of the well-known Mohamed Tughlak) having hunted at Kallanore, caused a palace to be built on the banks of the Soorsutty. In the month of Shuwal, of the same year, he appointed Khan Jehan to the charge of Dehly, and himself marched towards Luknowty, to subdue Hajy Elias. This chief had assumed royal honours, and the title of Sumg-ood-Deen, and had also occupied with his troops the whole of Bengal and Behar, as far as Benares. On the King's arrival in the peighbourhood of Gorukpoor, the zemindars of that place made the usual presents, and were admitted to pay their respects. The King then penetrated as far as Bundwa, one of the stations of Hajy Elias; and the latter retreated to Yekdulla, whither the King pursued him, and arrived there on the 7th of Rubbee-ool. Awul. An action ensued on the same day; but Hajy Elias having entrenched his position very strongly reduced the King to the necessity of surrounding him. The blockade continued for twenty days, when, on the 5th of Rubbee-ool-Akhir, Feroze, intending to change his ground, and to encamp on the banks of the Ganges, went out to reconnoitre. The enemy, imagining that he meditated & retreat, left their works, and drew up in order of battle. On perceiving it was the King's intention to attack them, however, they again retreated, but with such precipitation and confusion, that 44 elephants and many standards fell into the King's hand. The rainy season soon after came on with great violence; peace was concluded ; and the King returned to Delhy, without effecting his effects." The last remark leaves no doubt that Firoz Tughlaq did not succeed in subduing Iliyās Khwāja, which would be quite in harmony with the statement of the present inscription, that the Sultan of Panduva gained a victory over the Emperor of Delhi. From the inscription we may further gather that the Sultā nof Panduva W&s aided by the king of Orissa, and from the account that Chöda II gave the Sri of Victory together with twenty-two elephants to the king of Utkala ' it becomes likely that he was & Vassal of the ruler of Orissa, or a general in his army. According to verse 10, the Bhimba-linga in Daksh&rāma, the modern Dracharam in the Godavari district, four miles from Ramachandrapuram, was the idol of king Choda II. He was married to Attemāmba (v. 11). The son of Choda II was Bhima (v. 11), of whom nothing is recorded except that he was married to Lakkambă (v. 12). His son was Choda III (v. 12). In verse 16 he is said to have protected the princes of the great Shatköpa. The name of Mahā-Shatkoņa seems to be identical with Kõna-sima and Kõņa. mandala, the local designation of the Godāvari Delta. In the Nadupūru grant of Anna-Vēme dated in Saka-Samvat 1296, we find the name Kõnasthala which, according to the late Prof. Hultzsch, is the same as Kõna-mandala and Kõna-sima." From the Pithāpuram pillar inscription of Mallidēva and Manma-Satya IIo we know of a certain dynasty that ruled over the Köna-mandala. The last of the princes here mentioned is Manma-Satye II, who ruled in Saka-Samvat 1117. Since the dynasty of our inscription has no connection with that older dynasty, it seems that in the 13th century a change of dynasties - Translated by John Briggs, Vol. I, p. 448/. * Bundwa undoubtedly is the Panduva of our ingcription. Pandua is situated some twenty miles from Gaur. With regard to the name of Dakshärime, see Hultzsch's remark above, Vol. IV, No. 37, note 3, "See obove, Vol. III, p. 287. See above, Yol. III, p. 287, and Vol. IV, p. 84; also Vol. VII, p. 75. Bee above, VoL IV, p. 83. Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. took place, though the cause of it is unknown to us. Perhaps it will be best to distinguish the new dynasty from the older one by calling it the second Kona dynasty. Its pedigree according to the present inscription would be as follows: Chōda 1. m. Mallamba. Upendra m. Bimbāmbikā. Choda II. m. Attemamba. Bhima m. Lakkāmbā. Chōda III Saka-Samvat 1325. With verse 16 we come to the real purpose of the inscription. We are told (vv. 16, 18, 20) that Choda III built a gopura and laid out a grove at the eastern entrance of the Dharmalinge évara temple at Pañchadharala, the modern Pañchadharala in the Vizaga patam district. The date of this event is given twice, both times in chronograms. According to v. 18 it took place in the Saka year that is unfolded by the arrows (5), the arms (2), the Rāmas (3), and the moon (1); according to v. 20 in the Saka year counted by the arrows (5), the arms (2), the Ramas (3), and the earth (1), in the year Svabhanu, in the month of Radha, on the 6th day of the bright fortnight, on Friday. This date corresponds to A.D. 1403, April 27, Friday. TEXT. West Face. 1 श्रियमवतु गजास्य[:] श्रेयसां' 2 वी गुणानां स भुवनजननादी 3 रम्यम्रायां । चजवितु4 aufer: wig - 5 भीकुहरविहरदंभः कुंभि 6 नीशाटिकाभूत् ॥ [ १ *]2 नामेर्विष्णोरन7 for firfirengen müfrecio 1 The anusvara stands at the beginning of the next line. Motre: Malini, Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 25.] PANCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION. 159 8 तो भुवनभवन: कस्यप तस्य सूनुः । 9 भानुर्मूर्त्तित्रयमयवपुस्तमुतो10 भून्मन राडाबस्तस्यान्वयनृपमणि11 वाजुनो दुर्जनोगः ॥ [२] यवनं चक्रपा12 णेशशतभुनभवरो लीलयाभू13 यत्कारायां चिरायावसदवसर14 भागवतस्थाणशैलः । तस्य श्रीकार्तवीर्या जनधरणिपतेबंशजो नमभूभच्च16 डथोडाभिधानचिरविभवमयासिंधुविं17 ध्यांतरो/ ॥ [*] माहिमवधिप' प्रथाम18 हिमभिर्माद्यडजक्रोडया सौभद्रो बि19 रुदंकरुद्र उदयरात्रेयगोषीय- . 20 मैः । विक्रांत्यापि च गंडडडडविनदी 21 धाटीभटैम्मंनियमापाकोमुगवेंट22 कार इति तं प्रापूपुजन् भूभुजः ॥ [४*] 23 ततचोडमहीपालादजोजनदयो24 दयं । मनांबा महितोपेंद्रसु26 पेंद्रमिव सादितिः ॥ [५*]' तस्मिन्भरं जनक26 दोरवतीर्णमुर्त्या विमत्यदनव27 लविभ्रमदंसकूटे । दिकभिन: खक28 रिणीष्वरमंत्त नित्यं शेषोपि शंबरकर29 भवदिष्टभूषा ॥ [*] तस्मादुद्राहदभूदु30 दारो विबांबिकायां किल चोडभूष31: । चूडामणोचंबितपादपीठः क्रीडा32 जितारातिनराधिपानां ॥ [*]° मक्षितडवें-10 33 डमध्यदेशाधीशजमकदत्तराज्यसमधिकेन 34 । तेन किल नृपण तुप्तचातुर्बममर35 तरुवितीर्णिमपजहास ॥ [*]" एक चिच. IRead कश्यप . Mandakramta. - Read भागवत • Sargdhara. • Read °धिप: • Sarailarikridita. Anushtubh. • Vasantatilaka. • Indrarayra 10 The anusvara stands at the beginning of the next line. - [Afaveladi, a variety of Otti usually employed in Telugu verso.-O. R. K, CH.] Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA (VOL. XIX. 36 मिदं तु पंज्डवसुराणार्तसेना37 परित्राणार्थं प्रतिगम्य बाहुवि38 भवैर्निजित्य डिजीपतिं । हाविंश South Face. 39 त्यरुदंत्तिभिस्मममदाजे-1 -10 हिरामुल्कळक्षोणीशाय स 41 भूपति: सुरवरलोभ्यस्तुक12 कानपि ।। [e*] दैवं दामारामभीमे43 शलिंग्गस्तोयं गोदा यूपसंबा14 धरोधाः । कीर्तीः शुहा सप्तसत्तानसि45 हा चोडेंद्रस्य श्रीरपि श्रोविधात्री ॥ [१.*] 46 तस्मादसूतात्मजमत्तेमाबिका चं.47 ट्रं द्वितीयेव विपश्चिदर्चितं । एष 18 विषा भीम इति हिषां रणे पित्रैव 49 भीमः क्रियते स्म नामतः ॥ [११] भोमचो50 णिभुजो भुजोर्जितजयादागामिभ51 द्रोदयक्रीडं चोडकुमारमात्मत52 नयं प्रापोत्परंत्रीमणी । सा र. 53 बाकरमेखला वसुमती गुीं यथा5.1 ऑगमं लक्कांब्बा ललितोदये विरचि55 ते पुण्यग्रहै: पंचभिः ॥ [१२] चोरपाले 56 तस्मिन् लोकनुतां भजति राजहं57 सविभूतिं । कुवलयतलमपि विकस58 कमलाकरतामुपैति सततामोदं 59 ॥ [१३*]° तर्कषु धर्मेषु जनावनेषु माकंट60 कानां परिमईनेषु । चोडेंद्रमाथि61 त्य चिरं चतस्रः स्वार्थं भजत्ते भु62 वि राजविद्याः ॥ [१४*]" दानं दीनजनप्सिता प्रामोसुमतीय वि The armsára stands at the beginning of the next lino, * Sard idlavikridika - Read कौनिः. Sulini. Here for the sake of metro the vowele is to be treated as short. Telugu recognigos a slutt - Ed • The anuntura stands at the beginning of the next line. Indrarajra. • Sardilavikridita. •Aryigiti. 10 Indrarajra. Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 25.] . PANCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION 161 68 दतिशयचीदं गुणासंकता कीर्ति64 व्यस्य सरखती सहचरी सौंदर्य65 माहितं । तेजो विक्रमविश्रुतं रिपु66 मनोगन ध्धकारापहं धर्माचोड67 तृपस्य तस्य धरणावाकल्पमुज़ुभता ॥ [१५*]' 68 श्रोमचोडवृपः स पालितमहाषट्कोण. 69 भूमीखरो लोकोदंचितपंचधार70 नगरीधम्मैश्वरप्रीतये । पूर्वहा71 रि विराजितं विससितैरास्थापय72 होपुरं द्रष्टुं गोपुरयोषिता73 मिव नवक्रीडाद्रिमिष्टोत्सवान् ॥ [१] यत्रो. 7. जिंता: पणजंबिकनाळिकररंभा75 रसाळतरवो नृपचोडनाना । दातु76 त्वमस्य परिचेतुमिवावतीः कल्प?77 माः पुरवने विलसत्ति पंच ॥ [१७*]. ___East Face. 78 सशरभुजरामचंद्रप्रसरे शाके 79 निजीजसीव विरचितं । चोडेश्व80 रेल सवनं गोपुरमाचंद्रमादिने81 ट्रं जयतात् । [१८] लिंग: पंचशतैः 82 सदा परिहती नागेंद्रीलालयः 83 संसिध्या वरसिद्धलिंग्ग पति यः 8+ पूबैं: पुरा भाष्यते । पश्चात्यांण्डव85 भक्तवत्सलतया धर्मेश त्यागमैः 86 सीयं रक्षतु चोडभूपमनिशं 87 श्रीराजराजेश्वरः ॥ [१८] माकाब्दे पर 88 बारामवसुधासंख्ये स्वभा 89 न्वन्दके राधे षष्टदिने सितेप्युशनसो - 90 वारे वरं गोपुरं । सारामं प्रकI Read °मुख भता. * Särdülavikridita. Sarduiarskriduta. • Vasantatilaka. 'गोपुरमाचंद्रमा is corrected from गोपुरं संद्रमा. The anusvåra stands at the beginning of the next line Arydgili. • Read सिव • Strdülavikridita. Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 162 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 91 ¿ afafgafat etwat92 T BUI TE' foftgar93 Fünfarin 11 [R ] 1917 R !! TRANSLATION." (Verse 1.) May the Elephant-faced (Ganēša) increase the splendour of your excellent qualities: he whose playing ball in the beginning of the creation of the world was the pleasant dwelling-place of the gods, while his majesty was praised by Brahman, the water moving in the cavity of whose (Ganēśa's) navel became the garment of the earth. (V. 2.) From Vishnu's navel Brahmi was born. His son was Marichi. His son was Kasynpa, the origin of beings. His son was Bhānu (the Sun), whose body consists of the three forins. His son was Manu, the first king. A jewel among the princes of his race was Arjuna, terrible to evil-doers. (V. 3.) Born in the race of the glorious king Arjuna-Kärta virya, --in whose prison he (Rāvana) who had uplifted the mountain of Sthāņu (Siva) lived long, waiting his time, through the sport of the wielder of the diso (Vishnu) his realm had been conferred as a boon on the thousand armed one5-king called Choda, to whom the crests of kings bowed down, ruled with longlasting power the country between the ocean and the Vindhya. (V. 4.) On account of the greatness of (his) fame the kinga honoured him as Māhishmaty. adhipa', on account of the sport of (his) proud arm 88 Saubhadra ', for his accomplishment as Birudankarudra', on account of (his) self-control as Atriya-gotra, on account of (his) valour as having the biruda Gandavenda', on account of (his) warriors as . Mamniya-kshmäpāļimpigi-vēntakāra. (V.5.) To that king Choda, Mallamba bore the honoured Upondra, the origin of fame, as Aditi (bore) Upēndra (Vishnu). (V. 6.) While he, in whose shoulder there was no small strength, bore the burden of the earth descended from his father's arms, the elephants of the quarters were unceasingly sporting with their females and Sesha was a favourite ornament in Siva's hand. .(V. 7.) From that Upendra was born to Bimbămbikā the august prince Choda, whose foot-stool was kissed by the crest-jewels of the hostile princes, vanquished (by him) in sport. 1 Sirdalavikridita. [In some places it bas become too literal.-Ed.] 3 Kuyapa had numerous wives and for this reason a very large and heterogeneous progeny : deities, demons, werpents, birds, reptilow, in tine, all sorts of animated beings. Henso be is called sometimes Prajapati : see Vishnupuripa, transl. by Wilson, p. 122 %. . Trimirti is an epithet of the Sun: ef. Homadri (Bibl. Ind.) 1.611.9 ; 823:6; 23.126.11; the same senso bas trayimaya in Ruyyaka's Alankarasarousva (Kuoyamila, No. 35), p. 99. See slao Hopkins, Phe Religion of India, p. 446 %. .I take the compound T AYTMUT: a ny ie : The verso refers to the well-known le ronds of Ravana's lifting the Kailasa on bis march to attack Indra and his capture by Arjana-Kirtavirys but the foature alluded to in the first poda does not seem to ooour in other versions of the story. The first pida sooms to imply that this (i.6. Arjuna-Kirtavirya's) realm had been conferred on him by the sport of Visbyu as boon for his one thousand arms, though he is said to have got various boons from Dattatreys.Ed.) . Both the elephants aud a wore roloased from their dutier, for Upendra aeted as Ibaptila and Chadara. Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 25.] PANCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION. 163 (V. 8.) Being satisfied by the king who was great on account of the kingdom given (to him) by his father, the honoured Gandavenda, the ruler of Madhyadesa, the four castes laughed at the gift of the celestial tree. (V. 9.) But this was an unique (and) wonderful (deed): having set out to protect the harassed army of the Sultan of Panduva, and having by the strength of (his) arm completely vanquished the ruler of pilli, that king gave the goddess of victory together with twenty-two great elephants to the king of Utkala, and the Turks to the excellent damsels of the gods.1 (V. 10.) King Choda's idol (was) the Bhimesa-linga at Däkshärāma, his bathing-place, (was) the Göda, the banks of which were beset. with sacrificial stakes, his pure fame (was) complete through the seven samtanas and his Sri (was) the distributer of happiness. (V. 11.) From him Attemämbika bore a son, praised by the wise, as the second day of the bright fortnight (bears) the moon; he was called Bhima by (his) father (because he said to himself): "he will be terrible in battle by (his) wrath to (his) enemies ". (V. 12.) From king Bhima who had gained victories by (his) arm, Lakkamba (whose girdle was set with many gems), the jewel among women, obtained as a son prince Choda who (was to exhibit) in future without effort the display of fortune, as the heavy earth, whose girdle are the oceans, (obtains) the growth of treasures, a happy conjuncture having been effected by the five auspicious planets. (V. 13.) While this king Chōda displayed the splendour of a rajahamsa praised by the world, the surtace of the earth became an ever-blossoming lotus-field (and obtained) perpetual joy. (V. 14.) In reasoning, in (fullling) religious duties, in helping the people, in destroying the enemies of the country, the four royal sciences, after they have attached themselves to king Choda, at last attain to their real purpose on the earth. (V. 15.) Let the law of this king Chōda expand on the earth until (the end of) the kalpa-(of this king), whose liberality granted more wealth than the miserable ones had asked for, whose glory was adorned with virtues, whose companion was Sarasvati, whose beauty was honoured by the noble ones, whose splendour, famous through his valour, took away the darkness of pride in the minds of (his) enemies. (V. 16.) To the delight of (god) Dharmeévara in the town of Pañchadhara (of Dharměsvara) renowned in the worlds, the glorious king Choda, by whom the princes of the great Shatkoṇa-land are protected, had a gopura (gate-way) erected at the eastern entrance (of the temple), brilliant by its charms, a new pleasure-hill, as it were, for the damsels in heaven, to behold (from there) the charming festivals (in the temple). (V. 17.) In the park of the town where the bread-fruit, the jambila, the cocoa-nut, the plantain, and the mango-trees nursed by him, who bears the name of king Chōda, are flourishing as if the five wish-giving trees had descended (from heaven) to witness his liberality. 1 L.e., he killed them. Göda is an abbreviation of Godavari, cf. e.g., Hömachandra's Abhidhanachintamani 1084, Raghuvamsa XIII, 35 (anu-Godam), and the verse in Rudrabhatta's commentary on the Vaidyajivana, quoted above The seven samtanas or samtalis are enumerated above, Vol. VI, p. 119, v. 15. Dvitiya is the second day of the bright fortnight. See e.g. Rainavali, act II. eding faracesafqani fa afaâaaraddad each feet fa infefeng wet difer पिश्रव । Jambula is jambú or the rose-apple'. r 2 Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 164 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX = (V. 18.) This gopura erected by king Choda in the Saka year that is unfolded by the arrows (5), the arms (2), the Rāmas (3), and the Moon (1), and for this reason), as it were, in its innate strength, (the displaying of which is like that of Ramachandra in whose arms there are arrows), shall flourish, together with the park, as long as the moon and the sun will last. (V. 19.) May this holy Rajarajesvara, who, always surrounded by five hundred lingas, is dwelling on Mount Nāgēndra, who by the ancients was formerly called Varasiddhalinga on account of his (granting) successes, (but) according to tradition later on Dharmēba on account of his being gracious to the faithful Pāņda vas,' always protect king Choda. (V. 20.) Let this excellent gopura publicly established together with a grove by the glorious king Choda in the Saka-year counted by the arrows (5), the arms (2), the Rāmas (3), and the earth (1) in the year Swabhānu, in the month of) Rādha, on the sixth bright day, on Friday, endure as long as the moon and the sun, for the repose of Pārvati and Dharmēša. (Line 93.) Twenty verses. No. 26. -THE PANCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION OF THE EASTERN CHALUKYA KING VISVESVARA; SAKA-SAMVAT 1329. BY J. NOBEL, PH.D., BERLIN UNIVERSITY, Two inked estampages of this inscription were supplied to me by the late Mr. Venkayya through Prof. Lüders. The inscription is engraved on three faces of a pillar in the kalyāna. mandapa in the Dharmalingēsvara temple at Panchadhārala in the Vizagapatam district. The name of the engraver is Dēvächāri. The characters are Telugu not differing from those of the pillar inscription of King Chöda III of the Köna dynasty, dated in Saka-Samvat 1325 which has been published above. The following peculiarities, however, may be noted. The remark about the combinations ttha, ddha, and stha does not hold good for the present inscription. In the former, da and dha, i and i could clearly be distinguished, in the latter, they are constantly mixed up. The language is Sanskrit verse throughout; only at the beginning and the end there is some prose. In the beginning we have Sri-Visvēsvarāya namah, which is an invocation to Siva, the illustrious lord of the universe. At the end comes the passage Hari-Hara Hiranyagar. bha(a)bhyo namah which means adoration to Vishnu, Siva and Brahma', and is followed by the name of the engraver Dēvācbāri, written in Telugu as Dévāchāri-likhitamu. The style is very similar to that of the foregoing inscription, from which one verse (v. 25) has been borrowed almost verbally. This is not surprising if we bear in mind that the former inscription is but four years older than the present. There can be little doubt that both originated from the same author. 1 The word prasara, not found elsewhere at the end of a chronogram, seems to have been used on account of the flesha ; it means : development, development of power, power. * With regard to the term bhaklavataala, of. Bilhana's Vikramantaddvacharita-II, 50. भलं चुलक्यचितिपालमखन अमेश विश्राम्य तु कर्क तपः । कमप्यपूर्व त्वयि पार्वतीपतिः प्रसादमारीइति मन्तवत्सलः ॥ "Away with mortification, thou ornament of the Chulukys princes, let cease the herd austerity, PårTati's husband, gracious to the faithful, will bestow an unheard of favour on you." Cf. alao Malabh. I. 188, 28. $ Supra pp. 155 ff. Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 26.] PANCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION 165 In regard to orthography, it may be stated that after anusvāra and ra the doubling of consonants, unlike the preceding record, has not often been resorted to. The visarga, further more, is sometimes to be found where it is out of place (see vv. 19, 22, 25). Taking in view that it stands at the end of a verse, and once (v. 19) before & cæsura, we may take it as some sort of hyphen. The proper object of the inscription is to record that the Eastern Chalukya king Visvēsvara erected a mandapa for the kalyāna festivals of the god Dharmēsa of Panchadhārala in Saka-Samvat 1329, and that he set up an idol of Vishnu in the Upēndravar-āgrahāra built by himself. After an invocation of Ganesa (v. 1) the inscription opens with some mythical ancestors of the Chalukyas. From Vishnu's navel sprang Brahmă; he had & son Atri, from whose eyes the Moon arose. His eldest son was Budha. His son was Pururavas, and one of his descendants was Pandu (v. 2). His son was Arjuna (v. 3), his son Abhimanyu, his son Parikshit, his son Janamējaya (v.4). From his race descended Vishnuvardhana (v. 5) with whom we come to the historical ancestors of Visvökvara. Vishnuvardhana is said to have practised the life of an ascetic on the Chalukya mountain which I am unable to identify. It is also mentioned in the Korumelli plates of the Eastern Chalukya Mahārājādhiraja Rajaraja I Vishnuvardhana and also in & grant of Vira-Choda. In Vishnuvardhana's race was born Chalukya-Bhimõbvara [1] (v. 6). We are told that the Siva temple Kumārārāma, being largely enriched with treasures by this king, was called after him Chalukya-Bhimēša. This temple is to be found even at the present time at Bhimavaram near Cocanada in the Godāvari district. In other inscriptions this town is called Chalukyabhimēsvara-pura, Chalukyabhima-nagari, or Chālukyabhima-pura. That in former times the temple was named Kumārārāma we may gather from some unedited inscriptions where the town Bhimapuram is called Kumārārāma or Skandārāma. In the Pithāpuram pillar inscription of Mallapadēva, dated Saks-Samvat 1124, we are told, in contradiction to the passage in the present inscription, that Chalukya-Bhima [I] himself founded the Siva temple, called after his own name Chalukya-Bhimēsvars. But there is no doubt that the account of the new inscription corresponds with the real fact. From Chalukya-Bhima's race originated king Vimalăditya, who is said to have ruled over the land lying between the Vindhya mountain and the sea (v. 7). The same is recorded of the Köna king Choda [I] in the Pañchadhárala pillar inscription (v. 3), noticed above. Of course, they were princes who ruled over a small part of that country. The son of Vimalāditya Was Rajamahöndra, called Räjarājs [I] in other inscriptions.8 After him a town on the Godāvarl is named Rājamahöndra (v. 8), which is identical with the modern Rajahmundry. 1 Ind. Ant., Vol. XIV, p. 51, L. 25. * South Indian Inscriptions, VOL I, p. 53, 1. 22. . He is also called Dröharjuna (Ibid., Vol. I, pp. 32, 38, 42). See above, Vol. IV, p. 227. See above, Vol. IV, p. 227. See ibid. He was married to Kundavā, the younger sister of the Chola king) Rajendra-Chola (I) and daughter of the (Chöļa king) Rajaraja [I] of the solar race. See Ind. Ant., VOL XIV, p. 50; Ep. Ind., VOL. IV, p. 302; VI, p. 350. . See e.g., Ind. Ant., Vol. XIV, p. 50. See also above, VOL V, p. 58, 1. 23-Rajamahendranämälmni) rajadhani. The town is called Raju. mahendra-nagari, above, Vol. IV, p. 323, 1. 33 ; Rajamahöndra-nagara, Vol. IV, p. 324, I. 42, VoL V, p. 58, L 27 and Bājamshendra-pattana, YOL V, p. 32, v. 4. Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. Rajamahendra's son was Kulottunga-Choda (I). In verse 9 we are told, "that he played with his majesty on the summits of the Sandal-Mountain, and against the horrible Pandya". As may be concluded from the Tamil inscriptions of this king, the name Malayachala (=Chandanachala) refers to the territory of the Chera king, generally called Malai-nadu. The modern designation of Malaya (or Malakōṭṭa) is Malabar. In this country, too, dwelt the five Pandyas. Kulottunga-Choda's victory over the Pandya princes and king Chera is very often mentioned in the Tamil inscriptions. In the same verse the king is called Kosarin, an abbreviated form of Kesarivarman or Rajakōsarivarman of other inscriptions. So far we had to deal with princes, already known from other inscriptions. The remaining verses introduce new kings. From Kulottunga-Choda's lineage arose Vijayaditya (v. 10), who was married to Chandāmbika (v. 11). His son was Mallapadova (I) whose biruda was Sarvalōkasraya (v. 11). His wife was Lakshmi (v. 12). From her he got a son, Upendra (1) who, as verse 12 seems to hint, bore the two surnames Karavalabhairava and Dharanivaraha. He was married to Gangamba (v. 13). Upendra's son was Mallapadova (II) (v. 13), who was married to Chōdämbikā (v. 14). She bore him Upendra (II) whose biruda was Rajasekhara. He is said to have founded the town Chodamalla in honour of his parents (v. 14). His wife was Mallambika (v. 15) and his son was Koppa with the surname Paragandabhairava (v. 15). He was married to Gangamamba (v. 16). Köppa's son was Upendra (III) who bore the biruda Rajanarayana (v. 16). His wife was Bimbămbā (v. 17). From him originated Manum-Opendra (IV) (v. 17), to whose praise five verses (17-21) are devoted. He bore the three birudas Rajasekhara, Sarvajña, and Samkara (v. 20). His wife was Lakkambika (v. 22). The son of Manum-Opendra (IV) was Visvesvara, also named Viśvanatha (v. 1), Viśvabhumisvara (v. 26), Visvadharanibhartri (v. 28), Viśvanripa (v. 29), and Viśvēsa (v. 30). The record of his deeds must be considered the chief object of the present inscription. From verse 23 we learn that his biruda was 'Sarvalōkāśraya', verse 29 mentions another, viz., 'Rayagandagopala', and verse 30 a third one, i.e., Dharanivaraha'. A historical fact is reported in verse 24. We are told that in the year which is counted after the gatis (5), the arms (2), the saktis (3), and the earth (1), and which is called Chitrabhānu (Saka-Samvat 1325), king Visvesvara overcame the Andhra army in the sphere of Sarvasiddhi, which town lies seven miles south-west to Pañchadharala. We do not know, however, the near circumstances of this event. Verse 26 records the erection of a mandapa for the success of the kalyana-festivals of the god Dharmesa of Pañchadharala. According to Kittel's Kannada-English Dictionary, kalyana is a 'festival' and especially a 'marriage'. This last meaning the word must have in the present inscription; for the god Dharmesa is called 'pratyabdam parinetri', 'he, who marries every year'. This marriage, certainly, was every year celebrated in this mandapa. Verse 28 furnishes us with the exact date of this mandapa: it was erected in the year, counting after the nine (9), the arms (2), the Rämas (3), and the moon (1), i.e. 1329 of the Saka era in the month of Suchi (Jyesatha), on the seventh bright day, and Sunday. This corre sponds to Sunday, the 12th June A.D. 1407. The last verse (30) records that Visvesvara set up an idol of the god Vishnu in the Upondravar-agrahara, built by himself, and probably called after his father's name. Bee South-Indian Inscriptions, Vol. II, p. 2, 236. [This statement is incorrect.-Ed.] See ibid., Vol. II, passim. [Kalyana-mandapas are meant for such marriages of gods and goddesses,-Ed.] Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 96.] PANCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION. 167 The pedigree of the new princes may be represented thus : Vijayāditya m. Chandāmbikā. Mallapadēva I. m. Lakshml. Upēndra I. m. Gangåmba. Malapadēva II. m. Chodámbika Upendra II. m. Mallambika Koppe m. Garigamamba. Upandra III. m. Bimbamba Manum-Opēndra IV. m. Lakkāmbika. Vilvēśvara. TEXT.1 [Metres : vv. 1 and 17, Mandäkrāntā; vv. 2, 6, 23 and 25 to 28, Sārdülavikridita ; vv. 3 and 30, Indravansa vv.4,6,8, 14 and 18,Upajami w.7,9,13, 16, 20 and 21, Anualyubh , vv. 10,24 and 29, GHE%Bvv. 11, 16, 19 and 22, Indravajrd; and v. 12, Praharshini.] South Facs. 1 विवेवराय नमः ।। 2 श्रीसंह[हिं] चिरमुबत3 रा श्रेयसां स प्रतन्याचाकु4. क्यानां कुलदिनरवेबिश्वनाधस्व रा. bः ॥) माचादर्थ जनकथिरसबंदखी 6 7 युंखन् यस्तारिवं विदधदिव संपू. 7 मारते गजास्यः । १ । विणो मिसरोक8 सादुभवमा तदामोडवोप्यविस्तब9 यनोदितः समपरस्तस्वानसूनुर्बुदः । 10 तत्युषः . पुरुरवा रधरवानावसFrom ink-improwions. Read more • Rand jष: • Rond पर Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VoL.xIx. 11 नाहितस्तस्येषु गतेषु पांडुरजनि मा. 12 पालचूडामणिः । २ । तस्वात्मजोभूदरिम13 नोर्जुनः कोदंडदंडातितुष्टशबरः । 14 संप्राप्तवान् पाण्पताखमीश्वरात को नाम 16 तेनोपमितो गरेश्वरः । ३ । तस्वाभिमन्युस्तन16 यस्तदात्मनः परिचिदामोदध सस्व नंदनः । लो17 केषु रेजे जनमेजयस्ततः ते बळावेंधव18 जैः समः ।४। तदन्वयेलायत विष्णुवई19 नः संबईनो राजकुलस्व संत्ततेः । चक्राले 20 तपमा भिनंहितैर्दुर्गाचुतायः छतविक्रम21 स्ततः ।।। आसीदिंडुकुलामणोजनपति: बालक्कभी22 मेश्वरस्तस्य चाचपवित्रवपदवीहत्तं विचित्र भु28 वि । तेनैवार्पितवैभवात् खलु सदा चाकुक्यभीमेश्य इत्याख्या24 मापदपूर्विकामित कुमारारामभीमेश्वरः । । । तई. 25 यो विमखादित्वी दिवपत्यारिविक्रमः । अथास यश26 सा सांद्रा विद्यसिंतरां दरा' । । तदात्मजो 27 रानरेंद्रभूवरी भूत्वाभवद्राजमहेंद्र28 नामकः । तदाख्यया राजमहेंद्रसंजक" रम्य 29 प्र" रापति गौतमीतटे । ८ । तस्य पुत्रः कुलोत्तुंगा30 चीडबिक्रीड तेजसा । चंहनाचलम्गेषु चंपां31 पेच कसरी । ८ । दरणी"शस्तस्य कुले सकरजपत्रानुरा32 गतात्पर्या[*] । उदयादिवसहचा विजयादिवाभि33 दानपभुरभवत्" । १.। चंदाविकायां नित: स 34 तस्माद्राजार्थितो मापदेवभूपः । यः सबलो. 35 काश्रयता प्रपेदे मारमाः पिभिव वर्मः । ११ । 1 Read °दासौदच. * Read Tat The anusvåra stands at the beginning of the next line. • Read सभे. • Read वन: संबईनो. • Read तपसामि. • Read : Rend पतिवादुका • Read विध्यसिध्वंतरा. • Read धरी. WRnd रामनरेंद्र 1 Rend मंजक. 13 The anusvara stands at the beginning of the next line. 15 Read gr. " Rerd परलो. " Read 'सहची. " Read °मिधानप्र. Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No.26.] - PANCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION. 169 36 समीमपनृपयोरुपेंद्रभूपः सन्पुत्रो निखि37 लमवन् दिरेव भैजे । शत्रूणां युधि करवालभै. 38 रवत्वं मित्राणामपि दरणीवराहकल्पं । १२ । 39 तस्याहंगांवया लब्द:(ब:) सूनुमनपदेवकः । कं-- 40 भिकर्मकुमुत्कोलभारं भूमे भार सः । १३ । 41 चोडांबिकामापदेवयोः सुतः संरा(समा) डुपेंद्रो42 जनि राजशेखरः । चकार पित्रोः परितृप्तये पुरं स 43 चोडमला(ला)यमग्रहारकं । १४ । मला'44 विकायामुदभूदुपेंद्रात् कोप्पक्षितीशः प. 45 रगंडभैरवः । विद्याश्चतस्रो धरणीपतीनां स्वा46 तं दधुस्तेन् विनीतवृत्तिना । १५ । East Face. 47 उपेंद्रो गंग्गमांबायां 48 कोप्पभूपादजायत । स तु वि. 49 वेब(भ)रत्वेन् राजनारायणोभ50 वत् । १५ । बिब्बांब्बायामजनि 51 मजनि' मनुमोपेंद्रभूपोप्यु - 52 द्रात् को वा तुल्यो जगति विधुषा तेन 53 राजाञ्चितेन । क्षात्र धर्मा विनय [द]54 तेनूपदाने च दाने श्रौतस्मातस्प55 शि च सरणौ शाश्वते शैवतंत्रे 56 । १७ । उपेंद्रभूपन शिवार्चनायो। 57 प्रभूतदीपत्वमुपेत्य पावकः । 58 सुपात्रसुनेहमरेण तृप्तो हु. 59 तं कथंचिद्भजते च यज्वनां । १८ । 60 तेनाभिषिक्तास्य शिवस्य मू:13 पं 1 Read सरपुची. ___ Read हिरव. • Read धरणी. • The ansvara stands at the beginning of the next line. • Read स्वार्थ • Read "म. This fufa must be dropped. • Read °मोपेंद्रभूपोप्यु. The anuvara stands at the beginning of the next line. • Read विदुषा. 10 भूपदाने metri causa for °नुपदाने? il The anus vara stands at the beginning of the next line 13 Read . " Bend मूर्य: Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 170 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vor.xIx. 3 61 चामृतनिकितः फणासु । पूतो भ. 62 भूवेत्वनुमीयतेसौः शेषो हिजिको63 पि विषाननोपिः । १८ । हैवोपें64 द्रभूभ सारूप्यपदभाजनं । रा65 जशेखरसर्वशंकरत्वमदाडवः 66 । २० । शस्तीपेंद्रनृपो यनः 'शतेना67 पि सुदुर्लभं । शंभोरवाप सायु68 ज्यं शैवदीचायतीत्सवैः । २१ । सबांबि69 कोपेंद्रमहौययोरभूविश्वेश्वरो 70 विश्वगुणोर्जितः सुतः । तेनान्वयावु71 व्य(ब)लितावदीव्यतां द्यावापृथिव्यावि72 व तीव्रभानुनाः । २२ । शंभोौळिवि73 भूषणं कुलपतिः श्रीलं चिवर्गोचितं की. 74 तिचंदनचचिका दशदियां तेजोपि नीराज75 ना । विद्यासीन्नि विहारशर्म विपदं य. 76 सर्वलोकाश्रयो धीमत्तः किमिव स्तुवं. 77 ति ननु तं चाकुक्यविश्वेश्वरं । २३ । बति78 बायतिभूमितिमपि गण्यत्सर्व79 सिध्धि(वि)पथभग्नं । सति चित्रमानुसाधिषि 80 दरणीवराहाददावदंद्रबलं । २४ । 81 लिंग्गैः पंचशतैः कुबेररचितः प्रा. 82 ग्राजराजेश्वरः संसिध्या वरशिवलिंग 83 इति यः पूर्वागमः मृतः । पञ्चा84 त्यांवभक्तवत्सलतया धर्मेश इत्य85 जितो नागेंधा चलमंदिरः सदवनैः शं.' 86 भुः समुभतेः(त) । North Face. 87 तस्योदंश्चितपंचदारनगरोधर्मेश्वर[स्यो]88 जिंतं प्रत्यब्दं परिणेतुरोपितुरिदं सं[जा] I Read बमूल्यनुमीयतेसो. [यातिन would be a better rending.-Rd.] • Read धरणीवराहादचापदाचवलं. • Read नागेंद्रा • Read पवधार. IRend विधाममोपि. • Rend सौवभानुना. • Readसिया. Read refer • The anwära stands at the beginning of the next line. Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 26.] PÁNCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION. 171 89 ततोभुवः । कस्यापोत्सवमंडपं सवि. 90 भवं द्वाकल्पयाशिमान् चाकुक्वान्द. 91 यविष्णुवहन कुलश्रीविश्वभूमोश्वरः । 92 २६ । पत्याद्रेरिव कुतमंगळचतुःमा93 ले परिभाजिते कल्याणोत्सवमंडपे विरचि 94 ते विश्वेश्वरोबोभुजा । दिव्यामोदिनि राजरा. 95 जविनुते वृध्मश्रवोविश्रुते पावत्या सह 96 पंचदारनगरीधर्मेश्वरो राजते । २० । 97 माकाग्दे नवबाहुरामाशिसंख्या98 ते शुचौ भासिते सप्तम्यामिनवारभा99 जि महितः संस्तापितो मंडपः । कल्या. 100 गोमवसिध्तये' सविभवः श्रीपंचधारापु101 रीधर्मेयस्य चम्क्यविश्वधरणीभर्चा वि. 102 चित्रास्पदं । २८ । किं च तदुत्तरदिक्स[मु. 103 दंचितसालं विशालमुत्तालं । प्राकल्प104 यदाकल्पं विश्वनृपो रायगंडगो105 पालः । २८ । विष्णुप्रतिष्टा(ठा)मक106 रोमसौदा(धां) विश्वेशभूपो धरणीवरा. 107 हः । खापादितोपेंद्रवराग्रहार ष108 वर्मभिस्तृप्तमरुबिहार । १० । हरिह. 109 रहिरण्यगर्भभ्यो नमः । श्री श्री श्री 110 देवाचारिलिकितमु [1] TRANSLATION.11 Line 1. Salutation to (the) Blessed (god) Visvāsvara. (Verse 1.) May He for a long time exceedingly advance the progress of the fortune o king Visvanātha (Visvēsvara), the sun of the race of the Chāļukyas, (he) the Elephant-facert (Ganēsa), who combining his mother's (Pārvati's) mirror with the half-moon on his father's (Siva's) head is making full, as it were, that disc of the moon. (V. 2.) From Vishnu's navel-lotus originated Brahmã whose son was Atri. From Atri's eyes arose the Moon whose eldest son was Budha. His son (was) Purüratas, whose enemies I Read प्राकल्पयाक्रिश्चिा . • Read rr. - Rend °सिवय. • Read हिरण्यगर्भम्यो. - Read विधवईन. • Readप्त • Road पंचधार. • Rend संस्थापितो. • The letter w looks somewhat liko.. 10 Read लिखितमु. "[See t.n.200 p. 182.-Ed.] Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 172 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, [VOL. XIX. were afflicted and destroyed by the mere hearing of the noise of his chariot. When his descendants had passed away, Pandu the crest-jewel of kings was born. (V. 3.) His son was Arjuna, the destroyer of his enemies, who pleased Sambhu (Śiva) by striking him with his bow-staff. Which king has been compared with him who received from che Lord (Siva) the Păśupata missile ? (V. 4.) His son was Abhimanyu, who had Parikshit for his son. His son was Janamējaya who shone in the world in the Kali age, which was purified by the descendants of the Lunar race. (V. 5.) In his family was born Vishnuvardhana who promoted the (uninterrupted) line of the royal family, to whom power was given by the deities) Durgā, Achyuta (Vishņu) and others, because they rejoiced over his ascetic life on the Chalukya-mountain. (V. 6.) The most excellent prince of the Lunar race was Chalukya-Bhimēśvara. His following of Siva's doctrine purified by his qualification as a Kshatriya was famous in the world. (Siva here worshipped as) Kumārārāma-Bhimēśvara got, indeed, & new name of ChālukyaBhimēsa (after him), on account of the riches he always bestowed on Him. (V. 7.) His descendant Vimalāditya, whose valour was like that of the enemy of Diti's sons (Vishnu), ruled the earth (lying) between the Vindhya mountain and the sea, and densely filled up by his fame. (V. 8.) His son was king Rājanarēndra, (who) on account of (his) glory was called Rāja-mahēndra. With his name glitters the lovely town of Rājamahēndra on the bank of the Gautami (Godāvari). (V. 9.) His son Kulottunga-Choda, Kēsari (Räjakēsarivarman), played by means of his majesty (i.e., glory) on the summits of the Sandal-mountain (Malaya) and against the horrible Pandya. (V. 10.) In his family was born a king whose name was Vijayāditya. Because of the lotus. like red colour of his finger-nails (karaja), he resembled the rising sun who has the redness of the lotus which is caused by his rays (karaja). (V. 11.) From him Chardānhbikā bore king Mallapadēva who was honoured by princes and was the refuge of the whole world, because he satisfied men, gods, and his ancestors. (V. 12.) Lakshmi's and king Mallapa's good son, prince Upēndra, attained, when govern. ing the universe (these) two things) : the state of being Karavālabhairava' (ie, terrible on account of his sword) in battles with the enemies, and similarity with Dharanivarāha '' in the case of his friends. (V. 13.) His son king Mallapa, begotten by him on Gamgāmbă, bore the burden of the earth, (otherwise borne) by the elephants, the Tortoise, the mountains, and the Boar. (V. 14.) From Chôdāmbikā and king Mallapa was born the emperor Upāndra, the crestjewel of kings. For the gratification of his parents he built as an agrahāra the town named Chodamalla. (V. 15.) Mallămbikā bore from Upēndra king Koppa alias Paragandabhairava. The four royal sciences attained their proper aim through him whose character was neble. (V. 16.) Gamgamāṁbā bore Upēndra from king Koppa. Because of his sustaining the (whole) world, he became Rājanārāyana. (as a liva.-Ed.] * dvir is used instead of duyum. * The biruda Dharaņivaráha was borne by king Visvēśvara, as may be concluded from . 24 * Probably, Rajasekhara was a biruda of Upendra. Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 26.] PANCHADHARALA PILLAR INSCRIPTION. (V. 17.) Bimbamba bore from Upendra king Manum-Opemdra. Who in this world will equal that scholar, honoured by princes, in the dharma relating to the Kshatriya-tribe, known by 'discipline, in charity devoid of corruption, in the knowledge of the Veda and the tradition, and in the eternal Siva-doctrine ? 173 (V. 18.) The fire which in the worship of Siva performed by Upendra assumed the form of many lamps, and which was satisfied by plenty of good vessels with good oil, cared but little for the sacrificial offerings of priests. (V. 19.) From the fact that the five nectarian substancess dropped on the hoods (of Sesha) from Siva's head, besprinkled by him (Upendra), it is concluded, that the serpent Sesha became pure, though he has two tongues (and) carries poison in his mouth. (V. 20.) Already in this life Bhava (Siva) gave to king Upendra the state of being Rajasekhara, Sarvajña and Samkara- Upendra who was the receptacle of the condition of assimilation to the deity." (V. 21.) The famous king Upendra got, by feasts in which there were a hundred of Sivadikshas, union with Sambhu (Siva), very difficult to get even by one hundred of Vedic sacrifices. (V. 22.) The son of Lakkambika and king Upendra was Visvesvara endowed with all the virtues. Through him shone the two excellent families (of father and mother), as do the heaven and the earth through the powerful sun. (V. 23.) Because his first ancestor was Sambhu's (Siva's) crest ornament (the moon), (because) his behaviour was in accordance with the three vargas (dharma, artha, kama), (because) his fame was the sandal-ointment of the ten regions, (because) his majestic lustre was a waving light (of the ten regions), (because) it was his pleasure to divert himself in the region of knowledge, (because) his biruda was Sarvalōkāáraya-can the wise ones adequately praise that Chalukya Viśvēśvara ? (V. 24.) The army of the Andhras defeated in the region (the town) of Sarvasiddhi (shattered by means of his complete success), reckoning after the gatis (5), the arms (2), the constituents (3), and the earth (1) (considering their resources, the strength of their arms, and the extent of the place), fled before Dharanivaraha (Viśvēśvara), the witness being (the year called) Chitrabhanu (when the sun was present as witness). (V. 25.) The (god) Rajarājēśvara (in his temple) who formerly, being founded by Kuberawith five hundred (subsidiary) lingas, was, on account of the fulfilment of the desires (of the devotees) called Varasiddhalinga, by those who know the tradition (and who) later on, on account of His affection towards His worshippers, the Pandavas, was famous as Dharmesa,-(this) Sambhu (Siva) whose abode is the Nagendra-mountain prospers through the aid (rendered) to the good. (V. 26.) The pious Viśvabhumisvara (Visvesvara) of Vishnuvardhana's family of the Chalukya race has built this magnificent and large mandapa for the kalyana-festivals of the worshippeds I am not sure if this translation is correct. As for upadana, Apte, in the Practical Sanskrit-English Dic tionary, gives: a gift made for procuring favour or protection, such as a bribe. 2 Suggested meaning: satisfied by the profusion of his great love to very venerable persons. Milk, curds, ghee, honey, and sugar. Sär pya is one of the four states of multi: compare Sayujya in the next verse. The exact meaning of Sivadiksha, which seems to signify a special ceremony, is unknown to me. Should diksha be used in the more general sense: self-devotion (to Siva)? In Raghuvamia VI, 45 Susheņa is called ächärabuddhobhayava méadipam Here, it seems, we are to suppose some local cult. Kittel in his Kannada-English Dictionary gives kalyana a festival (marriage). It is usual to celebrate the marriage of the god and his consort every year and this annual festival is called kalyanotsava. As will appear from verse 16 of the pillar inscription of King Chōda III (supra p. 161) which gives löködamchchita-amchadharanagari-Dharmavara-pritage', udamchchita here is used in the sense of 'bright worshipped', Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA: (VOL. XIX. Dharmēsvara of the town of Panchadharala (of Dharmösvara), who year by year is marrying (Pärvati),--the lord whose love (to Parvati) has appeared. (V. 27.) In the magnificent mandapa, with four sacred halls constructed, as it were, by the lord of the mountain (s.e., Himavat), which has celestial perfames and which is praised by the king of kings (Kubëra, in the other case) and famous on acount of its being extolled by great men (Indra, in the other case)-(in this mandapa), erected for the kalyana-feasts by king Vibvēkvara, shines (the god) Dharmēsvara of the town Panchadhārs with Parvati. (V. 28.) King Visva (Visvēsvara) of the Chalukya dynasty has erected (this) magnificent man. dapa as a beautiful abode of the glorious Dharmēša of the town of Pafchadhāra (Pañchadhārala) for the celebration of the kalyāna-festival in the Saka year which is cotunted after nine (9), the arms (2), the Ramas (3), and the Moon (1), in the bright half of the month) Sucht (Jy skipha), on the seventh day, on Sunday. (V. 29.) And king Visva (Visvēsvara), the Rāyagandagopala, has erected this magnificent (and) large temple with a beautiful halli to the north, (which will endure) until the end of the kalpa. (V. 30.) King Visvēsa (Vietēsvara), the Dharanivardha, installed the image of Vishnu in a shrine in the Upondravar-agrahāra laid out by himself, (which is the pleasure-ground of the gods who are pleased by the Brahmana' six karmas.' (11. 106-109.) Adoration to Hari, Hars and Hiranyagarbha. Hail! Hail! Hail! (1. 110.) Engraved by Déváchări. No. 27.-A FRAGMENTARY PRATIHARA INSCRIPTION. BY D. B. DISKALKAR, RAJKOT. The following note is prepared from an impression preserved in the Barton Museum at Bhäv. nagar. The name of the place where the inscription of which this impression is a copy was found has unfortunately not been recorded, nor did anybody come across the record again. The impression measures 1'-6" in height and the breadth varies from l' to 1-2. The stone from which the impression was taken must have originally been more than double the size of the estampage. About 35 to 40 letters have been completely lost with the latter part of each line, as the gaps in the verses would show. The concluding portion of the inscription is, however, preserved in the impression under notice. The record is written in characters of about the ninth century A.D., and exhibits certain peculiarities which are found in the western variety of the Kutila script. Attention may be drawn in particular to the forms of the following letters: na is sometimes made up of two parts, cach joining the top line close to the other. Its left part consists of an open hook with a bend the right part being vertical. It can thus be easily mistaken for ma (cf. na in l. 11). Sometimes the right hand vertical line is absent (cf. na in l. 19). Palatal sa is also similarly seen divided in two parts, the vertical on the right and the double-looped limb on the left. The language of the record is Sanskrit and, except the invocation in the beginning and the names of the writer as well as the engraver at the end, the whole of it must have been in verse. The inscription being represented only partially by the impression its contents cannot be known fully. But the following items of information may be noted : The record opens with 1 [The text gives sålam.-Ed.] • The six karmar or duties enjoined on Brähmaņas aro: adhyayana, adhyd pana, mjana, ydjana, dana, and pratigraha, or the six acts belonging to the practice of Yoga (Apte under in Flo not und mount here --Ed.] Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 97.] A FRAGMENTARY PRATHARA INSCRIPTION. 105 an invocation to god Siva. In the following lines Siva seems to be praised in bis Ardhanar. isvara (half male and half female) form. In the eighth line-the Lunar race is referred to. In 1.9 a king of the Western country is mentioned. Line 11 seems to mention a person whom people called (Vajraha. Next is mentioned the river Röva. In l. 12 is mentioned a king named Krishnarāja, who was made to retreat hastily to his own country. In l. 13 some one is referred to as having gone to heaven after distributing untold wealth to Brāhmanas. In l. 15 some town, the name of which began with Malava, is mentioned as the place where a very charitable man na med Gogga, whose munificence is described in the following six lines, seems to Lave died. His faithful wife was named Manikā. Line 22 records the building of a temple of Vishnu, the enemy of the demon Madbu. In l. 23 Isvara, the grandfather of one Siddhaditya, is mentioned, probably in connection with certain endowments to some temple. A verse in II. 24 and 25 expresses the benediction for the long life probably of the temple. The prasasti was composed by Sambhuvarman, son of Dāvavarman. The writer's name is missing. It was engraved by the son of Dharmalalalaka. The name (Vadrāha contained in the above account is significant and reminds us of Ādivarāha', the biruda of Bhdjadöva, the famous king of the Pratibare dynasty. If it is really meant for the said ruler, as is very likely, the inscription can well be relegated to his reign, and the king Krishnarāja mentioned in l. 12 can safely be identified with the Rishtrakata king Akalavarshe Krishna II (875-911 A.D.), who was his contemporary. We know that the Pratihiras and the Rashtrakūtas were constantly at war with each other and were alternately victorious. This inscription may be referring to a fight in which Bhöjadēva defeated Krishnardja, for poets usually record victories and not defeats of their patron kings. TEXT. 1 ale Ta Fuaren arranfefaen[] ......... ........................ 2 ayficafera outer neto ryfeira .......... ........................ 3 T EVT Tra[ft]a .. fa am T] ..... ........................ 4 भी वेपसे किंगदितमितिहरवाईमारोशमूर्त: प्रत्याख्यातो] विधिर्म ý statuifutia fawranama far ift[+0]and tre fara afta[a] a mefafie nafafa) faret 6 win femmafurere forte para [AT] .......... 7 afrat wfma ()# .. Anfert[n] :... Prom rubbing proverved in the Barton Museum at-Bhavnagu. * Expromed by bol. "This tymbol und the gon in the Afteenth line seem to indicate the conclusion of a paragraphs Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 176 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 8 पासीविशाकार]कलाबतपूजमुईदेवातिदेवदशनोप[म]राव . . . . . . . . . 9 पावायदेशाधिपो राज...परसं.मी च पञ्चत्वमापा . . . . . . . . 10 सुचाम्णो दितिजेशसंगरजयोभिप्रायत: प्रापितो(तस्) तस्मिन्बांध . . . . 11 राह इति यं सर्वः समन्ता[जनः] ॥रवातोयां (यान्)वहजि]िरपतय र. 12 शदेशाभिमुखमविरतं सातिरको प्रयाणैः प्राप्य द्रावृष्णराजं . . . . . . . . 18 [s] दत्वा द्रविणानविदितप्रायसंख्यं हिजेम्यः । याते स्वर्शोकमाप्तुं स . . 14 टिततक्रोचमालाप्रथापप्रान्तस्या(?) पडतान्धध्वनिविभवधनुर्मुक्तरो[ष]प्रा . . . 15 स्थानितस्यार्जुनेन:(न) ॥॥ चोख्यामस्ति पर हारि मतवादिपदान्वितं नगरं . . . . . . . . . . 18 वाम्ब] रानाम] । दानविचितचितेन' घिर:कंप विधास्यता भूकंप: क्वयते यापि 1. • • • • • 17 सुदारचरित: छतधो: तिम्रो गोगोभवत्तिभुवनप्रथितप्रभावः ॥ जन्मान्तरा 18 तस्वासोमिनिका साध्वो] भार्याभिष]गुणान्विता हरत्यध' नृणां याता या गंगेव [ध्या] . . . . . . . . . . ददता येन मुदा प्रथयिनाग्वत' देशीति कपणा वामो' न नीताः अतिगोचरं । सं . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . युत एव सर्वमिदं निरूप्य निपुर्ण धम्म समानव्य यो बिचारीत हिमाचलप्रतिनि ... ... ... .. ... . 91 . सकतवसमतीमान्तसंप्राप्तकीति: दीनाना[मा]तिहन्ता प्रतिदिनमसमावाप्त पुण्यप्रता . . . . . . . . . . 22 :. तसा कारिता सुधिया येन प्रतिष्ठास्त्र [मधु]दि[षः] ॥ तस्य • मुर्ध्या स्तिवास्ति()मायिका गु ....... . . . . . . . . . - Read °कंप. 1 Rand "चित्तेब. Band met • Read प्रथिवा • Read क्रियवे. • Read वाची Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A FRAGMENTARY PRATIIARA INSCRIPTION. প্রবণতান্ত্রিাসেপ্ট WN মধধর্ম সঞ্চয়তমা জয় দিন কােন | 3 কyষধ। সর : ** * HIRAXANDA SASTRI. SCALE ONE-THIRD. SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #229 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 28.] AN ODD PLATE OF PARAMARA SIYAKA OF V.S. 1026. 177 23 . . यख चासोन्मातामहस्तस्व तिहादित्यस्य धीमतः।] मूर्तिमानिव goog: Ara w a: AT.... 24 .. af HR foru: . afreeqarfaragtatsfad. fraganeasfaas ... 20 [$t] ataufa: a qufgrundant wi[a]a gefca: FYTTÄ for faennement qay[c] ... 26 ... .. [inal] .:. faferi a genteaf a rehajat No. 28.-AN ODD PLATE OF PARAMARA BIYAKA OF VIKRAMA- SAUVAT 1020. By D. B. DISKALKAR. This copper-plate was obtained from a copper-snith of Ahmedabad by some pleader of Kaira (in Gujarat), who made it over to Muni Jinavijayaji of the Gujarat Puratattva Mandir of Ahmedībäd some seven years ago. The latter kindly landed it over to me for publication. The plate, which is the second half of a grant, has two holes cach measuring of an inch in diameter at its top at a distance of 7 inches from each other. They are meant for the two copper rings holding the two plates together. The rings are missing. All the edyes of the plate are fashioned into rims to protect the incised portion which is in a good state of preservation. It measures 1'-13' in length and 71' in breadth, and contains ten lines of writiny, the last one containing, in about three tiincs larger letters, the sign-manual of Sri-Siyaka In the left hand lower corner of the plate is engraved the figure of a flying Garuda holding in his left hand a cobra and having his right hand raised to strike it, as is generally seen in the grants of the Paramāra rulers of Mülwi. The engraver has done his work in a slovenly way. The letters are not straight but are seen inclined to the left or more often to the right. Their average size is ' by t". There are a umber of grammatical mistakes even in this small portion of the record. The anusvīra is many times left out. The characters are old Nagari current in the 10th century A.D. They agree with those of the copper-plate grants of the Paraināra rulers, Vākpati Muñjað and Bhāju, but are rather different from those of the two Harsola plates of V.8. 1005 of Siyaka, who is identical with the Paramira Siyaka of the present inscription. The language of the record is Sanskrit. As regards orthography nothing special is to be noted. A larger part of the plate, from the first line to the cighth, is takon up by the five customary innprecatory Verses, which are the same as in the grant of Vakpatiraja of V.S. 1031. The last two lines of the inscription contain an important historical information. The ninth 1 Rend of * Ind. Ant., Vol. VI, p. 51, and Vol. XIV, p. 100. . They are boing edited in this Journal. Bettor read fafaat. * Abovc, Vol. XI, p. 181, and Ind. Ant., Vol. VI, p. 53. Ind. Anl, Vol. VI, p. 51. Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. line gives the 18th day of the dark bolt of Livina of the Vikrama) yaar 1026 As the date of the record, and mentions Kaphapaika as the dāpaka (or the person who caused the grant to be issued). By the loss of the first plate we are deprived of that portion of the record which contained the details of the family to which Siyaka belonged. There is, however, no doubt that this Siyaka was the illustrious Paramāra king of Malwa The Garuda symbol found in the plates of the Paramāras, namely, Väkpati and Bhõja, is found here exactly in the same form, and the characters are similar. We can even say that the Siyaka of our plate is the father of Vākpati Muñja, whose two grants of V.S. 1031 and 1036 have been discovered. The dāpaka, moreover, in this grant and in the grant of V.8. 1031 is the same individual. We know that Siyaka had reigned at least up to the year 1029 of the Vikrama era, as the poet Dhanapala of Dhårā says in verse 276 of his Präkrit Dictionary called Pailacchi, that he had composed the work for the sake of his sister Sundară in V.S. 1029, when Mänyakhēta was looted by the people of Mālwa. This undoubtedly refers to the statement in the 12th verse of the Udayapur prasasti that Sri-Harsha, (another name of Siyaka), had invaded the dominions and looted the capital of Khóttiga. The present grant, being dated in V.8. 1026, is three years earlier than that date and twenty-one years later than the Harsola plates. A point which requires to be borne in mind here is that the present plate and the Harsola plates, which are the earliest known records of the Paramära family of Mālwå, were discovered in the Ahmedabad district of Gujarat. The Harsola plates show that the property granted by the king consisted of the same tract of Gujarat. We have, therefore, reason to believe that the Paramāras were connected with Gujarät in the early days of their power. TEXT.5 1 सामान्वं चेतत्पुण्यफलं जामहंगजेरन्यैरपि भाविभीनृभिरमप्रदत्तधर्मदायोय2 A[i] m XOPATAT' 11"] Jaa [**]at TÊT[l*) 3 to 8 [Five imprecatory verses.] 1 It will be seen that the tithi is given here as the 15th of the dark half, which is the amavasya day of the month. In the Harsola granta of the same king, which are dated in V.S. 1005, the same tithi, amavasya. in exprensed as the 30th of the dark hall ms is done now-a-days. Income, therefore, that both the forms of expressing the amânary a day were in use in the medieval period. Out of the nighty Valabbi grants, for Instance, in many w nino places the lithi is expressed in the former way. The word dapaka has been road by the editors of Vákpati's grants of V.8. 1031 and 1036 (Ind. Ant., Vol. VI, p. 51, and Vol. XIV, p. 160) dayaks and combined with the preceding word ajad M WYATTIETTY. But it is to be noted that the word dipaka found in these grants and in the grants of V.8. 1005 and in the prosent grant stands for the usual, word dataka and the word means, tha granta of V.8.2005 clearly state ITWT1, by order of the king'. Both the expressions are quite separately given there thus- an i fufer ve ut The word 'dapaka conveys, I think, the samo moaning is another word käräpaka (person appointed to look after the execution of the record) does. See Ind. Ant., Vol. XIX p. 62 n. 53, and Ep. Ind., Vol. IX, p. 189. . Ind. Art., Vol. XXXVI (1907), p. 169. . Above. VOLL P235. . From the origioal plate. Read yno. Rand पावनोदय. s Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HINANANDA SASTRI. বিগী যে হবে জানবেন বলে ওঁদে মরি ধরবের জোয় बारा बालनयन बोना या सव र सहयता र पाउसामा दि हिमायमारास 2 नवरातमा यो कदर राव पुनामदनादतोयसाल का 4 दान पतंजाबिनाकाबासापासययीता प्रसाईल क्रमभ्यासमुदादाला श्यामनियम साइलायलायला परियलिलय यशलाया यान पलायन परिचालन समानता काहिया (गिमाययात्रत्यायायला (लकालपालकी यारालिहमलदलावदा या ( यमशील साखकल (मायनयाहवरावणात यात लाथावि ०२ एशियारपस्यमायापलातावरी SCALE FIVE-EIGHTHS. AN ODD PLATE OF PARAMARA SIYAKA OF [VIKRAMA] SAMVAT 1026. स्वाद १५ सयमा कायापलतावनीपत SURVEY OY INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #233 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 29.] SIX INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLUR AND DEVAGERI. 179 • 9**.. Pora na af px [*) HUHTWI TOTT Fora: 1 10 Garuda figure støtte E U No. 29.-SIX INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLUR AND DEVAGERI. BY LIONEL D. BARNETT. Kölür is a village in the Karajgi tāluka of the Dharwår District, about 3 miles nearly west from Karajgi town, in lut 14° 52' and long. 75° 27'. The name is ancient, and is that given to the village in the records here published. On the neighbouring village of Dāvagari, anciently Dēvangēri, I need only refer to Dr. Fleet's remarks in Vol. XI above, p. 1. The present series is now published for the first time from ink-impressions which were prepared for Dr. Fleet, and on his lamented death passed into the British Museum Four of them (Xos. A., C., D., and F.) are from Kolor; the rest (B. and E.) are from Dēvagēri. They range in date from Saka 967 to the reign of the Yadava Singhaņa, in the first half of the 13th century A.D. Koļur and Devageri, together with the adjoining town of Kulēnir, formed part of the manneya or seigniory (something like the modern inām) of the district known as the Bāsavura Hundred-and-forty, or Hundred-and-forty of Bisavür. In the present records, with the sole exception of No. C., this seigniory is mentioned as being under the control of a dynasty of nobles who claimed to belong to the Jimitavāhan-nyaya or lineage of Jimatavahana and the Khachara-vamsa or Race of the Birds, and bore on their banners the figure of a snake (A., 1. 18, F., 1. 27). This refers to the legend dramatised in the drama Nagānanda, attributed to Harshavardhana, and brings them into connection with the silxhara dynasty of the Southern Konkan (circa 783-1008 A.D.), with the Northern branch of the same family, with Gonkadēva, who was reigning at Terdal in A.D. 1122, and with the Sēnavāra or Sēngmāra family ruling in the Kadar district of Mysore from about the end of the 7th century, all of whom claimed the same ancestry. This raises a point of peculiar interest. The Nāgananda is one of the plays which the Chākyar of Travancore are in the habit of acting at religious festivals. At first sight it seems strange that a Buddhist drama should be habitually performed by orthodox Hindus in honour of their gods; but the reason is now apparent. The scene of the Nagananda is laid on the Malaya Mountain, i.e. the Western Ghats of Malabar and Travancore ; and its theme is indicated by the pedigrees of these three families. Hence either the plot of the drama was entirely fictitious, and these pedigrees were concocted on the basis of it; or else it embodies & genuine legend of Malabar or Travancore, which was the source of these pedigrees, either directly or through the medium of the drama. The former alternative seems to me to be quite untenable. The other alternative fully accounts for the facts,--- both the pedigrees of these Leighbouring families and the appearance of a Buddhist play in orthodox Hindu festivals. Hecce I venture to draw the inference that the performance of the Nagananda is one of the few cases in which a Hindu play is definitively associated with an ancient legend of the place where it is enacted. 1 No. E, is included in the Killot Collection, on fol. 3678. of Vol. i. of the Royal Asiatic Society's cops. * See Dyn. Kasar. Distr., pp. 489, 449, 450, 523, 536, 548; Ep. Ind., Vol. XII, p. 262. • Sce Ep. Cars., VI. Cm. 61, 62, 75, 76, 94, 95, Kp. 37. • See Pandit Ganapati Bastri's preface to Vol. slii of the Trivandrum Sanskrit Series Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX A.-KOLUR INSCRIPTION OF THE REIGN OF SOMESVARA I: BAKA 987. This is from a slab found in Kolar: but I can find no record of its site or other details, The inscribed area is 2 ft. 14 in. wide and 4 ft. 101 in. high.-The character is good Kanarese of the period; the letters in the upper lines are about fin, high, the rest about #in. The cursive m (above, Vol. XII, p. 335) appears in ma[th*]gaļa (1. 45).-The language is Old Kanarese prose, except in the two Sanskrit verses on 11. 41-44. The does not appear; its place is taken by 1. Initial p is preserved. The spelling -ichidananth for -fchhēdamuth (1.39) is interesting : cf. Whitney's Sanskrit Grammar, $ 227a, and Wackernagel, Altindische Grammatik, I, p. 154. The record opens by referring itself to the reign of Traiļokyamalla-dēva (Somödvara I) in 11. 1-4. Under him a certain functionary with the title of Rajagurudēve, of the Kadamba lineage, was governing the twelve towns which were administered for the benefit of the temple of Indrëśvara at Bankapura (11. 4-13); he is described as the guardian of the Konkan' (1. 11), and much is said aboat his piety, valour, learning, and other merits. Next is introduced Kaliyammarasa, of the Jimatav hans lineage and the Khachara race, who was administering the manneya of the Hundred-and-forty of Bisavar (11. 14-23). He was a Jain by religion, the tutelary goddess of his family was Padmåvati, and their banner bore the device of a serpent. He is also termed payiga-dallalam,'a trouble to Duyiga,' apparently some potentate whom he had defeated (1. 121). Then follow the details of the endowment (11, 23-34), by which Rajagarudēva granted some land to the temple of Kalidēvēsvara at Kolor, and Kaliyazamarasa assigned thirty houses to defray the cost of perpetual lamps in it. The writer of the record was Basavayya, and the sculptor Bammoja. The date is given on 11, 26-27 as : Saka 967, the cyclio year Pärthiva; Paushya-suddha 5, Sunday; the uttarayana-samkrānti. This is irregular. The given tithi corresponded to Monday, 16 December, A.D. 1045 ; it ended at 12 h. 41 m. after mean sunrise on that day, and began 13 h. 1 m. after mean sunrise on the preceding Sunday. The uttardyana-samkrānti occurred 23 h. 55 m. after mean sunrise on Monday, 28 December,-- week after the given The places mentioned are: Rodda (1. 8), Benkapura (11. 13, 27), the Hundred-andforty of Basavür (1. 22), Kolur (1. 28), Karage (1. 30), Alskere (1. 30), the Varade river (1. 31), and the tirthas (11. 36, 37, 39). On Rodda see above, Vol. VIII, p. 135n. Bankāpurs is the modern Bankåpir (see above, Vol. XIII, p. 168), On Båsavor and Kolfir see above. Koļür was one of twelve towns administered for the benefit of the temple of Indrośvara at Bankäpura. Karage may possibly be the modern town of Karajgi, which gives its name to the taluka, and lies in lat. 14° 52' and long. 75° 30'. The Varade river must be the stream called "Verda" on the Bombay Survey map : Kolar lies on its southern bank, and it flows thence Westwards to the north of Devageri and then tarns southwards. There is & village named - Vardi" (80 the Bombay Survey) on its bank in lat. 14° 47' and long. 75° 20', TEXT. [The metres are as follows : verse 1, Salini; verse 2, Anushtubh.] 1 Svasti samasta-bhavan-áśraya Sri-Pri(Pri)thvi-vallabha mahārājādhiraja(ja) para! 2 mēsva(bva)ra parama-bhattarakam Saty&sraya-ku!a-tilakam Chaluky-abharanam 1 I bave again to acknowledge my obligation to the late Mr. R. Sewell, who with his waal kindnes 'checked wy calenlations for the dates in this series. . From the ink-impression. The engraver began this word with the syllable dki, and then corrected it to pa. Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 29.) SIX INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLUR AND DEVAGERI. 181 3 brima[t®]-Trailokyamalla-devar Bukha-(sam]kamtal-vinodadir rájyan-goyyu4 ttam-ire | Svasti yama-niyama-svådhyâya-dhyana-dharana-prap-A6 yama-pratyahara-japa-samadhi-sampannar-Isvara-p[á]da-kamala6 bhri(bhři)mga sāhas-ottumgan=åírita-jana-kaļpa-vri(vpi)ksha sa(sa)ran-agata-suraksha 7 nudid=ante mårppam kore kürppam pratipanna-Möruv-bkimga-viran-Asandhunda). dhiram 8 Vir-Avatāram vira-chūdāmaņi gðtra-chintamani Rod[doja-kaivāram Sai(Sai)va prikáram sa(sa)ra9 paripariņata? nissanka-vairi-vri(vpi)mdakal-sa(sa)ra-sandhåna båpa-fiksha-guru Kali yuga10 Drðnächäryya sarvva-sa(sa)stra-si(si)stra-vis rada năricha-Parasu(su răma giri-durgga-bharhjā(ja)11 n-Amjanoya trailokya-ramjana kataka-måbhilanh Kon kena-rakshāļam Kadamb-anvaya 12 samuddharama-nam-di-samasta-prasa (sa)sti-sahitan srimat Rajagurudsvar 13 Bankepurad-Ind[ro]otvara-dēvargg=!Va panneradum bādamar sukhadin-kļuttam ire 14 Svasti samasta-vasu matitala-kaha(khyā)ta-Jimätavahan-anvaya-bra(pra)suta ba15 ndhu-jana-kamal [i*]ni-råja-hamsa(sa) vidya[i*]-jana-vinodar goshthi-vinodam Padmi vatt-labda-va16 ra-prasada raja-vidya-pariyana martti-Narayanam samyakt[r*]a-cha17 damani bhri(bhri)tya-chintämaņi pratāpa-mirttända pagevara-ganda din inatha-ja18 na-santa[r"]ppit-&nuna-dana pannaga-dhvaja-v1(vi)rájamāna vidagdha-mugdha 19 vår[a]mgana-moc?-bhirama chalad-amka-Räva(ma) JI(Ji)na-pada-perkaja-raja[ho]30 pumja-pixjarita-gåtra par-angani-putra sakala-guna-gap-ottunga 21 màvana simga jita-vairi-samkula Dögiga-dallalar näm-ådy-(a)noka-[na]m22 ļamkritam-samētan-appa srimat-Kalli(li)gammarasam Basavüram(ra)-na23 ya-nalvattara manneya(d-arasn-geyyattam=iļda*j' || Svasti yama-ni(ni)yama. svådhyâya-dhyana24 dharaya-m8(man)n-anushthana(na)-parayanak-japa-samadhi-samppaninarum anavara 25 ta-dharmma-chittarum-appa srimat Vimarisi(si) dēvara sishyar-appa Mallika26 pijuns-bhsd&gge v asti Sa(82)ks-varghs 087neys Pertthiva-sath vataarads Pauśya(shya)-on (Suddha 27 parchami Adivara uttariyapa-samkrantiyandu Bankaparad-Indresva(iva) r Rend-sagikatha Rond -parigata. The musvåra and da are not quite clear. Possibly mistake for mahadhiwani, I have altered the spelling Indispare to Indrifpara, is the latter form jappers below, I. 27, and in ingor, C., L. 8. On the other hand, the Hoftar Inscription of Saka 929 mentione place cu led,Indoverageri (L. 18), hence it is possible that both forms were in the • Rond -afabrik. • Phero sems to be grup hero, I have nocordingly Alled it ap from inscription B., 11. 89-28 of. Ibid., 1.&. . Rond pardyard. . This may be corrected to blaffungsi, ar bhafdrargge, or -blaffärakarggo. The first weens the most likely. Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 182 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 28 deva[r*]gg-alva panneraḍum bāḍada baliya Kōļūra Kalidēvēšvara-děvargge 29 frimat Rajagurudevaru dhar[a]-parvvakadim sarvva-namasyam-a30 ge bitta Karageya baṭṭeyim temka Alakereyimd-ar-āṁnaraṁ1 31 paduval biṭṭa ere mattar-emtt (mt)u děgulada kode(de)yim paduva Varade32 ya toreyim temkal bitta kisu mattar-eradu antu mattar pattu [*] 33 Manneya Kaliyammarasam nanda-divigege bitta paristrada manegal 34 muvattu sarvva-badha-pariharam-int-i dharmmamam pratipālisuvar [11] 35 I dharmmamam pratipalisid-atagem vijaya-sriyum bal-ayum ard 36 gy-abhividdhiyumm3-uttar-ottaram-akku [] matta [m] Kurukshetra Vāraṇāsi 37 Prayage Argghyatirttham-emba ma(ma)ha-tirtthagamlol-sasira kavileya köḍu[m] kolagumam [VOL. XIX 38 pamcha-ratnadol-kaṭṭisi ma(ma)ha-brahmanargge ubhayamukhi gotta phalam-akku [*] Idan-ali 39 dh(d)-atamge rogam Vārpsiyo-kōti kavileyum köți 40 brāhmaṇarum ek-kōṭi-tapōdhanarumam konda pamcha-maha-patakan-akkum || 41 Samanyo-yam dha[r]mma-setu[r]=nripānāṁ kalē kalo palaniyo bhavadbhiḥ [] 42 sarvvan-ētām(n) chigina pirtthivēndro(adrần) bhayo bhayo yachate Ramabhadraḥ [Il 1*] daridratvam santati-schodamum5 43 Sva-datt[a"]r para-datt[3 m và yo harēti(ta) vasundara [*] sashthir-varshasahasr[a]pi 44 mishṭhayam 10 jayate krimill [* 2*] Bareda senabova Basavayya besa-ge 45 yda Bam[m]ōja [*] Ma[m]gala TRANSLATION. (Lines 1-4.) Hail! When the asylum of the whole world, favourite of Fortune and Earth, great Emperor, supreme Lord, supreme Master, ornament of Satyasraya's race, embellishment of the Chalukyas, king Trailõkyamalls, was reigning with enjoyment of pleasant conversations: 46 (Ll. 4-13.) Hail! When he who observes the major and minor disciplines, scriptural study, meditation, spiritual concentration, suppression of breath, retraction of senses, prayer, and absorption, who is a bee to Ievara's lotus-feet, possessing all titles of honour such as lofty in courage, a tree of desire to dependents, a good guardian to seekers of his protection, an opponent (P) according to the word, 19 returning love for love, a Mera in exaltation, a warrior of the body-guard, valiant as Asanda [Vishnu], an incarnation of Vira [Virabhadra], a crestjewel of warriors, a wishing-gem to his gotra, a theme of praise to Rodda, a palace's for Saivas, skilled in (the use of) arrows, stringing arrows against troops of fearless foes, a master to teach archery, a Dronacharya of the Kali age, accomplished in all weapons and books of instruction, a Parasurama with arrows, an Anjaneya (Hanuman) in shattering mountain-fastnesses, delighting the three worlds, great lord of the camp (?), guardian of the Konkan, restorer of the Kadamba This word is corrupt. Read -atamge. Read -abhivriddhiyum=. Read -tirtthamgaloj. On this spelling see Whitney's Sanskrit Grammar, §227a, and Wackernagel, Altind. Gramm. I, p. 154. •Read -maka-. Read shashtim. Of the phrase sudidmante ganda. "Read bhagina. 10 Read vishthayah. 13 [I would say rampart' instead.-Ed.] Read vasundharam. 11 Read krimi. Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 29.] SIX INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLUR AND DEVAGERI. lineage," the illustrious Rajagurudeva, was happily governing the twelve towns administered for (the benefit of) the god Indresvara of Bankapura : 183 (Ll. 14-23.) Hail! While he who is sprang from the lineage of Jimatavahana famed over the whole earth, possessing many titles of distinction such as 'a royal swan in the lotuslake of his kin, delighting in learned men, delighting in social circles, receiving the grace of boons from (the goddess) Padmavati, versed in the science of kings, an incarnate Nārāyaṇa, a crest-jewel of goodliness, a wishing-jewel to servants, a sun of magnificence, a man of might to foes, satisfying by abundant gifts the miserable and forlorn, brilliant with the Serpentbanner, delighting the mind of witty and modest courtesans, a Rama in the characteristic of constancy, having his limbs yellowed by the mass of pollen in the lotuses of the Jinas' feet, a son to other men's wives, exalted by the series of all virtues, a lion of his uncle, conqueror of a multitude of enemies, a trouble to Dayiga', the illustrious Kaliyammarasa, was ruling the seigniory of the Hundred-and-forty of Basavürl: (Ll. 23-26.) Hail! to Mallikarjuna-Bhatta (?), disciple of Vamarasi-deva, who is versed in the major and minor disciplines, scriptural study, meditation, spiritual concentration, and observance of the vow of silence, who practises prayer and absorption, and is constantly inspired by godliness,-- (Ll. 26-27.) Hail! on Sunday, the fifth day of the bright fortnight of Paushya in the cyclic year Pärtthiva, the 987th (year) of the Saka era, at the uttarayana-samkranti, (Ll. 27-34.) For (the benefit of) the god Kalidēvēévara of Kölür, (one of the towns) included in the twelve towns administered for (the benefit of) the god Indrėsvara of Bankapura, the illustrious Rajagurudeva with pouring of water granted on sarva-namasya tenure, eight mattar of black-loam land north of the road of Karage, west... from the Alakere; (and also) he granted two mattar of red land west of the wall (?) of the temple, south of the river of Varade altogether ten mattar. The seignior Kaliyammarasa granted for the perpetual lamps thirty houses in the precinct, immune from all conflicting claims. So they shall protect this pious endowment. : (Ll. 35-40 a prose formula of the usual type.) (Verses 1-2 two common Sanskrit formule.) (Ll. 44-45.) The town-clerk Basavayya wrote (the record). Bammoja executed (the order). Happiness! B.-DEVAGERI INSCRIPTION OF THE REIGNS OF SOMESVARA II AND SOMESVARA III: SAKA 097 AND 1056. This record was found on a stone at Devageri; but I have no information as to its site or character. The inscribed area is about 3 ft. 2 in. high and 3 ft. 6 in, wide. It contains two documents, in different hands, of which the second is imperfect at the end. The character is Kanarese; the letters vary in height from in. to in. The cursive m (above, Vol. XII, p. 335) is used in sampannar (1. 9), dharmmam (1. 27), kamma (1. 28), mattam (1. 28); the palatal appears in pañcha- (11. 4, 6).-The language is Old Kanarese, except for the introductory Sanskrit verse. The archaic occurs in idu (11. 11, 15, 23), galde (1. 28), and wrongly in kalchi (1. 13); elsewhere it is changed to 7. Initial p is preserved, except in hattakk- (1. 17), and Halama (1. 29). The word koṭṭayum on 1. 20 (if I have read it aright) is singular. On mattalu (1. 28) of, above, Vol. XIII, p. 168, and Ep. Oarn, VII. i., Sk. 8, 61, 70, 71, 322, Hl. 7, 11, etc. Some words are of lexical interest, viz. kaeața (1. 16), malave (11. 16, 17), kechchan-appa (ib.), and bipige (1. 17). There seems to be something lost here; see above. Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 184 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. The first document, after referring itself to the reign of Bhuvanaikamalli-deva, i.e. Soměévara II (1.3), mentions the General Udayaditya-a Mahasamantadhipati, high minister, commissioner for heri and for peace and war, and steward of the household-as administering at the time the Binivase Twelve-thousand (11. 4-5), while the Maksimanta Kaliyammarasa, of the Jimatavahana lineage and Khachara race, styled 'a lion for Rajāditya' (apparently one of his family to whom he had rendered military services), was govern ing the manneya of the Bisavura Hundred-and-forty (11. 5-8). The details of the grant then follow (11, 8-21), according to which Vennamayya, a general, minister, and controller of the perjjunka taxes, together with the controllers of the two bilkode taxes, assigned the proceeds of a toll on produce carried in a certain area to the temple of Kankale vara at Devageri, the trustee being Gangarasi-Pandita. The second document opens by referring itself to the ninth year of the reign of Bhülökamalla, i.e. Somesvara III, and introduces another Kaliyammarasa, a kinsman of the Kaliyammarasa mentioned above, perhaps his grandson, as governing the same seigniory (11. 21-23). A verse (11. 23-25) states that this dignitary, who is here named Kaliga, made a gift of land to the same temple; and the details of this donation, of which the trustee was Mallikarjuna-Pandita, are given in 11. 25-28. This is followed by a record of a donation by some merchants, of which only the beginning remains. The date of the first record is given on 11. 11-12 as Saka 997, the cyclic year Rakshasa; Paushya-fudha 14; Sunday; the uttarayana-samkranti; the yoga vyatipata. In these details the only error is in the week-day. The given tithi corresponded to Thursday, 24 December, A.D. 1075, when it ended about 3 h. 12 m. after mean sunrise. The uttarayana-samkranti took place on the same day at 18 h. 10 m. after mean sunrise, the following Friday being reckoned as Makara. The second record is dated on 11. 21-22 as: the 9th year of Bhalokamalla (i.e. Saka 1056 expired), Ananda; Paushya-suddha 11; Monday; the uttarayana-samkranti; the ryatipata. This is irregular. The quoted tithi corresponded to Saturday, 29 December, A.D. 1134, on which day it ended about 1 h. 37 m. after mean sunrise. On the other hand, the uttarāyaṇasmkranti occurred according to the Arya-siddhanta 28 m. after mean sunrise on Tuesday, 25 December. Mr. Sewell has pointed out to me that by the Brahma-siddhanta the samkranti took place on Monday, 24 December, at 1 h. 20 m. after mean sunrise, the current tithi for that day being Paushya su. 7. Apparently then the record has mixed up two distinct dates, namely Paushya su. 11 (Saturday) and the samhkranti on Paushya su. 7 (Monday). The chief places mentioned are: the Basavara Hundred-and-forty, 1. 8, or the Hundredand-forty of Basavar, 1. 22; Devamgeri, 11. 14-15; Palavar, 1. 15; Eleya-Tammuge, 1. 15; Barade, 1. 16; Beḍabalu, 1, 27; Maruleyana kere, 1. 27; Chimudagere, 11. 27-28; and Arakere, 1. 28. On Basavar, Devaṁgori, and Barade, see above. The other places I am unable to identify. TEXT.S [The metres are: verse 1, Anushṭubh; verse 2, Utpalamālā.] 1 [Na]m-tn[th]ga-si(i)ra-chumbita-cha[m]dra-châmara-chárave [] trailokyah(kyn) nugar-arambha-mūļa-stambhaya Sa(Sa)mbhave || [] 2 [Svasti samasta-bhuvan-äéraya Sri-Pri(Pri)thvi-vallabha mahārājädhiraja parame svaram parama-bhaṭṭarakam Satyaáraya-kula-tilaka [m] Chaluky-a 1[Ordinarily it way also imply that he was a lion to (i.e. vanquished) Räjäditya. The previous plate has mirana simga (1. 21).--Ed.] This name is spelt on 1. 14 Kamkalisvara, on 1. 24 Kamkaniseara, and on 1. 28 f. Kamkali[svara]. F:om the ink-impression. Read-chibi-. Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 29.) SIX INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLUR AND DEVAGERI. 185 tay 3 bharanam Srimat Bhuvanaikamalla-dēva-jaya-rājyam-uttar-Attar-ábhivri(vri)ddhi pravarddhaminam-i-chamdr-årkka-táram-baram saluttam-ire [18] 4 [Ta]t-pada-padm-opajivi ramadhigata-pañcha-maha-sa[bda-me]hä-såmantādhipati maha-prachanda-daņdanayaka mahåpradhanam héri-sa6 (ndhi)-vigrahi mane-Verggade dandanåyakan-UdayAdityam BanAvise-pannirch chhasiramuman'-alutt-ire [1] Svasti samadhiga6 [ta]-pancha-maha-sabda-mahasimantam vijaya-lakshmi-käntan samasta-vasumatitala khyåtam(ta)-Jimütavāhan-invaya-praśd (80)7 [tar bandhu-jana-kamalini-raja-hamsa (sa) Khachara-vams-odbhavam Padmavati labdha-vara-prasādam tyåga-vinodam Rajādityanasimga krimat 8 Kaliyammaragarh Bisavura-nata-nalvattarkkam mann[e]yamemsukhadin-erasa geyyattam-ire Svasti samasta-rajya 9 bhara-nirâpita-mahamåtya-padavi-virájamana mån-onnata prabhu-mantr-otså ha-sakti traya-sampa nar=appt srimad-danda10 [n]åyakaṁ perjjunkada Vēņpamayyamgaļuñ srimat-bilkode(de)ya Någavarm. mayyanum Chikka-Kētayyanum antit perjjunkavweradu 11 [b]ilkode(de)yavarum-ilda Sacha)ka-varsha 997neya Rakshasa-sat vatsarada Paushya-8a(fa)ddha 14 Adityaváramuattarayana 12 samkrintiya[] vyatıpåtamum kolid-anda Svasti yama-niyama-svādhyâya-dhyāna dharapa-mo(mau)n-anushtana. 13 Parayana-japa-samadhi-sampannar=appa srimat Gamgarāsi(fi)-panditara kalan kalchi(rchchi) dhård-pärvvakam mi14 di Dēvam gēriya Kamkaldsvara-devargge dhipa-dipa-nivedyakke bitta dharmmam ent-endade [1] Srimat vadda-rivalada perggade Bê15 chayyanum-ildu Devamgoriyalur Palavüralan Eleya-Tamm (ammuge modaleig! moreira talada bhandado!am paduvalu Mathịn(anna16 ndiya pole modalu Tammugeya Kalla-vole modal-agi Baradeyim tenka popa bhandakke käsatada malave irppattakk-ondu kechchan=& 17 pps nåla påsina binigeya malave muvattakk=ondu pattiya malave ayvattakk ondu davasada peru hattakk-ondará sunkamu18 mam vadda-rávalam perjjamka eradum bilkode(de)ya sumkava[m] pratłpāļisnvar [ll] f(1) dharmmavam pratipāļisidavar Prayage BA19 parási Kurukshötra Argghyatırtthadolam sdsirvvar veda-paragarige säsira kavileya kodun kolagumar parcha-ratnadol-ka20 tisi kottayum phaļav=akkı (!*] I(f) dharmmava pratipaļisadavam sāsirvvar rada påragarumam säsirat kavileyumarh konda 21 parcha-maha-påtakan-akkum © Svasti Grimach-Chalkya-Bhajóka[malla) varnhada enoy-Anamda-bath vatsarada Panfya(shya)-81($addha 11 Somavárad-u22 tariyana-samkrinti vyutipataduando riman-mehdelmanta Kaliyammarasaru Bisavara intra-Dalvattara mann[e]ya23 d-arasu-gey[y]attam-iddu || Árifvaran-appa Khoohara-kul-Anvayan-1 Kalig.Ivanila mabesvarar dikshegam tanage mådisi ko 1 Apparently what wilotended wu Banaviss panirockhasiraman. * Posibly Kutokara-: the Art vowel la not quite clear toder thor is written . Rond -anustana, • Rend - Chaluhya. Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. nivedya-pajegam 21 ndu samasta-dera-dev-esvara-Kamkaposvara-maha-mahimage Sasvatam-age kottan-akhil-orvvare ba 25 pisal-ndgun-bhümiyam || [2] Svasti yama-ni(ni)yama-svadhyaya-dhyana-dharapamno(man)n-anushṭanal-japa-samadhi 26 sila-gana-saippanuar-appa śrimatu Mallikarjjuna-panditara kalam karchebi dharaparvvakam madi bi 27 tta dharmmam-et-emdade | Beḍabāļa batteyim tamka Marujeyana kereyim mḍa ere mattaru malku | Chimu 28 dagereya padavana deseyalu bitta kisu mattalu aradu | Arakereya kelage bitta galde kamma 50 [*] Mattam Kamkaļē 29 [Svara-d]ēva[r]ige [ paris]trada sanipadalu Kisuva Halama-settivälaru[m*] Kalideva-seṭṭiyum TRANSLATION. (Verse 1.) Homage to Samblu, beauteons with the yak-tail fan, that is the moon, kissing his lofty head, the foundation-column for the building of the city of the three worlds. (Lines 2-3.) While the victorious reign of-hail!-the asylum of the whole world, favourite of Fortune and Earth, great Emperor, supreme Lord, supreme Master, ornament of Satyasraya's race, embellishment of the Chalukyas, king Bhuvansikamalla, was advancing in a course of successively increasing prosperity, (to endure) as long as moon, sun, and stars: (l. 4-5.) While one who finds sustenance at his lotus-feet, the Mahasamantādhipati who has obtained the five great (musial) sounds, great august General, High Minister, commissioner for affairs of heri, peace, and war, steward of the household, the General Udayaditya, was ruling the Binavase Twelve-thousand: (Ll. 5-8.) While-bail!-the Mahāsāmanta who has obtained the five great (musical) sounds, beloved of the god-less of victory, scion of the lineage of Jimütavahana famed over the whole earth, a royal swan to the lotus-pool-his kindred, born of the Khachara race, receiving the grace of boons from (the goddess) Padmavati, taking delight in liberality, a lion for Rajaditya, the illustrious Kaliyammarasa, was governing happily the seigniory of Bisavura Hundred-and-forty : (Ll. 8-1-4.) He who is eminent in the office of high minister appointed for the adminis tration of the whole kingdom, exalted in dignity, possessing the three powers of lordship, counsel and enterprise, the General Vennamayya (the controller) of the perjjunka taxes, and Nagavarmayya and Chikka-Ketayya (the controllers) of the bilkode taxes, that is to say, the controllers of the perijunka and of the two bilkodes, in concert, on Sunday, the 14th of the bright fortnight of Paushya in the cyclic year Rakshasa, the 987th (year) of the Saka era, coinciding with the uttarayana-sankranti and the vyatipata, having laved the feet of GengaréPandita, who is versed in the major and minor disciplines, scriptural study, meditation, spiritual concentration and observance of silence, and practises prayer and absorption, granted with pouring of water a pious endowment for (the supply of) incense, lamps, and oblations for the god Kankalesvara of Devamgeri, to the following effect: (Ll. 14-18.) With the concurrence of Bechayya, controller of the radda-rāvula taxes, (it was decreed that) they shall maintain both in Devamgeri and in Palawar in the case of the produce of the soil of Eleya-Tammuge and the rest of the three towns, a toll upon produce that is 1 Read -anushthana.. Of lino 30 nothing is legible; and the rest of the record is lost. Sve remarks in my paper on the Lakshmesh war laser. of Jagadhamalla II, 1. 21. A yoga in which tho san and moon have the same declination. Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 29.) SIX INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLUR AND DEVAGERI. 187 carried south of Barade--beginning with the river of Mannandi on the west and the Kalla-river of Tammuge on the east-vis., one malate upon every twenty of kusafa, one mafavo upon every thirty of binige of red (?) thread, one malave upon every fifty of cotton-pods, one load upon every ten of grain,'(as) a toll of the vadda-rāvula, the perjjurika, and the two bídkodes. (LI. 18-21 : a prose formula of the usual type.) (LI. 21-23.) Hail! At the uttarāyana-samkrānti on Monday, the 11th of the bright fortnight of Paushya in the cyclio year Ananda, the oth (year) of the Chalukya-Bhulokamalla era, in the vyatipata, while the Mahāsāmanta Kaliyammarasa was governing the seigniory of the Hundred-and-Torty of Baseyür -- (Verse 2) This prince Kákiga, of the lineage of the Khechara famíly, a lord of fortane, having caused to be performed for himself the Maheśvara consecration, bestowed in perpetuity, with the approval of the whole earth, good land for the great glory of Kankapěśvare, the lord of all gods of gods, and for his worship with oblations, (LI. 25-28.) 'Hail! Having laved the feet of Mallikarjuna-Pandita, who has the merit of practising the major and minor disciplines, scriptural study, meditation, spiritual concentration, observance of silence, prayer, and absorption, he granted with pouring of water a pious endowment, as follows: four mattar of black-loam land south of the road of Bedabāļu, east of Maruleya's Tank; two mattal(r) of red land he granted on the west of the Chimudagere; 50 kamma of paddy-field he granted below the Arakere. [Translation of the latter part of l. 28 and 1. 29 is omitted here, apparently because the sense is not complete. As they stand, we might render them thus :-Further, to the god Kamkāļēsvaradeva, Kisuva Halama-gettivāla and the vicinity of the enclosure.--Ed.] C.-KOLUR INSCRIPTION OF THE 4TH YEAR OF VIKRAMADITYA VI. This record was found on a fragment of a slab in the temple of Dhavalesvara at Kdür, concerning which I have found no further details. The upper half is very imperfectly preserved. The maximum height of the inscribed area is about 3 ft.; the width is 2 ft. 3 in.-The character is a fair Kanarese of the period, the letters varying in height from in. to fin. The cursive m (above, Vol. XII, p. 335) occurs in [pa]rcha-maha°, 1. 9, ma[hase]nadipati, l. 11, and palama°, 1. 28. The language, except for the concluding Sanskrit verse, is Old Kanarese. The initial p is changed to h only in hattiya, 1. 25. The archaic ! is preserved in ildu 11. 17-18, and is written irregularly in kar!chi, for karchchi, 1.21 ; elsewhere it has been replaced by l. The words kluénikāra, 1.: 17, binige, 1. 24, kechchan-appa, 1. 24, and malate, 11. 24-25, are of some lexical interest. The record, so far as it is preserved, begins by referring itself to a time when Trailokyamalla-dēva was reigning over the. Nalambayadi Thirty-two Thousand and the $untlige Thousand (11. 1-6). This is probably Jayasimha III, the younger brother of Vikramaditya VI, on whom see Dyn, Kanar, Distr., p. 453. Then, after a mutilated reference to some religious dignitary who was administering the demesnes of the god Indrekvara of Binkapura (cf. above, A., 11. 12-13), we learn that at the same time a manneya, probably the Basavura Hundred-and-forty, was under the government of a Mahäsdmanta whose name is lost, but was probably Kaliyammarasu (Jl. 6-10), while the: - General Baladēvayye, a devotee of the Jain church, was ruling the Bangvåse Twelve-thousand and controlling the kil-tatte section of the vadda-rdruļa taxes (11. 10-13), the General - Bammadēvaras, was controlling the perjjuriku and the two bilkode taxes of the Banavase Twelve-thousand (11. 13-15), the pergade Chivanna, also a pious Jain, was kha nikära of the vadda-ricula (11. 15-18), and Dasa-Gayunda and RajaGāvunda were serving as gavundas of Kolur (1. 18). Next comes the date (11. 18-20), followed Possibly knehohannappa is wonnected with kechchane, red goss's bab it may oynally to connected with kechchu in the sense of warp. 292 Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XIX, by details of an endowment for the temple of the god Grime vara, the “ Village Lord", of which the trustee was a certain Kannadichirya, and under which a toll identical in its rates with that specified in B., 11. 16-17, was to be levied on certain produce of the soil in Kolar and Aggalajter under the provisions of the above-mentioned four taxes, and applied for the benefit of the temple (11. 20-26). The data is given on 11. 18-20 as: the 4th year of the Chilukya-Vikrama era, SiddhErtha ; Panshya amdvdse, Sunday; the uttardyana-sankranti ; tho vyatipdta ; an eclipse of the sun. This again is somuwhat irregular, The given tithi corresponded to Thursday, 28 December, A.D. 1079, ending about 3 h.7 m. after mean sunrise. The uttardyana-sankranti courred 19 h. after mean sunrise on the preceding Tuesday, 1.6. at 1 a.m. on Wednesday, 26 December, which was hence reckoned as 1 Makara. The eclipse of the sun actually took place on Thursday, 26 December, as stated : see Indian Calendar, p. 122. The following place-names oocar : the Noļambavadi Thirty-two-thousand, 11. 4-5; the Bantalige Thousand, 1. 5; Bankapura, 1. 8; the Bansvaso Twelve-thousand, 11, 12, 14; Kojfr, 11, 18, 22; Aggalajur, 1. 22 f.; Karage, L. 23; the tirthas, ll. 26, 27, 29. Nolambavādi lay somewhere about Bellary. Sāntalige was in the west of Mysore or thereabouts (Dyn, Kanar. Distr., p. 306, n. 5). On Batkāpura see Vol. XIII, p. 168; on Karage, see above. TEXT.1 [The metre of verse 1 is Anushfubh.] Le . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. [fa]2 [ra]n-agata-rakshma[pi) ..................... 3 . gajāgarājam ... ... ... ..... ... ... 4. frima[t®]-Traifokyamallavēr? Nola[mbavadi-mava). 5 [tti]rohohasiramumam Santalige-[Kairamu)6 math Bukha-sankatha-vinodadim r[kiyam-geyyuttam=ire Svasti yama-niyama dhyana)7 dhåra a-mo(maa)n-anushthina-japa-samadhi.............. 8 Bam kapurad-Inndrögvara-dovargg-!va Gorava(P) .... (samadhigata). 9 [pa]mcha-mahasa(la)bda-mahasimantam Srimatu.... [BIsavura-ntra nalva)10 [ttara) manneyad-arasu-geyyut[t]am-ire | Svasti ... 11 ma[håse]nkdi(dhi)pati maha prachanda-damdaniyaka Jina-charapa-kamala-bhri(bhri)m ga [damda)12 [n]áyaka Baladóvayyam [ga]lu Banava8e-panniroboh siramomam vadda-rivula13 [da P] ki!-vatteya sumkaman-anubhavisnttam-ire Srimad-dandanayaka Betti (mayam P]14 gaļa magam Bammadēvarssaru Banavese-pannirohoh Isirada perjjunkamum eradu[min bi]. 15 Ikedeya sumkaman anubhavisuttam-ire | Svasti samasta-gana-sarpanna nudida am16 teennam sujan-aiyka-mitra gotza-pavitra Ifrita-jana-kalpa-vrl(vri)ksha bandhu-jana chintamani Po. 17 ttiya siṁga Jina-charana-kamala-bbri(bhpi)ga trimatu vadda-rivuļada khênikára perggade Chivannanu[m-i]. 18 da Srimatu-Kolu(!dra DX88-gáyundanum Raja-gayundanum gåvanda geyya(yyu)ttam-ire Chau[k]ye19 Vikrame-varsba eneya Sidh(a)dharttha-samvatsarada Paushyad-amăvise Adityară ram-uttar[a]. From the ink-impression. Road Trafolyamalla-divar. Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 29.) SIX INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLUR AND DEVAGERI. 189 20 Fana-samkranti vyatipäta su(a)ryya-grahaņadandu Gråmēśvara-devargge dhūpa-dipa21 nivēdyakke Kannadachary yara kålam kar chi dhäri-purvvakam=āgi bitta dharni. mam-ent-enda[de] 22 Vadda-rāvula perjjunka eradan bilkode antum(ntu) nälkun sumkadalumeagi Kolfir Aggala23 jāra Karageya tala-bhandamu[m* ?] 3 geradum polege barpp-adda-vatteya khasa 24 tada maļave irppattakkoondu kechchan=appa nūla păsina binigeya malave 25 nuivattakkoondu hattiya malave Ayvattakk=ondu davasada pēru i[*]ppa26 ttakk-ondu [ll"] Int=1 dharmmamaṁ pratipäļisidavaru Vāraṇāsi Gu(Kurukshotra 27 Prayageya(yo)!=sāyira kavileya kodun kolagumam pamcha-rntnadolu katti28 sl(si) vēda-paragar-appa såsirvvaru brahmanargge maha-dīnar-gotta pa(pha)!am akku ! 29 1 dharmmaman-alidaň Vánarisi Kurukshetrado! sāsira kavileyum såsira' bra. 30 hmanaran-alida pamcha-maha-påtakan-akku | Sva-datt[] para-datt[a]m vā yo Laroti(ta) Vasu31 ndharām shashthi(shțim)-varsha-sahasrāņām(i) mi(vi)shthayam jāyatë krimit [1*] D.-KOLUR INSCRIPTION OF THE 10TH YEAR OF VIKRAMADITYA VI. This mutilated fragment is from a stone found at Kolar, regarding which I have no details. It contains only the right-hand half of the record. Its height is about 3 ft. 5 in. ; its width at 1. 1 is 12 in., and at 1. 32 (the last line) 174 in. The character is fair Kanarewe of the period and the letters vary between 's inand in. The language is Old Kanarese, except in the formal Sanskrit verses on 11. 24-27. The is used irregularly in kamala and sakala (1.5), and in negaldalu (1. 14); elsewhere it is replaced by !. We find the archaic participle pratipalisidonge (1. 27) in a formula beside the later form a idavange (1. 29). The record refers itself in 11. 1-3 to the reign of Tribhuvanamalla-deva, 1.8. Vikramaditya VI, and then mentions in 11. 3-7 Rajagurudēva (compare above, inscr. A.) as administering twelve towns, probably those comprised in the diocese of Indrėsvara of Bankapura. Next appears again Kaliyammarasa, who figures in inscription B. (11. 8 and 22), as governing the manneya of Basavura. After the date (11: 12-18) begins a series of kanida verses in praise of Basava and Kētamalls and their family, though of the latter only one name is preserved, ris. that of their grandmother (?) Bāganabbe (1. 14). To judge from the words (Au)ragakula-tilakam on I. 13, this family also belonged to the Jimatav hana lineage. One or both of these men held the office of gārunda in Kolar (1. 18), and won the favour of Kaliyamarasa (1. 19), who was pleased because Basava risked his life (literally, 'gave his head') in his service, and accordingly made & religious endowment (11. 19-22). The document was drafted by Milapayya, the teacher of Këtamalla, and was engraved by Kaloja (11, 31-32). The date is given in 11. 12-13 as the 10th year of the Chalukya-Vikrama era, Krodhana, Thursday, thu month and fortnight being lost. The year Krodhana corresponded to A.D. 1085-8. The only decipherable place-names are: the Basavura Hundred-and-forty (L. 11); Kolar (1. 18); and the tirthas (1. 27). Rend krimin. Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX TEXT. [The metres are as follow : verses 1-7, Kanda; verses 8-9, Anushļubh.] 1 Svasti samasta-bhuvan-asraya Sri-Prithvi-vallabha mahār]ājādbirāja paramēśtars parama2 [bhattarakar Satyāśraya-kula-tiļakar Chāļuky-abharapa]m frimasto]-Tribhuvana malla-dēvaru sukla3 [sarkatha-vinodadim rājyam-geyyuttam=ire | Svasti yama-niyama-ev]ādhyâya-dhyana dbäraņa-mo(man)n-and4 [shthầna] :........ ..... budha-jana-prasaminartim dharmma-lata5..................... vä-kamala(la)-märttapdarim sakala(la)- 6 . .. . .. .. . ... ..... .SÅrs-viratarum charitra-nirataron srima7........... vimdarum=appa Kājagurudēvaru panneradum būdamam 8......... [Samadhigatar-pa]mcha-mahafabda-mahäsämantam vijaya9 [lakshmi-kanta] ............. Jimütavāhan-anvaya-prasita bandhu-jana10 [kamalini-raja-hamsa] ..... [Padm]āvati(ti)-labdha-vara-prasáda tyäga-vinoda biruda11 [manneya-mada-nivärapa(P)] ......... Srimat Kaligam[m"Jarasa[r*] Bāsavura-nõra-nālva12 [ttara manneyad=arasn-geyyuttam=ire () 1 Svasti sri]mach-Chāulya-Vikrama Varsham 10neya Krõdha13 [na-samvatsara] .... [Br]i(Brihaspativărad-anda || (Auraga-kula-tiļakam? prabhu Vi(Vi)r-a14 [vatára] ............. [r]uha-lochane negaldalu(iu) dhāriņiyo! Bāganabbe ..:::[1*] ..... yananta-ganam bhuvana-bha[rana 1-jana-vinutam fri-kāntam ............. shta-nivasa 1 [28] Āta.... Sitege do[r]e .. .:::...... yasa(fa)r-jjaniyisidar-nniti-vida[r] Basava Kētama[1]la18 ........ [3] ....... r=Köļūrol gāruņdu-geydu sukhadin iral-pati-kāra19 ............ mar mechchi Kaliyam[mojarasam dayeyi || [4] Enage tale-go20 [+] ............ n=emdu Kaliyam[m]arasam manamuosed eradum keriya mane21 ............itta || [5*] Vigiuhado! tale-gotti(tta)n-udagra-balam Basava 1 From the ink-impression. * The syllables til have been omitted from their proper place and insorted in smaller letters at the end of the line, with crosses to mark the omission. Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 29.) SIX INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLUR AND DEVAGERI. 191 22............. [gra]hadimdam samasta-parigrahaml-a-cha[m] dra-tāram-amt-ag=itta || [6] 23.......... mg=adu piridum punyam-artthad=ł(a)pēkshateyimd idana}idava24 .......... ridu nadege nadevavar-ella [7] Sva-datt[äm*] para-danta(ttăm) vă yo ha25 [rēta vasundharam [18] shashtimv-a]rsha-sahasriņām(ni) mi(vi)shthāyām jāyato krimi || [8] 26 [Sva-dattad-dviguņam punya p]trvva-datt=anupāļi(la)nam [1] pūrvva-datt ápahárēna sva-dattam nis(sh)phalam bha27 [võt | ] [9] ........ maryyådeyam tappade pratipäļisidonge Varanasi Gange Kuru28 [kshētrado! säsira)-kavileya kodum ko!agumam pamcha-ratnado! kattisi vēda pāraga29 [r-appa säsira-brāhmapargg]e dānam-gotta pa(pha)lam-akku | Idan=aļidavamge anti tirtthado! sasi. 30 [ra-kavileyulin såsira-br[a]hmaņarum sāsira-divya-tapodhanarumasın") korda på31 (takam-akku] Kētamallanan=odisida upadhyāyar Māļapayyam bareda besa ge 32 [yda] .... siyamājana magam Kaloja || E.-DEVAGERI INSCRIPTION OF THE 48TH YEAR OF VIKRAMADITYA VI. This document, of which a transcript is given in the Elliot Collection, vol. 1 (fol. 367a. of the Royal Asiatic Society's copy), is from a slab found standing in the front of the gateway of the temple of Basavaņņa by the honda or well of Dēvageri. The inscribed area is about 3 ft. 10 in. high and 1 ft. 3} in, wide. The lower part of the inscription is lost.-The character is fair Kanarese of the period, with letters varying between in. and in. in height. The cursive m occurs in mula, 1. 2.-The language is Old Kanarese, except for the opening Sanskrit verse. Initial p has become h in the name Hermmāļi" (11. 19, 23, 43) and in hola-rēreyim (1. 25; cf. above, Vol. XIV, p. 277). The does not appear : we find irddu (1. 21) for ildu, and elsewhere ļ. The document refers itself to the reign of Tribhuvanamalla dēva, i.e. Vikramaditya VI (II. 3-8), and mentions next the Mahāsdmantadhipati Isvarayya, a general and steward of the household, as administering the “Two Beļvalas," (scil Beļvala and Puligere) (11. 9-13), while the Vahāsā manta Hermādiyarasa of the Jimütavāhang lineage and Khachara family, was governing the manneya of the Bāsayura Hundred-and-forty (11. 14-21). It then records a date (11. 21-23) on which Hermadiyarasa made a grant of some lands to the temples of Tribhuvan:svara (a title of Siva derived from the name of the reigning king) and Bhairava, the trustee being Tribhuvanasingi-Pandita (1l. 23-29). After formulæ of the usual type (1l. 29-39) comes a verse which tells us that Hermadiyarasa was the son of Kaliyammarasa (see inscriptions B.-D.) by his wife Laghahaladēvi (11. 40-44). After this the rest of the record is lost : only small fragments of nine lines survive. • The date is given on 11. 21-23 as the 46th year of the Chalukya-Vikrama era, Plava; the full-moon of Paushya-suddha, Sunday; the uttarayana-sankranti; the vyatipata. The tithi quoted corresponded to Sunday, 26 December, A.D. 1121; it began on that day at 12.24 A.M., and ended about 13 m. after midnight. The uttarayana-sancranti occurred 15 h. 45 m. after 1 The letter gra has been omitted and added at the end of L. 21, with crosecs to mark the omission. ? Read krimin. Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 192 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Voi. XIX mean sunrise, i.o., at 9.15 p.x. on the previous Saturday, so it actually took place before the qnoted tithi began; but the day to which it was attached, viz. from mean sunrise on Saturday to mean sunrise on Sunday, was still current when the tithi commenced, and hence the twc dates might legitimately be connected. Mr. Sewell informs me that according to the Brahma-sidilhānta the uttarāyana-sankranti occurred on Friday, 23 December, a date which could not possibly he connected with the given tithi. The only place-names mentioned are: the Banevāse Twelve-thousand (1. 12), the Six. hundred consisting of the two Beļvalas', i.e. Bevala and Puligere (11. 12-13), the Basavurs Hundred-and-forty (1. 20), Dēvagēri (1. 25), Marayagere (1. 26), and the tirthas (1. 30). TEXT. [The metres are: verse 1, Anushțubh ; verse 2, Šalint; Verse 3, Sardalavikridita.) 1 [Namas-tumga]-[i]rs-chumbi-chandra-chámara-chāravo [*] trai![0]kya2 nagar-arambha-mula-stambhāya Sam bhavé. [!] 1*] Manga[la] 3. Svasti samasta-bhuvan-asraya Árt-Pri(Pri)thvi-[va]4 llabha mahåräjädhirāja paramégvara para5 mabhattarakam Satyasraya-kula-tilakam Chalu6 ky-abharanam Srima (t*]-Tribhuvanamalla-dévara vija7 ya-rajyam-uttar-Ottar-ābhivri(vri)ddhi-pravardd hami8 Nam-a-charidr-arkka-tāram-baram Balattam-ire 9 Tat-pada-padm-Opajivi Svasti ramadhigata-pancha10 maha-sabda-mahäsämantadhipati mahåpra11 chapda-dandanayakan mane-verggadey-Isvarayya12 dandanayaka[moj Bansvāne-pannirchchhāsiranium, Beļvals13 V-erad-runtrum, sukha-samkatha-vinodadímd-asuttam-ire 14 Svasti samadigada-pancha-mahitabda-mahasi martam vijaya15 lakshmi-kamtam samasta-vasmatitala-khyata-Jimotavahan-[a*}16 nvaya-prasitam bandhu-jana-kamaļini-rāja-hamsam Khachara-va[n]. 17 -attarsam Padmavati-labdha-Vara-prasådam tyaga-vinodam b[i]. 18 ruda-manneya-mada-ni(ni)vårpa-nam-di-samasta19 prasa( sasti-sahita-Sriman-mahasi mantar Hertmadiyarasa20 ru Bāsavura-nura-nalvattara manneyad-arasu-geyvutta21 mwirddu Chaľukya-Vikrams-varghada 46neya Plava-89mva22 tsarada Panshya-buddha pappamí A divarda[mo]d-uttaraya23 ma-samkráinti vyatzpatadalu Hermmadiya24 rasar māhēsvara-diksheyam kay-kondu Srima[t]-Tribhuvane25 svara-devara nivedyakk[e] Dēvagêriya hola-vēreyim temka Ma26 rayagereyim badaga śrima[t']-Tribhuvanasimgi-pathditara ki27 lur kachchi dhāra-parvvakam midi dévaigge bitta yere ma28 ttar-aydu alli Bhairava-dēvargge yere mattar ordu 29 Antunattarsagu [ll] Yi dharmmamam pratipälisi30 davargge Váram(rn)gåsi Kurakshtra Prayagey-Argghya31 tirtthadalu sahasra-kavileya kodur kolaguFrom the ink-impression. * Read samadhigara. . Read - asus atitolas Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SIX INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLUR AND DEVAGERI. No. 29.) 193 32 mar parcha-ratnadalu khachiyisi chatur-v voda-paragar-appa 33 SA[hasra] brāhmaṇarggu bhayamukhigotta phalam-akku [I] Yi dha34 rmmamamn(n)-ar-orvvar-alidar-alidavargge Våranåsi Ku35 rukshótra Prayagey-Argghyatirtthadal-såyira kavile36 yamam sāsirvva[r*] brahmanaruman-alida parcha-maha-på37 takan-akku Sámányoyam eêtu-dharmmal nri(nşi)ppar kalo 38 kalo palaniyo bhavadbhiḥ [1] sarvvān=ētām(n) bhāg(v)ina[bo] partthi89 [v]ërdro(ndrān) bhūyo bhayo yachate Rāmabhadrach || 2"] e) 40 Ksh]ir-âmbhodhi-tandjegam Vanaruhākshamgam mand-ragadi [m] 41 (Kåmam(?) pu]+[t]uva volt Viyachchara-kula-prachi-pag-årkkam [mu]42 [-- -] Lachchaladēvigam Kaliyam-Orvvipalakan43 [gar ---] mapati puttidam nri(npi)pa-varam Hermmadi-bhu44 [- u || 3°] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . prasata-nri(npi)-putra kar=ar=mmige (?) TRANSLATION (Verse 1: identical with verse 1 of inscription B.) (Line 2.) Happiness! (LI. 3-8.) While the victorious reign of-hail!--the asylum of the whole world, favourite of Fortune and Earth, great Emperor, supreme Lord, supreme Master, ornament of Satyasraya's race, embellishment of the Chalukyas, king Tribhuvanamalla, was advancing in a course of successively increasing prosperity, (to endure) a long as moon, sun, and stars : (Ll. 9-13.) While one who finds sustenance at his lotus-feet,--hail !-the Mahamt. mantadhipati who has obtained the five great musical sounds, great angust General, steward of the household, the General Isvarayya, was governing the Banavåse Twelve-thousand and the Six-hundred consisting of the two Beļval:with enjoyment of pleasant conversations : (L. 14-21.) Hail! the Mahasamanta who has obtained the five great musical sounds. possessing all titles of honour such as " beloved of the Goddess of Victory, scion of the lineage of Jimütavāhana famed over the whole earth, a royal swan to the lotus-pool his kindred, chaplet of the Khachara race, receiving the grace of boons from the goddess) Padmavati, delighting iu bounty, repressing the arrogance of titled seigniors," the Mahasāmanta Hermādiyarasa, was ruling as seignior the Basavura Hundred-and-forty : (LI. 21-29.) On Sanday, the full-moon of the bright fortnight of Paushya in the cyclio year Plava, the 46th (year) of the Chalukya-Vikrama(era) on the uttarāyana-sankranti, in the vyatipata (yoga), Hermadiyarasa, having performed the Māheśvara consecration, for the oblations of the god Tribhuvanośvara, assigned, with laving of the feet of TribhuvanasingiPandita and pouring of water for the benefit of the god, five mattar of black-loam land south of the dry-land bounds of Dévagori (and) north of Marayagere, (and) in the same place, for the benefit of the god Bhairava, one mattar of black-loam land, thus making altogether) six mattar. (LI. 29-37: a prose formula of the usual type.) (V. 2: a common Sanskrit verse.) Read dharmma-setur. Nine more lines of writing are visible, but very few words on them are legible. • That is, the Belvala Three-hundred and the Paligore Three-hundred: see above, Vol. XIII, p. 178. 3 A Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX (V. 3.) As to the daughter of the Milk-Ocean (Lakshmi) and to the Lotus-eyed (Vishạn) of their souls' love was born (Kama]-a Sun on the eastern mountain of the Viyachchara! Lachchaladēvi and to king Kaliyama was born a lord... the excellent king Hermmadi the [ruler] of the earth, F.-KOLUR INSCRIPTION OF THE REIGN OF SINGHANA. This is written on a slab found in the temple of Mártanda-dova or Holapa at Kolar. The inscribed area is about 2 ft, 10 in. high and 1 ft. 9 in. wide, lines 1-5 occapying a compartment about 4 in. high, and the rest of the inscription being about 2 ft. 6 in, high. The character is a rather irregular Kanarese of the period; the letters generally vary in height from in. to in. The cursive m occurs about 24 times, the cursive v about 27 times. The language, except in the second verse, which is Sanskrit, is Kanarese, a mixture of the ancient and the medieval dialects. The upadhmāniya appears wrongly in Pulpa, 1. 16; ! is not found. Initial p has become h in Huligere, 1. 13, hamneradu, 1, 33, hiţu (hittu), L 33, beside paduva 1, 35, padedam and padeda, 1. 40. The first verse is of some loxical interest. The record refers itself in 11. 6-8 to the reign of Sim galadēva, i.e. the Yadava Singhaņa (circa A.D. 1210-46), who here bears the chief of the Chalukyan titles, together with those of a Nārāyaṇa of kings' and 'majestic Emperor' (cf. Dyn. Kanar. Distr., p. 523). It then mentions the high minister Vankuva-Rāvuta, with various titles, as governing the Belvala Three-hundred, the Huligere Three-hundred, and the Banavise Twelve-thousand (11. 9-14), while Kēšava-Nāyaka was administering the Hundred-and-forty of Bāsavür (11. 14-23), and the Mahamandalesvara Mallidēvaras3, of the Jimatavāhana lineage and Khachara family, was governing the manneya of the same Hundred-and-forty (IL 24-30); and under the auspices or this Mallidēvare sa the representatives of Dēvageri made a grant to the sanctuary of the Kshētrapala of Koļür (11. 30 ff.). The change in the status of Malli-devarasa's family is noteworthy. He bears the title of Mahamandalesvara, and is said to be reigning in the chieftainship of the manneya' (arasu-rājyar-geyyuttam), whereas his ancestors were only Mahāsāmantas and were described as exercising the chieftainship' (aras-geyyuttam). But on the other hand, the previous records make no mention of a government of the Basavür Hundred-and-forty distinct from that of the manneya, and it would, therefore, seem that in earlier times the former was included in the general administration of the whole province, and that later a special commissioner was appointed for it, perhaps as a counterpoise to the rising power of the Lord of the manneya. The distinction between the two administrations is not clear. The place-ngmes mentioned are: the Beļvala Three-hundred (11. 12-13); the Huligere Three-hundred (1. 13); the Banavāse Twelve-thousand (1. 13); the Hundred-and-forty of Bagavür (11. 22, 28); Dēvamgēri (1, 31); Kõlar (1. 33); Karage (1.35; see above on inscr. A.); Māvina-chavuça-kārve (1. 36); and Nidugere (1. 37). TEXT. The metres are as follows: verse 1, Taralas; verse 2, Anushfubh Verde 3, apparently a Tripadi.] i Nosala kamņu kudu-dāņo toļu-vale påvu kayya kapälamun [mi]2 gupa bālu niri-goda kern-jede kālal=itta ba(kala)lgaļim [19] misuni-jamnapa dē(vē) ! A poetical synonym for Khachara. : From the ink-impression. Read misuni-bannada (or-vanada). • See Nagavarma's Kannada Canandauw, ed. Kital, p. 66, 1. 186. Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 29.] SIX INSCRIPTIONS FROM KOLUR AND DEVAGERI. 195 3 tramam pidid-aksha-sätradha(da) māleyimd=eseva gejjeyi Bhö(Bhairavam namag Igai(ge) [be]4 lpa varamgalam || [1*) Namas tamga-sirastumbi-cha[m] dra-chåmara-ch[&]ravo trailokyal-nagar-[A*]ram5 bha-mulastabavasa bevē8 # [2] 6 e) Svasti samasta-prasa( Galati-sahita Sri-hsitvivalabhan mahārajādi(dhi). rājam 7 para mēśvaram paramabhattārakan Raya-Narayana pratapa-chakravartti 8 Sri-Simgaļa-dēvaru sukha-samkatha-vinodadim rajyam-geyyuttam-ire | 9 © Svasti sriman-mahapradhanam sarb-adhikari maha-pasayitam 10 bàhattara-niyog-adhipatiy=anoka-dhē (de)s-adhipati sakala-lakshmi(kshmi)-pati-ni11 yoga-Yogamdharam pati-käryya-dhuramdharam ni(ni)ti-Chåpå(DA) ya svāmi-vam12 chakara-gamdam saran-agata-vajra-pamjaranam-appa Vam kuva-Rāvutaru Be13 beļuvala6-münüru Huligere-münüru Bangvāse-pannirchchasiramam 14 sukha-sankathā-vinoda dimd=aļuttam-ire # @ Svasti samasta-prasasti-sa15 hitorn grimann(o)-mah&pradhanam Dvija-kula-kamala-M[A]rttandam kamini-mano16 nayana-Pubpnakodhandanum sarap-agata-vajra-pamjaranum yu17 dhidik-ku[m]jarana yativisam87-hay-ārūda(dha)-prauda(dha)-rokhi-Rēvamtanam SV18 mi-bhakta-Hanuma[m"]tanım satya-bauch-achåra-chåritranum Bhåra19 dhva(dvaja-gora-pavitranum sakala-sähitya-vidhy(dy)-Ady-d(a)něka-Sastra20 paranana mürtti-Nåriyapanu[m] vairi-senä-nätha-jiv-ochchi21 tana-mantra-sidhdh(ddhanur sakala-lok-ė(ai)ka-prasidhdhddh)anum yity-adh-y änēka-gu22 pa-gan-Olarkritanum'-appa Kēšava-na(nāya)karu Bāsayura nura23 nälvattumam dushta-nigraha-si(i)shta-pratipä!an-a(a)gil a(a)luttam-irdhdu(rddu) Svasti [ll] samasta-vasumati(ti)-tala-khyātam(ta).Jimatava 25 han-anvayam(ya)-prastta[] bamdhu-jana-kamalini-råja-hamsam Padma26 vati(ti)-labdha-vara-prasadam Khachara-vas-otta [m]sam tyäga-vinodam biruda27 marneya-bērntekāram sarppa-dhvaja-sobhitam mģvana gamdha-várapan 28 Sriman-mahamandalesvaram Malli-dēvarasaru Bāsavüra nura-na29 lvattumam sukha-samkath-vinodadin manneyad-arasu-ra30 jyam-geyyuttam=ire 1 Tatu-pada-padmo(paljivigalu f rfmatu-sama31 sta-guna-sampamnar-ap[p]a Dēvamgēriya syira parivaram 82 14 asuvatt-1(O)kkalum Manana-gāvurada Icha-gāvunda mukhyav-ida 33 hamnerada hit[t®)u sahita bitta dharmma Koļtira Kshötrapalam 1 Rood -final-chumbia. • The lo has been omitted, and added in smaller script. . Rond -mila-stand Maya Sambhari. • Read - Prithvi-vallabham. • The second be is superfluous. Read - Pushpalodandamus. Real ativishama. & Reed -parayanamu. • Read ity-ady-anēka-guna-gan-alasherita wun. 10 Read -pratipälanadih or fratipalanayide. SA 2 Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 196 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 84 ge ramga-bhoga-nivödy(dya)kke bitta datti varim müda ya(a)dda-dariyim 35 paduva yere Gangana mattaru 1 vörin tenks Karageya dari36 yim badaga kem-gadu kamba 20 M[]vina Chavuda-kärveyiml ter37 ka Niļugereya kelage kamba 10 soţige yern [e] | Sri Sri [1] 38 Yimt-i(1) dharmmavam pratipāļisida(da)mge mahimpul yidha(da)n-s39 lidar pamcha-maha-ptakan-aku(kku) | Sthana-patis madavari(mn) samtati40 padedam sarva-na[ms]ée(sya)v=igi dhi(dha)reyam padeda atana Batati(ta) bidey=abaleya nichita [ll 3*] TRANSLATION (Verse 1.) May Bhairava, with an eye in the centre of his) forehead, crooked tusks, serpente as armlete, & skull in his hand, a glittering sword, red matted locks in a neat horn, and with anklets worn on his feet, holding a rod of golden hue, with loins adorned with a rosary of beads, give us the boons which we crave. (V.2: identical with verse 1 of inscription B.) (Lines 6-8.) While-hail !--the possessor of all titles of honour, favourite of Fortune and Earth, great Emperor, supreme Lord, sapreme Master, a Narayapa of monarchs, the majestio Emperor king Singala was reigning with enjoyment of pleasant conversations : (LI. 9-14.) While-hail the High Minister, general controller, great favourite, administrator of seventy-two offices, administrator of many territories, holding the office of master of the whole treasury, a Yaagandharāyana in offices of his lord, a Chanakya in polity, & man of might to traitors against his master, and an adamant chamber to seekers of his protection, Vankuva-Ravuta, was governing the Belvala Three-hundred, the Huligere Threehundred and the Bangvāse Twelve-thousand, with enjoyment of pleasant conversations : (Ll. 14-23.) While-hail the possessor of all titles of honour, the High Minister, decorated with a series of many virtues (denoted by the titles of) Sun to the lotuses of the Brahman race, a Love-god to the souls and eyes of amorous women, an adamant chamber to the neekers of his protection, an elephant of the sky-quarters in battle, a Revanta of magnificent type among those who ride most froward horses,7 a Hanuman among those who are devoted to his lord, practising truth and purity of conduct, purifying the Bharadvája-gotra, versed in all literature and much other lore, an incarnate Nārāyapa, adept in spells destroying the lives of hostile generals, uniquely renowned among all men,' Kódava-Nayake, was governing the Hundred-and-forty of Bisavtir so as to suppress the wicked and protect the cultured : (LI. 24-30.) While-hail !--the scion of the lineage of Jimatav hans which is famed over the whole earth, a royal swan to the lotus-pool his kindred, receiving the grace of boons from the goddess) Padmavati, a chaplet of the Khaobara race, delighting in bounty, hunter of titled seigniors, adorned with the sorpent-flag, a furious elephant of his uncle, the Mahamandalákvara Mallidēvarasa, war reigning as seignior over the Hundred-and-forty of Binavor. with enjoyment of pleasant conversations - (LI. 30-37.) They, who find sustenance at his lotus-feet, Pobsessors of all virtues, the Thousaad of Devamgért, the fourteen parivdras, the sixty Households, and the twelve hittuu 1 Apparently for kålreyish. Read maka-pungari. • This verse is written in very slovenly and Inaocurate manner, and it is with the utmost diffidence that I other my prevent attempts at emendation and translation • Dare we read paded annava! . -nestly pointed like a horn. -Ed.] • On this description of Bhairava-Kshetrapala see Gopinatha Rao's Bloments of Hindy leonography, Vol. 3. 05, and Voya's Arol. Survey of Mayurabhanja, p. cociv. 1 Bee above, Vol. V, p. 888n., and Vol. XIII, p. 813n, Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 80.1 SHAHDAUR INSCRIPTIONS, ONE APPARENTLY OF THE YEAR: 60. 197 headed by MasAnA-GAvunda and Ioha-GĀyunda, jointly granted a pious endowment : for the theatrical entertainment and oblations of the Kshotrapaļal of Koļür they granted a gift, 1 Ganga's mattar of black-loam land east of the town (and) west of the cross-road, 20 kamba of red forest-land south of the town (and) north of the road to Karage, 10 kamba south of the channel of Chanda of the Mango (and) below the Long Tank (Nidugere) and oil for lights. Fortune! Fortune ! (LI. 38-99: a prose formula of the usual type.) (V 3.) The prior of the establishment has obtained the monastery as a pious gift," he hns got the land on sarva-namasya tenure, on condition that he shall certainly always avoid women. No. 30.-SHAHDAUR INSCRIPTIONS, ONE APPARENTLY OF THE YEAR 60. BY STEN Konow. Shahdaur is a hamlet in the Oghi kanungo circle of the Mānsehra tahsil, Hazāra District. and is situated about two miles east of Shamdhara and about four miles due east of Oghi. It is shown as Shodaur on the one inch equal 2 mile sheet 43 F., N. W., at 34° 30' 36' N. and 73° 4' 20" E. One mile south-east of the hamlet there is a narrow glen descending from the Tanglai hill, which gives its name to the Tanglai Forest, one of the reserved areas in the Hazāra District. In one of the small terraced fields of this glen, and overlooking a small spring in a contiguous gorge, is a firmly buried rock or large boulder of irregular shape, measuring 13' x 16', without any sign of dressing or design in position. The boulder marks the southern edge of a small field, and is of grey friable sandstone with a rough surface. The rock bears two Kharðshthi inscriptions, one in two lines on the perpendicular side facing the north, and another on the top. The latter shows remnants of five lines, but must, according to Khan Bahadur Mian Wasi-ud-din, have extended further to the south, where the surface is said to be greatly disfigured from age and other causes. The rock is said to have been brought to the notice of Mr. W. S. Davis, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Hazăre, in 1893, but no records have been traced about the matter. In the hot weather of 1924 a villager of Shamdhara gave information about the existence of the inscriptions to Mr. T. C. Copeland, I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner of the Hazára District, who informed the Director-General of Archæology of the matter in a letter of the 24th October 1924 and forwarded some photographs and rough tracings. A further report was sent to the Direotor-General on the 20th November 1924 by Khan Bahadur Mian Wasi-ud-din, who had in the meantime examined the rock and exposed it by excavation for several feet and found out that there was no continuation of the inscription on the perpendicular side below the surface. He also stated that an examination of the neighbourhood did not bring to light any further evidence or coins, but only some glazed fragments of coarse pottery. Local inquiries about coins are also said to have been fruitless. Every patch of level space in all directions has been lately brought under cultivation, and no ancient walls are said to be in evidence anywhere, though mention is made of the existence of burjs' before Government occupied the valley On this deity, form of Bhairava, see above. • Babtana or sathtati, pious work. The sapta-sathidna are enumerated in the verso: Tafaka dhana-nikahaparis brahma-shapyar Sivalaya de Vanasi rastatiputra apta-terlaran gald Cf. above, Vol. III, pp. 99 and 128. Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 198 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. The Khan Bahadur further states that the glen itself reminds one strongly of the locality and environs of Zaur Dheri across and beyond the Agror valley, where a stupa of Kushān date is said to exist, which has been referred to in the Annual Report of the Frontier Cirole for 1922-23.1 The inscriptions have also been noticed in the Epigraphical Summary in the Annual Report of the Archæological Survey, 1924-26, but I have not seen this notice We do not know much about the history of the district in ancient times. It belonged to the kingdom of Urasā or Uraśā, which is mentioned in the ganas to Pāṇini IV-11-82 and IV-ii-93, and in the Rajatarangini (V. 217 etc.) and has been identified with Ap oa or Ovapoa, the name given by Ptolemy VII-1-45 to the country between the Vitastā and the Indus. Hüan Tsang mentions the country under the name of Wu-la-shi. In his days it was tributary to Kashmir. Ptolemy mentions ISáyoupos as one of the cities of the "Apora territory, and Sir Aurel Stein has shown that 'Isayovpos can very well be a rendering of a Prākpit form Aityugura, which he identifies with Atyugrapura, mentioned in Kalhana's Rājatarangini VIII. 3402 as conquered by the Kashmirian King Jayasimha (A.D. 1128-49) in a war against Dvitiya, the Uraśā. Atyugrapura, Sir Aurel further identifies with the present Agror. We may infer from this that the Agror valley has played some rôle in the history of Hazāra, and that some centre existed in the neighbourhood of Shahdaur. In later times Oghi was the residence of the Khan of Agror. A. The inscription on the northern side of the rock consists of two lines. The first extends over 6' 2" and contains aksharas varying in size from 3 to 4", the second is 1'9" long and the size of the aksharas is 2 to 3}". Of individual letters we may note the cha at the end of l. 1, which has almost the same shape as in the Sihila vase inscription; the well-shaped and angular dh in vadha, 1. 1, and the distinct prolongation of the lower vertical of sa, upwards and towards the left, at the point of juncture with the upper portion of the akshara, just as in the Patika plate. On the whole there cannot be any doubt that the inscription belongs, palæographically, to the Saka period. The first akshara is evidently ra, though the upper portion is somewhat damaged. The second seems to be ja. There is an apparent cross-bar, which is, however, so thin that I take it to be a crack in the stone. There are, further, two apparent strokes protruding from the bottom, which might be taken to be remnants of an u-loop. But I do not think that they are anything else than fissures in the stone. The third letter is na, and I think that I can see traces of an o-mātrā. I therefore read rajano, Skr. rajñaḥ. Then comes a word which I read namijadasa and explain as the genitive of a name Namijada. There is apparently a curve above the vertical which I take to be the i-mātrā, in the second akshara, and one might think of ga. The top of the vertical is, however, straight, and the reading mi seems to be preferable. The next three aksharas seem to be sakasa. The top of ka is damaged, and the unevenness of the stone has resulted in an apparent bar between the two legs of the akshara, but the reading seems to be certain. Then follows an akshara which may be la or a blurred ba. With every reserve I read ba. The following letter is certainly so, but it is placed much lower than the surrounding aksharas, and the left vertical is prolonged upwards. There are, moreover, traces of lines above the horizontal, and it seems possible that we have before us the compound tša, of the same shape as in 1 Annual Report of the Archeological Survey of India, 1922-23, p. 96. * [See ibid, 1924-25, pp. 116 and 119. Ed.] * See his translation of the Rājalarangiai II, pp. 207 and 434. Page #254 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shahdaur Inscription A, of the year 60. Ist third Efrist and third 3rd third STEN KONOW C. WHITTINGHAM & GRIGGS, PHOTO LITH. SCALE -20 Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 30.] SHAHDAUR INSCRIPTIONS, ONE APPARENTLY OF THE YEAR 60. 199 the Patika plate. The ensuing akshara may perhaps be ra or re. I therefore tentatively read bat fare. But then the preceding sa must be drawn to this word, and we must read saka sabatéare, or rather sakasabat sare. With regard to the interpretation of saka there may be some doubt. It may correspond to Skr. svaka, but a dating in the own year " of a ruler is without any parallel in Kharoshthi inscriptions. So far as I can see, the most probable explanation is to take saka as corresponding to Skr. baka and explain sakasabattare as meaning in the Saka-year,' in the year of the Sakas, or the Saka king,' i.e., as almost synonymous with the later sakansipati-rājyäbhisheka-käle. It should be borne in mind that the Sakas were Iranians and that the name under which they are known was not coined in India. The Persian, Greek and Chinese renderings point to a form saka and not saka, and if the name is Iranian, as we have every reason for assuming that it is, since it signifies an Iranian people, an initial & is not possible. Moreover, the word occurs in the form sakra, where kr points to a spirantic pronunciation of the intervocalic k, on the Mathurā lion capital, where Professors Thomas and Lüders are certainly right in explaining the sentence sarvasa Sakrastanasa puyae as in honor of all Sakastāna.' After sabatkare I think that we may read shashtianmi, though every akshara is uncertain. The head of sha is indistinct but probable. The ensuing compound is without any parallel and my reading is only conjectural. Then follows what looks like the head of an a with a bend, which I take to be the beginning of an anusvāra, and, finally, an irregular a or mi. Then follow three signs which I take to be the numerical symbol for 20, thrice repeated. The ensuing word might be read sabharusa or sabhadu81. The latter seems to be the most likely reading because the vertical is distinctly projecting above the top line. Bhadu might stand for bhandu, which occurs in the gana to Pāṇini IV-11-77 after the names Suvāstu and Varnu and may be the name of a country. Sabhadusa would then mean together with the Bhandu-ruler.' The next word is perfectly clear: savalavadhapitfu]sa. The tu is perhaps uncertain and might be ta. A comparison of the ta of inscription B vill show that our akshara differs in showing a forward bend of the leg, wherefore I think that tu is intended. I am in doubt about the explanation of this word. It may stand for svabalavardhāpitasya, 'elevated by his own strength' or for sa-Balavardha-pituh, together with his father Balavardha.' The ensuing akshara is apparently fia, and the next one is certainly cha. I tako facha to correspond to Skr. jñāti, though the a-suffix is strange. L. 2 opens with matravadha, followed by a vertical, which apparently rises above the line and which I take to be ne. Nachamitravadhane I take to mean for the increase of relatives and friends. The last aksharas of the line I read putrahitae, and so far as I can see there can only be some doubt about the last letter. Though I am considerably diffident about several details in the analysis I have attempted above, yet I give the following reading and explanation : TEXT. 1 [Rajano] Na[mi]jadasa sakasa[batsare] sba[shtiarmi) 20 20 20 saBhadusa sa Valavadhapit[u]sa [ña Joha3 mitravadha[ne] putrahita[e] Kielhorn, List of Inscriptions of Southern India, No. 3. • Ep. Ind., IX, p. 147. 38. B. 4. W., 1912 PP. 414 ff. Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 200 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. TRANSLATION. Of the Rājan Namijada, in the sixtieth, 60, Saka-year, together with Bhadu (or, the Bhandu-king) and his father Balavardha, for the increase of relatives and friends, (and) for the welfare of his son. B. The second inscription, on the top of the rock, is much more damaged and, according to Mr. Wasi-ud-din, incomplete. There are remains of five lines. L. 1. The beginning has apparently disappeared altogether. There seems to be exactly room for four letters, and with great reserve I restore maharayasa. Then comes an almost certain a, where the only uncertainty is caused by an apparent stroke projecting upwards and towards the right from the lower half of the vertical; a fairly distinct ya, and traces of a sa. I therefore read Ayasa, which is probably the genitive of the well-known name Aya, Azes. In my edition of the Takht-i-Bāhi inscription, above Vol. XVIII, pp. 273 f, I have tried to show that Azes founded a new era in the old Saka year 77. We should therefore expect the inscription B to be somewhat later. Then follows sam, i.e., samvatsare or sambatsare, and afterwards traces of some signs which can be interpreted as 20 20 20 20.. The year may accordingly be eighty and something or even ninety. L. 2. The first aksharas which remain are clearly Sivarakshitasa. Then comes a blurred akshara which might be tsa or shu, followed by tasa. Shutasa would regularly correspond to Skr. frutasya, while tsātasa reminds us of Khotani tsäti, rick'. . L. 3. The first remaining akshara is quite uncertain, but looks like a. The second may be dha, and the third is certainly sa. The next akshara is quite uncertain. It may be va, ta or ksha. The second may be a or na, the third va, ra or thi, and the fourth and fifth are certainly tasa. With great diffidence I tentatively read vanathitasa. Then follows what looks like cha i... L. 4. The first akshara is perhaps da. The second and third ones are certainly sahi, and with some confidence the first word can therefore be restored as dasahi. Then comes kahapa followed by some aksharas which I cannot make out, but which may perhaps be nasahas[re][hi*). The form kahapana seems to be common to all Prākpits. L. 5. The beginning of this line seems to run abhu yo Gotama. The last remaining word may be stalao, possibly corresponding to Skr. sthālakah,'& certain bone on the back, in which case a bone-relic of the Buddha would be meant. In such circumstances I am unable to give more than a fragmentary text, and even the fragments which I attempt to restore are uncertain. TEXT. 1 [Maharayasa] Ayasa sam [20 20 20 20] 2 Sivarakshitaga [shu]tasa 3 [adha]sa (vanathi]tasa cha i..... 4 [da]sabi kahapa[na]-sa [hasre .].. 5abhu yo Gotama-[stalao]... Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shahdaur Inscription B. STEN KONOW SCALE 20 C. WHITTINGHAM & GRIGGS, PHOTO-LITH. Page #259 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 30.] SHAHDAUR INSCRIPTIONS, ONE APPARENTLY OF THE YEAR 60. 201 TRANSLATION. Of the [maharaja?] Aya, anno....of Sivarakshita, the famous (?), wealthy (?), and staying in the wood (?), here (?)... for ten thousand kārshapanas... was, which the backbone (P) of Götama... The chief importance of the Shahdaur inscriptions rests with the fact that the era in which they are dated seems to be designated as a Saka reckoning. Their palæography shows that there cannot be any question of the well-known Saka era, which began 78-79 A.D. The characters being of the same kind as these of the Patika plate, there can hardly be any doubt that both records are dated in one and the same era, and we now learn that this era was instituted by Saka rulers. It therefore becomes impossible to follow those scholars who think that the Patika plate is dated in an unknown era instituted by Mithradates I after the incorporation of Seistan in the Parthian empire, or in the Parthian era of 248 B.C., with omitted hundred. We have to do with a Saka era. Professor Thomas has long ago1 maintained that the reckoning used in the inscriptions of Patika, Guduvhara, etc., was a Saka institution, and in a paper contributed to the Acta Orientalia I have tried to show that it commemorated the establishment of an independent kingdom in Seistän or a Saka conquest of India. The Shahdaur inscriptions show that the era was still known to be a Saka era in the year 60, i.e., if the initial point was, as maintained by me in the paper just quoted, 84 B.C., about 24 B.C. It can of course, a priori, be maintained that the era which is usually known as the Vikrama era was originally instituted in commemoration of the Saka conquest of India, and identical with the Saka-reckoning of the Shahdaur inscription and, as maintained by the late Dr. Fleet, with the era used in the Patika plate. But then we should have to state the use of another unknown era in the Soḍāsa inscription of the year 72. For, as explained in my edition of the so-called Takht-i-Bahi inscription,s Soḍāsa, who was Mahakshatrapa when the record of Sam. 72 was executed, must be identified with the Kshatrapa Suḍaśa of the Mathura lion capital, who as such, was contemporary with the Mahakshatrapa Patika, whom most scholars rightly identify with the chief mentioned in the Patika plate of the (Saka) year 78, at which dats his father was Kshatrapa. I may now add that Patika himself seems then to have been designated as jaüva. The last words of the record are certainly, as read by Bühler, mahadanapati Patikasa jaüvañae, and we have no right, as suggested by Professor Lüders, to read jaüvaraye or some other equivalent of Skr. yauvarajye, for y is never changed to j in the dialect of the Kharoshthi inscriptions. On the other hand we know from the coin legends of Zeionises that an initial voiced & was sometimes written j. There is not, therefore, so far as I can see, any objection to identifying java with the title which we find later on, in the coin legends of Kadphises I, in the forms yaua, yavuga, Laoo. If I am right, we here have another example of the close connexion between the old Saka conquerors and the Kushanas. If my tentative restoration of the beginning of 1. 3 of inscription B is correct, we further seem to be justified in inferring that the Parthian dynasty of Azes had replaced the Sakas in the Hazara district at an unknown date, perhaps about the year 80 of the old era. 1 J. R. A. 8., 1913, pp. 635 ff. Above Vol. XVIII, p. 272. 2 III, pp. 57 ff. J. R. A. S., 1909, pp. 664 J. 33 Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. In addition to the Rajan Namijada we are introduced to a certain Sivarakshita, whose name seems to show that he was an Indian, who may have been employed as a Kshatrapa by the Sakas or Parthians, presumably in or near Shahdaur, or perhaps in Taxila.1 No. 31. -PESHAWAR MUSEUM INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 168. BY N. G. MAJUMDAR, M.A. In February 1924, while studying the antiquities kept in a store-room of the Peshawar Museum, I chanced upon an inscribed stone marked as " No. 20" and labelled "Presented by Sir Aurel Stein on 4th July 1916." But there was no record in the office of the Peshawar Museum to show whence the inscription came. On my return to Calcutta I wrote to Sir John Marshall, Director-General of Archæology in India, requesting him to kindly refer the matter to Sir Aurel Stein and ascertain whether the latter could throw any light on the point. As a result of the enquiry I came to know that the stone was presented to Sir Aurel Stein, in April 1906, by Sir Harold Deane, to whom it had been brought by some Pathan visitors, and that later on in 1916, when the former returned to Peshawar from his Third Central Asian Expedition, it was presented by him to the Peshawar Museum. I edit the record from. the excellent photographs kindly supplied to me by Khan Bahadur M. Wasi-ud-din. The inscribed surface of the stone is about 11" by 44"; and the letters vary in size between 1" and". The inscription consists of 3 lines and is in a good state of preservation. Below it there is engraved a Svastika symbol. The characters are Kharōshthi of the Kushana period. Specially to be noted are the cursively written pa with anusvāra and cha in paṁchadasa (1. 1), and ka in kue (1. 3). The first two might be compared with almost similar forms in Stein's Kharōshthi documents from Niya in Chinese Turkestan, and the third one with the form occurring in them as well as in the inscription on the Wardak vase. The letter sa shows no projection of the lower vertical line in two out of four instances (sam and divase 1. 1); but in the other two, there is just a trace of a projected lower vertical (mase, 1. 1, and -sahayana, 1. 2). The e-stroke does not touch the top of letters in Jetha and divase (1. 1). Similarly in the sign for 100 the upper slanting stroke is not joined to the lower portion of the letter. Some letters again are not fully incised, e.g., ga, the u-stroke attached to sh in 1. 2 and the letter e immediately before the word viharami in 1. 3. The language is the typical north-western Prakrit as found generally in Kharoshṭhi inscriptions coming from the Peshawar region. The form of the word sashura (svasura) calls for special notice, being comparable to such forms as khakhorni (-Péasurāni) and khakhorna employed in the third century Niya documents. The latter forms are obviously later, because both the palatal sa-s have been lingualised, and the lingualisation has necessitated the orthographic substitution of kha. These were probably derived from Iranian vasura. Whether the same Iranian influence is responsible for the lingualisation of & in sashura in the present instance is doubtful. 1 The name Sivarakshita is found on a copper seal from Sirkap, where the shape of the Kharoshthi !etters is of the same kind as in our inscription; see Annual Report. A.S.I., 1914-15, p. 35 and Plate XXIV, 51. Kharögthi Inscriptions (ed. Rapson, Senart and Boyér), No. 58, reverse, 1. 1 and No. 248, 1. 4. Cf. F. W. Thomas, Jour. Boy. 48. Soc., 1921, p. 280. See Bartholoma, Altiranisches Wörterbuch (1904). col. 1874. Page #262 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PESHAWAR MUSEUM INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 188. 1 อากาศ2552 2 3 4 5 H. KRISHNA SASTRI. FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 32.] A KHAROSHTHI INSCRIPTION FROM JAMALGARHI OF THE YEAR 359. 203 It is probably due to the peculiar pronunciation of the word as prevalent on the North-Western Frontier of India. Clear instances of lingualisation of the palatal sibilant occur in the word shamana (éramana) in the two Charsadda earthen jar inscriptions and the Hashtnagar pedestal inscription in the Lahore Museum, in the name Shamanamitra (Sramanamitra) in a Taxila image inseription, in the word shavaa (śravaka) in the Jamalgarhi inscription of the year 359, published below, and in the word Kashyavia (Kasyapiya) in a Bedadi copper ladle inscription. In the majority of cases, it appears, that the change of s into sha is the result of the proximity of the letter ra. This characteristic is very well represented by the Khotanese dialect in which Aryan ér is regularly converted into Khotanese sh. This old linguistic feature has survived in some of the modern dialects of the North-West as, e.g., the Bashgali and the Gilgit dialect of Shina.9 The object of the inscription is to record the excavation of a well inside a certain monastery. Trava is probably a Prakrit equivalent of Sanskrit trapa meaning 'bashfulness,' which would be a good Indian personal name befitting a lady. It is very likely that she was the actual donor. Her father-in-law Aga sahaya (Agrasahaya), who calls himself 'humble' (kshudra), excavated the well probably to carry out her pious wish, namely, to provide for drinking water, specially during the hottest part of the year. The record is dated the 15th day of Jyaishtha, the year 168 of an unspecified era. The mode of reckoning is, however, the same as in other Kharoshṭhi documents such as the Panjtär inscription of the year 122, which are now generally assigned to the era of 57 B.C. Referring the year 168 to that era the corresponding English date becques 110 A.D. TEXT. 1 Sam 1 100 20 20 20 4 4 Jetha-mase divase parchadasa (se) 2 khudana Agasahayana Trava-sashurana dana-mu 3 khe kue khanavi[e] viharami TRANSLATION. (In) the year 168, on the 15th day of the month of Jyaishtha, a well (which is) a gift, is caused to be dug, within the Monastery, by the humble Agasahaya (Agra sahaya), the fatherin-law of Trava (Trapa). No. 32.-A KHAROSHTHI INSCRIPTION FROM JAMALGARHI OF THE YEAR 359. BY N. G. MAJUMDAR, M.A. This inscription was discovered by Mr. Hargreaves in December 1920, from the debris of Court No. VII adjoining the Stupa at Jamalgarhi in the District of Peshawar. It was afterwards removed to the Peshawar Museum where it is at present deposited. A short 1 Cf. Lüders, Ann. Rep. Arch. Sure. Ind., 1903-4, p. 290 and Sitz. Kön. Preuss. Ak. d. Wiss., 1913, p. 421, n. 1; also Vogel, Ann. R. Arch. Surv. Ind., 1903-4, p. 252. If Prof. Läders is right the feature would also occur in the word shavachi (bravakai) in the Manikiālā inscription of the year 18 Jour. Roy. As. Soc., 1909, p. 645). The reading of sha in Dashalatha in the inscriptions of Afōka's grandson at Barabar in Gaya District, and in all cases where one would expect other sibilants, in the Kälsi edicts of Aoka is probably unwarrantable. 5 Ann. Rep. Arch. Surv. Ind., 1303-4, p. 289. Ibid., p. 250. 5 Mem. Arch. Surv. Ind., No. 7, p. 9. See my edition in Jour. As. Soc. Beng., N. S., Vol. XIX (1923), p. 345. ? Konow, Jour. Roy. As. Soc., 1914, p. 353. Konow, Jour. Roy. As. Soc., 1911, pp. 30, 31. Cf. Gilgit fash (=babu). Lorimer, Jour. Roy. As. Soc., 1924, p. 178 3 B2 Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XLX; notice of the record has already appeared in the Annual Report of the Archaological Survey of India, Frontier Circle, 1920-21, pp. 5-6. I now edit it from a set of excellent photographs and estampages which Mr. Hargreaves had very kindly sent to me. It is incised on a slab of stone which is slightly damaged. Excepting a few letters which have peeled off, it is in a sound state of preservation. The writing consists of only 2 lines covering a space of 21" x 3", and is neatly done. It is divided by a horizontal line drawn across the blank space between lines 1 and 2. The letters vary in size from it' to . The cbaracters are Kharöghthi of the Kushāna variety. According to Bühler, this variety is "represented by the strongly cursive script of the first and second centuries A.D. (?), which begins with the Takht-i-Bāhi inscription of Gondopheres and is fully developed in the inscriptions of the later Kuşana kings Kanişka and Huviska and occurs also in the MS. of the Dhammapada from Khotan." But the present record contains scarcely any cursive forms at all, a feature in its palæography that is specially to be noted. The evidence of this inscription partially repudiates Bühler's statement and shows that cursiveness need not be necessarily associated with the Kharoshthi of the Kushāna period. Of greater paleographic significance are, in the present case, the superscript r expressed by a loop at the base of a letter (in sarve, 1. 2), and the form of the letter & which is open to the left, without the least upward projection of the lower vertical line (e.g., in Aspaïasa, l. 1). That the inscription cannot be earlier than the Kushāna period follows at once from the presence of these two characteristics. Two conjunct forms deserve to be noted, viz., dn and sp. Of these, $p (Aspajasa, 1. 1) is already well known from coins and inscriptions. But the ligature dn (radne, L. 2) is new. It is composed of the signs for d and n simply joined together without any modification of their individual forms. The language is north-western Prāksit, called 'Gandharian' by Bühler. The nominative singular ends in e (e.g., parigrahe). The letter t is changed into d (radne), th into dh (padhamanmi), p and m intov (prethavide, ive) and v conjointly with $ into p (Aspaïasa). The conjunct ér becomes sh (shavaena). The r is often retained in groups, both as a posterior (e.g., pari. grahe) and a prior member (e.g., sarva). Cases of consonantal elision are rather abundant. The letter y is invariably elided, e.g., in Aspasasa (Advayujasya), sa(?)haehi (sahāyaih), dhamaüte (dharma-yuktah), and Odiliakehi. The letter k is elided, e.g., in shavaena (brāvakēna) and Podae (na ?) (Potakëna), and i, in A&païasa. Elision of medial consonants is very rare in the Präkpit of the earliest Kharöshthi documents, namely, those of Asoka from Shāhbäzgarhi and Mansehra. Again, the Mathura lion-capital inscriptions, which belong to circa 1st century A.D., contain fewer instances of consonantal elision, when compared to the present record. From this point of view, the language of the record would seem to represent a much more advanced stage of development like the Prākpit of Indian dramas and of the Dutreuil de Rhins MS. of the Dhammapada from Khotan which has been assigned to the 3rd century A.D. The inscription records the establishment of the jewel' (ratna), i.e., an image of the Buddha, by the disciple (Grāvaku) Potaka, together with his companions, the Odiliakas, the sons of Sida. It is dated the first day of the month of Abvayuja, the year 359. • It is by no means easy to decide the era in which this record is dated. The Leriyan Tangai inscription of the year 3185 and the Hashtnagar insoription of the year 384, bave 1 Indian Palæography (trans.), p. 25. * Majumdar, Sir A. Mookerji Silver Jmb. Yola., Orientalia, Part I, pp. 461-62. • Banerji, JRAS., 1920, pp. 208-9. • Thomas, Ante, Vol. IX, p. 138. JASB., 192, p. 63. • I'agi ter, Ante, Vol. XII, p. 302. Page #266 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAMALOARHI INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 859. Է Ա/ CHIԵՆ ԱՃԹՆՀԱՏ | ՇԽՆԵԼ, ՀԱՅ ՀԻՆԳԵ Վ, ԺՆ ՀԷԿ Նաթ H. KRISHNA SASTRI. FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 32] A KHAROSHTHI INSCRIPTION FROM JAMALGARHI OF THE YEAR 359. 206 to be brought in a line with the present record. Palæographically it cannot be placed earlier than the Kushānas and linguistic grounds would seem also to favour the conclusion that it has to be assigned to a period not prior to the 2nd or 3rd century A.D. The numismatic finds, which Mr. Hargreaves made near the spot where the inscription was discovered, comprise issues of the Early and the Later Kushåņa dynasties. The latter have been generally assigned to the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D., which may be regarded as the latest limit of the date of the inscription. Under the circumstances I am inclined to refer the year 359, as also the two other years 318 and 384, to the Vikrama era of 57 B.C The date of our record would, accordingly, be 301 A.D. TEXT. 1 Sam 111 100 20 20 10(a) 4 41 Aspalasa padhamammi shavaena Podae[na;] .. (6) haehi Sida - [p]u(c).. 2 [O]diliakehi(d) ive radne(e) prethavide dhamaüte a.(t) parigrahe sarva-sa.. (g) REMARKS. (a) Through the carelessness of the engraver this sign and the previous one have been jumbled up. (b) There is space for about two letters here. Podaena sahaehi was perhaps intended. (c) Probably two letters are missing. Read putehi. (d) The lower portion of the first letter is broken. (e) The e-kāra in radne is placed on the top of d. (t) Read aye. After a there is just space for only one letter which was probably ye. I have to offer a few remarka on this restoration. The word aye=Sanskrit ayam. There is evidence to show that, so far as the North-western Prākṣits are concerned, aya is sometimes used as a base by itself. The Shābbāzgashi and Māngehra versions of the edicts of Asoka have ayi dhrama-nipi and ayo dhrama-nipi. An unpublished Kharöshthi inscription in the Lahore Museum has aye pukarani. The Prākļits of a later period, also, sometimes use the form aya as a base, e.g., aańmi and ayamsi=asmin (Pigchel, Prākrit--Sprachen, § 429-30). Quite in keeping with this system of. declension, the Taxila silver-scroll inscription of the year 136 contains : sar 136 ayasa asnagasa masasa divase 15. This portion of the record has been interpreted in & variety of ways; and scholars do not seem to be agreed as to the exact meaning conveyed by the word ayasa in this expression. Those, who propose to take it in the sense of Azes, cannot satisfactorily explain the anomalous position of a king without titles'; and further, they make dependent on ayasa the precedingsan 136' (i.e. 'the year 136 of Azes'), which, to judge from similar analogies, is not probable. Similarly, to interpret ayasaā as adyasya and say that it means the first Ashādha' is not quite convincing. If, on the other hand we take ayasa=asya, a8 aye or ayi=ayam, or ayamsi=asmin, no such difficulty would arise : ayasa might mean of this,' and when it is preceded by sar 136, it might stand for of this year) ' i.e. of the year 136. The dated portion of the Taxila inscription may thus be translated as : The year 136. On the 15th day of the month of Ashādha of this (year).' (g) There is space for two letters here. Read satvana or sapana on the analogy of similar votive inscriptions. * It was so taken first by Floot, JRAS., 1915, pp. 317-18. Cf. Konow, Ep. Ind., Vol. XIV, p. 288. . Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 206 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XIX. TRANSLATION. In the year 359, on the first (day) of Asvayuja, this Jewel (ratna)(a) has been installed(6) by the lay-hearer Potaka, together with his companions, the Odiliyakas, (who are) the song of Sida. (May) this gift, endowed with merits, (c) belong to all living creatures. NOTES. (a) I.e., Buddha who is one of the Tri-ratna : Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. In the Saddharmapundarika, however, the term ratna denotes a Bodhisattva (Sacred Books of the East, vol. XXI, p.66). The word ratnagriha which occurs in a Mathurā inscription of Dhanabhūti (Lüders, List of Brāhmi Inscriptions No. 125), and two Sāñchi inscriptions (Fleet's Gupta Inscriptions, p. 32 and p. 261), probably means the sanctuary containing the Buddha's image. (6) Prasthapita ; cf. prethavatiye in another Kharðshthi inscription (Thomas, JRAS., 1916, p. 283). (c) dhamaüte=dharma-yukta as Dr. Thomas suggests. No. 33. RAWAL SPURIOUS INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 40. BY STEN KONow. At the village of Rawal near Mathura an inscribed stone has been dug out of a mound. The stone is now in the Mathurā Museum, The information which has been supplied by the Honorary Curator is to the effect that there is nothing suspicious about the find. The stone is stated to be, to all appearances, old. To judge from the photographs and estampages, the stone is square, about 4" high, 11}" long and 6" broad. It is inscribed with four lines in Kharoshthi of a very peculiar type, one line on the front edge of the upper surface, and three lines on the vertical face of the front. The inscribed portion measures about 4" by 8", and the size of individual letters varies between " and 11". When the impressions reached me, I was hardly able to recognize a single akshara, and I was for some time in doubt whether I had before me a Kharoshthi inscription or a record in some unknown' script. It was only when I chanced to think of the Shakardarra inscription of the year 40 that I realized that the Rawal record is nothing else than a clumsy copy of the former, evidently executed by a person who cannot have had but a very imperfect idea of the contents of his original. The only way of editing 'the Rawal inscription is, therefore, to compare it, line by line, with the Shakardarra record, and to show how far the writer has been able to reproduce his draft. The various attempts at reading the Shakardarra inscription have been registered by Mr. N. G. Majumdar, the last editor of the record, in his valuable List of Kharosthi Inscriptions, and I need not repeat what he has said. L. 1 does not present any serious difficulty. It runs : sam 20 20 Progharadasa masasa divas., where we can only be in doubt whether the last word should be restored as divase or as divasami. The edge is broken, and there seems to have been room for a mi after the mutilated & at the end. We may note the shape which the letter da has in this inscription. It looks like ta. It will be seen that the initial sam rises above the line. The copyist has exaggerated this feature and, besides, separated the akshart in an upper and a lower part. The ensuing numeral figures have come out fairly well. 1 J. & P. A. 8. B., XX, 1924, p. 20. Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 33.] RAWAL SPURIOUS INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 40. 207 The next word in the Shakerdarra inscription is damaged in the beginning. The o-mātrā has caused a peeling off of the stone, the result being an apparent narrow semi-circle. The head of pa looks as if it were curved back, and a horizontal seems to connect the limb of this letter with the ensuing akshara. All these features have been faithfully reproduced on the Rawal stone, and the consequence is that Progha looks like a Nagari ni followed by a broken line, which might be taken to be Kharöshthi va, but is in reality & misread tha. The ensuing letters vadasa can be recognized, though the final sa is quite distorted. If we abstract from the distorted shape of the sa's, the ensuing masasa is well recognizable, but the next word, divas., has not been properly reproduced, vas. having become something like & Kharöshthi da, though it is possible that the last akshara is meant to reproduce the initial vi of 1.2. L. 2 of the Shakardarra record is clear, if we abstract from the last akshara, which has usually been read as ka, but which seems to me to be la. With this reading it runs: visami di 20 atra dirasakāle sala. We may note the distinct difference between t in atra and the da of this record, and also the sign of the long å in käle. The copyist begins with an akshara which seems to correspond to the second one of the Shakardarra record, viz., śa, and then adds a figure which evidently reproduces the somewhat peculiar 20. Here we have the impression that he has felt that dirasa[m2] visami di 20 is redundant and has tried to write di viếa 20. Then comes a recognizable copy of alta divasakāle, though the aksharas of the latter word are all misshaped The last two aksharas of the line have not been clearly visible in the original inscription and the copyist has simply tried to reproduce what he saw. The ka looks like an a, and the last akshara has been drawn as an upright and a broken line. Only a comparison of the original can explain how he arrived at his reading. L. 3. The first three aksharas have usually been read as nikame, which has been explained as representing Skr. nigamē. Mr. Banerji read ekame. The first akshara, however, seems to be no, with the o-stroke added towards the top, and the ka is provided with a sloping bottom stroke which, I think, is the T-stroke. It, therefore, seems to me that we must read nokrame, Skr. naukramë. This word, which occurs in the Divyāvadāna, has been translated as bridge of boats,' but may also mean a boat-crossing,' ' ferry-station.' If we take Salanokrane as one word, its meaning must be at the Sala ferry-station,' and it is of interest to remember that we have a similar name, Salātura, on the other side of the Indus. It is probable that those two places were the starting points for those who wanted to cross the river. After nokrame, I think, we must read kuvo khadao dronivadrana sa.. The u of kuvo has got its u-loop blurred, because the stone has peeled off where the rounding is most pronounced. There is not, however, any reason for reading kovo. The d of droni-is of the same shape as in Prothavadasa, divasa[mi], etc., and quite different from the t of atra. The r-stroke of dra is of the same kind as in kra. I take droni to be Skr. drüni, Pāli doni, which latter word also means a trough-shaped canoe', a doney. 'In eadra I see Skr. padra, village, and dronivadra I take to be an adjective meaning belonging to the doney-village,' i.e., the village providing ferries for the crossing. The last letter of the line has a forward bend at the bottom, which seems to be due to a desire of avoiding its running into the picture below and not to be a vowel mäträ. I connect it with the first aksharas of I. 4, which I read as harana, and explain saharana ss the genitive plural of Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX xahara, i.e., sahayara, sahachara, companion. The well is accordingly the gift of the companions of the ferry-village, i.e., of the boatman-association at the Sala crossing. We shall now see what the imitator has made out of this. No has become o, and kra and me would hardly be intelligible without the guidance of the original. Of kuro khadao only one akshara remains. It looks like o. Then we can, with some modifications, recognize dronivadrana sa. Then follow three signs which have nothing to correspond to them in the original. The first one is repeated in l. 4, below the final sa of 1. 3, and the last one looks like an attempt at reproducing the top of the picture shown in the Shakardarra inscription. L. 4. It will be seen that the first aksharas of the Shakardarra record are a little misshaped, the head of ha having become closed, the top of the na running into the preceding ra and being, besides, continued in a short stroke to the left, the latter being evidently due to peeling off. It also seems necessary to read the final na as a dental, the same sign as in nokrame, though we should certainly expect na, as usually between vowels in this record. Thus the last word is clearly danamukho. The writer of the Rawal record has drawn the ha with a hook protruding from the upper part of the vertical; the ra has become something looking like da, and the na has been read with the forward protrusion and looks like va. The ensuing dana is well imitated, but the remainder of the inscription has turned out very badly. The two first aksharas may be copied from mukho, with a reversion of the mu, or they may be an attempt at supplying the word luvo omitted in l. 3. Then follows the same sign which we found after the final sa of l. 3, and, finally, three signs which may represent an attempt at reproducing parts of the picture of the original. It is not, however, of any use to speculate on their meaning. In order to illustrate how the copyist went to work I shall give a transliteration of the Shakardarra record, adding, (in italics), the corresponding words or letters of the Rawal text whero they have come out with something like the original TEXT. L1 warh 20 20 Prothavadasa masasa divas[ami] sam 20 20 .. . vadasa masasa L.2 višami di 20 atra divasakāle Salla). : sa 20 atra divasakāle L. 3 nokramekuvo khadao dronivadraņa BaOkrame 0 dropivadrapa sa . L 4 [ha]ra[na) danamukho hadava dana . . . . . TRANSLATION. Anno 40, on the twonttoth day, d. 20, of the month Praushthapada, at this time and day, at the Bala-ferry, this well was dug as the gift of the ferry-village associates. diva The Rawal inscription has not, it will be seen, any value as an independent record. It is Devertheless of interest as throwing light on the way in which such inscriptions were looked on. Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shakardarra Inscription, the year 40. STEN KONOW 10272738 3[274 275577 The Siste Rawal Inscription, the year 40. 33 SCALE 50 Orford C. WHITTINGHAM & GRIGGS, PHOTO-LITH. Page #273 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 31.] AMODA PLATES OF JAJALLADEVA II OF THE (CHEDI) YEAR 912. 209 It is a well-known fact that several inscriptions were never destined to be read. They were buried and hidden from view in stūpas or temples. They cannot, accordingly, have been intended to convey information to other persons. M. Barth1 has spoken of such records as aiming at a certain amount of publicity, no doubt, but a publicity intended especially for the next world. And we seem indeed justified in looking on many of the ancient inscriptions not as notifications but as a kind of charms or powerful formulas, intended to ensure good results from some pious act. Numerous examples might be quoted, but I do not know of any which is so clear as the Rawal record. The person who put it up in a well he had dug or in some other place endowed by him, evidently brought it to Mathura from Shakardarra, where he had seen the inscription and drawn the inference that it was a powerful charm, either for conferring merit on pious donors or for making the water of the well fresh and abundant. And he copied the inscription for the benefit of his own donation in Mathura. The Rawal record does not, accordingly, hail from Mathura, though the person who executed it may have been a native of that place, who had seen the inscription on the occasion of some travel. But it cannot, no more than the inscriptions on the Mathura lion capital or the Mathura elephant, be taken to show that Kharoshthi was ever used by the native population of Mathura in the natural course of things. It is a distinctly north-western alphabet, while Brahni was the usual script in and about Mathura. No. 34.-AMODA PLATES OF THE HAIHAYA KING JAJALLADEVA II OF THE (CHEDI) YEAR 912. BY RAI BAHADUR HIRA LAL, B.A. Amoda is a village in the Bilaspur District of the Central Provinces, where eight copper plates recording four different charters by three different kings were found while digging for the foundation of a temple in May 1924. They are now deposited in the Nagpur Museum. The two plates in hand were issued by the Haihaya king Jäjalladeva II. These are massive plates each weighing 150 tolas and measuring 13" x 10". Each plate has a hole for being strung with the seal of the king, which is lost. The engraver commenced with letters as big as half an incl in size, but on completing the first line he apparently calculated or felt that the whole record would not come in, even within those two big plates. So with the second line he reduced the size to which he continued almost to the end, with a very slight diminution in the closing eight lines. There are altogether 37 lines of which 18 are engraved in the first and the remaining on the second plate. The characters are Devanagari of the well-known Kalachuri type. The whole of the record is written in Sanskrit verses numbering 26 in all, except the initial salutation and the date and the names of the donees at the end, which are in prose. Many of the verses are taken from the ancestral eulogy composed once for all and added to later on according to the requirements of the generations coming into power, and sometimes improved upon by the Court Pandit dealing with the charters. The old verses are really beautiful. The new ones appear to be rather crude. Spelling and grammatical mistakes are not wanting, but comparatively speaking, the charter in 1 Comptes Rendts, 1907, p. 387; Ind. Ant. 37, 1908, p. 246. Two of these have been published in the Indian Historical Quarterly, Calcutta, Vol. 1, pp. 405 ff., and another in Ep. Ind., Vol. XIX, pp. 75 ff. 30 Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 210 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. hand is written better than others found along with it. As regards orthography, ba is not distinguished from va, which stands for both. Sa and Sa have been confused. The sign for i resembles an arrow-head with a parallel stroke below it. Ordinarily, grants on copper-plates are made for increasing the religious merits of the donors and their parents, but this is an exception. It was made by way of thanksgiving on an escape from a great calamity, when the donor had almost lost his kingdom in a battle with one Dhira, who is described as a huge alligator clutching his victim. Dhiru is a non-Aryan name and it appears that a local aboriginal chief rebelled against Jäjalladeva and put him into a precarious position. In fact it is stated that on regaining his kingdom he made the gift, which indicates that it was merely by a turn of fortune that he became the king of his country once more. The genealogy of Jājalladēva is given as follows:-From Kārtavirya were born the Haihayas, among whom was born Kōkalla, who had 18 sons. The eldest of these became the king of Tripuri and he made his brothers the lords of the Mandalas or districts whch lay close by. One of these younger brothers had a son named Kalingaraja, who was very powerful. His son was Kamalarāja, from whom was born Ratnadēva I. His wife was Nōnalla and from them was born Prithvidēva I. He had for his queen Rajalladēvi, from whose union was born Jājalladeva I. The latter's son was Prithvidēva II, whose son was Jājalladēva II, the donor. By this charter a village named Bundera was granted to two Brahmans Rāghava and Namadeva, the former being the astro loger and the latter the royal priest. Their genealogies are also given. Raghava belonged to a gotra having five pravaras, viz., Vatsa, Bhargava, Chyavana, Apnuvana and Aurvva. His father was Damodara, who was very learned. He was a great astrologer and was loved by the people and worshipped by kings. Damodara's father was Prithvidhara. Namadeva belonged to the Bharadvaja-gōtra having three pravaras, to wit, Bharadvaja, Angiras and Barhaspatya. His father's name was Parasara and grandfather's Mahadhana. At the end of the record Namadeva has a Tha before his name, which apparently stands for Thakkura and would indicate the military tendencies of the royal priest. The charter was written by a Vastavya Kayastha named Chitrabhānu, son of Vatsarāja, master of Jadera (village), on Friday the 5th of the dark fortnight of a month which reads as Agrana, apparently a mistake for either Sravana or Agrahayana, in Samvat 91[2]. Although the era is not specifically stated, it cannot but be the Kalachuri one, as the king belonged to its founder's dynasty. The last figure of the year is corroded, but the bottom bend indicates that it could not but be 2 or 3. With the aid of the week-day we find that in 912, the 5th tithi of the dark fortnight fell on a Friday in Sravana and not in Agrahāyaṇa. Friday did not fall on that tithi in either month in 913. In the text there are only three letters for the month, which suit better than which has five letters. So it is pretty certain that the reference is to the Sravana month, and as such, the date is equivalent to Friday, the 14th July 1161 A.D. 1 This Damn 3dara appears to be identical with one whose stone image was found in Kharod, a village in the Janjgir tahsil of Bilaspur District. He was being worshipped as a Devi, with the blood of hundreds of cocks and goats, until the writer's visit to that locality about 20 years ago, when he proved to the satisfaction of the local people that the statue represented neither a devi nor a dera, but an ordinary male worshipper, as the figure and the pose clearly showed. The people then informed the writer that it bore an inseription at the bottom which on digging up confirmed this guess. It read as follows:afif gig). At Kharod there is an old temple of Siva known as Lakhnesvara-mand ra. It has two Kalachuri stone records affixed to the wall. Apparently the Sambhu kola referred to that temple with which Pandit Damodara might have been connected as a priest or worshipper. His merits given in our record qualify him for being honoured with a statue, which was restored at the writer's instance to the Lakhnesvara temple, some 20 years before this inscription was discovered. (See liralal's C. P. and Berar Inscriptions, pp. 117 and 118.) Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 34] AMODA PLATES OF JAJALLADEVA II OF THE (CHEDI ) YEAR 912. git There are only two geographical names mentioned, viz., Bundera, the village granted and Jadera, the village to which the writer of the gift belonged. Bundera may be identical with Bundela in the Janjgir tahsil, situated about 13 miles from Amoda where the plates were found. Jadera is not traceable. TEXT.1 First Plate. 1 चम् श्रोम् नमो व (अ) अये कारणं । भावग्रायं परु (रं) यो (ज्यो) ति स्तस्मै सङ्घ (ङ्ग) अपयः । (ये) 2 निर्बुध व्यापकं नित्यं शिवं परस (म) - नमः [i] १[] यदेतदग्रेसरमंवर स्य ज्योतिः स पूषा पुरुषः पुराणः । अथास्य 3 वो मनुरदि राज तदन्ययेभूवि कार्त्तवीर्यः ॥२॥ तदंशप्रभव (वा) नरेन्द्रपतयः ख्याता[:*] 4 चितो हैहयास्तेषामन्वयभूषणं रिपुमनो विन्धस्ततापानलः । धर्म:ध्यानध नावुमंचि 5 जमा : " भवत्सतां सौख्यजधेयान्सर्व्वगुणान्वितः समभवत्रीमान् (न) मौ (सौ) 6 अष्टादशारि: (रि) करिकुम्भविभङ्गसिंहाः पुत्र (वा) प ( ब ) भूवुरतिक्राय तस्य । तत्राग्रजो नृप 7 परस्त्रिपुरोम पासोत्पा च मण्डलपतोन्स चकार व (ब) भून् ॥8॥ तेषामनूजस्य' कलि 8 नराजः प्रतापवचि पितारिराजः । जातोऽन्वये ष्टिरिपुप्रवीरप्रियाननाभी बड़पा ॥५॥ तस्मादपि प्रतत निकोर्त्तिकान्तो जात: इति प्रसिद्ध [: । *] 1 From the original plates and impressions kindly taken by Mr. F. F. Pike, Superintendent, Government Press, Nagpur. This is expressed by the letter with a dot over it, while the first one is expressed by a peculiar sign [which stands for Siddham or Siddhir-astu (see above, Vol. XVII, p. 352). I think this affords another strong support in favour of Mr. Bhattasali's view, because ōmit is written here in quite a different way and just after this very symbol. See also the facsimile of the plates of Prithvidēva II published in the Indian Historical Quarterly Vol. I, between pp. 406-407.--Ed.] ● Metro 4 mushtubh. • Metro Upajali. 1 Metre Sardalavikridita. Apparently is made long for the sake of metre. • Road येरमम्बर स्व. • Road धर्मध्यानधनात सच्चितयमाः वामलराज Metre Vasantatilaka. 10 Motre Upajali. 3 0 2 Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 212 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX: 10 यस्य प्रतापतरणावुदित रजन्या मातानि पंक(पर)जवनानि विकासभान्जि (खि) ॥६॥ तेनाथ चन्द्र11 बदनोऽजनि रबराजो विश्वोपकारकरुणानिपुण्यभारः । येन खवा(बा). युगं(ग)निम्मितवि12 क्रमेण नोत यशस्विभुवने विनिहत्थ शवन् ॥७॥ मोनहाख्या प्रिया ___ तस्य शूरस्येव दि(fr) शूरत (ता) [1] 13 तया:(योः) सुतो नृपश्रेप:(:) पृथ्वीदेवो प(बभूव [ वी[वस-. मुद्भवः समभवद्राजनदवीत(मुक्तः) 11 शूरः सज्जनवांछितार्थफलदः कल्पदमः श्रीफलः । सर्वेषागचितोऽर्चने समन सा(सां) तीक्ष्णहि15 पत्किटकः पश्यत्कान्ततराङ्गनामदनो जाजनदेवो नृपः ॥८॥ तस्वात्मजः सकल18 [को शलमण्डनयोः श्रोमान्समाहतसमल(स्त) नराधिपयोः । सबंधितोखर [शिरोविहिता 17 शिप(से)व: सेवाभृताविधिरसो भुवि रखदेवः ॥१०॥ प्रवीदेवस्तसोजातः पोतः कंठोरवादिव [*] 18 मि(सिं)(ह) (सं)द()ननो योऽरिकरियूथमपोथयत(त) १॥ तस्मादजायत जगंचयग्रोसः Second Plate. 19 तस्मात्ताम्ब (म्ब)कपादपत्रमधुपो जाजदेवोऽभवहीरारातिनितम्वि(स्बि)नो मुखपयोज20 मोषधीशोदयः । लोके यस्त्र यशपयवलिते रम्यं] असा(या)कोदर्य मत्वा सप्तपयोधयो व. 21 बुधिर प्रोत्फुनितं कैरवः ॥१२॥ यो वसभाववरचवनाप्नुवानोर्बभूषिते मोत्रे तस्य वरिष्ठे 22 जात: पृथ्वोधरो विप्रः ॥१३॥ तखाईवाचूडामणिरखिसजनानंदसंदोहोतिः] पुत्रो दामोदरोभूत्सक 14 Metre Vasantatilaka. Metro Anushfubh. Mobre Sardalavikridita, .Metre Vasantatilaha. .Metre Anushtubi. 1 This portion to the end of the line is superfluous and must be omitted. Possibly the engraver loft out the three pads of this verse; the first could very well be conta t tare : * Metre Sardalavikridita. Motre Arya Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2 8 10 12 14 16 18 AMODA PLATES OF THE JAHHAYA KING JAJALLADEVA II OF THE (CHEDI ) YEAR 912. "मी व एका हतिस समसायन टे पनामादिड किन राष कपि स कान) वनस्पतिः सपूषषः चा विकास वाटी ॥ ज्ञात हैरापालनोद नरवाना ना पस्न तो मानवता भावना दुनि अशा.रा.से. ले.वसाय के प यान्यवयमा बन सुमनला मानसा को तू ॥३॥ ताद रामकनिक तू विरोध प्रास्ततस्य । तवाর सन्याला पारख बम पर लू पुत्री सान कान व न्यूनतेषामनुपश्य काल पत्र दुना अ मुन्ना सयदि कृषि तानि नाका इत इन्वयेदि (२५ प्रतिस्मादपि प्रतनिक का (पघात, ना सोने द कम लागत प्रसिंह ॥ द्यति नाय बन्द न युगल मन वि (लादिन बालवीर नमनसान हि स्याम कल सार ११ खुला विहिता यात की वादि जब यमी स HIRANANDA SASTRI. विनापि देवा दिने त्याना जानिमा कति क श्री आप सबान व पुर पावसात पाचव कालद हिवरील मण भरती सामान्स मा दिपितः सवास्य तानि कि पति न सदन नायाऽयमपले. સુચના SCALE THREE-FIFTHS. 2 4 8 8 10 12 14 16 18 SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | salrnDH12THENTELLING यो मात वाद नको इतना कर आवारा मामलों के य.मा सारा खान नियासाला किदियो म त्यो वाया तायात H | साना सवय मला नि मेल : inveile 2 | INDAarate कानाश बोराना सानारस कम सनाकापला जलवामा पात्र माझीको ANS नया मापाचन काया ना D 002 LININDRENESELATE CONTROLLEDERATISHTRWARILY |MRAPALESE RSESETHEREPREHE E DEENEMALE V aamaARALoclasharaEP-RINA S या BARABARIANIMA JABARMERS girana विभाग को भा लावावाला गान आयोग हानिक मारका मानव जाती मार नाम नामपि वि डाति परताय तिचा नावावर का जिस समापरिनिरस्प तरपनपाप दी। इसमय पता या तिघना वन कति । मेयोत मानिसको म तपत्र र को वायापन यासत की रातिमा पोर म मा २३ 15 कमान र मार पायात वाद कायाको सब एपारी याना मल्ल Hd 32 34 34 MEENAMASTROMISEASY TREATEMEENA NOTECTRRNPPLINA RAMAY SARAL FREPRESIDELamicMARTAINM शामिलान 36 38 Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 84. ) AMODA PLATES OF JAJALLADEVA II OF THE (CHEDI) YEAR 912. 213 - 23 सगुणनिधिः पार्थिवाराधितांत्रिः ॥(0) यः सा(मा)पाऽनुमहाभ्यामपर व सदा गोभिल: सामगाने(स्त)त्पुवो रा. 24 घवाख्यः कविकुमुदमुद जातवाविप्रराजः ॥१४॥' भारहाणांगि(जाति)रसवा (बा)हस्पत्य (त्येति)वतीयकप्रवरे । भारताजे 25 गोवे महा[धनो] नाम विप्रोभूत् ॥१॥ माधनेनाऽजनि पुग्ध(स्य)भाजा परा. स(स): कैरवकंदकीतिः ॥(0) कृत राई 28 यो यम--- सः सत्यापदं पुन्धरण्य)निधानमासीत् ॥१६॥ उदयगिरे रिव तरणिर्दुग्धाधेचन्द्रमा यथा तह27 त् (0) पुत्रः पाराशरत:(परामरस्य च १) प्रख्यातो नामदेवाख्यः ॥१७॥ ताभ्यां हिमाभ्यां नृपवैरिनारीसीमन्तहारी रणराम. 28 सः ॥() जाजलदेवो विधिव(क)न्देगसं ददौ पाममदीनसत्वः ॥१८॥ धीरू महापाइरहोतमूर्तिनिवदेवो कृप. 29 तिर्ख(ब)भव ॥(1) यवेण मुलः समवाप्य राखं(न्य) ग्रामं ददौ पुन्ध (य)दिने हिजाभ्याम् ॥१॥ शंखं भद्रासनं छवं गजाखव30 व(र)वार[भ]म् । भूमिदानस्व चिहानि फल(ल) स्वर्ग मनुत्तम(मम्) ॥२०॥ व(ब)()भिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिः सगरादि31 मिः । यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फलं(लम्) ॥२१॥ भूमि यः प्रतिरडा(शा)ति यस्तु भूमिं प्रयच्छति [*] 32 उभी तो पुण्यकाणी नियती [ख] गामिनी ॥२२॥ खदत्ता पर दत्ता वा योसरेसुधरा (रेत वसुन्धरा)। स विष्ठा83 या कमि त्वा पिवभिः सह मन्नति ॥२॥ ति"वातातयातच भूम्यर्थे योऽवृतं वदेत् । स व(ब)को 34 वारणैः पाशैः [तिर्यम्योन्या तु जायते ॥२४॥" हिजाब [नावमन्तव्यास्त्रैलोक्य मितिहतवः [1] 35 देववत्पूजनोयाब दानमानानादिभिः ॥२॥" वास्तव्यवंशकमलाकरचित्रभानुः मनुप्रवी 1 Metre Sragdhard. • Metre Upendratara Metro Indravajrdha Metre Anushbh. Metre Anushabik. URead बिबावामनावा'. 10 Metre Anushbh. • Metre Aryd. • Metre Aryd • Metre Indravajte • Metre Anushbh. 1. Metre A nulpubli. UMetro anshyabha Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 214 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. 36 (T) TU ** fax[@]afuaar: [179 ]: TOTT arafar(fa) faec 740 Bar <[R] (21 ) a(z)f y a ftatraat(a:) # gout: 7 IH ()a[:*] 1 37 fara() No. 36.-A NOTE ON THE VELVIKUDI GRANT OF NEDUNJADAIYAN. By A. M. SATAKOPARAMANUJACKARYA, VIDVĪN. In the interesting article on the Vēlvikudi grant of Nedušijadaiyap, that was published in this journal by the late Rao Bahadur H. Krishna Sastri, I find that some corrections are absolutely necessary in the text and the translation as given by him. These I should like to put down below, together with a few suggestions in regard to one or two points raised by him in that article. In text line 95, for Aya", I should like to read Ay, and in line 132 for por, pora. Again, in line 120 of the text, instead of Kulandaivan-Külvandai-be[y*]kkuri, I would read kulandai-vangu! Tanda-tavlekum, correcting Kulandai and vandai-se of the text into loufandas and vandazai. Accordingly, in the translation of this passage, instead of 'to the north of the field (called) Kūlvandai-bēy of Kulandēvani', I would prefer to have 'waved (gently) by the tender breeze 'fleulandai tender, vangüf=breeze, (vandu) adaikkum waving). According to the Rao Bahadur, the Mangalapura of the inscription is identical with Mangalore, the district head-quarters of South Kanara. Mr. K. G. Sankara Ayyar also, I find, holds the same view. In my opinion, however, it should be looked for somewhere in the Tamil districts, north of the Kävēri, where we find many villages called Mangalam or having names ending in Mangalam ', because from the Udayēndiram plates we learn that Paramēb. VED varman defeated the army of Vallabha in the battle of Peruvalanallür, on the northern bank of the Kävēri, and from the Gadval grants, that Vikramaditya was encamping at “Uraga. puram on the southern bank of the Kāvēri” in 674 A.D. The Kēndur plates? also say ttuat Vilæamāditya I fought with the Pandyas and other Tamil kings. 1 These strokes are unnecessary. Metre Sragdhari. * Vol. XVII, pp. 291 ff. Ind. Ant., Vol. LI.p. 214. [The plates do not say where Mangalapura was situated. As such, it is not possible to definitely locate it. The identification of it with Mangalore or any place in the Tamil distriota is only a conjecture.-K. V. 8. Ayyar.) .8.1.1., Vol. II, p. 371. . Above, Vol. X, p. 101. Ibid., Vol. IX, p. 205. For further details see Dubreuil's The Pallapas, p. 62 Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 36.] KUMBAKONAM INSCRIPTION OF SEVVAPPA-NAYAKA. 215 No. 36.-KUMBAKONAM INSCRIPTION OF SEVVAPPA-NAYAKA. BY G. VENKOBA RAO. The subjoined Tamil record is engraved on the door-jamb of the entrance into the inner prākāra of the Kumbhêévara temple at Kumbakonam. It is dated in the cyclic year Vikrama during the reign of Sevvappa-Nayaka, who was the first ruler of the Nayaka dynasty of Tanjore. The stone inscription (No. 145 of 1924) which is dated in the same cyclic year and in the reign of Krishnadevaraya (corresponding to A.D. 1520) calls Sevvappa, a Dalavay (commander) only. Possibly, therefore, the present record has to be assigned to A.D. 1580, especially, because a copperplate record belonging to him and dated in Saka 1502 (-A.D. 1580) was also issued from Kumbakonam". The history of the Nayakas of Tanjore remains yet to be written in detail, although an excellent preliminary attempt has been made in A Short History of the Tanjore Nayakas in Tami' by Mr. T. S. Kuppusvami Sastri of Tanjore. How and when the Nayaka dynasty of Tanjore arose is obscure. An unpublished Sanskrit poem Sahityaratnakara by the eldest son of GovindaDikshita, the Brahman prime-minister of the second and third Nayaka kings, says that Sevvappa obtained the Tanjore kingdom by his own valour. The Telugu poem Vijayavilāsamu by Chemakura Venkata-Kavi would show that Sevvappa married the sister of the queen of the Vijayanagara king Achyutaraya, and got the Tanjore principality, perhaps, as a dowry. Like other old kings, Sevvappa was a tolerant ruler, though his leaning was specially towards Vaishnavism. Inscription No. 425 of 1924 relates to some gifts of land made by Sevvappa to the mosque at Tanjore in the year Sadharana corresponding to A.D. 1549, and the record under publication is interesting in that it mentions a temple of Buddha at Tiruvilandurai. It registers the gift of 2 (vēli ?) of land as the charity of the king Sevvappa-Nayaka in the Brahman village (agaram) of Tirumalairajapuram for the repairs or the worshipping service in the temple (?), when a channel was dug through the lands belonging to a certain individual (name not very clearly made out) attached to the Buddha temple. The two villages Tiruvilandurai and Tirumalairajapuram cannot be definitely identified. Tiruvalañjuli, which is 4 miles away from Kumbakonam, and was one of its wards', has a standing image of Buddha placed near the gopura of its Siva temple. Tiruvilandurai of this inscription has, perhaps, to be identified with Elandurai, a village about 9 miles distant from Kumbakonam which has a Siva temple with an inscription dated in Saka 1493 (A.D. 1571) of the time of Achyutappa-Nayaka (No. 239 of 1927). It may also be noted that Ilanturai has been mentioned in No. 222 of 1927 as one of the saptasthanas or seven sacred places round about Kumbakonam. I cannot say whether the Tirumalairajapuram of this record has to be identified with Tirumalairajapuram alias Sungamtavirttasõjanallur which is mentioned in an inscription published in South-Indian Inscriptions, Vol. II, p. 119, as adjacent to Karuntiṭṭaikkudi in Tañjavür-parru. There is one seated image in the temple at Paṭṭiévaram near Kumbakonam, and another, now popularly called Bhagavarishi, lying outside the Ganesa shrine in the Anaiyadi street at Kumbakonam, both of which appear to be Buddhist. From these facts, it appears that Buddhism continued to survive in the Tanjore district till the 16th century. This would be natural when Negapatam in the Tanjore district was a stronghold of Buddhism. The large Leyden plates record the grant of the village 1 No. 292 of the Madras Epigraphical Collection for 1927. Mysore Archaeological Report for 1917, p. 55, para. 135, A paper on the detailed history of the Tanjore Nayakas by the author is almost ready, and will appear very soon in this journal. In Tamil it is sometimes loosely applied to a Jaina temple also. Nos. 629 and 633 of the Madras Epigraphical Collection for 1902. Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 216 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX of Apaimangalam to a Buddha temple at Negapatam during the time of the Chōla king Rajaraja I (A.D. 985-1010). The smaller Leyden grant dated in the 20th year of Kulottunga I (A.D. 1090) records gifts to two Buddhist temples. An ancient tower known as 'Puduveligopuram' or Jaina Pagoda' was demolished by the Jesuits when they built the St. Joseph's College at Negapatam. This tower might have belonged to one of these two Buddha temples. It is interesting to note that a number of metallic Buddhist images were unearthed at this place recently. Though Jain families are living in Tanjore, Kumbakonam and Mannargudi even now, and we see Jain temples at Kumbakonam and Mannargudi, yet traces of Buddhism are no longer visible there. The record bears at the end the expression " (the) Gurukkal, (i.e., teachers) of the Convention", perhaps of Buddha. 1 Vikkira 2 ma-varusham 3 [A]di-madam3 2 4 24 6 5 Sevuvap 6 pa-Nayak 7 kar-ayya 8 9-damma 9 m-aga Ti 10 ruvilan 11 durai 12 Buddar 13 köyil 14 Titta-Ma[ma]ru TEXT.' 15 nda-Nayakar 16 nilatti[1]ē 17 Tirumalai 18 rasapura[ttu] 19 "abesham-ā 20 ga sapangal 21 vākkāl ve This symbol stands for the word tedi meaning day. Read Sevvap. 22 [tti] pōgaiyil Ti 23 rumalairasapurattil 24 agarattil tirup 25 papi-servai= 26 aga vi[ṭṭa] nilams 21" 27 [sa]mayattar Guru28 kkal TRANSLATION. (Lines 1 to 26) (On) the 22nd day of the month of Adi in the year Vikrama, all the people of Tirumalairajapuram assigned 24 (veli of) land in the brahman village (agaram) of Tirumalairāja. 1 Ind. Ant., Vol. VII, pp. 224-27 and Annual Report on South-Indian Epigraphy for 1925-26, p. 2. From an inked estampage. Expressed by an abbreviated symbol. The figure 22 is expressed in the Tamil text by three digits, the numerical figure for ten intervening between the two figures. It may be read also as abisha-magabanangal (mahajananga}). Expressed by an abbreviated symbol. Expressed by a Tamil numeral. Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 37.] GADAG INSCRIPTION OF THE REIGN OF JAYASIMHA II: SAKA 959. 217 puram for repairs as a charity of Sevvappa-Nayakkar-ayyap as the channel was dug and passed through the land belonging to "Titta Māmarunda-Nayakar of the Buddha temple at Tiruvilandurai. (Ll. 27 and 28) (This is under the protection of the Gurukka! of the Faith (samayam). No. 37.-GADAG INSCRIPTION OF THE REIGN OF JAYASIMHA II: SAKA 959. BY LIONEL D. BARNETT. This inscription was found in the wall of the yard of the Vira-nārāyana temple at Gadag.5 An attempt at a transcript is given in the Elliot Collection, Vol. I, f. 37b, of the Royal Asiatic Society's copy; and good ink-impressions were prepared for the late Dr. Fleet, which are now in the British Museum. The stone is very dilapidated. On the ink-impression there seem to be some faint vestiges of effaced sculptures; but Elliot's pandit found no sculptures surviving in his day. The record itself is but a fragment. The ink-impressions record 64 lines; but the stone has been broken off on the proper right, the break beginning on line 13 and increasing as it runs down, while the left side also is damaged below. I have therefore given only the text as far as the eleventh verse, near the end of 1. 38, the rest being altogether fragmentary. The width of the slab is 2 ft. 51 in.; the height is somewhat uncertain, as there seems to be a gap in the ink-impressions between 11. 43 and 44, but it must be something over 6 ft. 8 in. The writing is a fine archaic hand of the period; the letters vary in height from in. to 1 in., becoming smaller and more crabbed at line 61. The guttural nasal is used in satanga, I. 4. The language in the portion edited below is Old Kanarese prose and verse, with two formal Sanskrit stanzas (vv. 1 & 2). The ! is preserved in negaļda (1. 26), negaldam (1. 27), and falsely written for ļ in Chāļuky- (1.2); it is changed to ! in alida (1. 15), pēļ (1. 24), pogaļvar (1. 25). The upadhmāniya appears in bhāvinah-po (1. 17). The instrumental case in -e occurs in Lokki[gundi]ye (1. 19 f.); cf. above, Vol. XIV, p. 277, n. 9. Lexically adagu[nti] (1. 21) may be noted. The record begins by referring itself in 11. 1-4 to the reign of Jagadēkamalla-Jayasingha [II], and then in 11. 4-11 relates that on a given date Maddimayya-Nāyaka, mayor (ür-odeya) of Lokkigundi, made over an estate to one Damodara-Setti,who a few months later assigned the same for the benefit of the cult of the Traipurusha gods and the Twelve Nārāyaṇas. After formal clauses of commonition (11. 11-18), the record bursts into poetry, expatiating, in a long series of verses, upon the excellences of Damodara (also named Dāma and Dāvala) and his family. First it mentions Dhöyipayya of Lokkigundi, who built the temple of the Twelve Nārāyaṇas and the Traipurushas and set up a Garuda-column (v. 3, 11. 19-21), and Dhöyipayya's wife Guņābbe (v. 4, II. 21-23). Next appears Māhuva-Setti, apparently their son, who is coupled with his sons Dāma or Dāvala (Damodara) and Dhoyipayya (vv. 5-6, 11. 24 1 Tiruppani förvai may also be translated into a worshipping service." ? It is generally translated as "for the merit of". • Tamil language will also allow of another construction. "The people of Tirumalairājapuram" may be taken as the subject of the predicato "dug and passed ” and reffi põgaiyil will convey the same meaning as ve#waiyil (while digging). In this case, there will be no subject for the verb viffa (assigned). But then we will have to translate "27 was the land assigned." • Titta tands for tirtha (a preceptor) and Mamarunda means Amrita. Ct. abovo, Vol. XV, p. 348. Seo Dyn. Kan. Dist., pp. 435-7. See however note on 1. 7. 3D Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 27). The rest of the poetry seems to be devoted to the praise of Dāma, and continues as far as 1. 61. Then begins a section in prose, written in a smaller hand, and specifying an endowment made by the latter in the presence of the local Mahājanas for the benefit of the Traipurushas and some other god ; in the midst of this the stone breaks off. It is perhaps worth noting that the poet compares Mähuva to the legendary Dadhichi, Gutta, Chārudatta, and Karna, and Dama to Karna, Vikramaditya, Hariéchandra, Nala, Char ddatta, Dadhichi, Sibi, and Gutta. The comparison with Kara and Nala is of course a commonplace, and Harischandra is one of the most popular figures of legend. On Chārudatta and Dadhichi I may refer to my remarks on the Sūļi inscription E (2) above, Vol. xv, p. 83. The mention of Vikramaditya, which seldom occurs elsewhere in this period, shews that the legend of the mythical king of that name had firmly established itself at this time in the Dekkar. It may well be that the legend, as has been suggested, is based upon traditions of the Gupta dynasty of the 4th-5th centuries A.D. and later, some members of which bore the title of Vikramāditya ;' and if this be so, its appearance here by the side of that of Gutta is doubly interesting. For there seems to be little doubt that this legendary Gutta is to be connected with the Gutta dynasty of Guttavoļal or Guttal, probably as an eponymous ancestor ; and this family claimed to derive its name and origin from the Gupta emperors as well as from a more or less mythical Vikramaditya of Ujjayini. Hence it would seem that the two legends of Vikramaditya and of Gutta are doublets, both having sprung from vague memories of the glories of the Gupta emperors. Two datos are specified. The first is given on 11. 4-5 as Saka 959, Isvara; Ashādha du. 5; Sunday. This apparently refers to Saka 959 expired, which by the Southern Cycle was coupled with Isvara : according to this, the tithi Ashādha su. 5 was connected with Monday, June 20, A.D. 1037, ending about 19 h. 38 m. after mean sunrise for Ujjain. Thus the date is slightly irregular, the Sunday being named probably to lend auspiciousness, although the tithi was current only for a short time at the end of it (cf. Mr. Venkatasubbiah's Some Saka Dates in Inscriptions, p. 69). The late lamented Mr. R. Sewell, who with his wonted kindness examined the dates in this inscription, informed me that by the Arya-siddhānta very similar results are obtained ; su. 5 was connected with Monday, June 20, and was current only for about 1 h. 55 m. before mean sunrise on that day. He added that by the mean system, in Saka 959 expired, bu. 5 began 3 h. 50 m. before mean sunrise on Monday. The Northern Cycle may be excluded from consideration, as it coupled Isvara with Saka 957 expired and 958 current. The second date is given on 1. 11 as the amāvāsyā (kți. 15) of Asvayuja, evidently of the same year as the preceding date, coupled with an eclipse of the sun and the yoga Vyat pāta. This is fairly satisfactory. The tithi was connected with Tuesday, 11 October, A.D. 1037, on which it ended about 15 h. 26 m. after mean sunrise ; and on the same Tuesday there was an eclipse of the sun, which, however, was not visible in India (Oppolzer, Kanon der Finsternisse, p. 214). Mr. Sewell has pointed out that by the mean system this Tuesday was coupled with kri. 14 and the following Wednesday with the amāvāsya, which tends to shew that the calculations here were made by true tithis. The only names of places mentioned are Lokkigundi, . 5, 19 f., the tirthas, 1. 13 f., the Himachala, i.e. Himālaya, 1. 32, and Malaya, ibid. Lokkigunļi is Lakkundi (Lukoondee' of the Indian Atlas), in lat. 15° 23' and long. 75° 451', some 6 miles south-east from Gadag. Indrakila (1. 30) is probably meant to be purely mythical ; but there is a hill of the name at Bezwada. See espacially Mr. Allan's Catalogue of Coins of the Gupla Dynasties in the British Museum, p. xlix, n. 1, See Dyn, kan. Disl., pp. 578-80. Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 37.) GADAG INSCRIPTION OF THE BELGN OF JAYASIMHA II : SAKA 959. 219 TEXT. [Metres :v. 1, Salini; v. 2, Anushțubh ; v. 3, 7, Sārdūlavikridita ; vv. 4, 12, Utpalamāla ; vv. 5, 11, Champakamāla ; v. 6, Kanda ; vv. 8, 10, Mattebhavikridita ; v. 9, Maha. sragdharā.] 1 Svasti samasta-bhuvan-ābraya Sri-Pri(Pri)thvi-vallabha mahārājādhitāja paramē vara 2 paramabhattārakaṁ Satyasraya-kuļa-tiļakam Chāļu(ļu)ky-abharanam Jagadēka mallam 3 srimaj-Jayasimghadēvara räjyam-uttaröttar-abhisvriddhi*)-pravarddhamānam-s chandr-arkka-t[a]4 ram saluttam-ire Sa (Sa)ka-nri(npi)pa-kal-atita-samvatsara-sa(ba)tanga[1*] 959neya Isvara-samvatsarada 5 Ashāda(dha)-su(su)ddha 5 Aditya-vāradandu srimal-Lokkigundiya ür-ode-volada per-vvasugeya 6 Sa (Sa)mkarayyam(yya)-Nāyakara magam ür-odeya Maddimayya-Nāyakam artthamam kondu Damodara7 Settiyargge sāsirvvara sannidhānadal kāl-garchch-ägi dâna-gondan keyi mattar &yvatt-āru a[m)8 kadolam matta[r*] 56 å keyge benn-irkley-illa benn=irkkey=endava svāna gārdnebha' chāņdala[m] I9 dara vyavasthe intuțu [1* ] Int=ā bhūmiyam kondu Traipurtsha-dēvarggam bāraha Nārāyaṇa-dēvar=110 pachāradiņ mikkudam brāhmaṇar=uņba[ro] [1 ] Int-i(1) s[th Jitiyal Damodara-Setti bhūmi-dānań-go11 ţta tithi Asva(sva)yujad-amavāsye sūryya-grahaņa-vyatipātam Antu kotta dharmmavam sāsi12 rv[v]arum rakshisuvar [1] Int-idag=āsrama-guru-dharmma-prati(ti)põlanum sva(sa)d achāranum=ollitta[m]ge 13 (vya]bhichāriyum bhakshakan-ād=ātań Prayāge Vāraṇāsi Argghyatirtham Kurukshētra[m] 14 [Pu]shkaram Sriparvvatam=emba mahā-tirtthangalo! chatur-vvēda-pāragarumam pannirchchhäsira kavi15 [le]yuman=alida pātakam sva-dharmmadol rakshisidan-i tirtthangulama[m] i(1)y ayadha(ta)namuman 16 [rakshi]sida mahā-puny-adhikan-akkam | Sämänyösyah dharmma-sēta[r*) nnri(nnpi)pāņām kālē kā[la] 17 (pālajniyo bhavadbhiḥ [1] 888(88)rvvän=ētān-bhāvinaḥ-partthivē[m]drān bhūyo bhūyo yachatē (Ra} From the ink.impression. * Apparently an error for-goff*.. * Read óvana paradabin *Tbo ga u added, in vinaller script, under the mo. . The si hau been omituel, and added in small script wuler the line 3D 2 Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 18 [macha]mdra[h*] I [1*] Sva-datt[**]m para-datt[*]m vā yo harēta vasun dharām shashtirəvvarsha-sahabrāņi vishthāyāṁ jāyatēt krimi' [l* 2*] Mam[gaļa] 19 Srimat-perggade Dhögipayyan=adhikam dhārmmikan=udyan-mahāgrămam nettane Lokki[gu]20 (pdi]ye nutam kirtti-dhvajam sad-gun-oddāmam dvādasa (sa). Vishņuvam Garuda mana-stambhamam sthäpi[s] 21 [-]mam Traipurusharkkaļam nilisidam puny-adhika dhātriyo! | [3*] A mahimā-viļāsad=adaga[nti]22 (ya ?)* perggade Dhõyipayyan-uddāma-kulakke takka sati mikka patibrate Jaina dana-dharmm-amrite23 [? vși]ddhi-chandrike Guņābbe gun-adhike sanda Rugmiņi-rämege Rama-rāmeg eney-endodo mattaran-ênan-embeno | [4*] 24 [uuu] Dadhichi puțțidano Guttane bandano Chārudattano [n]iratiếay-Arkka nandanano pēs=ene Māhuvan-artthig-artthama[m] 25 [kara]m-osed-ittan-ātana magam vibudh-āgraniy=endu Dāmam(ma)nam karam-atira gadim pogalvare ?n=es&v-antano pu26 [? nya]m-antano || [5*] Māhuva-Settiya magan=atisāhasikam negalda Dhöyipayyan.' amarmmam māhātm[y*]-ārjjita-guna-(sam)27 [dõha]m dhareg=eseye Dāvalam sale negaldam [Il 6* 1 Sri-kāntā-kamanīyam=ādudu visāl-ora[s*]-sthalam tanna vāk sri-kā[ntā-ka). 28 [ma]nīyam=ādudu mukh-āṁbhājātam=udyaj-jaya-sri-kāntā-ramaņiyam=āduda bhujā. dandam dig-ant[am ?] 29 (yajsa[4*]-bri-kāntā-kamanīyam=ādud adapind=ēn-Pāman-uddāmano [7*] Sura. rājëndra-mad-abha-mastakadol (-) 30 [dig-da]nti-dantagalol-Haran-ugr-āsiyol-Indrakila-taţadol-Nirējaputr-āndado!=vara-nag ālayado!=Murāri31 [ya !] gri(gri)h-ödya[d*]-dvära-bandhamgalo!-baredal-Väg-vadhu Davalam Bu(du)chi maha-dan-adya(dhya)n=emb=amkamam || [8*] Sura-raj-ādr[1]32 [ndra-Hi]māchaļa-Male(la)ya-nag-õpānta-valli - van - abhyantaradol=nānā - vinodamgalole nelasi vidyadhara-stri33 (U--uu] kānt-ānikamum pannaga-yuvatiyarum pāduvarakkūde Damodara kirtti-briyan=ēnwend=adara 34 [u u u -] ban[n]isalk=ärppan-āvam || [9*] Mole-voyt Arkkajanim paburppu vadedatt=ā Vikramaditya-bhütaja-näth-a[g]r[ani)35 [yim -u u u ]tt-etta Harischandranim Naļanim pâtudu Chārudatta vibhuvimdam käytud-I bhūri-bhūtaladol Dama[ - ] The ya has been added below the line. Read krimit. The si has been omitted, and added below. Or possibly .ye. . Read -amrita.. . This is the common Southern spelling for the Sanskrit Rukmini. ! Reference to Inscription No. 30 of the Nagamangala Taluq (line 56) Ep. Carn. Vol. IV, Pt. ii, and its translation by Rice (p. 120, 1.1) to which Mr. N. Lakshminarayana Rao has drawn my attention, would suggest that the reading is. Dhoyi payyana marmmath or possibly mamma th. If that is so, Davala would be the son of MAhavarotti and grandson of Dhöyipayya. See p. 317 above, last part Kittel, bowovor, gives momma but not namwal or marnıma, in the sense of grandson-Ed.] Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 37.] GADAG INSCRIPTION OF THE REIGN OF JAYASIMHA II: SAKA 959. 221 36 [~~~ -ō]dāra-kalpa-drumam || [10*] Kali-yugam-ettam-ottarisi lōba(bha)gunam jagam-ellamam p[-] 37 ~~~~- -vi]shama-kāladoļam Daman-iha-lõkada manasa-r[-] budha-samkulakk-anākuļam-osed-iva Dadhichiyō Si(Si)biyo Kannano Guttano Charudattanō || [11*]1 TRANSLATION. --] 88 (Lines 1-4.) While the reign of-hail!-the refuge of the whole world, darling of Fortune and Earth, great Emperor, supreme Lord, supreme Master, ornament of Satyasraya's race, embellishment of the Chalukyas, king Jagadekamalla-Jayasingha, was advancing in a course of successively increasing prosperity, (to endure) as long as moon, sun, and stars: (Ll. 4-5.) On Sunday, the 5th (day) of the bright fortnight of Ashaḍha in the cyclic year Iévara, the 959th (year) of the centuries of years elapsed since the time of the Saka king : (Ll. 5-8.) Sankarayya Nayaka's son, the mayor Maddimayya Nayaka, having received money, laved the feet of Damodara Setți in the presence of the Thousand, and (?) made over (to him) in gift a field of fifty-six mattar, in numbers 56 mattar, (forming part) of the large section of the mayoral lands of Lokkigundi. Of this field there is to be no resumption: he that claims resumption (shall be reborn as) a dog, an ass, (or) a Chandala. (Ll. 8-16.) Thus is its constitution. Having so obtained this land, what remains from the service of the Twelve Nārāyaṇa gods for the Traipurusha gods the Brahmans shall consume. The lunar day on which Damodara Setți thus granted the land on this condition was the last of the dark fortnight of Asvayuja, (during) an eclipse of the sun and a vyatipata (yoga). The Thousand shall preserve the pious endowment thus granted. So he who devours it, in disobedience to the worthy man who preserves the holy law of the masters of his order and acts righteously, incurs the guilt of slaying (Brahmans) versed in the Four Vedas and twelve thousand kine at the great sanctuaries of Prayaga, Benares, Arghyatirtha, Kurukshetra, Pushkara, and Sriparvata; he who preserves it according to its proper rule shall abound in the same great merit as if he preserved those esanctuaris and those temples. (Verses 1-2: two common Sanskrit formulæ.) (V. 3.) The fortunate officer Dhōyipayya, peculiarly righteous, praised fitly by the exalted great town Lokkigundi, having a banner of glory, eminent in virtue, extraordinary in merit on earth, erected (a temple of) the twelve Vishnus (and) a column of honour for Garuda and... established (a sanctuary of) the Traipurushas. (V. 4.) The good wife worthy of the eminent race of the officer Dhōyipayya, that perfection of the display of dignity, uniquely devoted to her lord, moonlight for the increase (?) of the ambrosia of pious bounty to Jains, singular in virtue, Gunabbe, is peer to the excellent dame Rukmiņi, (and) to Rama's dame: when this is said, what other shall I name? (V. 5.) "Say, .. has a Dadhichi been born? has a Gutta come, (or) a Charudatta, (er) the unsurpassed child of the Sun [Karna]?"-with men speaking thus, Mahuva gladly indeed bestowed wealth on suitors; as his son, a leader among the sages, men extol Dāma indeed with extreme affection; who is his like in distinction, who is his like in righteousness? (V. 6.) While Mahuva-Setti's son, the exceedingly valiant (and) eminent Dhōyipayya free from weaknesses, possessing a multitude of virtues won by nobility of soul, was flourishing on earth' Davala verily became eminent. The rest of the inscription, which is continued on this and the remaining lines, is here omitted, as it is very fragmentary. Brahman, Vishnu, and Sive. *[See footnote 7 on page 220 above.--Ed.] 32 Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. (V. 7.) His broad breast was worthy of being desired by the lady Fortune; his speech was worthy of [being desired by the lady] Fortune: the lotus of his face was worthy of the love of that lady the Fortune of high Vietory; his rod-like arm, extending through the regions of space, was worthy of being desired by that lady the Fortune of Glory; thus how splendid is Dāma ! (V. 8.) On the head of the rutting elephant of the great King of Gods, on the tusks of the elephants of the regions of space, on Hara's awful sword, on the slope of Indrakila, on the cosmic egg of the Lotus-born [Brahman], on the home of the great Serpents [Patala], on the high door-posts of Murari's house, the lady Speech has written the title: "Davala is pure, rich in great bounty." (V. 9.) Standing in divers sports amidst the groves of creeping plants on the skirts of the great mountain of the King of the Gods, of Himalaya, and of Mount Malaya, do not the wives of the Vidyadharas and the company of ladies of... and the Serpent damsels sing in concert the splendour of Damodara's glory? hence who is able to praise (fittingly) its [greatness]? (V. 10.) The noble tree of desire. . ., throwing out its sprouts through the child of the Sun [Karga], attained to greenness through Vikramaditya chief of monarchs,... everywhere from Harischandra, flowered through Nala, put forth green fruit through the lord Charudatta, [and ripened into perfect fruit] through Dāma... on this vast earth. (V. 11.) Is not Dama, who makes gifts with calm delight to the company of sages even in [this] troublous time, [when] the Kali Age is rife everywhere and the quality of greed pervades ?] the whole universe.. to this world, a Dadhichi, a Sibi, a Karna, a Gutta, a Charudatta ? No. 38. TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM RON, OF SAKA 944 AND 1102. BY LIONEL D. BARNETT. Ron (the word is spelt "Roan " in the Indian Atlas sheet 41) is the chief town of the Ron täluka in Dharwar District, Bombay Presidency, and lies in lat. 15° 42' and long. 75° 47'. Both the present epigraphs, which are now edited from ink-impressions bequeathed by the late Dr. Fleet to the British Museum, come from the local temple of Isvara. From notes on the ink-impressions it appears that at the time when the impressions were taken both the stones were on the outside of the temple; the introductory note to the imperfect transcript of B. in the Elliot Collection (Vol. II, fol. 93b. in the Royal Asiatic Society's copy) states that Elliot's agent found it "in the stone temple standing in front of the Reddiyavar's house in Rōp". A-OF THE REIGN OF JAYASIMHA II: SAKA 944. This record is imperfect; the latter part of the stone is missing, and it is moreover cracked across the middle. The inscribed area is about 2 ft. 7 in. wide, and the maximum height of what remains is about 3 ft. 1 in. There seems to be no trace of any sculptures.-The character is Kanarese lines 1-28 are written in a fair sloping hand typical of the eleventh century, with letters of an average height of in., and underneath them are portions of three more lines [We may construe the sentence as :-tanna viéäl-õrasthalam Srikäntä-kamaniyam-adudu, tauna mukh-imbhojātam Vak-srikanta-kamaniyam-adudu tanna bhuj-ädandam udyaj-Jayadrikäntä-kamaniyam-adudu, etc., and translate it accordingly.-Ed.) Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 38.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM RON : SAKA 944 AND 1102. 223 written in slightly smaller and mote cramped hand, pethaps & later addition. As very little can be made out of the latter, I give only the text of 11. 1-28. The language is Olt Kanarese, with two formal Sanskrit stanzas (vv. 10 and 11): The is preserved in negaud- (H. 6, 21 f.); alidon and alida (1. 20); it appears as I in pogaladar (1. 10) and pogabat (t: 91). Nirmmådhyam (t. 18) is a rate but classical Sanskrit word. In tandeya mādida bhümt-dänaman N. 24) we have an example of the use of the genitive for nominative to which I have called attention in Journ. Royal Asiat. Soc., 1918, p. 105. The record opens by referring itself to the reign of the Chalukya Jagadēkamalladēva (Jayasimha II) (11. 1-3). It then describes in verse the town of Ropa, the modern Rön (11.3-5), and the virtues of an eminent local Brāhman riamed Aytävarma and his son Sa kimayya, the latter of whom constructed a temple to the Mälasthärra god in Rom (11. 5-10). Sankimayya had an elder brother named Machimayya, whose youmger brother was Chandimayya ; and Machimayya granted land for a rest-house for Brāhmaṇs (11. 10-14). Next follow prose details of Mächimayya's gift of some lands and three oil-rhills, etc., for the maintenance of the temple of Siva, the trustees being the Hundred-and-four burgesses of Rön (11. 14-20). Next come three verses (11. 20-25), from which we learn that he also constructed & well, and that his three sons Aytavarma, Rudramayya, and Dōchimayya made over their father's land-endowment to the custody of the Hundred-and-four; apparently there had been some delay in the formal transfer of the estates granted by Māchimayya, and probably he died in the interim. After this come two concluding Sanskrit stanzas (11. 25-27), and then begins a few section, of which the first verse (II, 27-28) speaks of a certain Ravikiya-Bhatta, as posBessing some estate. From this point the stone becomes more and more dilapidated : there remain only fragments of three more lines, which I have not thought worth while to print, &s they give no consecutive sense. It is noteworthy that these three lines are in a slightly smaller and more crabbed hand than the rest of the record, as I have remarked above. The rest of the stone has been lost, and hence it is impossible to determine the exact date when the epigraph in its present form was set up. Apparently it was intended as a composite record of the various charities of the family. The reference to the reigning king in 11. 1-3 and the character of the script shew that it cannot be later than about Saka 964, and we have Saka 944 as a terminus ad quo; hence it may be reasonably assigned to a date about midway between these limits. The date of the first donation is given on 11. 14-15 ag : Saka 944, Dundubhi; Pushya ba. 14; Monday; the uttarāyana-sar krānti. This is not perfectly regular, but may be accepted. The tithi specified corresponded to Tuesday, 25 December, A.D. 1022, whereas the samkrān. ti occurred 1 h. 8 m. after mean suntise on Monday, 24 December; but as the tithi ba. 14 began 3 h. 15 m. after mean sunrise on the Monday and ended 2 h. 54 m. after mean sunrise, thus being current for 20 h. 45 m. on the Monday, the confusion is pardonable. Only two places are mentioned, viz. Ropa, the modern Ron (11. 4, 9, 16, 21), and a spot of which the name began with Pushpa- (1. 16). TEXT. Metrés :-vv. 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, Kanda; v. 2, 8, Champakamälä; v. , Sardúlavikridita ; 1.6, Mattēbhavikridita; vv. 10, 11, Anushtubh.] 1 [Om] Svasti samasta-bhuvan-āśraya Sri-Prithvi-vallabha mahārājad hirāja para. mēsvara paramabha 1 I have again to thank Mr. R. Sewell, who unhappily has died since this paper was written, for his kindness in checking my calculations in this paper. From the ink-impression. Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 224 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XIX. 2 [ttārakam Satyābraya-kula-tilakam Chāļuky-abharaṇam srimaj-Jagadēkamalla dēvara vijaya-rājya3 [m=utta]r-õttar-abhivsiddhi-pravarddhamānam-ā-chandr-ārkka-tāram saluttam-ire Kandam | Sri-ramaņi-pr[i]yani4 [vy Dvä]rävatigar Surendran-Amarāvatigam sāram dharani-vaniteya hāra[m] sri-Rõnam-oppugum 6 [vasu]matiyol I (D [] Vrittam [l*] Enipa mah-āgrahāram=adarol-Vana jödbhava-vamajarkalol-Manu-charita-pra6 - ]r=ene kottaļivan=negald-ol-gulakke mikk-anupama-dāni bishta-jana-vatsalan= ivara dēvan-Aytava[r*]mmane 7 [pa]ram-ārtthamrendu dhare baņpisugun vibudh-agraganya (n)am (ID [2*] Kandam | Atamge sujana-jana-vikhyātamge jagaj-ja8 [n]-aika-nuta-charitam nirdhdhūt-agha-nichayam=urvvi-khyātam bri-Samkimayyan=ādam tanayam (D [3*] Kshiti-valayam 9 [ba]nnisal=unnatiyam mädisidan-esevinam Rõnadol-unnatam-ene Müla-sthān-ayatana man=ā Samkimayyan-e10 ne pogaļadar-ārt (ID [4*] Vpittar Atamg=unna[t]a-kirttig-agrajan udagram Māchimayyam jagat-khyātam nirmmala-dharmman=ātan-811 nujam sri-Chandimayy-imkan-uddhūt-agh-aughan=enippan-irvvar-olag=ă sri-Māchi. mayyam dvija-vrätakk=unnata-satra12 bhūmiyan-idam bittam mah-õtsähadim ! (D [*] Odalam tām eucharitrado! dhanaman-udyad-dānado!=nan[n]iyam nudi. 13 yol=bhaktiyan-eyde tandeyol-udagrań chittaman santatam Mrida-pād-abjadol āvagam basanamam sad-dharmmadol-tā. 14 Jdidam gadad-e vaņņipen-anna Bach-charitaman sri-Machimayy-āmkanam (ID) [6*] Ad-ent-e[ndode] | Saka-varsha 944neya Dum15 dubhi-samvatsarada Pushya-bahula 14 Somavāram-uttarayana-samkramanadanda pannirvvar-brāhmaṇargge sa16 tram mādi bamd=ā Röņa-mājado! 60 mattarddanada keyyu[m*] dēvargge Pushpa.. terkalum 2 mattarum 335 kammada tom17 tamum sodar-ennege 3 ghānamumam sarvva-bädhä-parihāram manyam mādi sriman-nūra-nālvargge pāda-puje[ge*] 50 18 gadyāņa[m] pondam koţta dharmmamam rakshisuvud-endu nirmmadhyam oppisidar-I dharmmamam rakshisidavargge Prayage-Väraņāsi19 Kurukshētradol-säsira kavileya ködum kulagumam suvarnnadol khachiyisi sā. survvar-vvēda-pāragar-appa brähmana20 rgge sūryya-grahaņadol=koţta punyam-ak[k*Jum=idan=alidon=initunidevaruman'-alida mahā-pātakan-ak[k*]um | Ka21 ndam | Jagati-jana-hitaman vibudha-gan-agrani Māchimayyan-urvvi-valayam pogaļal Rõnada maņiyara nega22 id-aramey-olage bävisum tödisidam (ID (7") Enisida Machimayya-vibu pa(dha)mg=eseyalke tanūjar-urvvarā-jana23 nutan-Aytavarmma-vjbhu sach-charitam sale Rudramayyan-atyanavarat-ěshta düni vibuah-agrani dhätrige Döchima 1 Written as separate words, jagat khyatan. * Apparently corrupt we should expect something like initum=initaruman. Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 38.) TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM RON : SAKA 944 AND 1102. 225 24 syyan)-atyunupamar-int-ivar-kramade tandeya madida bhümi-danaman [ll 8*] Parirakshisi vipra-kalēbara-bhānu-ga25 [bhasti nūra)-nālvargg-atyādaradinde samarppisidar-paripālisim-endu chandra tära[m]-baregam Ol 9*] Slökam [1*] Sva-dattām 26 [para-dattam và yö harjēta Vasundharāṁ shashtiruvvarsha-sahasräņi vishthāyām jāyatē krimih (118) [10*] Akarasya karam(ri)27 [karanamh gö-sahasra-vadhaḥ smpi]taḥ | kara-pravritti-vichchhēdād-go-köți-phalam abnutë (l) [11*] Kandan | Nettane shan-masam mugi- 28 [vy vy vy vy yy yy yyyy yyyy ) kat[t]-al-en[d]um Ravikiya-bhattam Nirgudiyan-uņņa neleyan-tinnam! (ID [12*]' TRANSLATION (Lines 1-3.) While the victorious reign of–hail the refuge of the whole world, darling of Fortune and Earth, great Emperor, supreme Lord, supreme Master, ornament of Satyagraya's race, embellishment of the Chāļukyas, king Jagadēkamalla, was advancing in a course of successively increasing prosperity, (to endure) for as long as moon, sun, and stars : (Verse 1.) More excellent than the Dvärāvati of Lady Fortune's lover [Krishna) or than the Amaravati of Indra, a pearl-necklace for the Lady Earth, the blest Rona is conspicuous on earth. (V. 2.) The great Brāhmaṇic fief so named-in it are men perfect" (?) in the conduct (prescribed) by Manu among the scions of the race of the Lotus-born [Brahman): one of this company, a man of peerless charities excelling in that illustrious good family, kindly to cultured men, a god of givers (of bounty), is Aytavarma in supreme truth: in such terms does the world land that most eminent of sages. (V. 3.) To him, who was renowned among good men, there was a son, the blest Sankimayya, whose conduct was uniquely praised by the people of the world, who dispelled the mass of sin, famed on the earth. (V. 4.) With the circle of earth lauding (his) eminence, this Sankimayya constructed & Müla-sthāna sanctuary such as to be conspicuous for magnificence in Roņa ; for this who are there that do not praise (him)? (V. 5.) He, exalted of fame, had an elder brother, the stately Māchimayya, worldrenowned, stainless in religion ; his younger brother, named the blest Chandimayya, is known as having dispelled the flood of sin. Of the two, this blest Machimayya with great generosity granted to the company of Brāhmaṇs the land for a magnificent rest-house. (V. 6.) He kept his body in righteousness, his wealth in noble charity, truth in speech, devotion fittingly towards his father, an eager spirit ever towards Mrida's lotus-feet, passion ever for the good Law: verily, O brother, how can I (worthily) extol the righteous man bearing the name of the blest Machimayya ! (Ll. 14-20.) As regards the manner thereof :-On Monday, the 14th of the dark fortnight of Pushya, in the cyclic year Dundubhi, the 944th year of the Saka (era), at the uttardyana-sankranti, having made & rest-house for twelve Brāhmans, and having come and made into an honorary estate for the god with immunity from all conflicting claims a corn-field The stone contains portions of three more lines, possibly by a later hand, on which so above (p 223). 32 Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 226 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XIX of 50 mattar in the meadows of Rõna and south of Pushpa ... 2 mattar and a garden of 335 kamma and 3 oil-mills to supply oil for lamps, he granted 50 gadyana of gold for adoration of the feet to the Hundred-and-four, which pious endowment they undertook directly to maintain. To those who maintain this pious endowment will accrue the merit of decorating with gold the horns and hoofs of a thousand kine at Prayāga, Benares, or Kurukshētra and giving them, during an eclipse of the sun, to a thousand Brāhmaṇs learned in the Vēdas; he who destroys it will bear the same deadly sin as if he destroyed the same number of them. (V. 7.) Māchimayya, leader of the company of sages, with the applause of the circle of earth caused to be dug in the splendid park of the intendents of Rona a well, beneficial to the people of the world. (Vv. 8 & 9.) As this sage Māchimayya's sons became distinguished, the lord Aytavarma praised by the people of the earth, the truly righteous Rudramayya, and Döchimayya, a most unceasing dispenser of boons, a leader of sages in the world, were quite without peer: these four, in order preserving the land-endowment founded by (their) father, with the utmost respect transferred it to the [Hundred and four, who are rays of the sun in the bodies of Brähmans, bidding them guard it for as long as moon and stars endure. (Vv. 10, 11: two common Sanskrit formulae.) (V. 12.) .... everywhere Ravikiya--Bhatta has enjoyed the estate that .. ., possessed. B.-OF THE REIGN OF SANKAMA AND THE SINDA VIKRAMADITYA : SAKA 1102 The inscribed area of this epigraph is in width about 2 ft. 3 in. and in Leight nearly 5 ft. There is no record of any sculptures being attached to it. The character is Kanarese of the period, a generally well-formed ornate hand, decorated at the beginning with arabesque designs similar to those of the Kurgod inscriptions published above, Vol. XIV, p. 266 ff. The height of the letters varies from in. toin. The cursive forms of y and m noted above, Vol. XII, p. 335, are found here : that for m occurs in 11. 38, 53, 75 (twice), and 77, and that for y in l. 19. The language is Kanarese, the metrical part being in the ancient language and the prose medieval; two formal stanzas (vv. 1 and 26) and & quotation from Manu (v. 25) are in Sanskrit. Sporadically ay is changed to ey, in ovaleyao (ll. 2, 19), taneyam (1. 28), and abheyan (1. 28). The prothesis of yin yaupāsan-āgni (1. 62) is noteworthy; so is the spelling Advayija (1. 66), which is the first step to the modern vernacular pronunciation Advija. The ancient has not been preserved : it has been changed to in negal (passim), ki?t= (1. 18), elvinar (1. 30), and to rin ēruvarum (1. 26), ? arvuu (1. 30), negardda (1.39, prose), negarda (1. 43, prose), with loss in eppattuman (1. 56). V is changed to b in -brāta°, .4, 14, -braja', 1. 47, -byūha°, . 50, -bratiy, l. 31, -svayambaram, 1. 67. The change of p to h occurs in the verse portion only in Hoysalana (1. 32) and Torahanarh (1.33; but Torapa in the proge titles, 1. 63), and in the prose in Hiriya (11. 67, 71, 73), hanneradu (1. 70), and holao (11. 71-72, 78-79), by the side of paduva (1. 71) and paduvalu (1. 78), both in prose. The upadhmānīya appears in artahpurao (1.40). On the lexical side we may note projisimbhita (1. 9), anamna il. 12), the list of technical names of towns and villages (pattana, 1. 14; sanoa luna, 1. 14; khēda, 1. 14; kharvvada, 1. 14 f. ; madanba, 1. 15; dronamukha, 1. 15), and kambi (U. 71 f., 78 f. ; also found in the Alūr inscr. of Saka 933, above, Vol. XVI. p. 27). Part of the text, viz. the passages from Anu sogayisuva on 1. 6 to Kurtal-orvvi. vilāsum on I. 13 and from Vilasitam on 1. 21 to eṁdade on 1. 24, together with vv. 14, 16, 19, 20, and 21, occur algo in No. L. of the iuscriptions of Südi published above, Vol. XV, pp. 109 fi, Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 38.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM RON: SAKA 944 AND 1102. 227 The record, after the opening verse, proceeds to extol the ocean (11. 2-6), Jambū-dvipa (11. 6-8), Mount Mēru (II. 8-10), Kuntala (11. 11-16), and the king of Kuntala, the Kalachurya Sankama, to whose reign it formally refers itself (11. 16-21). It then mentions the province of Kisukādu (ll. 21-22) and the Mahāmandalēśvara ruling it, the Sinda Vikramadīva, also known as Vikkayya or Vikramăditya (11. 22-23),' giving the pedigree of the latter as follows (U. 23-49) . Nāki Sinha Däsama Dama Chūvunda [1] Chama and many other sounding mubona plan cambia con el Bambaran Acharasa, ) or Achugi [I]) Bammarasa (Achugi (II), or (Acharasa, m. Mādēviyarasi Permādidēva or Perma Chāvuņda [II], m. Siriyādēvi (d. of Bijjala & Echaladēvi) Bijjala Vikramaditya (Vikkayya, Vikramadēva) This differs in some slight details from the pedigree given in the Suņi record above, Vol. XV, p. 109. It morcover supplements it by adding the mention of Bammarasa and by stating that Achugi II conquered the Male or Highlands of the Ghāts, defeated the king of Dahala (Chēdi), sacked Uppina-katto, and killed the Ganga of Kadāra (on which see below), and that Permādidēva captured the Hoysala king's elephants and treasure-waggons as well as the Toraha himself (vv. 13, 15). Next, we are introduced to Bicheya-Sahani, a distinguished Master of the Horse, general, and bihallara-niyogi or holder of seventy-two oflices' in the service of the Sinda Vikramāditya (1l. 49-55); it was on his petition that the present grant was made. The occasion of it was when Vikramaditya, having been moved by hearing a scrmon on the text Manu VIII. 15, was making a number of charitable endowments and gifts in honour of his late father (11.55-70), and the trustee was Gurubhaktadēva, a Saiva divine of the l'ar. vata.gchool of the Kālāmukha church, the beneficiaries being the local sanctuarios of Chimese vera and Mālēsvara. A specification of the boundaries of the land then follows (11. 70-74), with a concluding verse (11.74-75) and some supplementary endowments by Vikramaditya and his brother Bijjana or Bijjala (11. 75-80). On the Sinda dynasty ace above, Vol. XIV, pp. 268-270, and Dyn. Kan Distr, p. 572 ff. * Apparently the head of some hostilo tribe of that name; cf. the titlo Tortpa-kullimiakar, "slayers of the Torapa race," applied in the present record, I. 63, to tho burgesses of Ron, and the reference in the Hali inscription above, Vol. XVIII, p. 200. As this name shows, the school was derived from Kashmir. Cf. Ep. Carn. VII. 1, 8k, 114, etc. SE 2 Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 228 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. The date is given in 1. 66 as: Saka 1102 (current), Vikari; the new-moon day of Akvayuja, Monday. This is not perfectly regular. The tithi mentioned corresponded to Tuesday, 2 October, A.D. 1179, on which day it ended 13 h. 28 m. after mean sunrise (for Ujjain). The places mentioned are Kuntala (11. 13 f., 16, 21 f.), "Kisukadu (11. 22, 67) and the Kisukāda Seventy (1. 56), Pahala (1. 29), Uppina-katto (1.29), Kadara (1.30), Erambarage or Yerambarage (11. 57 f., 61), Rona (11. 63, 68, 71, 78), Hiriya Mapiyür (11. 67, 71, 73, 8 f.) Chikka Maniyur (1. 72), Mudiyanur (1. 72, 77, 79), and Mapiyür (1. 76). On Kisukādu see Ind. Ant., Vol. XXX (1901), p. 259 ff. Pahala is the kingdom of Chēdi. Kadāra, evidently the same as the Kidāram or Kadāram of several other records, is rather difficult to locate. Mr. Venkayya (S.I.I., Vol. II, p. 109) and Dr. Hultzsch (above, Vol. IX, p. 231) seem to be right in placing it on the western coast of Burma or thereabouts in regard to other records; but here it is rather hard to believe that the arms of the Sindas could reach so far. The words Kadara-Garga in l. 30 must mean a Ganga prince ruling in Kadāra, and suggest that there was a place of that name in or near the territory of the Gangas in India, from which a colonial Kadāra on the other side of the Bay of Bengal might have taken its name. Erambarage is Yelburga, situato in Lingsugur District of the Nizam's Dominions, in lat. 16° 37' and long. 76°3'; we here learn (1. 57) that it bore the title of Lakshmi-svayamvara. Rõna is the modern town of Rõn. Hiriya Maniyūr, given as “Hire-Manur" on the Bombay Survey sheet No. 332 and as " Heereh Munnoor" on the Indian Atlas sheet 41, is in long. 75. 42' and lat. 15° 421. Chikka Maniyür, the “Chik-Manur" of the Survey and "Chika Munnoor" of the Atlas, lies in long. 75° 42' and lat. 15° 407. Maniyür may possibly denote these two towns collectively. Mudiyanür may perhaps have some connection with the modern village of Mudengudi ("Moodiangoodee" on the Indian Atlas), which lies in long. 75° 43' and lat. 15° 44%; the former name is to be analysed as Mudiyana ür," the elder's village," and the latter as Mudiyana kudi," the elder's homestead" (or perhaps gudi," temple "). TEXT. [Metres :-Vv. 1, 25, 26, Anushțubh ; v. 2, 24, Utpalamila; vv. 3, 5, 6, 8, Mahasragdhara; vv. 4, 13, 15, 17-21, Mattēbhavikridita; vv. 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 22, 23, Kanda ; v. 10, Champakamāla.] Sri [l*) Namas-tunga-biras-chumbi-chandra-chämara-chāravě (*) traiļūkya-nagarārambha-mūla-stambhiya Sambhavë | [1*] Vritta | 2 Svasti samasta-bhū-vale(la)ya-vēshţitam=uj[j*]vala-mauktik-adi-sad-vastu-vi(vi)kirppav. uchchali(li)ta-tumga-taramga-883 hasra-māļikā-nyasta-viyat-talam sogayis-irppudu bhävisi node näde lēka-stutam-agi ma * Mr. R. Sewell has informed me that practically the same result is reached if we follow the Siddhantasiromani, which gives as tithi-index 9809, as against the 9810 of the Arya-ridd Aanta. He also points out an Interesting fact in this connection. As the amapdayd-tithi (ba. 15) ended shortly after sunget on Tuesday, the preceding Monday night was the Dipávall festival; see Kielbom's list of "Festal Days" in J. A., Vol. XXVI. 1907, p. 184. Kielhom there says that the principal day of the festival was the one in which the moon w in the nakahatra Svati. Mr. Sewell's new tablo XLVIII A however shows that the moon entered Sväti, accord. ior to the equal space system, 17 h. 7 m. after mean sunrise on Tuesday: hence Tuesday was the principal day" of the Dipávall in A.D. 1179, though apparently the festival at any rate began on Monday night while the amanorya-tithi was ourrent. The Siddhanta-firmapi also given a similar result. * From the iuk-Improssiun. Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 38.) TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM RON: SAKA 944 AND 1102. 229 4 tsya-makar-õtkara-samsthita-ghūrņpit-ārņnavam || [2] Jala-hasti-brāta-hast-āhatiyin ogedu nnn-muttugaļu sūdo tira-sthaliyolu B mey-verchchi mēgang-ogedu terale nūmkutte subhr-ábhrama nirmmala kallöl-aughadimdan gagana-talake tum6 t-iţta võl-ikshisalu kan-golikum bhūgölaman sutt-irid=atulatara-dhvānav=ambhoni(ni) dhanam || [3*] Vachana | Antu sogayi7 suva muṁnire mērey-ägi ni(ni)khiļa-dvipa-kula-kudhara-kuhara-kumja-ramjitamun asēsha-dosh-āpaharana8 pari(ri)ņata-prabhāva-sukshētramum=eni(ni)si sogayisuva Jambū-dvipada natta naduve || Vpi Sura-kämta-rata-kujita-pra9 tirava-prējrimbhitam kimnari-vara-git-ārava-mõhita-dvipa-kulam sidhdh-āmganā-pāda pamkaruha-prāmchita-kun10 kuma-sthagi(gi)ta-chamchach-chandra-kāṁt-opalar karam-opp-ippudu ratna-küta ramanlyam Mēru-dhātridharam [4] . Kāṁ11 chan-āchalada dakshiņa-dig-bhāgadolu Bharata-kshētram=embud-irppud-adagolu | Polan'-ellam gamdha-sāļi-prakara-pa12 rivri(vpi)tań namdana-brēņiy-ella phala-bhar-(ā)namna-chūt-āvani(ni)ja-lavalayitam! dirgghik-ānīkam-ellam daļi(li)t-ambhojāta13 rēņu-sthagita-lalitam-ūr-ūrggal-ellam prajā-samkula-go-dhanya-prakirộn-āmchitam-enal esegum Kumtal-orvvi-viļāsam || [5*] 14 À Kuṁtala-dēsadoļu | Palavum grāmaṁgaļim pațțaņa-nikaradi(de) samvāhana brātadim pēsha(sa)]a-khēda-vyūhadim kha15 rvvada-nagara-madamb-aughadiṁ kūde cheluvan taleda drõņāmukha-śrēņiyin=eseva nadi-jaladim bhūri-bhū-mamda16 Jadolu kang-eddam-āg-irppudu ruchirateyim madhya-dēlam visēsham | [6] Tatu-Kumtal-ādhipati bhāsvat-kirtti-viļāsan=udhdhat-ara17 ti-mahībhri(bhri)t-Kaļila-damdan-adata chamatkāram sauryya-4āļi Samkamadēvam | [7] A dēs-adhibvarana bhuja18 pratāpam-ert-erdade || Balavad-vidvishta-bhūpalakaran-urade kilt-ikki tadd-rajya chihnangaļan=udyad-dēša-kotangaļan-&19 vayavadim komdu sal-lileyimdam jaladhi-vyāvēshtit-orvvi-vale(la)yav=anitumam täldidam tamna dör-mmamda20 ladoļu nisbanka-Lankēsvaran-amala-yasan Sarkama-kahonipālam | [8] Ant enisida Kalachuryya-chakravartti(rtti) Samkama-dēvarasa21 Ia rājyam-uttar-ottar-ābhivri(vri)dhdhi-pravardhdhamanam-a-chandr-arkka-tāram Baluttam-ire | Vilasitam-enipa Kum. 22 tala-dekadolu Kisukaçu bahu-phala-dhānya-dhēnu-dhana-pürņņav-enisuv-ürggala nelo | A nädan-ā]van=artthi-jan-anan nädu 1 Read proijribhitad. * The first la is superduous. The palaa le imperfect, rhyming with 4, in verses 5-6. Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 830 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XIX. 23 dha(da)th Sixda-mandalikp-tilakam tējö-nidhi Vikramadaraz Sri-namdanan eseye tamna lalit-akāram || [9*) A jagada24 viran-anvay-livatārammert-erdade | Para-nini)pa-marddanam.subhatan-Acharasam kali Naldi-bhūmipam suruchira-kirtti Simha25 vi(vi)bhuv=aggada Dāsama-matdalībvazan narapati Dāma-bhūmipati sauryya dhanaṁ vinutam Chauvumda-bhūveranwene mürtti 26 Chāma-nfipan=emba sahodha(da)rør madar=ērvvarum [10*] Avar-olag-Achugi bhüpamg=avirala-ki(si)ta-kirtti puţtidar Bammarasam bhuva27 ns-jana-stutyan partthiva-Pärttham Sinnda-vamba-chudāratnam || [118] Atanoda. vuttida vikhyāta-yasam Simha-bhūmipi28 lana tane(na)yam pāti(ti)tarripu-nri(npi)p8-varggam bhūtaladoļu negaļdan abhebha)yan-Achugi-bhūpam || [128] Maleyam 29 sādhisi Dahal-adhipatiyam bern-komdu mikk-irdda dõr-vvaladird-Uppina kadde(tte)yam kavardhdu(rdu) samgrām-agradolu sam80 da mey-galiy-ag-irdda Kadāra-Gamganan-agurvy-arvv=ēlvinaṁ komdu bhūtala dolu tān=esedh(d)-irddan-Achugi-nri(nri)pā. 31 lari Sinda-vams-ottaman H (13) A negaļd-Acharasamagam mānīni Mā döviyarasigam puţțidan-urvvi-nuta-vibhavam satya32 nidhanam Permmādi-dēvan-pratima-yalam [14] Ghana-bāhā-baladimde Hoysalana matt-abhamgaļa vastu-vähenemam kom. 33 d-atidhiranan Torahanam ber-komdu tūļd-eydi mutti neram-bārade katti tamdu chaladhi(di)m Chaľukya-rāyamge kottan-anūna-pra34 bala-pratāpa-vibhavam Permmāļi-bhūpāļakam [15] Ene negalda Permma bhūbhujan-anajam vidvishta-mamdalesvara-kamti35 jana-karnna-patra-vichchhēdanan-apratima-pratäpi Chavumda-nri(npi)pam || [16] Vara-hom-agnita(ya) vāji-māmsaman-alampim melva matanga-bhi36 kara-kumbha-sthita-rakta-pānaman=arutt-anamdadim pirvva nishthura-ni(ni)strimga. ni(ni)j-asiyolu neredu Dēvi-samgaram sädhipar-dhdhurado37 ļu chitram-id-alte satru-mahipar-Chehāvumda-bhūpāļaniṁ || [17] Kuļa-bailam rajat-adriyam jaladhi dugdh-arobhodhiyam vähini38 kulam-Indhr(dr)-&pageyam tamāļa-taru kalp-orvvijamam Vishnu ni(ni)rmmale Gamgadharanam damam' nereye põlt-irpp-a[m]negam parvvitt(t)-139 irivala-kirtti dyuti-lileyi[m] trijagamam Chävumda-bhüpāļanam(na) [18] Antmenisi negardda Sriman-mahămasdaļēsvaram sāhas40 ttunga-Vira-Chavarhdarasa-devan-arddh-anga-Lakshmi patta-mahädēviy-amtahpura mukha-darppane Suriyadavia 41 yarasiy-anvay-avatāram=emt-erdade | Naranāth-āgrani Bijjalam Kaļachuri kshmāpāļan-ayyan gun-akare42 y-ād-Echaladēvi täyi nri(npi)pa-varam &ri-Vajradēvam sahodaran-atyumnata Sinhda-vathiyan-adhipa Chávumdan=emdamde 43 dalu Siriya döviy-ol-ār=eral-kuladolam sampüjyeyaru rāniyaru || [19*] Ant-enisi vegarda Siriyadēviyara 1 To be soaned Chavunda. . Perhaps an error for difat or something of the kind, Read manini. Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 38.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM RON: SAKA 944 AND 1102. 231 bu 44 sigam Chāvunda-mamdaļēsvarargam puţtidar-ad-emt-erdade | Dhareyan pālisal-emde Gaurige Gajāsyam Shanmukham Siteg=u45 dhdhura-tējach Lava-bhūbhujar Kusa-nri(npi)pam Sri-Dēvaki-dēvig-ādaradimdam Bala-Kri(Kți)shộar=udbhavipa volu lõ46 k-Ottamarupputtidar-Ssiriyādēvig[e*] Vira-Bijjala-nri(nri)pam Vikkayyan=emb ātmajaru [20] Avar-olage || Prajeyam pali(li)-. 47 si dharmmama ni(ni)lisi si(si)shta-vrātamam käd-ari-brajamaṁ sõdu niramtaram vipuļa-lakshmi-dhāman=ādam mahībhu48 ja-chūdāmani Simda-vamsyan-ajitam sri-Vikkramādityan-āpta-jan-ödyam-nidhi man daļēša-tiļakam Chāvumdadēv-atmajam [21*] Khyātam bālyado!am Mām. 49 dhătar tān-eni(ni)si mamdalika-Mämdhātam bhūtalamam pālisidam nūtana-Baliy enisi Vikkramāditya-nri(npi)pam | [22*] Tatu-pāda-padm-opa50 jivii Ahava-dhirana vidyu(dvi)d-byūha-bhayamkarana Vi(Vi)kkramādityana sanāham tan-ene Bācheya-Sāhaņi saran-āgat-aika-rakshāmani61 yam || [23*] Satya-parākkramam para-hita-bratiy-emt-Erakāti Vikkramadityana bidinolu negaldan+amte jagam-nuta-vira-Vilckramaditya62 na bidinolu negaldan-i su(su)bhat-âgraniy-erdu bannikum bhri(bhritya-nidhāna nam nega]da Bācheya-Sāhaniyam jagaj-janaṁ || [24*] Ant-akhamdi63 ta-dõr-ddamda-pratāpanumm-avamdhyemdhya)-kopanuń råņa-ramga-simhanum vimaļa-kirtti-latā-kamdanum vijaya-lakshmi-kārtanum=eni64 sida mahā-pradhānam sēnādhipati bāhattara-niyõgi mandaļika-sähaņi-siromaņi Srimatu-Bachayya-Sāhani55 ya bimnapadim | Svasti Samadhigata-pancha-mahā-sabda-mahāmamdaļēsvara uddamda-mamdaļika-ripu-Madana-Mahēśvaram Simda-Gõvimdamnuv-udätta-Rā56 manum vairi-mandalika-sir-Vajra-damdanum=enisida Srimanu-mahamamdaļēbvaram Vira-Vikkramadityadēva-rasam Kisukād-eppattu57 man aldu dushţa-nigraha-fishta-paripilanadim tribhög-abhyamtara-sidhdhiyimd=āļdu Lakshmi-svayambaram=enisida nija-rajadhaniy-app-E58 rambarageya nele-vidinolu sukha-samkathā-vinodadim rājyam-geyyuttam-irddu dharmma-prasamgadolu 59 Dharmma ēva hato hamti dharmmo rakshati rakshitaḥ [1*] tasmad-dharmmo na hamtavya[6* -Jarvv-aišvaryya-phal-ēpsubhiḥ [25*] emba subhāśi(shi)ta vachanamgalam kējdu tām 60 sijadim dharmma-budhdhiy-appudarimdam tamma bappari Sriman. mahāmandalesvaram Chavumdarasa-dēvargge paroksha-vinayam(ya)-prā61 yaschitta-nimittam Yerambaragegalu bhū-dana-gri(gri)ha-dana-go-dana-suvarna danamgalam māduttam-irdda tat-käladolu | Svasti Ya 62 MA-niyama-svädhyāya-dhyana-dharana - mõ(mau)n-äpushthans - pardyana.jape - samadhi i(di)la-sampannarum yau(au)pean-agni-hôtra63 dvije-guru-dēva-päjä-taoperarum märttand-0"]vala-kirtti-yutarum Torapa-tul talorum-appa Sriman-mah-agrkhåreri Ropada Read pajisi. Rond Gopi danss. • Rest-prartpanum. The scribo poms to have actually written aitwaye phraf Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. -XIX: 64 nura-nälvar-abēta (sha)-mahājanamgala samnidhanadal-alliya acharyya-Gurubhaktadóvargge | Avara guru-kulam-ert-erdade Kāļā85 mukha-Parvvat-āvaļi-tapö-ni(ni)shthā-parar-enisi negalda Koppina Vakhkhāņadēvar avara sishyam Rudrasaktidēvaru svara sishya[m] JAinasaktidövar-ava66 ra bishyam Gurubhaktadēvargge Sa(Sa)ka-varsha 1102neya Vikärt samvatsarada Abvayi(yu)jad-amsväse Somaväradamdu tamma 67 Kisukāda nāda baliya badań Híriya Maniyüra samasta-guna-visēs(sh)-omnatar app-ür-fo*]deya-mukhyamyl-al[l*Jiy=&suvatst*)-okka68 lur samasta-prajegalu sahitam Ropada Kalla-mata(tha)da Chămēsvara-dēvara nitya-pājā-naivēdya-gamdha-dhūpa-dipa-Chaitra-pavitram nadev-art-i69 giy-alliy-acharyya Gurubhakta-dēvara pāda-prakshālanam-geydu dhārā-pūrvvakath māļi rāja-dattiy-agi sarvva-na70 masyam māļi kotta keyi mattaru hamneradu alliya Malakvara-devara naivēdyakke kotta keyi mattar eradu || Ant-i vri(vri)ttige stha71 Jav=āvud-edade Hiriya Mapiyara müdaņa holadim kadeyalu Ronada paduva-volada kambi72 vodduge tenkalu Chikka Mapiyura holadim badagalu karbi-vodduge badagalu Mudiyanürs holadim temkalu kambi-vodduge an73 tu nälkum deseyalu kaviloya kalla nattu koţtaru Imit-F dharmmamat Hiriya Mapiyüra vür-odeyanum samasta74 prajegalum sadharmmadim pratipālisavaru Danam và pälanam v-api dânāch chhröyö-nupälanam (Il dänāt-svarggam-aväpnöti på75 lanād=achyutan padam || [26] Vira-Bijjanadāvanur Vikkarasanum kerege mattar-eradu ajavat[i*]gege mattar-eradu antu 76 bitta mattaru 4 Mapiyüra ür-odeyarum apuvattzokkalum pratipāļisu varu | 17 Mattam Vira-Bajjapadēvarasanur Vikkara[ n*num Kalla-mathada Châmēsva(sva)ra-dēvarige bitta keyi Mudiyantra 78 he(ho)lad-olage mattaru 6 Rõnada he(ho)lada kambiy-oddugey-ägi peduvala Hiriya Ma79 piyūra he(ho)lada kambiy-oddugey=igi badagalu Mudiyantra ür-odeyarun ar[u*]va80 tt-okkalum pratipālisuvaru ! TRANSLATION (Verse 1.) Homage to Sambhu lovely with the yak-tail fan that is the moon kissing his lofty heed, the foundation-column for the construction of the city of the Threefold World. (Verse 2.) Hail ! surrounded by the ring of the whole earth, abounding in goodly treasures of brilliant pearls and the like, decking the face of the sky with garlands of thousands of upspringing lofty waves, the tossing Ocean tenanted by crowds of fishes and dolphins, when one gunos in meditation, is fair to the sight, being exceedingly praised by the world. Read .mullum Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 38.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM RON: SAKA 944 AND 1102. 233 (V. 3.) When, swelling up on its shores, rising aloft, beating against the bright sky, it rocks about so that fine pearls arising from the blows of the trunks of troops of water-elephants are showered around, the Ocean, most incomparable in its thunders, surrounding the globe of the world, attracts the eye as one gazes, as though it were driving holes in the face of the heavens with its floods of stainless billows. (LI. 6-8.) In the very middle of Jambu-dvipa, which, with the ocean thus resplendent as its bound, is brilliant in being adorned with grotto-bowers in the principal mountains of all the continents and in being a blessed land richly endowed with power to remove all guilt (V. 4.) Conspicuous indeed is Mount Mēru, charming with jewelled peaks, which is full of echoes of the murmurs of celestial damsels' amorous dalliance, where the tribes of birds are fascinated by the sounds of Kinnaris' sweet songs, and where brilliant moonstones are besmeared with lustrous saffron from the lotus-feet of Siddhas' wives. (LI. 10-11.) On the south of this Golden Mountain is the land of Bharata : in it (V. 5.) All the fields are encompassed by lines of fragrant rice-crops; all the series of parks encircled by mango-trees bending with the weight of fruit; all the multitudes of pools charmingly powdered with pollen of bursting lotuses; all the towns splendidly abounding in crowds of people, kine, and grain : thus appears the bright aspect of the land of Kuntala. (L. 14.) In this land of Kuntala (V. 6.) With many villages, with numbers of market-towns, with crowds of store-piaces, with multitudes of elegant hamlets, with abundance of kharvada-villages, towns, and madamba. villages, together, with a series of beautiful dronā-mukha-towns, with the multitude of rivers, the central province is unique amidst the realms of the vast earth in-charming the eye with its loveliness. (V. 7.) The lord of this Kuntala is the heroic king Sankama, brilliant with lustrous glory, a Thunderbolt-wielder [Indra) to the mountains, haughty foes, a miracle of valour. (Ll. 17-18.) As regards the splendour of the arm of the lord of this land: (V. 8.) King Sankama, an intrepid Lord of Lanka,' stainless of glory, unceasingly tearing up and destroying puissant hostile monarchs, winning, member by member, their emblems of royalty (and) the treasuries of their noble lands, in fine sport has supported on the circle of his arm the whole ring of the ocean-encompassed earth. (LI. 20-21.) While the reign of the Kasachurya emperor thus described, Sankamadāvarama, was advancing in a course of successively increasing prosperity, (to endure) as long as moon, sun, and stars : (Ll. 21-22.) In the bright land of Kuntala is Kisukadu, a province containing towns that are full of abundant fruit, grain, kine, and money. (V. 9.) The ruler of this province is a delight to the needy, an ornament of Sinda Mandalikas, a treasure of splendour, Vikramadēva, a child of Fortuno, whose own charming form is conspicuous. (Ll. 23-24.) As regards the lineage of this world-hero - (V. 10.) There were seven brethren, to wit, the warrior Acharasa, who crushed hostile monarchs, the valiant king Naki, prince Simha most brilliant of fame, the excellent baron Disama, king Dama, lord of men, the famed person, rich in valour, known as king Chavupda, (and) king Chama. 1 The text (P. 229, L 9 sbove) has doipa which means elephant'. Perhape dvija is meant.--Ed.) • Definitions of the terms grama, paffaga, aasahana, kheda, kharvada, para, midamba, and drops. www.bha are to be found in the Kamildgama XX. 4-10 and Yugddi-tand V. 50; at my translatina of a Nagada. dando, p. 45 n. A variation of the commoner title niklanka-Ramo. Sri-nandang,. play on the name of his mother Sirlyldavi (100 below). Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. (V. 11.) Among these, there was born to king Achugi, Bammarasa, possessing abund. ant bright fame, lauded by the folk of the world, a Pritha's son (Arjuna) among monarchs, a crest jewel of the Sinda race. (V. 12.) The son of his (Achugi's) full-brother the renowned king Simha, the fearless king Achugi (II), who laid low troops of hostile sovereigns, was illustrious on earth. (V. 13.) Overcoming the Highlands, driving into flight the lord of Pahala, with exceeding strength of arm sacking Uppina-katte, slaying in the forefront of battle that worthy man of true valour the Ganga of Kadāra when his awful power of destruction was at its height, king Achugi, best of the Sinda race, was in turn illustrious on the earth. (V. 14.) To this distinguished Acharasa and his high-spirited consort Mädēviyarasi was born Permāờidēva of world-renowned majesty, a treasure of truthfulness, incomparable in glory. (V. 15.) By the strength of his robust arm winning the Hoysala's fiery elephants (and) treasure-waggons, driving into flight the very bold Toraha, pursuing, approaching, coming into touch, binding (him) with none coming to aid, king Permadi, splendid in perfect puissant majesty, boldly carried (him) off and handed (him) over to the Chāļukya king. (V. 16.) The younger brother of this distinguished king Perma was king Chāvunda (II), who plucked away the leaves in the ears of hostile barons' mistresses, incomparable in majesty. (V. 17.) On meeting with the blade pertaining to (his) grim sword, which devours splendidly the flesh of horses (destined as it were) for noble oblation-fires, (and) stabbing drinks joyfully draughts of blood lodged in the terrible temples of elephants, enemy kings, strange to say, do verily in battle fulfil the vow of the Goddess by means of king Chāvunda. (V. 18.) The brilliant fame of king Chāvunda has spread through the triple world with the sport of its lustre, so that the central mountains become verily like to the Silver Mountain (i.e., Vaitādhya), the ocean to the Sea of Milk, the series of rivers to Indra's stream, the tamāla trees (Xanthochymus pictorius) to the Tree of Desire, Vishnu to the stainless Bearer of the Ganges (Siva). (Ll. 39-41.) As regards the lineage of Siriyādēviyarasi, the Fortune forming half the body of the Mahamandalēsvara king Vira-Chāvundarasa exalted in valour who was thus illustrious, his royal consort, the mirror to the face of the seraglio: (V. 19.) Seeing that her father was the Kaļachuri monarch Bijjala, foremost of lords of men, her mother Echaladēvi, a mine of virtues, her brother the blest Vajradēva, best of kings, her husband Chāvunda, scion of the most exalted Sindas, what queens forsooth in the two races were so highly honoured as Siriyādēvi? (L1. 43-44.) As regards the (sons) born to this illustrious Siriyā dēviyarasi and the Mandalēsvara Chāvunda (V. 20.) As to Gauri, for the protection of earth, were born the Elephant-faced (i.e., Gaņēša) and Shanmukha, as to Sitā king Lava immense of splendour (and) king Kusa, as to the blest lady Dēvaki by act of grace were born Bala and Krishna, (80) were born to Siriyādēvi as sons, best of the world, king Vira-Bijjala (and) Vikkayya. 1 The meeting of the enemy kings with Chávunda's sword is compared to the union of devotees of Kali with the hierophant. Chivunda's sword destroys their horses and elephants, the priest's knito slaughters the vicciais presented by worshippers before they are burned in the fire. The whitne of his fame makes every dark-coloured object appear to be of a brilhant while hue. The rhetorical figure is tad-gunu. Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 38.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM RON: SAKA 944 AND 1102. 235 (L. 46.) Of these (two sons): (V. 21.) Guarding (his) subjects, establishing religion, protecting men of culture, driving away foes, the blest Vikramaditya, crest-jewel of monarchs, scion of the Sindas, invincible, an exalted treasure to friends, an ornament of barons, son of king Chavunda, has been everlastingly a seat of abounding fortune. (V. 22.) King Vikramaditya, renowned even in boyhood as a very Mandhāta, has protected the earth, a Māndhātā among barons, known as a new Bali. (Ll. 49-50.) One who finds sustenance at his lotus-feet (V. 23.) Bacheya-Sahani, a unique protective gem for seekers of his protection, known as the very armour of Vikramaditya stout in the fray (and) terrible to hosts of foemen : (V. 24.) "As flourished in the palace of Vikramaditya, Erakāți true in valour (and) devoted to the weal of others, so there has flourished in the palace of the world-famed hero Vikramaditya this most eminent of warriors": thus the people of the world extol the illustrious Bācheya Sahaņi, a treasure to dependents. (Ll. 52-55.) On the petition of Bachayya Sahaņi, the High Minister, General of the Forces, holder of seventy-two offices, head-jewel of princely Officers of the Stables, who is thus styled majestic with invincible rod-like arm, not to be baulked in wrath, lion on the stage of battle, root of the creeping-plant of stainless fame, beloved of the Fortune of victory' 1 (Ll. 55-61.) Hail! While the Mahamaṇḍalēsvara who has obtained the five great (musical) sounds, the Mahamandalesvara Vikramaditya-devarasa, who is styled "a Mahesvara to the Love-god haughty hostile barons, a Govinda of the Sindas, a Rama among the noble, a Thunderbolt-wielder to the heads of opponent barons," administering the Kisukāḍu Seventy, and governing it so as to suppress the wicked and protect the cultured, with internal authority over the three forms of enjoyment, was reigning with enjoyment of pleasant conversations in his capital city the standing camp of Erambarage, which is styled Lakshmi's Svayamvara, in the course of a religious address he heard the following moral verses: "Religion when harmed harms, religion when guarded guards; therefore religion should not be harmed by those who desire fruits of paramount lordship." As he himself was naturally of a godly spirit, he dispensed in Erambarage gifts of lands, houses, kine, and gold in pious memory of his father the Mahamandalesvara Chavuṇḍarasa-deva and for the lustration (of his soul); and in the course thereof : (Ll. 61-64.) In the presence of all the Hundred-and-four Mahajanas of the Great Agrahara of Rona, who are-hail!-devoted to the performance of the major and minor disciplines, scriptural study, meditation, spiritual concentration, and practice of silence, observant of prayer and absorption, attentive to libation in the domestic fire and to reverence of Brahmans, elders, and gods, having glory brilliant as the sun, destroyers of the race of the Torapas: (Ll. 64-66.) To Gurubhakta-dēva, prior of the Kalla-Matha (-Stone monastery) of that place:-As regards his spiritual lineage: Koppina Vakhkhāpadēva, renowned as being devoted to the ascetic practice of the Parvat-avali (=Mountain-school) of the Kāļāmukhas; his disciple Rudrasakti-deva; his disciple Jñanasaktideva; to his disciple Gurubhaktadēva (Ll. 66-70.) On Monday, the new-moon day of Asvayuja in the cyclic year Vikari, the 1102nd year of the Saka (era) (the Mahāmaṇḍaleśvara Vikramadityadēva), in company with the local sixty households and whole population of Hiriya Maniyür, a town forming part of 1 See Ind Ant., Vol. XIX, p. 271. Manu VIII. 16. 3 2 Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL XIX. his province of Kisukad, headed by the mayor, who are eminent for all excellences of virtue, did with laving of the feet of the local prior Gurubhaktadēva and pouring of water make over as a royal gift on sarva-namasya tenure a field of twelve mattor for the maintenance of the regular worship, oblations, fragrances, incense, lamps, and Chaitra-pavitral of the god Chāmēsvara, in the Kalla-Matha (stone monastery) of Ropa, (and) a field of two mattor for the oblations of the local god Majē vara. (L. 70-74.) Now as regards the area comprised in this endowment : on the four sides, to wit, at the side by the eastern field of Hiriya Mapiyür, the kambi-junction of the western field of Ropa, on the south the kambi-junction on the north of the field of Chikka Mapiyur, on the north the kambi-junction on the south of the field of Mudiyanür, they set up stones (ongraved with the figure) of & cow. Thus the mayor of Hiriya Mapiyor and all the population shall maintain this pious foundation according to its rule. (V. 26: a standing Sanskrit formula.) (LI. 76-76.) The 4 mattar which Vira-Bijjapa-döva and Vilkarasa granted, namely two mattor for the tank (and) two mattor for the alms-booth, the mayors of Maniyar and the sixty Households shall preserve. (LL. 77-80.) Moreover, the field granted by Vira-Bijjana-dövarasa and Vikkarasa to the god Chāmēsvara of the Stone-monastery, 6 matiar within the field of Mudiyanür, on the weat forming a kambi-junction of the field of Rona, on the north forming a kambi-junction of the field of Hiriya Mapiyar, the mayors of Mudiyantr and the sixty Households shall preserve. No. 39.-TWO HARSOLA COPPER PLATE GRANTS OF THE PARAMARA SIYAKA OF V. 8. 1005. BY K. N. DIKSHIT, M.A. AND D. B. DISKALKAR, M.A. The two grants published here are in the possession of a Visanagari Nägar Brahman named Bhatt Magan Motiram of the village Harsola in the Parāntij taluka of the Ahmadabad District of Gujarat. Rao Bahadur Keshavlal H. Dhruva of Ahmadābād first obtained information about them and tried his best to secure them for the preparation of impressions. The owner was unwilling to part with them for any consideration. He, however, allowed Rao Bahadur Dhruva to have them photographed and lent them for a few hours for personal examination. The Rao Bahadur kindly placed the photographs at our disposal for the purpose of deciphering and publication. Subsequently through the kind efforts of Mr. Dayabhai P. Derasari, Bar-at-law of Ahmadābād, the Brahman lent to us the plates for a few days for taking impressions from which the accompanying facsimiles have been prepared. The grants, herein called A & B, consist of two platos cach, engraved only on the inner side. All the four plates were most probably joined together by means of a ring passing through a small hole in the centre at the bottom of the first and third and the top of the second and fourth plates. Mr. Dhruva informs us that two of the plates were found joined together by a ring, the remaining two being loose. From the presence of the Gartda symbol on only one of the sets of the plates it, however, seems probable that all the four plates were originally joined together, the grants being issued by the same king on the same day to two Brahmans, related to each other as father and son. For the sake of convenience the father's grant has been designated in this article as grant See Ind. Ant., Vol. XXXVII, p. 62. Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 39.) TWO HARSOLA GRANTS OF PARAMARA SIYAKA OF V. S. 1005. 287 A and the son's, as B. At the left hand bottom of the second plate of grant A is incised the figure of flying Garuda holding a snake in his left arm. The Garuda symbol is found on some of the Rashtrakūta records, the newly discovered Ahmadābād grant of V. S. 1026 of Siyaka himself and the plates of the Paramāra princes Vākpati-Muñja and Bhāja, the son and the grandson, respectively, of Siyaka of these grants. The grant A has 27 lines of writing, 16 being written on the first and 11 on the second plate. In grant B, there are 29 lines, 13 in the first plate and 16 in the second. The first plate has been more carefully engraved. The writer of the grant B began with bold letters and had to compress the concluding few lines within a short space, the penultimate line being incised practically on the edge and the last word written vertically on the right hand margin. The characters used in the plates belong to the northern class of alphabets prevalent in the 10th century A.D. and generally resemble the letters of contemporary inscriptions, e.g., the Partābgarh inscription of the time of the Pratihāra Mahendra pāla II, dated Samvat 1003. The use of the archaic as well as the advanced forms of letters in these two grants would indicato that the alphabet employed in them was undergoing a change during the period 'to which they belong. A few examples may be given to illustrate this point. Initial a is found in at least three different forms, (cf. a in adsishta, in grant A, line 19 and grant B, line 21 and in anumantavyah, ir grant B, line 25). In grant A, the initial e is a triangle with the apex at the bottom (line 8). Of the consonants, kha occurs in grant A in the older form with loops to the left of each of the two verticals; while in grant B it approximates to the modern Nägart form (see kha in l. 3). In grant A, ta occurs more frequently in the earlier form in which the top vertical is straight and the lower limb consists of two curves, the one on the right being at times longer. In grant B, the modern form of ta where the right curve is merely the continuation of the top vertical, is more predominant. The letter pha occurs in grant A in a rare form resembling the Greek . Regarding orthography, it may be noted that no distinction is observed between va and ba, 88 in most of the inscriptions of the period. Dental sa is substituted for sa in visāla (line 11). The ha of simha is changed into gha in two places (1l. 1 and 6). The use of the anusvāra is generally preferred to that of the class nasal ; in some cases both the anusvāra and the class nasal are used (cf. avalambita, grant A, line 11). Some mistakes are repeated in both the grants, e. g., trina is written as trina in trināgra (grant A, line 16; grant B line 17). With t, the following ka, ja, na, ma and va and the preceding t are generally doubled. The language is Sanskrit. Except for the opening verse in honour of the Man-lion incarnation of Vishnu, the three verses describing the pedigree of the donor and the two imprecatory verses at the end, the documents are in prose throughout. The grants open with an invocation of the God Vishnu in his Nrisimha incarnation. Then follows the mention of the two kings Amoghavarsha and Akālavarsha, with the epithets Paramabhaffäraka, Maharajadhiräja, and Paramēsvara. The latter, who is mentioned as meditating on the feet of the former, has the two additional epithets Prithvivallabha and Srivallabha-narendra. 1 Abovo VOL. XIX, p. 177 Above Vol. XIV, pp. 176 & 188, Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. Now, there cannot be any doubt that the two kings here mentioned are the well-known sovereigns of the Rashtraküţa dynasty of Mälkhed, either Amoghavarsha I and Krishna II whose combined reigns extend over about a century (814-911 A.D.) or Amoghavarsha III and Krishna III (934-961 A.D.). Possibly some portion of the original draft is missing here through the engraver's oversight for, immediately after this, follows a verse which mentions that in that family' was born the famous king Bappaiparaja whose son was Vairisimha. The expression in that family presupposes the mention of the family, but the immediately preceding expression is the genitive case-ending narendra-pādānām, which is hardly appropriate. Then occurs a verse in praise of Vairisirinha, which is followed by another, mentioning that the king Siyaka was born to him. In the subsequent prose eulogy of Siyaka, we find that he is called a Mahāmandalika-chudāmani and Mahārājādhirāja-pati. The grants are mentioned as having been made at the instance of the ruler of the Khēţaka-mandala (corresponding roughly to the modern Kaira District). The records say that on his return from a successful expedition against Yögarāja, the king was encamped on the banks of the Mahi, where, after offering worship to Sivanātha (most probably at the shrine of Sarnāl, a place of considerable repute) he gave away the villages of Kumbharöțaka and Sihaki in the Māhadavāsaka-vishaya respectively to Lallõpādhyāya, son of Govardhana and Nina Dikshita, son of Lallõpādhyāya, Nāgara (Brahmans) of Anandapura, belonging to the Gopali-gotra. The dāpaka' or person who caused the grants to be given, probably the officer who was entrusted with the duty of issuing the grants, was the Thakkura Sri-Vishnu. The grants were written by the Kāyastha Gunadhara. The last line in both grants contains the sign-manual of the king Siyaka. The date of the grants is given as 'Samvat 1005, Mägha v(b)a di 30, Budhe' which corresponds to Wednesday, the 31st January, 949 A.D., thus showing that the year was a Kārtikādis expired year and the month was amānta. The occasion for the grant was the chandrārkka-yoga-parva, which may mean simply an amāvāsyā and not necessarily an eclipse of the sun. There was no solar eclipse on the date. The grants are of great historical interest, as they are the earliest records of the Paramāra dynasty and as such have considerable bearing on the history of Gujarat. In regard to the details of the last years of Chāvdā rule, especially the period from 940 A.D. to 960 A.D., the Jain Chronicles are hopelessly at variance. The late Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji says in his history of Gujarat, "The period of Chāvdă rule at Anahilavāda is likely to remain obscure until the discovery of contemporary inscriptions throws more light upon it than can be gathered from the confused and contradictory legends collected by the Solanki historians, none of whom are older than the twelfth century." In dealing with the period when the Rāshţrakūtas of Mālkhed 1 The identical expression paramabhafiraka-mahirajadh rija-paramebvara-Srimad-Anighavarahadeva-pidi. nudAyuta-paramabhattaraka-maharagūdh raja-paramāśvara-Srimad-Akilavarshadēva-Prithvirallabha Srima vallaL-karindradina, is used to denote Krishpa III in the Karháls plates of Krishna III, dated Saka 880 (Kp. Ind. Vol IV, p. 278ff.) and with the addition of paramamah bara, in the Debli plates of the same king dated in Saka 862 (Ep. Ind., Vol. V, p. 188ff.). The date of the present inscription (oquivalent to Saka 870) is just intermediate between the Dioli and Karbida inscriptions. It is possible that Krishna III was at this time the overlord of Siyaka and his name may have therefore been given the place of honour. The epithet mahimandalika-chadamani is in consonance with this view. But other indications may seem to favour the view that the expression ending with narindra-padimith in the present platos fers to the Rashtrakita king Krishya IL See above Vol. XIX, p. 178 f. 1. 1. i * See above Vol. XVIII, p. 321. • Bombay Gazelleer, Vol. I, Part I. page 155. Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 39.) TWO HARSOLA GRANTS OF PARAMARA SIYAKA OF V. S. 1005. 239 held sway over Gujarāt, he admits that no materials exist for fixing how long after A.D. 914, Gujarat belonged to the Manyakheta Rashtrakūtas, and ventures the suggestion that probably they continued until their destruction in A.D. 972 by the Chālukya king Taila or Tailapa. The present grants, I think, would go to supply the required information to a large extent. It is possible that the Yögarāja of the present grants was a chief of the Chäpotkata or Chāvdā dynasty of Anahilavāda-Pātan (if the account of some Jain prabandhas that the Chāvda rule ended in V. S. 1017 instead of in V. S. 998 is correct), or of the Chalukya dynasty of Southern Käthiāwār. As Siyaka when returning from his expedition against Yögarāja was encamped (near Sārnāl) on the banks of the Mahi, it follows that Yögarāja's principality must lie somewhere to the west of the Mahi and of the Khotaka-mandala, which was in his own possession. The Chấpotkatas of Patan and the Chālukyas of South Käthiāwār acknowledged the overlordship of the Pratibāra kings of Kanauj and Siyaka's intimate connection with the Rāshtrakūtas, the enemies of the Pratihāras, explains why he attacked Yogaraja. The Siyaka of the present grants is no doubt Siyaka II, the father of Vākpati-Muñja, whose date in his Dharampuri copper plates being 974 A. D. was 25 years later than the date of the present records or, just the period of a generation. In fact Mabel Duff actually gives 950 A.D. as the date of Siyaka II, the Paramāra, probably working backwards from the known dates of Väkpati-Muñja. He is also identical with the Siyaka of the Ahmadābād grant of V. 8. 1026. Biyaka's father's name is Vairisimha in this, as well as in all previously known Paramāra records. The Vākpati-Muñja grants give the name of the father of Vairisimha as Krishna, who may be identical with Bappaiparāja of the present grant and with Vākpati I of the Navasähasānkacharita of Parimala and the Udayapur Prasasti. It may be noted that Bappai is a good Präkfit equivalent of Vakpati. The Udayapur Prasasti further mentions two forbears of Vākpati I, viz., Vairisimha I and Siyaka I, but as no historical fact is recorded regarding them except that they followed each other in the direct line of succession, we can assume that they had not established their power, and the first prince of the family who assumed importance was Bappaipa or Vikpati or Krishna. We find no mention in the present records of the mythical ancestor Paramāra, born of the sacrificial fire on Mount Abu. Mr. C. V. Vaidya in his article on the exploded myth of Agnikulas mentions that of the four supposed Agnikula families only the Paramāras seem to trace their descent to Agni, from their Udayapur inscription. At least the present records, which are earlier than any other record of the Paramāras, are silent on this point. The presence of the birudas Amöghavarsha Prithvivallabha and Srivallabha among the titles of Vākpati-Muñja have never been explained before, but on the basis of the relationship of the Paramāras with the Rashtrakūtas revealed by the present grants, it is now possible to do so. From the fact that only Amõghavarsha I and Akālavarsha (Kțishna II) are mentioned in the plates, it seems that these two princes were held in special esteem by the early Paramāras. What exactly the relation between the two families was it is difficult to say, but possibly the Paramāras were descended from a Rāshtrakūta princess. As some of the Vākāțaka' plates begin with & 1 Bombay Gazetteer, VoL I, Part I, page 131. Above Vol. IX, p. 2t. . Ind. Ant., Vol. VI, p. 48f. • The Chronology of India, P. 92. See also Journal of Indian History, Vol. IV, p. 80. . Above Vol. I, p. 333. • Or their names might have been repeated in the genenlogy through mistake. See Proceedings of the Madras Oriental Conference, p. 803ft. and History of Medical Hindu India by C V. Vaidya, Vol. II, p. 118. 1J. B. B. R. A. 8., Vol. XXVI, p. 110. . Abovo Vol. XV, p. 39 and Ind. An , Vol. LIII, p. 48. Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. description of the Gupta Emperors, from whom queen Prabhavati was descended, so the Paramaras may have been descended from the Rashtrakuta kings Amöghavarsha and Akalavarsha through a Rashtrakuta princess, and, therefore, the present record opens with the names of the two Rashtrakuta sovereigns. It is also possible that Bappaiparaja was a general of Krishna II Akälavarsha at the time of the latter's invasion of Gujarat and annexation of the domains of the local branch of the Rashtrakutas sometime about 900 A.D. He or his son Vairisimha may have crossed over, from Gujarat to Malwa and laid the foundation of the rule of their family in that province. From the present records, it seems possible that Siyaka's capital was in Malwa, as he was marching to the east of the Mahi, possibly through the modern Panch Mahals and the Jhabua State. In Gujarat, Siyaka still had possession of the Khataka-mandala at any rate. The lord of Rădupăți or Rudrapați, who, the Navasahasdnikacharita tells us, was conquered by Siyaka, may possibly have been the Yogaraja of the present grant. If Siyaka was at the time of these inscriptions subordinate to some overlord, possibly the Rashtrakuta king, it is apparent from the statement of the Udayapur inscription that he later on fought with and defeated the Rashtrakuta king Khottiga (about 970 A.D.). 240 The connection of the Paramaras with Gujarat, after the date of these plates, no doubt lasted at least up to V. S. 1026, the date of Siyaka's Ahmadābād grant, although Mälarāja, the founder of the Aphilwada Chaulukyas, consolidated North Gujarat under his rule and the Paramāras must have lost to him some portion of Northern Gujarat which they had held: It seems that in the time of the successors of Siyaka-Vakpati and Sindhuraja, the Paramāras had ceased to hold the portion of Gujarat under their sway. For in 975 A.D.we see Mülaraja fighting with Bärappa, the Chalukya general or ruler of Lata, i.e., Southern Gujarat. This he could not have done had the Paramaras been holding on their territory which lay between the Aphilväd kingdom and Lata. From the Tilakvada plates1 of V. S. 1103 of the time of Paramara Bhoja it seems, however, that Bhoja seized again a portion of Northern Gujarat since his power was acknowledged by a king ruling over the modern Sankheda mahal of the Baroda State. It is not known when exactly the connection of the Paramaras with Malwa began. The Partabgarh inscription of V. S. 1003 of the time of the Pratihara sovereign Mahendrapala II shows that Ujjain was then governed by an officer of Mahendrapala named Madhava. Though this fact cannot be totally inconsistent with the occupation of Dhar by the Paramaras the country round about Ujjain was obtained by them not before the latter part of Slyaka's reign or the early part of Vakpati-Muñja's reign. A king of Khotaka mandala is mentioned in the grants as a subordinate chief of Siyaka. But unfortunately neither his name nor that of the family to which he belonged is given. From the Kapadvanj grant of S. 832 (A.D. 910) we know that Prachanda of the Brahmavak family had gained the principality of Khêṭaka-mandala by the favour of the Rashtrakuta sovereign Akalavarsha and was ruling at Harshapura, modern Harsola, where 'our grants were discovered. The ruler of Khetaka-mandala, who was the contemporary of Siyaka was probably the successor of this Prachanda. From our Harsola grants and the Kapadvanj grant it seems that the Rashtrakuta sovereign Akälavarsha had allotted certain portions of his territories in Gujarat to his nobles who would check the attacks of the Pratihära enemies. Of the localities mentioned, Khotaka-mandala is roughly equivalent to the modern Kaira and parts of Ahmedabad District. Möhaḍavāsaka must be the same as modern Möhḍäsä or 1 Proceedings of the Poona Oriental Conference. Above Vol. XIV, p. 177. Bom, Gaz. I. i. p. 129. Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RAO BAHADUR H. KRISHNA SASTRI, B.A., LATE GOVERNMENT EPIGRAPHIST FOR INDIA, 1920--1925. BORN: 16th September 1870 at Hoskote, Bangalore District. Died: 8th February 1928 at Bangalore. Page #309 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 39.] TWO HARSOLA GRANTS OF PARAMARA SIYAKA OF V. 8. 1005. 241 Modass in Prantij taluka of the District of Ahmadabad. The villages granted vis., Kumbhärö taka and Sihaka can be identified with the present Kamrod and Sikä situated at a distance of 13 miles to the east and 8 miles to the south of Modasa, respectively. Sivanatha, the shrine on the Mahi, which was the place of the king's encampment, can be identified with Sarnal, lying near the place where the Mahi is now crossed by the Anand-Godhra Section of the B., B. & C. I. Ry. It is still looked upon with sanctity in the neighbourhood and has an ancient Siva temple named Galtesvara which is now a protected monument. It is near the village of Janod owned by a Thakur in the Thasra taluka of the Kaira District, and can be approached by the railway station Angadi on the Anand-Godhra line. Anandapura was the original home of the Nagara Brahmans and is now represented by Vadnagar, a town in the Kheralu taluk of the Kadi prant, Baroda State. It is noteworthy that these documents give us the earliest known epigraphical mention of the Nagaras though Brahmanas hailing from Anandapur are mentioned in some Valabhi inscriptions. Grant A 1 om [*] Vidyuch-chakra-kadara-kēsara TEXT. sata-bhimn-amv(b)uda-érenayah soņaṁ nētra-hutāśa-damv(b)ara-bhritah simgh ōdayāḥ vaḥ khara-na A 2 kritēḥ Säriginal visphürjjad-gala- 2 kritēḥ Säriginaḥ visphūrjja[d]-gala garjji-tarjjita-kakun-matanga-darp dēva-pad-ä sarahbla-sukhayathtu 3 kha-kshumna'-dvishad-vakshasaḥ || [1 ||*] Parama-bhaṭṭāraka-mahārājādhirajaparamesvara-arimad-Amoghavarsha 4 nudhyāta-parama-bhaṭṭāraka-mahārājādhiraja-paramavara-arimadAkalavarshadova-prithvivallabha Grant B. 1 om [*] Vidyuk-chakra -kadara-kesarasata-bhimn-am v(b)uda-érēņayah söņam netra-hutasa-damv(b)ara-bhritaḥ singh -& śrīvalla 5 bha-narendra-padanarh | Tasmin-kulē kalmasha-mōsha-dakshējātaḥ pratapagni-hut-äri-pakahab V(B)appalpa 6 raj-ěti nripaḥ prasiddhas-tasmat-sutobhüd-anu Vairisichghaḥ10 | [ 2 ] Dript-ari-vanita-vaktra-chandra garjji-tarjjita-kakun-mātaga-derpödayaḥ samrambhāḥ su 3 khayamtu vah khara-nakha-kshumna. dvishad-vakshasah || [1] Paramabbaṭṭāraka-mahārājādhirāja-paramé vara-ári 4 mad-Amoghavarshadava-pad-änudhyata-parama-bhattaraka-mahārājādhiraja-parameévara-Srimad-Akā 5 lavarshadova-prithvivallabha-érivallabhanarēmdra-pādānāṁh | Tasmin-kule kalmasha-[m]ösha-dak[she] jätab 6 pratap-agni-hut-kri-pakahab | V(B)appai paraj-ěti nripaḥ prasiddhastasmat-suto-bhád-anu Vairisichghab10 [12] Dript Read Vidyuch-chakra. • Read eithh • Danda is superfluous. [Facsimile gives V (B) appaiya. See p. 239 above.-Ed.] 10 Read Fairislthhab. v(b)imv(b)akalam 1 We are indebted to Mr. R. D. Banerji, M.A., for this suggestion. See Ans. Rep. Archl. Surv. W. C. for 1920-21, p. 61. From the photographs and the original plates. Expressed by a symbol. [I would read Siddham instead.-Ed.] Read bhinn "Read kshanna. 3 G Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 242 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 7 kată [*] no dhautā yasya kirty=āpi Hara-has-āvadātaya || [3*) Durvvāra- ripu-bhūpāla-rana-ramg-aika-na8 ya kah i nripah Sri-Siyakas-tasmāt kula-kalpa-drumo-bhavat || [4 1*] sa ēvamvidhaḥ pranata-sakala-samamta9 siromani-marichi-ramjita-charana-yugalah sri-Khētaka-mandal-adhipati-pratipatti prativ(b)addha-trukti (?)10 satürya-rava-sarttrast-ānēka-ripu-sa mühaḥ anēka-sankha-dhvani-v(b)adhirita-pam cha-varnna-patākā-raji-vira11 jita-vićála-vaksha[s)-sthal-āvalam v(b)ita- kamuda-v(b)andhavaḥ atula-dana-saripādan-aika-kalpa-drumah mahu-man da12 lika-chudūmani-mahārājadhiraja-pati-ri- SIYAKAH, sva-bhujyamina-Mohada- vāsaka-vishaya-samv(b)addha-Kurn13 bhāröţaka-grāmaḥ samasta-raja-puru- shān=prativasi-janapadāms=cha v(b)odhayaty-astu vaḥ yatha Yogarāja-15 7 äri-vanitā-vaktra-chandra-v(b)imv(b)a-ka lamkatā [l*] no dhautā yasya kirty-äpi Hara-hās-āvadatayāl [13*] Durvvära-ri8 pu-bhüpāla-rana-ra[i*lo-aika-nāyakah n sipaḥ Sri-Siyakas-tasmätakula-kalpa drumõ=bhavat || [4* | ] Sa ēvamvi9 dhaḥ pranata-sa kala-samarta-siromaņi marichi-ramjita-charana-yugalah sri Khēţaka-mandal-a10 dhipati-pratipatti-prativ(b)addha-trukti (?) satsū]ryā-rava-sa[m*]trast-ārēka-ripu-sa mūhah aneka-sankha-dhva= 11 ni-v(b)adhirita-pamcha-varnna-patīkā-raji viräjita-visīlal-vaksha[s]-sthal-ūvalamv(b)ita-kumuda-v(b)āmdha 12 vahatula-dana-sar pädan-aika-kulpa drumah maha-mandalika-chimani mahūrājādhi13 rāja-pati-sri-Siyakah sya-bhujyamana Möhadavāsaka-vishaya-sazhv(b)addha-Sihakā-grā. Second Plate. 14 maḥ I samasta-rüja-purus!an-pra. tivāsi-janapadāms-cha v(b) hayaty astuvaḥ yatha Yogara 14 sy-Õpari yattra-samaya-sarisid- dha-kūry-ānamtara-vyāghuţitair=Mahi- nadi-taţa-niväsibhir=asmābhis-chandr 15 jasy-öpari yātrā-samaya-sanisiddha-kary Anantara-vyāghuţitair M-hi-nadi-tatanivūsibhi 15 rkka-yoga-parvvaņi Sivanātham sama- bhya[r]chy-ava[dhā]rya | Vät-abhravibhramam-idam vasudh-adhipatyam åpata16 mättra-madhuro vishay-opabhögah prāņāsættrin-igra-jala-vimdu-sama narūnāri 6 dharmmaḥ sakhã param= aho 2nd Plate. 16 reasmabhis=chamdr-ā[r*]ka-yoga-parvvani Sivanathann samabhyarchy=īvadhārya Vät-ábhra-vibhramam=idam vasu 17 para-lökn-yana [5*] Iti jagad-anityam sa kalam-avadhary-Õpari-likhito grāraḥ sa-simā-triņa-gochara-pa[r]yam 17 dh-adhipatyam=ăpăta-mättra-madhuro vishay-õpabhôgah praņās-trin-agrajala-vindu-sama narāṇāris dhurma Read l'itila. * Read chidamani. * The phrase swa-bhujya........grima is grammaticalis unconnected with the procesling or following word. Supply sa mviditas after vah. Punctration is not needel. • Read Tid Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HARSOLA COPPER PLATE GRANTS OF THE PARAMARA SIYAKA (V. S. 1005) ১৯ংশ, এSও শূল (জাস্ট এ56ঠবে , 2 to A হলঃ ধন্যদশাটল স্রোতেঁাহযানসার বুঃখ : 2 বিতর্ভয়ংঘাঘ&গা বামবা? গ্রেীম ব্যবহার uস একুসাসাইন্সফর্থীগন্ধাশবষবধফুধীযথাবা 4 ৬ ই ২ ঘ ণ মামুফতীঃদ্রলযাগও স৫০ ব:@ e Tuঃখিনুশ্রাদ্ধগ্রন্সি (৪ এনিক্স ; (৫ ৪ Aমা তাবাসস্টলাইজার্স রীতা ৪ 30:1. যীয়ায় ব্যর্ণফসি: এলিব্রেক ম (সল্ললমযেখ8566*ৗশঃ) যশাে / g o : ( ফাযীর্যর হার ২৭২৭২)৮৫ স * ইয়াকফ/-qio | সq২৭৯সুলাযষদ্ধ এবং সফল যায় (4,53j 12 কgংলষ্টপাথে67#গ্রকঃস্থ্যসঙ্গীবাদ ওঁৰ দ্বাথ গ্র2 পাতা লগ্ন ৭ম্রা এলঠি সাবীব£ খুবঃ ১াগ্র275(8। 14 স্ট। মন্ত্রী যসই'১৪xায় ১৭/১২/ ১১াস(ঠবদ্যা (ঘ) 14 মাধুলাবঠাধর্মভ্যাট বা মাঠপ্রসগোয়াখ8। 16 লাইলসীমা : ব্রাঞ্জ মুনযzসমাসঃত্রী 18 এ কযাতাহ65:56 5 qযc২য়সী |ঃখী নীতি}} শর্তঃহাযজীবীয় উgীয়া সংস্থাগ্রস্থায় শীc/৫) + 18 डायगोनालीबायोपिमा अलपुलाखातरराया licলতাহায়ে থাকায় ওরালাস টেইaux 20 &&& ত্রাইপ্রধান সমস্যাক্ট্রোডাক্টসমুহoc৫৫)। 3:৫া হভেড়াগুlিezaqাবেইসাপ্রীঠা 22 ধার্থায়হানতঃর্গালশাকইর আলম সংখ্যা'। neঞ্জ 505/2ঞ্জীর্ণত ২ জাঞ্জগাই ৭ন্তল 24 খ) ক্রাভ জাতি মাওঃgiহক। ঈ০০s aj24 | 26 | টীলৈ জানুয়াবিতকাঞ্জেরে স্তনেই!ীহ) 24 ১) শার্স। এই SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. SCALE FIVE EIGHTHS. HJEANANDA SASTRI. Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मत कटार के मामतामाद श्रेया शालभवन शरपरस्त निधी 21ोणानिमार जलग निकुन्मातगदापारिवानिमम 2 वगरवर रकमरिनासाभरुहारकमहापजाताममेक्षया 4सामाप्चवोदिवपासमानमरहारकामपाका राजपरम्नशामका । नपद दधीक्तरालपरोपवादाजानमालगन्मवाषरक्षः प्रातिपिराक पियवा वाससम्मयुनोदमुवैरिसिवडार । प्राविवकितावद्रविकतकता कामिनायमानी अपिल्लामावदातयारीमा दूपालपलमागेकमारकाप शाबायका माकुनकम्बद्रमाला १. प्रामालनामधामलिमीतिर युगल श्रीपटकमला। ATIONAप्रविभवानि क्यो नवसेव नामकरियमूह चमक व 10 নববর্তনবাদ 12 अलाल नागर लाइममा मलिकतामातिन गोहरा ] 12 নিষানলাবলম্বিনবাের। रुपतियानायका माळमेवासकनिमयावकहना होगा। 14 जनमानराज गुकमान निवासिमपदशिनाधिसूप यायोगा। गोरियावासमयीय सीपी जयाप्परिनमहामान्टविनाश 16 पाक्षिकपी गई लिशिवाचनमायानन्या वातातिसममिदन। गिमापात् सामनोविमयोपकोग प्रारमियांग्रालति समागणी 18 समयापागापरलीलयाना निगहकिकामकलमवत्तापरिनिरिकता। यामस सीमा लगायतमोतकर सहरियममापनि यीमदाद ।। 20पुसीयनारालाषा (यायगोपनियागो बायनलोपाय दान । मानापिवमान पुण्यमानि वहगलमगीतत्याने का 22 किनिन मकालपरवारकासासाउदकतईक प्रविपादितनाल विकपदघाट्रीय माननागमोगकरलिटिमईमाहाशवलविद 24 বায়ুমুহ দৈনবদম্রাব্দেীন/রূe: कर्मयोपंडानुमतका पालनायथा उक्रवाहामा सुसमुकाराजारच्या टेरियासरायायपामियूमामालदादलायानादिनानिपिनासको नाममा लिमालार्थनप्रति मानिनानिको नाममातुन मानापमा HEN 28 प्रयापकावर समाधान Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 99.) TWO HARSOLA GRANTS OF PARAMARA SIYAKA OF V. S. 1005. 243 . 18 ta[h*) sõpara karaḥ sarvv-ādāya-samõ(u)- 18 g=sakhā param-aho para-loka-yānai | pētah srimad-Anamda-puriya-Nägarāya [5 * ] Iti jagad-anityam sakalamTryârshēyāya Gopāli-sa avadhāry-Opari-likhito19 götträys Govarddhana-sūnave Lall. 19 grāmaḥ sa-sīmā-trina-gochara-paryamta[h*1 opadhyāyāya mātā-pittrör-atmanag= sopara 'karaḥ sarvv-ādāyacha puņnya-yago-bhivriddhayē ad- samõ(u)pētaḥ Srimad-Anamdarishta-pha lam-amgiksity-a-chamdr-ärkk- 20 puriya-Nägarāya Tryårsheyāya Göpäliårnnava-kshiti-sama-kālam parayā bha sago[trā]ya Lall-õpādhyāya-sutaktyisäsanēna udaka-purvvakam NIn-DikshitĀya pratipādita i21 ti Tam-nivisi -janapadair-yatha-diyamana- 21 mātā-pitror=ātmanas-cha punya-yaső. bhāga-bhöga-kara-hirany-adi-sarvvam bhivriddhayē adfishta-phalamu ājñā-bravana-vidhēyair-bhūtvā amgikrity=i-chamdr-arkk-ārņņa22 tat-puttra-pauttr-adibhyaḥ samupanēta 22 va-kshiti-sama-kālam parayā bhaktyā vya | iti vudhvå? Asmad-vamga säsanēna udaka-pūrvvakam pratijair=anyair-api bhāvi-bhoktibhiḥ pādita iti | ta-nivā - mat-pradatta-dha23 rmma-dâyo=yam manumamtavyah10 23 si-janapadair-yatha-diyamanapālaniyas=cha | Uktam cha V(B)ahu bhäga-bhöga-kara-hirany-ādi-sarvvambhiruvvasudhā bhuktā rājabhis-Baga- ājñā-Sravana-vidhiyair-bhū r-adibhiḥ | Yasya 24 yasya yadā bhumis-tasya tasya tada 24 tvā tat-putra-pautr-adibhyah samuphalari || [61* ] Yān=īha dattāni purā panētavyam [1*] Iti vudvä’ asmadnarēn-drair-ddānāni dharmm-årttha vamsajair®-anyair api bhäviyasaska-rāņini bhöktabhiho mat-pra25 rmmälya-vänta-pratimäni tāni kö näma 25 datta-dharmma-dāyā=yam anuman sādhuh punar=ādadīta [71] Samvat tavyaḥ pälaniyag=cha | Uktam 1005 Māgha v(b)a di 30 Budhē dāpa cha | V(B)ahubhiruvvasudha bhuktā răjabhis-Sagar-a26 kõttra Thakkuraḥ sri-Vishņuḥ. | Raj. 26 dibhiḥ yasya yasya yadā ājñayā likhitam Kāyastha-Gunam- bhumis-tasya tasya tada phalam dharēņa" || Svahasto=yam Sri-SIyaka. [161] Yan-iha dattäni pura narēndrair-dānāni dharm-ārttha97 sya | 8! 27 yasaskarāni nimālyall-vänta-pratimāni tāniko nămasādhuḥ punarādadīta [|17||* ] Sa[m*] 1005 Māgha (b) 3[0*] 28 (Budhë] dāpakā=tra Thakuraḥ sri Vishņu[l*]rāj-ājñayā likhitam Kāyas tha-Gunadharena 1 avahasto=yam 29 Sri-SIyakasya 1 Rond sopar kurab. * Read yinë. • Read yako. Rond yako. • Read tan-niona. • Road vidhiyair. Read buddhoi. . Read vambajair. Read bhoktribih. 1. Rond yam anumanlavyo 11 Read mirmalya-pankin 11 Road Thakkurah. Read Guralharina. Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. ABRIDGED TRANSLATION. (Verse 1) Invocation to the man-lion form of Vishpu. (Lines 3-5) Of the revered king P. M. P. the great lord, lord of the earth, lord of wealth, the illustrious Akälavarsha, who meditated on the feet of the illustrious lord P. M. P. Amöghavarsha. (v.2) In that family, skilful in removing sin, was born a famous king named Bappaiparaja, who sacrificed his enemy's forces in the fire of his valour; to him was born a son, Vairisimha who succeeded him. (v. 3) His fame, though white like the god Siva's laugh, could not remove the spots from the moon like faces of the wives of his proud enemies. (v.4) To him was born king siyaka, the desire-yielding tree of his dynasty, who was the sole hero on the stage of battle between him and the hostile kings. (11. 8-20) He, whose feet were tinged with the rays of the crest-jewels of all the feudatories rendering obeisance, who had invested Trukti (t) at the request of the lord of the Khetaka Division, terrorized many enemy hosts by the (very) sound of his trumpets (in battle), and deafened (the enemies) by the sound of his conch, (whose army was) shining with the rows of penta-coloured banners on whose spacious breast was a pendent moon, who was the sole desire-yielding tree in bestowing unrivalled gifts, the crest jewel of the great fendatories, the lord, the overlord of kings, the illustrious Siyaka, thus commands all the officers and neighbouring villagers of the village of Kumbhāro taka (grant A), Shaka (grant B) comprised within the district (vishaya) of Mohadavāsaka. Be it known to you that at the time of our invasion against Yogaraja, while returning after having accomplished our object, we were encamped on the bank of the river Mahi, after worshipping the Lord Siva at the time of the conjunction of the sun and the moon, and reflecting that the sovereignty of this world is but the play of the wind and clouds, the enjoyment of sensual objects is sweet only at the outset, the life of man is like a drop of water on the tip of a blade of grass, but Dharma is the only companion on the journey to the other world,' also remembering that the whole of this world is evanescent, we have granted with great devotion the above-mentioned village, together with a charter and accompanied by (a libation of) water, as enclosed within its boundaries, along with the pastures and cattle-grazing lands, with the claim to all the dues and taxes-to the Nagara (Brāhmaṇa) hailing from Anandapura, of the Gopāli-gotra owning three pishis (as the Pravaras of his gotra) by name Lallopadhyaya son of Govardhana (grant A), Nina Dilshita son of Lallopadhyāya (grant B), for the enhancement of the religious merit and the fame of our parents as well as of ourselves. The gift shall continue as long as the sun, the moon, the ocean and the earth endure. (11. 21 ff.) So the inhabitants residing in that (village) being prompt in attending to our orders, shall offer him and his sons and grandsons, etc., in due succession, all the dues as are now paid such as the shares (of produce) royalties, taxes and gold, etc. Future rulers of our own dynasty as also the other princes enjoying (the sovereignty of this land) knowing this (to be our wish) should concur in and continue this grant made by us in (the cause of) religion and (it) has been said, -[Here follow two usual versen). Dated Monday the 30th day of Mägha dark half of the year 1005. Thakkura Vishnu was the officer who caused this to be granted ; written by Kayastha Gunadhara under the king's orders. Sign manual of the illustrious Siyaka, Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 40.) A THIRD PLATE OF THE NIDHANPUR PLATES OF BHASKARAVARMAN. 248 No. 40.-A THIRD LOST PLATE OF THE NIDHANPUR PLATES OF BHASKARA VARMAN. BY M. M. P. PADMANATHA BHATTACHABYYA, VIDYAVINODA, M.A. When writing on the “Two Lost Plates " of the Nidhanpur plates, I stated, “the rumour goes that a third missing plate is in the possession of a Musalman and efforts are being made to get it from him ". Not having been successful in recovering the plate through other means, I myself went to Nidhanpur (in Sylhet) in April 1926 and purchased this third missing plate from its possessor. From the enquiries I made in this connection, I have come to know that seven plates stringed with the ring attached to the seal were found, about 21 feet below the surface of the plinth of a whilom house, and that the discoverer (Masharral) sold the plates to different persons. Of these, three along with the seal fell to the lot of Babu Pavitranath Das, a local zamindar, who, being an educated gentleman, realised their value and so sent them to Silchar to his friend Rai Saheb Dinanath Das from whom I got them in 1913. Other purchåsers who were illiterate people thought that the plates would some day be conducive to some lucky bargain and kept them hidden until they came to know that the three which were sold to Pavitra Babu revealed nothing but some sort of information quite unprofitable to them and then sold them off one by one at whatever they could make out of them. I purchased the present plate for Rs. 20. The present plate enumerates altogether 634 shares belonging to 86 persons of 24 gotras of which 19 are new gotras not found mentioned in the plates already dealt with. As the total of these shares amounts to 166H, evidently there must be at least one more plate to complete the set, otherwise, the fraction will be inexplicable. Whether the plate under consideration is the fourth or the fifth one of the set, it is very difficult to decide. The third plate ends with the complete record of a share and the penultimate plate also opens with an independent record, 80 that none of these plates has any dependence on a subsequent or preceding one, respectively. The present plate, as it has been read and written here, also begins in such a way as it may be considered to be in continuation of the third plate or of the missing plate if that one ends with a complete record of share, like the third plate. I have, however, a suspicion that this plate was inscribed in a wrong way, i.e., what is the first side as shown here was inscribed after the inscription of what is shown as the second side. The first record of share in the second side of the plate does not give the proper name of the donee, which is not found even at the end of the first side. Again, the name of the last donee mentioned in the second side, viz., Gominaga, ends in "näga " which also occurs in the first name recorded in the first side of the plate. Generally we observe that the names whose latter halves or component parts are similar (e.g., ghosha, dāma, kunde, palita, soma, etc.,) are put down in close proximity to one another. In these circumstances it would appear that the proper name missing in the beginning of the second side (which may really be the first side) of this plate must be at the end of the plate not yet discovered. In that case, the missing plate will be the fourth, and the present one the fifth plate of the set that is said to have consisted of seven plates. This document-viz., the copper-plate grant as renewed by Bhāskara varman-has a spocial bearing on the ancient history of Kamarūpa. The genealogy recorded in the first and the second plato gives the names of the kings (with their queens) who ruled 180o above, Vol. XIX, p. 116. *Supra, Vol. XII, p. 66. Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [VOL. XIX over that province, prior to Bhaskaravarman. As the grant recorded in these plates is a renewal of what was made by Bhaskaravarman's great-great-grandfather Bhütivarman as noticed in the third plate, it is proved that in the 5th or 6th century after Christ, i.e., long before Bhaskaravarman, the kingdom of Kamarupa had, even in one village, a very large number of Brahmans of different gotras and Vedas. The village mentioned in it was situated in a place lying very close to the kingdom of Gauda, between the rivers Teesta and Karatoya which was the western boundary of Kamarupa, and now forms part of the district of Rangpur in Northern Bengal. Thus, the story that Adisura, a king of Gauda, had to import five-Brahmans from Kanauj on account of the paucity of Brahmans in the locality or vicinity would appear to be groundless, especially when it has not yet been confirmed by any reliable document. Further, the Sampradayika Brahmans of Sylhet with the ten götras including Katyayana, were all along asserting that they had come from Mithila or still further north west; but the discovery of this copperplate in the very place Panchakhanda-Nidhanpur forms a part of it-where they say they settled originally, would prove that they came there from Kamarups. The inscription mentions all the ten götras, and as it calls Manōratha-svamin of Katyayana götra Paṭṭakapati, it is evident that these plates came to Pañchakhanda with a (Katyayana) descendant of Manōratha-svamin. It may be stated further that there might have been other villages like this Mayurasalmalagrahara teeming with Brahman population. In fact, the ancient kingdom of Kamarupa appears to have been a refuge of the Brahmans of the neighbouring kingdoms where Buddhism flourished. So far no ancient remains of Buddhism have yet been discovered there; and as the tide of Buddhism began to subside, the Brahmans of Kamarupa also began to spread westward, and, it may be, that most of the Brahman families in the neighbouring province of (modern) Bengal are the descendants of those Brahmans from Kamarupa. These copperplate inscriptions, therefore, possess a special value as they throw much light on the social history of the Brahmans of this part of India, 246 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TEXT. Middle Plate: First Side. 1 Pravarabha(na?)ga-sva chaturtha-bhaga-h[i]nō 'néa[b] || Apanaga-svā ansa[b] || Toshanaga-Hampinaga-svamibhya[m] 2 añsach-chaturthō bhaga[b] Kasyapo Vajasaneyi Managhosha-svā añía[b] || Vaishnavriddhis-Chhändōgō 3 Sarppiņi(?)-svā ansa[b] || Janardana-svä ansa[b] Kausiko V(B)ähvrichya Arka-sva [a]dhy-arddh-ansa[b] || Sraddha-dasa 4 svā Arddh-na[b] | Gautamo Vājasaneyi Sanatana-svä ansa[b] H Harshaprabha(bho) götrēna saha ardh-a 5 nsa[b] Kautilyo Vajasaneyi Khandasöma-sva [a]-dhy-arddhañ-sa[h] || SreyaskaraGati-Gaurl somebhyaḥ 6 añéa[b] | Vakulasōma-svä arddh-ansa[b] || Dhritis ma-Sid(th)ha-yo(sd)masvamibhyam-arddh-äñsa[b] || Krishna 7 ttrey6 Vajasaneyi Bhāyasa[b]-svä [a]-dhy-arddh-ansa[b] || Yajna-svā pād. abby-adhiko 'nsa[b] Daiva Supra, p. 117, f.n. 2. Sva stands for Svāmī and ambaḥ is almost always spelt as anéa. [For [b]' read [b]' throughoutEd.] So no amendment has been made as the correct form is apparent. Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A THIRD LOST PLATE OF THE NIDHANPUR PLATES OF BHASKARAVARMAN. First Side. यतु बनारमा 25EETसायजावर (ET-6 तलवयक शासन न वनारसमसको रस के नातामा मलने-Enायजा अटी काटनवानबर जल का, Fखत ६२२ मा चुनावमा सावपरीत साजरा चीनकार बनानटी बचानासा के 2 करमावरानन्यजामा काम 14 नवीनतम ननिकाना नसा सहा 14 ETTTT सास HERANANDA SASTHI. SCALE: THREE-FOURTHS. SURVEY OF INDIA. CALCUTTA. Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Second Side. २६॥ ( बच पन स कसकाहादिवान 1 बजकर निकलसरप निवडरति नरमसदन यसले विहीवरच्या मानधन यसरकार की सजा-सुमन वली नाहन देवनारजाब रहनासमझन रासन बाबालाज 49 TO ना सजा NELFA TARELA मानवचनावानरयज्ञ12 AMITRA हिरानावना नहन तिने पनि मना राजा Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 40.) A THIRD PLATE OF THE NIDHANPUR PLATES OF BHASKARAVARMAN. 247 8 să păd-abhy-adhiko 'usa[h] || Darddi-svā arddh-ansa[h] || Pradyunna(mna). svā [a]-dhy-arddh-ānba[h] || Vriddhi-svā dvir-ansa[h] || 9 Divākara-Hari-Adbhuta-Tvashtri-Tosha-nāgēbhyo ansa('rśa)[h] I Kavcstaro Võjasanēyi 10 Mēdha-svā ansa[h] || Māņdavyo Vājasanēyi Dhfiti-svāmi() götrēna saha amsa-chatu11 rtha bhāga[ho] | Käsyapo Vājasana(nē)yi Kēšava-svā ansa[h] | Bhäradvājö Vajasanēgi Gauri-svā 12 anbash] || Sucharita-svā arddh-ansa[h] || Bhāradvājo Vājasanēyi Vappa svā ansa[b] || Kaundinyo Bahvpichyõ(chyah) 13 Karkadatta-svā ansa[b] || Bharadvājö V[B]āhvpichyõ(chya) Udayana-svā anba[h] || Väsishtho Bāhvpichya[ho] Mērudatta-svā 14 anba[h] | Agnivēsyö Vājasaněyi Narēndra-Rēņul hūti-svā[mi*)-bhyāṁ anba[b] | Mēdhabhūti-svā ardh-ansa[h] || 15 Sääkrityāyana[4*-) Chyä(Chā)rakyõ(kyas)-Chandrapaksha-svä ansa[h] Yīskā V(B)āhvpichya[ho] Kāli-svā ansa[h] || Middle Plate: Second Side. 1 (?)gvā [a ]-dhy-arddh-ansa[b] || Bhatti-Mahēsvara-svā ardh-ansa[h] || Pārāsaryo V(B)āhvpichyö Gopālanandi-svā ansa[h] | Bhärggavo 2 Visvabhūti-gvā ansa[h] || Surakshita-Sucharitālhyä[m* Jarddh-ansa[h] || Bhäradvājas-Taittiri(i)ya[s="]Sivagana3 svā ansa[h] || V(B)āhvpichya[h*] Kätyāyana (no) bhrātçi-trayēņa Vasuári-svā ansa[h] || Kausiko Vājasanēyi 4 Virabhūti-svā ansa[h] | Vishnubhūti-svā arddh-ansa[b] || Pramõdabhūti-svā ansa[b] || Bharadvājö Vāja5 saněyi Vishņudatta-svā arśa[b] || Kauņdinyo Vājasanēyi V(B)țihaspati-svā anba[h] || Yasko 6 V(B)āhvřichya(0) Harshadēva-svā ansa[b] || Jātükarņņa(0) Vājasanēyi Mēdha-svā anba[b] || Krishna-svā ansa[h] || 7 Madhava-Haribhyām(m) ansa[b] | Bhāradvājas-Chhāndogo Janārdanadēva-svā ansa[b] || Maudgalyo 8 VajasanĒyi Vishnusõna-svā ardh-ansa[] Gärgyas Chārakyo Dhanasena-svā ansa[b] | Pramo9 dasēns-Ghoshasēnābhyām(m) anba[b] | Sõmasēna-svā ansa[h] || Gautamo V(B)āhvpicha(chy) Bhāskara10 mittra-svā ansa[h] || Madh[u]mittra-svă anba[h] || Sadhāraṇa-mittra-Sādhu mitträbhām(bhyam) ansa[h] || Dhritiu mittrs-svā arddh-inbash) Bhāradvājo V(B)ähvrichya(4*) Sukrabhava-svā anba[b] || Pautrimāshyo(P) V(Bjähvpichya[s*-]Sudarás(r)ana12 Dhanësvara svåmibhyām(m) arddh-āňba[h] # Sandilyo Vājasanëyi Ravi-svā ansa[b] | Madhu-svā ansa[h] !! The name being Prakrit word (probably from Skt. Vapra) it has been spelt with B, [ and have the same form in these Kämarūpa inscriptions). Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 248 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [ Vol. XIX. 13 Mahidhara-svå anba[b] || Paunpõ(Paurņpol) V(B)Ahvpichya(8) Bhatti-Mahēkyara-svá ansa[b] || Bhatti-Mātri-svå arddh-anka[b] || 14 Rudrabhatti-svā arddh-anba[b] ! Kausikas-Chhändögð Adri('dri)-vilēpana-svā ansa[h] || Bāvarppi15 ka-sagðtro Vājasaněyi Göminäga-svā anba[b] || The shares enumerated in the text given above may be tabulated thus : Serial No. 1 Vēds, etc. Götra. Name. Share . Bähvpichya' . Do. . Do. . . . . Våraha . Do. . Do. . . . . . Vajasaneyin. Chhåndogo. Do. Bühvrichya. Do. Vijanandyin. Käsyapa . Vaishna-vriddhi Do. Kaubika Do. . . Gautama Do. Kautilya . . . Pravara(na)ga-svamin . . Apanaga-svåmin . . . Toshanaga and Hampiniga sva mins. Managhosha-svämin . . . Sarppipi-svimin Janārdana-svåmin . . Arka-svamin . . . Sraddhadasa-svimin . . . Sanatana-svimin . . Harahaprabha with his potra Khandasőma-svåmin. . Sriyaakara, Gati, Gauri, homa (avāmins). Vakulasoma-svamin. . Dhritisoma, Simhasoma (svåmina) Bhayatah-svamin . Yajna-svamin . . . . Daiva-svåmin. . Darddi-svimin . . Pradyumns-svåmin. . . Vșiddhi-svåmin . . . . . 13, 14, 16 Do. 17-18 Do. Krishṇāttrêya . Do. 2 1 The serial number does not exist in the original. *The third plato ends with "Väriho Bähvsichyo Narat)-svå anta[b]." The Voda and the potra are roreated here (vide footnoto 3 on page 120 above, Vol. XIX), on the supposition that the present plate may be the fourth on. See remarks above. This seems to render questionable the correctness of my interpretation of poord thda' in foot-noto 6 p I am how inclined to think that gotrarhlad, wherever it oocure, should mean golrasahito'tidal', 1.e., one share with his götra, where götra does not mean 'clan' (as apparently others of his clan' get shared separately mottioned) but (loosely) family' or 'progeny-much as in Papini IV-1-102 (opatyas-paulo-prabiti potranh) On this new interpretation the serial Nos. 18, 28 and 79 in the list of donors, rooorded in the third and the penultimate plate, should get a share low onch. The total of shares awarded in the plates abould therefore bo 102# instead 4 104 % as stated in the proceding article. Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 40.) A THIRD PLATE OF THE NIDHANPUR PLATES OF BHASKARAVARMAN. 249 Serial No. Voda, etc. Gotra. Name. Share. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Vajasaneyin. Kriobpättreys. Kavestara . Mandavya . Кükуара Bhäradvaja. Do. . Do. . Kauņdinya. Bhäradvāja . Väsishtha Agnivēsya . Do. Sankrityāyana Yaska. . Do. . Do. . Päräsarya . Bhárggave . Babvpichya Do. Do. Vājasaneyin. Do. Charakya Bāhvrichya 40 . .. Divākara, Hari, Adbhuta, Tveshtri, Töshanaga (svamins). I Mēdha-svamin. . . . . Dhriti-svāmin with his götra . Kesava-svimin . . . . Gauri-evāmin . . . . . Sucharita-evāmin . . . Bappa-svimin. . . . Karkadatta-svamin. . . Udayana-svāmin . . . Mérudatta-spåmin . Narendra-Rēņubhūti-svämins . Mëdhabbūti-svämin. . . Chandrapakaba-svämin . . . Kali-avimin . . . . . ....-svāmin , . . . . Bhatti-Mababvara-stämin. . . Gopālanaadi-svimin . . . . Visvabhūti-svåmin . . . Sarakshita, Sucharita-gvůmins . . Sivaganasvimin . . . . Vasusti-gvamin with three brothers Virabhūti-svåmin . . . Vishịubhūti-svamin . . . Pramodabbūti-gramin . Vishnudatta-svāmin . . . Brihaspati-svāmin . . . Harshadēva-svāmin . . . . Mēdha-svåmin . . . Do. 48, 49 Do. Do. 501 Taittiriya 51, 52, 53, 54 Bähvrichya . Vājasaněyin . Do. Do. . Bhäradvaja. 1 Kätyāyans. Kaulika . Do. Do. Do. Bharadvajs, Kaundings. Yaska. . Jätäkarppa. Do. Båhvpichya Võjasaneyin. . Here the insertion of Veda and götra is redundant as the nearest preceding Vēda and gutra are exactly the same as here (vide footnote 2, P. 248). Vide the prefatory remarks in this connection. The proper name that is missing here may bave its mention in the missing plate, along with the record of Veda aad götra. If the record is really in continuation of the last line in the other side, then the name has been dropped through mere oversight and Veda and gliteru are what belong to the last donce recorded in that side. Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 250 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX, Serial No. Věda, etc. Gotra. Namo. Share. Jätükernna 63, 64 Do. Võjasaneyin Do. Chhandogs. Vajasaněyin. Charakya Do. . . . . Bhāradv@ja . Maudgalya. Gärggya Do. . . Do. Do. .. 71 Båhvricha Gautams Do. Do. Do. . . Krishpa-ovimin . . . Midhaya-Hari-ovimins . . Janardana-svamin . . . Vishpusoma-svimin . . . Dhanasēna-svåmin . . . Pramodasēna, Ghoshasēna (avg. mins). Somasena-svimin . . . Bhaskaramittra-svamin . . Madhumittra-svåmin. Sådhåranamittra, Sådhumitra (evāmins) Dhritimittra-svimin . . . Sukrabhava-svamin. ., Sudarsana, Dhanesvara-svåmins. Ravi-svāmin . . . . Madhu-vămin . . . Mahidhara-avamin . . Bhatti-Mahesvaraevamin Bhatti-Mátri-svåmin. . Rudrabhatti-svāmin . . Adrivilēpanasvāmin, . . Gomināgasvamin . . . . Do. . Do. Do. Vajaeaněyin. Do. Do. . Båhvrichys. Do. Do. Chhändöga. Vajasaneyin. Bhäradvaja Pautrimäshya Sandilya Do. . Do. . . . . Peurons Do. Kaubiks . TOTAL . Total sharcs in other plates. 102 GRAND TOTAL 168# 1 Vide footnote 3 p. 248 above. Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 41.) A NEW ASOKAN INSCRIPTION FROM TAXILA. No. 41.-A NEW ASOKAN INSCRIPTION FROM TAXILA. By DR. E. HEBZFELD. [The inscription which is published below was discovered at Taxila by Sir John Mar. shall who gave a facsimile of it in the Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey of India for 1914-15 as well as in his Guide to Taxila In both these publications he has recognised the special bearing it has on the origin of the Kharoshthi alphabet. That it was a new inscription of Asoka, the great Mauryan Emperor, was not known till recently when its contents were deciphered by Dr. Herzfeld, who communicated his interpretation of it to Sir John Marshall in the following letter. To place this discovery before scholars, his letter is published as it is, though it is not in the usual form of an article. Even the transliteration has not been disturbed.-ED.] DEAR SIR JOHN, While trying to decipher the Aramaic inscription of Darius which I had dis. covered in 1923 on his tomb at Naqsh i Rustam, I gathered all the Aramaic material accessible to me here in Teheran, where I am almost deprived of all books, and thus I came once more upon the squeeze of the Taxila inscription which you had been kind enough as to send me long ago, and which accompanies me on my various travellings. Having even not your "Guide to Taxila " nor the publication in the Ind. Arch. Sury. at my disposal, I am unable to quote the work of deciphering that has already been done, nor can I take the great advantage of making use of such work. Moreover, having no sort of Aramaio glossary at my hand, the only thing left to me is just to let you know my reading of the letters, as far as I am able to read, being no Aramaist at all. Nevertheless, the little I can do, may prove useful to other scholars, and in spite of its unsatisfactory condition, I thought it worth not to keep it back entirely. The following is a transcript of the inscription in Hebrew and Latin characters ... .. ut. 14/kmyrty '1 kynvta 1 לכמירתי על כינותא על אכזי שכינותא ולאבוהי הוה הופתיחתי זנה a"/k/n zy skynvta labvhy huli hvptyxty znh na zk bhvv d/n/rh. 8. 19. van hvbětv k/rzy hut 9. 7779 1870 mran prydr 10. mah.. h.. ikvth 11. 1712 71 vap bnvhy 12. VT AD 1870 Imran prydrš Fig. 1 is a drawing of the inscription, exactly reduced to a quarter of its natural size. Fig. 2 gives an analysis of the Aramaic alphabet. These two drawings claim to be perfootly exact, as they are made directly from the squeeze by an extraordinary fine instrument 1 P. 25 ff. 3 Pp. 75-76. Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 262 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX, which I use for similar purposes: the reduction scale is, of course, always the same, and also the position of the single letters in regard to the neighbouring ones, their inclination and height above or below the average, is exact. The letters ga, tu, SD, 9, and a P don't occur in the inscription, x only onoe. Most of the letters are well shaped and clearly distinguishable. But n ) and rare vary. ing, as in most Aramaic inscriptions, to such a degree, that, as a matter of fact, palæo. graphy alone does not furnish the means of fixing their value, and etymology must decide. Fig. 2 shows, that, moreover, d 7 and k can assume a shape so closely resembling r or ni, that you will understand, why in several words that I am unable to explain, I have given, in the transcription, the various possibilities of reading. The true reading can only be reached at by the etymology of the whole word. The surviving slab being unfortunately only a fragment of the inscription, a continuous text and translation is far beyond my capability to give. I must confine myself to some remarks: Line 1: I do not venture to restore the word, although this seems not impossible to me. Its ending in mi indicates a fem. plur. in the stat. indeterm. Line 2: The first word has the prep. 5 " to " and the termination of a fem. noun with encl. pron. of the 1. pers. The noun itself shows the pa'il form of a root 10 (priest), or of 101. The second word is the prep. Wy "unto." It is worth remarking that the 5 in this preposition assumes already a distinct shape, the horizontal stroke being pronouncedly longer than in the other examples of 5. This development, not unusual to Aramaic, leads through Pârsik to the Awestic letter for o. Line 3: First word is a fem. plur. in the stat. determ. either from the root 112 "to exist,” henoe "essence, nature," or more probable, the same word as in the following line, the missing first letter to be supplied at the end of the preceding line. The second word is the prep. Sy, as before. Line 4: The first word seems to be a verb, at least, its termination in 1 is a common verbal termination. A root exists, e.g. in Arabic, but I have no means to ascertain whether it is also found in Aramaic or not. Possibly, as the word stands at the beginning of the line, it might be incomplete, the preceding letters may have been at the end of the foregoing line. The second word is the stat. determ. fem. plur. ending in Nhi of the noun NOV , pa'il of the root 10" to dwell," hence "the dwellinge." Line 5: Begins with the copula 1, preposition 5 (dat.) and the noun an, to which is attached the encl. pron. of the 3. pers., hence "to his father." The second word is the auxiliary verb 777 " to be," the third letter partly destroyed, but certain. Line 6: The first word does not look much like an Aramaic one. In taking the first letter 11 as the last one of the word preceding at the end of the foregoing line, and the second letter as the copula, the word might be reduced to Aramaic dimensions, and become derived from the common root InD, as a pa'il fem. with pron. pers. of the l. pers. But this is rather a forced way, and there are in the following lines three more words that look not only non-Aramaic, but resist every attempt of explaining them as Aramaic. Thoy, too, begin with, or contain at least the same 17 at the beginning, which is well known to me from OP. and Greek, and, hence, must exist in Indian. Therefore, I prefer to leave the explanation of these words to Indologists. The hu-, Gr. eù, if this interpretation be right, shows that the words in question belong to a moral sphere of ideas, I mean something like the Zoroastrian "good thoughts, good words, good deeds," to which there is probably something corresponding in Buddhism. The second word of line 6 seems to be. although its second letter is somewhat mieshaped, the pron. dem. 731 "this." Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 41.] A NEW ASOKAN INSCRIPTION FROM TAXILA. 263 Line 7: Begins with the other pron. dem. 1 “that." Follows a word which begins also with 17, if we consider the first letter to be the Aram. prepos. 2" with, by." Else, it could almost be read " bahuvrihi" and is apparently non-Semitio, Indian. Line 8 : Again a word beginning with 177 of which I am unable to propose any Semitic explanation, and the second word of the same line, of which only three letters remain, begins once more with 17. As the third letter is n, it cannot be a form of the auxiliary verb 1717. Line 9: This line, as also l. 12, is of high importance. There are clearly and beyond any doubts, the two words: marana Priyadar.., in l. 12: 11-márána Priyadars.., i.e. “our (or to our lord Priyadarsa." Line 10: First letter , either beginning of the following word, or, since it is the enol. pron. of the 3. pers. sg., the end of the preceding word from line 9. Then a mutilation of the stone, a rest of the letters, and surely 13; the last letter is n.. I venture to restore this word, by supplying a Di in the lacuna, and to read it ini2501" and his queens," or, less probable "his kingdoms.” Line 11: Begins with the copula 1 followed by the particle " also." Second word is the plur. of a formed from the stem 12 , with pron. of the 3. pers. sg., bence" and also his sons. Line 12: As already explained, has the words to our lord Priyadars .." The last letter Vs, though much mutilated, is certain, and that rendering of g is not without interest. If we regard the last lines: "our lord Priyad...... his (..) his queens... and also his sons... to our lord Priyadars..." we may be inclined to believe that the missing part of the inscription has not been much larger than the narrow slab that forms the remaining part of it. That impression becomes strengthened if we consider the close following of the words beginning with hu., and which were apparently closely connected in the original sequence of the phrase. Although the word priyadarçana has more than one meaning, I think, we cannot doubt that it stands here for Açoka himself. It has been his official title, which, in all but one of his inscriptions, he uses alone instead of his proper name. M. SENART's suggestion, that he had adopted this title as his ordination name, is more than probable, and does not become contradicted by the fact, that the emperor himself uses once the plural of even that word in the sense practically of “ kings." Daçaratha, and maybe all of his successors, used that ordination name as a title, not unlike the case of the word Cesar in Rome. But there are better reasons : according to the style of the script, we are, I feel sure, not allowed to put the inscription down too late. It belongs certainly to the IIIrd cent. B.C., but rather to its first half, than to its end. And even more cogent, I believe absolutely conclusive, is the following reason : Who, unless Açoka himself, in his endeavourings to propagate the new faith, could have had any interest to employ, in India, at that period, an occidental, the Aramaic script and language ? Hence, I take it for settled, that the Taxila inscription is a new Açoka inscription. As I thought that you might be interested in the subject, as the discoverer of so extraordi. nary a monument, I have written these lines. Believe me, dear Sir John, Yours very faithfully, ERNEST HERZFELD. Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 254 EPIGRAPBIA INDICA (VOL. XIX. No. 42.--THE PULIBUMRA PTATES OF THE EASTERN CHALUKYA KING JAYA SIMHA I (C. 632-63 A. D.). BY V. RANGACHARYA, M.A., KUMBAKONAM. The following copper plate grant was brought to the notice of the Assistant Archeological Superintendent for Epigraphy, Madras, in 1914, by M. R. Ry. Jayanti Ramayya Pantulu Garu. It is registered in the Epigraphical Report for 1913-14 as No. 5 of Appendix A ; and a summary of it appears on p. 85 of the same Report. I edit the record here with the kind. permission of the discoverer of the plates. The ink impressions of the plates were kindly furnished by the Government Epigraphist. The inscription is engraved on three plates, which measure slightly below six inches by two and are strung together through ring-holes, measuring one-fourth of an inch in diameter. Regarding the soal which must have originally secured the ends of the ring I possess no information. The plates are numbered, though the figure on the first plate alone is clear. The engraving is distinct though at the end of lines 7, 18 and 18 there are erasures. Excepting the imprecatory stanza (Bahubhir etc.) which comes at the end, the record is written in Sanskrit proso. The alphabet and orthography do not call for any special remarks. Compared to the Tim. måpuram plates of Vishnuvardhana I Vishamasiddhi and the Pedda-Maddäli plates of this very king (Jayasinha I), we, no doubt, find a few differences in the way some of the letters are written but they are too minor to be noticed in detail. The final t which in the Timmäpuram plates is placed on the top of the succeeding letter and in the Pedda-Maddāli plates sometimes comes as a full circle, is here written as a separate letter (1. 1). The final m is here shown, though only once, like (1.2). The Timmāpuram plates give it as a dot but the Pedda-Maddäli plates put it both as & dot and as a curve. The doubling of consonants after r is to be seen here also e.g., parākram-8pārijita (1. 7) or karmma (1. 18). Though the record is rather free from the grammatical blunders which characterise the grant portion of the Timmäpuram plates, yet it contains errors like the wrong use of visarga in Manuhriva (1. 9) and of anusvāra as in bhuvanain mandala (1. 3). The inscription records a grant made by the Eastern Chalukyan king Jayasimha I, who ruled from about 632 to 663 A. D. Only one record of this king had been discovered before 1914, namely, the Pedda-Maddāli platest. It is dated in his 18th year and distinguishes him by the title Sarvasiddhi. It was issued from the city of Udayapura, which has not yet been identified. From a number of inaccuracies in the language its genuineness has been questioned, but I think the faults are due to the composer and the record is authentic. According to it Jayasinha was the son of Vishamasiddhi Kubja-Vishnuvardhana 1 and grandson of Kirtivarman, the Chalukyan king who ruled from circa 550 to 567 A.D. The number of his epithets would show that he was a pious and successful sovereign. The present record (11. 12-13) calls him Prithvi-Jayasingha-vallabha, not Jayasimha as the other records do. The term. Prithvivallabha, it should be noted, was a title of Kirtivarman I 1 Ind. Ant., Vol. XIII, p. 137. It is registered as Kt. 337 in my Topographical List of Inscriptions of the Madras Presidency. Fleet's paper has been reproduced, without any alteration and without nlatae in Rurones and Natesa Bastri's Tamil and Sanskrit Inscriptions (Arch. Surt. South India, Vol. IV), pp. 166ff. Soc also Ind. Ant., Vol. X, p. 243-4 and Sewell's List of Copper Plates No. 3 for shorter notices of the record. Ep. Ind. YuL IX, p. 101. Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 42.] PULIBUMRA PLATES OF EASTERN CHALUKYA KING JAYASIMHA I. 255 as well as of his son Pulakēsin II, the paternal grandfather and the uncle respectively of the Eastern Chalukyan king Jayasimha I. We have, therefore, to infer that the title was inherited by the Eastern Chalukyas from their ancestors of the West-Deccan. The record describes Jayasimha as a conqueror of the world of chiefs by his ever-growing puissance, as & Valiant soldier whose fame shed lustre in all directions, as a man whose trident-like triplemight pierced through the stout hearts of all the forces of hostile kings ; as a Brihaspati in diplomacy, a Manu in modesty, a Yudhishthira in the love of dharma, an Arjuna in invincibility and a scholar versed in the truths of the teachings of the fästras. It further tells us that he gave the village of Pulibūmrs (Pulibūru) in the Guddavādi-vishaya, to Rudraśarman, a Brahman of Asanapura, who was of the Gautams-gotra, was learned in two Vēdas, belonged to the Taittirikal school and was the son of Sivaśarman and grandson of Dāma arman. The endowed village was, we are told, made into a tax-free agrahāra called sarvasiddhi-datti. The executors of the grant were Hastikośa and Virakosa Guddavādi has been identified by Dr. Hultzsch' with Gudivada, the headquarters of the taluk of the same name in the Kistna District. The late Mr. Sewell has described the Jain and Buddhist antiquities of this place, besides the large numismatic finds of the Andhra period un-earthed here. They would indicate that the place must have been very prominent before the Chalukyan advent in the time of Kubja-Vishņuvardhana. Pulibumra (Puliburu) may be idertified with Polamūru in the Bhimavaram taluk. Asanapura which seems to have played an important part in the cultural history of this period, I am unable to identity. Might it be Annavaram of the same taluk ? So far as the reign of Jayasimha is concerned, we are enlightened by a few other records. The Bezwada plates of Chalukya-Bhima I tell us that Kubja-Vishnuvardhana, the father of Jayasirha I and the founder of the dynasty, ruled for 18 years. The Chipurupalli plates of Vishnuvardhana I, dated in the 18th year of his reign, give a date which was equated by Fleet and Kielhorn with 7th July A.D. 632. It is clear from this that Vishnuvardhana I (who came to the Eastern Chalukyan throne, as proved by Fleet between 21st March and 19th April 615) ruled till at least July 632. We do not know when exactly Jayasimha was anointed king. It might have been any month after July 632. Nor are we aware of the length of his rule for the records do not agree in this point. The Bezwada plates of Chalukya-Bhima I and almost all other plates' give him a reign of 33 years. But the British Museum plates of Amma II (Vijayāditya VI) give him only 30 years. As this record stands alone in its statement, Kielhorn preferred to accept the version of the other records and decided that Jayasimha ruled for 33 years. According to Fleet, "the statement of the minority is certainly the correct one" and " from no point of view can & reign of 33 years be allowed to him." It seems to me, however, that both versions are inaccurate and must be considered to [Read Taittiriya. Taittirika would mean one who catches partridges.'-Ed.). (For the names and for the dato se Annual Report on Epigraphy, Southern Circle, 1913-14, p. 88, para 7 and No. 5 of Appendix A.-Ed.). Boo Ep. Ind., VOL IV, p. 34. The place had various names, e.g. Gadravåra (Ep. Ind., Vol. V, 123); Gudrs. bara (Ind. Ant., Vol. VIII, p. 76); Gudrira (Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, P 34). This Gudivada bught not to be con. Lounded with Guddavadi in Ramachandrapur taluk referred to in the Pithapuram inscription of Manmasatys II (Ep. Ind. Vol. IV, 83 A.) • Lions of Antiquities, p. 52. . This is Kt. 91 in my Topo. List and No. 657 in Kielhorn's Southern List. Soo Ep. Ind., V, pp. 127-31. • Soo Vg. 16 in my Topo. List, Ind. Ant., Vol. XVI (1891), p. 16 , besides 8. Ind. Palmography, Plato 37, * E.g. Kt. 4, Kt. 320, B.M. 6, Kt. 8, etc., in my Topo. List. .B.M. 7 Ibid, p. 1722 (Vol. III). Ind, Ant., Vol. XX, p. 11, footnote 16. Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 256 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VoL.XIX. be only general and vague statements regarding the duration of his reign. My reasons are these. The Nellore District platest of Jayasimha's nephew and successor Vishnuvardhana II distinctly tell us that he made a grant on Wednesday, 13th March, A.D. 664, in the second year of his reign. This shows that he must have come to the throne before 13th March 663. Similarly, the Mattewada plates of the same king record agrant on February 17, A.D.668. which is said to be his Bth regnal year. It is clear from this that Vishnuvardhana II must bave been anointed asking before February 17, AD.664, which date would fall in the first year of his reign. From a study of these records we are able to infer that Vishnuvardhana's accession took place before 13th March, A.D. 663 but not earlier than 17th February, 663 A.D., as 17th February, A.D. 664,according to the Mattewada plates, fell within the first year of his rule. It is obvious from this that Vishnuvardhana II ascended the throne between 17th February and 13th March,663 A.D. Fleet also, after calculating a number of dates, concluded that his accession took place between 14th February and 24th March, A.D. 663. This is only another way of saying that the reign of Jayasimha I ended then. It is true that between Jayasimha and Vishnuvardhana II there was his son Indra-Bhattāraka, but he ruled only for seven daya. If Jayasithha came to the throne after July, 632 A.D. and if his reign ended. between 17th February and 13th March, 663, A.D. it is clear that he ruled for 30 years and a few months. Though Fleet brought his accession down to March, 663 A.D. and assigned to him exactly 30 years, yet, I think he ruled for a space of 30 years and a few months-from sonme time after July 632 to about February-March, A.D. 663. TEXT. First Plate. 1 स्वस्ति [*] श्री विजयस्वधावारात् मागणपरिरक्षिताना मानथ्यसगोत्राणां 2 शारितिपुषाणाम् अचमधयाजिना चलुक्यानां कुलजलनिधि3 समुपब राजरतस्य सकलभुवनंमलमण्डितकीर्तिः' श्रो. 4 कीर्तिवर्मणः पौष: पनेकसमरसंघविजयिन: प[२]नर• 6 पतिमकुटमणिमयखावदातचरणयुगलस्य श्रीविष्णुवईन6 महाराजस्य प्रियतमयः प्रवईमानप्रतापीपनतसमस्त Second Plate ; First Side. 7 सामन्तमण्डलः खबाहुबलपराक्रमोपार्जितम[कल यशो8 विभासितदिगन्तरः स्वसिषयपिशूलावभिबपरग]रपति9 सकलवसचेतमः सतिरिव नयनो मनुरिव विनय10 : खुधिष्ठिर व धर्मपरायणः पर्जुनवदपरनर 1 B.M. 2 (p. 1721) in Madras Topo. List. Also lnd. Ant., Vol. XX, p.7. B.M.3. bid, p.8. Ind. Ant., Vol.xx, p.10. Ibid, table on p. 12 Read yfifa .Read * Read : • There is a visarga wrongly engraved before fr. Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PULIBUMRA PLATES OF THE EASTERN CHALUKYA KING JAYASIMHA I, (C. 632-63 A, D.) g dET 5q១] 713}RUc គូទលោម១6m= ១ =l5) Jfa៨- ៦ ::ទី៤ ៦free d, mae B *ឬ=5iុះ537 525 ៖ , iia. ១: ១ ២ សនា | រឺច្រើនជាង នាថា យា ទំនើប üb. RS ១- ៩: ,991/១៦ ។ ខ្លួន ? = == ឱ្យរងខាង a J Sa១ោះ ។ === *៦ ចំរៀUBE 4បទ ១១-3Gaz x ៨យ ។ សQ partame L ទេ ។ 24 HIBANANDA SASTRI. SCALE ACTUAL SIZE SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #331 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 42.] PULIBUMRA PLATES OF EASTERN CHALUKYA KING JAYASIMHA I. 257 11 पतिभिरनभिलंधित पौरुषः अनेकशास्त्रार्थतखतः पर12 मनायो मातापित्पादानुध्यातः श्रीप्रिथिवीजयसिजव. Second Plate ; Second Side. 18 लभमहाराजः गुहवादिविषयि' विषयमह ....कारपु14 कषांव ममर्थ मानापयत्यस्ति विदितमस्तु वोय[मस्माभिः [*] 15 गुहवादिविषये पुलोबुरखामग्रामः [*] वेदवेदांग16 विदो दामथर्माणः' पोचाय स्खपितुरधिकगुणगणाधि17 वासस्य शिवशर्मणः पुत्राय तैत्तिरिक सब्रह्मचारिणे वेद18 हयालंकृतसविरी)राय गोतमसगोत्राय स्वकर्मानुष्ठान-' Third Plate ; First Side. 19 पराय° पूर्वाग्रहारिकरुद्रशर्मणे प्रसनपुरस्थानवस्तव्याय" 20 श्रीसर्वसिदित्या सर्वकरपरिहारणाग्रहारोकत्य सम्प्रत्तः [] 21 तथा भवहिरन्यैश्च धमाधिगतबुद्धिभिः परिपालनोय: [*] 22 न कैचिहाधा करणीया [.] पाञप्तिरत्रहस्तिकोश' वोरकोश [व्या"]23 सगीताः [*] बहुभिर्वसुधा दत्ता बहुभिवानुपालिता [*] यस्य यस्य 24 यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फल मिति [*] सं . . . . . ॥ TRANSLATION. (1. 1) Hail! From (his) victorious camp-the grandson of sri-Kirtivarman whose fame adorned the circle of the whole world, who was a royal gem sprung out of the ocean-like 1 Road u.. [The form पौरुष्य: needs no correction-Ed.]. * The visarga is out twice. Read 4 What the author has taken to be the i-sign is only a crack in the plate. The e-siga is clearly marked by a curve to the left of the first vertical line of ya as in re (1. 15).-Ed.). -[In place of the dote read रानधि-Ed.] 'Cafe is superfluous.-Ed.). Dama might be a shortened form of Damodara. [See 1. n.2 on p. 255 above. Ed.].. • The letters are much erased here. 10 There is adot before प. 11 Read वा. 11 For the engraver had outu. 10 In we find the inside stroke of wrongly inserted. M Read कोशी. 1. The letter at is indistinot, the lower part alone being clear. It is further beneath the punctuation mark and not separate. ___-[Evidently गौव: was intended for only one verse is given श्रीक: is understood.-Ed.]. 17 For those 5 symbols 100 Annual Report on Epigraphy, Southern Circle for 1913-14, p. 85 and No. 5 of Appdix A.-Ed.) 1 Soo Dyn. Kan. Dist. The epithet givon to Kirtivarman is copeated with slight variations in all Chalukyan records. Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 258 EPIGRAPRIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. family of the Chālukyas who were the performers of the afoamddha-seorifice, who were Häritiputras, who belonged to the götra of the Mānavyas (and) who were protected by the group of the Mātris, (1. 4) the beloved son of Sri-Vishnuvardhana-Mahārāja who was a victor in many a battleassault, whose two feet were brightened by the rays of the gems of the crowns of other kings ; (1. 6) Sri-Prithivi-Jayasingha-vallabha whose ever-growing valour reduced the circle of the Samantas; whose fame, acquired by the strength of his arms, lit all the directions ; the trident-like triad of whose power split the heart of all the forces of hostile kings; a diplomat like Bțihaspati; disciplined like Manu ; righteous like Yudhishthira'; who, like Arjuna, had a manliness unsurpassed by that of other kings; a knower of the truth of the meanings of many sästras; the very pious one, who meditated on the feet of (his) mother and father, (1.13) orders, the people and officers ?) of Guddavādi to this effect : Let this be made known to you that we have granted by the gift called sarvvasiddhi the village of Pullbúmra (lying) in the Guddavādi-vishaya, after making it an agrahāra, free from all taxes, to the pūrvvägrahärika Rudra sarman, who is & resident of Asanapura, belongs to the Taittirika (school), whose mouth (literally, body) is adorned by the two Vädas, who belongs to the Gotama gotra; who is intent on the performance of his duties and is the son of Sivabarman who surpassed his father in virtues, and who is the grandson of Dāmatarman, the knower of the Vedas and the Vedāngas. (1. 21) Therefore, by yourselves and by others, who are virtuously disposed, let this be protected. Let no violation be done by anybody. The executors (are) Hastikosa and Virakosa. (II. 23-24) Vyäga says : [The usual imprecatory verse.] No. 43.-THE PEDDA-VEGI PLATES OF THE EASTERN CHALUKYA KING JAYA SIMHA I. BY V. RANGACHARYA, M.A., KUMBAKONAM. These plates were brought to my notice by a relative of mine several years ago. The plates were, I was told, found two or three feet below the surface of the earth during-some excavations near Pedda-Vêgi in the vicinity of Ellore. They are registered in the Madras, Epigraphical Report for 1917-18, as No. 11 of Appendix A. A review of the record appears on p. 130 of the game report. 1 The king was known as Vishamasiddhi in consequence of his daring achievements. cf. af Araraquet of the Pedda - Maddali plates. * That is Almatakti, Prabhusakti and Utsahabakti. [See f. . I on p. 255 above.-Ed.). • The word köba has different meanings in Tamil classical literature. Dr. Krishnaswami Aiyangar idon. tifies the Kobar who invaded the Pandyan kingdom with the vanguards of the Vamba or later (or illegitimate) Maury and connects them with the Kolakire of Assam referred to in the Ramayana. The Kibers seem to havo been not only a particular tribo but (1) soldiers in general; (2) followers or relatives of kings oprres. ponding to the Sanskrit Rajanyau ; (3) officers of justice in village courte, oto. In the present record the word seems to mean, as the Govt. Epigrapbist points out, an officer. (Se f. n. 2 on p. 256 above-Ed.]. Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NO. 43.) PEDDA-VEGI PLATES OF EASTERN CHALUKYA KING JAYASIMHA I. 259 The inscription is engraved on three plates, the first side containing nothing and the last & single line. The plates were hung on a ring which carries a fixed circular seal engraved in relief with the title Sri-Sarvasiddhi and MAARTH about 74 inches in length and 24 inches in breadth. The ring is about 34 inches in diameter. The engraving is on the whole clear; but the ends of lines 16 and 17 in plate 2 and of 19 and 20 in plate 3 are very much defaced. The language of the grant, is Sanskrit. The characters are identical with those employed in the Pulībūmra as well as the Niduparu plates which have been noticed above. No special remarks are necessary regarding the alphabet and orthography of this grant. The Dravidian r occurs in 11. 13 and 14 and the upadhmāniya in 11. 18 and 25. The final t and m have also been used. The former occurs as a separate letter in l. 24 and the latter is generally written in the form of a dot but in1.23 is.represented by-ahook. The contents of this grant have already been noticed by the Assistant Archæological Superintendent for Epigraphy. The identification of the place names has also been discussed by him. All this need not be recapitulated here. The donee Was Somasapaman, son of Siva sarman and grandson of Davalarman who was a resident of Kukkanür, belonged to the Gārgya-götra and was a pupil of the Taittiriya school of the Yajur-veda. The grant was made for the increase of the dharma of the donor and of his parents on the full-moon day of Kärttika which was a vishuvadina or the day of the equinox. THE TEXT. ___Plate l. . 1 नमसविचे । खसि [] बीमलामनन्यसाधारणगुणाधारभूताना सविक्रमाका2 तसकलमहीभुजाम्मामव्यसगीचा हारीतिपुषाणां पतिधरप्रसादो. 3 पनतसमस्तवसुमतीराज्यानामावगपरिप[1]लितानाम4 मेधावश्यवानपरिध्वंसितैमसामनुष्ठितवर्णाश्रमस्थितीनाम् । मातापिपादानुयातानाचालुक्यानामन्बवायसन्मयतो वृपतिगु6 णसामग्रासनिवासस्य कुशलजनकी[तितकीर्तेः कीर्तिवर्माण[:] तस्यप्रिया Plate II-A. 7 मवस्य कनीयस: कारपविष्णोरिव विष्णुवम्मणः स्वभुजबलविजितारिस'हतेम8 कला दिगामावदनविशेषकायमानयशसस्तस्यानन्द व विग्रहवान्मुक्तः स्वगुण9 गणातिशयितपूर्खनः अतिवलवशीलताशेषरिपुवलम्सकललोकत्रया. 10 चार[:] सर्वसिधिरपि च । 'ग्दं रचा सुरगुरुच धिया सिताश्वं शौर्ये11 ण वारिधिमगाधतयात्महत्तः [1] धर्मात्मजं रविजमीहितदानमतया क. 12 न्दर्यमाहिततनं वपुषातियते । एवंविधाभिरामिकगुणः श्रीन. • Read 1 From ink impressions. * Read • Rend Tho dettone ure Sre out in smaller sigo below the line. • Vasantatilaka metre. * Tho an wovara sign is not above, but between anda. 312 Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 260 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. Plate II-B. 18 यसिंहवलभमहाराज: कन्थे CD वाटिविषयं इलेण्ट रोनाम ग्रामस्त14 य दक्षिणतो गव्य समाचारकोम्बनाम ग्रामस्तनिवासिनिः तषियवा16 सिनच्चान्याचा जनपदान् ममवेतानेवमानापयति [1] सर्वा मा. 16 गतकालभाव (वि)राजरिषे न्यथोपचारपुरम[२] त्यं सम्मानयति [*]' 17 कुकनरवास्तव्यस्तैत्तिरीय सब्रह्मचारिणो गार्म्यगोचस्वाधिगतचतुशासस्वानु18 दिनानुष्ठितस्वकर्मणी देवशर्मणः पुत्रस्व तदनुरूपगुषण सामियम्मच पु. Plate 111.A. 19 चाय वेदशास्त्रविदुषे स्वकर्मनिरताय "पियातिधये सोमशर्मणे वार्तिक पौर्ण मासि] 20 विषुवदिने स्व"मातापिचोरात्मनच धर्माभिवषयेस्माभिसर्वकरपरिपारण अग्रहा[रोक]21 त्य दत्तोयं ग्रामः [1] न केनचिहाधाकरणोया यस्तु करोति कारयस्वनुमन्यते . वा स पञ्चम22 हापातकैर्यतो भवत्यपि च व्यासगोती शोको भवतः [*] "बहुभिर्वसुधा दत्ता ब23 भिवानुपालिता [1] यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फलम् [1] पष्टिवर्ष24 सहस्राणि स्वर्गे मोदति भूमिदः । भारता' चालमत्ता च तान्येव नरक वसेत् [1] श्रो. 25 सर्वसिहे व्वसुधाधिपस्य प्रियः शरीरीव नय: पुरोधा: [*] रणेवसबा भवद28 स्व विज्ञानानप्तिरार्थ: (यों) नरसिंघमा ] I Rend ति. • Read न: Boadबा. *Read t. • Road सर्वान् • Read , * Thon 3 or 4 letters are badly damaged, • Roadwt. • The letter looks like for the sign of the conjunot consonant is on the left side of rand not on the right side as wual. This is due to want of space just before a # Rood fri 13 Read # 11 The metre of this and of the following verho is Anushubh. ** Road . 1. Upajati metre. 1 WI have not hosmable to make any remme out of this [Thoronding soomato be चात्री भवदस्य which would mean that Narasimhafarman died in a battle-field and thus won wiragati.'-Ed. 10.gad Narasimha sarn, Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PEDDA-VEGI PLATES OF THE EASTERN CHALUKYA KING JAYASIMHA I. རྣཔfམོ༡༩》Eསྤུར༢།ལd j.5ནུ་ ཉནYན? g cho cửa hàng ཉམར< ར༠༦- ༼ཁམས ་ iit, | མ བ0/St32 - -2 9 ༣=xt=t17)anཔརཿ ཉམ་ T༧༩ dོY ་, 1 ་་ མནཾ ༔ རྒྱ་ཉེ。 ཉི c/189་ ཆུམ་ འདུ ར་ མ, J? 1,/༣༤ 10 R!7 ; 3:༤ ་ - ར་ནག སJ| ལ ན་༧། zs»y3syཏss7yསུཊཾ: རྣeu: 16 སྨདཙ ཙཱཙྪ༨ ནར༅ན3དྷ52༽:/c/5923 31: དུས་ dib. ༠༡༠244rpཚོs:: gacཙཝ2yའཁ་ཨོམ་ [ 2c31ནy 8-3ེ ཀས་བྱ7 /1] ༧gs:53 ©ར་༢ * དཔནདཀླདzjAJ-ཚོགས་ ག<- ཕ བ པ ཎy!, ཙཱty15:ཙ ང་ is 1 TTy ༢༣ ་ཀཱ་2.558།-y 2» ཀཱསs/ HIKASASDA SASTRI. SCALE THREE-FOURTHS SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ iiitd. ಪ್ರಮಟ್ಟದ ಶಸ್ತ್ರಕ್ರಮ ಮುಗಿವೆ'??? 20 ತಿಂಗಳು 1950- 3 - Aಣಗಳ ತTH _VKತ್ಯffffಮಿತ್ರವಿಮಾತು 22 ಕೆಜವ'ವಿಸಿದವನು ಕಟJAN -8AJAMAಶಿವಾಜಿ 24 ಕೆಡಿಸುವ ಗರಗಸಿಗೆ. ಸಿ ದ್ಧವಾಗಿವೆ. [RA. 26 +: 26 Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 44) BARWANI COPPER-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF MAHARAJA SUBANDHU. 261 ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS. Hail ! Jayasimha-Vallabha-Maharaja (1. 12), surnamed Sarvvasiddhi (1.10).-the 807 of Vishnuvarman (1. 7), the youngest son of Kirttivarman (1. 6), -of the family of the Chalukyas (1.5), orders thus the residents of the village named Kombaru (which lay) in the district (vishaya) of Kanthöruvāti at a distance of) a gavyüti to the south of Vlēpturu (IL. 13-15): This village (Kombaru), having been made into a tax-free agrahāra (1. 20), has been given by us to Somasarmman (1. 19), who is a resident of Kukkanür, belongs to the Taittiriya school and Gárggya- götra (1.17), the son of Svāmisarman and grandson of Dēvasarman (1. 5), on the vishuradina of Kärttika-Parnimā (1. 19)'. Sömaśarmman is stated to have been a very learned scholar and hospitable and one who regularly performed his daily duties. The executor (ājñapti) of this (grant) is stated to have been the beloved preceptor of king Sarvvasiddhi, polity incarnate as it were, the learned and noble Narasimhasarman (il. 25-26). No. 44.-THE BARWANI COPPER-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF MAHARAJA SUBANDHU ; THE YEAR 167. BY R. R. HALDER, RAJPUTANA MUSEUM, AJMER. This inscription comes from the Barwāni State in Central India, and has briefly been noticed in the Annual Report of the Rājputāna Museum for 1924-25. It is engraved on a copper-plate measuring about 8" x 3.2" and is well preserved. The sign-manual of the king, viz., Sri-Subandhoh is written on the left margin. The charter was granted by Mahārāja Subandhu. The characters belong to the box-headed' variety of the southern class of alphabets, and may be ascribed to about the Afth century A.D. The box-shape of the tops of the letters is scooped out hollow and is almost rectangular. The letters are more or less like those of the Chammak copper-plate inscription of the Maharaja Pravarasēna II of the Väkätaka family. The language is Sanskrit prose throughout, and is generally correct. It contains no benedictory or imprecatory verse, but merely records the grant as ordered by the donor, i.e., prince Subandhu. As regards orthography, the following points may be noted : (1) Consonants are generally doubled when combined with (1) a superscript r, as in -garttapathaka), l. 1, and -chandrärkkārnnava-, 1. 4. and (ii) with a subscript , as in .paddrake, 1. 2. (2) the combination of ta and tha with a superscript r in punyāpyāyatarttha-, l. 4. (3) the wrong use of i instead of i in Mahishmati, and kubali, 1. 1. (4) Sandhi is not observed in kubali udumbara-, L. 1,eto. Othar mistakes and irregularities are pointed out in the foot-notes accompanying the text. Foot's Gupta Inscriptions, plate Phi Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 262 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, EVOL. XIX. The present inscription is one of Mahārāja Subandhu, and the grant recorded in it is issued by him from the city called Mahishmati. It is dated the seventh day of the bright half of Bhadrapada of Sam. 167. The object of the inscription is to record the grant of a piece of land at the village (padraka) Sohajana in the Udumbaragarta district (pathaka) to a Brahmapa named Shashthisvåmin for the spiritual welfare of the donor and cf the donor's parents. The ditaka is Guhadāsa. The date of the grant is given in symbols of 100, 60 and 7 (167). and should be referred to the Gupta era. It would, then, correspond to 486 A.D. The Subandhu of this charter is apparently & now figure. That he is styled as a 'Maharaja' would show that he was a vabal-chief. Possibly, like Surasmichandra, he was subordinate of Budhagupta, who, as shown by the Eran' Pillar and the Sarnath' Buddha Image inscriptions, and by his coins, flourished about that time. The fact that Mahārāja Subandhu was connected with such an ancient and famous city as Mahishmati is noteworthy. As to the places mentioned in the document Mahishmati is apparently the homonymous town of epic fame, which is, in all probability, tow represented by Mabēbvara, though scholars like Pargiter would identify it with Mandhata on the Narmada. The other two places namely, Söhajanā and Udumbaragartā, I am unable to locate. TEXT.: 1 site afer [*] Hifponfarmat:"(tr) AWIT[*]orgaag: grafomo anting#:() 2 सोहजनापके स्वानायुक्तकादीममाञापयति यदा मातिपरिभुतक3 क्षेत्र तन्मयाने ब्राह्मणषष्ठिस्वामिने भरहाजसगोचाया" वादिस-12 4 atawarto raifunciara gera i hte 5 कालीनं पुत्रपौत्रान्वयभोज्यं बनदेयमतिसृष्टं [1] विदित्वाद्यदिवसादार. fo(f) 1 Fleet's Gupta Inscriptions, p. 89. Fleet's Gupta Inscriptions, p. 88. * [Sco Arch. Surv. of India, 1914-16, p. 125.--Ed.] Also, Bhandarkar Commemoration Volume, p. 203. John Allan's Coins of the Gupta dynasties, coin no. 617. It was founded by Mahishmat, . Haihaya chieftain, (Pisapu-Purära translatod by H. H. Wilson, Vol. IV, p. 54). *J. R. A. 8., 1910, pp. 445-6. From the original plate. • Expressed by a symbol Read al. 10 Read . 11 Read Calama. 11 Read 7 . 15 is redundaatf a t may be a clerical mistake for TKO Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 45.] DHAULI CAVE INSCRIPTION OF SANTIKARA; [GANGA] YEAR 93. 263 VOX [1 ] Pool BUT WUWT Muat 7 (HT) [v] [] [*] 7 TVETEE : [*] igrant: No. 45.-DHAULI CAVE INSCRIPTION OF SANTIKARA; THE [GANGA] YEAR 93. BY R. D. BANERJI, M.A. Close to the boulder at Dhauli, on which the edicts of Aboks are inscribed, is a lofty hill, the highest part of which rises about 1,000 feet above the surrounding ground level. It is surmounted by a ruined temple dedicated to Siva. One side of this temple has disappeared entirely, and the gigantic phallus, enshrined therein, is thereby exposed to view. Below this temple, about a hundred yards to the east, on the southern face of the hill, there is a small cave. According to the Puri Gazetteer the “ northern ridge culminates in a temple-crowned peak, and at its western extremity are a number of caves, natural and artificial. To the east of the temple and at a lower level is a natural fissure, full of bats; and on a boulder at the top, near the entrance, is cut a small inscription in three lines." I found the fissure and the bats, but could not get at the boulder or find the inscription of three lines. Close to the fissure, is an artificial cave, measuring 4' x 5' 31' approximately. There is a niche in the back wall of this cave, under which is inscribed Jaya-Sri Sri (b); and on the right wall is a record in seven lines, which is being edited below. The letter ta occurs on the level of 1.1 at a distance. The object of the inscription is to record the construction of a temple (matha) of Aghyakıvarăți by one Bhatta Loyomaka, son of the physician Nannata and grandson of Bhimata, who was born of the womb of. Ijya, an inhabitant of Virajo, in the year 93, during the reign of the illustrious Santikara-dēva. Säntikara-dēva is known from another votive inscription in the Ganesa-gumphā at Khandagiri, where Ijya, Bhimata and Nannata are mentioned. The Gaņēba-gumphā inscription is not dated. We do not know anything yet about this king. A line of three kings with the suffix Kara in their names is mentioned in the Neulpur grant of Subbakara.' Except the resemblance in the names, we have no data on the basis of which we can establish any connection between them. The chief importance of this record is its date, which supplies a datum for fixing the period of the dynasty. The adjectives in the Neulpur grant show that the dynasty was Buddhist in faith. The date of this inscription is 93. The form of the palatal ka indicates that it cannot be referred to the Harsha era (605-6 A.D.) The situation of the inscription precludes a reference to the Newar era (880 A.D.) The Chalukya-Vikrama era (1076 A.D.) would be too late. The era of the Gangas, which was used in Kalinga in its first century, is most probably the reckoning to which this record is to be referred. According to Mr. B. C. Mazumdar, the initial year of this IRead भुचता Read êYXO : Jihoamuliya is used here. [But the symbol seems to represent .-Ed.) ' stands for . • Is engraved on the left margin. Puri Gazetteer, pp. 245-48. . Ante, Vol. XIII, p. 167. Aske, Vol. XV. pp. 1:8, Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 264 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vot, XIX. era is equal to 772 or 778 A.D., and the date of the Båmanghāți grant of Ranabhañja of the year 288 is to be referred to the same reckoning. Thus, the date of this record would correspond to 865 A.D. A king named Santikara is also mentioned in the Kumurange plates of Dandi-Mahadevi published by the late Mr. Haranandan Panday of the Archæological Survey of India. Accord. ing to this inscription Santikara was the son of Lalitabhāra and the father of Subhakara, whose consort Dandi-Mahādēvi issued the Kumuranga grant. According to the late Mr. Panday, Santikara of the Kumaranga inscription is the same as Kshēmankara of the Neulpur plate. Both being Royal Charters embodying grants of land, it is extremely unlikely that Kshēmañkara and Säntikara were one and the same person. In fact, no other name except that of Subhakara agrees in the two genealogies. It appears to me that the Kumaranga plate of Dandi-Mahädēvi is much later in date than the Neulpur plate of Subhākara. It is quite possible that some of the earlier names in the former inscription may be birudas of Sivakara, Kshēmankara and Subhākara of the Neulpur inscription. The characters of the inscription are much later than those of the Neulpur grant of Bubhākaru and, therefore, it is probable that Santikara was a descendant or successor of Subhākara. The following tentative genealogy of this dynasty may be accepted : Kshēmarkara-dēva. Śivakara-dēva. śubhākara-dēva. Săntikara-dēva. TEXT. 1 Śri-śāntikara-dēva-rajya-(sa) 2 mvat 90, 3 Ijya-garbhajēna 3 Virajovāstavya-Vaidya-Na[nna-] 4 ta-putra Bhimaţa-pauttra Bhatta5 Löyöma[kēn-Aghyaka-Vara ti 6 math-à()yam dēgēbhya(!) kärita7 ...[ba]raka TRANSLATION. Un) the year 93, (during the reign of the illustrious Santikara-dēva, this temple of Aghyaka-Varáti was caused to be made as a (?) gift by Bhatta Loyomaka, son of the physician Nannata' (and) grandson of Bhimaţa, who was born of the womb of Ijyk (and was) an inhabitant of Virajo.. It is 1 Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, Vol. II, pp. 361-62. [This req ires verification. not unlikely that the ens commenced much earlier. -Ed.1 * Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, Vol. V, 1919, pp. 564.79. Ibid, p. 569. From photographs and impression taken by me. [The symbol though apparently damaged seems to be noteworthy.-Ed.] Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DHAULI CAVE INSCRIPTION OF SANTIKARA; THE GANGA YEAR 93. HIRANANDA SASTRL SCALE ONE FOURTH. SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #343 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 46.) KONDEDDA GRANT OF DHARMARAJA. 265 No. 46.-KONDEDDA GRANT OF DHARMARAJA. By Y. R. GUPTE, B.A., M.R.A.S. The existence of the copper-plates, on which this grant is incised, was brought to notice by the late Mr. T. C. Rath, B.A., when he was the District Munsif at Chodavaram in the Godā. vari district of the Madras Presidency. The late Mr. G. Venkoba Rao thus wrote a preliminary note on the grant in his Annual Report on Epigraphy for the year ending 31st March 1921, p. 93 :-" It is engraved on a set of three copper-plates hung together on a ring about 34" in diameter. The plates measure 64 long and 41 broad. The circular seal set on to the ring has a diameter of 31. On its surface are cut in relief the figures of the crescent at the top and a seated bull in the centre and a line of letters at the bottom which is completely damaged." I owe the opportunity of editing this record for the first time to the late Rao Bahadur H. Krishna Sastri, B.A., who kindly placed the ink-impressions of it at my disposal. The alphabet is an early type of the Northern variety of Nāgari. As regards orthography ba is not distinguished from va. The symbol for na (e.g., see mrināla. 1. 1, gunai l. 29 and aviganitatayā 1. 33) is also used for fi when it forms the first part of a conjunct consonant; cf.=vāñchhän 1. 8. Kraunchārēruita l. 32,-upabhuñjānasya 1. 54, uktaft-cha 1. 58 and lanchhin(t)an I. 60; but a different symbol is used for a when it forms the second part of a conjunct consonant,as in yajñair1. 19. Such similarities of symbols are probably to be attributed to the faulty local pronunciations. The form oi pa occasionally approaches that of va; cf. gunin-āpi 1.5, the second pā in pāp-avatārair= 1. 18, pāyinaḥ 1. 24 and parivāritaḥ 1. 29. The guttural nasal is used instead of an anusvära before sa as in the early Gupta records, cf. ushn-ansatēja[b] for ushn-ärsutēja[6] 1.21, prabhās-onsubhiḥ for prabhās-āṁsubhiḥ 1. 2, prānbur= for prāṁbut= 1.3, vans-ětha for vamt-atha 1. 14. It is still traceable in the pronunciation of the Oriyas. The doubling of consonants after r except in the case of sibilants and the aspirate ha is common; cf. manēr-ddigdha[b] 1 2, - patir-namahēbha-1. 17, -avatārairunnitāṁ(tā)- 1. 18, äkarshatya- 1. 23, irshayā l. 29, yath-arhan (m) 1. 50. The exceptions however are: prān(m) sur-mahebha- and Sambhör-jatā[!] (L. 3), patir=gariyāṁ (n) (1. 12), -durlaliti(t-ā)sidhārā(rah) and kālēyair-bhūta- (1. 17), -ākhilārēr=marud=iva and dayālur=narapatir= (1. 21), etc. N is thrice wrongly replaced by an anusvāra marked on the preceding letter ; cf. prāptavāṁ for prāptavān (. 26), lav(b)dh-onnatin for lav(b)dh-onnatin (1. 30), asmim for asmin (1. 47, and thrice n takes the place of an anusvāra ; cf. chitran for chitran (1. 26), saruvan for sarvuar (1. 36) and yath=ūrhan for gath-ārham (L. 50). Of the initial vowels the text contains a, a, i, u, è and . In the Buguda plates a and å are denoted by one and the same sign. In this record, we have a different sign for the length of ā, which is denoted by a cup-like addition on the proper left of the letter; cf.a ia II. 24, 47, 51 and 53 with à in IL 10 and 39. The initial i occurs in II. 1, 12, 14, 16, 25 and 27; & in l. 30 and o in l. 52. The initial u is found in L. 65. For medial u we have two signs: the ordinary one, viz., a rounded curve to the reader's left; cf. tantubbir. L 1, pantu l. 3, prabhuḥ 1. 9, -kumbhaL 17, -tungād 1. 22, turaga- 1. 44, etc.; and the perpendicular downward line with a straight small stroke to the left; cf. pluti L. 3, v (6) āhuḥ l. 4, mumuda(e) L. 13, -patuna L. 20, etc. Simi. larly, u is denoted by two signs, the first consisting of two rounded strokes, one to the right and the other to the left ; cf. svayambhur api (1. 8), bhūmi- (1. 12) and bhuta- (1. 17), the other consisting of a downward horizontal stroke ending in a loop to the left as in the case of the Talēsvara copper-plates; cf. sūnu) (11. 12 and 27), ripun- (1. 30), vidhūta(na)na (l. 38) 1 Vide also No. 3 of the Appendix A to the same Roport. Ante Vol. XIII, plates facing page 114 and 115. Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 266 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. and pujayati (1. 50). The division of verges in the text is not made in all the necessary places. In some cases as in 1 25 the engraver has marked the first half of a verse by a cursive stroke, which is also used along with two perpendicular strokes to indicate the end of a verse in several cases, as in l. 15. The language is Sanskrit. Out of the first 11 verses in the Buguda grant of Madhavavarman, 9 are found in this record. The inscription opens with a verse invoking the protection of the plaited hair of Siva. This is followed by the genealogy of the dynasty which starts with Pulindasõna as in the Buguda and Pärikud plates. The construction of the first half of verse 5 of the Buguda plates, which comes as 4th in this record, was not clear to Kielhorn, evidently on account of the wrong text "Silāsakal-o lbhide." The reading in this grant and in the Pärikud plates clears up the point. Here the text reads " bila-bakal-oibhadi ” which is to be construed with prabhuh in l. 8. The purport of the verse in question is that Brahman created a ruler named Sailodbhava 'who split as under parts of a rock and was the founder of a dynasty'. The truth underlying this statement appears to be that the dynasty flourished originally in rocky regions. The record next mentions Rapabhita, who was born in the lineage of Sailodbhava and who frightened many a time the wives of his enemies,' (as their husbands were sure to be killed in battles that were to be fought). To him was born Sainyabbita, the king at whose successes, won by the strength of the impenetrable row of elephants in many a battle, the earth rejoiced (v. 8). In his family was born Yaśobhita, who was also a great warrior. His son was the benevolent ruler Sainyabhita (Madhavavarman II of the Buguda grant), who was a 'lotus to the bees, viz., the eyes of charming women.' From him was descended Yasobhitadēva (II), whose surname was Madhyamarājadēva (v. 11). His son was the king Dharmmarāja, who was proficient in all the sciences and whose character was unblemished. King Madhava, having obtained the kingdom by force and not being recognized (as a monarch), formed the evil intention of expelling from his province his elder relations, but was defeated in battle at Phāsika by Dharmmarāja. Thereafter he resorted for help to king Strivara but was again defeated by him at the foot of the Vindhyas (v. 15). Dharmmarāja's surname was Mānabhita (v. 16). He was pre-eminently & scholar and was, therefore, known as “sakala-éāstra-vigeshavēdi," i.e., one who had a critical knowledge of all the sciences. He is said to have spent his time in discussing religious matters in the assemblies of Brahmans. The possible identification of Madhyamarāja with Yasõbhita II on the analogy of Dr. Hultzsch's suggestion (which was accepted by Kielhorn) that Sainyabhita was probably a surname of Madhavavarman, was proposed by Mr. R. D. Banerji in his article on the Pārikud plates, though in his opinion the exact relationship of Madhyamarāja with a former king was a matter of doubt. Still, on the analogy of the Buguda plates, it may be presumed that Yasõbhita was the surname of Madhyamarajadēva. The prose portion of the inscription records a grant of half of the village of Kondodda in the district of Khiddingahára to Bhatta Gonadēva-svāmin, an agnihotrin, who belonged to the Kausika-gotra and the Vājasanēya-charana, and whose Pravaras were O(Au)dalavat, Dēvarāts and Viśvāmitra. I would ascribe the Buguda plates to the beginning of the 9th century A.D. although Kielhurn wanted to relegate them to the 10th century.. According to Mr. R. D. Banerji, the Pārikud plates of Madhyamarājadēva, the father of the grantor of the plates under examination, are dated in the Harsha era. The late Mr. Venkoba Rao Ante Vol. III, pp. 43-44. Above, Vol. VI, p. 144 1 Verse 5. *Above Vol. XI, p. 283. Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 46.] KONDEDDA GRANT OF DHARMARAJA. 267 thought that they were dated in the Vikrama era. But I would side with the lato Mr. V. Venkayya in taking the numerical symbol as standing for the regnal year and read it as 10 or rather 30. The month can be made out with tolerable certainty but the actual tithi or date is a matter of considerable doubt though the traces of the symbol favour the reading 8. I am unable to identify the localities mentioned in the record. Kongoda has already been identified by Kielhorn with Kong-u-t'o (Kong-yu-t'o) of Hiuen-Tsiang." TEXT.. First Plate. 1 पो खस्ति- [1] इन्दोऊतमृणालतन्तुभिरिव शिष्टाः करैः कोम(ब)हा. हरणो ] । 2 तस्फुरत्फतिमधि : (धा:)प्रभासाहु (सांस)भिः ] पार्वत्थासकचनहव्यति करव्याहत्तव(ब)3 धनया गाम्भःभुतिभिवभस्मकणिका[:] शम्भोर्जटा[:] पान्तु वः [१॥*] पा (मास)महिमकर 4 [पीवरचारुव(बा):.] कृष्णाश्मसंचयविभेदविद्यालय क्षा[:] राजीवकोमल दलाय. 6 [नलोचनान्त:] ख्यातः कलिङ्गजनतासु पुखिन्दसेनः [२॥] तेनेत्यंगुणि नापि सत्व. 8 [म]हता नेष्टं भुषो मण्डलं सतो यः परिपालनाय जगतः को नाम स स्यादिति [1] 7 प्रत्यादिष्टविभु(भू)त्सवेन भगवानाराधितः शाश्वतस्तचित्तानुगुणं विधित्म8 रदिशहान्छा स्वयम्भूरपि [२] स मिलायकलो दो तेमाप्यालोक्य धो9 मता [0] परिकल्पितसह() प्रभुः शैलोद्भवः क्त: ॥[४ ॥"] शैलोजवस्य 10 कुलजोर[ण]भीत पासोोनासवलतभियां विषदानाना-[*] ज्योत्स्नाप्रवो(बो)11 धसमये बधियैव सार्धमाकम्यितो नयनपानखेषु चन्द्रः ॥[५॥*] तस्वाभव13 हि(ख)धपाशसमय सुता:"] श्रीमन्यभीत इति भूमिपविगंगयां(यान) [1] यं प्राप्य 18 Kielhorn's remarks above, Vol. VI, p. 136. ? From ink_impressions. • Expressed by & symbol. The visarga is superfluous. The second verse in the Prikud plates praising king Madhavendra is omitted in this record. •The roading in the Buguda platos of Madhsvavatmman (Ep. Ind., Vol. III, p. 43) is feature Kielborn correoved intoशिवारबी . For the interpretation of this reading sed p.287, above, , which Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 18 मे (ने) कमतनाग 'घटा विघट्टलब्ध (म्य) प्रसाद विजयं सुमुद (३) धरिची ॥[41] तवापि 14 बजे (वंशे)थ यथार्थनामा जातो यशोभीत इति चितीशः [*] येन प्ररूढोपि 15 शुभैचरित्र्मृष्ट कलङ[ : *] कलिदर्पणस्य ~ ॥[७*] जातोय तस्य तनयः Second Plate; First Side. 16 []ती समस्त सीमन्तिनीनयनषदपुण्डरीकः [*] श्रोसेन्यभोत इति भूमिप 17 तिम्म () हेमकुम्भ स्थलो दलनदुर्ब लिती (ता) सिधारा (रः) n[< n*] काले यैर्भूम धाचीपति[-] 18 भि[रूप]चितानेकपा पावतारे बता (ता) येषां कथापि प्रलयमभिमत [T"] की. 19 [f]मान्तैरजस्त्रं [1] यथेस्तेरश्वमेधप्रस्वतिमिरमरासम्मितास्तु प्रमुख20 सुमारातिपचचयतिपटुना श्रीनिवासेन येन [1] तोतयातापिता21 रर्मरुदिव जनमास्त्रदृष्या यांच) तेजा [:"] (शु) रोमानी दयालुर्नर22 तिरयशोभीतदेवस्तनूजः [] मातङ्गान्योतितुङ्गा (न्य इलमदमुचकर्षत्यखिन: कर्षव्यखियः पुनरपि तयते 23 वारुवक्त्रां (ज्ञान्) प्रचण्डां (ण्डान् ) यत[:] [ स प्र ] - 24 गरुमः ॥ १० ॥] व (ब) ध्वा व (ब)ध्या केचिच्छेलगुहोदरेषु चिच्छेलगु होदरेषु नियता घूमावलीपायिनः अन्धे वायुफला 25 म्बु (म्बु) भक्षनिरता [: *] केचिन्निराहारका [:1 *] इत्थं योगजुषो विहाय वसतिं ध्यायन्ति [दिव्यं] 26 पदं चित्तन्म (चं म) ध्यमराज देवगुणष्टद्राज्येपि तत्प्राप्तवां (वान् ) ॥ [ ११ ॥ * ] तस्याभवत्सकल [था] 27 विशेष धर्मराज इति सूनुरधीतशास्त्र [1] सस्यातिनिर्मलय [मः ] 28 परिवईमान (नं) पादा हरिवनमा (भ) श्रि (शिव) तमार्चि (चि) लोक्या[:] ~ ॥[१२॥*] निराश्रयः प्रयब्रेन 29 गुणेः स परिवारितः [*] वैमुख्यादोर्षया चैव: (व) सव्र्व्वदोषैर्व्विवर्जित[][१०] 1. From the plates published above, Vol. VII, p. 100f, the reading 'नाम' appears to be certain. The reading रি° instead (ante, III, p. 44, 1. 9) would look to be unjustifiable as also the one घटा which is only - इट्ट... [The plate reads narapatirayabobhita, thus showing that the name was Ayasobhita (=one afraid of ill fame) and not Yaśōbhita (= afraid of fame ). In the Pārikud plates also the reading in l. 15 can very well be Ayasabhitae. In line 21, too, scanning shows that one letter is left out between narapati and yafo and that letter is ru.-Ed.] • The Pärikud plates give योगयुगी which has been corrected into योगयुजी. 4 The Pārikud plates read द्राव्यपितप्राप्त बा. Mr. Banerji's correction into पितुः is not warranted. The inten(el reading appears to be ° द्रावयेपि तमाप्तवान्, which is given in our plates. The idea conveyed by the opression seems to be that while others meditated upon it by practising austerities, Madhyamaraja got the दिव्यपद in his own kingdom. Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ KONDEDDA GRANT OF DHARMARAJA. 1960 बालविकास कामात 23 Anार: पाक: बस याद हालियन HI18निलिव- 'महातार 40 फरादाराबरतलबबहादत काम14 Haviकरवत पाइसजाना 6 .कुराटानहरातबारदE6 पिन नगवावातलमा 8 .RTIC/11 शाइन018 तर:मशरखताटा 10 -10 सावरकनावरयाला 10 POKSAGER'नरनिराहालयाला 12124NTS रातिमा सवार RANTUMCHUSNEटाईटिरामारतालाप 1424T0सटकाचा14 BREAKIN तरानानटानसरियामाहाकी कुशव 16 उसीशनरीतिरिवती REE वाटर प सारा 18 10 रसमलाकरयाचा टालिन मानव बसवरावकमाल 20 रनर राय सुगरकारटा LMH या गटार, 71 22 RISTICS जातिवाचन परि टालराव 10 PANDER 74वटा पुलावर नः महात EN) सदा रसायबररावदादाता 26117 (7319 हर राह चलाएक्ल हाकवताना 47 सरलतालले 28: ' ल लगायरामाभिमान 28 alala/EGGREA T सतत .HIRANANDA SASTRI. SOALE SEVEN-EIGHTHS. SURVEY OF INDTA, CALCUTTA. Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 34 36 32: INTENT 32 कृব 38 40 42 44 50 iib. 52 एक विवि रा 58 46 যবজ कुযযছালগ্রীবং 48 वंचकर করएक दर र ষথেকযকवृী34 शঝएवं थ द ध खरेदी मोटी मोटा মককথকধইजীমজীत विधित 36 97138 iiia. " বণजुিन विनं अवयव प्रतिद्धि सेना 8 देवींना अवবप्राय অए नृलट/40 कुरा विदि वह मृरुवाणि प्रतिदिन है। मानवतসনড়ाরসক" हमला যयति । Aৱশ" কনএ, nat CHINA जुए के 30 Che 42 बকজम 44 গষ 48 ককন। এলাহকJNU मारि, बेसीक एवं विহ শহর50 অমর क 46 रियককটइंग्रযঃअहि कृषिका यह 52 মএ। সकर शिव सम 54 का हल // 56 ক: कायल 56 ন54 58 Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 46.] KONDEDDA GRANT OF DHARMARAJA. 269 Second Plate ; Second Side. 30 काले हन्ति रिपूमहारणशतव्यापारलब्धो(म्बो)बती:(न्) काले स(भ)क्तिमुपैति शुभम(ध). 81 चवि(रि) तैः सभीः कथाविस्तरैः [1] काले धर्मविवेचनाय निरतो बा(बा) अस्थमध्ये 32 स्थितः क्रोधारेरिव यस्य चेष्टितमलं लोकः(कैः) समालोक्यते -[१४ ॥*] राज्यं लब्धा(लब्वा)व. 38 दर्णादविणततया माधवो ज्येष्ठभावां(वान्) देशादस्मादपास्तु क्वतविषममति34 विग्रहे फासिकायां [0] युझे क्षोभण भम्नो नृपतिप(व)रमसौ संश्रु(वि) त[:] खीवराय () 35 पश्चात्तेनापि साई पुनरपि विजितो विध्यपादेषु जीर्ण: [१५] शौर्य बोय[व]38 में राज्यमेकैकं मदकारकं [1"] सर्वन्(व) श्रीमानभीतस्य निर्विकारसुपस्थि87 त[म"] [१५] तुरगखुराभिघातविदलहरणीतलज जयगजकर्णचाम38 रविधूत (न)मविस्फुरितं [*] सुभटफरप्रसर्पणनिरुद्ध ककुब्ग(ग)गन व(ब)39 लरज एवं यस्य जयति हिषतां ध्वजिनी [१७॥*] पारथ प्रसभं घटा गजगणैरचो. 40 यपादासकैः जित्वात्या(न्या)ब(ब)सथालिनो तृपवरानागत्य दृष्टभुवं [*] युद्धे भीमप41 रामेण विजिता निहत्पद प्रापिताः दृश्यन्ते भवमानणे प्रतिदिनं प्रातः 42 प्रणामार्थिन[:]-[१८॥"] विजयसौम्यपुरषासकाच्छोलोजवकुलतिलको 43 महामखवाजपेयाश्वमेधावस्थस्नामनिवर्तितसूनीस्तनयो व(ब)वि. 4 धमत्तवारणवरतुरगपदातिशतसंपातसंकुलो व(ब)हाहव Third Plate ; First Side. 46 विनिहतमरनेकविधमानान्तसकलभूमण्डलप्रथितयश(या)चानुहन्ति[:] 48 संपामादसवत()लव(ब)प्रताप[:"] परममाहेश्वरी मातापितृपाद[*]नुध्यात[:.] श्रीध47 श्रराजदेवः कुचलो । पस्मि(स्मिन्) कोडोदमण्डले श्रीसामन्तमहा. सामन्तम. 48 ारावराण[]नकराजपुत्तान्तरादाण्डनायकदापडपाधिकोपरिक[स्तधिनि. Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 270 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. 49 युक्तकव्यवहारि[ग]: सकरणानन्यांच वा(ब्रा)अण पुरोगादिवैषयिकजन50 पदान्यथाईम्पू(पू)जयनि मानयत्याज्ञापयति च विदितमस्तु भवता(ता) खि51 हिमहारविषयसम्ब(म्ब)कोण्डे ग्रामाऊयं प्रकरोक्त्य 62 [कौशिकसगोचाय वाजसनेयचरणाय प्रौदलवदेवरात53 विश्वामित्र(च)प्रवराय पग्निहोत्तो(चौ)भगोणदेवस्वामिने मातापित्तोपत्मनय 54 पुण्याभिषये सलिलधारापुरमरणाचन्द्रार्क कासमुपभुज्ञानस्य ध. 53 गौरवान केनचिहिधात वर्तितव्यमिति ॥ उताच धर्मशास्त्र [1] व(ब) हुभिवं. 56 सुधा दत्ता राजभिः सगरादिभिः [1] यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस तस्य सदा फ57 ल [१८] स्वदत्ता परदत्ता म्वा(वा) यो हरत वसुन्धरा स्वविष्ठायां लमिभूत्वा पिवभि[:] | 58 सर पचते [२०॥*] मा भूदफलमा वः परदत्तेति पार्थिवा[:] स्वदाना रफलमा59 [नम्त्यं] परदत्तानुपालन] [२१ ॥"] दूतकोचाधिवतचरम्पदेव (वो) लिखितं Third Plate ; Second Side. 60 [म..] दामोदरेण ला [छित]. [टापल.. 61 उत्कोपर्ण..] स्थविराबनेति [1] सम्ब(ब)त् ३० वैशाख शु [८] [] ABRIDGED TRANSLATION. LI. 26-42. His (Madhyamarājadēva's) son was the illustrious Dharmmarája, who studied all the tāstras and who comprehended their characteristic differences, and whose very untarnished and increasing fame removed human sufferings as do the feet of Hari (Vishnu). He was possessed of excellent qualities and was free from all failings. At times he would kill foes who had risen to prominence in battle-fields and go into raptures over the tales of Siva's radiant deeds; or he would devote himself to religious deliberations with Brahmans. His exploits were like those of the enemy of Kraulicha (i.e. Kārttikéya). King Madhava, having obtained the kingdom by force, was defeated at Phäsikā for having formed the evil intention of driving away from the country his elderly relations. This king (Madhava) then resorted for help to Strivara, the king's enemy; but being later on foiled even when accompanied by him, fell at the foot of the Vindhyas. Though bravery, prosperity, youth and sovereignty are ever singly sufficient to cause perturbation, yet all of them came to the illustrious king Mānabhita without producing marifiy appear to have been subordinate officers appointed by the above-mentioned higher oficials for transacting actual business as compared with supervising. Something like दत्त: यथा may be supplied after पाचन्द्रार्क-Ed.] * The portion is much damaged. , however, appears to bo protty certain. Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ KONDEDDA GRANT OF DHARMARAJA. iiib. 60 Page #353 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 47.] THE ADDANKI STONE INSCRIPTION OF PANDARANGA. any change in him. The dust raised by his army alone conquers the bannered host of his foes-the dust which rises from the earth beaten at the trampling of the hooves of the horses, which is enlarged by the movement of the chowries in the form of the ears of successful elephants and screens the heaven and the quarters by the spreading caused by the shields of his great warriors. Having forcibly arrayed the troops with the multitudes of elephants, horsemen, and foot soldiers, he vanquished the rival kings. Others who were conquered by him, and who displayed formidable prowess in the battle-field, were brought to the place of bliss, by his coming within their sight and were seen every morning in the courtyard of his palace ready to pay him their respects. 271 Ll. 42-61. From his victorious camp located at Saumyapura the glorious Dharmmarājadeva, the jewel of the Sailōdbhava family, the son of one who had his body purified by the ablutions taken after the celebration of the Mahamukha, the Vajapeya and the Asvamëdha sacrifice, who had a collection of proud elephants, excellent horses, and weapons of foot-soldiers of different kinds, who vanquished enemies in a number of battles, who is famous all over the world for his heroic actions, who is very liberal, who won laurels in many a battle, who is a great worshipper of Maheśvara (Siva), who meditates on the feet of his parents, in this province, called Kōngōda, honours, commands and worships, as is befitting, the illustrious feudatory princes, great feudatory princes, great kings, royal personages, princes, superintendents over magistrates, police officers, and subordinate officers, appointed by them such as karanas and local persons, such as Brahmans and citizens:-" "Let it be known to you that in order to increase religious merit of our parents and ourselves, this half of the village, called Kōpdēḍda, included in the district of Khiḍḍingahāra rendered tax-free, has been bestowed with the libations of water on Bhatta Gōpadēvasvamin of the Kausika-götra, Vājasaneya-charana, and of the Audalavat(ha), Devarata and Visvamitra pravaras, who maintains the sacrificial fire. While he is in the enjoyment of it, so long as the moon and the sun endure, no body should obstruct him, out of regard for religious merit. It has been laid down in the Code of Law: (Here follow the three of the usual benedictory and imprecatory verses.) The executive officer of this document is Charampadeva who is in charge (of such duties). This charter is written by Damodara. It is sealed by Tapala" and engraved by Sthavira Vriddha. (Dated) the 8th day of the bright fortnight of Vaisakha of the 30th (regnal) year." No. 47. THE ADDANKI STONE INSCRIPTION OF PANDARANGA. BY THE LATE K. V. LAKSHMANA RAO, M.A., MADRAS. This inscription was first published with an indistinct plate in the Nellore Inscriptions by Messrs. Butterworth and Venugopaul Chetty. It was not then thought that it contained any Mr. R. D. Banerji in the Parikud plates, Ep. Ind., Vol. XI, p. 286, 1, 38, reads. But here the reading is clearly. In the Pärikud plates, too, I would read. 3 qafa must be construed with Brahmans. magistrates. -police officers. : correspond to kulkarnis of the Deccan. The words following ZT excepting ., are not clear to me. The symbol which I take as 30 may stand for 10, but not for 800. The king's reign was perhaps some. what longer than an ordinary one. Vol. II, p. 896. Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 272 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. verse. While I was studying ancient Telugu inscriptions for an article on Telugu Philology to be published in my Telugu Encyclopædia, it arrested my attention and I made a special study of it and came to the conclusion that the lines 3-7 contained a Telugu verse in the Taruroja metre. I published my results in Telugu in my presidential address at the Fifth Session of the Telugu Research Society, Chitrāda (Godavari Dist.). I requested the Assistant Arctæological Superintendent for Epigraphy, Madras, to supply me with a fresh estampage of this and some other inscriptions, which I suspected contained Telugu verses of the period of Pandaranga and am now editing this inscription from the estampage kindly supplied to me by him. This inscription is engraved on a stone now lying in a field at Addan ki in the Ongole Tāluks of the Guntur district. The stone is broken at the top to the extent of three or four lines and also slightly at the bottom. As it is, all the letters of the first line are damaged, except the lower halves of the last two letters, which may be read as pura. The second line also is similarly mutilated except the last four letters which seem to form the last portion of a verse that must have preceded the extant one. The alphabets are of the Eastern Chalukyan type of the time of Gunaga-Vijayaditya III to which the record belongs. There seem to have been two types of characters which were then current. One is found in the Masulipatam plates of this king and another in his Uruvuţūru grant. The first may be termed the round band and the second square or angular band. In this inscription which is in round hand, the upper portion of the consonant ka and the mark for the secondary u when added to k, are somewhat cursive, as compared with the same letters in the copper-plate grants of this king. There is a difference between the secondary form of e as seen in this inscription and the one seen in the Bezwada pillar inscription. In the latter, we find that the secondary sign of e is marked generally over the main letter and goes up from left to right like a tail, while in this Inscription it is always placed at the left side of the main letter and is a small curved line with a downward bend. The letters a and à are written almost alike in this record. The forms of the letters ka, ba, ma, ya and ra are more archaic, and the secondary symbols for a, ai, o and 8 are shorter and less ornamental here than in the Yadhamalla inscription. The subscript r which is not common is employed in this inscription in olvandrendu (1. 6) as in the Bezwada record, in gondru (1. 14). In one instance is employed wrongly for ( in vudlu (1. 10) for vutlu. The letter * is used indifferently in many cases where we should expect n:e.g., banchina (1. 5), goņi (1. 6), b=ana (1. 7) and Kandukur (1. 8). In two places $ is replaced by s : in Mākēsvarundu (1.9) and asvamedha (1. 11). This last feature is very common in Kannada inscriptions. The symbol representing the Dravidian sound ! is found in 1. 6. This sound was represented by the same symbol in ancient Kannada also. The existence of this sound in early Telugu was first revealed by the Yuddhamalla inscription.' The language is Telugu. The first eight lines (except the broken ones) are in verse and the remaining lines are in prose. The language, being that of the ninth century A.D., is a little archaic, and the meanings of certain obsolete words are to be inferred from cognate words in other languages. In orthography it resembles the Bezwada pillar inscription of Yuddhamalla. Anusvāra is used in several places. In some, it has the value of the modern Telugu ardhānusvāra (e.y., prabhun- 1. 4); in others, it serves as the class nasal (e.g., garuvamb-appaga !. 31. and koftambu 1. 6). For purposes of metre it has to he elided in some places in this inscription just as in 1 Above, Vol. V, p. 122. *C. P. No. 3 of 1912-13 : Eee also Journal of the Telugu Academy, Vol. I. p. 140. Above, Vol. XV, p. 150. Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 47.] THE ADDANKI STONE INSCRIPTION OF PANDARANGA. 273 the Bezwada inscription. The absence of forms ending in mu or mmu and the frequent use of mbu instead would show that in early periods the latter was the only form adopted and that the former two are later developments of it. Scansion would require the elision of the basic l in golelchiya (1, 6), cf. goragalga in 1. 10 of the Yuddhamalla inscription. The metre Taruvoja1 in which the verse is written is a group of eight Dvipadas, whose two feet form one pada of it. The verse is transcribed below according to the modern Telugu orthography, showing the four feet separately; the präsa (rhyming) letters are underlined and the places of yati (caesura) are shown by asterisk and the ardhanusvära is represented by a semi-circle . This long metre did not find much favour with the Telugu poets. On the other hand, the Dripada metre is a very popular one. 1 Pattambu (gattina prathamambu nemḍu* balagarvvam-oppaga (*bai lechi sena2 Pattambu gaṭṭimchi* prabhu (Bandaramgu* bhanchina samamta paḍu vasō bōya 3 Kottamul pamḍremḍu goni Vēmgi-nāmți (* go[le]lchi ya Tribhuvanam* kusabana nilpi 4 Kattepudurgaṁbu gadu bayal chesi Kamdukur-Bbejavāda gavimche mechchi Pandaranga was the minister of Gupaga-Vijayaditya III of the Eastern Chalukya line. In almost every grant of Vijayaditya the name of Panḍaranga is found as the executor (ajfapti). This king ruled from A.D. 844 to 888. We are told in this inscription that Pandaranga was made the commander-in-chief of the army in the first year of the king's coronation. The date of the inscription therefore can safely be put as A.D. 844-5. Pandaranga took twelve kottams of the Boyas, established the flags (or sovereignty) of the kings of Vengi-näpdu, and laid bare the fort of Katte (Kattepu-durgamu). He was a Parama Mahesvara (great worshipper of Siva) and gave certain lands to the Aditya-Bhaṭāra (Sun-god) at Dammavuram. This inscription is very important to the students of Telugu literature, as it furnishes a positive evidence of the existence of Telugu poetry in the middle of the 9th century A.D. The oldest Telugu work now extant is the Mahabharata of Nannaya-Bhatta, the Poet Laureate in the court of the Eastern Chalukya Rajaraja I (A.D. 1022-1063) of Rajahmundry. It was, therefore, believed by many Telugu scholars that the beginnings of the Telugu poetry could not go But the Bezwada pillar to a period earlier than the eleventh century of the Christian era. inscription of Yuddhamalla took it a century back. The present inscription takes it a century further still. Of the places mentioned in this inscription Dammavurarhbu (11. 10-11) is the village of Dharmavaram which is not far off from Addanki and where two more stone inscriptions" of Panḍaranga are to be noticed. The reading Kandukur-Bejavaḍa' in 1. 8 is doubtful. But at Kandukur we have a stone inscription of Pandaranga, containing a Telugu verse in Sisa metre. Pandaranga claims to have conquered twelve kottams of the Boyas. Kottam is-an ancient geographical and administrative division, generally met with in Tamil inscriptions. It was bigger than the nadu and smaller than the mandalam. We have Koṭṭām-sima in the Godavari district, 1 Brown's Grammer of the Telugu Language, Book XI. Nellore Inscriptions, Vol. II, Ongole Nos. 39 and 40. I believe these two inseriptions are also in verse. Ibid., Vol. 11, p. 544. Kandukur Nos. 31 and 32, It is a matter for regret that the original stone of this inscription which was removed to the taluk office from Ramaswami-meda in Kandukur town by Mr. Venugopal Chetty is now missing. 3 L Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 274 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. which is almost identical with Tuni Zamindari. Boya is a hunter caste. These people are otherwise called Bēḍars. In the Gazetteer of the Anantapur district we find it stated that "the Bōyas are the old fighting caste of this part of the country, whose exploits are so often recounted in historical works. The Poligär's forces and Haider Ali's famous troops were largely recruited from these people and they still retain a keen interest in sport and manly exercises." Their colonies are mainly found in the Ceded Districts, especially in Kurnool, Anantapur and Bellary districts. We may therefore suppose that the Boya kottams, which Pandaranga claims to have conquered, belonged to the Kurnool district. Pandaranga seems to have come to Addanki from that quarter. It is not known where Kattepu-durgam is situated1 but might have been one of the forts in the Nallamalai Hills near Srisailam. The meaning of golelchiya' (1. 6) is not clear. We find the pure Dravidian letter in it. Gol means a mountain' in Kanarese. Elayu in Telugu means to reach'. Therefore golelchi may mean having reached the tops of the mountains or hill forts'. Ya may be connected with the next word. Yatribhuvanankusabana would mean the (famous) arrow known as Tribhuvanänkuśa (the goad that subdues the three worlds)'. If this interpretation is correct, it would lead to the conclusion that Pandaranga had to win back many hill-forts in the Vengi country from some foreign kings (perhaps the Rashtrakutas). We then come to the reading Kandukur-Bbejavāda in 1. 8 of which I am not sure. The other probable alternative reading would be Kandu-kubbajavada(dha). We shall have to change the reading of the next two words as gaviñohi vachchi, to make the meaning complete by connecting several words. The whole can then be translated as 'having arrived after killing those who were proud and were longing to fight'. Kandu literally means itch' and figuratively a desire to quarrel'. Kobbagu means a proud man' in Kanarese. Adlu in 1. 10 may mean 'paddy' as does the current vaḍlu. As the gift mentioned in the inscription was given to Aditya-Bhațăra or the Sun-God there must have been a Sun temple at Dharmavaram at that time. At Arsavalli, Chicacole Taluka, Ganjam district, there is a temple of that deity which has an inscription of Saka-Samvat 1068.2 TEXT.' [pura] [pu di bhüpalakundu [*] 2 3 Paṭṭambu gaṭṭina prathamambu neņḍu bala-garvvamb-o 4 ppaga bailechi sena [*] paṭṭambu gaṭṭiñchi prabhum 5 Bandaraṁgu ba[nchi]na samatta"-padu Va[so] Boya 6 koṭṭambul-vandrendu goni Vemginanți golelchi ya 7 Tribhuvanaṁkusa bana nilpi [1] Kattepudu[r]ggambu gadu 1 [This has been suggested to be identical with Kathe varam in the Tenali taluk. Guntur District: See Madras Epigraphical Report for 1923, p. 97.-Ed.] 2 No. 387 of 1896. From the estampage supplied to me by the Madras Epigraphy Office. The anusvara is generally placed above the letter next to the one to which it refers. The reading is doubtful. Of the compound syllable the first consonant is certainly and consequently we should expect the second consonant from the fa varga. But it looks like cha more than any other letter, though the combination achi is a mistake. • Read Samanta. Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ADDANKI STONE INSCRIPTION OF PANDARANGA. " તે રી- ઇને દે છે કે, હ, Ea). " તે કટકા HIRANANDA BASTRI. 8CALE ONE FIFTH. SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #359 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 48.) A NOTE ON THE ADDANKI INSCRIPTION OF PANDARANGA. 275 8 bayal-sēsi Kandukur-Bbejav[ā]da gāviñche mechcbi [lll® ] 9 Pandaramgu parama-Mahēsvarundu' Aditya-baţärani10 kl ichchina bh[u]mi enubodi vudlu adlu Pattu nela Da11 mmavuram buna dammuvulu vini rakshinchinav[a]riki as v8. 12 mēdambuna palamb[u] agu [11*! TRANSLATION. (Line 1.). . . . . pura (L. 2.) The king . . . . . . . . (Verse 1.) In the first year after coronation, (the king) being proud of his army (or strength) and elated (thereby), having anointed (i.e. appointed) Paņdaramga, the Samanta, to the command of the army and sent (him), he (i.e. Pandaranga) captured twelve kottāms belonging to one Vago)-Boya. He reached (i.e. ascended and captured) the hill-top (i.e. forts on the top of the hill) of Vēmgi-nându and planted the goad of Tribhuvanäkuga (there). He exposed fully i.e. made bare after conquest) the fort of Katte. He liked and praised Kandukur and Bejavāda. (Lines 9-12.) Pandaranga who was the best of the Māhēśvaras (i.e. the worshippers of Mahēsvara or Siva) gave to the god) Aditya-Bhatára, land sowable with eighty candies of paddy. This is a charity at Dammavuram. Those who protect these charities will acquire guch merit (as is obtained) by (performing) the Asvamēdha (sacrifice). No. 48.-A NOTE ON THE ADDANKI INSCRIPTION OF PANDARANGA. BY J. RAMAYYA PANTULU, B.A., B.L. I am obliged to Dr. Hirananda Sastri for the opportunity of making a few remarks on this inscription which is so valuable from the point of view of the history of the Telugu language and literature. For the sake of convenience, I propose to group my remarks under the following headings, viz., 1. reading, 2. characters, 3. orthography, 4. grammar, 5. vocabulary and 6. inter pretation. Reading. The reading garvamboppaga (lines 3 and 4) is correct as it is, but to make it grammatically correct, we must insert an anusvāra both before and after the final ga. The reading banchina (line 5) makes good sense, but I am afraid it has to be rejected on orthographical grounds. The combination rich is not merely a "mistake" (foot-note 4), but it is unknown to the author (or the engraver) of the inscription, for it is always fi, i.e., the last letter in the ch varga which is used in the inscription in conjunction with ch as it should be. The second consonant of the syllable under consideration must, therefore, be sought for in the varga but I am not certain what it should be. There is a Telugu verb pannu which becomes pannu in Kanarese and Tamil and it means to prepare' or 'make ready '-as an army-which is not a quite unsuitable meaning. Or is it possible that there was once the verb pantu in Telugu which meant the same thing as pañchu, ie., The roading is again doubtful. If we read Kandukur B baja vida, there comes the unnatural combination of sodd(net 4)This we shall have to copsider to be the mistake of the writer. Repha is not very clear. Its existence is conjectural. · Road Makivarundu. • Read dupla . Read alue 312 Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 276 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. to order' or 'depute'? The final syllable in line 6 must be read as yā with a long a. Here yā stands for the remote demonstrative pronoun a that' and goes with tribhuvanāmkuta. The reading bāna after tribhuvanāmkusa (line 7) is incorrect. The exact reading is bana which, I think, should be corrected into mbuna, the syllable na being a favourite mistake with the author for na. The expression would then read as tribhuvanāmkusambuna, meaning "with the tribhuvanāṁkusa". Orthography. The use of the sign of anusvāra is an interesting feature of the Telugu inscriptions. In Telugu proper, there is no anusvära strictly so called. It always stands for and has the phonetic value of the final nasal consonant of the varga to which the succeeding consonant belongs. Originally the nasals themselves were written in all cases. At a later stage, the bindu (dot or circle) W&B substituted for the nasal consonant, and was placed exactly where the consonant originally stood. viz., on the top of the succeeding consonant. Later on, its position was shifted slightly to the left in the same line and later still, it was brought down to a place exactly between the preceding and subsequent consonants. This last is its present position. Owing, perhaps, to this position, the anusvāra is now regarded as forming part of the preceding consonant and not that of the succeeding one. In the Yuddhamalla inscription, the anusara generally occupies the second of the positions described above, while in the present inscription, it generally occupies the first position, thereby showing that the present inscription is older than the Bezwada one. The intermediate position is also met with in the present inscription (as in Pandaranga in line 9) but it is rare. In Vēnginanti (line 6) the anusvāra is to the right of gi but this is evidently due to a slip of hand on the part of the engraver. Grammar. Prathamambunēndu (line 3) is a compound of prathamambu and endu. The augment n as the connecting link between these two words is unusual and not in accordance with the accepted rules of grammar! Ašvamēdhambuna phalambu.-The augment na in cases like this is met with frequently in the writings of Nannaya-Bhatta and rarely in subsequent writers. The present inscription, like many other old inscriptions, shows that the grammatical rule that k, ch, t, t and p coming after a kala in sandhi became g, i, d, d and respectively, was originally held to be compulsory (nityam) while it is only optional (vaikalpikam) now. Vocabulary. Paduva : means army and is cognate with the Tamil padai (?) and the Kanarese pade. It has gone out of use in Telugu as a separate word but lingers in such derivatives as padarālu and padavalamu. Go!alchi. The exact meaning of this word is not clear but it cannot certainly bear the mean. ing attributed to it by Mr. Lakshmana Rao. It seems to be used in the sense of having con quered ' or 'having captured'. Adlu. I do not think this word means 'paddy'. I rather think that it is the older form of ally which is another name of ärikalu, a kind of inferior grain. Interpretation. I am afraid I must differ from Mr. Lakshmana Rao in one or two respects in the interpretation of the verse portion of the inscription consisting of lines 2 to 8. My interpretation is as follows : The king, in the first year of coronation, being proud of his strength and elated (thereby), baving appointed (anointed) Pandaramgu to the command of the army and deputed him, he ( [Such sandhi consonants are known to Pāli and Prükşit also-Ed.] [See also Ep. Rep. for 1923, pp. 97 ff.Ed.] Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 49.) BHATERA COPPER-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF GOVINDA-KESAVADEVA. 277 Pandaragu) having, with the help of the) tributary army, captured the twelve Böys principal. ities, having (also) wrested Vēmgi-nându and kept it by means of the Tribhuvanāmkusa (weapon), (and) having utterly demolished the fort of Kattembu, (he) admired and made (?) Kandukur and Bejavāda. The concluding passage referring to Kandukur and Bejavida is unintelligible. The verb kärinche (ga is due to sandhi) literally means caused to become'. The passage may mean that Pandaraṁgu caused Kandukur and Bejavāda to exist, i.e., built them or that he caused Kandukur to become Bejavāda, neither of which interpretation is quite satisfactory. Is it possible that kävifche is used in the sense of käche, i.e., saved', in which case, the passage would mean that having destroyed the Kattepu Fort, Pandaramgu spared Kandukur and Bejaväda because he admired them? No. 49.-THE BHATERA COPPER-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF GOVINDA-KESAVADEVA (C. 1049 A.D.). BY PROF. DR. K. M. GUPTA, SYLHET, Assam. This plate along, with another, was discovered in a mound called Itertillah in the village of Bhäțără, about 20 miles from Sylhet. Mr. Luttman-Johnson, the Deputy Commissioner of Sylhet, in 1880, sent facsimiles of these plates to Dr. Rajendralal Mitra, who published his reading of the texts along with his translations in the Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, August 1880, pp. 141-151. They are now in the possession of Mr. Umesh Chandra Chaudhury who very kindly lent the above-named document to me for examination. It has apparently suffered from fire, and as a result of it, one of its corners is damaged and some of the letters incised there have become mutilated. While examining the insoription, I found that Dr. Mitra had read and interpreted some of its portions wrongly, and it is on this account, especially, that I am re-editing it here. The plate bearing this inscription measures 121 by 11' and except for the damage by fire just mentioned, is in a good state of preservation. There is no seal attached to it. It has 56 lines in all, of which 27 are written on the first and the rest on the second side. Lines 1 to 29 are written in Sanskrit. Of the rest, lines 29 to 51 are couched in local Bengali dialect and the remainder probably in Kuki. The characters are well cut and belong to about the 11th century A.D, and are generally like those used in the Gaya Krishna-Dvärikā temple inscription of the reign of Nayapāladēva,' the Tarpandighi grant of Lakshmaņasēna and the Tippers inscription of Ranavankamalla." Some of the compound letters in the present record are different from those of the Tarpandighi grant and the Tippera inscription. Sri' is like that given in Nayapāla dēva's inscription, ku' is like that of the 19th century A.D., as given in Table V, Col. XVIII, No. 44 of Bühler's Indian Palxography. The numerals used in the plate, however, seem to be earlier than those of the flth century A.D. It may be noted here that the scribbled letters at the end of the reverse side of the plate, which presumably contains the date, do not resemble any of the letters in the main body of the document. There are a few letters which are recognisable as da, pa, va and la. Of these da and pa are of a later type. The numerals, however, mostly look like those of the plate. Ganda-tha-mala. Ep. Ind., Vol. XII, p. 8. 4riatic Rearche, VoL IX, 1807 (P. 402); Cap. Ind., Vol. V, App., No. 366.-Ed.) Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 278 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. The inscription under examination tells us that the principality of Srihatta was very prosperous under the rule of a king whose name was probably Kharavana and who had Gökuladēva for his son. The latter had Narayana as his son. From him came Govinda-Kōsavadēva, who was a great conqueror. This prince made a donation of 296 houses and 375 halas of land herein specified to god Siva in Bhaṭṭapaṭaka or Bhatapaḍā (modern Bhāṭērā). He also appointed different persons from subject races to attend on this God. Then follows a long description. At the end of the imprecatory verses in the document the date, which consists of 13 letters or rather groups of letters, seems to have been scribbled. Rajendralal Mitra read it as 'Pandava-kulādipälävda 4328'=1245 A.D. But I do not think he was right. In the 10th group of letters I find four numerals, namely, 4, 1, 5, 1. For 5 cf. Ojha's Prachina Bharatiyalipimälä (plate LXXVI), which represents a 5 of the 11th to the 12th century A.D. I read the eleventh letter as 'je', the 12th as 'ta' and the 13th as 9. If this reading be correct then the date of the inscription would fall in 1049 A.D., which is found by deducting 3102 B.C. (the beginning of the Kali era) from 4151. If we assign, on the average, 25 years to each reign and treat the date 1049 A.D. as the middle of Govinda-Kesavadeva's reign, then the time of the founder of the line falls roughly about 1000 A.D. With regard to the name Kharavana (or Naragirvväņa) it is doubtful if this at all represents a name, first because it is not consistent with the naming of his successors and secondly because the second Bhatera inscription omits it. I believe the name of the founder of the kingdom of Srihaṭṭa is purposely kept in a semi-mythical garb, as is too common in the genealogies of ancient Indian kings. He was probably a military leader only, as may be surmised from an epithet like kharavanaḥ, and came of the Lunar dynasty of kings of Tippera or Cachar. The greatest of the line, as it appears from both the inscriptions, was GovindaKesavadeva who seems to have been a versatile genius. The identification of some of the placenames goes to prove that Govinda-Kesavadeva's rule extended over at least the modern parganas of Bhāṭērā, Vanabhaga, Baramchal, Langla, Ita, Chuallis, Maurapur, Tengra, Tarap, Kaudiya, etc., in Sylhet; and probably some portions of Hill Tippera and Cachar also. Many of the place-names given in the inscription have still been retained though some of them are slightly altered; e.g. Badagama (line 30) is modern Badagão (Po. Bhāṭerā). Mahurāpura (30) is modern Maurapura, near Fenchuganj. Iṭākhālā (30) is modern Itäkhală near Bhāṭērā. Badapancala (30-31) is modern Baramchal or Brahmachal (Ry. station). Amatali (31) is modern Amtail (pargana Langla). Kätäkhala (31): there is a river of this name in the Hailakandi sub-division (Cachar); there is also a Railway station (A. B. R.) of this name. Simhajara (31) is modern Simrajur (par. Bhāṭērā). Bhaskara or Bhasara-tengari (31 & 37) is evidently a village in Tengra mouja. Gudavayi (31) is modern Guḍābhai, Akhalikula (32) is probably modern Akhäilkul in par. Chuallis. It may also refer to a piece of land on the river named Akhaligang in par. Ita. Parākoņā (32) is modern Barakona (Po. Bhāṭērā). 1. See P. A. 8. B., August 1880, p. 143. Ibid., pp. 152-153. 3 [The original and the transcript give Simhaura.-Ed.] Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 49.] BHATERA COPPER-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF GOVINDA-KESAVADEVA. 279 Välüsīgāma (33) is modern Bäusīgāma in par. Tarap. Sughara (33) is modern Sughara in par. Tarap. Navahați (33) is modern Noahāți. Kadaḍiya (34) is modern Kaudiya (pargana). It may also refer to Kaḍaiya in par. Ita. Varuņi (34) is modern Varupi in par. Banabhaga (near P. S. Biswanath). It may also refer to Varunagrama in par. Chuallis. Sarama (35) is modern Surma river on which Sylhet is situated. Kaliyani may be modern Käläin river near Kanihați on the border of Hill Tippera. Phōmpātipā (36) may be a place within Hill Tippers. Salachapada (38) may be modern Salchapra (Ry. station, A. B. R., in Cachar district). Sagara (38) probably refers to the famous Hākāluki Häor. It should be noted that the word hãor' is a corrupt form of Sagar or sayara (lit. sea). Dhamayi (39) or Dhama-nadi (42) now goes by the name Dhamai. Chengachchhudi (41) is modern Cheñchhadi in par. Baramchal. There is also a place of this name in par. Langla. Vasudevasasane is probably modern Vasudevapur. Jadigang (43) is modern Juḍigäng which flows by the Ry. station Juri (A. B. R.). Põhāniya (44) is probably the village of this name in par. Chuallis. Bōbachaḍā (44) is the modern streamlet of this name near Bhāṭērā. Kararagama (43-44) is modern Karergram (par. Langla). The hala measurement of land still prevails in Sylhet : 3 krāntis=1 kaḍā 4 kaḍās=1 ganda 20 gandas=1 pana 4 panas=1 rēkhā 4 rekhas 1 jashthi 7 jashthis=1 poā 4 poās=1 kēdāra or keyāra 12 kēdāras or keyäras 1 hala or häla =about 10 bighas =about 34 acres. 375 halas would thus be about 3,9374 bighas or about 1,312 acres of land. Although in verse 19 the land granted is stated to be 375 halas with 296 houses, the totals of the figures actually given in the descriptive portion under the two heads are respectively about 451 (excluding 20 kēdāras) vila; and about 423. But I am not sure if these figures have not been manipulated. TEXT.1 [Metres:-Vv. 1, 8, 9 and 10, Sarddulavikridita; v. 2, Pushpitāgrā; vv. 3, 4, 11 and 18, Āryā; v. 5, Upajati; v. 16, Upendravajra; vv. 6, 7 and 15, Vasantatilaka; vv. 12 and 17, Vamsasthavila; v. 13, Prithvi; v. 14, Sragdhara; vv. 19, 20, 21 and 22, Anushṭubh.] Obverse. 1 'Om namah Sivaya || Yaḥ kartta bhuvana-trayasya tanubhir-viśvam prithivy-dibhir yaay-dah dhriyat dhriyatē ya Iévara iti khyātō 2 bhavan-n-a[paraḥ | yaḥ samjña-trayam-ēka ēva bhajati traigunya-bhod-asritō Vrahm-Opendra-Mahēévar-eti jagatam-iśāya ta Edited from the original. At the very beginning of the text there appear to be two strekes, one of which is dear. Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 280 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 3 smai namah || [1*] Tripurahara-sirah-kirītaratnam Smara-yuvatēr-abhishēka-raupya. kumbhah [*] kusuma-visikha-bāna-bana-chakram 4 jayati niba-tilakas-tushära-rõchiḥ il [2*) Varsē='sys bhumipatayaḥ katitē nishpára-paurushfa] jātāḥ [1] yêshãm yasa[h*). . 5 prasastir-bhuvi Bhāratasamhit-aiv=isti || [3] Atha viśruta-prabhāvaḥ prabhavah? Sțiharājya-Kamalāyāḥ samajani na[ra]-girvvā6 naḥ Kharavāṇaḥ kshmabhujām srēshthaḥ || [4*] Tasy=ā[t*]majo rāja-pitāmaho bhūte mahipatir-Gokuladāvanāmā| Yasya prata7 p-ärkarucho-pichistra] disanty-ari-kshmä-pati-jādya-mudram || [5] Tasmād amanda-bhuja-mandara-mathyamāna-pratya[r*]thi-pārthiva8 samudra-samuddhrita-srih [*] Nārāyapo='jani mahipatir-anvakári yệna sphata B& bhagavāna Brita-nandakēna! [68] Tasmad-asi9 ma-guņa-gaurava-gita-kirttir-bhūpāla-mauli-maņi-mandita-pāda-pīthaḥ | sriman kshi tindra-tilako ripu-rāja10 gõpi-Govinda ity=ajani Kēšavadēva ēshah || [7*] Yaḥ sim=ādbhuta-paurushasya yabasām dhāma sriyām-asrayo vidya11 nām vasati[r=*]nayasya nilayo dhămnin-tad-ēkāspadam tyāgasy=āyatanam vilāsa-bhavanam vācha) kalánā[m] nidhiḥ 1 12 saujanyasya nikētanam vijayatē mūrtto guṇānām ganah || [8] Dôr. daņdēna samuddhfita-kshitibhțită Samrakshya go-manda13 lan sad-vşindāvanam=ādarēņa'vidadhan-nachchhanna-Kams-otsavama srimat Këbavadēva ēsha niyatam chakré-vasisha[m*] rusha ya14 tr-aika Sikupālam=apy-ari-kulē kshript-āri-chakronpipa|| [9*] Kpitvā gēna bhuj-aujasă vasumatim=ēk-atapatrām-i15 mām löke-sminn-abhilashyatē vajayiny=8n-any-adhikara-sthithim pânih kalpa tarāḥ pade dinaksitaḥ krityē 16 pratāpē yasaḥ sitām or=vishayē nyadhāyi bhujagadhīs-ādhikarē bhujah || [10*] Yasmina o sāsati nikhilämä17 di-mahīpāla-dīkshaya kshāņim [l*) bruti-patha-larghana-mahasa-säsit11 kanta-dri sām=ēva || [11*] Ayam suhrich-chakra18 mudaṁ vibhāvayan prasādhit-āśaḥ karavāla-lilaya [l*] sudūram-utsärita-rāja mandalo rarāja pūrvv-āvanibhfit19 siromaņih || [12*) Karoti dhavalam jagat vinayatēæri-pa[dm)-3dgamam tanoti kumudam yasaḥ Badpisam-asya cha20 ndr-ājvalami sitam kim-astha) rañjakam-bhramad-anāratam kim sthiran sa-käranamzidanacha Sat-kim=iva nityam-ity-adbhu1 Road the following word as Srihaffarajyao. Dr. Mitra read it as stachchha-rajya. [The use of the vowel ri for the consonant ri is noteworthy.--Ed.] * Read bhän mahr. • Compare line 5 of the 2nd Bhấtera plate, P. A. 8. B., 1880, p. 153. The name may also be read as Kongas * Read ophufath or sphufah. Dr. Mitra read it as wayan • [Danda not needed. -Ed.] . Read otsava mh. io Read yasmin. 1 Read bhpich-chhinto 14 Road ranijaka bhrao. Read bhagavan * Read vidadhad-achchhannao. . Read vijayind ndanyadhikdra-sthitik 11 Read laghana-sahasam-asik 10 Read ojjvalam. Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 49.) BHATERA COPPER-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF GOVINDA-KESAVADEVA, 281 21 tam ! [13*] Bashpair-urvvipatinärh yad-ayam-anumito märchchhit8 yada ripūņām kflälair-yat-tanoti dvishad-avani-bhujath 2 jádyam-archchir-vitānaiḥ käshthänām yad-vyatītya prakaram-upayayāv=ambaram lelihānastēn-Aécharyy-sika-sisal jayati nara28 pataḥ koupi tējah-ksikānuḥ || [14*) Kshopsbhujā gagapad=āhava-sangatēna tēn-Onnata-dvayam-anā[mi] guna-dvayena [1] eko24 (na) kārmmukam-asima-ma[ha]h-prakarsha-gamyēna vairi-nivaha) sahasā-parë na || [16) Mahlbhujā-jiyata chandrabása-karēna tē28 [1-6]*mita-vikramēna [1] vilanghit-andka-payodhinmēyarh svěn-évať kritsnā. yalasă dharitrl || [16] Ath-isti Kailasa-ni26 (vása)-nishprihaḥ kṣit-avatārð bhuvi Bhattapätake | an-adi-rūpå jagad-adir-apy ayad-tri-loka-nātho bhaga27 [våna Vate]"svara [17*] Saki-sekharāya tasmai pripa-Sēkhata-ratnavisphurach-charanah | pradadau nāna grāmē nikhila-nfipa . Reverse. 28 grå[ma]n[r=#sha] || [18*] Adhikam pañcha-baptatya bhū-halānāṁ sata trayam | sata-dvayan-cha vāținăth shappavaty: sa[ma]nvitam || [19*] [Na][nā]" 29 parijanáms-tasmau janajätin-anēkabaḥ [* prādāt Spibatta-nātho=yam Sivāya biva-kir[tta ]naḥ || [20*) Bhätapadādevaranvē bhū30 hala 35 | Vai 110 Vadagamë bhū-bala 1910. Mahurāpuri văţi 1 Itākha läka bhū-hala 7 vāţi 6 Dagigām-Ottarë bhü-hala 1 Vara31 pañchala hala o vâţi 4 Amataliko hala 711 Simhauris vāți i Bha sanātāngārikaus bhükēn. 6 Gudāvayikê văţi 2 Kätarha[leju 32 bhfal-hala 2 Akhalikule bhū-[ha]la 7 Parākoņāka våţii Pithāpinagarāt. Bhūz hala 17 vāți 4 Venüvagāmě vāți 2 Podāti33 thak-amritakaraat sambala 2 våţi 11 Kaivāmå hala 8 văţi 1 Välū=sigāme hala 6 Navahāți-paschimě hala 2 Sughard hals 6 vá34 ţi 1 Bhothilahātāksi bhä-hals 6 vāți 9 Kadadiya-dakshiņā Goauya-pürvva Govát-ottare Var[u]pi-paschimē Read nando. 1 Read oma. * Now lost in the original plato, bat clearly shown in Dr. Mitra'n monimio * Read mdundina ..Read bhagandist. Now lost in the original plate, but seen in Dr. Mitra's facsimile. 7 Read tasmai. . Dr. Mitra reed it a nd thaya. [Read érthattao. See footnote 1 on p. 281-Ed.) Dt. Mitra read it as dansaint. The reading rooms to be dona(ba)ndh. -Ed.] 10 The lower part of the figure 1 is effaced and 13 may be read 2. 1. May also be road na 2. 14 May be read Situlajari uina in Bhasara looks liko na'. The word is probably, Badeland (100 L. 37) Read bebidana » Road Kapache. * May also be road as pithdyinagaro. * . mi may also be mod sprit. The word is probably Amritshara w Band Bhe-hala. » De. Mitra roada sathinahatill. Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. nady-uttare 35 Bhu-hala 19 Sarama-nadi-dakshine bhu-hala 5 vāji 3 tatha bhu-hala 35 vati 12 tatha nady-uttare Nati36 [ra]mbha-pürvvē vati i tatha nady-uttare Ghata-bhu-paschime Garvvarabhu-dakshine bhu-hala 7 Kaliyani-nady-uttare Phōmphani 37 ya-pūrvvě bhu-hala 9 || vati 7 tatha nadi-dakshine Kharasönti-pürvvě Bhaskaratengari-paschime bhu-hala 45 văți 91 38 Jagapāntare Natapana-grama-dvaye bhu-hala 5 vati 20 Salachapadakē Mutikathi-pürvvē sagara-pasohime bhu 39 hala 10 Kaliyani-nadi-dakshin-öttare bhi-hala 9 Dhimayi-nad-dakahig yaţi 10 Bhōgäubhüvǎi bhu-hala 40 [da]ttare bhu-hala 4 väţi 4 Nathöéasana-paschime Hatta-var-öttare Bhü-hala 7 văți 10 Satakōpa-dakshinē vadasō 282 41 purbhe văţi hala 10 Chengachchudike bhu-hala 2 văți 1 Adinakathikē 9 bhūkė 4 Ganganapāvikė vati 9 Meghāparā 42 ka vāți 1 bhuke 6 Parsivo-pürvvē Athavi-uttare Nadakuṭīgāmē vāţi 9 tathāgāmē Dhama-na bhu-bala 90 văţi 12 Gopathasy-öttar Jadi 43 [dly-uttare vati 9 bhuke 4 Gōsuyakhata-pürvvē ganga-dakshinē Vanangajötti-paschime Karaga44 mara hala 5 Pōhāniya Akhaliṭṭaḍāke bhu-hala babala 10 Vasudevasasana-purē bhu-hala 5 Vōvātuḍā-dakshi 45 pē Jögävaniya-uttarë vati 1 Bhaṭaphadakē Kadakādi-vara-griha 10 tathake Amritākādi-göpa-griha 1. Kasya-Govinda-griha 1 Vad 46 [tathak-öttare 5 pākāditë agāmē göpa gribā1 1 47 nākādivara-griha 7 Joga-uttara nidhisarasuyate" griha 9 Bhatapada Hayekhala Nikunjagaṭṭākādi-griha 7 48 Bhatapaḍā. Varapanchala Itäkhälätidivakarākādinātā1griha 6 Bhatapada [si] miväkādi go-grihal 5 Bhata 49 paḍāni napita-Govinda-griha 1 rajaka-Sirupa-griha 1 Vōvachhada-nicham14 50 tathāni 5 Narah [D÷gvimä]și-pākādi-griba Bhatapaḍā 51 di-hattiya-griha dantavara täpipäkädi-griha 5 griha 5 tathākē tathadagké rupă pofttharapakādi-griba Niva[ra]-pākā. Dr. Mitra read Vätisastapurvvě. * Dr. Mitra read Sarvvabhi. Dr. Mitra reads jagayantarë, May be read as purvva. A colloquial Bengali word meaning 'there'. At first 7 was written and then cancelled. 3 Pithapinagar Dyötylnavikākādi-griha Rajariga-griha [1]1 1' ma' in Sarama may be read as fa' or 'ga', hat there is a river named Surma, which is probably a later transformation of Sarama. [But the original reads Sasaki-Ed.] [Possibly -hradduwattar-Ed.} 10 Griha can also be read as gada. 11 °dhisara may also be read as nimära. 1 Tidiväkara may also be read as nidiväkara, and mätä" as "mänä". "Read gōpagriha, 14 Bend, with May also be read as Vajariga. 17 Now lost in the original plate, but clearly shown in the facsimile. Bead dowtra Vå 2 Head pav Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 49.) BHATERA COPPER-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF GOVINDA-KESAVADEVA, 283 ASSESSE 52 köshpi hudukā mahāsāchūho kosh pisuchhuņi kõshpilökritām chhagðbhāṁ harishpaţtotapatré ápit pi [thūyal 63 Sāpiyārē bhālarkādadayanākādayaḥ pradattah # V(B)abubhitzVasudha datta rå jabhih Sagar-adibhir-yasya (yasya]" 54 yasya yadā bhūmisetasya tasyar-tadās phalam | [31*) Sva-dattan para-dattām và y barēta vasundharām [1] da vishthāyānh kipimir bhūstvā pi). 56 tạibhiḥ saha pachyatē ! [22] Pāndavakaladipil-5-v(b)da 4151 jēga 97 TRANSLATION. Om. Salutation to Siva ! V. 1. Salutation to that Lord of the Universe who is the Maker of the three realms, by whose body (represented by) the earth and other elements, this universe is held, who alone is called the Supreme Being and who alone holds, on account of the difference in the three qualities (namely, sattra, rajas, and tamas), the three names-Brahma, Upendra and Mahēšvara. . V. 2. (May) be be vietorious—the crown-jewel on the head of the Destroyer of Tripura, the silver-pitcher (used) in the bath of the youthful wife of Cupid, the circular whet-stone for sharpening the arrows of the god with flowery arrows (i.e., Cupid), the ornament of the night, the coolrayed (i.e., the Moon). V. 3. In his (Moon's) well-known dynasty were born those kings of limitless prowess whose record of fame exists in the Maha)bhārata. V. 4. Now, was born the greatly renowned Kharavāna, (?) A god among men, the cause of the existence of Lakshmi (lit. Prosperity) of the kingdom of Srlhatta, the best among the rulers of the earth. V. 5. His son, king of the name of Gokuladēva, was the grandfather of the present) king. It is indeed strange that his prowess (which is) like the rays of the Sun, imposed Inactivity on the kings among his enemies. V. 6. Unto him was born king Nārāyaṇa who raised the goddess of Fortune from the ocean of hostile kings violently stirred by his arms (which were) like the Mandara (mountain), just like Křishna-Nārāyana who obtained Lakshmi as a result of the churning of the ocean with the Mandars, mountain ; by whom the god (Nārāyana) was verily imitated owing to his pleasing the people (nandaka) or owing to his taking help of Nandaka (minister or general in the case of king Nārāyaṇa, and the sword named Nandaka in the case of Krishna-Nārāyana). 1 Dr. Mitra reads: ködyi huhuko mahäsähudho ködyi sahuna ködyino krität vudhobhath havishaffodya patra teie na pithūya. ? Now lost in the original plate, but clearly shown the facsimile. * Dr. Mitra reads: apiyāche bhala da daya akadayah pradattah. • To be found indistinctly in the facsimile. Portion ofya' survived in the original plato. One yaaya to redundant. * Read tasya ladi. • Indistinctly occurs in the facsimile: I have doubta, regarding the roading of the date which-OOPALACE of 12 letter or group of letters: (Soe introductory remacka.) • Rati is conceived of as having her bath in the beautiful raya of the Moon, which accounts for her beanty. • The fact that the second Bhätora insoription referred to in the introduction does not mation th namo Kharavi to significant. The verae may, nefer to an unnamed king who was in addition to those qualities sharp in throwing arrows (lchararanab). Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 284 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, (VOL. XIX V. 7. Unto him was born this Kobavadöva alias the Ripurāja-Gõpi-G8vindawhose fame is sung (on account of his unlimited virtue and glory, whose foot stool is decorated with the crown-jewels of kings, (who *&) illustrious and prominent among kings, V. 8. who (is) the limit of wonderful prowess, the abode of fame and the refuge of riches, the abode (of all loinde) of knowledge, the shelter of diplomacy, the only famous dwelling place of glory, the abode of liberality, the pleasure-house of eloquence, the ocean of cultural sciences, the seat of goodness and the group of virtues incarnate--may he be victorious ! V. 9. He, by preserving the earth with that force of arms which defeated kings.' protected with kindness the good people openly (achchhan nakan) and with festivities (sotsavam), just like Krishna who gave with kindness the festival of the destruction of Kamsa (uchchhinnakansOtsavam") to the good people of Vrindāvana. Also (this) king Kēšavadēva, who with anger destroyed the circle of (his) enemies surely left one (alone, namely,) the protector of a child, to remain (with life) from among the race of (his) opponents (just like Krishna) who by being angry killed Sisupāla. V. 10. Bringing the earth under one umbrella by the valour of arms this conquering (king), (as if), desiring that in this earth there should not be any control of any other thing), placed the palm of his hands in the place of the Wishing Tree, his prowess in that of the Sun, his reputation in that of the Moon and his arms in that of the duty of the king of snakes (i.e., in bearing the weight of the earth). V. 11. While he rules the earth with the vow in virtuous principles) of the first kings of the earth, the daring attempt to transgress the Sruti (meaning the Vēda and the ear) was found only in the eyes of women. V. 12. Having caused pleasure in the circle of friendly kings, having illuminated all the directions by the skilful swaying of his sword, and having expelled the circle of (inimical) kings at a distance, he shone forth as the crest-jewel of the Eastern mountain (i.e., the Sun), thereby producing gaiety among the delighted chakravāka (birds), illuminating the directions by the play of the rays and by driving apart the urb of the Moon or the circle of enemies. V. 13. His reputation, bright as the Moon, illuminates the world, hampers the growth of enemies (just as moonlight does the growth of lotus) and causes the lily of joy of the world (lowmuda) to spread. It is white (i.e., spotless) and at the same time pleasing, it is ceaselessly moving about though fixed, it is eternal though it is the effect of some cause. It is indeed wonderful ! V. 14. His amazing, fire-like prowess whose existence is inferred by the tears of the rulers of the earth (ordinary fire is however indicated by smoke and not water); which is increased by the blood of enemies (ordinary fire is however extinguished by watery substance like blood); by the diffusion of whose rays the inactivity of the hostile kings is increased (ordinary fire however removes inactivity), whose power (as if) to lick it repeatedly reaches the sky after surpassing all the directions (ordinary fire is however extinguished as soon as it over-reaches a pile of wood) - may it be victorious ! V. 15. By that ruler of the earth engaged in warfares, two great things were bent simultaneously by (reason of his) two gunas-by one guna (i.e., the string) the bow was bent, and by the other guna, which is guessed by his limitless great prowess, the host of enemies. Ripurijs-G8pl-Govinda sema to have been a biruda of Kobavadēva. Compare Il. 8 and 9 of the soepnd Bhuri copper-ptate inscription (P. A. 8. B., 1880, p. 153). It seems to refer to Krishna's lifting the Govardhana hill.-Ed.] [See ,7 on p. 283 above. -Ed.) [But the text gives achchhanna,-Ed.) Purvapanibhrit suggpata that he was a king of the eastern countries, Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 49.] BHATERA COPPER-PLATE INSCRIPTION OF GOVINDA-KESAVADEVA. 295 V. 16. By that ruler of the earth, with a sword in hand, of unparalleled valour, with an army of elephant-riders, was the whole of the earth conquered just as (it was conquered) by his fame which like the rays of the laughing Moon crossed many seas in long strides. V. 17. Now, this lord Vatesvara, who, though having no beginning (for himself) is (yet) the beginning of the universe and is the lord of the three realms, has come into this world at Bhattapaṭaka (ie., Bhatapada or Bhatera) as an incarnation and is living here, having given up the desire to live at Kailasa. Vv. 18 and 19. The leader of the kings (of this world), whose feet are decorated with the crown-jewels of kings, gave 300 and 75 (i.e., 375) halas of land with two hundred and ninety-six houses in various villages to that moon-crowned (god Siva). V. 20. This worshipper of Siva (siva-kirttana), the lord of Srihaṭṭa, gave to that Šiva different kinds of attendants belonging to (subject) races. Lines 29-51. 35 halas of land in Deva-forest (?) in Bhatapada, as well as 110 houses. 13 halas in Vaḍagama. One house in Mahurapura. 7 halas in Iṭākhālā, as well as 6 houses. One hala in the north of Dēgigāma. 5 halus as well as 4 houses in Varapañchala. 7 houses in Amatali. One house in Simhajara. 6 kēdāras of land in Bhasanāṭēngārika. 2 houses in Gudavayika. 2 halas in Käṭakhala. 7 halas in Akhalikula. One house in Parākoņāka. 17 halas and 4 houses in Pithapinagara. 2 houses in Vênuvagrāma. 2 halas and 11 houses belonging to Amritakara of Pōṭātithāka. 8 halas and 1 house in Kaivama. 5 halas in Välüsīgāma. 2 halas in the west of Navahați. 5 halas and 1 house in Sughara. 5 halas and 9 houses in Bhōtilahātika. 19 halas (lying) to the south of Kadaḍiya to the east of Gôsuya, to the north of Göväta (lit. a pasture ground) and to the north of Varuņi. 5 halas and 3 houses (lying) to the south of the Sarama1 river. 35 halas and 12 houses (lying) to the north of that river. 1 house (lying) to the north of that river and to the east of Naṭirambha. 7 halas (lying to) the north of that river, west of Ghaṭabhu and south of Garvarabhu. 9 halas and 7 houses (lying to) the north of the river Kaliyāņi and east of Phomphatipa. 45 halas and 91 houses (lying to) the south of that river, east of Kharasōnti and west of Bhaskaratêngari. 5 halas and 20 houses in the two villages of Jagayantara and Naṭapānā. 10 halas in Salachāpaḍāka, and to the east of Mutikathi and to the west of Sagara. 9 halas lying north and south of the river Kaliyani. 6 halas and 10 houses (lying) south of the river Vämäyi. 4 halas and 4 houses in the north of Bhōgäu and Bhuvai. 7 halas and 10 houses in the east of Nathōsasana and north of Haṭṭavara. 10 halas south of Sataköpa and east of Vadaso. 2 halas and 1 house in Chengachchhudika. 4 bhu-kēdāras and 9 houses in Aḍānakathika. 9 houses in Manganapävika. 1 house and 6 bhu-kēdāras in Meghāparaka. 90 halas and 12 houses in the east of Pamsivo and north of Athāvi. 9 houses in Naḍakuțigama. 9 houses and 4 bhu-kēdāras in the same village in the north of the river Dhama. 5 halas in Karagama, east of Gōsuyakhätä, north of Göpatha (lit. a track for cattle to pass), south of Jaḍigang and west of Vanangajōṭṭi. 10 halas in Põhāniya in Akhaliṭṭadaka (Akhalikule ?). 5 halas in the east of Vasudevasasana. One house (lying in) the south of Bōbachhaḍā and north of Jōgavaniya. In Bhatapaḍā 10 outside houses belonging to Kēdāka and others. 1 house belonging to Amritaka and other Gopas. 5 houses to the north of that: 5 houses as kitchens. 1 house belonging to Käsya-Govinda (lit. Govinda, the bell-metal worker). In Vadagrāma 1 house of Gopa and 7 outside houses with kitchen etc. belonging to Arupa. In my own (village) Garasuya, north of Bhoga, 9 houses. In Bhatapaḍā-Iṭākhālā 7 houses belonging to Nikuñjabhaṭṭa and others. In Bhaṭapada, Varapañchala, Iṭāhālā etc. 6 houses belong 1 [See footnote 1 on p. 283 above.-Ed.] Varagrina. This word is probably the same as the modern colloquial Väravaḍi. Kasya may imply either kasyakira bell-metal worker' or Käáyapa-götra, i.e., ' of the line of Kasyapa, the sage'. Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 286 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX SIDA ing to the mother of Tidivākara and others. In Bhātapadă 5 cow-sheds belonging to Simivāks and others. In Bhātapadá 1 house belonging to washerman Sirupā. 5 houses including kitchen and pasture lower down Bobāchhadā. 5 houses including kitchen there belonging to Dottharēţta (?). In Navahăți kitchen and other houses (belonging to) Dēgvimāți 2. In Bhātapada kitchen, shop-houses etc. (belonging to) Nivāra 3. In Pithāpinagara 2 houses (belonging to) Dyõjyē the boatman (navikā) and others. In Simhajara village 1 house (belonging to) Rajavigā the ivory-worker.1 L. 52. The language of a portion is not known) ......... have been given. Verses 21-22 : (the well-known imprecatory verses). The date : Jyaishtha 9, 4151, the era of the first of the Pandavas. No. 50.-A NOTE ON THE VAPPAGHOSHAVATA GRANT OF JAYANAGA. By R. D. BANERJI, M.A. The vishaya of Udumbara mentioned in the grant of Jayanaga recently published in this Journal is better known than is supposed by Dr. L. D. Barnett or Dr. Suniti Kumar Chatterjee. Audumbara existed as the name of a division of Bengal and elsewhere in India up to at least the end of the sixteenth century. It is mentioned as a Sarkar of the şübah of Bengal in the A'in-i-Akbari. Blochmann read the name correctly as Audumbar, but unfortunately he did not live to translate the second volume of the A'in, and Jarrett, who took up the work, was not sufficiently acquainted with the topography of Bengal to recognise the difference between Udner and Audambar. Consequently in the translation published by the Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1891 the name is given as "Sarkar of Udner commonly known as Tanda.". Blochmann read the name correctly as Audambar and included it in the Sarkārs to the south of the Ganges and the west of the Bhāgirathi. Among the Mahalls mentioned as being included in Sarkār Audamhar in the A'in there are at least two which bear the same name in early British Revenue Papers ; e.g., Akmahal and Kunwarpartab. The name of Akmahal was subsequently changed into Rajmahal, and it is now a parganah of the Sonthal Parganas District. Kunwarpartāb is really Kumārapratāpa, and bears this name even now. It is a parganah in the northern part of the Murshidabad district. There cannot be any doubt therefore that portions of Sarkar Audambar lay to the south of the Ganges and to the west of the Bhāgirathi. I have proved before that (ven up to the time of Akbar ancient or pre-Muhammadan names of Revenue Divisione con tinued unchanged. Rāmavati, the new capital built by Rāmapāla after the supression of the Kaivartta revolt in Northern Bengal,' continued to be & Mahall or Sarkar Jannatābād or Lakhnauti. Writing of the Revenue Divisions of Bengal in the reign of Akbar, Blochmann says, "Sarkar Audambar or Tandah, comprising the greater portions of Birbhum. The name Audambar occurs also in other parts of India, e.g., in Kachh." After the publication of Blochmann's paper 1 A'in-i-Akbari. Eng. Trans. Calonulta, 1891, Vol. II, p. 129. The translator failed to notice Bloehmann's important contributions to the history and geography of Bengal. 2 Memoirs, 4. S. R., Vol. V, p. 14. • A'in-s-Akbari, Eng. Trans. Vol. II, 1891, p. 131. * Journal, A. S. B., Vol. XLII, 1873, part I, p. 217. Audumbar was also the name of a vishaya in the mandala of Kilelijara and bhukti of Kanyakubja in the time of the Gurjars-Pratihärs Emperor Bhoja 1; See bie Barah plates of v.s. 893-Ante, Vol. XIX. pp. 15-19. Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 61.] JURA PRASASTI OF KRISHNA III. 287 Cunningham, in the fifteenth volume of his report, spells the name correctly as Audamber. I cannot understand how Jarrett came to read it as Udner, unless his Maula wis mistook and w for and is. As the name of an ancient Revenue Division of Bengal is known to have been Audumbat or Audambar in the sixteenth century, there cannot be any reason to suppose that the name of the Vishaya in Jayanāga's grant, which is also the same, was situated in the Delta of Bengal near modern Ranaghat, where no such Revenue Divisions can be proved to have existed. The term Garginikā is the diminutive of Gangini. Gåm and Gängina are common terms in Western Bengal for a dried up river bed or a small river. The name Ganglnikă was equally common in Northern Bengal; cf. Khalimpur plate of Dharmapāla 11. 31-32, paschimēna Ganginikā; 1-38-Asya ch-ottarėna Ganginika-simā; II. 39-40 Brötikavd Ganginikäri pravishta; ll. 40-41 Uttarēna Ganginikā. No. 51.-JURA PRASASTI OF KRISHNA III. By N. LAKSHMINARAYAN RAO, M.A., OOTACAMUND. This inscription was discovered by Mr. R. D. Banerji, M.A., in 1921. It is incised on a stone slab which, Mr. Banerji says, is being used as a lintel in a modern bungalow erected inside an old fort in the village of Jura which is a hamlet some twelve miles away from the Maihat railway station on the G. I. P. railway line. A brief notice of its contents has already appeared in the Annual Report of the Archwological Survey of India for 1921-22.8 I edit it below from the impressions sent by Mr. Banerji in 1922 and kindly placed at my disposal by the Government Epigraphist for India. The writing comprises 87 lines covering a space of 9 inches by 4 feet and is generally well preserved except in lines 3-13. The language of the record is Hale-Kannada, lines 1-13 and 33-37 being written in prose and lines 17-33 in verse and the kanda metre. The use of the word nodire as an interjection meaning "behold " is noteworthy. Only one more instance of the use of this interjection is known to me, viz., in verse 11 of the Sogal Inscription. The characters Ate Kanarese referable to the 10th century A.D. The size of the letters varies from about 11" to about 1". The vowel u subscript is denoted in three different ways, e.g., see (1) by ru in marula I. 4, (2) by du in sóladu 1. 26, and (3) by dhu in vadhu, 1.28. The è sign is formed sometimes by a superscript mark, as in më of paramēsvara, I. 2, and sometimes by a mark on the left of the letter, as in be of berinde 1. 19. No distinction is made between e and & when they are combined with consonants. The sign for the vowel as which occurs only once in Kāmai, 1. 34, is worth notice. In respect of orthography, we may note (1) the correct use of the archaic I in bista (11. 20-21), Chola (1. 20) and ifd (i. 32); (2) the doubling of consonants after r as in variteyarkkal (1. 11); and (3) the wrong use of for & as in pracanti (l. 36). The inscription is a panegyric of Paramabhattaraka, Paramebvara, ért-Prithvioallabha, Maharajadhiraja, Kanparadēva. In the prose passage, with which the record opens, this king is introduced with the birudas of nallara-maralam, ane-vedamgatta, chalakowallatam, vairi-vilasam, madagaja-mallar, parangana-putranh, gaxda hartandam, Archeological Survey Reports, Vol. XV, p. 38. * Ante, Vol. IV, p. 249. 119. Ep. Ind, Vol XVI, p. 3 and add. Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 288 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA (VOL. XIX Akalavarsham, Nripatungath and Kachchegam. All these epithets except those of nallara-marulam, vairi-viļāsam, parängandputra and Nripatungan_which are met with for the first time in the present inscription are known to have been borne by the Rishtrakasa emperor Krishna III, as has already been pointed out by Dr. Fleet.' Again, as is shown by the Atakur, the Solapuram and other records, it was Krishna III who uprooted the Cholas. Accordingly, the king eulogised in this record must be identified with him, namely, Krishna III of the Rashtrakafas of Malkhed. The only historical event alluded to in the record is the destruction of the Chola power by Krishna. Verse 2, describing this achievement, tells us that the Ano-vodonga (i.e., Krishna) “rooted out the Chola who had uprooted the Pandya." It may be noted in this connection that the expression Chalana berani berinde kiltan of this record is a Kanarese rendering of wat Tar g ar found in the Karhad grant, where we are told that Krishnaraja uprooted the race of the Chõlas with the intention of subduing the southern region. The Chola who is said to have uprooted the Pandya Was Parāntaka I who ruled from A.D. 907 to 963; for not only was he a contemporary of Krishna III, but is alạo known to have waged three wars against the Pandyas and captured their capital Madura.' And we learn from the Kanys. kumari inscription that Parantaka killed the Pandya king. It was during the reign of this Parantaka that Krishna III fought the famous battle of Takkolam, killed the Chola prince Rajaditya and took possession of the Chola territory. Thus, it is evidently this incident that is alluded to in the present inscription, Krishna's occupation of the Chola dominions is also borne out by the large number of his records, found in that part of the country, which give bim the epithet Kachchiyuki Tafijaiyur konda, i.e.,' he who took Kanchi and Tanjore'. The existence of the present record in Jura near Jubbulpore shows clearly that Krishna's conquests were not confined to the south, but extended to the north also. The Karhad grant tells us that he conquered the Kalachuri Sahasrarjuna though he was an elderly relative of his mother and wife. The grant, however, says explicitly that this success was one of those achieved by Krishna while he was yet a prince (kumāra) and acting under the orders of his father (janakājslāvasa). But it is clear that the expedition during which our inscription was engraved was undertaken after he became king, since in this record he is described as a paramount sovereign Consequently, the latter expedition must be different from the one mentioned in the Karbad grant. The record is not dated and it is, therefore, not possible to ascertain precisely the time when this expedition took place. But the allusion to the crushing of the Chola power made in the epigraph would show that it was undertaken after the overthrow of the Cholas and after Krishna III had killed the Chola prince Rajaditya in A.D. 947,1 It is quite reasonable to surmise, therefore, that the expedition to the north was led by Krishna III after A.D. 947. In the 1 On p. 119 of the 4. 8. R., for 1921-22, the word is read as kabbega and it is stated that it oocun kabbega in the Atakör inscription, but the facsimile of the latter (facing p. 54, Ep. Ind., VOL VI) shows clearly kachchega which is Fleet's reading. * On the significance of the Rashtrakata titles ending La tanga soe Ep. Ind., YOL VI, p. 189. Ibid, pp. 178-179. • Ibid, pp. 80 E. • Zbid, Vol. VII, pp. 194 ft. • Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, Pp. 278 ff. Madras Ep. Report, 1907, p. 72. • Trav. Arch. Series, VOL III, p. 111. Ep. Ind., VOL XIX, p. 82. 2* See above, Vol XIX, pp. 82 and 83 and 4. 8. B.; for 1912 1. 1. Here it may be pointed out that the lato Dr. Hultzach wm of opinion that this event took place in A.D. 949-50 Page #374 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JURA PRASASTI OF KRISHNA III. 2nd piece. 1st piece. 22 ၀၉ ၅/ ၉ တ န်း ၁၀ ပြီး ယင်း egory HIRASANDA SASTRI. SCALE ONE-THIRD. SURVEY OF INDIA, CALCUTTA. Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 51.] JURA PRASASTI OF KRISHNA III. Sravana-Belgola epitaph of the Ganga chief Marasimha', we are told that he became known as the King of the Gurjaras by conquering the northern region for Krishnaraja (III). Evidently, the same campaign is referred to in the Küdlür plates of A.D. 963 which were issued by the same chief and which tell us that Krishnaraja, when setting out on an expedition to the north, himself performed the ceremony of crowning Marasimha as the ruler of Gangapādi.' If the northern expedition, in the course of which our inscription was written, is identical with the one mentioned in the Sravana-Belgola and Küdlür records, it must have taken place in A.D. 963-64 which was, according to Fleet, the first year of Marasimha's rule. Consequently, the inscription under publication will have to be ascribed to that very year, viz., A. D. 963-64. The prasasti was written by Chimmayya at the instance of Tuyyala Chandayya, the younger brother of Kamaisetti. Both these persons appear to be new, for they are not known from other records. 1 Svasti [*] parama-bhaṭṭāra2 ka parameévara śri-'pri3 thvi-vallabha] maharajā[dhi]4rja nena)]llars-maruļan-ā ne-[vedethath chalake-na[llä 6 tam [vairi]-vilasam mada[ga] 7 ja-mallah parāṁgana-pu 8 tram ganda]-mārtaṇḍan-Akāļava 9 risham Nri[patu]mgam ka[ch]chegam irl 10 mat-Kannaradēvam kanda [] 11 12 13 14 du kan-nudiyadu baly-kü] 15 dadu chittam Paramgană. 16 putrakana || [||] Bhārata17 dol-ridan-Indrano]-r- • TEXT. 18 sana-[ja]pan-enipa Pā 19 ndyana [kula]mam bērinde 20 kilta [Chōllana bēram vaniteyarkkagalum bama kandum nöda 289 21 bēri[ndeki]ltan-Aneve 22 dengar [3] [Solade para-va 23 nitege [ka]p-sōladu mo 1 Ep. Ind., Vol. V, pp. 151 ff. Mys. 4. R. for 1921, pp. 17 ff. Ep. Ind., Vol. V, p. 172 Rice held that Marasimha commenced to rule in A.D. 961 (Ooorg Ins p. 12, table). Read prithvi. Read Akalavarshath. Though the upper letter in chehe of this word looks like bh, it is apparent from the subscrips thas was the letter intended as in the Abakir inscription see also Ind. Ant. Vul. XXXII, p. 316,f. n. 13. Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 290 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. 24 le-välan=ūļi nadapida 25 tö(ta)yam(yin) mēl=ene bagegur 26 nödire sõladu chittam 27 Parāmganäputrakana [|*] 28 Nödire para-vadhuge 29 manam kūdadu sū -sū30 lol'-etti na[da]pida 31 töl-und-adida mole ba32 sir-olag-i]d-adida chittam 33 Parāmganäputrakana | [411], 34 Svasti [ll] Ubbi-Kkmai'sottiya 36 tammam Tuyyala Chanda86 ygam prasa (sa)stiyamh baroyi[si*). 37 dam |||*) baredane Chi[mma]yyat [11] TRANSLATION (Lines 1-10.) Hail! Supreme Master, supreme Lord, favourite of Fortune and Earth, great emperor, he who amazed good men (by his goodness), a marvel with elephanta, ho who is beautiful on account of firmness of character, he to whom (encounter with) the enemy is a sport, & wrestler against rutting elephants, & son to other men's wives, # (very) sun among heroes, Akalavarsha, Nripatunga, he who wears the girdle of prowess; the illustrious Kannaradova. (Verse 1.) .......... women .......... the eye of Partingan putra (.e., Krishna III) seeing, does not see, (his) mouth does not speak and his mind does not unite. (Verse 2.) Anovedonga (i.e., Krishna) rooted out the Chola who had uprooted the Pandya that had become famous as one who had killed his enemies) in the Bhārata (war) and who was 80 skilful as to share with Indra one half of his throne." (Verse 3.) Unless one is overcome with love) for another's wife, his eye will not be captivated by her). But see! the mind of Paranganiputra regards another's wife as more than his mother who has fed (him) on her breast milk and taught (him) to walk. (Verse 4.) Behold! (His) mind cannot be attracted towards others' wives; for it is the mind of Paranganäputra who considers himself as having remained in the wombs of others' wives and sported there, who regards their arms as those that repeatedly carried him and taught him to walk and their breasts as those which he had sucked (as a child) and played with. (Lines 34–37.) Hail! Tuyyala Chandayya, the younger brother of Ubbi Kimainot caused this enlogy to be written and Chimmayya wrote it. 1 Read mif-sufof. Evidently a shortened form of Kamayyn. The legendary accounts of the sablovements of the Pipdya klaga Mesleo mentioned in the V&vikudi and the sindamanor grants (Ep. Ind., Vol. XVII, p. 298, texteline-9 and 8. 1. I., Vol. III, Pt. IV, pp. 480 and 108). Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 62.) BHADAVANA GRANT OR GOVINDACHANDRADEVA OF KANAUS. 291 - --- No. 52.-THE BHADAVANA GRANT OP GOVINDACH ANDRADEVA OF KANAOJ. BY N. C. MAETA, I.C.S. The Gābadavāla dynasty of Kanauj has left abundant inscriptional material during its short period of glory- circa 1000-1193 A.D. Twenty five copper-plates were discovered at Kamanli near the confluence of the Berna and the Ganges at Benares in October 1892 which have been fully described by Kielhorn in Volume IV of this Journal. Another copper-plate of this dynasty was presented to me by the Teluqdar of Tālā, 6 miles from Partābgarh, United Provinces, who found it in the possession of one of his tenants, the latter having got it in exchange from a village woman for new utensils. The place where the plate was actually discovered is not known. The plate measures 17.5 inches by 13 inches and weighs 349 tolds. 91 inches of the plate are covered with inscription on one side only. The writing is well preserved. A small space, left blank in the centre at the top, was probably intended for perforating the uual ring-hole. The ADSBDOP of the perforation seems to indioate that the plate was never issued from the royal record room. The inscription is written in Sanskrit language and engraved in the Nāgarf script. Regarding the orthographical peculiarities it is to be noted that it is sometimes used for ' '. as in '(-1) and that the letters ta, 1. and vin some places appear very much alike in form. The distinction between the different sibilants is not adhered to. The medial vowel '3' is sometimes indicated by merely a stroke attached below the consonant, as, for instance, in qua in line 19. The name of the writer of the grant is not given. Like all the published grants of this family the plate recites the genealogy from the time of Yabovigraha. After describing the prowess of king Govindachandradava (11. 1-8) it goes on to say that the village of Bhadavapā together with the bamlets of Bhagavall and Laghu-Bhadayana in the pattala of Mahāvisa was granted by the king to two Brahmans by the name of Kumārafarman, son of Vāchha and grandson of Thakkura Sri-Pītha of the Kabayapa-gðtra. and Silasarman, son of Tingula and grandson of Thakkura Sri-Vāvana of the Bharadvāja-gotra While the three pravaras of Silašarman are clear, thome of Kumārašarman of the Kafyapa-gotra are not quite so explicit Govindachandradēva says that the grant was made by him after he had bathed (probably) at Prayāga (Allahābād) according to the sacred rights, holding water and the sacred darbha grass in the palm of the band and having worshipped (god) Vāsudēvathe protector of the three worlds-and having made oblations to the fire. The object of the grant is said to be the acquisition of merit and renown for the donor and his parents. The grant was formally announced in the presence of the queen, the heir-apparent. the minister, the priest, the commander-in-chief, the treasurer, the keeper of the legal documents, the astrologer, the chamberlain, the officer called Düsa-Pattanākara and the officer-in-charge of agricultural stock. The village was given subject to the payment of taxes fixed and customary but inclusive of the rights of mining, salt, waste-land and the enjoyment of the fruits of mahuā, mangoes, wood, natural growth, other trees, grass pūli and pasture. The exact meaning of the technical terms such as dūsapattanākara, puli, and the 1 See below, p. 294, . 2. Disa' is evidently a clerical mistake for data and adhikari is to be taken with pallam and akarasto The expression datao would in that case signify the Düla, the City Magistrate and the officers to change oi mines and of herds of kine.--Ed.] [As in the other grants of this ruler, the word roada y asi and not pili. Püti siga fios partiouler groot Ed.] Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 292 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. various kinds of taxes described are not easy to determine. The word a unit is probably a local term signifying the Tritēni at Allahābād. [The date of the grant is Thursday, Phālguni-Amāvāsyā of the (Vikrama-) Samvat 1184. In this year Phālguni-Amavasya fell on Friday, the previous Thursday having •99 of Chaturdasi. But in the following year the tithi fell on Thursday and lasted up to .90. So the latter appears to be the intended date which, according to Mr. L. D. Swamikannu Pillai's Ephemeris, corresponds to March 21, A.D. 1129.-Ed.] I have been unable to trace the village of Bhatavals in the Allahābād district. The village of Bhadavaņā may be the same as the modern village of Budawan in tahsil Karchhana in the district of Allahābād. TEXT.. 1 प्रोम्' खस्ति [*] अकुण्ठोत्कंठवैकुंठकंठपीठलुठल्करः । संरम्ह मुरतारं स __श्रियः यसैटसु वः । [*] पासोदमोतद्युतिवंस जातः क्षमापाल मालासु दिवं गतासु । साक्षाद्विवस्वानि2 व भूरिधाना नास्तजिसो विग्रह प्रत्युदारः। [२] तत्सतीभूग्महौचंद्रख धाम निभं निजम् । येवा"पारमकूपारपारव्याप्य(पा)रितं जसः [*] तस्यासीत्तमयो तय करसिक: कान्तहिप-॥ 3 माण्डलो विध्वस्तात"वीरथाधतिमिर श्रीचंद्रदवो" नृपः । येनोदारतरप्रतापस मिता शेषप्रजोपद्रवं श्रीमहाधिपुराधिराज्यमममं होर्विक्रमेणाजितम् [] तोर्थानि कासिकुसिकोचरकोस 4 लद्रस्थानीयकानि परिपालयतातिगम्य" । हेमात्मतुल्यमानसं ददता हिजम्यो येनाकिता वसुमतौ सतयः तुखाभिः" [५] तस्यात्मजो मदनपाल इति चितोन्द्रचडामणिविजयते । निजगोत्रचद्रः । यस्याभिषेककलयोसितैः पयेभिः प्रचालितं कलिरजःपटलं धरिच्याः [*] यस्यासीहिजयप्रयाणसमये तुमचलोचञ्चलमाद्यत्कुंभिपदेक्रमासमभरम • Read सापाख [The original reads प्रयाग वचती which in probably. mistake for प्रयागवनती where पवनती would mona ' being humble'.-Ed.J From the original plate. • Expressed by a symbol (which possibly stands for ridda -Ed.] •Read संरम. • Read श्रेयसंस्तु. * Read mo. • Read भाखा यशो. 1° Read °ट्र. Read ना....पारे. 11 Read an. 13 Read mo "Read क्रान्ततिषम्म. - Read 'सीहत. - Read योधतिमिर:. " Read देवी. " Read °मिता - Read बितम. Rend काशिकुशिकोत्तरपीसी. M Road धिगम्य. sa Read #98 "Road वैमारिता. "Rad शतमस्तुचाभिः"Read ग्ट्र:, - Read बीभि. * Rond यो वसम्मायकंभिप Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 82.] THE BHADAVANA GRANT OF GOVINDACHANDRADEVA OF KANAUJ. 293 .8 प्रमहोमडले' ।चूहारबविभिवतालुगसितस्त्यानासृगुहासितः शष पेषवसा' दि. व क्षणमसौ कोडे विलाना नन: [७] तस्मादजायत निजाबतबाहु. वशिवधावरुन्दन7 तंरगजो नरः । सान्द्राद्रवमुवो प्रभवो गवां यो गोविन्दचन्द' इति चन्द्र वाम्बु(म्बुरासे [*] न कथमप्यलभन्त रणक्षमा सिस'' दिक्षु गजानथ वजिणः [1] ककुभि 8 [ब भसुरनमुवामप्रतिभटा व यस्य घटागजाः ।[८] सोयं समस्तराज चक्रसंसो(मे)वितचरणकमलः स च परमभहारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेखर"परम9 माहेश्वरनिजभुजोपार्जितत्रोकन्यकुमाधिपत्यत्रीचंद्रदेवपादानुध्यातपरमभट्टारकमहा राजाधिराजपरमेश्वरपरममाहेखरश्रीमान"पाल पालदे10 वपादानुध्यातपरे(र)मभहारकमहारा[जा]धिराजपरमेश्वरपरममाहेख(ख)राखपति गजपतिनरपतिराजवयाधिपतिविविधविद्याविचारवाचस्पतिश्री(म)होवि. 11 न्दचन्द्रदेवो विजयो महाविसपत्तलायां भटवस्तीग्रामेण सह खषुभदन(व)णा" सा भदवणाग्रामनिवासिनो निखिलजनपदानपि राजरानोयुवराजमन्त्रिपुरो हितसेना12 धिपतिभांडागारिवा(का)चपटलिवीत्त[१] (कनैमित्ति-Ed.)कान्तःपुरिकदूस (त-Ed.)प तनाकरगोकुलाधिकारिपुरुषानाज्ञापयति वो(बो)धयत्याडिश तिच विदितमस्तु भवतां यथोपरिलिखितग्रामः सजलसथल" 13 सलोहसवणाकर" सगतॊखर समधुक" सामचूतकंटिकाविटपतणपूति गोरच (चर-Ed.)पर्यन्तः सोष[ति] (मोहीध-Ed.)चतुराघाटविशुद्धः संवत् ११८४ फाल्गुन्यामावास्यायां गुरुतिथे(तिथौ गुरी-Ed.) 14 पाय॥ श्रीमप्रयाग" वणतो श्रोवधि"वत्स्नात्वा कुगलवा(ता)पूतकरत लोदकेन त्रिभुवनधातु वासुदेवस्य पूर्णा विधाय हविषा हविर्भुज हुवा मातापिचोरात्मनत्पुपुन्य • Rend तिष + Road भ्यम्महीमचल. • Read शेष: • Read 'वशा. • Read विलीना. IRead °बज्ञापवहनबराव्यगणी नरेन्द्र: 'Read सान्द्रासतद्रवमुचा. * Read • Read रा. +tead बम - Read पर. [But the text reada वर. correotly.-Ed.] "Rand मदन. "Drop one पाच. 14 This should ond in the instramental case or the word as will bave to be supplied.--Ed.) "Rend दिश. " Road सबलस्थल:. - Read °बर:. 1* Read °TT:. "Read मधुक: [Soot.n.30m page 291.-Ed.] a Read चो ! " Read श्रीमरप्रयाग * Bond wat ? [Se f. 2. 1 on page 292,-Ed.] "Bond °विषिषस्थाला. 1 Rond ang: "Read मनश्च पुण्ययी भिार. Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 294 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VoL. XIA 16 यस्बेतिय कासप'गोचाय कास्यपावसानेकरीतिव्राषिप्रवराय वा(बा)प्रजातीय ठकुरीपोथापोचाय वाछापत्राय कुमरसाणे ब्रा(ब्राह्मणाय तथा भा.. 16 रहाजगोचाय भारहाजागिरसवाई सत्यरि प्रवराय ठरत्रीवावनपौवाय तिल पुवाय श्रोसीलसम्म प्रा(बा)वाय ग्रामोयं मयाभिःमासनी. 17 कत्य प्रदत्तो यथादोयमानभागमोगकरप्रवणिकरनियतानियतप्रकृतिसमक्षा दायानानाविधेयोभूय दास्यथेति ॥ तवन्ति चासोकाः । । 18 भूमि' यः प्रतिरक्षाति या भूमि' प्रयच्छति । उभौ तौ पुम्य"कायो नियतौ खगंगामिनी [१] शंखं भद्रासनं छवं वराखा(खा) वर वारणाः । भूमिदानस्व चि. 19 हानि फलमतत्पुरन्दर [२] षष्टिं वर्षसावाणि" खर्गे वसवि" भूमिदः । पाछत्ता चानुमन्ता च तान्येव नरके वसेत् ॥[३] स्वदत्ता परदत्ताम्बा यो परद 20 मुंगम् । स विष्ठायां किमि भवा पितृभिर मन्नति ॥४] गामेका सव(ख)वर्णमक खमेरस्यक मंगुलम् । हरबरकमाप्नोवि यावदाहतसं21 अवम [५] व(बहुभिर्वसुधा भुता राजभिः सगरादिभिः । यस्वयस्व यदाभूमिस्तस्थतस्य तदा फलम् [*]" IRead बाश्वप. '[काम्पावत्सारमेवेतिबि.-.] • Read पर्य. (The way in which the auparmoriptruwritten is noteworthy.-Ed.] - Read स्येतिवि. • Read श्रीखशर्मगे. Drop the awwodra. • Read भवन्ति चाव. . • Read भूमि WRead पुष'. WRead °सा. "Read वसति. "Read 2. " Read रत वसुंधरा "Road किमि "Read वा भूमेरक 17 ME. Diskalkar of the Watson Museum, Rajkot, has kindly helped me in writing down the text of the Ineeription Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 53.] THE REWAH INSCRIPTION OF MALAYASIMHA, THE YEAR 944. 295 No. 53. THE REWAH INSCRIPTION OF MALAYASIMHA, THE YEAR 944 BY PROF. R. D. BANERJI, M.A., BENARES. The existence of this and two other inscriptions was brought to my notice by Diwan Bahadur Pandit Janki Prasad, M.A., LL.B., Home Member of the Council of Regency in the Rewah State, in April 1920. No information is available at present regarding the find-spot1 of this inscription and the date when it was brought to Rewah. The record is incised on an oblong plain slab of sandstone, measuring 4' 3"x18". It consists of twenty-seven long lines of writing, and, with the exception of the words om svasti, at the beginning, and the date i numerals in 1. 26, is entirely in verse. The inscription is probably Buddhist as it opens with an invocation to Mañjughōsha, the Buddhist deity of learning, and mentions Buddha as Bhagavan in l. 20. There are altogether fifty-four verses in this record which are devoted to the description of the family of a feudatory chief named Malayasirhha, his chief officers, the composer of the prasasti and of the mason. The characters belong to the central variety of the Nagari alphabet of the twelfth century A.D. The language of the record is Sanskrit, but on account of the carelessness of the mason, apparently, it contains many mistakes. The record refers itself to a king named Vijayasirhha who is mentioned in verse 5 as born of the family of Karnna. This king is again mentioned in 1. 26 in connection with the date in numerals. He is, no doubt, the same as the last homonymous Chedi king who ruled in pahala at least up to 1196 A.D. The date of the inscription is expressed both in words and in numerals: (Kalachuri-Chědi) year 944, the anka named' Sahasamalla on Friday the first of the bright half of Bhadrapada. In the description of the family of Malayasirhha, the river Narmada is introduced in the fourth verse (1. 2). On the banks of that river was the city of Tripurt where ruled a king named Vijayadeva, born of the family of Karppa (v. 5). There was a chief named Jata, who was the adviser of the ancestors of this prince (v. 7). The illustrious Karppadeva had defeated his enemies with the aid of the force of the arms of Jäta (8). From him was born Yasaḥpāla, who was devoted to King Gayäkarppa (v. 9). Yasaḥpala's son was Padmasirhha (v. 11), who was the unrivalled minister of Vijayasimha (v. 12) and the younger brother of Chandrasirhha; Padmasimha's son was Kirttisirhha (v. 13), his son was Malayasirhha (v. 15). The description of this family occupies seven lines of this inscription. The next seven lines are devoted to the description of Malayasimha. Talhanadevi seems to have been his mother. Some of his principal officers are named in ll. 14-15. The chief officer (Sarvvädhikarin), who was probably the Master of the Horse as well as the treasurer, was Rapasirhha, son of ri-Gargga. The minister and Superintendent of the distribution of betel-nuts (Tambula-dän-adhikritiprayuktah) was Harisirhha, son of Jagatsinha. Verses 34-40 are devoted to the description of the tank on the occasion of the excavation of which the prasasti was composed. In the 41st verse we are informed that the tank was completed at the cost of 1,500 fankakas stamped with (the effigy) of Bhagavan (i.e. the Buddha). [According to the label on the impression of this inscription received from the Director General of Archmo logy in India, it was found near the Kastara tank in the Rewah taheil-Ed.]. [V. 5 gives Vijayadeva but 1. 26 has Vijayasimhadeva.-Ed.]. O Ind. Ant., Vol. XVII, pp. 227-28. [The significance of sahasamallinke is not olear. Does it mean the year of Sahasamalla'? The word akba is at times used for goda or year, and Sahasamalla literally means athlete in boldness. But whether Sahasamalla refers to Vijayasimha or to some other personage or whether it has some other significance here is not known. Sähasinka, it may however be observed, is one of the epithets of Vikramaditya.-Ed.), [Is it not the same tank where the inscription was found ?--Ed.). Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Such coins, if they were current in the Chedi country, have not been discovered as yet. The genealogy of the officer who was in charge of the excavation of the tank is given in 11. 2123. The son of Uddharana was Sridhara and the latter's son was Thakkura Lakshmidhara. His son Vidyadhara was the Superintendent of the excavation of this tank (vv. 43-46). The genealogy of the poet is given in ll. 24-25. The son of Ramachandra was Diväkara. His son Purushottama, the composer of the prasasti, is described as belonging to the Krishnatreya-götra, an inhabitant of Benares, well versed in Logic, Grammar (Sabdaśästra), Mimämsä, Vedanta and the Yoga philosophy. The mason was Ananta, son of Galhana (1. 26). In the last line we are introduced to an artisan named Ralhapa, son of Dalha[pa*] whose connection with the record is not made clear. [The context shows that he was a doorkoper-Ed. 296 In the genealogy of Malayasimha the first person mentioned is Jața, a contemporary of King Karnna, who reigned from 1041 to about 1070 A.D. Karnna's son Yasahkarnpa is not mentioned but Jata's son Yaśaḥpala is, as the contemporary of Gayakarnna, the grandson of Karnna and the son of Yasaḥkarnna. Evidently Jata, as a young man, had served under Karnņa in the latter's old age and was therefore the contemporary of king Yasahkarnna as well. Yasaḥpala's elder son Chandrasimha is mentioned as the minister of Vijayasimha. Thus, the kings Narasimha and Jayasimha are passed over. Padmasimha, the grandfather of Malayasithha, and the latter's father Kirttisimha were most probably the contemporaries of Gayakarppa and his sons. The earliest known date of Vijayasimba is Kalachuri-Chedi year 932 (1180-81 A.D.), the date of his Kumbhi plates. His latest known date is 1196 A.D. mentioned in the Rewah plates of the Mahārāṇaka Salakhaṇavarmman of Kakarēdi, a feudatary of Vijayasimha. The date of this inscription is earlier than the last known date, viz. V.S. 1253, by three or four years. Among the places mentioned in this record Tripuri is the modern Tewar, lying six miles from Jubbulpore and Karkarēdi(1.12) is the modern Kakreri situated on the border of the Rewah and Pannā States in Central India. The Maharanakas of Karkarēdi, it may be stated here, were at first the feudatories of the Haihayas of Tripuri and then, of the Chandellas of Jējākabhukti. [VOL. XIX. TEXT.3 1 [O] Svasti | Ashtara-chakr-äkriti-purn(p)pa-chandra[m] padm-asanastham himasailagauram savy-ētara(a)-paniga-khadga-pustam-vakshyami natvā khalu Mamjughōsham | [1] Malayasimha kulani gunan-atha sva-samayēna yathōchita"-saktika (tab) [I] avataramti padāni yataḥ svataḥ sumaha marichayab 2 -tam nanu kēna na kirttyate [2] Vachas-ch-oma[b] pravṛitta me Bavēreiva Malayasimha-kula[bja]-pray(b)ōdhāya sahasraśaḥ | [3] Ativimaia-jal-aughaiḥ plavayanti pavitrairemuni-vara-pura-lõkat-samstuta siddhagirbhib apanayati suvaṁśāj-jāta-mātrā kumari kalija-kalusha-bhāram darsa(sa)nan-Narmmada ya [4] Tasyas-tate-sti Tripuri-puriti tasyam-a 3 bhut-Karn(n)na-kula-prasūtaḥ| rajñām guruḥ śrī-Vijay-akhya-dōyō rāj ādhiśāstā vidisan-diśäñ-cha [5] Yasya pratap-anala-bushka-kaṇṭhā rajñā[m] gaņā anguli-samjhay-api | s-asaṁkam-ēvam vivadanti chi(ni)tyam seva-phalas-tat sadasi prapannāḥ || [6*] [Tat]-parvva-puryva bhuvi ye [babhu]vus-tëshām yaso-varddhana-mantra-mantri | 1 J. A. S. B., Vol. XXXI, pp. 116-22. From the original. There is a superfluous superscript in ya of yath". ' Anushtubh. Read phalam tut. See Ind. Ant., Vol. XVII, pp. 224 ff. • Indravajra. • Drutavilambita. • Malini. Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 53.) THE REWAH INSCRIPTION OF MALAYASIMHA, THE YEAR 944 2 91 4 Sri-Jata-nāmā vishayē niyuktö Vâchaspatiḥ sarvýa-guņais-iv-abhat [7] Dharmma-dhvajāna dhura-atta gurvvīm=vibrānanēn=avahato dvijābhyah yasy-aiva v(b)āhvör-a[pi) paurushēņa Sri-Karn(n)ņa dēvo jilávan-ripūrs cha II [8*]: Tasmād-Gayäkarnoņa-mahisa-bhakto mantrasya göpta bhuvi vandi jivah jajñē Yaśaḥpāla iti pratitas: Tärātmajah 5 Saumya iv Endu-dēvāt || [9*] Tasy=ātha putrő-pi viśāla-v(b)āhuh srashtra jagad=vikshya tamo-chirudham tad-dyötanäy-avayavi Su(su)d(dh)-amburddīpaḥ prakilptah khalu mūrttiman-iva ... [10*]* Padmam hi padm-ālaya(ē?) Padmasimhaḥ sat-patra-subhr-āmkura-buddha-gotraḥ kshātrasya vamse sa nidāna-viji śri-Ghandrasimh-āvarajā vijajñē || [11*]i Sarvatra di6 kshu(imu)kha-visarppi-yaśaḥ prachanda-Chēd-indra-rād=Vijayasimha-grih-aika-man tri yo vipra-viryya Vara-dana-v(b)aléna rakshöd-dätidrya-danti-patala-dvijaruddha-dēham | [12*1" Sri-Padmasimha-vidashöxtra nitamta-v(babuh Sri-Kirttisimha iti siṁlia-v(b)alo vijajñal Arāti-chakra-hșidi saṁkur=asau visamkā Rūmah pura Dasarathad-ivá Kogalēšah 7 || [13*]* Sadasi yasya hitā vividhā vb)udhāḥ surapatēr=iva mantra-vidah surāḥ susubhirë sasi(si)nah kirihamirah* prati[ga]tä jagatas-tamasas-chhide || [14*** Samanta-mandala-siröruha-dhūnaneya nihparka-pada-vanajo Malayānusi[m*hah śri-Rirttisinha-tanayaḥ sa babhūta viraḥ kshātrasya Vámaja-samtiddharan. aika-mallah || [15*j* Vi. 8 dy-adhikära-kumud-ākara-v(b)odha-chandro ratn-äkaro-rthi-manujēshu cha ratna dāraih sarvvo guņā Malayasimha-nara-pratishthā dosho=pi sõ=sya na mrigāmkakrito gun-āmkarit | Hoya Arāti-mitra-kamal-augha-vighüta-v( b Nyam dadandaśa-dig-amv(byaram u[jv]lar yahsītāmsur-arkka iva tileslimiy-susakti hasta urvvyām=abhūn=Malayasimha iti pra. 9 viņaḥ || [17*j* Andolayēd-yasya křipāņā(a)-vāyür=vvichi-gatam Shānuti-iv=ām[bu) madhyēl ärāti-sēnām-av(b)alām v(b)alishthaḥ 80-bhüd-ishu -- Miaka -- việuddhaḥ | [18+] Āvartta-suktā(bukti)-harije. samudrē phēnam mukhë vardhni padē-pivikshya magn-āri-sēnā nav(b)ahir-jjagama yasy=āsu. 87-bhūn Malayasya simbah. || [19*]} V(B)ulir-vvi10 raḥ pradā[t*]-tripada-niinitam kiri tri-bhuvanam padam dāsyām-Ind8(u)-Ravi Hara-Har-Indr-Ajasumpiņāhi aham jitvā tēbhyan såpadi karavālēna cha vahu .. yah sākam Veēti vyavasita-v(b)alo yaḥ sa jayatu [20*3°. Yasy=āri-samantarbiro-visarppi-rakt-ājya-dipt-asi-Sikha-ksisānuḥ sam. prapa tavattu räņētis triptir: Lamküm 11 hi dag[dh*]v-āpi na Mafutēraya [218] Türāsāhanit jítvā sasi(li)nam-api dēvan= rana-mukhē mahadevi-Sachy vicharati mrigamkastribliúvanie | aho tashāzin prā(?)gāt(d)-bhujaga-pati-Sēsho vilasitum prithivyām dēvõ=yah janapada-janair=ukta iti yaḥ || [22*]° Kāmam yath=āgnit=Bhava-nētra-janmā krõdh-atmakah satru-v(b)alam dadaha vaidhavya Upajak? Drutavilambita. 1 Indravajra. • Vasantatilakd. Road kirapayitab. [The reading is kiri(a)nägirah. -Ed.). • Read mtirdhni. [Primably some différent relating is atended. -Ed.). . Bikharini Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 298 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 12 duhkh-ěndhana-dirgha-vishpaih samdhukahito yat-prati-kola-vadhvi || [2311 Sa lakshano nirggata-lakshaņo=bhavatasuKarkkarēdyam-adhipo raņē yada ! vilūng-v(b)āhu-vyasanah Silimukhaih karad-vimuktair-m Malayasya simbaját 1 [24** Rērē Vikrama-bura dhāvasi všitha mach-chapa-v(b)&n-ambhabi(si) magno yāsyasin=ă13 tra kim tava kritē khadg-agnim-ujälam y ēl ity=uktv-ābhihat: raņē nava-daśa-sthānēshu vb)āņair-hidi yāto-dhaḥ paribhūta-vikrama-v(b)ald yasmāt=s& jiyād-iti || [25*]" Prăsăda-mālā dvija-dēvatānāṁ spishţă vichitrā gagana vilagna gēn=āpi yābhyas-tv-avarõdha-bhityā yātriva Bhāno=ratha aku ti[ryak] | [26*]i Tivram tapo duḥkha-karaṁ praksi14 tya(?) siddha vrajarto divam-ūrddhvam-uchohaiḥ | yad-Rāma-dev-Ulaya-v(b)Adhita yo präyēna [tē] vibva-padam prayātāḥ || (27"]' Yo-yam sutas-Talhanadēvi(vi)-dövyis-träyta mitrāni nihanti satrūn [*] Bhishmo yath-anēks-sam-inuVartti jīyāt-sa Prithvidhara[s*}-sānujo-pi | [28]: Sri-Gargga-nămă ruchir-ambu-dhāma yasy-abhavach-chhri-Ranasimha-sūnuh Dharmmasya vidya haya-koba-lē 15 khi sarvv-adhikarair-iva Chitraguptaḥ I [29*] Tāmv(b)ūla-dán-adhikțiti prayuktaḥ brimaj-Jagatsinha-sutaḥ sumantri yasy-abhavach-chhri-Harisimha-nämä sarvv-arthi-sampat-paripurit-āsaḥI [30*]* Praudha-prachand-ári-kari-pramathi nārācha-păs-āmkuba-khadga-yöddhā (b)āhu-prašakty-ati-dridha-prahāraḥ sēn-agra yāy=ive raně kumāraḥ || [31*]* V(B)rahmand 16 yana-vādēns vēda-tat-partha-"yogini nistīrn(n)ņāni päshapdāni yatra mana vakair=api [32*]* Sa-soma-byēn-ägnin-nayati cheyanāmtar-dvija-gand mahim kritvå yüpai-ravikars-chashāl-orddhva-katakām tato vēdi-Grönin vidhi-vihita-mantraih krita-giram Vasan=yasmims-tishthan-n[ripuram=iha Käs thālakam=iti 17 [33*5 Bhuktvežpi yasmin-Vara-pāņi-pātré chakrās-tu naktam 868-vadhūr vvihấya ambhô-niriksh-ahata-jiva-samghăs-tivram tapo vi munayas. charaṁtic [348] Tigmärku-tāpa-klama-noda-dakshair-ukshāṁ vichakru[s*)striya atmano-mgo prāņēka-hasta-pratiklipta-yantra-nirmmukta-dhara-paya sẵnh kan-aughaih || [35*] Pitv=&li-châ(6)krair=mmadhu18 matta-mugdhaih-padmākar-ālīdha-mukhair-nnadadbhiḥ | akarn(o)oya mugdha anu jāpayanti gitam yako yasya cha näga-kanyāḥ [l*] [36 Sěvälakalhäraka-väriparn(o)ni-sülüka-Bathghātakar - ēva-mishair"[l] - bhbhakshair - abha kshair-yutam-ambu-vijair-vvapraiḥ sasarjj-arthi-sa(82)rỞ ya idsik (37* Kridā-pravrittāḥ patibhih ke(sa)r-Örvvan" samya[myn] 19 ch-abhüt-11 katham-ästh itäpän tāsām bhruvo-ngani kuch-Oru-jathghả dfishţv äksha-sūtrån(o)y-spatan-munināṁ || [38] Yasmims-tiro marakata-sila-ratna • Vasastha. • Sarddülavikridita. · Indravajra. • Rood wijodlayd Read tato-artha, • Anushpubl. Road Saindla * Read örungu. Sitharini. • Rend sathghafula dvom-ddyait 11 cb-daan. Dhakal, Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 53.] THE REWAH INSCRIPTION OF MALAYASIMHA, THE YEAR 944. v(b)addh-a[sa]nasthair-vvichi-lola-rajata-s(6)aphari-vamchit-ōru-pradeśaiḥ | vipeniseapta divya manushya asamsamti prathi{ta] tripta amara-pitaraḥ 20 yasasam yam 88 jiyad-bhuv-iti || [39*]1 Divy-amgan-amga-nava-kumkuma pamka-pimga-väri-prapura-lava-chitrita-roma-mālāḥ | krīḍamti yatra sukhino bhuvi rājahamsä ambhō-nidhanam-atalam pras(s)araḥ sa[sa]rija Etad-ambho-nidhānāya satani dasapañcha cha bhagavan-mudraya yō-pi tamkakānā[m] vya [40*]* 21 yo-kar [41] Sarvv-artha-särthai[s]- stutijair-vvachöbhir-vvahdi(di)-janaiḥ sa tuta ēva yō-bhūt | Siddhartha-yogi Malayanu-simhas-v(t)asmai bhavĕyuḥ subhadas-tridevāḥ || [42*]* Viatavya-vritti-pratham-aika-lithgarh nämn-spyabhüd-Uddharano vipaéchit uddhritya mahyama(m-a)mritam grihitum lōk-aikanathō-tha yath-esa-mürttiḥ || [43*]* 22 Tasy-atha putraḥ pramad-abhiramo y(j)ushṭaḥ śriya Sridhara-mürttir-āsīt | youavani sarvva-guna gun-aughaiḥ punyair-anēkais-cha krita pavitra || [44*] Tasyāpi sünur-bhuvi Thakkuro yo Lakshmidharō lakshana-kavya-vettä | Vidyadharas tasya babhüva putraḥ sarvv-adhikar-ärtha-guna-praviņaḥ | [45] Artha-trayāņām 23 m-api tatva-yuktaḥ kāmasya sārēņa tu kimchid-ēva | Vidyadharō-th-asya 6(s)aro-dhikartta hetur-yath-abdheḥ Sagaro babhüva || [46*] S(S)araḥ-samsthapane(?) vidvän-västavyah Purushottama | hh | śrimad-Valhaṇa-putro-bhūd-acharyaSridharō yatha || [47*] Pañcha-kratünām-api- yas-cha kartta śri-Ramachandro-tha babhüva vidvāntasy-atha pu 299 24 tro-pi Diväkar-akhyah sarvvaja-kalpo dvija-mukhya va [48] Tasy-tha putrö guru-bhakti-chitto daiva[ch]-chhriya yaḥ parihīna jätaḥ Atreya-gōtrō nanu Krishna-pūrvvaḥ Käsi-nivasi cha par-ōpakāri || [49*] Tarkkě jñanam-ativa chaturaḥ sabd-ärtha-sastre tathā mīmāms-adhigato vipaśchid-abha yasya vad vēdām 25 ta-yog-hi-dhib | vid-bhya-ratal sada suvidusham mürdhni prava (ba)ddhAnjalir-viprab éri-Purushottamo bhuvi mahan-v(b)uddhya cha Vachaspatiḥ || [50] Ten-yam-isht-krhga-suvritta-vrittä härasya yashi-cha sad-arthaguchchha [|]sad-vamsa-mukta-phala-kirtti-sūtrā sastā prasastiḥ suvinirmmit-ēva || [51*] Utkirn(n)ņā sūtra 26 dhārēņa érimad-Galhana-sununā nämn-Anamtena chandrer-yaḥ śuddh-eyath vamsa-paddhatiḥ || [52*] Chatvarimsaty-adhike-v(b)de chaturbhir-nnavamē sate Sukre Sahasamall-amke Nabhasyē prathamë dinë | [53] Samvat 944 Bhadrapada-s(6)udi | Sukre érimad-Vijayasimhadeva-rajye || Mam 27 galam mahāériḥ ||O|| Sriḥ || [D]auva(a)rya-karya-kshama-Ra[lha]p-akhyō yasy abhavad-Dalha[pa]-sünu-viraḥ | dvär-Iva Na[m]di Girisasya yuktaḥ samgra ma-sü(sü)ro ripu-darppa-marddi || [54*]1 1 Mandakräntä. • Vasantatilaka. Indravajra. * Barddülavikridita. There is a symbol between "ga" and "no", • Anushtubh. This is superfluous. Read Chandri ya. Page #387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 300 EPIGRARHM INDICA [Vol. XX. No.54:-THREE SEMITIC'INSCRIPTIONS FROM'BHUJ. By A. COWLEY, CLERMONT-GANNEAU, BUCHANAN GRAY AND MAYER-LAMBERT. Colonel HF Jacob, the Political Agent of Cutch, picked up durtig 1909-10 three inscribed stones from the Rios Tombs (tr" Chhatris) at Bhuj, as has been foticed in the Bombay Gazetteer, Volume V, Cutch, page 218, and these remained with Mr. N. M. Billimoria of Bhuj for some time till Mr. D. R. Bhandarkar noticed them. Mr. Billimoria with the permission of Colonel Jacob, sent them over to the Poona Museum. In the month of April 1917, Mr. Bhandarkar forwarded copies of theni to Sir John Marshall; noticing the first in his Report for 1917, page 50. Sir John sent the impressions on to Dr. F. W. Thomas with the request that they might be deciphered by some Semitic epigraphist. The result was that the inkoriptions were examined by Dr. Cowley, Dr. Buchanan Gray, M. Mayer-Lambert and M. Clermont-Ganneau. The following note comprises what each of these scholars has stated about them. The largest of the three epigrapherie in Hebrew and the other two are Himyaritic. Regarding the Hebrew Inscription: M. Clermont-Garneau and De: Cowley say. The inscription is of a later date and forms the epitaph of Rabbi Hiya, son of Joseph, who died in the month of Marheshwant of the year 1563 (O) (of the Seleucids ? =1251 A.D.), with the usunk onlogistic funeral formulad"may his soul rest " and "may his soul be bound up in the sheat of the living."" [C.-Ganneau). Dr. Cowley remarks as follows: Text in Roman: Translation. Nah naphsheh d'ra bih Hlyga TheolofRHyya ben Joseph ben Yoseph b'yerah Marbeobwae went to its rest in the month of sh'nath MDLXIII T.N.Z.B.H. Marhoshwan in the year 1563 R.I.P. Text in Hebrew. 277 DVI nj m’200112 nn AJU MUND 1291N 079s The inscription is of an ordinary type. The only uncertainty in the reading is with regard to the name which looks like 'n' (for X?n? Yahya), but probably the first stroke is unintentionallanwestould read 7 7 . The letters at the end, after the date, give & common abbreviated formula 'may his soul be bound up in the sheaf of the living' (i.Sam. 25, 20). The date 1563 is no doubt of the Seleucid era, and is, therefore, equivalent to 1252 A.D. It is difficult to sey if the style of the letters either agrees or disagrees with this, because the inscription was evidently cut by an unskilled person. The with a flat base, is the most noticeable letter : the distitction between and' s is small, and the top of J is exaggerated. P. R. A. S., W.O., 1916-17. Page #388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Three Semitic Inscriptions from Bhuj. 1. Epitaph of Rabbi Hiya: the year 1563. החזר סביר SCALE ONE-HALF II. Sabaean Inscription A. III. Sabaean Inscription B. IBDP OPSINS PIBTB SCALE ONE-THIRD SCALE ONE-THIRD F. W. THOMAS WHITTINGHAM & GRIGGS, PHOTO-LITH Page #389 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BO. 84.] THREE SEMIMO INSCRIPTIONS FROM BHUJ. 301 It is highly improbable that an epitaph ofithis kind should bplong to Bhujionany other place in Northern India, and soabtless the Report of the Archeological Survey, Western Circle, 1916-17, p. 50, is right in supposing that all the three stones cameroriginally from South Arabis. perhaps from Aden. A number of tomb-inscriptions (of a later date) from the Jewish cemetery at Aden, were published in H. P. Chajes in the Sitzb. d. ph.hist. Kl. d. k. Akademie of Vienna. As is well known, there have been Jewish settlers in South Arabia since early in the Christian era-if not before it. The fact that this epitaph was associated with two South Arabian fragments is some reason for thinking that all three came originally from the same region. [A. Cowley]. On the two Him yaritic inscriptions which are on two smaller stones and bear South Arabian waiting Mayer-Lambert and Dr. Soy write “The inscription in two lines (from left to right) is transcribed below : Y M D The second line is very clear, although W has never the form in Himyaritic but is always expressed by the form 0. It is a formula Wadd'ab (Wadd=father), frequently met with on talismans: see the Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, Part IV, Volume II, page 178. With regard to the first fine, I am not able to make it out and should think that, though it is very strange, it reads B(o)mb(a)y. The second inscription in one line reads: 5 м н м в с о which is entirely unintelligible. It may, perhaps, be read thus : that is to say......QA, the son of Hamis'? though the meaning of BM=son is very doubtful. The monuments are probably bad copies of original stones. [ Mayer-Lambert ). The rubbings are of two inscriptions, one of two lines (A), and the other of a single line (B). Both the lines are read from left to right and, with the exception of the left hand letter of the top line, the reading seems to be obvious; the first letter (II) is probably ghain and, trangliterating into Arabic letters read from right to left, the inscription reads S ob ....Wadd'ab. The inscription thus belongs to the group of short Sabaean inscriptions, found on buildings and antlets, which mention Wadd'ab, Wadd'abum, Waddum, Abum, Abroadd or Abum Waddum; see Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, Part IV, Chap. IX, Art. VJ, Nos. 470-486. The Bombay Museum posseeses, in addition to the present, another in pription of this group C.1.8. 482), first published by Bird in the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. II, No. VIII, 1844, p.80, it was also published by W.F. Prideaux in the Tranacations of the Society of Biblical Archaplogy, VI, 1879, p. 305. This inscription is engraved over the figure pt a man wearing spend a loin cloth extending to the mees, but otherwise nude and has been interpreted as " image of Waddab." Page #391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 302 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XIX. In the present inscription the first word is obscuro. If, as can be judged from the rabbing. the inscription is complete, it consists of not less than four, nor more than five, letters, the last letter of the word (u) should therefore be the ending of the construct case dual. The root is, it must be admitted, unknown and improbable; but with the less improbable alternatives for the first letter, the words other, who give nothing more satisfactory. If the third letter should be regarded as a mutilated web or us, though for this there seems no good ground, roots known from the Arabic ( wir, unus) would result, but the interpretation would remain obscure. Both the direction of writing and the forms of the letters point to an early date for the inscription-(though the M is not quite the earliest type), say to the earlier part of the period of the kings of Sab's; if the transition from the style of kings of Sab's to that of kings of Sab's and Dhu Raidan be correctly dated as 118 B.C., this inscription must be earlier, perhaps considerably earlier than 118 B.C. The direction of the writing from left to right occurs in the alternato lines of tho relatively rare and early boustrophedon inscriptions, see, e.g., C.1.8. 363, 367, 371, 379, 381, 383, 386, 387. 412, 413, 416, 417, 418, 421, 423, 439, 459 (from Abyssinia), 487, 491. Other examples of this direction maintained in two consecutive lines are much rarer : Bee C.1.8. 474 in two lines. To judge from the form of M, this also is probably to be read from left to right, though the M, round as here, does very occasionally occur in inscriptions read in the usual manner from right to left (see C.1.8. 393). Transliterating into Arabic letters read from right to left, this inscription reads : فرعبصبعي The line immediately to the left of the first M is presumably the line of division; the similar line to the left of this looks most like & second line of division ; but since two such lines together are most improbable, the line must rather be the remainder of a letter, -of what is not closr. The first word is obscure and perhaps incomplete; the second seems to be a proper namo having the form of a participle of the causative conjugation (Ar. IV) without nunation. The inscription belongs to much the same period as A, of an early, but not of the earliest (note the angular top of the H, and the bottom of the 8; see C. I. 8., 379) period. [G. Buchanan Gray].'” No. 66.-AN UNPUBLISHED GRANT OF DHRUVASENA I. MADHO SABUP VATs, M.A. This paper relates to two copper plates which on cleaning have been found to constitute a new Vala bhi grant. They were handed over by Dr. 8. K. Belvalkar of the Doocan College, Poona, some ten years ago to Professor D. R. Bhandarkar, the then Superintendent, Aroh wological Survey, Western Circle. The grant is inscribed on the inner side of two copper-plates, each having two holes for keeping them together by means of rings, now missing. The size of the plates is 11" x 7" and the thicken is . Each plate is broken into two large and several small pieces. The letters are cut deeply. As to orthography, the use of the jihvamaliya in line 19 and of the upadlmaniya in 11. 8, 11 and 14 and the change of the visarga into 6 before alabil (23) may be noticed. Page #392 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ No. 58.1 AN UNPUBLISHED GRANT OF DHRUVASENA I. 303 The inscription is one of the Mahasamanta Mahārāja Dhruvasena I of the Maitraka family and records the grant from Valabhi, of the village Kalahaṭaka situated in the Hastavapraharaņi to two Brahmaņas, Viśvadatta and Vasudatta, of the Bharadvaja yōtra for the maintenance of the sacrificial rites bali, charu, vaisvadeva, etc. That the plates confirm a previous grant is suggested by the expressions Hastavapr-aharanyam Kalahaṭaka-grāmaḥ pūrova-bhukta-bhujyamānakah ( 1. 14), pūrro-āchāra-sthityā pratipāditah (ll. 18 and 19 ). The name of the donees' place of residence is broken. These expressions might be translated as "the village Kalahataka situated within the Hastavapra-harani territorial division which had (formerly) been enjoyed and is being enjoyed (by the donees of the original grant)", "has been granted (by us) in accordance with the usual custom. " The writer of the published charters of Dhruvasena I, issued by him from the Gupta-Valabhi Sarvat 206 to 217 is Kikkaka, but there are several changes in the office of the Ditaka or the executive officer. Thus the Dutaka Pratihära Mammaka who is mentioned in all copper-plate grants of Dhruvasena I issued from G. V. Sath. 206 to Srāvana ju. 15 of 210, gives place to Rudradhara in the Palitānā plates of Aśvayuja ba. 5, G. V. Sarh. 210, issued like the other two grants of 210 from Valabhi. Later, in the year 216, Rudradhara is replaced by the Bhāgika Rajasthaniya Bhatti. Thus the chronology of various grants, so far as the Dutakas are concerned, is sufficiently clear and leads me to surmise that as the lutaka of these plates is the Pratihära Mammaka, the charter may, even in the absence of date, be tentatively placed between the years 206 and 210, s.e., before the assumption of the Dutaka's office by Rudradhara. This must, however, remain a mere possibility as it is not necessary that there should be only one Dutaka at a time, and that another could not be appointed during the life-time or even the tenure of a certain Dutaka. Of the place names mentioned in the inscription, Hastavapra is modern Hathab1. Kalahataka may be identified with modern Koliak (spelt as Koliyat by Col. H. S. Jarrett) lying on the eastern bank of the creek near Hithab. TEXT. First Plate. 1 ओं स्वस्ति वलभीतः प्रसभप्रणता मित्राणां मैत्रकाणामतुलबल सपत्त्रमण्डलाभोग2 सप्रहारथतलब्धप्रतापः प्रतापीपमतदानमाना बंदोपार्जितानुरागोनुर 3 मौजभृतमित्रयेोबलावामराज्यश्रीः परममाहेश्वरसेनापतियोभटबस्त स्वतः 4 तत्यादरखोरुयावनतपविषोजतथि [रा: "] शिरोवनतमचूडामचिप्रमाविष्कुरित पादनख 5 प (पं) क्तिदीधितिनानाथजना (नो) पजीव्यमानविभव परम माहेश्ारखेनापतिधरसेनः 6 तस्यानुजस्तत्पादाभिप्रणामप्रशस्त विमल मौलिमणिमन्वादिप्रणोत विधिविध (धा) मध 7 धर्मराज व विहितविनय परखापचा (च) तिरखिलभुवनम लाभोगखामिना परमसामिन (ना) 8 वसुपचितराज्याभिषेक महाविवाचनावपूतराजवीः परममा हमारी महाराज 1 Ind. Ank, Vol. V, p. 314 and above, Vol. XI, p. 106 and notes 1 and 2. Ind. Am., Vol. V, p. 314. ●ikhari 1891 eda, Vol. II. p. 245. Page #393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 304 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VoL. XIx. मागम 9 दोषसिंह: सिंह व तस्वानुजस्वभु[जब ]लेन परगजघटानीकामामेकविजयो 10 परषिदा भरणमवबोचा भावार्थ तत्त्वा]नां कल्पतकरिव सुहापयिनां यथाभिल11 पितफलोपभोगदः परमभाग[ब*]त परमभट्टारकपादानुधाती महासाम[ग्ल']12 महाराजध्रुवसन कुशलो सम्बनि"]व खानायुक्ता कविनियुक्तक[दा ]गिकम उत्सरचाटि]. 13 भटभ्रवस्थानाधिकरणिकदाडपा[शि*]वादौनन्यांच यथासंवध्यमानकानमुदर्शयत्य14 [स्तु*] व[संविदितं"] यथा इस्तवमाहरा(र)यां कलहाटकमामा पूर्वभुक्तभुज्य [मा ]नक Second Plate. ----नगरवास्तव्यबाधापविखदत्तवसुदत्ताभ्यां भरद्वाजसगोचाभ्यां 16 ---- [स*प्रचारिभ्यां मया मातापित्रोः पुस्खाप्यायनायमनचै हिकामुभिकयथामि17 [षित ]फसावाप्निनिमित्तमाचन्द्रा [ी"]वक्षितिमरित्यर्बतस्थितिसमकालीनं 18 [पुत्रपौत्रा ]न्वयभोग्यं बलिचरुवैश्वदेवा"]द्यानां क्रियाणां समुत्सर्पणार्थं पूर्व[*] चार19 [स्थित्या प्रति ]पादित: [*] यतोनयो [ज*]तोः कषतीः कर्षयतोः प्रदि शतोर्वा न कैच्चि20 [बतिषे*]धो विचारणा वा कार्यास्म[{"]शजेरागामिभद्रनृपतिभिश्चानित्या खाण्य21 [स्थिरं मानुष्यं सामान्यं च भूमिदानफ*] लमषगच्छद्धिरियमम्पदनुमतिर[न22 मन्तव्या यवाकिग्द्यादाच्छिद्यमानंवानुमोदेि"]म पञ्चभिर्महापातकै __ सोपपातकै23 [च संयुक्त स्था*]दिति [*] चात्र व्यासगीताश्लोका [भवन्ति ॥ ष*]ष्ठि(ष्टि) __वर्षसहसाणि समें मोदति भूमिदः [1] 24 [पात्ता*] चानुमन्ता च तान्येव नरके वसेत् ।"] स्वदत्ता परदत्ता वा यो हरेत वसभराम्।] 26 गवां शतसहयस्य सन्तुः प्राप्नोति किल्विषम् [*] बहुभिर्वसुधा भुत्ता राण[भिस्यारा"26 दिभिः [1] यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फलमिति [*] 27 स्वहस्तो मम महासामन्तमहारामध्रुवसेनस्व [*] दूतकः प्रतोतारमशः [] 28 लिखितं किसन [.] ------ -- - - Page #394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. . 89 " By K. V. SUBRAHMANYA AIYER, B.A., M.R.A.8. Pach Adi-Sära, 8.0. Adiftin . . . . 116 Aditi, J. . . . . . . 159, 162 PACZ Aditya 1, Chola k.. . . . . 84, 85, 87 and 2, represented by sme sigt, i 285, 272 Aditya, the Sun,. . . . 18, 33 initial), three forms of . 237 Aditya-Bhatára, the Sun God, 373, 274, 276 à, (necondary), form of . 138, 265 Aditya-tirtha, . . . . . 38, 40 # and i, me of- fot al, Adityavarman, ., . . 135, 136, 137 Abhayankarat, epithet of Nararithavarman II, 112n Adivaräha, biruda of Bhojadina, . .. 175 Abhidhinachintamani, noork,. 163n adhu or valu, . . . 274, 276 dbhigamika-guna, . . . . 118n, 120 Adrivilēpans-svāmin, M., . . . 248, 250 Abhimanyu, epic hero, . . . 165, 168, 172 Adara, tri., . . . . . 151, 153, 154 Abhirama, binda of Naratimhandrmak II, 106, 101 Afghanistan, Co., . . . 13 abhishöld, . . . 71, 72, 74 agama, 132, 145, 148 Abbiaura valdka, oi., . . . . . 117n agamis • . . 93, 95 absolutive, wrong wo of . . . . 53 agaram, a Brühmana village,. . . 216, 216 Abul Fazl, en tuhot . . . . 48n Agasahaya (Agrasahấya), ., . achchhannaban,. . . . . 284 Aggalajūr, vi.. . . . . . 188, 189 Adhigi I or Acharasa, Sinda k., 227, 230, 233, 234 Aghapatti, vi.. . . . . • 21, 25, 30 Achagi II or Acharsas, Sindy, k., 227, 230, 234 Aghyaka-Varāti, matha, . 263, 264 Achyuta, .. Vishnu, . . . . 108, 172 Agni, descent from, . 239 Achyutappe, or Nayake, Tanjore-Nayaka agnihotrin,. . . 286, 270 . 91, 216 Agnikula, family, . . Achyutapuram plates, . . . 135 Agnishfoma, sacrifice, . 173 Achyutaraya, Vijayanagara k., . . 105n, 215 agrahāra, a Brahmana village, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Achyutativa, 7., : . 58, 80 116, 117, 118, 191, 128, 129, 130, 133, 134, dat adagunts, . . . . . . . . 1 217 1 56n, 169, 172, 231, 235, 246, 2461 Adanakathiks, . . . . . 282, 285 287, 288, 280, 261 Adevanti, font, . . 90 Agrablyans or Agråpa, see months. inayott Adbhuta-svamin, m.,. . Agror, wifi . i . i 198 a, a weight, . . . . , Ahár, ., . . . . . . 52, 57 Addanki, Di. . .. . 272, 273, 274A Lobith hatri, si., . 21, 25, 30, 31, 32, 38, - M.V eskab. .er .errel ees .021,181,18 E DI 36, 37, 40 e nbovs. hiqabusch 10 dorura 02 Abid or Ahmedabid, i., 177, 178, 236 whilsa, a court of justice, . . . 118 kabilid... S 237, 280, 240 ... Ahob o s . . . 90, 92 Athiraji, titten i .230, 42, 5, 146 di frowel), symbol for . . 287 o v e 1986 Aibole,. . 31 : 48n, 286, 303n :2746dim-i-Albant, wort Adigest Squan to 20,28, i Airitatédvara, to. onar to'sbun . . . 112 Adian, Gouda 3 46 Lityugura, s.a. Atyagrapars, 198 The figur e r MP PMA after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on Pp. vi to zih The following other abbreviation d ch.chief : co.=country, di..-district or divigion : do-ditto dynastyE.-Kastern .female; k. --king, m.emale; mo-mountain n.-river: .. d ame ka "w. ramo, t-templo; w.villago or town; W.-Wostero. s d Sarah, . . . . Page #395 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX 31 84 299 • ghre, . . . . . . 64 278 200 PAGE Aivalli, ..a. Aihole, . Aivarmalai, vi.. . Aja, myth. ., Ajjhitadivt, queen of the Uchchakalpa k. Vyl . . 129, 130 Ajmer, w., . . . . . 46, 47, 48, 127 ajñapti (0xc0utor), 145, 148, 257, 260, 261, 273 Akalanka, epithet of Narasiskhavarman II, 106, 107 Akilavaraha, 4 tille, . .. 237, 240, 241, 244 Akilavaraha, sur. of Krishna II, . . 178, 340 Akalavarahn, our. of Krishna III, 288, 289, 290 Akbar, Mughal L., Akbarpur, vi.. . Akéta-Setti, ., . . . . . . 37, 40 Athailkul, i., . . . Akhaligang, ri, Akhälikula, 6.a. Akhailkul, . . 278, 281, 285 Akhälittadäks, vi., Akmahal, di.. . . . . . . 286 akakapatalin, official, . . . . .44, 293 aitshini, . . . . . . . 93, 95 Alakere, ti. . . . . 180, 182, 183 Alamkardaarvasna, a work . . 162n 'Aläu-d-din-Khalji, k.,. . Aliya Rāmatāya, Vijayanagara prince, 90, 91n alla, muffix to names, . 78 Allahåbåd, wi.. . . . 291, 292 Allahabad pillar inscription, . . . . 127 Allahåbäd prasasti of Samudragupta, . . 3, 4 Allalarman, .. . . . . . . 62, 64 alfs or äritalu, inferior grain. . . . 278 Alphabet : Arabio, . . . . . . 304, 305 Armało, . . 261, 262 Box-boaded,. 4 . .. 100, 261 Brühmi, . . . 4, 85, 96, 97, 209 Granthe,. . . . . . . 83 Gupta . . . . . . 96, 127 Kanarevo, 19, 31, 36, 131, 180, 183, 187, 191, 19, Рат Pallava-grantha, . . 106, 109 Tamil, . 83 Telugu, . . . . . 89, 91n, 133, 165 Telugu-kannada. . . . . 1830 Alär insoription, . . Aluve, dy., . . amanda, . . . . . . 2018 Amaridity, ... . . . . . 34, 68 Aparakantaka, a hith,. . . . 76 Amarivati, celestial oity . . . 224, 225 Amarivati inscription, . . . . 1140 Amatali, ... Amtail, . . . 278, 281, 286 amilya, axofloial, 4, 128, 180, 181, 149, 153, 154 Amber, vi.. . . . . . . . ambhojata or ambhoja . . . . Ambikadovi, t, . . . . . Amoralinga, vii, . . . , 136, 136, 137 Amitridani, biruda of Narasihkavarman II, 108 Amma I or Ambarije, I. Chalukya k., 142, 140, 149, 163, 164 Amma II or Ammarie, E. Ohalukya , 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 146, 149, 161,256 Ammadows or Ammadora-Acharya, Jaina teacher . . . . . . 71, 72, 74 Amoda, wi.. . . . . 76, 77, 209, 211 Amoghavarsha, a Hille, 237, 239, 240, 241, 244 Amoghavarsha I, Rashprabljak, 16, 238, 239 Amoghavaraha III, Rashfrabilia . 238 Ampitaka, ., . . . . . 282, 285 Amritakara, i, . . . 281n, 285 arba or anda, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122n, 246n Amtail, ., . , . . . 278 Anahilavida or AphilwidalAphilvad) or "Påtan, vi., . . . .238, 239, 240 Apaimangalam, vi.. , , . . . . . . 216 Apaiyadi, street, . . . . . . 216 Anaka or Anika, s Amorija Anamda-Bhatta-Siva, ., . . . . 56, 60 Anandapurs or Anandapurl, s.a., Vadnagar, 238,. 241, 248, 244 Ananta, the,. . . . 48, 60, 296, 290 ante, Maflach.. . . . . . 91 Ananta-uvimin, m., . . . . 120, 124 Andhau inscriptione, . . Andhru, co. or people. . 166, 170, 173, 265 Anovadonga, biruda of Kriolipa III, 287, 288, 289, 290 Khariskthi, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 97, 197, 190, 201, 202, - 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 251 Katila, . . . . . 174 Nigari or Döva- (or Nandi-) Någarl, 18, 42, 46, 63, 69, 76, 89, 101n, 131, 138, 177, 207, 200, 237, 265, 291, 997 Oriyor Uriya, . . . 97,98 • The Bigures refor to pages ; #. after figure, to footaotes; and add to the addition on pp. wil to zil. The following other abbreviations are todoh. chiel ; di.-distriot or division; lo.ditto . dy.dyneety : E.-Eastern ; .femalo; k. - king; m.-malo; mo.- mountain riv er; 4 4. M. ow.surname; 4.templo; vi village or towa; W.-Westors. Page #396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 307 Paca 139 Pacz Angadi, vi, . . . . 241 Arikdoari Paränkuta, mw. of Térmiran Raja Angavidya, science of Vydkarana, etc. . 113, 114 simha I,. . . . . . . 112n Angkvara, m., . . . . . 119, 123 Arimardana, epithet of Narasithavarman II, 106, 107 Añjanöya, ., . Hanuman . . . 181, 182 Arinatans, epithet of Narasimhavarman II, 108n Ankola, vi., . . . 86n Arjuna, opis hero, 27, 28, 34, 109, 140, anbuda, emblem, : : . . 187, 149 143, 146, 147, 165, 168, 172, 176, 234, • Annalladēva, see Arporaja. 256, 256, 258 Annavaram, vi.,. . . . . 256 Arjuna, Girjara h . . . 20, 22, 20 Antagada-dasto, work, Arjuna, m., . . . . . . . 80 mlabpurika, an official, . . . 293 Arjuna, 8.4. Kärtaviry, .. 166, 169, 162 antara-balta, . . . . Arjuna or Arjunavarman IT, Paramira ka of Antirigam, vi.. . . . . Malou, . . . . . 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 Anupshahr, vi. . Arjunavarman I, Paramdea bing of Kaland, 48, 49 anuára, 999, 158n, 169m, 160n, 161n, 186, Arkadatta-svämin, 7., . . . 118, 122 1810, 199, 208, 269, 272, 274n, Arkadova-svämin, m., . . . . 119, 123 275, 276 Arka-svåmin, n., . . . 119, 122, 248, 248 anusvira, change of -into a pagal Arkka-nandana, d.o. Karpa, . . anundra, wrong use of . 254 Arkonam, vi.. . . . 81 anaudra, form of . . . 96 arms (=two), . . . 188, 164, 166, 173, 174 anwadra, omission of . 62, 177 Arporaja, Annalladora, Anäks or Anaka, Chau. anuadra, superfluous use of . .. 89, 98, 237 hän k. of Ajmer, . . . . . 48 anumira, use of - for nasal,. 48, 89, 287, 268, 272 arrow (five), . . . 158, 164 Apanaga-svåmin, ., . . 246, 248 Arsavalli, ni. . . . . . . 274 Apåpora, ni.. . . . . . . 57, 59 artha, . . . • 173 Apäpuri, s.a. Papa or Piri, . . . 67n Arthapalite, m.,. . . . 119, 123 Aparagängöy, Amaragängöya or Amaragauge, Artthapati, epithet of Bhavattaparman, 201, 103, 104 Chauhan k. of Ajmer, . . 48 Antha-bastra, sort on politica, . . . 999 Aparajita, Pallava k. . .. . 84, 85, 87 Arambika, vis . 187, 189, 140, 145, 148, Aparajita, title of Narasimhaparman II, 106, 107 149, 161 apavarala, the inner apartment, . . . 56, 60 Arapi, m., . . . . . . 282, 286 Appadovi, queen of Ramabhadradina, . 18 Aryan, . . . . . . 77 Apratima, epithet of Narasimhaparman II, 106, 107 Arya-Siddhanta, Siddhantas. ara inaription, . . . . 2. , 77, 9 Asive, ith, . . . . .. 66, 69 arahanta, epithet of Gautama Buddha, . 96 deana, one of the sia brancher military science, 280 Arnikür, ti., . . . . . Annapars, ning . . . . 266, 267, 268 Aratere, place, . . . . 184, 186, 187 Amanda, ... Visko, . . 181, 182 Aramaio Inscription of Dartu, . . . 207aalipinga-bhakti-drama, . . . . . 23 arana-bhandi, . . . . . . 38, 40 alfavitha-bhakti-loriya, sight forms of Worship, 28n Arapota, ., . . . . . 44 ashfavidh-Archana. . . . . . 32 Aravida, family,. . ... . 90n, Oln Asirgadh soal inscription, . . . . 16 archana, one of the eight forms of worship, 28nAboks, or Apoka, Maurya emperor, 7, 208, 2016, Ardhanaribara, form of Sind, . 176 206, 261, 268, 269 ardhansondra, . . . . (272, 273 Abraghaha, Buddhist author . . . 19 Argghya-tartha, place, 182, 186, 192, 193, 219, 221 Abamidha, sacrilon, . 3, 118, 115, 141, 162, Arikurikbeati, epithet of Narasimhaparman II, . 112n 256, 258, 259, 268, 200, 271, 276, Arikiari Miravarman, Pandya kug.' . . 87 276 The figure rotor to pegou: . after figuro, to footnotes; and add to the addition on Pp. v to ali The following other abbreviations around th.chial; co.moountay, di distriot or division; do.-ditto i dy.dynasty; 2. Return; f.tomelo; k ing: male ; momountata dor; ame Mai at-umamo; fontemplos villago or town; W.-Western. Page #397 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 308 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XIX Pads Ayyavale, or Ayyavola, u.a. Aihole, 21, 25, 30, 31, 33, 86, 36, 37, 40 Azea, Parthian k., . . 200, 201, 200 Apoa or Ovapoa, co.. . . 198 PA01 aspämika, bastaralyn . . . 140 a Wapat, a litla, . . . . . Aitatthanien wie dert 119, 119, 114 Amikür inscription * 810, 88, 888, 280 afhanintaro . .86, 39 Athävi, . . . . . 282, 285 Atimin, diruda of Narasimhavarman II, 106, 107 Atithaotianda, mur. of Narasimhhavarshan II 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 118 Atmaialdi, one of the three baldia . . 2080 atma-Nivedana or afwirpopa, one of the eight form of Porship. . . . . . 28n Atodyatumburt, epithes of Narsinhawarman . . . . 118 Atri, mage,. . . . 166, 167, 171 Attemamba, queen of Kona a Chode II, 167, 158, 160, 168 Atulabula, epithet of Narasimhavarman II, 105, 107 Atyamtakata le of Narasimhavarman II,. . . 105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 112, 113 Atyantskima, title of Narasimhavarman I, 108 Atyagrapura, .a. Agror, secondary form of . . 189 Aubalátājayya, Göbürich.. . Andambar or Audumban me Udymbarki. Indrahädi, di., . . 71, 72, 74 Auragalula, family . . .. 180, 180 diagra, sign of, . . . . . . 900 Avalla, t. . . . . 78 Avanibhünhapa, epithet of Narasimhavarman II, 105, 107 Avanidivakars, biruda of Narasithavarman II, . . . . . . . . 108n apäri, a shop or enclosure, 65, 66, 87, 88, 59, 60, 61 Avëlladiva, mistake for Annalladera.,. 48n Avtratadana, epithet of Narasisinhavarman II. 112n Ay, family,. . . . . . . 214 wy, Obanged into ey, . . . . 226 Aya, ..a. Azes, . . . . 200, 201, 205 aya, aye, ayi, forms of Sanskrit ayam, • 205 Ayala, ., . . . ayathai, aanha, comin, ayaan seydh. . . . . Aytavarma, tl.,. . 233, 294, 225 Ayyana-bhaffi, , . . . 140, 145, 148 ba, expressed by as and vios ver, . 19, 75, 121, 210, 226, 206 ba, two-fold forms of . . . . 101 bachcha, . . . . . . 36, 87, 89 Bacheye, ... 227, 231, 230 Bada (or Voda) game, o.. Badagko, 278, 281, 282, 288 Badagis, Di.. . Bädape, E. Chalubya L. . 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 146, 148, 148, 149, 151, 162, 163, 164 Bada(vara)pafichal, s.a. Baramchal of Brahmachal 278, 281, 282, 286 Badiya, wi... . . . . . 100, 181 badiya-bola-ganapetarigälauftritt . 180, 163, 184 Bagaidage, osin . . . . . 36 Båganabbe, J., . . . . 189, 190 Bagavixli (Bagewadi) or Bagthwaite, th, 21, 21, 29 Bage, .. . . . . . . 36, 37 40 Bige Fifty, di.. . . . . . . bigonad 370, c. . . . . . Bagshida Soventy, d., . Balada or Bahadadova, utty the hashan Govindardja. . . . . . 47 bahattom-wiyogi, oflich . 196, 297, 281 Bahn (8). . . . 101, 170, 171 Bahubacharitrathis wort, la Bahunaya, biruida of Narasimhaparman II, 106, 107, 108n, 118n baisanige, derivation of . i . . . 30n bajentacorus calamus, . . . . . 33, 35 Bakasimalaka, trees, . . 103, 104 Bala (Balarāms), mythical personage, . 281, 234 Baladeva, race of, . . . . . 26, 29 Baladvapattana, .,. . . . 32 Baladóvayya, m., . . . . . 187, 188 Biliditya, W., , . . 16, 17, 18, 19 Baliditya, ch., . . 189, 143, 146 Balaipatna, vi.. . . . . . . 32 .. 68 • 206 205 The figures refer to pages : M. ter figur, to footnotes; and add to the addition on PP. viito xii The following other abbreviations are tod oh ohled; di.-district or division; da-ditto; dy.-dynasty : E.-Easterns fofomalo; L-Kng1 male; mo, mountain; ri.river; 4.-me Mg our,--surname; te.tample; v=village or towar W-Western. Page #398 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 309 Pas . 480 . 261 32 . . . 2019 ΡΑΟΥ Balavardha, se Valavadha,. . . 199, 200 | Bürsür inscription, bafegiya, . . . . . . . 87 Barton Museum, 174, 175p Baleyavattapa, .a. Balispettam, 31, 32, 33, 35 Barwani Stato . Balhapadova, Chanhan k, of Ranthambhor. 48 Basava, M., . . 189, 190 Bali, wyth, k. . . . . 231, 236, 297 Basavanpa, te., . . . . . . 191 hali, worship. 116, 120, 121, 126, 129, 131, ... Bansvayya, 7.. . . 303, 304 . 180, 182, 183 Basavikvara, to... . . . . 19 Baliapattam or Valapattam, ni. . . Blaavura or Blaavur Hundred And Forty, di, bali-pltha, . 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, balta, a measure,. . . . . 35n, 38, 40 . 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 Ballale (II), Hoysala k., . . . 20, 22, 28 Bashgali, dialect, . . . 203 Balvan State, . . . . . 45 Baud, vi.. . . Bemanghäti grant, . . . . 264 Band Stato, . . . . . . . 49, 97 Bammadóvarass, m., . . . 187, 188 Baud plates of Raga-Bhañija, Bammar , Sinda k... 227, 230, 234 Bäusigama, vi... . . Bammi-Setti, 71.. . . . . . 33, 35 Bayama, queen of Verkafa 1, . . 92 Bammoja, ., . 180, 182, 183 Béchayya, m., . . . . 185, 186 Bapa, family, . . . . 84, 86, 87 Böda, the hunter caste,. . . 274 baraba, land measure,. . . 19, 20, 30 and a Bedabalu, Di., . 184, 186, 187 banabe-sack, . . . . . 25, 29, 30m Bedadi oopper-ladle inscription, . 203 Banabhäga pargana, . . . . 279 Behar, co.,. . . • 167 Bapaja, puild of merchants, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30 Bejavade, ... Bezwada, , 273, 274, 276, 277 Baparliai or Banariti, ... Benares, 34, 186 Belgaum insoription, . . . . 2a Baneva 12,000, co., . 83, 184, 185, 186, 187, Bölür, wi.. . . . . 188, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 300 Belvala 300 or Bolvala, co., 83, 191, 192, Bangaramma, queen of Verbata II, Oln 193, 194, 195, 196 Bankpurs or Bankapar, ., . 180, 181, 183, Benarus, vi.. . 40, 102, 167, 221, 226, 291, 206 187, 188, 189 Benares copper-plate inscription of Karpadova, 78a Bankade, Raahtrabaja general, . . . 86 bendi, . . . . Banp, ., . . . . . 8,9 Bengal, co., . . . 11, 17, 71, 116, 166, 167 Banswar plate of Bhojadēva, . 69 Berna, ri... . . . . 201 Bappai-Vikpati, . . . Berpagar column inscription, . . . 7 Bappaiparkja, ... Paramora k. Valpati I, Bettimayye, ... . . . . . 188 236, 239, 240, 241, 244 244 Bouwada, V...... .. . 88, 218 Bappa-ovimin, M., . . . 247, 242 Beavada pillar inscription, 139, 272, 273, 276 Baziber inscription, . . Beatrida platoo of Chalukya-Bhims I, . 255 Barado, i., . . . . 184, 186, 187Bhlidalis 1. Badloobudruk, . . . . 60, 84 Baragajamas, people, . . Bhaddalos Attuvaks, 11., . . . . 54, 58 Barnh, vin, . . 16 Bhaldarapi, ... Badawan,. . 291, 292, 293 Barek oopper-plate of Bhojadir,. 15, 54,230 Bhades of Bhadraprakāls, h., . . 54, 55, 58 Barnkone, wi.. . . . . . 378 bhadramuste, the cyperus pertenuis, . . 33, 35 Barutnobilior Brahmachal, in . . 376, 979 Bhadropika, vi... . . . . . 196 Barshil poyan . . . . . 178, 279 Bhadu or Bhandu, . . . . 199, 200 Beppe M e al of Lito . . . 240 Bhagsvarishi, image of- . . . 215 barbus . . . . . . 36, 37, 38 Bhagayat or Bhagavin, ... Boddha, . 97, 295 Write j e . . . . . 87, 99 Brigavato-Purina, work . . . 123 Berdas . . . . . . . 90, 92 Bhagavati, goddane, . . . 18, 33, 87 foto meto to pages: atter figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vi to wil The following other abbreviations in mod d ohled;; di.-distalot or division; do. dito; ty.dynasty i 1. estem; f.female; k ng; monolo; mamountata ; nesire .4. m w. mamo ; l.tomple; vi village of town; 7.-Western. Page #399 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX 84 PAGE PAGE Bhagirathi, ri.. . . . 286 Bhatta Löyðmaks, m., . . . . 263, 264 Bhairava, god or te., 191, 192, 193, 195, 196, 1977 Bhattapataka or Bhätapada, ... Bhatēri, 278, Bhairava-Kahētrapala, god,. . . . 196n 281, 282, 285 bhaktavalsala, . . . . 164n Bhattaputra, Jakshasvamiarman, m, 135, 136, 137 Shallurki, . . . . . . 37, 39 Bhattaraka, title, . . . bhandigoda, . . 64, 101, 103, 104 . . . 38, 40 . . Bhatta Tarigana, mh,. . . . 56, 60 Bhazamana-raja, ., . Bhatta Tata, N. . . . . . . . 62 bhandag:rika, as official, . . . . . Bhatti, m., . . . . . . . 303 Bhangareda, ting. . Bhattihara svimin, m., . . . . 120, 125 Bhafije, dy., . . 41n, 42, 43 Bhatti Mahivar-svamin, m., 247, 248, 249, 250 Bhaijarija, founder of the kingdom of Band, . 42 Bhatti-Mátri-svåmin, m., . . . 248, 250 Bhanu, the Sun,. . 158, 159, 162 Bhattinanda-svimin, m., . . 120, 124 Bhanu-avāmin, h.. . . . 119, 122 Bhattin Mahadevi, S.,. . . 66, 60 Bharadvaja, sage, . . . 113, 115 Bhavs, .., Siva,. . . . 144, 147, 173 Bharata, myth. k., . . . 64, 73 Bhavadatta, Nala k.. . . Bharata, war, . . . . 101, 102 . 289, 290 Bhavaddva-svimin, the, . 119, 123 Bharata-varsha or-kabētra (the land of Bharats), . . Bhavatta, Prakrit form of Bhavadatta, . 19, 22, 26, 229, 233 00., . . 101 Bhavattavarman, Nala k., Bhisanināténgárika, vi. . . . 281, 285 . . 101, 102, 104 Bhårnagar, ti., . Bhikara, 7., . . . . . . . . 174, 175n Bhaskaramitra-svāmin, m., 247, 259 Bhayarshitab. biruda of Narasimhawarman Bhaskara (Bhasara or Bhaani) fåtgart, wi... 278. II,. . . . . . . 106, 108n 281n, 282, 286 Bhayatab-svåmin, 7., . . . . 246, 248 Bhaskaravarman, Pragjyotisha k., . 115, 116, Bhayipayy -Näyska, ch., . . 36, 38, 41 117, 118, 121, 246, 246 Bhil, tribe, . . . . . . 69 Bhäf, caste, . . 148 Bhillama, Yadava k.. . Bhatakka, Valahhi k.,. . . . : 303 Bhillamila, ...., Bhinmål or Bhilmil, 84, 87, 68 Bhattapätaks or Bhätapadi, .. . Bhätéri, 278, Bhilmal or Bhinmal, vi.. . . . . 57 281, 282, 285, 286 Bhima, epic hero, . . . . . 33, 36 Bhatavall, vi.. . . . . 291, 292, 293 Bhims I, Gujarat k.. . . . 70 Bhimri, vi.. 277, 278, 279, 285 | Bhima IIT, B. Chalukya k.,. . . Bhatári (second) inscription, . 278, 280n, 283n, 284n Bhima, Kona k.,. . 167, 168, 160, 163 Bhatkal, vi.. . . . 360 Bhimakarmuke, epithet of Narasimhawarman Bharaju, Telugu caste, . . . . . 148 II, . . . . . . . 1000 Bhatta, . . 67 Bhimarija,... Chalukya-Bhima I, ChilukyaBhatta Amaka, 11., . . . 80 Bhima II, . . 139, 142, 162, 154, 156 Bhatta Chohhitarika, ni, . . 60 Bhimata, m., . .. . . 263, 264 Bhattadeva, M.,. . 140, 145, 148 Bhimavaram or Bhimapuram, i., . . 165 Bhatta Divakars, 11., . . . . . 56, 60 Bhiměsa-linga, god. . . . 167, 160, 163 Bhatta Diyaka, M., . . . 60, 61 Bhishms, epic hero, . 36, 298 Bhatta Gopadēva-evåmin, they . 268, 270, 271 Bhögå, si., . . . . 285 Bhatta Göpaka, ., . . . . 68 Bhögapätaks, land, 136, 137 Bhatta Indra, M., . . . 55, 59 Bhögāu, vi., . 282, 286 Bhatta Isinadatta, M., . . . . 56, 61, 62 Bhogika, an official, . . 128, 130, 131, 303 Bhatta I(I)kvara, m., . . . . 66, 59, 60 Bhoja, Gurjara k. . . . .. 20, 22, 26 Bhatta-Kächara-svämin, they . 16, 18, 19 Bhoja or Bhöjadova, Gurjara Pratikars k., Bhatta Kelava, ., . . . . . 56, 61 15, 16, 17, 18, 63, 64, 67, 68, 178, 288n The figures refer to pages : .. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on PP. vii to xil. The following other abbreviations are weed-ch.chied; di.-district or division; doditto; dy. -dynasty: E.Eatern; f. female; k=king; male; mo-mountain; r rivari.. 4- me M Nr.surname; te.=templo; vi village or town; W.-Western. • 20, 22, 28 Bhagia. . . Page #400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX 911 270 PAGS PAGB Bhojo I or Bhojadova I, Paramdra k. of Dhanh, Biswanath, wi.. . 60, 70, 72, 78, 177, 178, 237, 240 boer, emblem, . . 89, 131, 188, 140 Bhopala, ih, . . boer, banner, Bhotilahätaka, vi.. . . 281, 286 Boar incarnation, Bhrigu-svamin, m., . 120, 194 Bobliobhadi, ri, i . . . 979, 889 bhwi, (sl. bhayat), Bodhisattv, . . . . 66, 67,200 Bhuj, vi.. . . . 800, 301 Bombay, big 69, 180 bhuja (arm-g), . . . 161 Bombay Museum, . . . 303 Bhujabals-Prsadhapratäps, a title Bordalabbo, . . . 87, 40 bh-b dara, land meanine, . . . . 285 Boppadēva, ml.,. . · 102, 103, 104 bhuldi, a territorial division, 17, 288n Boppapayya-raja-rahthi, M., . . . 87, 40 184, 188 Boppl-Setti, ... womada, 8.4. Som dere III, . . . . . 83, Bhamaba, a.. Y samotiba . . . . 13 boustrophedon inscriptions, . . . . 808 Bhumari stone inscription, . . 128 bowl relio,. . bhimi-chchhidra or- n ya, . 90, 118, 191 Böys, 6.0. Beda 273, 274, 977 Bhalankan, ., . . . . 20, 24, 28 brahmacharia, . . . . 60, 61, 304 Bhútiverman, 8.4. Pragyotisha k. Mahabhate brahmadiya. . . . .: varman,. . . . 116, 118, 121, 246 Brahman or Brahmi, god, 28, 30, 33, 34, Bhuvanaikamalladórs or Bhavanaikamallo, S.C. 78, 96, 104, 1100, 144, 147, Bombevara II,. . . . 184, 185, 186 165, 162, 164, 166, 167, 171, 211, 221n, Bhavayi, w., . . . . . 282, 286 222, 225, 206, 479, Bhüyukari-svåmin, m., . . 119, 122 Brahman or Brahmana, Bhūyikadovt, queen of Devasalatidina, 17, 18 15, 16, 19, 25, 27, 29, 39, 42, 54, 57, 61, 76, 88, 90, Bloha or Biohirkys, ch.. . 20, 23, 27 102, 104, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, bigha, land meaning, . . . . . 128, 129, 178, 182, 180, 192, 219, Bihar, i., . . . . . 57 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 236, 21, Bijjala, Kalachurit.. . . 297, 230, 234 244, 246, 262, 268, 200, 270, 271, Bijjala, Bijjana, Vira-Bijjala (Biljana), Sinda 29, 303, 304, 300 k., . . . . . 227, 231, 232, 234, 236 Bijja-Sotti, ., . . . . . . 33, 35 Brahma-Siddhants, ce Siddhantas. Bilkapur, ui. . . . . . . 77 Brahmavak, family, . . . . Bilbapa, author, . . . . . 164n Brak dana, a festival,. . . . . 13, NS Bilhapadova, Chauhan k. of Ranthambhor, 48 Brajarija-Bhaja, Bhaija L. of Gumour, Bilhapa-Setti, m., . . . . . . 83, 86 Brihaspati, mage,. . . 268, 26, 280 bilkode, a kind of tax, . . 184, 185, 186, 187 Brihaspati-svimin, ., . . . . 247, Bimbamba, queen of Upendra III, 166, 167, 160, 173 Bridal antibita, sorka . . . 32, 114 Bimbimbiki, queen of the Konak. Upindra, 166, British Museum, . • 19, 30, 179, 217, 2 158, 159, 162 British Museum plates of Amma II, . 28 bindu, a dot or circle, . . . .. . 76 British Museum plates of Venkatapati,. binige . . . . . 186, 187, 189 Badawan, vi.. . . . . . 200 . . 87, 260, 178, 204, 284, 187 Buddha, one of the three Rainas, Birudatkaradr, biruds of Viraparties and Leblom Buddha, or Gautama Buddha. 4, 12, 88, 87, 88, Choda, . . . . . . . 186n 96, 97, 165, 187, 200, 204, 206, 215, Beradankaradra, biruda of the Köpa .. Ohoda I, 216, 217, 206 . 108, 160, 162 Buddhadovi, nun, . birige, weight, . . . 33, 36 Buddhölvar-avamin, m.. . 119, 122 The figures refer to pagou; *. after figuro, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vill to The following other abbreviations are wed ch.ohiet; i didistelot or division; da-ditto dy..dynaty: 2.-Eastern : f. -female; k. Ling: m.-malo; mo-mountain ; w. rive M m e M. ow.surname; 16. templo; vi. village or town; W.-Western. birida, 200 Page #401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHITA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. PAGE ΡΔΟΣ Boddhiam, . . . 8, 117, 215, 216, 248, 252 Chalukya, Western, dy. .22, 106, rro, in, Buddhist text . . . 12.96 112, 116, 180, 187, 184, 186, 190, Budha, mik L. . . . . 165.107, 171 192, 193, 194, 219, 221, 223, 224, Bodhagupta, k, . . . . . . 282 226, 230, 234, 239, 258, 268, 269, 281 Builopbudruk, vi.. . . . . . & Chalukya-Bhima Bhimeda, Bhimavars or Bugada plates, . . 266, 206, 2070 Bhimarija, E. Chalukya L., 142, 146, Bakka or Bakkarāja, Araviti ch., . 90 and a 166, 168, 172, 256 Balandshahr, vi., Chalukya Bhima II, E. Onlukya k., 139; bull, emblem, 134, 266 142, 146 Bundelt, in . 211 Chalukyabhima-purs, Chalukyabfifmavara-pura Bundón, a.. Bundeli,. . 210, 211, 21% or Chalukya-nagari, 8.a. Bhimavaram, . . . 165 Bundy, ... Panduva, . . 187 Chilukya-Bhimcía, .a. Kamaririm, 180, 188, 172 burn. . . . . . . . 197 Chama, Sinda prines, . . . 297, 230, 233 Batuga II, W. Gariga k., . . . 81, 82, 83 Chamokvara, te., . . . . 227, 232, 296 Chammak oopper-plate inscription : 201 Chamanda (Chaundi)-Setti, m., . 20 Chamund, Chimandacija or Chamunds DandaBashar, co., . . . . . . . Cacor, Homon title, . . . 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 dhipe, ch., . . 6,263 Caloutta, ., . . Chanakya, th, . . . . . . 198, 198 Chandala, . . . . . . . . che ondings, omission of- 221 Chandambikin queen of Vijayiditya, 168, Ontatives, trregular use of - and their deriva 187, 188, 172 . Cawapore, . . . . . . 16 Chandanachala, ... Malayãohala, 160, 168 Chandapika, m., . . . . Coylon, island . 136, 136, 137 . . . . 112, 122 cha, form of min Kharththis . 7, 198, 202 Chandikan, title of Narseitshawarman 11, 106, 107 Chandolls, family, . . Chachohal.primcem . . 72, 74 . . . . . 298 . . . Chadallimete, . , . . 72, 74 . Chandana . . . . 140, 146, 148 . . Chandimayya 76. . . Chihemins, 4., Chauhan, . 228, 224, 225 Chandra -1 . . . . . 161 Chaitra or Chayitra, a festival, Chaitra-pavitraba (or-pavitra), 71, 73, 74, 232, 238 Chandradiss-evimin, m., . . . 120, 125 Thakane, ri.. . . . Chandradova, Gahada dla k., . . 992, 298 Chandridityadēva, Chola ch., ahalira, discus, or sesoolation, . . . 98, 99 Chakradóva-avāmin; withi, Chandragiri, W.,. . . 90, 91, 92, 93, 95 Chakrapanis s.a. Vishnu, . . . . 159 Chandragiri-ndjya, co., . . . 90 Chakrabatini, .a. Chikana,. . . 46, 49 Chandrapaksha-svimin, m.,. . 247, 249 aliandika, a bird, . . . . . 284 Chandrapari or Chandrapurl b., , . . 117n Chalolyadhe, # of Kanauj, . Chandrapuri or Chandrapuri-vialaya, di., 1TB, Ciäkyne, a class of people in Travancore, 118, 121 Chalako-nallita, biruda of Krishna MI, 287, 289 Chandrārdhabékhata-tikhamani, title of Nana halikya, a.a. Chaluya. . . . . 63 situavarman II,. . . . . 106, 107 Challamarājs, Chola che, . . 98 Chandrarekhi, .. . . . . . . 176 Chaluky, familys. . . 72, 74 Chandndok-goya paremamdulaya,. Chandranka-vidpaper . 288, 212 Chaluky, moun . 166, 168, 172 Chandrabokhara, 14. Siva, . . . . 19 Guiluky, Buster, dy., . 88, 189, 140, 141, 146, Chandraithha, ah.. . 200, 297 140, 162, 184, 185, 167, 108, 170) Chlpatkata, u.a. Chivda, . 2178 174 254, 25A.. TA Charaks, an author. . . . . . 128n. Chemped&vs, my . . . . . 271, 271 The figures refer to page 1, n. after ..figuro, ta fogtaates, and add to the addition on pp wil, to til The following other abbreviations are und i c hiet; ca.ogantrydi.Mediatrlat og division: do.ditto dy dynasty; E.-Eastern ; f. femalo: k ing m.-male, more mountains there ome M. ww. ramo; te-templo; yillage or town; W.-Wostora, 171. 172, 173, 174, 20 7 2 273 Page #402 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 313 PAGE PAGE Chiroda-vishaya di.. . . . . 98, 99 Chikka Chavunda-Setti, m., . . . . 37, 40 Chårsadda inscriptions, . . . . . 203 Chikkadēva, ch., . . . . . 20, 23, 27 charu, an oblation, . 116, 120, 121, 128, Chikkadevaraya-tanbūvali, Kanarese work, 90, 91 129, 131, 303, 304 Chirudatta, m., . . . 218, 220, 221, 222 Chikka-Kētayya, m., . . . . 185, 188 charupt . . . . . . 98n Chikka Maniyür, Chik-Manur or Chika Munnoor, Chashtana, W Kshatrapa k., . 12, 13, 14 vi., . . . . . . 228, 232, 236 chaston = master in Pushto, . . . . 13 Chimmayya, m., . . . . . 289, 290 chala-bhafa . . . . . 44, 129, 304 Chimudagere, place, . . . . 184, 186, 187 Chatta, m., . . . ... 75, 77, 80 China or Chinese, co., . . 3, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 199 chaturāghata, boundaries, . . 56, 58, 60, 61 Chinese-Turkistan, co., . . . . 4, 13, 202 Chaturanana, 8.a. Brahman, . . . . 28 Chingleput, vi.. . . . . 81 Chaturvvaidya or Chaube, - one knowing the Chinnaobraya (Chinna-Obala-Rāya), Gõbūri ch., 92 four Vēdas, . 54 & n, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61 Chipurupalli plates, . . . 255 chatushlika, hall,. . . . . 76, 80 Chirurodi-maddalu, . 150, 153, 164 Chaudhore Boppi-Setti, m.,. 4m. . . . 33, 35 Chitrabhānu, m.,. . 210, 213 Chandhore Goravi-Setti, m., . . . . 33, 35 Chitrada, vi.. . . . . . . 272 Chauhan, dy.. . . . . 45, 46, 47, 48, 77 Chitragupta, a mythical personage, . . . 298 Claulukyas of Anhilwada, . . . . 240 Chitrakärmuka, biruda of Narasimhavarman Chaunda (Chamunda), m., . . . . II,. . . . . 107, 109n chauriki (Chaurika), an official, . , 71, 73, 74 Choda I, Kona k., 155, 156, 158, 159, 162, 165 Chåvanna, m., . . 187, 188 Choda II, Kona k., 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, Chavda, family,. . . 238, 239 162, 163 Chavuda-Sotti, m., Choda III, Kona k., . . . 156, 157, 158, 160, 162, . . 37, 40 163, 164, 173n Chāvunda I, Sinda k., . . . 227, 230, 233 Chodamalla, tri., . . . , 166, 169, 172 Chivunda II, Sinda k., . .227, 230, 231, 234, 235 Chodambikā, queen of Mallapadēva II, 166, Chöbrölu, vi.. . . . . . . 167, 169, 172 Chēdi, co., 70, 71, 74, 75, 78, 227, 228, 296, 297 Chodavaram, vi., . . . 265 Chëdisagadha, the fort or district of the lord of Chola, co., 64, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 90, 106, 112, Chēdi, . . . . . . . 76 165, 216, 288, 289, 290 Chēmakūra Venkatakavi, an author, 215 Chola, family, . . . . . . 98, 99 Chenchhadi, vi., . . . . . 279 Cholas, people, . . . . 20, 21, 22, 26, 64 Chồngachchhudi (or Ochhudika), s.a. Chenchhadi. Cholamaharaja, sur. of Kumaränkusa, . . 87 279, 282, 285 Chenna, ch., . . . . . Chuallis, Pargana, . . 910 . 278, 279 Chennakaviraja, Chennapeggada of Chennaks Chukhsa, . . . . . . . 8 virāja-kalahamsa, m., . . 155 Chulle, m., . . . . . 102, 103, 104 Chēra, co.,. . . . 83n, 166 Chutaka- or Chutaka-vihāra, Buddhist monastery, Cherakurnballi, 3.a. Cherukamilli, 140, 145, 148 65, 68, 69 Cherukumilli, vi... Cocanada, vi., . . 140 . . . 165 . . chha, form of . . Conjeeveram, vi., . . 8ln, 93n, 110, 132 Chhahara, . . . constituente-3, . . . . . . 173 Chhalapa, m.. Controller of Records, . . . . . . . 29 Chhalarahita, epithet of Narasimhavarman II crescent, on seal,. . 89 Chhattisgarh, derivation of crescent, emblem, . . 134, 137, 266 76 Chhattisgarh, vi., . . . Chhattisgarhi, dialect, . . 78 d and k, forms of Aramaio-resembling rand , 262 Chidambara-Kavi, a poet, . 92, 94, 96d, use of—fort . . . . . . 272 1080 . 76 The figures refer to pages: n. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vil to zil The following other abbreviations are used :-ch.chief: Co.-country : di.-district or division do..ditto; dy.-dynasty; E.-Eastern; 1. omale; 'k. king; m.-malo; mo-mountain; ti.river ; 8.d.-smo M W arnarne ; te, templo; w.village or town; W.-'Western. Page #403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 314 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. 23 10th, . . . . PAGE d, doubling of -after, da, form of- . . . . . 277 da, form resembling ta in Kharoshthi, . . 206 da, resembling dha in Telugu, . . . . 164 Daçaratha, Maurya king, '. . . . 253 Dadhichi, sage, ... 218, 220, 221, 222 daggra, on seal, . . . . . . 89 Pähala or Pähala, co., 76, 77, 227, 228, 230, 234, 290 Daiva-svämin, m... . . . . 246, 248 Diksharima or Dracharam, vi, 158n, 157, 160, 163 Dakshina-Toshala, di.,. . . . Dalaväy, a commander, . . . . . 216 Dalaväy-Agraharam plates, . . . . 90 Dalhana, 9., . . . . . 296, 299 dallalani, . . . . . . 180, 181 Dalpati-ki-Khirki Mohalla, a part of Mathura, 96 dams, ending of proper names, . . . 245 Dama, shortened form of Damodara, .267n Dāma, see Démodara-Setti. Dáma, Sinda k... . . . 227, 230, 233 Dimabhatti-svāmin, hh, . . 120, 124 Damabhūti-evāmin, m., . 119, 124 Dámadóva-svåmin, m., . . . . . 118, 122 Damaráta-svamin, .,. . . . 119, 123 Då makarman, ., . . • 256, 257, 258 Damitra, . . . . Dammavuram, .a. Dharmavaram, . . 273, 275 Damodara, a name, Damodara, ..., . . . 210, 212, 270, 271 Dimödara Setti, Dama or Davala, m., 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222 Damodarasiva, m., . . . . . $O Dandanayaka, an official, 135, 137, 186, 188, 192, 269, 271n Dandapall, wi., . . 128, 130, 131 Dandapálila, dandapáliks op dashdavisika, an official, . 54, 58, 71, 73, 74, 136, 200, 271n, 304 dandige, a measure . . . . . 89, 36 Dande-Mahidövi, queen of Subhakura, . , 264 Dantivarman, Pallava k., . . . . 88n dapaka or dayaka, s.a. dütaka, 178 and n, 179, 238, 243 Darddi-svāmin, m., . . . . 247, 248 Dāsa-Gävunda, m., . . . 187, 188 Dasama, Sinda prince,, . . 227, 230, 233 Dasapalla state, Dasaratha, myth. Solar k.. . . 28, 96, 297 PACE Dabarathi, s... Rama. Dakávatära-dēva, god,. . . . 66, 60 Dashalatha,. . . . . . . 203n Data (Datta), - . . . . . . 87 Date expressed in words, . . . . 130 expressed in chronogram, . . 158, 168 Dattatreya, a sage, . . . . . 162 Daulatábad, ti.. . . . . . 21 Davala, se Damodara-Setti. Davangere, vi.. . . . . . . 30 Days of the fortnight Bright lst, . . . 84, 87, 88, 296, 299, 308 2nd, . . . 86, 87, 40 5th, 16, 18, 19, 180, 181, 183, 218, 219, 221 6th. . . . . . 82n, 98, 99, 168, 161 7th, . . .168, 171, 174, 184, 262, 203 8th, • 56, 59, 267, 290, 271 . . . 130, 131 11th, . . . . . 184, 185, 187 12th, . . . . . . 89, 92, 94 13th, . . . . . 66, 61 14th, . . . 66, 60, 184, 185, 186, 292 15th (pürnimd, full moon), . 42, 44, 64, 132, 133, 191, 192, 193, 259, 260, 261, 303 Dark3rd, . . . . . . 66, 61 5th, 20, 24, 28, 31, 33, 35, 56, 61, 210, 214, 303 6th, . . . . . . 127, 164 7th, . . . , 76, 80, 102, 103, 104 8th, . . . . 21, 24, 29, 56, 59 10th, (dabami), . , 54, 58, 130,131 11th, . . . . . . . 68, 80 13th, . . . . . . . 56, 59 14th,. . 36, 38, 41, 223, 224, 225, 299 16th or 30th (amdadaya) or New moon, 72, 74, 178, 188, 218, 219, 228, 232, 235, 238, 243, 244, 292, 298 Days of the week Friday (Sukravára or Vianas), 21, 36, 37, 40, 85, 86, 168, 161, 164, 184, 210, 214, 292, 296, 290 Monday (88mavara), 21, 24, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 132, 180, 184, 186, 187, 218, 223, 224, 225, 228, 232, 236, 244 (mistake for Wednesday) 257n The figures refer to pages : 1. after a figure, to footnotes ; and add to the addition on pp. vii to zit, The following other abbreviations are used :ch.chief; co.= country: di.. district or division; do..ditto: dy.dynasty: E.Eastern : f.female; k. king; m.-male; mo.-mountain ; i. river; 6.2. same mi ANT. - surname te.-templo; vi, village or town; W.-Westom. Page #404 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 316 PAGS PAGE Saturday (Sanivära), 20, 24, 28, 32, 34, 86, 86, 184, 192 Sunday (Adi, Aditya, Ina, Ravi), . 75, 76, 80, 82n, 166, 171, 174, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 191, 192, 218, 219, 221 Thursday (Brihaspati), 36, 41, 85, 86, 184, 188, 189, 190, 292, 293 Tuesday, 31, 86, 184, 188, 218, 223, 226 Vaddsvära,. . . . . . 36, 38 Wednesday (Budha), 16, 85, 86, 90, 188, 218, 238, 243 • 66 Days - 26th day of Jysishths, . . 203 22nd solar day. . . . . . 216 1st day of Asvayuja, . • 204, 205 15th day of Ashidha, . daya, (ie, dāyada) agnate . 139, 142, 146 Däyiga, k., . . . . 180, 181, 183 De, form of Kharðshthi). . Déchimayya, ., . 223, 224, 226 Dögigama, ni., , . 281, 285 Degvöimäti, m., . 282, 286 Delhi or Dehly, vi.. . . 156, 157 Delhi inscription, Delhi Fort Museum, 54n Deogadh Jain pillar inscription, 63 Dooli grant, . . • 82n, 238n Disastha Brahmanas . Dirilaka, an official, • 11, 73, 74 Dubinamamala, work, . . . . . 9 Debiya-Gana, . . . 33, 38 Deva, a god, . . . 116, 210n Déva-forest, • 285 Dovichẳri, me, • . 164, 171, 174 Devadatta, m., , , , , , , 10ln Dövadattáryya, m... . . . . 102, 104 Dövagori or Devathgēri, vi.,, 170, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 Devagiri, a.a. Daulatábäd, • 20, 21, 23, 27 Dövaki, mother of Krishna, . . 231, 234 Dövakula-svāmin, ... . . . 120, 124 Devanaga, M., . . 66, 58, 59, 61 Dévapăladēva, Paramära k. of Malwa, . 49 Dévapila, the, . . 135, 136, 137 Dévaputra, a title, . . , 6, 88, 96, 97 Dēvarija, m., . . 46, 50 Devdram, hymns, . . . . . . 81 Dévariya, Vijayanagara k.,. . . Déväryya, m., . . . . . 102, 104 Dėvasaktidēva, Gurjara Pratihara k., . .17, 18 Dėvasarmen, m., . . • 126, 259, 260, 261 Déva-Setti (śrështhin), ch., . . 20, 24, 28, 29n Dévavarman, M., . . . 178, 177 Dëvēkvara, god, . . . . . 26, 29 devi, a goddess, . . . . 210n, 230 dh, form of Kharðshthi . . . . 198 Dhamai, ri., . . . . . . 279 dhamaite- dharma-yukta, . . 205, 206 Dhấmáyi, Dhims-nadi, a.a. Dhamai, 279, 282, 285 Dhammapada, a work,. 10, 204 Dhanañjaya, an author, . . . 294 Dhananjaya-Bhaja, Bhanja k. of Glumsur, . 42 Dhanantara plates of Samantavarman,. . 136 Dhanapala, m., . . . . . 178 Dhanasõna-svämin, lexicographer,. 247, 260 Dhanesvara-bvámin, m., . . . 247, 250 Dhanyabhavā, J., . . Dhår, u., . . . 71, 240 Dhäri, o.a. Dhir, . 70, 71, 73, 178 Dharanichandra, epithes of Naraaisthavarman II, . . . . . . 106, 107 Dharapitilaks, epithet of Narasimhawarman II, . . . . . . . . 112n Dharanivaräha, sur. of Upendra I, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173 Dharapivaráha, out. of Visvisvara, 166, 171, 174 Dbar sēna, Valabhi king. . . . ......dharavridhi, m., + . . 67 Dharma, god, . . . dharma or dharmma, 71, 72, 74, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 121, 139, 142, 143, 146, 169, 173, 231, 242, 244, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, 269, 270, 297, 298 Dharme, one of the thres Ratnas, . . . 200 Dharmaka, .. . . . Dharmakarta, an official,. . . . 94, 95 Dharmakavacha, epithes of Narasimhawarman II, . . . . . . . 118 Dharmalālalaks, m., . . . . 176, 177 Dharmalinga, Dharmalingõdvara, Dharmika or Dharmēsvara, te.. . 155, 158, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 170, 171, 173, 174 35 The figaros refer to page : *. After figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to zil The following other abbreviations are wood . chief; co. country; di. -district or division; do. = ditto; du.-dynasty: B.Esternf.fomalo; k.king; m.-malo; momountain; ri-river6..-same Ad pur.misurname; le temple; w.village or town; W.Westom, Page #405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 316 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. Pagt ΡΑΟΥ Dharmanitya, epithet of Narasimhavarman Dottharotta, ti.,. . . 284, 288 II, . . . . . . . . 118n dramma, a coin,, . 54, 58, 71, 72, 74 Dharmapala, Päla k., . . . 17, 287 Drauni, s.a. Asvatthaman, . . 110, 113n, 114 Dharmapuri copper-plate, . . . 239 Dravida, co. . . . . . Dharmaraja-raths, . 24, 88 . . . . Dravidian,. . . 24, 28, 139, 150, 272, 274 Dharma-sastra, . . . . 136, 137, 270 Drõhårjuna, sur. of Chalukya-Bhimisvara Dharmavara.m, vi., . . 273, 274 1, . . . . . . . . 1660 Dharmavijayi, epithet of Narasimhavarman Dröpa or Drönãohārya, opic hero, . 114n, 181, 182 II, . . . . . . . . 115n dona-mukha, or droņi-mukha. . . 229, 233 Dharmma, Dharmaraja or Dharmaputra, ... Drönasimha, Valabhi k., . . Yudhishthira, 22, 33, 303 droni, drõni or doni, a frough-shaped canoe, 207, 208 Dharmmarāja, Sailodhbhara k., 266, 268, du, form of - in Kharðshthi, • 204 269, 270, 271 Dudyala, ti. . . • 92 dharma-nipi, . 205 Dumbari, the fig tree, . . . . . 120 Dhauli, vi., . . . . 263 Durgā, goddess, . . . 168, 172 Dhautē vara svåmin, m., . . . 119, 123 Durgašarman, m., . . . . . 62, 64 Dhavalēsvara, te.. . . . . . 187 Durgattha, 8.a. Durggs-datta, . . 101n dhi, corrected into pa, . . . . . 180n Durgga-datta, m., . . . . . 101n Dhia,. . . Durggatth(datt)āryya, m., . . . 102, 104 Dhirū, ch., . . . . . . . 210, 213 Durvisas, sage, . . . . . 20, 24, 28 Dhodhāka or Dhõdhā, m., . 77, 80 Dūrvēkvara-avamin, m., . . . 120, 125 Dhöylpayya, m.,. . . . . 217, 220, 221 duta or dúlaka, an official, 15, 16, 18, 19, 68, 61, Dhritimittra-svämin, m., . 247, 250 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 135, 136, Dhritisoms-svāmin, m., . . 246, 248 137, 178, 262, 268, 270, 291n, Dhriti-svåmin, M., . . . . 247, 249 293, 303, 304 Dhruva, Rashtrakafa k., . . 86 88 draidhbhava, one of the six branches of military Dhruvasēna I, Valabhi k.. . 126, 126, 127, science, . . . . . . . 28n 303, 304 Dväravati, s.a. Dwarki, 21, 22, 27, 224, 225 Dhruvasoma-svämin, ., . . . 119, 122 Dyitiya, king of Uraša, . . . . . 198 Dhruvadattāryya, ., . . 102, 104 Dwarka, ti., . . . . . . 21 Dhu Raidan, co., . . . . . . 802 Dyõjyē or Dyötyė, m., . . . . 282, 286 dhvajastambha, . . . . . . 105 Dyosa, vi., ... . . . . 47 Dighwa Dubauli plate, Dilli, 8.a. Delhi, . . . . 166, 160, 163 Dinakara-8vāmin, . . . . 119, 123 Dipávali, festival, . . 88, 40, 228n Diti, . . . . . . 168. 172 e, instrumental case in - in Kanarese,. . 217 Divakara, m., . . . . 08 99, 296, 209 initial), form of . . . 237, 265 Divākara-svāmin, m., . . . . 247, 249 (secondary), forms of . . . 138, 287 Divyāvadāna, work, . . . . . 207 e (secondary), form of- . . . . 272 Divyēdvara-svāmin, m., . . . e and not distinguished, , . 287 Diya, . . e-matrd in Kharðshthi, . . . 2, 3, 8, 10, 202 dn, form of -in Kharðshthi, . . 204 earth=one, . . . . 158, 164, 166, 173 Dodda Kariyagundi, pit. . . . 133, 134 Eastern Turkistan, co., . . . 4, 12, 13 Doddakivaram, vi.. . . . . . Sin Echaladēvi, queen of Kalachuri Bijjala, .227, Doball, vi... . . . .. . 98, 99 230, 234 Donikodu, wi.. . . 36, 37, 40 eclipee, lunar (somagrahaņa), . . 42, 44, 58, 59 119, 123 The figures refer to pages: n. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to xii. The following other abbreviations are weds--ch. chief;; di.district or division; do. ditto; dy. dynasty ; E. Eastern ; f. female; k. king : m.malo; mo.-mountain; .=river ; 8.4.-sme ; sur surname; te.= temple; vi village or town; W.-Western. Page #406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 317 Eran pillar inscription, eru, . . . . PAGE 262 88 . . . . F Fa-Hian, Chinese pilgrim, . . 68 Fenchuganj, vi... . . . . . 278 Ferishta, a historian, . . 47n, 90n, 156, 157 Firoz (Feroze) Tughlaq, Tughlaq k., 156, 157 Five-hundred Svimis (ayrūrovar-sedmigalu, of Ayyavale), . . . . 30, 33, 35, 39 Floris, a Dutch traneller, . . . . 90 four styles of writing in Pallava insce., 106 Pyzabad Museum, . . . . . 68 Рдан bolipo, solar (suryagrahaņa), 71, 72, 74, 84, 85, 87, 88, 188, 189, 218, 219, 221, 224, 226, 238 Egypt, 20... Rikamalls, biruda of Paramisvara armas 1, . . . . . . . 110, 113, 115 Ekavira, biruda of Narasimhavarman II, . 107 Elandarai, vi.. . . . . . . 215 Eleya-Tammuge, vl., . . 184, 185, 186 Ellore, vi.. . . . . . . 258 oras Chalukya-Bhülőkamalla . . 184, 185, 187 Chilukya-Vikrama . 189, 190, 191, 192, 183263 Ganga, . . . . . . 263 128, 130, 131, 262, 263 Haraba.. . . . 54, 55, 56, 263, 266 Kalachuri-Chedi,. 70, 75, 76, 81, 128, 210, 214, 295, 296, 299 Kali or Kaliyuga, . . . 14, 278 Kanishka, . . · 11, 14, 65, 66, 67, 69 Kushana, . . . . 69, 96, 97 Maurya, . . . . . lln, 12 Newar, . . . . . . . 263 Nirvana, . . . . . . 12 Pandava-kulādipala . . 278, 283, 286 Parthian - of 248 B.C. Bahasamalls, . . . . . 298, 299 Saka - of 84 B.C. . . . 199, 200, 201 saka,11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 24, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 54, 62, 63, 64, 70, 82n, 84, 89, 90, 92, 94, 132, 133, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 164, 165, 166, 171, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 201, 216, 218, 219, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 232, 235, 238n, 240, 274 Seleucid, . . . . 4n, 300 Valabhi or Gupta-Valabhi . 125, 127, 303 Vikrama or Samvat- of 57 B.O., 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 70, 177, 178, 188, 201, 203, 206, 237, 238, 239, 240, 243, 244, 287, 202, 293, 208 Erakati, ... Bachoya-Sähapi . . 231, 235 Eschbarngo or Yerembargo, ... Yolburg, 228, 231, 285 ga, two forms of — . . . . . 100 gada or gadha, a fort, . . . 42, 76 Gadag, ti.,. . . 217, 218 Gadamuths, di.,. . • 42 Gädhipura, vi.. . . • 292 Gadval plates, . . 112, 214 gadyana, a coin,. . 224, 226 Gahadavala, dy. . . • 291 Gajapati, title, . . • 203 Gajäsya, s. a. Ganesa, . 168, 231 Gäjäka, .. . . . . . 46, 52 Galhapa, M., . 296, 299 galige, or ghalige. . . . 39n Galtēbvara, te., . . 241 Gām or Gängina (Gängina), a dried up river bed or stream, . . . 117, 287 gandhiga, . . . . . . . 37 gamandas, class, . . . . . . 33, 35 gana, (metrical) . . . . 88, 113n Ganapati, a god, . . • 43n garas, . . . . . . . 198, 199 Gapapaya, mi, ganda, a land measure, . . . . . 279 Gandamirttande, te.,. . . . 83 gandamárttandan, biruda of Krishna III, 287, 289 Gandanariyapa, sur. of Bhaskara, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145, 147, 148 Gandariditya or Gandarādityadēva, Silahara.k., 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 Gandavende, biruda of the Köna k. Choda I and Upendra, . . . . 155, 159, 162, 163 n . . . 94 • The figures refer to peges; *. after a figure, to footnotes; and addi to the addition on pp. vii to zii. The following other abbreviations are used :-ch. chief; co.=country; di, district or division : do. ditto: dy.dynasty; 2. Eastern ; f.fomalo; k. king; m.Emale; mo. mountain; ri.river ; 8.4. me ; ow.surname; te-templo; vi. village or town; W.-Westorn. Page #407 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 318 EPIGRAPHIA INDIOA. (VOL. XIX. 90 PAGE PAGE Gandhadovi or Gandhakridēvi, S., . . 66, 67, 60 Gauri-svamin, m., . . . 247, 249 Pandhara, . . . . . . . . 38, 40 Gautama Buddha, sa Buddha. Gandharian, form of Präksit, . . . 204 Gautami, 4.a., Godavari, . . 61, 168, 172 Gaņēsa, a god, . 46, 155, 162, 165, 171, 215, 234 gavares, class, . . . 33, 36, 37, 39, 40 Gapēka templo, . . . 108ngatario, clan . . . . . . 300 Ganēla-Gumphi inscription, . . . . 263 Gavayanagartikä, ning . . . 128, 130, 131 Gaņēšvara, m., . . . . . gãounda or gavundu. . . . 28, 30, 37, Ganesvara-avamin, m., . . . 119, 123 39, 187, 189 Ganga, Eastern, dy. . . . . . . 98, 135 gapunda-mami, . . . . . . 37 Gange, Western, dy.. . 81, 82, 84, 88, 86, 87, 289 gdyti, a measure, . . . 200, 281 Gangā, the Ganges, 35, 38, 39, 50, 771, 102, Gayakarppa, Chidi ku. 295, 296, 297 156, 191, 267 Gaya Krishna-Dvärikä temple inscription, Ganga, family, 64, 72, 72, 74, 227, 228, 230 Gayatripala-svamin, .. . . 120, 124 Ganga, f. . . . . . . 62 Gerade, A . . . . . 42 Gangadēva, m., . . . . . . 46, 52 Ghatábha, vi. . . . . 282, 285. Gangadhara, 8.a. Siva, . . . 230 ghalige . . . • 390 Gangamarbā, queen of Koppa, 166, 107, 169, 172 ghafikd-athana, .87, 39 Gangamba, queen of Upendra I, 166, 167, 169, 172 ghosha, ending of proper names 245 Ganganapáviks, . . . . . 282, 285 Ghoshadēva-svåmin, then . 118, 122 Gangarasi-Pandita, ... . . . 184, 185, 186 Ghoshasins svåmin, Ms. . . 247, 250 Ganga-svāmin, m.. . . . . 119, 123 ghrite, as applied to göras, . • 117n Gangavādi or Gangapadi 96000, di.. . 76, 289 Gilgit, dialect, Ganges, ri., 26, 40, 52, 56, 57, 77, 102, 104, Gingoo, wi.. . . . . . . . 91 114n, 167, 234, 286, 291 Girija, s... Parvati, Gang@ya, 8.a. Bhishma . Girisa, s.a. siva . 299 Gängyadēva, Kalachuri k.,. . . 78, 79 Girisuta, .. Parvati, . . 162 Gangini, Gangiol (Gängiol), ... Gám or Gangina Giriyappa, Gödrich., . . . . . 91n 117, 120, 121, 287 Giriyapparaja, Göbürich, . . . . 92 Ganginika, dimunitive form of Gangini 287 Gobhila, .. . . . . . . 213 Girasuya, th, . . . . . 286 Göbūri, family . . . 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 Garggesvara, M., . . . . . . 81 Gödätata-Madhyacloba, co. . . . 158 Gargoti, vi.. . . . . . . . 32 Godavari or Goda, fig. 52, 78, 160, 160, 163, Garuda-banner, . . .: . 31, 32, 34 165, 172 Garuda-emblem, . .217, 220, 221, 236, 237 Goggs, ... . . . . . 175, 176 Garuda-teal, . . 70, 177, 178, 179 gögurēvs, . 150, 153, 154 Garvvarsbhū, vi, . . 282 285 Gokarpõevara, fen, . . . 135, 136 Gatibhatti-svåmin, ., . 120. 124 Gokuladors, prince,. 278, 280, 283 galis, fine, 166, 170, 173 Gökulādhikarin, an official, . . . 293 Gatisoms-svåmin, m... . 246, 248 Gökulika, an official, . . . 71, 78, 74 gätriga, class, 33, 35, 37, 39 Golakimatha, . . . . . 76. Gauda, 8.a. Bengal, • 116, 246 Gollapalli, wi.. . 92, 92, 93, 98 Gaudas, people, 20, 21, 22, 26 golelchin . . 273, 274, 276 Gau-Ghất . . . . 87 Golkonda, w., . . . 90, 91 Gaur, i.. . . . . 156, 157n Gomaduvu, .a. Govada 140, 145, 148 Gaur, ... Parvati, . . 231, 234 Gomidova-svimin, the Gaurisoma-svamin, m., . . . 246, 248 Góminaga-svämin, m., . 245, 248, 250 . . 83 The figures refer to pages : , after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to u The following other abbreviations are used :-ch.chief; di.district or division; do.-ditto Ww.dynasty: N. Kastern : 1.-femalo, k. king 1 m.-malo mo.-mountain; r river men our. gurdameto.temple; vi. villago or town, W.-Westem.. . Page #408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX 819 gosto, PAGA Gondophores, k., . . . . . 204 Gonkadeve, ślahir les • 179 . . 38, 40 Gope. . . 282, 286 Gopala, ch, . . • 91n Göpälanandi-svåmin, mi, 247, 249 Gopala-evāmin, m., 120, 124 Gopale, s.a. Krishna . . 32, 34 Göparāja-kalve, anal, . 93, 96 Gopathe, vi.. . 282, 286 Gopendra-svåmin, A., . . 119, 122 Göpidovipálya, vi.. . 92, 98, 95 gopura, gate-pay, . . . 158, 161, 163, 164, 216 Gonagapallam.. . 160, 163, 164 Go(Gau)ridattäryya, . : . 102, 104 Gorukpoor, vi. . . . . 157 goakthi, an assembly, . 56, 57 Global, th,. . . . 54, 58 Goryl, n., . . . . 281, 286 Glömuyakhata, n.(1) . . 282, 285 Götams, s.a. Buddha . . . 200, 201 glos, . 116, 181, 182, 910, 944, 245, 246, 248, 249, 280, 288 Agasty, . . . . . 182, 184 Agnividy, . .. . . . 247, 249 Alethbiyans, 1 . 119, 120, 123, 124, 125 80, 119, 124 Alvalayan, . 119, 123 Atrey, 126, 165, 160, 162 Bärhaapatya, . . . . 120, 124 Bhiradvaje,. 16, 18, 19, 42, 44, 56, 61, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 144, 195, 196, 196, 210, 218, 247, 240, 260, 262, 291, 204, 808, 804 Bhargava,. . . . . 247, 249 Gürgey, 98, 99, 119, 123, 247, 280, 250, 200, 301 Gauråtroy, . . . . 118, 122 Gautama or Gotams, 117n, 119, 120, 12, 123, 124, 195, 246, 247, 248, 150, 288, 281, 108 Gopili, . . . . . 236, 24, 244 Jitkarpa, . 185, 186, 187, 247, 249, 250 Kikyap, 91, 94, 95, 117, 118, 10, 124, 124, 185, MA, 217, 218, MO, 385n, 291, 294 Pada Kätyiyana, 117, 118, 120, 124, 246, 247, 240 Kaupdinya,. . 62, 64, 119, 122, 247, 249 Kaulika, 120, 124, 125, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 266, 270, 271 Kautily, . . . 246, 248 Kauten, . . . . . 118, 129 Kavēstar, . . • . 247, 249 Kfishpatroy , 117, 119, 122, 246, 248, 240, 296, 200 Minavy-a-gotan, 63, 141, 148, 162, 266, 268, 260 Måndavy, . .' 247, 240 Maadgalya, . 117, 119, 120, 247, 260 Pankalya, . . . . . 120, 144 Päräben or Päridaryy, 102, 104, 1171, 119, 120, 123, 124, 247, 249 Patrona, . . . . . 248, 250 Präohotasa,. . . . 118, 121 katayan,. . . . . 120, 126 Salankayaan, 119, 123 śkodily, . . . 120, 124, 247, 260 Sankrityāyana, . . . . 87, 249 sarkarākshi, . . . 56, 60 Saubha(na)ka, . 119, 120, 123, 124 Svarna-Kaubika, . . . . . 1170 Såvarppika, .. 248, 250 Vaishna-vriddhi, 246, 248 Värähe, . 119, 120, 123, 126, 248 Visishths, . . • • 247, 24 Vatan or Vites, . . . . . . 117n, 120, 125 Yiska,. . . 118, 120, 122, 124, 247, 240 Gotra pravdraviudha, a work . . . . 2942 gotra-sakit-addy-arda-didas, a shans, . 117, 118 Gövida, ing . . . . 140 Govardhans, Mill,. . . . .2842 Gérardhana, m., . . . 238, 243, 244 Govardh - min, h, . 120, 124 Govite, thing . . . . . 281, 286 Gövlade, a god. . . . . 231, 235 Govinda, .. . . . . . 88, 89, 283 GSvinda III, Rashtrabafa k., . . 16, 17, 86 Govindachandradova, Gahadanila kung . 201, 202 Govinda-Dikshita, an author, . . . 216 Govinda-Ködavadova, k. . Govindaraja, Chauhan k of Ajmer, 47, 48 Angiraan, . Våtay, The figures motor to page 1. after figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on Pp. vii to ili The following other abbreviations are wood chief; co.-country di district or division; do.-ditto; dw.dynastyJ.-Eastern : l.female; k king; malo; mo. mountains the ver 1. 4 m om: ow.purname; the fomple; the village or town, W.-Western. Page #409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 820 Govindaraja, Chauhan k. of Ranthambhor, Govinda-Setti, m., grāma, Gramapati, an official, Grāmataka, an official, gramatika, a hamlet, Gräměévara, a god, grihapati, sixth ratna of a chakravartin, Gudäbhai, vi., • Guhadass, m., Gujarat, co., Gumsur, vi., Gumsur Rājas, EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Gudavayi, 4.a. Gadabhai, Guḍāvayika, vi., Guddavadi, s.a. Gudivada, Guddavādi-vishaya, di., gudi, a temple, Gudivada, vi., Gudravara, Gudrahära or Gudrära, variants of Guddavādi, Gudufara-record, . Guduvhara inscription, . Guha 8.a. Subrahmanya, • 255n . 10, 11 201 . 110, 113, 115, 144, 147 262, 263 70, 77, 177, 178, 238, 240 42 42, 43 281, 284 217, 220, 221 238, 243, 244 guna, string, Gunäbbe, f., Gunadhara, m,, Gunaga, Gunaganka-(or Gupakkenallata) Vija142, 146, yaditya III, E. Chalukya k., 152, 154, 272, 273 Gunaga Gupakkenallata-Vijayaditya see • Gutta, dy., Gutta, 8.a. Gupta, Guttavolal or Guttal, ei., • • PAGE 48 . 33, 35 233n 136, 137 71, 73, 74 151, 154 188, 189 5 278 278, 281 278, 281, 285 255, 258 255, 257,258 228 255 Vijayaditya. Gupalaya, biruda ef Narasimhavarman II, 106, 107 Gupavinita, epithet of Narasimhavarman II, Gupdugolanu plates, Gupta, dy.,. Gurjara-Pratihara, family, Gurjara, 8.a. Gujarat, Gurjaras, people, guru, a long syllable, Gurubhaktadeva, M., Gurukkal, 112n 141 96, 128, 218, 240, 265 .16, 17, 286n 70, 71, 74, 75, 77, 78 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 289 .114n .827, 232, 235, 236 216, 217 218, 220, 221, 222 218 218 • • Gwalior inscription of Vik. Sam. 932, Gwalior inscription of Vik. Sam. 933, Gwalior undated prasasti, gyastanu gyasti (god of gods), 8.a. Buddha, h, form of-,. ha, change of into gha, Hadrianus, Roman emperor, Haidar Ali, k., Haihaya, dy., • H . Hailakandi, di., Hajy Elias, ch., Häkäluki Haor, vi., hala or hala, a land measure, Haliya-Setti, m... Haluru, vi.,. Hamis, m., Hammira, Chauhan k. of Ranthambhor, [VOL. XIX. Hammira-mahakavya, a work, Hampi, vi.,.. Hampinaga-svamin, m., hana or panam, a gold coin, Hande chiefs, • 64, 70, 75, 76, 78, 209, 210, • PAGE 54 54 54 211, 262n, 298 278 157 279 278, 279, 281, 285 98 237 6 274 • 33, 35 132, 134 303 46, 47, 48, 50, 52 47, 48 132 246, 248 . 33, 35 90 279 Hanuman, monkey-chief, 23, 27, 28, 182, 195, 196 häor, corrupt form of Sagar or sayara (sea),. Hara, 8.a. Šiva, 164, 171, 174, 220, 222, 242, 297 haral.. . 19, 26 Hari, e.a. Vishnu,. 21, 25, 26, 30, 164, 171, 174, 268, 270, 297 Harihar grant, 62 Haripayiga, 8.a. Harpi,. 62, 63, 64 Hariraja (Hemraja or Hiraj), Chauhan k. of Ajmer, Harischandra, myth. solar k., . Harisiraha, m., Hari-syämin, M., 47, 48 218, 220, 222 295, 298 247, 249, 250 Hariti, sage, Häritiputra or Haritiputra, epithet, 141, 146, 152, 256, 258,259 63 Harni, v., Harsha or Harshavardhana, Kanauj k., 63, 152, 179 247, 249 Harshadēva-svamir, M., 246, 248 Harahaprabha, m., The figures refer to pages: n. after a figure, to footnotes; and add. to the addition on pp. vii to xi. The following ether abbreviations-are; weed: shohief;; di district or division; do.ditto dy.dynasty; E.-Eastern; f.female; .king; m.male; mo. mountain river; ... a eur. surname; te.-temple; vi.village or town; WWestern. Page #410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Harshapura, 8.a. Harsola, Harsola, vi., Harsola plates, hasara, a measure, Hashtnagar inscription, Hastavapra, a.a. Häthab, Hastavapraharapi, di., Hastikosa, m., Hastin, Parivrajaka k... Hastlyamatha, a place,. Hathab, vi., Hathavada, vi., haffa-märgga, a main bazaar, Hattavara, vi., Golkonda,. Hemachandra, an author, Hemadri, an author, Hemma-Betti, m., hëri. Hermaḍiyarasa, or Khachara ch., Hermaeus, k., • Hayökhälä, vi., Hazrat Ibrahim Pädishäh, Bahmani k. of Hiranyaksha, a demon,. Hipe or Hipei, Hipe Dhia, m., Hippeos or Hippias, • • Hill Tippera, pargana, Himadri, Himachala, Himavat, or Himalaya, mo., Hindu, Honawar, vi., Hottür inscription, howdah, PAGE 240 236, 240 177, 178 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40 203, 204 303 308, 304 255, 257,258 Holla-Setti, m., Holli-Gavanda or Gauda, m., • 128 75, 80 303 72, 74 57, 58, 60 282, 285 282 • INDEX. • 90 163n 162n .37, 40 185, 186 Hiranyagarbha, 8.a. Brahma, 164, 171, 174 Hiriya-Maniyur, Hira-Manür or Heereh Mun. noor, vi., 228, 232, 235, 236 hiffu. 195, 196 Hiuen-(Hüan-) Tsang or Yuan Chwang, a Chiness pilgrim, . 12, 116, 117, 108, 207 Hlung-nu, a tribe, 3 Holapa, te.,. 194 . . Hermmadi-Bhi[pala], Indira, 8.a. Lakshmi, 191, 192, 193, 194 Indo-Skythian, dy., 11 278, 279 .37, 40 25, 26, 29, 30 35n 181n 81, 83 Hoysala, dy., Hrishikeéa, 8.a. Vishnu, Hulgür inscription, Huli inscription, Huligere, s.a. Lakshmeshwar, Huligere, 300, di., hafe, Huvishka, Kushāna k., i, use of -,. i (medial), forms of i, use of for i and vice versa Joha-gavanda, m., Ichchhuka, m., Ijyä, f., Ilandurai, vi., I Iliyas Kwāja Sultan, k. of Bengal, Imdrasama or Idrasama, m.,. Indraáarman, M., Indeévarageri, vi., PAGE 20, 23, 28, 227, 230, 234 144, 147 30 227n 21, 24, 28 .194, 195, 196 Indu, s.a. moon, Indus, ri., Iranian, people, Isa, a god, . Indra-Bhattaraka, E. Chalukya k... Indrakila, a hill, Indrapat Fort, .. 20, 21, 23, 174, 218, 220, 222 52, 77, 96, 97, 156n, 179 21, 26 7 Indraraja, E. Chalukya k., 7, 15 Indrasena, k., 7 Indrasthana, co.. Indravarman I, E. Ganga k., Indravarman II, E. Ganga k., Indravarman or Indravarmmadeva, B. Ganga k.,.. 135, 136 17 Indrayadha, Kanauj k., Indréévara or Indéávara, a god, 321 . 34, 35 . 11, 65, 66, 204 Indra or Surendra, a god,. 33, 35, 68, 144, 147, 162a, 174, 224, 225, 230, 233, 234, 265 100 164, 261 195, 196 . 56, 60 263, 264 215 156, 157 68 68 181n 50, 93, 94 3, 5, 12 289, 290, 298 152, 154, 256 218, 220, 222 54n 141, 146 156 292 135 135 .180, 181, 183, 187, 188, 189 299 Isanasarana, epithet of Narasimhavarman II,.. Táanavarmman, Maukhari k., 198 4n, 5, 199, 202 144, 147 112n 16 •The figures refer to pages: n. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to xii. The following other abbreviations are used:ck.-chief;; di,district or division; do.=ditto; dy.-dynasty; E.-Eastern; f.-female; k-king; m.male; mo. menntain; ri.-river; 8.a. same as; sur.surname; te.-temple; vi.village or town; W.-Western. Page #411 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 922 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. PAGE PAGE Isatädövi, queen of Nagabhafadena, . . 18 Jaitugi II, Yadana k.,. . , 20, 22, 27 Tavara, god, . . . 114, 118, 181, 182, 222, 279 Jājalledöva I, Kalachuri (Hallaya) k., of Ratna Ivars, m., . . . . . . 176, 177 pura, . . . . . . 77, 210, 212 Isvarabhakta, epithet of Narasimhaparman Jäjalledēva II, Haihaya k. of Ratnapura, 209, II . . . . . . . . 115n 210, 212, 213 Távarabhatta-svāmin, 7. . . . 120, 124 Jäjalladova's Ratanpur inscription, . . 76n Távaradatta-svāmin, 1., . 119, 123 Jakahastami-sarman, ace Bhattaputra Jakabe Isvaraiys, ., . . . 191, 192, 193 vāmilarman. Isvarakunda-svämin, mens . . 119, 123 Jalamvora-pishaya, di.. . 136, 137 Itā, pargana, . . . . . 278, 279 . Jalanäthēsvara, te., . . . Itäkhala or Itäkhali, vi.. . . 278, 281, 282, 286 . 83 Jalakayana, 4.a. Shore Templo, • 106 Itertilla, mound,. . . 277 Jamalgarhi inscription, . . . • 208 Itihisapriya, epithet of Narasithhairman jam bila or jambāla, ne jamba. II, . . . . . . . . jambi, jambiļa or jambals, tree, 22, 26, 161, 163 Iyatta, s. . . . . . . . 56, 59 Jambu-dvipe, . . .19, 22, 26, 227, 229, 233 Iyävēja, ti., . . . 125 Jamnă, se Jumna. Iyayoupos-Aityugura,. 198 Jamni-Bagh, a place,. . . 67 Janamējaya, myth. k., . . . 62, 165, 168, 173 janapada. . . . . . 260, 293, 299 . . J, elision of - in Kharöshthi, . 204 Janardanadova-evimin, . . . . 247, 250 Janardana-svimin, ., . . ja used for ya . . . . . . 201 120, 124, 246, 248 Janjgir, d., . . . . . • 75 Ja, form of ( K roshthi), . Jannatābåd, 6.0., Lakhnaati, . . . . 286 Jabalpur, vin . . . . . . 23 Janod, i., . . 210, 211, 214 . . . . . Jaders, vin, . 241 . Jásallá, , . Jadova, 8. a. Jayadēva, Jasarāja I (Yaboraja), Chola ch.. . . . Jadīgāng, 6.a. Judigāng, 98 . 279, 282, 286 , Jasarja II, Choja ch... . . 217, . Jagadēkamalla, sur. of Jayasinha II, . 98, 99 jashthi, a land measure, . . . . 279 219, 221, 223, 224, 225 Jagadēkamalla IL, W. Chalukya k.. . 188n Jäta, ch., . . . . . 295, 296, 297 Jagadēva, Chauhan k of Ajmer, Jatēsvars-evimin, ... . . . 119, 128 Jagadhara or Daivajfia Sri-Jagadhara, m, 42, 44 | Jathinaga, m. . . . . . . 44 jagaijhampa, . . . 19, 25, 27 Jaulif inscription, . . . . 2, 10 Jagäpälyä)ntara, wi.. . . . 282, 286 janua, 8.a. yadla, . . . . . . 201 Jagatsinha, M., . . . . . 205, 298 Jayadiman, Kshatrapa k., . . „Já(Y8)gēlvara-svämin, ., 119, 128 Jaya-Bhafija, Jaya-Bhasjadēva, Jayadeva or Jaggariye, chy . . . Jadēva, Bhanja k., . . . . . . . 91, 92 . 41, 42, 43, 44 (Jáhně) Jahnavisvara-svamin, m., . . 119, 124 Jayadēva, nee Jays-Bhaja Jaijaipur, vi.. . . . . . . 77 . Jayanti, .. . . . . . . 68. 60 Jaijaipur-mandala, di., . . . 77 Jayanags grant, . . . . . Jain or Jaina, 31, 65, 70, 71, 180, 187, Jayanatha, Uchchakalpa k.,. . . 129, 130 216, 216, 220, 221, 238, 239, 256 Jayanta, son of Indra, . . . . . 144, 147 Jains (Jina)-dharmma, . . . 71, 72, 74 Jayasinga Siriyama-Setti, m., . . . 37, 40 Jaipur, vi, . . . . . . . 47 Jayasinha, Chödi k., . . . . . 296 Jaitrasithha, Chauhan k. of Ranthambhör, 46, Jayasimha, Kashmirian . . . . 198 47, 48, 49, 62 Jayasimha I, Jayasinhs-Vallabha, JayasimhaJaitugi I, Yadava k.. . . . . 20, 22, 26 Vallabha-Mahäräja or Sri-Prithvi-Jayasingha . 286, 287 The figures refer to pages ; 1. after a figure, to footnotes, and add to the addition on PP. vii to xi. The following other abbreviations are used o rchiet;; di.-district or division; do.ditto; du.-dynasty: B.Eastor; f. female; . king: m.-male; mo.mountain; ri.river; 6.4.same as Nr ramo to. -temple; v.-village or town; W.-Western. Page #412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 328 . . 2112 PAGE Vallabha, E. Chalukya k.. 141, 146, 149, 152, 154, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 261 Jayasinha or Jayasinga II, W. Chalukya k., 30, 217, 219, 221, 223 Jayasimha, E. Chalukya k., . . . 141, 146 Jayasimha II, Paramára k. of Malva, . 49 Jayasimhs III, W. Chalukya k., . 187 Jayasimha or Jayasimha (Jayminhadova) III, Paramdra k. of Malwi, . . 46, 47, 48, 49 Jayasimha, m., . . . . . . 46, 52 Jaya-bri, the goddess of victory, . . 144, 147 Jayasvamin, Uchchakalpa k., . . 129, 130 Jayasvamini, queen of the Uchchakalpa k. Kuma radēna, . . . . . . 129, 130 Jayatagidõva, s. a. the Paramira k. Jayasinha II of Maka, . . . . . . 49 Jayavarman II, Paramdra k. of Malwa,. . 47, 49 Jayyata, an author, . . . . . 17 Jäjäkabhukti, co.,. . . . . . 296 Jējāri, vi., . . . . . . . 62, 63 Jesuit letters, . . . 91 Jewish settlers, . . . . . . . 303 Jhampaithi-Ghatta, a place, . . . 46, 47, 50 filuramaliya, . . . . . 263n, 302 Jimātavāhana, lineage, . 31, 32, 34, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 186, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 Jina, 25, 30, 31, 32, 34, 71, 72, 73, 74, 181, 183, 188 Jiānasāgara, epithet of Narasimhavarman II, 112n Jñanasaktidõva, m., . . . . 232, 235 Jodhpur, vi., . . . . . 47n Jóga, vi.. . . . . . . . 282 Jógāvaniya, a place, 282, 285 Joseph (Yoseph), m. . • 300 Jubbulpore, vi. . . . 76, 77, 288 Judigång, ri., . . . . . 279 Jugul or Joogal, vin . . . . 37 Jugulakoppa, 6.a. Jugal, . 36, 37, 40 Jomna, or Jamna, ri., . . . 87, 78, 102, 104 Jura, Di., . . . . . . 287, 288 Juri, vi.. . . . . . . . . 279 Jyishthabhadra, a senior, . . . . 118 . . . 91 PAGS ka, cursive form of labbega, misreading for kachchega, . . . 2880 Kábul valley . . . . . . 11 kachcha, s.a. karya (Skt. krilya), . kachchhaka, a low hill,. . . 130, 131 Kachchega, biruda of Krishna III,. . 288, 289 Kachchi, o.a. Conjoeveram, . . . . 82 Kachchiyum-Taajaiyum-konda, epithet of Krishna III, . . . . . 81n, 288 Kachhaváhas of Amber, Kachhavähes of Gwalior, Kachhavaha, Kachohhapaghāta or Kachchha pări, family, . . kada, a land measure, . . . . . 279 Kadadiya, s.a. Kaadiya, . . 279, 281, 285 Kadaiya, vi. . . . . . . 279 Kadamba, family, . 180, 181, 182 Kadambagiri-grama, s.a. Kalamba, . 102, 104 Kadamukopu, . . . . . 150, 154 Kadárs, co., . . . 227, 228, 230, 234 Kadāram or Kidāram, co., . . . 228 Kadphises I, Kushapa k., . . . . 9, 201 Kadphises II, Kushana k., . . . . 11 kahapana, 4.a. kirshipana, . . . . 200 Kailasa, mo., . . 24, 28, 162n, 281, 285 Kailasanatha, te., . 108, 108n, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 1140 Kaisara, a Kaina titla, . 6 Kaira, dia . . . . . 177, 238, 240 Kaivāms, vi., . . . . . 281, 285 Kaivartta, people, . . . . . 286 Kaiyyata, an author, . . . . . 17 Kakade . . . . . . . 72, 74 Kakarēdi-see Karkkarēdi. Käkati or Kakatiyabāda, 6.1. Käkti, 21, 25, 30 Kakkapai, prince, . . 71, 72, 74 Kakrëri, vi.. . . . . 296 Käkti, pi. . . . . . . 21 Kalabhra, people, . . . 63, 64 Kalachuri or Kalachuri, family, 76, 78, 77. 80, 128n, 209, 210, 230, 234, 288, 293 Kalachuriya, family, . . 227, 229, 233 Kälägni-rudra, form of Siva, . . . . 33, 34 Kalahataka, 8.a. Koliák, . . . 303, 304 Kalahatthana, vi.. . . . . 62, 63, 64 Káláin, ri., . . . . . . . 279 . alision of - in Kharðshthi, ka, form of (Kharoshthi), . . . . 204 . 2,202 The figures refer to pages: # after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to xü The following other abbreviations ace wedch.chief;; di.=distriot or division: do.=ditto; dy.dynasty; 2. Eastern; f.fomalo k. king: m.-male; mo.-mountain; ri.wriver ; 8.4. - samo w .-ornamo; to.temple; n.-village or town; W.-Wetern, Page #413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 324 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX PAGE Kalakacharya-Kathanaka, a toorki,. . Kalakala, biruda of Narasithavarman II, 106, 107, 109n Kalakalösvara or Kalakalēsvara, te., 70, 71, 72, 74 Kalamba, vi., . . . . . . . 102 Kålāmukha, sect., . , • 227, 232, 236 Kälajara or Kälafjara-mandala, di., 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 286n kalaiju, a weight, . . . . . Kalapandita, m., . . . . . . 45 Kalapriya, a god, . . . . . . Kala Sang inscription, . . . Kalavelalagula-pedda-chinta,. . .160, 163, 154 Kalhana, author of Rajatarangini,. . . 198 Kali, age, 14, 32, 34, 49, 110, 114, 115, 118, 121, 143, 146, 168, 172, 181, 182, 221, 222, 292 Kali, goddess, . . . • 1094, 234n Kalideva-setti, ch.. . . • 25, 30, 186, 187 Kalidēvēkvara, te., . . 180, 182, 183 Kaliga, 8.a. Kaliyammarasa, . . . 184, 187 Kalinga, co., 87, 91, 98, 135, 136, 140, 263, 267 Kalingarāja, Haihaya k. of Ratnapura, . 76, 79, 210, 211 Kali-svāmin, m.,. . . . 247, 249 Kalivarma, m., . . . . 149, 153, 154 Kali-Vishņuvardhana, .a. the E. Chalukya k. Vishņuvardhana V . . . 142, 146, 152, 154 Kaliyama or Kaliyammarasa, Khachara ch.. 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194 Kaiiyammarasa II, Khachara ch., . . . 184 Kāliyāṇī, 3.a. Kālāin,. . . 279, 282, 285 Kalla, ri.. . . . . . . 185, 187 Kalla-Matha, a stone monastery, . 232, 235, 236 Kallanore, vi., . . 189, 191 Kalpi, vi., . . . . . . 15 Kālai Edicts, . . . . . 203n Kaluvā, m., . . . . . 55, 59 kilvă, a canal, . . . . 94, 95 Kalvan, v., . . . . . 69, 70, 71 1 alyāna, a festival, . . 165, 166 kalyana-mandapa, 164, 166, 171, 173, 174 Kāma or Cupid, • . 142, 283, 297 kāma, . . . . . 173 Kami shortened form of Kamayya, . . 290n Рдат Kimaisetti or Ubbi Kämaisetti, m., 280, 290 Kamali, s.a. Lakshmi, . . . . 280 Kamalánaks Bhatta Haradatta, m., . . 62 Kamalarija, Hathaya k. of Ratnapura, 78, 77, 79, 210, 211 Kimandaks, an author, . . . . 27, 118 kamandalu, . . . . . . 72, 74 Kamarūpa or Kamrup, co., 116, 117, 118n, 120, 245, 246, 2470 Kamauli, vi.. . . . . . . 291 Kamayacharya, m., . . . . 92, 94, 98 Kimsyy, m., . . . . . . 2907 kambha, . . . 19, 28, 30, 196, 197 karbi, . . . 232, 236 Kamboja, co., . . . . . . lln Kamikagama, a work, . . . . 39n, 233 Kamkerri, vi., . . 132, 134 kamma, a land measure. . 186, 187, 224, 226 kampana, a division, . . . . 21, 25 Kämröd, vi.. . . . . . . 241 Kamsa, a demon, . . . . . . 284 kamaraka, a brazier, . . . 135, 136, 137 là thayakāra, bell metal worker . . . 285n Kanakhala, vi., . . . . . 77 Kanakaridovi or Kanakadēvi, sa. Käfichana dēvi, . . . 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62 Kanauj, kingdom and village, 16, 17, 53, 54, 116, 239, 246, 297 Kafichanachala, 6.a. Mēru, . . . . 329 Kanchanadēvi or Kafichanasridēvi, te... 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 Kafichi or Kifichipurs, a.a., Conjeoveram, 64, 106, 107, 110, 111, 112, 11311, 1150, 288 Kandanavõla, vi. . . . . . 90 Kandasvāmi, te., . . . . . . 112 Kandukur, Kandukuru or Kandukår, w., 89, 273, 274, 275, 277 Kaphapaika, 7.. . . . . . 177 Kanhara, Yadava k., . . . 20, 22, 23, 27, 30 Kanihati, vi. . . . . . . 279 Kanishka or Kanishka, Kutina k.. . 4, 8, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 66, 96, 97, 204 Kanishka casket, . . . . . . . The figuree refer to pages: 1. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on Pp. vil to it The foDowing other abbreviations are tied :ch.ehief; co.-country: di..diatrict or division , do.ditto dy.=dynasty: E.-Eastern; f.female; k.king; m.-male; mo.=mountain; ri.river: 0.a.-same M sur.-surname; te.=temple; v=village or towni W.Western. Page #414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kankali inscription, Kanna, s.a. Krishna III, Kannadacharya, m., Kannappayya-Setti, m., Kankale vara, Kamkalēévaradeva, Kamkalēśvara, Kamkaņēévara or Kamkaļē[śvara], a god, 184 and n, 185, 186, 187 98n 140 188, 189 33, 35 Kapparadeva or Kannaradeva-vallabha, 8.a. Krishna III, Kanthera (ru)vati-vishaya, di., Kanyakubja, Kanyakubja bhukti, 8.a. Kanauj, Kanyakumari inscription, Kapadvanj grant, Kapalisvara, a form of Siva, Kapila-Bhava, a god, Kapisa, co.,. kara, suffix, . Karagama, 8.a. Karĕrgrām, or Kanyakubja 15, 17, 18, 19, 54, 286n, 293 82, 85, 288 240 46, 49 26, 30 lln karana, 8.a. kulkarni, käräpaka, an official, Karatōyā, ri., 263 279, 282, 285 Karage, vi.,. 180, 182, 183, 188, 189, 194, 196, 197 karaja, ray or finger-nail, 168, 172 Karajgi, vi., 179, 180 270,271 and n 178n 117, 246 166, 169, 172 . 46, 52 128, 130, 131 279 30 83n, 238n, 288 133, 134 247, 249 46, 47, 50 296, 298 Kardamila, ri., Karergräm, vi., . Karavalabhairava, sur. of Upendra I, Kardamālēsvara, 8.a. Kavālji, Karhad, vi., Karhad plates, Kariyakallu, pit, 81n, 82n, 287, 289, 290 260, 261 . • INDEX. PAGE • . . Karkadatta-svamin, m.,. Karkaralagiri, mo., 174 and n 141, 143, 147 Karkkarodi or Kakarēdi, s.a. Kakrĕri, karmas, six of the Brahmanas, Kärmuk-arjuna, title of Nripakama, Karna, epic hero,. 33, 35, 43, 87n, 218, 221, 222 Karna (Karnna) or Karnadeva, Kalachuri-Chedi k. of Tripuri, 70, 76, 205, 296, 297 Karparaja-Vallabha, s.a. Krishna III, 130, 140, 142, 146 117 Karpa-Suvarna, co., Karnata, Karppäta (Karnatak), co., 70, 71, 74, 75, 77, 78, 89, 91 201 Kārtavirya or Arjuna-Kartavirya, myth. k., 75, 78, 143, 146, 155, 159, 162, 210, 211 Kärttikadi, year, 238 Kärttikeya, 8.a. Skanda, 28, 63, 104.270 Kartikeya, te., 128, 129, 131 Karuntitṭaikudi, vi., 215 karuse, weight, Käsäkuḍi plates, . 33, 35 110, 111 Kasappoḍaya or Kachapa-Nayaka, ch., käsata, Kashmir, co., Kashyavia (Kasyapiya), 90 185, 187 17, 198, 227n 203 292, 299 297n 282, 285 155, 159, 162 Kāśī, s.a. Benares, Kastara tank, Kāsya-Govinda, Kasyapa, a sage, Kasyapi-kalpa, . 94, 95 Katakanripa, m.,. 140, 145, 148 .278, 281, 285 . 46, 50 • . 325 Kāṭākhāla or Kaṭārhala, ri. and vi., Katariya, family, Kathevaram, fort, Käthiäwär, province, . Katte, Kaṭṭembu or Kattepu-durgamu, 8.a. Kathevaram, Kattumbōdalu, Kaudiya, pargana, Kausika, ri., Kausiki, goddess, Kausisoma-svamin, m., Kavadegolla, vi., Kavadidvipa, 125000, di., Kavälji (Kapāli vara), te., Kāvēri, ri., Kaviläka, m., käviäche or kache,=saved, Kāvāru, vi., 140, 145, 148 Kavyaprabodha, epithet of Narasimhavar man II, Kawardha inscription, Kayastha, caste, kechchan-appa Kēdāka, vi., Kēdāra, kēdāra or keyāra, a land measure, Köndür plates, Kerala, co.,. . PAGE . 273, 274, 275, 277 150, 153, 154 279 120, 121 141, 146, 152 120, 124 . . 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 76 45, 46, 47 20, 21, 23, 27, 112, 214 56,.61 277 274n 13, 21 112 98n 46, 50, 210, 238, 243, 244 185, 1871, 189 282, 285 32, 34 279,285 214 64 kärahapana, coin,. The figures refer to pages: n. after a figure, to footnotes; and add. to the addition on pp. vii to xii. The following other abbreviations are used :-ch.-chief; co,country; di.-district or division; do.-ditto; dy. dynasty; E.-Eastern; f.-female; k.-king; m.male; mo.mountain; ri-river; s..same as sur.surname; le.temple; vi.village or town; W. Western. Page #415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 326 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. PAGE Pacs Komarin or Kosarivarman, 6.a. Räjakoarivar- kil-vatte . . . . . . 187, 188 . 166, 168, 172 Ki-pin, Kingdom of . . Kasva, M., . . . 46, 51, 55, 69, 75, 77, 80 Kirtipura, vi.. . . . . . . 15 Kbhavadova, k., . . . . 280, 284 Kirttisimha, ch., . . . . 295, 296, 297 Kobaya-Nayaka ch. . 194, 195, 196 | Kirttivarmman, W. Chalukya k.. . 63, 254, Kesava-svämin, ., . . . . 247, 249 256, 257, 259, 261 Kötamalla, m., . . . 189, 190, 191 Kisamudr glossary, quoted, . . . . 35n Kötumukha, ri, . . . . . 46, 47, 49 Kisukad or Kisukādu-Seventy, di., 83, Kounjhar State, . . . . 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, . . Kövalihood, . . . . . . 67n 233, 235, 238 kha, form of-Kharoshthi, . Kisava Halama-settivāla, . . 186, 187 kha, forms of . . , K'i-yo-to, arhat, . . . . . . 12 Khachara- (or Khechara-) Varhóa, Race of Birds, bobbagu, a proud man,. . . . 274 179, 180, 184, 185, 186, 187, 191, 192,193, 194 Kochchadaiyan, Pandya k., . . . . 112 195, 198 koda, a measure,. . . 33, 38, 38, 39, 40, 41 khakhorna, khakorni(-7 frafarani) . . koda-maduvu, . . . . 150, 163, 164 Khalimpur plate, . . . Ködaņdarima, sur. of Aditya I, . . . 850 Khan, ruler, . . . . . . 198 Koilkuntla, vi., . . . . . . 92 Ihanants or khane, a well, . . . . Kokaka, ., . . . . 56, 61 Khandagiri, vi.. . . . . . Kókkala or Kókalla, Kalachuri (Haihaya) k. Khandall, race of . . 25, 30, 33, 34, 37, 39 of Tripuri, . . . 76, 77, 78, 210, 211 Khadapala, ., . . . Kökkili, E. Chalukya k.. . 141, 146, 162, 164 Khandasóms-svamin, , . . . 246, 248 Kolada, 8.4. Kullada, . . . . 42, 43, 44 Khan Johan, ch., . . . . . . kolaga, a measure, . . 33, 35, 38, 40 Khapparayya, m., . Kolagallu, w., . . . . . 82n Kharyanti, vi.. . . . . 282, 286 Kolani Kötappa Nayaka, ch., . . 158n Kharavana, k., . . . . 278, 283 Kolhapur, vi., . . . . 30, 31 tharavüra, an epithet, . . 278, 280, 283n Kolijäkor Koliyat, vi.,. . . . 303 Kharod, vi., . . . . . . 210n Kollabiganda (or Kollabi) Vijayāditya IV, E. bharrada,. . . . . 229, 233 Chalukya k., . . . .142, 146, 163, 164 khata, a well, . . . . . Kollapura, 6.a. Kolhapur, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36 Khathini, . . . . 129, 130 Kolléru, lake, . . . . . . 141 Böda . . . . . . 233n Köļūr, vi... , 179, 180, 182, 183, 187, Ehënibara, an official, . . . . 187, 188 188, 189, 190, 194, 195 Khotaka mandala, o.a. Kaira, 238, 239, Komara Appamayya, m., . . . . 33, 35 240, 242, 244 Kombaru, vi.. . . . . . 260, 261 Khiddingahärs, di.. . . 286, 270, 271 Kotkans, se Konkap. Khiñjali, s.a. Gumsur, . . Kond, ., . . . . . . . 17 Khifiliyagads, 3.. Gadamuths,. . 42 Kömd-mandala, di.. . . . . 75. 77. 79 Khifjaliyagada-vishaya, di... . . . 42, 44 Komyána, ti. . . . Khoh oopper-plato inscription, . . . 128 Köna, Köna-mandala, Köpa-sims or Kõna-sthala, Khond chief, . CO., . . . . . 155, 157, 168, 164, 165 Khotan, co. . Kondamms, queen of Venkata I, . . . On Khottiga, se Kottiga. Kondarivanga-vishaya, di, . . . . 44 Khyate, work, . . . . . 47 Kondavidu, vi.. . . . . . 90 Kikkaka, mh . . 126, 127, 303, 304 | Köpdödda, vi.. . . . . 286, 270, 271, 327 The figures refer to pages : #. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to zil. The following other abbreviations are used ch. chief; co. -country;di. -district or division; do. - ditto dy. -dynasty: E.-Eastern: .-female; k.king; m.male; mo, mountain; ri-river; ..same * ow.Forname; t.temple village or town; W. Western. Page #416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX 327 . . 92 • 258n PAGE Kondrāju, Göbürich., . . Kondu-Bhatta, m., . . . . . 93, 95 Köngöda, di., . 267, 269, 271 Kong-u-t'o (Kong-yu-t'o), 8.a. Kõngoda, . . 267 Konkan or Komkaņa, co.. . 20, 21, 23, 27, • 70, 71, 74, 75, 77, 78, 179, 180, 181, 182 Koppa, E. Chalukya k.. . 166, 167, 169, 172 Koppa-Setti, m., . . . . . . 37, 40 Koppins Vakhkhāṇadēva, m., . . 232, 235 Korumelli plates, . . . . . koša, meaning of . . . . . 258n Kõlakira, people, . . . . 258n Kõsar, people, . . . Kösala, Mahākosala, or Uttarakõsala, co., 76, 77, 80, 98, 99, 212, 292, 297 Koti-tirtha, tank, . . . . . 93n kotan, . . . . . 273, 274, 275 kottam, a division, Kottam-sima, 8.a. Tuni Zamindāri . Kottiga or Khottiga, Rashtrakufa k., 82n, 178, 240 Kottiya-gana, . . . . . 67 hopoulo, 8.a. kujūla, . . . . . . 4,9 kränti, a land measure, . . . . 279 Krauicha, mo., . . 269, 270 kerēnikāpu, . . . . 36, 38, 41 Krishna, ri., . . . . 91, 156 Krishna, a god, 22, 26, 27, 52, 228, 231, 234, 283, 284 Kfishna, 8.a. Väkpati I, . . . . 239 Krishna II or Krishộarāja, Rashtrakita k., . 175, 176, 238, 239, 240 Krishna III or Krishnaraja, Rashtrakūta k., 81, 82, 83, 140, 238, 288, 289, 290 Krishnama, Nandyal ch., . . . 91 Krishna-Nārāyana, a god, . . . . 283 Krishnappa-Nayaks, Gingee ch., . . Krishnarājapēte, vi, . . . Krishnaraya or Krishnadēvarāya, Vijayana gara k., . . . 90, 91, 132, 133, 134, 215 Krishnarāyapura, vi... . . . 132, 134 Krishnaraya-vijayam, a Telugu work, . 90n Krishna-svamin, m., . . . . 247, 250 Krishnökvara, te., . . . . . . 83 ksh, form of Kharöshthi. . . . 7 and note Kshaharada or Kshaharata,. . . . 13 Kshatrapa or Alalákshatrapa, a title, 4, 8, 9, 13, 15, 201, 202 PAGE Kshatriya, caste, 56, 60, 61, 128, 130, 131, 149, 172, 173 Kshatriyasinha or Kshattrasimha, sur. of Narasimhavarman II, . 105, 106, 112n Kshatriya-sitha-Pallavēsvara or Kshatriya simha-Pallavēśvara-dēva, Shrine in the Shore Temple,. . . . . . 105, 106 Kabēmankara, k., . . . . . . 264 Kshētrapāla, . . 194, 195, 197 ku, form of . . . 277 Kubēra, a god, . 170, 173, 174 Kubja-Vishņuvardhana, see Visnuvardhana I. Kudamukku, s.a. Kumbhakõnam, . . 87 kudava, a measure, . . . . 35n kudi, a homestead, . . . 228 Küdlür plates, . . 289 kujula, title, . . Kujūla Kadphises, s.a. Kadphises I, 9, 11 Kukkanür, vi., . . 259, 260, 261 kulanlai, tender,. . . 214 Kulatilaka, epithet of Narasimhavarman II, 105, 107 Kulēnür, vi.. . . . . . . 179 kulkarni, an official, . . . . 271n Kullāda, vi., . . . . 42, 43 Kulottunga I or Kulottunga-Chola I (Ohoda), Chola k., . . 8in, 105, 166, 168, 172, 216 Kulöttunga (III), Chola k., . . . . 8ln Kumāra or Kumārasvāmin, 8.a. Skanda, 32, 34, 88, 116, 142, 144, 146, 147 Kumāradattārya, m., . . . 102, 104 Kumäradova, Uchchakalpa k., . . 129, 130 Kumāradēvi, queen of the Uchchakalpa k., Oghadēva, . . . . . . 129, 130 kumärämätya, an official, . . . 136, 137 Kumäränkusa, m., . . . . 87 Kumarapratāpa, 8.a. Kunwarpartab. . • 286 Kumärärama or "Bhimëkvara, te... 165, 168, 172 Kumarasarman, m., . . . . 291, 294 Kumaristana-dongarikā, a hill, . . . 72 Kumbhakõņam, vi.. . . . 87, 216, 218 Kumbhārötaka, 8.a. Kämröd, 238, 241, 242, 244 Kumbhēévara, te . . . . . 215 Kumbhi plates, . . . . . . 296 Kumta, vi., . . . . . . . 35n Kumuranga plates, . . 264 kunda, . . . 89 • The figures refer to pages: n. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vil to xii. The following other abbreviations are wod-ch.=chief; di.-district or division; do.ditto; dy.dynasty: E.Eastern; f. femalo; k.king: m.-male; mo-mountain ; 1.=river ; 8. 1.same M; our-wurnamo; te.=temple; vi.=village or town; W. Western. . Page #417 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 328 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. . 70 Рдол PAGE Kundava Chöja princess and queen of Pima- laghu, a short syllable, . . . . 114n ladilya. . . . . . . . 186n Laghu-Bhadavapi, vi... . . 291, 293 Kündi or Kündi Three Thousand, di... 19, Lahore Museum,. . . . 1, 203, 205 21, 22, 25, 26, 30 Lakhkhadovi, . . . . . 20, 23, 28 Kunda, ending of proper names . . . 245 Lakhnauti, di., . . . . . 288 Kündi, vi., . . . . . 31, 32, 33, 35 Lakhnovars-mandira, te.. . 210n Kündili, vi.. . . . . . 36, 37, 40 Lakkama-Choda, ch., . . . 155n Kūniyûr plates, . . . . . Lakkambi, queen of Kora k. Bhima, 167, Kunnattūr, vi.. . 158, 160, 163 Kuntala or Kumtela, co., . 19, 21, 22, 26, Lakkathbika, queen of Marum-opendra IV, 106, 107, 227, 228, 229, 293 170, 173 Kunwarpartāb, pargana, . . . . 286 Kuppanayya or Kuppanāmätya, m., 149, 163, 164 Lakkundi (Lakoondoe), vi., . . . 218 Küram plates of Paramēbvaravarman, 106, Lakshādhyana, 11., . . . . 20, 24, 28 111n, 114, 115n Lakahape, m., . 46, 50 Kurbet or Kooreebet, ., . Lakshmaņa, epic hero, . . 21 . . . . 27, 50 Kurgod inscriptions, . . . . . Lakshmanaraja, Haihaya k.. . 226 Kūrma, co., . . . . Lakshmanasena, Sena k., . 46, 47, 49 . . . . 277 Kurrubadivara, 8.. Paläbivaram, . , 132, 134 Lakshmeshwar, vi.. . . . . . 21 Lakshměshvars (war) inscription,. Kurukshētra, vi, 34, 38, 39, 40, 62, 77, 182, 183, . 69, 186n Lakshmi or Mahalakshmi, goddess, 189, 191, 192, 193, 219, 221, 224, 228 22, 23, 28, Kurubas, Shepherds, 32, 34, 43, 51, 72, 95, 109, Kurumbetta, 8.. Kurbet, 20, 21, 22, 24, 1180, 120, 144, 147, 194, 283 25, 26, 28, 29, 30 Lakshmi, queen of Mallapadeva I, . 166, 167, 169, 172 Kuba, myth. k., . . . . 231, 234 Lakshmidhara, .. . . . . . 46, 61 Kushin or Kushana, dy. 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, Lakshmikalada, m., . . . . . 44 65, 68, 96, 97, 198, 201, 202, 204, 205 Lakshmi-sayanvara, mur. of Erambarage, 228, Kushåņas, tribe,. . . . . . 4, 13 231, 236 Kushanasons, ., . . . . . . 12 Lalitabhars, n., . . . . . . Küshmåndapatra-svamin, m., . . 119, 123 264 Lallopadhyaya, m., . . . 238, 243, 244 Kufiks, co.,. . . Lambakafichukaranik, canle, . . 54, 58 Kusuluka,. . . . • 8,9 Lamvödara, .a. Gapita, . . . . 49 Kufubini (Kufumbini), . . . . 67 and a Langla, paryana, .. . . . 278, 279 Kuvara Lakka-Setti, .. . . . . 37, 40 language Arabio, . . . 282 Aramaio, .. . 251, 262, 263 Awestio, . . . . 252 1, change of into or 1,5, 86, 180, 191, 217, 223, 226 Bengali, . . 78, 277 1. (basic), use of, . . . . . . 278 Chinese, . . . 12 barchaiose of, . . . . 183, 187, 287 Dokl, . . } wrong use of, . . . . . 183, 189 Gandharian, • 204 1. symtol for in Telugu, . . . . 139 Groek, . . . 4, 7, 9, 14, 269 1, use of in Kanarese, , 217, 223, 272, 274 Hebrew, . . . . 251, 301 Lachohaladovi, Khachara queen, 191, 193, 194 Himyaritio, . 300, 301 Lachchhika, J., . . . . 68, 61 Hindi, . . . . 78, 1310 Lachhalla, J. . . . 78 Iranian, . 813 The figures refer to pages 1 #. After figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vil to all. The following other abbreviations are usod h .chief; co-country i di. -distriot or division; do..ditto, dv. dynasty : E.-Eastern: f. femalo: k. king: m.Emale; mo-mountain: n.river 14.same M eur. Damo; te.-temple; vi,- village or town W.-Western. • 292 Page #418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 329 . PAGE . . . 162n . 46, 51, 52 217, 218, 219, 220, 221 Lokapäls, . . . Lõla, m., Lokkigundi, ... Lakkundi, Loriyan Tengai inscription, Lucknow Museum, . Lucknowty, vi... . Lunar race, . . . . . . . . . . 15, 52 . . 157 172, 174, 278 PAGE languager-cond Kanarose or Kannada, 19, 270, 31, 35, 36, 88, 89, 96n, 131, 139, 140, 150, 180, 183, 187, 189, 191, 194, 217, 223, 226, 272, 274, 275, 276, 287, 288 Khotant, . . 4,8, 200, 203, 204 Kuki, . 277 Latin, . . . 251 Marathi, . . . . . 131n, 139n Mixed dialoot, Pili, . .6, 96, 207, 270n Pärsik,. . . . . . 252 Prakrit, 7, 9, 89n, 47, 65, 178, 198, 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, 239, 247n Bakı, . . . . . . . Sanskrit, . 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 15, 19, 21, 81, 42, 46, 47, 53, 62, 65, 67, 68, 69, 75, 89, 95, 101, 105, 109, 114, 127, 129, 131, 135, 188, 160, 166, 164, 174, 177, 180, 182n, 183, 187, 189, 191, 193, 194, 209, 215, 217, 220n, 221, 223, 226, 237, 254, 258n, 259, 261, 266, 277, 291, 295 Bomitio, . . . . . 253, 300 Tamil, 81, 83, 86, 87, 96n, 139, 149, 150, 161, 168, 214, 215, 216n, 2170, 268n, 273, 275, 276 Teluga, . 88, 89, 90, 138, 139, 140, 150, 151, 155, 156, 159n, 160n, 164, 216, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276 Uriya or Oriya, . . . 42, 78 latka, a carpenter, . . . . . 33, 35 Lanki, Ceylon . . 229, 233, 297 Lite, co., . . . 70, 71, 74, 240 Lava, myth. L., . . . 231, 234 Layden plates, . . 216, 216 Lata, Kshatrapa " . . 8, 9, 15 Laks Kuuluk, Kehatrapa, 8, 9, 13 linga.or Sivalinga, 90, 44, 35, 110, 161, 164, 170, 173 Långarha-Nayake, ch,. . . 91n lion, emblem, . . . . . . 97 Lokaditys, title of Paramdhanavarman 1,. . 118n Lokamahidovi, queen of Chalukya Bhima II, 142, 146 Lokanatha, mi, . . . . . . 98, 99 mor ma, form of . . . 96, 101 m, oursive form of - in Kanaroso, 19, 36, 180, 183, 187, 191, 104, 226 m (final), reduced size of . . . . 101 m (final), form of . . . . . 254 (final), use of . . . . . 259 m, changed to v in Khardshthi, . . 204 m (subscript), two forms of . 101 ma, similarity to na, . 174 Machimayya, M., . . 223, 224, 225, 228 Madagajanalla, biruda of Krishsa III, 287, 289 Madäkaņa, ri, . madamba, . . . 229, 233 and a Madana, a god, . . . . 23, 27, 43, 231 Madanapala, Gahadawila k., . . . 202, 293 Madagihal inscription, . . . . . 19 Maddimayya-Nayaka, m., . , 217, 219, 221 Mädêviyarasi, queen of the Sinda k. Achugi II, 227, 230, 234 Madhava, m., . . . . 55, 56, 60, 61, 240 Madhava, k., . . . . 266, 269, 270 Madhava, image of . . . 20, 24, 25, 28, 29 Madhava-svämin, ., . . 247, 250 Madhavavarman II, Sailddabhava L, . 286, 267n Madhavēndra, Sailodhbhans k., . . . 267n Madhavēsvara, te.. . .. 36, 37, 38, 40, 41 Madhu, demon, . . . . . 175, 176 Madhuka-latiki, tree, 103, 104 Madhumitts-evimin, h. 247, 250 Madhuna-svimin, th, 119, 122 Madhu-svimin, .. . . . . 247, 250 Madhusddans, ... . . . 68, 58, 59, 61 Madhu-ovimin, .. . . . . 119, 123 Madhyadda, co., . . . . 44, 156, 160, 168 Madhyamarkja or Madhyamarijadáva, mur. of Yahobia II,. • . 286, 268, 370 lidirljayy, ., . . 36, 37, 38, 40, 41 The figures refer to pages: m. atter figaro, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vil to zil The following other abbreviations are wood ch.chief;; di.=district or division; do.mditio; dy.-dynasty : E. Eastern : f. female; k. king; m.-male; mo- mountain; r river: mome mr.surname; to.-temple; .village or town; W.-Western Page #419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 330 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. PAGE PAO Madras Museum, . . 149 Mahärdja-Sarvan, sur. of Amõghavarsha I, . 16 madu (mātuh), . . 10 Mahirkjavādi, di., 86 Madura, vi. . 91, 288 Maharanaka, a title, . . 296 Magadha, people, . . . 20, 21, 22, 26, 440 Mahāratha, . 112n Maghēývara-svämin, m., . . . 119, 124 Maharaya, s.a. Maharija, 200 Mahābalīdhikrita, an official, . . 128, 130, 131 Mahasamanta, an official, 31, 32, 34, 127, 135, Mahabalipuram, vi.. . 90, 105, 106, 108n, 136, 137, 149, 153, 154, 184, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, Mahabharata or Bharata, epic poem, 129, 280, 283 192, 193, 194, 269, 303, 304 Mahabharata, Telugu work, . . . 273 Mahasimant-adhipati, an official, 184, 185, 186, 191, Mahābhūtavarman, Pragjyoticlia k. . 116 192, 193 Mabada plates of Yogesvaradēvavarman, 97, 98 Mahadndhivigrahika, an official, 65, 128, Mahādéve, m., . . . . . 55, 56, 59 130, 131, 135, 136, 137 Mahadeva or Tiruvural-Mahadēva, te., 84, 88 Mahasanghika, a Buddhist school,. . . 68, 69 Mahädēva, Yadava k., . . . . 20, 22, 27 Mahisons, 8.4. Kärttiköya, 102, 104, 141, 146, 152 Mahadevi, a queen, 129, 130 mahaain-adhipati, an official, . . . 187, 188 Mahadhana, m., . . . . 210, 21% Mahatlama, an official, . . . . 71, 73, 74 Marijana,. . . . 40n, 67, 218, 232, 235 Mahattara, an official, . . . . . 306 Mahālakshmi, see Lakshmi. mahd-wadda-vyavahari, a title, Mahall, a division, . . . . . 286 Manduanea, a work, . . . . . 112n Mahämalla, sur. of Narasimhavarman II, 108n Mahavira, a Jain Tirtharkara, Mahamandalesvara, a title,. 31, 32, 34, 35, Mahäviss, vi., . . . . . 291, 293 36, 38, 40, 44, 76, 80, 91, 92, 94, 95, Mahävyühapati, a lile, . , Idit, . . . . . . 98, 99 194, 195, 196, 227, 230, 231, 234, 235 Mahendra, mo.. . . . . . 135, 136 Mahamandalika-Chūdamani, a title,. . 238, 242 Mahồndrspala, Kanau k., . . . . 54 Mahamukha, a sacrifice, . . . 260, 271 Mahendrapala II, Pratihara J., . . 237, 240 Mara-nadu, assembly,. . • 37 Mahendravarman I, Pallapa k., . . 105n Mahanubhava, a sect, . . . 100 Mahendravarman III, Pallava k.,. 109n, 112 mahapataka, 73, 74, 126, 129, 145, 154, 182, 185, Mahendravarmēsvara, te.. . . . . 109n 224, 304 Mahēsvara, 8.a. Siva, . . 18, 102, 104, 142, Mahapatra, . . . . . . 68 146, 231, 238, 271, 275, 279, 283 Maha-prabhu=high eheriff, . . . . 36, 37 Mahesvars, vi.. . . . . . . 262 Mahápradhana, a title,. . 38, 185, 195, 231 Mahobvara-dikehā, consecration, 186, 187, 192, 193 Mahāpratihāra, an official, Mahabaras, . . . : 88, 276 Maharaja, a title, . 5, 6, 16, 17, 18, 19, 54, 63, Mahi, ri.. . . . 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244 66, 96, 97, 101, 102, 103, 104, Mahichandra, Gahadardla k., . . . . 292 118, 121, 127, 128, 129, 130, Mahidhara-svāmin, m., . . . 248, 250 135, 136, 139, 201, 256, 258, Mahishabuddhikā, vi., . . 261, 262, 269, 303, 304 71, 72, 74 Mahishasuramardani, 8.a. Kali, . . 109n Maharajadhiraja, a title,. 22, 53, 54, 58, 64, 118, Mahishmat, Myth. Haihaya k., . . . 262n 143, 146, 151, 153, 154, 165, 180, Mähishmati, a.a. Mahösvara or Måndhita, 155, 262 190, 192, 195, 219, 223, 237, 238n, Mähishmaty-adhipa, biruda of the Köna k. Choda 241, 242, 244, 287, 289, 293 1, . . . . . . 155, 159, 162 Maharajadhiraja-pati, a title, . . . . 238 Maharaja Jaswant Singh, Jodhpur k., . 47n Mahödaya, 8.a. Kanauj, . . . 17, 18, 54 Maharajarn-nadu, 8.a. Maharajavadi, . . 86 Mahua, a tree, . . . . . 291 Maharāja-Sarvan, ch., . . 16 Māhudala, vi., . . . 72, 74 The figures refer to pages: 1. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition un PP. vii to xli. The following other abbreviations are used :-ch.chief;; di. district or division'; do. ditto: dy..dynasty: . Eastern : f.female; k.king: m.=male; mo.mountain; n.-river; ... mem our.surname; te,temple ; vi.. village or town; W.-Western. Page #420 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 331 19 19 . 289 23 PAGE Mahurāpura, 3.a. Mauripura, 278, 281, 285 Mahuva or Māhuva-Setti, m., • 217, 218, 220, 221 Maihar, vi., . . . . Maithila, people,. . . . 117 Maitraka, family, . . . 303 Maitreyasamiti, a svork, . . . Makara-kētu, 8.a. Madana, Makariyarāja, m., . • 149, 153, 154 Malabar, co., . . . . . 166, 179 Malai-nadu, co., . . . . 166 Malapayya, m., . . • 189, 191 Māļapayya-Nāyaka, ch., . . . 36, 38, 41 Mälava, people, . 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29, 64 Mälava, co., . . . . . . . 70 Malava........... vi., . . . . . . . 175 malave, a weight, . . . 33, 35, 186, 187, 189 Malaya or Malakötta, 8.a. Malabar, . . 166 Malaya, Male or Malayachala (Sandal mountain), 8.a. the W. Ghats, mo., . 166, 172, 179, 218, 220, 222, 227, 230 Malayasimha, ch., . , 295, 296, 297, 299 Māļēsvara, te., . . . . 227, 232, 236 Malkhēd, vi., . . . . 238, 288 Malla, ch., . . . . 20, 23 Malla or Mallinátha, ch., . . 20, 27 Mallāmbā, queen of the Köna k. Choda I, 155, 158, 159, 162 Mallámbikā, queen of Upendra II, . 166, 167, 169, 172 Mallapadēva I, E. Chalukya k., 166, 167, 168, 172 Mallapadēva or Mallapa II, E. Chalukya k., 165, 166, 167, 169, 172 Malla-Setti, m., . . . . . . 37 Mallèsvara, god, . . . . 25, 26, 29, 30 Malli, Mallināths or Malli-Setti, ch., 20, 24, 25, 28, 29 Mallidēva or Mallapadēva, k., . . . 157 Mallidēvarasa, Khachara ch., . . 194, 195, 196 Mallikarjuna-Bhatta, m., . . . 181, 183 Mallikarjuna-Pandita, m., . . 184, 186, 187 Mallinátha, commentator, . . . 27n Mäluka-viraka, place ?, . . . 103, 104 Malwa or Málava, co., . 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 71, 177, 178, 240 malynaki, official title of one who examines trea sure or coin, . . . . . . 5 PAGE Mamallapuram, 8.a. Mahabalipura, . 105 Mämarunda Amrita, . . . . . 217n Mamdäpüz or Mumdapoor, vi., . Mamdapur (Muhammad's town), Margalavarmman, m., . . . 55, 56, 59, 61 mankas, . . . . . . 36, 37, 39 maskamereva, . . . . . 37, 39 mamma or marmma, 8.a. momma,. . . 220n Mammaka, m., . . . 126, 303, 304 Mammata, an author, . . 17 mana, measure, . . . . . . . 33, 38 Mamniya-kshmäpäli-mriga-vërtakära, biruda of the Kona k. Chöda I, . . 155, 159, 162 Mänabhita, sur. of the Sailodhbhava k. Dharmma raja, . . . . . 266, 269, 270 Mänaghösha-svämin, m., . . . 246, 248 Mänavamma, Ceylon k., . . . . 112 Mandakini, 8.a. Madakane, . , 46, 47, 49 Mandakini, o.a. Ganges, . . 114 mandala, a territorial division, 17, 77, 78, 210, 211, 273, 288n Mandalesvara, a title, . . 230, 231, 234 Mandalika, a title, . . 230, 231, 233 Mandapa, 8.a. Mându,. . 46, 47 Mandara, mo., . . . . 280, 283 Mandasa, vi., . . . . 135 Mandhati, myth. k., . . . . . . 231, 235 Mändhätá, vi.. . . . . . . 262 mandi-molu)nka-chinta, . . 150, 153, 154 Mändu, a fortress, . . . . . 47 Mangalam, villages named,. Mangalampad charter,. . Mangalapura, identity of - with Mangalore or Mangalam, . . . . . 214 Mangalapuram, vi., . . Mangalaraja, Kachhaväha k. of Gwalior,. . Mängallu plates, . . . . . . 140n Mangalore, vi., . . . . . . Mangi-Yuvarija, E. Chalukya k... 141, 146, 149, 152, 154 Maniki, ... . . . . . 175, 176 Mäņikiála inscription, . . 3, 9, 39n, 203n Māņikiāla silver desk,. Maniyur, vi., . . . 228 Mañughosha, a Buddhist deity, ... 295, 296 mankha, . . • Son Manma-Satya II, k., . . • 214 . . 112n 47 . 167 The figures refer to pages: n. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. Vi to zji. The following other abbreviations are used ch.chief; c0.= country; di.=district or division; de.ditto i dy.-dynasty; E.-Eastern; f.=female; k.king; m.=male; mo. mountain; risriver; 8.2.-4mo a ONI. suruame; temple; v=village or town; W.=Westeru. Page #421 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 332 Mannandi, ri., Mannargudi, vi., manneya, • . 179, 180, 182 184, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195 128, 130, 131 117, 118, 122, 246 Manöratha, m., Mandrathasvamin, m., Mansehra inscription, mantapa or mandapa, Mantra (Mandra or Mañju) ghosha Tējabhatti svamin, m., Manu, myth. k., Marayagere, vi., Mardaka, sic Marjhaka, Marichi, a sage, Marguz inscription, marjhaka, 8.a. malysaki, Märtamda-deva, te., Marudur, vi., Maruleyana-kere, a tank, Maruti, s.a. Hanuman, Marz, s.a. Mrij, Masana-Gavunda, m., Masulipatam plates, Mätä Gali, a lane,. matha, Mathura, vi., EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. • 120, 124 and n . 78, 114n, 142, 146, 155, 159, 162, 211, 224, 225, 226, 305 Manu, code of,. 227, 255, 256, 258 Manum-opendra IV or Upendra, E. Chalukya . 166, 167, 169, 170, 173 71, 72 178, 239 84, 88 253 16 84, 88, 289 k... Manyakapaffa, a rent-free village, Manyakhēta, vi., Maramaraiyar, 8.a. Mārasimha, Märäna = Lord, Márasarva, 8.a. Mahārāja-Sarvan, Märasithha, W. Ganga k., maravi, 33, 35 192, 198 5 155, 158, 162 7n 5, 6, 12 194 Mathura, caste, Mathura elephant inscription, Mathura inscription of the year 299, Mathura inscription of Dhanabhüti, Mathura L.ion Capital, Mathura-Museum, Matla, family, mäira,. PAGE 185, 187 216 • • • 7n, 204, 205 93, 95, 165 . 46, 50, 65, 66, 67, 68, 112n 184, 186, 187 297 -5 195, 198 272 68 263, 264 96, 206, 209 . 56, 61 209 67n 206 7n, 199, 201, 204, 209 66, 67, 68, 96, 206 91 100 PAGE Mäträdhyaryya, m., Matrie, Matrikiva, m., matlar (or matial), a land measure, 102, 104 141, 146, 152, 256, 258,259 130, 131 30, 182, 183, 187, 192, 219, 221, 224, 226, 232, 236 Mattewada plates, 256 Maukhari, dy.,. 10 Mäumka, m., Maurapur, pargana, Maurapura, vi., Maurya, dy., mavana-simga, 54, 55, 58 278 278 251, 258n 1840 194, 196 31, 33, 35 43 · 116, 117, 118, 121, 246 273 61 120, 124 247, 249 Mavina-obavuda-Kärve, a place, Mayisige, vi., Mayurabhanja State, Mayurasalmali, vi., thou, use of for mu or mmu, Möchāka, m., Mëdhabhatti-svamin, m., Medhabhati-svamin, m., Modha-svamin, m., Möghäparäka, vi., Mölpädi, vi., meridarkhes, a title, Méru, mo., 4 Metre . Merudatta-svamin, m., . Mesopotamia, co.,. Arya,. Arya-giti, Ātaveladi, [VOL. XIX. · Bhujangaprayata, Champakamälä, Drutavilambita, Dvipada, Gili, Harini, Indravajra, • 19, 22, 26, 71, 73, 181, 182, 227, 229, 233 247, 249 Anushubh or slöka, 15, 21, 49, 78, 79, 92, 99n, 105, 107, 108n, 130n, 159n, 167, 180, 188, 190, 192, 194, 211n, 212n 213n, 219, 223, 225, 228, 260n, 279, 296n, 298n, 209n 21, 49, 92, 99n, 101, 103, 105, 107n, 108n, 117, 212n, 213n, 279 160, 161n . 159n 247, 249 282, 285 8ln, 83 4n 49 219, 223, 228 296n, 297n 273 21, 49, 159, 167 49 • 49, 79n, 114n, 138, 159n, 160n, 167, 213n, 296n, 297n, 298n, 299n The figures refer to rages: n. after a figure, to footnotes; and add. to the addition on pp. vii to xii. The following other abbreviations are used:-ch.-chief;; di. district or division; do, ditto; dy.dvanety; E. Eastern; f.female; k.-king; m.male; mo. mountain; ri.river; 8.d.-sale as; our.msurname ; fc. temple; vi.village or. town; W.-Western. Page #422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 333 . . 49 . . 279 PAGE PAGS 9 Metro-contd. Moga, k., . . 167 Mohdüsā or Modāsa, vi.. . Indravarba, . . . . 240 . . Kanda, Mühadavāsaka, .a. Mõdása, 189, 190, 219, 223, 224, 238, 240, 242, 244 225, 226, 228, 287, 289 Mókshasimha, m., . . . . . 46, 51 . . . Madhya-akkara, . . . 220n . 88, 89 . monima, a grandson, . . . Mahasragdhari, . . . Months. 219, 228 . Malini, . 21, 158n, 290n Adi, . . Mandakranta, Ani, . . . . . 84, 85, 87, 88 Maitabhavikridita,. 219, 223, 228 . Agrahāyana or Agrana, . . . 210, 214 Pajjhatila, . . Ashādhs 10, 14, 15, 54, 56, 58, 61, Praharshini, . . 21, 167 64, 128, 130, 131, 205, 218, 219, 221 Prithvi, Abvina (Advayuja or Aspaiasa), . 178, 179, Pushpiagra, . . . 279 204, 205, 206, 218, 219, 221, 228, Rathoddhata, . 21, 49 232, 235, 303 Salini,. . . 49, 92, 160, 180, 192, 219 Bhadrapada (Nabbasya or Praushthapada), Sardalavikridita, 21, 44, 49, 98n, 159n, 36, 37, 40, 56, 60, 61, 127, 208, 160n, 161n, 162n, 167, 192, 262, 263, 295, 299 211n, 212n, 219, 223, 279, 298n, 299n Chaitra, 14, 55, 59, 71, 72, 74 Dai Sios (Macedonian month),. . . 10 Sikharini, . . . 21, 49, 78, 297n, 298n Jyaishtha (Suchi), Jēta or Jyishtha, 10, Bioa. . . . . . . . 273 42, 44, 56, 61, Sragdhara, , 21, 78, 110, 113, 114n, 98, 99, 166, 171, 174, 203, 283, 288 159n, 213n, 214n, 279 Kärttika, . 16, 18, 19, 31, 33, 35, 102, Svagata, . . 49 103, 104, 259, 260, 261 Tarala,. . . . • 194 Mägha,. . . . 36, 38, 41, 238, 243, 244 Taroбja, • . . . . 272, 273 . . . . . 86, 184, 188 Tripadi, . . 194 Märgasira, . . . . 54, 55, 58, 60 T'rishțubh, . . Marheshwan, . . 300 Upajati, . . 49, 78, 167, 211n, Mithuna, . . . 86 260n, 279 297n Pausha (Pushya), .21, 29, 65, 60, 96, 97, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, Upendravajra, . . 78, 79n, 213n, 279 187, 188, 191, 192, 193, 223, 224, 225 Utpalamdla,. . . . . 219, 228 Phälguna, 55, 69, 75, 80, 82n, 292, 293 Vainastha,. . . 298n Rādhi, see Vaibikha. Vamsasthavila, . . . 279 Rubbee-ool-Akher,. . . 167 Vasantatilaka, 21, 49, 78, 98n, 105, Rubbee-ool-Awal,. . . 157 110, 113n, 160n, 161n, 211n, Simha, . . . 212n, 258n, 279, 297n, 299n . 86 . . 157 Mimishaa,. . . . . . 296, 299 Sravans . 210, 214, 303 Minas, a people, . . Vaisakha or Radha,. . 20, 24, 28, Miraj (Meeraj), vi.. . . . . 31, 32, 95 89, 92, 94, 132, 133, 168, 161, Miraj inscription, . . 29n, 35 164, 270, 271 Mirifijo, a.a. Miraj, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41 moon=one, . . . . 168, 164, 166,174 Mithila, co., . . . . . . . . . 117, 248 Moon, . . . . 165, 171, 186, 283, 284, 286 Mithradates I, k., . . . : 201 moru, . . . . . . . 36, 38, 40 Mitrapālita, m... . . . . 119, 122 Mount Abu, mo., . . 239 Modise, vi., . . . . 241 Mount Banj inscription, . . 8,70 21 • The figures refer to pages: 1. after & figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to zii. The following other abbreviations sro used-ch.chief;; di.distrint or division; do.ditto; dy.-dynasty, E.-Eastern; f.-female ;- k.king; m.Emale; mo.mountain; ri-river; 8. 4.e same as: our.surname; te. templo; vi. village or town; W.-Western. Page #423 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 334 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. PAGE PAGE Mrida, 8.a. Siva, . 224, 225 , use of--forth in Nagari, . . . . 63 Mrigānkamauli, s.a. Siva, . . 114, 115 1, use of (palatal), . . . 183 mrij, . . . . na, formation of . . 69, 174 Muchai inscription, . . . . 3, 7n na, two forms of . . . . 69 Mudengudi or Moodiangoodee, v., . 228 na, use of - for fia, . . . 265 mudgode, . . . . . . 31, 32, 34 ria, use of . . . 265 Mudiyanür, vi.. . . . , 228, 232, 236 wacha (=Skt. jñāti), . . . 199 mudra-panam, stamped coin, . . . . 38 Nächcharu, goddess, . . . 93, 95 Muhamad (Mohamed) Tughlag, Tughlak k., 156, 157 Nadakutigama, vi.. . . . 282, 285 Muhammad Ghori, k., . . . . . 47n nādu, a division, . . . 36, 37, 273 Muhammadan or Mahomedan, 47, 90, 91, 156n, 286 Nadugalla or Nadugalladurga, vi., . . 132, 134 Muhammadpur, vi.. . . . . . 52 Nadupūru grant of Anna-Vēma, . . 157 Muhot Nainsy, a historian, . . . . 47 Naga, m., . . . . . . . . 56, 59 Mukkoti-tirtha, a tank, . . . . . 93, 95 Nägabhata or Nagabhatadēva, Gurjara Prati Muktäpali, vi.. . . . . . 71, 72, 74 hara k., . . . . . 16, 17, 18, 19 Mülabhadra, race of -,. . 25, 30, 33, 34, 37, 39 Nagadatta-svāmin, m., . . . 120, 125 Mülarāja, Anniluida Chaulukya k.. . . 240 Nägakhëddi, . . . . . 135, 136, 137 Müla-Sangha, . . . . . . 33, 35 Nägaladēvi, . . . . . . 32, 34 Mülasarvistivādin, a sect, . . . . 12 Nägalaya, 8.a. Pätäļa,. . . 220 Mäla-sthāns, . . 25, 29, 223, 224, 225 Nagananda, a work, . : 179 mūligi, . . . 25, 29, 30, 37, 40 nagara, . . . . . 233n Mummadi-Chöļa, sur. of Rajāditya, 83 Nigara (Brahmans), . . 236, 238, 241, 243, 244 mummuri-danda, . . . 25, 30, 37, 39, 40. Nagaraka, vi., . . . 126 Muni Suvratadēva, m., . . . . 71, 72, 74 Nagarasa, m., . . . . . . 26, 30 murada or Muroda, 8.a. murunda, official title, 3, 4, 5, 6 Nagardhana, vi., . . . . . 102 Mura, a demon, . . . . . . 23 Nägarjuna, Chauhan k. of Ajmer, . . . 48 Muräri, 8.a. Vishnu, . . . . 220, 222 Någa varmayya, M., . . . . 185, 186 murta, 8.. murunda, . . . . . 3 Nigēndra, mo.. . . • 161, 164, 170, 173 murunda ormaronda, a title,. . . . 3, 4, 5 Nagpur Museum, . . . . . 75, 209 Murundadevi, queen of the Uchchakalpa king Nagpur prasasti,. . . . . . 70 Jayanātha, . ;. . . . . 129, 130 Nahapana, Kshatrapa k, . . . . 13 murndaga, 8.. murunda, naimittika, office,. . . . . 293 Musalman or Mussalman, . . 52, 90, 115 naivedya. . . . . . . 71, 73, 74 Mutikāthi, vi., . . . . . 282, 285 Näki, Sinda k., . . . . 227, 230, 233 Muttu Virappa-Nayaka, Madura Nayaka ch., . 91 NakshatrasMysore, vi., . . . . . . 91 Purvashādhi,. Sravani, . . . . . . 36 Svati, . . . . . . 228n Uttara-Phalguna,. . . . 10, 14, 15 Nakshatra, mention of - in Khardahthi inscrip, use of (Kharöshthi), . . . . . 2 tions, . . 75, use of- for anusvära, . 75, 127, 265 Nala, family, , n, doubling of -- after,. . . . . . 101, 102, 104 Nala, myth. k., . 218, 220, 222 * and r, varying forms of - in Aramaio, . 252 Nålanda copper-plate of Devapaladeva,. Th, use of - before! . . 17 . . . 127 Nallamale Nallamalai, hill,. . . . . . 274 n, use of -- for, . . . 127 Nallara-marulam, biruda of Krishna III, 287, », use of for n. . . 272 288, 289 The figures refer to pages: 1. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to xii. The following other abbreviations are used ch.-chief; co.=country: di.-district or division; do.--ditto; dy.dynasty; E, Eastern; f. female; k.king: m.=male; mo-mountain; ri, river ..same wi mur-sumame; le.=temple; vi.=Village or town; W.Western. Page #424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 335 .. 282, 285 150 • 120, • 87 284 PAGE PAGS N&madova, ., . . . 210, 213, 214 Nārāyaṇa-svämin, m.,. 118, 120, 122, 124 Nandi, Siva's bull, . . . . 301 Narendrasimha, title of Narasimhavarman II, Namijada, k., . 198, 199, 200, 202 106, 108, 112n. Nammuru grant, . . . 138 Narendra-svamin, m., . . . , 247, 249 namo lana arahato samma sambuddhassa, referr Narendra-Vijayaditya, see Vijayaditya II. ing to Gautama Buddha, . . . . 96 Narendra-Mrigarājs, . . . 152, 154 Nanda-Bhagavati, goddess, . . 56, 57, 58, 60 Narmadi, ni.. Nandadöva-svāmin, m., . . 16, 76, 77, 262, 295, 296 . . . 118, 122 . 16, 78, 77,2 Nätapani, ui., . Nandaks, m., . . . . . 283 Nathõsasana, w., . . 282, 285 Nandaks, noord, . . . . . 280, 283 Nātirambhs, ri.,. . 282, 285 Nandamapundi plates, Navabäti, e.a. Noāhāti, 279, 281, 282, 285, 286 Nandana-svamin, ., . . 125 Navashaad nikacharita, a work, . 239, 240 Nandē vara svåmin, Mh., . . . 119, 124 Nayaka (Tanjore), dy., . . . . . 215 Nandibhūti-svamir, m., . . . 120, 124 Niyamambi, wife of Nripalåma,. 139, 141, Nandivardhana, 8.a. Nagardhana,. . . 102 144, 145, 147, 148 Nandivarddhana, 8.a. Nandur, . . 102, 104 Nayanusări, epithet of Narasimhavarman II, 108n Nandivarman II, Pallava k., 85n, 87, 106, Nayapāladēva, Pala k., . . . . . 277 110, 111, 112, 149 Nayasri, f.,. . . . . . 46, 50 Nandivarman III, Pallava k., richa, symbol for . . . . 139 Nandur, vi.. • 102 Neduñjadaiyan, Pandya k.,. . 214 Nandyal, vi., 91 Negapatam, vi., . . . . 215, 216 Nannata, m., nele-vidu, a standing camp, 31, 32, 36, 38 Nannaya-Bhatta, an author, 273, 276 Nellore, vi., . . . . . . 111 Naqshi Rustam, vi.. . . . 251 Nellore District plates, . . . . . 256 Naragirvina, an epithet, , 278 Nētri-Bhafija, Bhaija k., Naraka, myth. k., . . . 121 Neulpur grant, . . 263, 264 Narapati, m., . . . . . . 46, 50 Nidhanpur, vi.. . . 116, 245, 246 narapati, a title, . . . 293 Nidhanpur plates, • 245 Narusa or Normann-Nayaka, Gobdrich., . 92, 93, 95 Nidugere, a tant.. 194, 196, 197 Naruarja, Göburi ch., . . . . . 92 Niduparu plates, . . . . . . 259 Narasimha, Chëdi k., . . . . . 296 Nigalads Kēti-Setti, m., . . . . 37, 40 Narasimhasarman, m., . . . , 260, 261 Nikuñjaga(bhatta, m., . . . . 282, 285 Narasimhavarman I, Pallava k. . . 106, 108n Nimbadevarass, ch., . . . . 31, 32, 34 Narasimhavarman II, Pallava k., . 105, 106, Nina Dikshita, m., . . 238, 243, 244 107, 108n, 109n, 110, 111, 112 ninety-nine years' lease, . . . 55, 56, 57 Narraithhavishnu, o.a. Narasimhavarman II, 108, 109n Nīra, ri., . . . . 62, 63, 64 Narasingamma, queen of Ramaraja. . . On Nirmanda grant of Samudrasena, Naru-svimin, m,. . . . 118, 122 sisanka-Rama, a title,. . . . . 233n Nara (1)-wvimin, m., . . . . 119, 123 Nītimärga, W. Ganga k., . . . . 96 Näriyapa or Vira-Narayana, 6.a. Viahpu,. 23, Nitisára, a work,. . . . 27n, 118n nitya, compulsory, . . 25, 27, 30, 33, 34, 63, 98, 99, . . Nivära, m., . . . . 282, 286 141, 146, 152, 181, 185, 196, 196, 283 nivartana, a measure, . 71, 72, 74, 103, 104 Nariyanas, the Twelve-, gode, . . 217, 219 Niya, ., . . . . 5, 202 Nárayapa, k., . . . . 278, 280, 283 Noahāti, ni.. . . . 270 Näriyapakunda-svamin, 7., . . . 119, 123 nödire, interjectional ase of . 287, 290 The figures refer to pages: 1. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. viito xii. The following other abbreviations are wod .chief; co.-country: di.district or divisions do.ditto dy.-dynasty; -Eastern ; 1.-female; k.king; m.=male; mo.=mountain ; r.-rlvor; 8.a. amo as rur.furgamo: le temple; vi-village or town; W.Westom. Page #425 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 936 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. PAGE PAGE nokrame (Skt. naukrama), a bridge of boats of p, changed to v in Kharoahthi, . . 204 ferry station, . . . 207, 208 pa, form of . . . . . . 277 Nolambavadi, 32000, di., . . 76, 187, 188 pa, form of - in Kharðshthi, . 202, 207 Non-Aryan,. . . . . 77, 210 pa, form of - resembling us, . . . Nini, a maiden,. . . . 78 . . Nonnala or Nõnalla, queen of Ratnadēvi, . 75, padai or pade, an army, . . . 276 77, 79, 210, 212 pada-advana, one of the eight forms of worship, 28n Nripakama, ch., . 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 147, 148 padávartta, a measure,. . . . 126 Nripatunga, biruda of Krishna III, 288, 289, 290 Paddopadhyaya, m., . . . 102, 103, 104 uripula lunda . . . 89 Padmadasa-svāmin, m., . . . 120, 124 Nrisimha, incarnation of Vishnu, . . . 237 Padmanabha, M., . . . . . . 58, 6Ł Nrisimha or Narasingarāya, Saluva k., . : 90 Padmasinha, ch., . . . . 295, 296, 297 Nrisimhādhvarin, or barman, M., . . 132, 133 Padmasimbs, m., . . . . . . 46, 51 Mile, . . . . . . . . 19, 26 Padmavati, a goddess,. 25, 30, 32, 34, 180, numerals 181, 183, 185, 186, 190, letter numerals, . . . . 15 192, 193, 195, 196 numerical figures, . 15, 18, 84, 89 padra or padraka, a village, . . . 207, 262 numerical symbols, 54, 58n, 199, paduva, an army, . . . . . . 276 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 262, 263 Pailachchi, a Dräkrit Dictionary, . . . 178 Nūvalabanda, rock, . . . . . 93, 95 Pailbanda, v., . . . . . 132 Pāja inscription,. . . . 3,7n Pajjuns, Kachhardha k., of Amber, . . . 47 pala, a weight, . . . . . 33, 35 (vowel) use of . . . . 265 paláfa, a tree, . . . . . 0 (secondary) forms of 103, 104 138, 139 Paļāśivaram, i., . . . . . 132 Obalaraja, Oburäja of Chinna-Obalaraya, Pålātū Dhori inscription, . . . . 2 (Chinnaobraya), ch., . 92 .Palavûr, v., . . . . 184, 185, 186 Obamba, queen of Timma, . . . . 92 Palayatthåņa, 8. a. Phaltan. . . . . 62, 64 Obarijs, ch., . . . . . palichchina (Skt. parichchhinna), . . . 7n Obarajayyadēva-Maharāja, Goburi ch... palishtena, mistake for palichchina (parichchhinna), 7 Obayadēva-Mahārāja, Globuri ch... . Pälita, ending of proper names, . . Obo-Raya, Gobari ch., . . . 245 Palitana, eh, . . . . . 125 Odiliaka, m., . . . . 204, 205, 206 Palitana plates, . . . . . . 308 Oghadēva, Uchchakalpa k.,. . 129, 130 Pallava, dy.. . 63, 64, 81, 84, 85, 87, 105, Oghi, vi. . . . . . 197, 198 106, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, Ohind, vi.,. . . 149, 153, 154 Okharikā, f., . . Pallave, eponymous k., . . . 110, 113, 114 Orh, symbol for : . . . 211, 241 Pallavabhañjans, sur. of Srimara,. . 870 Omkara, symbol for . . 43n Pallsvamalla, sur. of Nandivarman II, 850, Orissa, Co.,. . . . 42, 76, 77, 156, 167 87, 106, 110, 112, 149, 153, 154 Oriya, people, Pallikondaruliya-dēva, Shrine in the Shore Temple, 105 offil or vottil, . . . . 38, 40 Pamivo, vi. . . . . . . 282, 286 para, a land measure, . . . 979 Panamalai, vi.. . . . . 109, 110, 111, 112 Panamalai inscription, . . . . 107, 110 p, initial, use of . . . . 183 Panchadhira, 3.4. Panchadhárala, . 161, 168, p, change of-into . . . 36, 187, 191, 194, 226 170, 171, 174 The figures refer to pages: 1. after a figure, to footnotes; and adul. to the addition on pp. vii to xli. The following other abbreviations are used ch.chief; co.=country: di.diatrlet or division: do.ditto: dw.d ety: Eastern; f. female king; m,malo ; mo. mountain r river: m . sw.surgamu ke temple; vi. village or town; W..Western. Page #426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 837 Perinte ΡΑΟΥ Pañohadhirala, vi.. . . 155, 158, 164, 165, 166 Panchågnivishna(shnu)yajvärya, ., 132, 134 Panohakhanda, di. . . . . 115, 246 Papohalnsarman, m., . . 62, 64 Panchmahapalaka, . 182, 189, 193, 196, 200 Pañchamahafabda, . 185,188, 190, 192, 231 pascharatna (=five verses), . . . 155 Pascharatna, . . . .189, 191, 193 Pandaranga or Pandarangu, minister of Gumapa. Vijayaditya III, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277 Pandavas, . . . . . 161, 164, 170, 173 Påndavo-ka-kila, 6. a. Indrapat Fort,. 64 Pandita Náriyana, m., . . . 98, 99 Pandita Dhärädhara, m., . . . . 42, 44 Pându, myth. k., . . . . 185, 188, 172 Panduva, ti., . . . 156, 157, 160,163 Pandya, co.. . 20, 21, 23, 27, 64, 83n, 84, 86, 87, 90, 112, 156, 166, 168, 172, 214, 258n, 288, 289, 290 Papoka, M., . . . . . . . 56, 60 Panini, a grammarian,. . 27n, 198, 199, 248n Panjtar inscription, . . . . . 203 pannaga, see snake.. panne or pannu,. . . . . 276 pantu-pañch, . . Panu Sudarsans-svåmin, m., . 120, Pâpå or Påvā, vi.. . . . . . 67n Papamma, queer of Sriranga III, . . . 91n Pāpa-Timmarāja, Göbürich., . . 91, 92, 94, 96 Paragandabhairava, sur. of Koppa, 166, 169, 172 Parakesarivarman, Chola title, . . ln Parākoņi a. a. Barakona . . 278, 281, 286 Paramabhägatata, a title, . . 304 Paramabhaffäraka, a title, 24, 53, 58, 139, 143, 146, 180, 190, 192, . 195, 219, 223, 237, 238n, 241, 244, 287, 289, 293, 204 Paramamahertara, a title, . 17, 77, 80, 98, 99, 135, 139, 143, 146, 238n, 269, 273, 278, 293, 303 Paramars, dy.. . 45, 48, 49, 70, 73, 177, 178, 237, 238, 239, 240 Paramira, Mythical ancestor of the Paramaras,. 239 Paramaras of Dbir, . . . . . 70 Paramaras of Malava (Mälwi). . . 70, 240 Paramavaishnava, a title, . . 17, 98, 99 Parachchi or Porinche, vi.. . . 63 PAGI Perama para, a title, 16, 18, 19, 22, 68, 88, 63, 64, 139, 143, 146, 101, 163, 164, 180, 190, 192, 196, 219, 223, 237, 238n, 241, 244, 287, 289, 293 Paramokvars, ... Siva, . . . . . 110 Paramodyars or Paraměsvaravarman I, Pallaus k... , 106, 108n, 110, 111, 112, 116, 214 Paramosvara varman II, Pallava k., . . 113 Paráfichika, 8.. Paramchi, . . 62, 63, 64 Paranganā-putra, biruda of Krishna III, 287, 288, 289, 290 Parintaka I, O'Moja k., 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 288 Parisars, m., . . . . . 210, 213 Parakurima, epic hero, . 33, 34, 64, 140, 146, 151, 181, 182 Parganas, di., . . . . . 278, 288 Parikshit, myth. k., . . . 165, 168, 172 Pärikud plates, 266, 267n, 268, 271n Parimala, an author, . . . . . 239 Parivräjaks, family, . 128 Pårívanátha, Jain te., . . . , 31, 32, 34 Partabgarh, ., . . . . 291 Partabgarh inscription, . 237, 240 Pärtha, s.a. Arjuna, . . 33, 143, 147, 230 Parthia, co., . • Parthians, a tribe, . . . 6, 11, 12, 201, 202 Parthivēndravarman, I., . . . 8ln participles, use of irregular . : 68 Parvata school, . . . 227, 232, 286 Parvati, a goddess, 19, 164, 170, 171, 174, 267 Pasupata, a weapon, . 188, 172 Pidupata-pantha, . . . . . . 77 Pabupati, .. Siva, . 24, 28 Patavada-pataka, Di., pathaka, a district, . Patika, Mahakshatrapa k., . 8, 9, 201 Patika plate, . 8, 9, 198, 199, 201 Pattakapati, holder of a copper-plate, 117, 118, 121, 246 pattala, . . . . . . 291, 293 paffara, . . . . . . 87, 39, 2339 palland, . . . . . 2914 Pattivaram, vi.. . . . . . 25 Paulastys, ... RAVADA .. .22, 28 Pedda-Maddali platen, . . . . 204,258n Pedda-Vögi, wi... , . . 255 The figures refer to pages: n. after a figure, to footnotes; and udd. to the addition on Pp. vil to xii. The following other abbreviations are used :ch. chief; co. oountry: di. district or division; do. ditto; dy..dynasty: N. Eastern ; f.female; k.king; m.-male; mo.=mountain; ni. river; 4. 4-same as; sur.=surnamo; te temple; vi.= village or town; W.- Western. Page #427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 388 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. PAGE 84 Pehová (Peboa) inscription, Penagalära grant, 920 Peppni, sa. Puonar, . . Pennar, n., . . 91 Ponukoyda, si... . 96 porgade or vergade, an official, .' . 187, 188, 192, 220 Periplus, . .. . . . perijuaka, a kind of lax,' . 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189 Perme, Permadi or Per máqidēva, Sinda k., 227, 230, 234 Persian, . . . . . . . 189 Peruvalanallar, vi., . . 111, 112, 214 Peshawar, wi.. . . . . . . 11, 68, 202 Peshawar Museum, . . 202, 203 Poyalabanda, o.a. Puilbeod. . . 132, 133, 134 pha, form of (Kharðshthi) . . . pha, form of . . . . . • 237 Phälgudatta, m., . . . . 128, 130, 131 Phalguna, 1.a. Arjuna, . . . . . Phaltan, vi.. . , . . 62, 63 Phapisvaragiri, .a. Tirupati, . . . 92, 93, 95 Phariki, vi., . . 266, 269, 270 hphóọiyi o Phốtphủ tipẽ, a pao, 279, 80, 285 Phullamathi, vi., . . . . . 98, 99 Pippalavätake, vi., . . . . . . 62 Piridipadiyar, ... Prithvipati, , . . . 84, 88 Piriyuguvära, di., . . . . . 36, 37, 40 Pitamaha, s.4. Brahmi, . . . . 96 Pitamaha, s.a. Buddha, . . . 96; 97 Pithapinagara, vi.. . . . 281, 282, 286, 286 Pithapuram inscription of Manmasatys II, 258n Pithapuram pillar inscription, . 166, 167, 166 poa, a land measure, . . . . . 279 Podagadb, vi.. . . . . . . 101 Pôda(a)tithaka, ti., . . 281, 285 Pohiniya, w., . . . 279, 282, 285 Polazūru, ci., . . 137, 256 pomma, . . 38, 39, 41 pomnu, tar on tobacco, . 360 Poone, vi... . 100, 306 Poona Museum, . 300 Potakn, M., . . . 204, 206 Po-t'iao, ... Vasudeva ('), . . 12, 14 Prabandhakosha, work, . . . . . 47 Prabbi kankirtti-svamin, ., . 120, 224 Ρια Prablávati or Prabhavatigupta, Pakafala queen, 100, 240 Prabhusalti, one of the 3 baldis, . . 258n Prachanda, Bratmapak sh., . . . . 240 pradakshina, one of the eight forms of worship.. 28n Pradyumna-svärrin, ., . . . 247, 248 Prahladadova, Ok suhan k. of Ranthambhor, 48 Prajapati, .. Brahma, . . 102, 104 Prajapati, o.a. Kabyapa, . . • 162n Prajapatipálita-svāmin, M.,. . 119, 122 Prakā avara-avāmin, why . 120, 124 Pokritiam, . . . . . • 69 Pramodabhati-svamin, , . . 247, 249 Pramödasõna-svåmin, m.. . .. . 247, 250 Pramvärn or Pravámra, .. Paramara,. . 70, 71 prasa, rhyme, . . . . . 273 prasara, peculiar use of . . . 164n prafaali, 20, 48, 52, 58, 176, 177, 178, 289, 290, 295, 296, 299 Pratape-Bhaja, Raja of Gumour, . . . 43 Pratäpa-chakravartti, a title,. . . . 195 pratigraha, one of the six duties of Bråkmins, 174n Pratihara, dy.. . . . 16, 176, 237, 239, 240 pratihära, an official, . . . . 44, 303, 304 Pratinäjyila, an official, . . . 71, 73, 74 pravard . . . . . . 244, 291 Angirusa-Bashaspatya-Bháradvaje, . 44 Audalavat-Dēvarăta-Visvimitra, 266, 270, 271 Bhäradvije-Angirasa-Barhaspatya, 210, 213, 294 Jätükarpavat Jivadvijeshthavad-anupra var, . . . . . . 136, 137 Käbyap-Avatsära-Naidhruva, . . Vanishthavatta-Jätäkarna, . . 136, 137 Vatea-Bhargava-Chyavana-Apnuvana. Aurvvs. . . . . . Uchathya-Gautama-Vasishtha, . Pravaroniga-avāmin, m., . . . 246, 248 Pravar eins II, Vakitaka ks . . . 261 Prävarika Hasthi, m.,. . . . . . . . . 96, 97 Prävårika-hin, a Buddhist monastery, . . 66, 66 Prayaga, A. Allahābād, 38, 40, 102, 104, 182, 185, 189, 192, 193, 219, 221, 224, 226, 201, 293 prehuratiye or prethavideu prasthapia, 206, 2016 Prince of Wales Museum, . . . . 89 Pritha, opic heroins, '. . . . 3, 34,234 Prithivipati I, W. Ganga L.,. . 84, 85, 87 The figures roder to page 1. after a figure, to footnotes and add to the addition on PP. vii to ij. The following other abbreviations are used :-h.chief; 00. country: di.-disulet or divinice; da ditto dydynasty: A.-Eastern; f.-femalo; k. king: m.-male; mo- mountain; ri. River; . 4, me a ni, furpamo; te. temple; si-village or town; W.-Western.. Page #428 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 389 . 84, 87 PAGE PAGI Prithivipati DJ, W. Ganga k., . Pushkara, a place,. . , 219, 221 Prithvidöva IHaihaya k. of Ratnapura, 75, 78, 79, 210, Pushpa...., a place, 223, 224, 226 2121 Pushyaka (Pushpaka), a palace, . 46, 47, 50 Prithvidēva II, Haihaya k. of Ratnapura, 210, 211n, Pustaka-Gachohhs, . . . . 33, 35 212 pâti or gūti, a kind of grass . . 291 and n, 293 Prithvidbars, m., . . . . . 210, 212 Prithvimärah, epithet of Narasithavarman II,. . . . . . . . 112n Prithviraja II, Prithvidēva, Pethadadiva or Prithvibhata, Chauhan k. of Ajmer, . . 48 , doubling of consonants after . 19, 127, Prithviraja III, Chauhan k. of Ajmer, . . 47, 48 155, 237, 264, 265, 287 Prithviraja, Chauhan k. of Ajmer, . . 46, 47, 49 r, form of (Kharðshthi) . . . . 2 Prithvirajavijaya, a work, . . . . 48n r(subecript), shape of - in Kharoshthi, 204, 207 Prithvi-setti, m., . . . . . . 37, 40 r, doubling of consonants following - and their Prithivisvara, E. Chalukya k., . . 156 substitution by 2nd and 4th of the class, 101, 201 Prithvipallabha or Prithivi dallabha, a title,. 22, 63, 64, r(Dravidian), occurrence of . . . 259 180, 190, 192, 219, 223, 237, 238n, 239, r(subscript), use of . . . . 272 241, 254, 287, 289 Rabbi Hiya (Hiyya), m., . . . . 300 Radhanpur plates of Govinda IT, .. . 16 Priyadarçana, title of Asoka, . . . 253 Rādupāti, s.a. Rudrapāti, . . . 240 Prothavada, 8.a. Praushthapada, 206, 207, 208 . . Raghava, m., Ptolemy, . . . . 14, 32, 198 . . . 210, 213, 214 Raghu, family, . . . 76, 77, 78 Paduveligopuram, tower at Negapalam, . . 216 Raghunatha, Tanjore-Nayaka ch., . . . 91 pija,. . . . . . . . . . . 71, 72 Raghunathabhyudayam, a work, . . 91 pujan, pujanë or pujae, . Raghuvania, a work, . . . 96n, 163n, 1730 Pulak Ebi I, W. Chalukya k., . . . . 63 rahasi-miyula, confidential oficial, . . 103 Pulakekin II, W. Chalukya k., . 162, 25 majas, one of the guras, . . . 256, . . Pulībāmra (Pulibūru), s.a. Polamira, 293 Raja, title,. . . . . . 257, 258, 259 . 98, 99 Räjä Arjuna, k. of Saraspura, Puligere, 300, di., . . 191, 192, 1930 . . . 47 rajadhani,. . 17 Pulindasēna, k., . . 266, 267 Rajadhiraja, a title, . . . . 145 83 Räjāditya, Chola prince, . . 81, 82, 83, 288 Pupanaga, m., . . . . Rājāditya, L., . • 184 and 2, 185, 186 Purana, . . . 46, 90, 105n Rāja-Gāvunda, m., . . . 187, 188 Purandara, 8.a. Indra, . . 60, 80, 294 Rävjag urudēva, a title,. 180, 181, 182, 188, 189, 190 Purañjaya, m., , .' . . . 44 Räjahansa, . . . . . 160, 163 Purari, s.a. Indra, . . . 113, 114 Rajahmundry, vi.. . . . . 185, 273 Parigere 300, di., . . . . . . 83 Rajakosarivarman, Chola title, . . 8ln, 85 Pärnapála, ., . • 48,50 Räjakësarivarman, sur. of Aditya I, 81, 84, 87 pirpimanta, . 10, 11 Räjakovarivarman, our. of Rajardja I, 86 purðhita. . . . . 293 Rajakesarivarman, sur. of Sundara-Choja, 86 Porinarasw kg 166, 167, 171 Räjakesarivarman, sur. of Vijayarajendradera, 8ln Purwahapura, ... Peshawar, . . .11, 68 Rajakesarivarmaa, sur, of Virarajendradea, 8LA Purushottams, M. . . . . 296, 299 Bajakonarivarman, our. of Kulõttunga-Ohodes 1, Pürdanibhrit, . 186, 192 pilvedgrahdrika, 287, 268 Baja . . . . . . . 78 Pabahathini, ***, . . . 6 Rajalladors, queen of Pritholdus 1, 210, 212 LU The figures refer to pagod : s. after figure, to footnotes and add to the addition on pp. vii to xii, The following other abbreviation Are wód :- .-chief; country; di.- district or division do.-ditto; dy.-dynasty: E.-Eastorn; f.female; k.king; m.male; mo.. mountain; ri-river; *. 4.-Aame u; mrsurname; to.temple; wi.Yillage or toyrn; W.-Westore Page #429 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, (VOL. XIX. 840 . PAGE PAGE Rama, Ramabhadra or Ramachandra, Solar k., Rajamahondra-rajadhani, nagara, nagari or 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 64, pattana, o.a. Rajahmundry, 165 and n, 168, 172 Rajamahöndra or Rajanaröndra, sur. of N. 143, 181, 182, 183, 103, 219, 220, Chalukya k. Rajaraja I, . 166, 166, 188, 172 221, 231, 236, 297, 298 Rajamalla Satyavákya I, W. Ganga k.,. . Rama IV, . . . . . . 9n raja-mátula, . . . . . . . Ramm (-three), 168, 161, 164, 168, 171, 174 najan, a title,. . . . . 13, 293 Ramabhadradova, Gurjara Pratikara k., . 16, 17, Räjan, a king, . . 200, 202 18, 19, 53, 54, 68 Räjänaka, an official, . 136, 137, 269 Råmabhadrimbi, an authoress, . . . In Räjanar yapa, sur. of Upendra III, 166, 169, 172 Ramachandra, ., . . . . 296, 299 Rajanärayana Sambuvarsya, k., . . . 8ln Ramachandrapuram, vi.. . . . 157 rajano (-Skt. mijñaḥ), . . . . 198, 199 queen of the Uchchakulpa k., JaysRajanya, an official, . . . . . 258n admin, . . . . . . 129, 130 Rajaputra, an official, . . . 44, 136, 137, 269 Ramanuja-mapdape, a rock-cut te., . . 108n Rajaraja, 4. a. Kubers, . . . . 171 Ramapala, Pala k.. . . . . . 286 Räjarija I, Chola k., . 8ln, 86, 105n, 166n, 216 Ramapanyavallabha, m., . . . Rajaraja I, E. Chaltikya k., . . 150, 185, 273 Ramarajiyama, a Telugu sort, . . 91 Rajaraja III, Chola k., . . . . 8ln Rámaraya, Araviti ch., . . . 90 Rajarájötvari, o.a. Dharmalinga, 161, 164, 170, 173 Råmasvami-mods, a place,. . • 273n Rajaramada, vb.,. . . . 86 Ramavati, wi. . . . . 286 Rajar(v)iga, m., . . . . . 282, 286 Ramayana, a work, . . 258n rajas, one of the gunas, . Rambhalla, f. . . . . . 78 Rajasekhara, biruda of Upendra II, 166, 169, 172n Rämēsvaram, w., . . 830, 932 Rajasekhara, our. of Manum-Opendra IV, 168, Ranabhafija, Bhanja k., . . . . 264 170, 171 Rapabhima, biruda of Narasimhawarmas II, 106, 107 Rajasimha, aur. of Narasimhavarman II, 105, Rapabbita, Sailodbhana k. . . 266, 267 106, 107, 108n, 109, 110, 111, Ranaghat, ni.. . . . . . . 287 112, 113, 114, 116 Rapajaya, title of Narasistahavarman II, 107, 110, 112n Rajastha, sur. of (E. Ganga) ., Indravarma I, 135 odpala, a title, . . . . 44, 98, 99 Rājasimha-Pallavēdvaradēva, shrine in the shore Ranska-Amma, Ganga ch., . . 71, 72, 74 Temple, . . . . . . 105, 106 Raparaika, epithet of Vikramaditya I, 106, 111n, 1180 Rajasimhivars, a shrins, . . 106, 107, 110n Rapsaimha, 71. . . . . . 295, 298 Rajasthan by Tod, a work, . . . Ranastambhapura, 8.a. Rapathambhor, . 46, 47, 50,62 Rejoihiniya, an officer, . . . . . 303 Rapathambhor, or Ranthambhor, Di., . 45, 46, rajata, as applied to potrds, . . . . 1170 47, 48 Rajalarangist, a work, 198 Rapavankamalla, ch., . . . . . 277 rapatindja, title of Kanishka, . 8,6 Rangapatika, queen of Narasimhavar. Raja-Udaiyar, Mysore sl., . 91 man II, . . . . . . . 109n Rajendra-Chola I, Chola ka, .81n, 1660 Ranthambhor, no Ranathambhor. Räjëndradēva, Chola k., . 108n Rashtrakūta, dy... 16, 17, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, Rajkot, ti... 125, 294n 140, 143, 146, 148n, 163, 104, Rajmahal, di. . . . . 286 176, 237, 238, 239, 240, 274, 288 rajya, a distrid, . . 103, 104 Ratanpur or Ratnapurs, ., . . . 76, 77, 80 Rajputânā, . . 46, 47 Rati, a goddess., . . . . . 2830 Rajputans Museum, 127, 201 rathya, street, . . . . 67, 59, 60, 61, 62 Rajyabhattāriki, . . . . 16, 17, 18, 19 raina, Jowel referring to Buddha or Bodhisattva, Ralhaps, they . . 81, 296, 290 204, 206 The figures refer to page 1. after figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on Pp. vilto xii. The following other abbreviations are used ch. chief; co. country: di.-distriot or division; do..ditto dy.-dynasty: E. Eastern: .-femalo: k.king: m.male; mo. mountain ri-river; 8. .ame * rur. sur Dame; te, temple; vi village or town; W.Wettern. Page #430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 341 PAGE PAGE ratnas-of a chakravartin, . . . Rudrabhatta, an author,. . . 156, 163n Ratnadēva I or Ratnaraja, Kalachuri (Haihaya) Rudrabhatti-svåmin, m., . . • 248, 250 k., of Ratnapura, 75, 76, 77, 79, 210, 212 Radradaman, Kshatrapa k., . . . . 13 Rudradhara, m.,. 126, 127, 303 . 212 Ratnadáva IT, Haihaya k. of Ratnapura, . rainagriha, sanctuary of a Buddha image,. Rudraghosha-svimin, 7., 206 . . Rudramayya, m., . . . . 223, 224, 228 . 163n Raindvali, a work,. . . Rudrapāti, vi., . . Rattapadi, 75,0000, di., . . . 76 Rudrasaktidēvs, m., . • 232, 235 Ravana, demon k., 76, 78, 162 . . Rudralarman, M., Räva-Sotti, m., . 255, 257, 258 . . . . 33, 35 . .: Rudrata, m., 223, 225, 226 . Ravikiya-Bhatta, ., . 16, 17, 18, 19 . Rukmini, wife of Krishna, . . . 52, 220, 221 Ravi-svåmin, m., . . . . . 247, 250 Rūpadhya-svāmin, ., . . . . 120, 125 Ravivarmmacharya, M., . . . 164 Rūpa-nārāyana, te., . 31, 33, 35 Rawal, v., . . . 206, 207, 208, 209 Rūpanarayaņa, a biruda, . . Raya-Bhañja, Bhanja k. Russelkonda, vi., . . . . . 42 Rayagandagöpala, sur. of E. Chalukya k. Vis. Ruyyaka, an author, . . . . . 162 wibvara, . . . 188, 171, 174 Raya-Narayana, a title . . . . 194, 195 richa, a land measure,. . . . . 279 Robgarada, vi.. . . . . . . 42, 44 3, changed into j . . . . 201 Rönubhūti-svämin, ., . 247, 249 . Hagualisation of - in Kharöshthi, and of Rovi, . a. Narmada, 76, 77, 78 palatals,. . . . . . 202, 203 Rövi, ti., . . 175, 176 14, different forms of -in (Kharðshtht), 2, 198, Rêvants,. . . . 195, 196 202, 204, 207 Rowah plates, . . 297 ba, uso of gutteral nasal for anusvåra before . 205 ri, confusion of - with ri, . . . . 16 and sa, confusion in the use of . 69, i forri orri. . . 210, 237, 272, 287 ni, une of forri . . . 62 fa, replaced by kha, . . . . . 202 Ripurija-Gópi-Govinda, biruda of Kelana ba, forme of . . . 100, 174, 207, 203 deus, . . . 280, 284 Sab's, O., . . . . . 304 Rishi, . . 71, 73, 74, 77, 80 Sabacan inscriptions, . . 301 Rishidama-svämin, . . . . . 118, 122 Sabbotta, vi.. . . . 20, 21, 25, 29 Rithapar (Riddhapur), vi.. . . . : 100 Sabdabästra, grammar, . . . , 296, 299 Ritu Bachi, a goddess, . . . . 144, 147, 297 Sachi, queen of Malayasinha,. Grishma, . . . 297 . Varshá, . Sadakiva, Vijayanagara k.. . 8in, 90, 91, 92 . . . . 66, 67 Sadbhava-Sambhu, m., . . . . 76 Hémanta . . . . . . 66 Saddharmapundarika, & work, . . . 206 rjh, form of (Kharoshthr) 2 Sädharapamittra-svåmin, M., . . 247, 250 Rodde, vi, . . . . 180, 181, 182 Bidharana-svămin, m., 117, 118, 119, 121, 123 Rome, vi, . . . Badhumittra-svåmin, m... . . . 247, 200 Rapor Ronn, w., . 29, 223, 237, 228 Sådhu-avámin, m.. . ... 119, 120, 123, 124 Rán, . Rbr. 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, Sägare, vi.. . . . . . 279, 282, 286 231, 232, 286, 286 Sagara, myth. k., . 45, 65, 73, 80, 99, 126, 130, m, 4. mada, . . . . 136, 218, 248, 270. 283, 294, 290, 304 Rubbee-ool-Awal, ander month Sahadeva, epic hero, . . . . 33, 35 Babbo -ool-Akber, we ander month. Sähaks, ., . . . . . 56, 60 The tigured refer to pages: . atter a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to xii. The tollowing other sbbreviations so we ch. chief; co. country; di distriot or division; do. ditto; dy-dynasty: 3.-Baster; /.fomalo k. king: i malo; mo-mountain; ri, river ;, 4. samo 48 ; ww.purname : te-templo; village or town; W.Western. 06 Page #431 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. ΡΛΟΣ Sāhaội, an official . . 231 sahara, nahayara or sahachara, a companion, 208 Sähasa nka, epithet of Vikramaditya, . . 2962 Sahasrarjuna, Kalachuri k.,. . . 288 Sahityaratnakara, a work, . . . . Sshulákn, ., . . . • 60 Sailõdbhava, eponymous k., 266, 267 Sailodbhava, dy... . 200, 271 Sainyabbita, Sailodbhava k., 266, 267 Eainyabhīta II, sur. of Madhavavarman II, Saiva, . . . 24, 28, 29, 81, 181, 182, 227 Saiva doctrine or tradition, . . . 24, 28, 29 Śsiva-Bhatta-Diyaka, m., . . . . 56, 60 Saivite, , , , , , , , 10ồn Sai-wang, (Sakomurunda), a tribe. . . 3, 4 Sai wang, Bai-yi, Sak-yi, Sak-giokBacarance (Saks lords), . . .. Baka, Saka or Sakra, a tribe, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, 199, 201, 202 Saka period, . . . . 198 Bakambhari, co.,. . . 76, 77, 78 Sukamurunda, a tribe, .' . . 3, 4 aa kasabalare, in the Saka year, . . 199 Bakastana, .. a. Scistan, . . . . 199 fälhas, see Vēdas. sakhya, one of the eight forms of worship . . Śakra, . a. Indra, . . . . . 43 Sakti, m., . . . 128, 129, 180 Saktis (=three),. . 166, 170 Saktikunda-svåmin, ., . . . 119, 123 Saktivarman, E. Chalukya k., . . . 140 Bala, a place! . . . . 207, 208 Saliohäpada (or padaka), .. a. Sálohäpri, 279, 282, 285 Sālchấpri, vi., . . . . 279 Salátura, . . . . . . 207 Balmali, . . . . . . 49 Sāļuvu, family, . . Salavahkuppam, ti., 106, 110, 111 Bāmakamba, f. . . . . 141, 146, 148 samanta, 4 baron, 32, 38, 72, 74, 136, 137, 242, 266, 268, 260, 273, 274n, 276, 890 Samastabhuvanädrays, a title, . 139, 142, 146 Sambhu, .. a. Siva, 21, 26, 45, 170, 172, 173, 184, 188, 192, 232, 287, 209 Sambhu-bula, a. Lakhnökvara,. . . 210n PAgr Sambhavarman, 1., . . . 176, 177 Samghamitrs, or rája, .. . . . . 10, 15 Sarghila, .. . . . . . . 98, 97 Samitiya teachers, . . . . . 87 Samkara or Sankara .. a. Sivu, . 22, 28, 13 Samkara, sur. of Manum-Opendra IV, 186, 170, 173 Sankranti - ottariyana, 21, 24, 29, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 192, 193, 223, 224, 225 Samma Sambuddho or Saumya Sambuddha, title of Buddha, . . . . . . 96, 82 Sampat, S. . . . . . . 38, 61 Sampradayiks Brahmapa, al . . 117, 248 Samrat, stille . 90 samfraya, one of the six branches of military science, . . . . . . . 280 Samudragupta, Gupla k., . . . 3, 127 samadhana,. . . . . . . 233n Samyuktaratnapitaka, a work,. . . . 19 Sapnischarabhūti, m.,. . . . 118, 122 Sanātana-avamin, . . . . 246, 248 Sašichl, vi.. . . . . . . . 68 Südchi insoription, . . . . . 206 mandage, . . . . . . 36, 38, 40 sandhi. . . . . . . . 276 sandhi, trregularities in . . . . 53, 98 sondhi, non-observance of rules, 101, 128, 262 mondhin one of the six branches of military science, . . . . . . . 28 andhi-rigrakin, or (rändkivi grafika), as official, . . 44, 71, 78, 75, 80, 186 sengadi, a measure, . . . . 33, 25 Sangams, vi.. . . . . . . 72, 74 Sanghs, one of the Ratus, . . 208 Sanjan plates of Amöghavaraha, . . . 16 Sankama, Kalashurya k., . . 227, 229, 233 Sankarabhakta, epithet of Narasimhavarman II, . . . . . . . 118 Sankarayya-Nayaka, 1... . . . 219, 221 Sankarshapa-svimin, m., . . 118, 129 Sankhedå mahal, wi.. . . . . . , 223, 224, 225 Santaļige Thousand, di '. 187, 188 Santana or sapla-carlina, 100, 1971 Bantalarma-svimin, 7., . . . 120, 124 28n Tho figures refer to pages: 1. after figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vi to all The following other abbreviations are used h. cbiol; eo.-country, di district or division; do. ditto; dy.- dynasty; E.-Easternf.female; k.king; male ; mo-monntain; ri-river; 6. 6.same Mi 34. arame; k. temple i vi. village or town; H.-Westerga Page #432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 343 ΡΑΟΣ Säntikaradöva or Santikara, k., . 263, 264 Santisarman, ... . : 126 Santi-Setti, m., . . . 33, 35 Sapada, 8. 6. Sanace, . 90 sapta-matri, . . 63 Saptašati, a sect, . . . 116 sa plasthanas, . . 215 Saptasva, 8. a. tho Bun, . . . . 51, 52 sara, arrow=5, . . . 161 Sarami, 8. a. Surma, . 279, 282, 285 Sarasa-svämin, M., . . 120, 125 Sarasipura, vi.. . . . . 156n Saraspura, vi., . Sarasvati, a goddess, 51, 71, 147, 161, 163 Sarasvati, ri, . . . 77 and n Sarnal, vi.. . . . 238, 239, 241 Särnáth Buddha image inscription, . 262 Sarngapani or Sarngin, 6. a. Vishnu, 22, 26, 241 Saröddharini, a work, . . . . . 77 Sarönātha or Sarahpati, title of Nripakāma, 141, 143, 144, 147, 148 Sarppiņi-svāmin, m., . . . . 246, 248 aripya, one of the four alates of multi, . 173n Sarvadova-svamin, 7., . . . . 119, 123 Sarvajña, m., . . . . . . 177 Sarvajña, sur. of Manum-Opëndra IV, 186, 170, 171 Sarvakratu, a sacrifice, . . . . . 132 Barvalokasraya, biruda of Mallapadēva 1, 166, 168 Barvalökisraya, sur. of Visvefvara, . 168, 170, 173 sarvamanya, . . . . 95 sarvanamasya, a tenure, . 182, 183, 196, 197, 232, 238 Śarvanátha, Uchchakalpa ch., . 128, 129, 130 Sarvasiddhi, title of Jayasinha I, 254, 259, 260, 261 Sarvasiddhi, legend on seal, . . . . 259 Sarvasiddhi, co., . . . 108, 170, 173 Sarvasiddhi-datti, a gift, 255, 257, 258 Sarvistiyada, a sect, . 15 Sarus tirtha, . . . . 93n Sarvvadera, m.,. . . . 56, 60 Sarvoddhibarin, an official, . 295, 299 Sarvvamangaladevi, a goddes . . 56, 57, 60 Sarvvass, m., . . 55, 56, 59, 61 Sarvvavarmman of Saryavarmmadēvs . a. Mahārāja-Sarvan, . . . 16, 17, 18, 19 Sarvvavarmman, Maukhari ... . . . 16 РАав Sarvvavarmma Maharaja, k., . 16 Sāgana, an order, . . . . . 17, 18, 19 fash (=fuafrú), . . . . . . 203n fati, ( one). . 171 fashura fuafura . . 202, 203 fastra, 132, 133, 145, 148, 255, 257, 258, 260, 266, 268, 270, 306 Sasvatadama-svamin, m., . . . 120, 125 Sätaköpi, vi, . . . . . 282, 285 Sātimala-bhöga, ds., . . 62, 64 satra, or sattra, hospitality, 116, 120, 121, 129, 131 saltva, one of the gunas, . . . . 283 Satya-Ballāta, sur. of Nripakima, 141, 143, 144, 147 Satyasēna, m., . . . . . 67 Satyāraya, W. Chalukya title 63, 64, 112 Satyābraya, E. Chalukya k., . 152, 154 Satyasraya, race of . 180, 182, 184, 186, 190, 192, 193, 219, 221, 224, 225 Satyāšraya-Vallabhēndra, W. Chalukya k., 141, 148, 149, 152, 154 Saubhadra, biruda of the Köna k. Choda I, 158, 159, 162 Saulkika (Saulkika), an official, 71, 73, 74 Saumitri, 8.a. Lakshmana, . . . . Saumya, 8. a. Budha . . . . . 299 Saumyapura, vi., . . . . . 269, 271 Sauri, &. a. Vishņu,. . . . . 144, 147 sauvarna , coin, . . . . . 39, 41 Sauvarnika or Sauvarnpika-Maha jana, com nity of (traders), 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 Savachandaks, m., . . . . . 61 Savace, sur. of Yusuf Adil Shahi, Salā)vitradēva-svamin, m., . . . 119, 123 Sawai Jaisimha, founder of Jaipur, . . 47 sayana, posture, . . . . . • 105n Saysskara-Jiyagári-tota, a garden, 93, 95 sayujya, one of the states of multi, . . 173n de, form of -in (Kharðshthi), . . . 2 Sedatbl. .. a. Shedbal, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 Sëdha, m., . . . . . . . 46, 50 Seistån, co., . . . . : 201 Seistanhas, . Seistanhas, . . . . . . . 13 Selluka, vi., . . . 69, 72, 74 Sembiyan-M (Maha)valivapariya, eur. of Prith iepati II, . . . . . . 84, 87 • 90 The figures refer to pages: . after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to xü. The following other abbreviations are used ch.chief; di.. district or division , domditio dy.-dynasty; B. Eastern ; f. female; k.king; m.-male; mo. mountain; fi.river; . . 44 eur.surnamo; le temple; vi. village or town; W.-Western. Page #433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 344 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, [Vol. XIX. 182 . . 179 PAGE Serbiyan Vodi-Vēlán, m. . . 86 Sinabona, an official, . . Bēnadhipati, an official, . . 231, 203 Sēna-Modalari Krishnayagård, #hy . . . 94, 96 Sē, . . Skanda, . şênāpati, an official, . . . . 803 Sanavara or Sēnamára, family, Sesba . . . . 169, 162, 170, 173, 297 Soshachala, e. a. Tirupati, . . 92, 93, 94, 95 Sehidriraja, Göbürich., . 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 Setti, family, . . . . . . 20, 28 setti, class, . . . . . 33, 35, 37, 39 seffi-guttas, class, . . . 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 Sötu (Adam's Bridge), . . . 20, 21, 23, 27 seve, myrobolan, . . . . . . 34 Sevvappa Nayaka, Tanjors Nayaka ch, 215, 216, 217 Shadánans, . a. Karttikėya, . . . 23 hahar shahi, o. a. shauname show, . . 4 Bhäh bāzgashi edict, . . . . 204, 205 Shahdaur, vi.. . . . . 197, 198, 201, 202 Shakardarra inscription, 7n, 206, 207, 208, 209 shamana, 8. a. sramna, . . . 203 Shamanamitra (Samanamitra), m., . . 203 Sharidhark, vi., . . . 197 Bhanmukha, .. a. Subrahmanya, 231, 234 Shao Kaneshli koshano, coin-legend, . . Shaonano, coin-legend, . Shashthisvimin, m . . Shatkataka, vi.. . . • 166 Shatkopa or Maha-Shatkop & 4. Koga, 167, 161, 163 Shahaa, Hitle, . . Shaundnu shas, a title,. . ahavaa, s.a, frävaka. . . 203, 206 Shedbal or Sherbal, wi.. . . 36 Shina, co. . . . Shirguppi or Shirgoopee, vi., .. . . 37 shk, form of -in (Kharishtbi), . . Shodaur, o.a. Shahdaur, . . . . 197 Sholingar inacription of Parantaka I. . . 84 Shore temple, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 shland, - Sl. frulanya, Bibi, myth. Solar k. . . 218, 221, 222 Sida, m., . . . . . 204, 206 Siddhas, . . . . 229, 288. Siddbaditys, #, . . . 176, 177 PAGE Siddhalingamadam, vi.. . . : 82 Siddham or Siddhir-astu, symbol for . 211n, 2410 Siddhantas, . . . . . . . 14 Aryasiddhanta, 14, 21, 184, 218, 2280 Brahmasiddhanta,. . . . 184, 192 Siddhanta-Siromani, . . 21, 31n, 228n Süryasiddhanta, . . . . . 14, 20 Siddhapur, vi.. . . . . . . 334 Siddhartha-yogin, 8. a. Buddha, . . 299 siddige, sidde or sidde, a measure,. . 33, 35 and n Sihaka, 8. a. Sikā, . . 238, 241, 242, 244 Sibila vese inscription, . . . . . 198 Siki, vi.. . . . . . . 241 Siläbära, dy.. 30, 31, 32, 34, 38, 179 Silatarman, m., . . . . 291, 294 Simha, Sinda k., . . . . 221, 230, 233, 236 Simhajar or Simhaldura, . 4. Siihräjur, 278, 281n, 232, 285, 286 Simbana, Singhaņa, Singhans or Simgala leva, Yadava k., . . 20, 22, 26, 179, 194, 195, 198 Simhapuri, vi., . . . . . . 52 Simhasoma-evāmin, m., . . . 246, 248 Simhiura, see Simhajars, Simivāks, m., . . . 282, 286 Simrājur, vi., . . . . . . 278 Sinda, family , 227, 228, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235 Sindhurkja or Sindhurajadēva, Paramära k. of Dhard, . . . 70, 71, 74, 240 Sindhuyugmántara, . . 156 Sinnamanür plates, . . . . 87, 2900 birappu, . . . . 98n Siriguppe, di., . . . 36, 37, 40 Siriyadevi, (or yarasi) queen of Chamunda . . . . .227, 230, 231, 234 Siriyama-setti, m., . . . . . 37 Sirkap copper seal, . . . . 202n Siri-Vibars, Buddhist monastery . . . 65, 67 Sirupā, ., . . . 282, 280 sitpäla myth. k., . . . 280, 284 Sisupalavadha, a work, . . • 272 Sita, queen of Rama, . . 231, 234 Siva, a god, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 80, 36, 48, 70, 71, 77, 81, 08, 104, 106, 106, 110, 112, 114n, 115, 136, 141, 144, 147, 102, 164, 165, 160, 171, 172, 173, 175, 191, 210m, 216, 221n, 223n, 234, 241, 244, 263, 268, 270, 271, 273, 276, 278, 279, 281, 283, 288 . . . . 282 II, The figures refer to pago : *. after . Agure, to footnotes and add to the addition on pp viito xii, The following other abbreviations are ubed . chlet; co. country: di..distriob or division: do.- ditto dy.dynaty: . -Bastern : f.fomale; k.king: m.-male; mo-mountain ri. river; .. , - ME r.-surname; to.temple; v.village or town; W.-Western, Page #434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 345 157 62 PADE PAGE Sivachildāmani, biruda of Narasimhawarman Sõmasēna-svāmin, m., . . . . 247, 250 11,. . . 107, 108, 115n Sõmāskanda, form of Siva, . . . • 110n Sivadik ha, . . . 173n Sõmavasu, m., . . 118, 121 . . . Sivagana-svāmin, m., . . .. . 247, 249 Sömēévara, Chauhan k. of Ajmer, 48 Sivagupta, m., . . . 20, 23, 28 128, 130, 131 Sõmēsvara, Hoysala k., . . Sivakara or Sivakaradēva, k., . . 264 Somēsvara I, Chola ch., . . . . . 98, 99 Sivamāra II, W. Ganga k., . . • 84n, 86, 87 Sõmēsvara II, Chola ch., . . . . 98, 99 238, 241, 242 Sivanitha, a god, Sõmēsvara I, W. Chalukya k.. . • . 180 Sivarakshits, k., . . . 200, 201, 202 Somēévara II, W. Chalukya k., . . 183, 184 Sivaratri, a festival,. . . • 36, 38, 41 Somēbvara III, W'. Chalukya k., . 183, 184 Sivasarman, m., . . - 255, 257, 258, 259 Sonpur, vi., . . . . . . Siva-Surya, a poet, . . . . . 94, 96 Sonpur plates of Kumāra Somēbvara, . Siyaka I, Paramara k., . . . . 239 Soorsutty, ri, . . . . . Siyaka II or Siyakadēva II, Paramāra . Sorab grant, . . . 70, 71, 74, 177, 178, 179, 237, Soter Megas, k., . . 238, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244 South Arabia, . . . . 303 Sovana-Setti, m., . . . . . 37, 40 Siyadoni stone inscription, . . . 53, 54 Sõvarasi or Sovarasi Siddhāntadēva, m., 36, 39, 41 Skanda, god, . . . . . 147 ép, form of -- in Kharoshthi, . . . 204 Skandārāma, 8. a. Kumārārāma, . . 165 ár, changed into sh in Kharðshthi, . . 203, 204 skandhavara, a camp, . . . . 17 Sraddhadasa-svāmin, m., . . . 246, 248 slē-ha, a figure of speech, . . . 16+n Sräddbakunda-svāmin, m., . . . 119, 123 Emara, Cupid . . . 280 frāvaka, a disciple, . . . . 203, 204 smarana, one of the eight forms of worship, . Sravana-Belgola epitaph, . . . • 289 smili, . . . . . 99, 117 Sréyaakara-sōma-svamin, m., . . . 246, 248 snake sacrifice. . . . . . . 62 . Sri, s.a. Lakshmi (Fortune),. enake, seal, . . 27, 107, 157, 160, 163 . 70 Sri, form of . . . . . . 277 snake, banner, 179, 180, 181, 183, 195, 196 Sribhara, biruda of Narasimhavarman II,. 107, 110 bad, 8. a. Suqasa, . . . . 13, 201 Sribhavana, vi.. . . . . . 16 So läsa inscription, . . . 201 Sridhara, m., . . . . 46, 50, 295, 299 Södha, m., • . . . 46,61 Sri-Gargga, m., . . . . . 295, 299 Sodha or Sodhadeva, Kuchhavāha k. of Amber. 47 Sri-Harsha, sur. of Siyaka, . . 178 Sogal inscription, . . 287 Srihetta (Sriha), di., . 278, 280, 281, 283, 285 Sõhajanā, vi.. . . . . . 262 Sri-kärmuka, biruda of Narasimhavarman Bobāwal, vi.. . . . . 127 II,. . . . . . 106, 107 Solanki, . . . . . . 238 Srimad-sübha Jadiva-ntipati, inscription on Solapuram record, seal, . . . . . . 41 solar race (Sürya-vamás) 91, 94, 95, 165nSrimära Parachakrakólahala, Pandya k.. . 84, 87 solasa, a measure, . . . . . . 38, 40 Srinidhi, title of Narasimhavarman II, . . 112n Anllage or solage, a measure . 33, 35 and Srinivisa, sur. of Sailödbhava k. Madhavavarman, 268 Soms, onding of proper names, . . . 245 Srinivasa, 8. a. Venkatanätha, . . 93, 94 Söma, m., . . . . . . 16, 51, 52 Sriparvata, a tirtha, . . . , 219, 221 Romaladevi, f. . . . . . 46, 50 Sripati, m., . . . . . . . 46, 50 Somalla, f., . . . . . . 78 Sripūndi or Sripūdi, vi., 137, 140, 143, Sómapa, m., 148, 161, 163, 164 Sómanātha, a god, . . . . 23, 28 Sripurambiyam, vi.. . . . . . 84, 85 Sömatarman, M., 259, 260, 261 Sriranga or Srirangarāya, Vijayanagaru k., 90 The figures refer to pages: 1. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to zii. The following other abbreviations are used :ch.chief; co.oountry: di.district or divisiou; do. ditto; dy.dynasty; 2. baster; f.fomalo; k.king; m. male ; mo. mountain; ri.river ; 4. a. same as; our.surname; te.-temple; vi. village or town; W.-Western Page #435 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 346 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XIX. 91 . 86 . . 239 215 . . . . 188 = PAGE Sriranga IIT, Vijayanagara k., . . 9in Srirangapattana, vi.. . - Srisailam, vb., . . . . . . 274 Sri Subandhoh, sign manual, . . . . Bri-Vaishnava, . . Srivallabha, a title, Sri-Vallabha, biruda of Narasimharirman II, . . . . . . . 106, 107 Grivallabha (or Srimad)-narēndra, a title, 237, 238n, 241 Srivasu, m., . . . . . . 118, 121 Srivatea, mark, . . . . . . 93, 95 Sri-Venkatesa, sign manual, . . . 89, 94, 96 Sri-Virūpāksha, sign manual, . . . 133, 134 Srutakirtti or Srutakīrtti Traividyadēva, m., 31, 33, 35 Sruti, . . . . . . . 280, 284 stalao, =Skt. sthilakah, . . 200 stava, one of the eight forms of worship, . . 28n Athalakan, a back bone,. . . . . 200 Sthāņu, 8. a. Siva, . . . 159, 162 Bthavira Vriddha, m., . . . , 270, 271 Strivara, k., . . . 268, 269, 270 strīpa, . . . 198, 203, 209 fu, two forms of . . 101 Subandhu, k., . . 261, 262 Subhadāma-svāmin, m.,. . 118, 122 Subhākara or Subhākaradēva, E.,. . 263, 264 Subrahmanya, a god, . . • 110 Sucharita-svā.min, m.,. . 247, 249 Sucbipalita-svāmin, m., . . 119, 122 Sudarsana-svimin, m., 119, 122, 123, 247, 250 Sudaba, Mahakshatrapa k., . . . 201 Sūļi inscription,. . 218, 226, 227 Sue Vihär inscription,. . . . 2, 5, 7, 10 Sughara, vi., . . . 279, 281, 285 Sukrabhava-svāmin, m., . . 247, 250 Sukravāra gate, . • 31 Sukravāra-samte, market, 38 Sultan, . . . . 90, 156, 157, 163 Sumatibhatti-svāmin, m., . 120, 124 Bumitra, Kachhaváha prince of Amber, . eunika-verggade, controller of taxes,. . . 38 Bums-ood-Deen, a fille, . . . . . 157 Sun, a god, . . . . : 35 Sun temple, . . . 274 Sun. . . . 89, 283, 284 PAgr Sun, emblem, . . . . . . 138, 149 Sunayana-svamin, ... . . . 120, 124 Sundari, f., . . . . . . . 178 Sundara-Chola, Chola k., Sundaridevi, queen of Valsardja, Sungamtavirttasõļanallür, sur. of Tirumalai majapuram, Strba, toll,. . Supratishthita-svåmin, m. . . . 120, 125 Surakshita-svämin, m., . . 247, 249 Sürappa-kalvā, a canal, . 93, 95 Sürs-Setti, S., . . . 37, 40 Surashtra, co., . . . 126 Sura michandra, k., . . . . 262 Surat, vi.. . . . . . 70 Surat plates of Saka 972, . . . 70 Suratrana, .a. Sultan, 156, 160 Surma, ri.,. . . . . . '. 279 Sürya-svāmin, m., . 119, 123 Sushena, . . . . . . 173n sutra Bodhāyana, . . . . . 132, 134 stradhára, engraver, . . . 46, 52, 301 Sairalanlara, a work, . . . . . 13 Sutuvāka, aw orchard, . . . . . 56 Suvarna(Suvana)kara-vihara, a Buddhist monastery, . . . . . . 66, 68 Suvāstu, co.. . . . . . 199 Suyodhana, epic hero,. . . . . 43 Suyāgabhatti-svamin, m., . . 120, 124 svā, contraction for Evāmi, . . . 117, 118n Avami, . . . 3, 30, 37, 39, 117, 118n, 246n Svāmi-Pushkariņi, a lank, . . . . 93, 94 Svåmitarman, m.. . . . . 260, 261 svarna, as applied to gotras, . . . 1172 Svar papura, 8. a. Sonpur, . . . . 98, 99 Svastika, a symbol, . 43n, 202 Svayambhū, 8. a. Brahma, . . . . . 267 Svētaka, vi.. . . • • 135, 137 Svētárbara, a sedi. . . . 71, 72, 74 Svētapada, co., . . . . 70, 71, 72, 74 Sylhet, di., . . . . . 277, 278, 279 , changed to d, in Kharoshthi, . , doubling of — when precoding r, . . . 204 16, 237 The figures refer to pages: n. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii toxil. The following other abbreviations are used : ch.-chief; co.=country; di.-district or division ; do.ditto, d.dynasty ; E.=Eastern; f. female; k.king: .malo; mo-mountain; ri-river; ..sme sur. surname; le.temple; vi village or town: W.-Wostora. Page #436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 347 101 PAGE (final), redaood size of . . . # (final) form of . . . . 254 +(final), use of . . . 259 ta, forms of . . 237 ta, occurrence of . . 263 la and tha, combination with superscript +, 261 tad-guna, a rhetorical figure, . . • 234n Tagara, a.. Ter,. . . . . 31, 32, 34 Taila or Tailapa, W. Chalukya k., . . 239 tasla-ghanaka, an oilmill, . . . 71, 72 Tailága, people, . . . . 20, 21, 23, 27 Täkäri (Tikari), . . • 44 and n Takht-i-Bāhi insoription, 200, 201, 204 Takkolam, vi., . . . 81, 82, 83, 288 Takshasila, a.a. Tazila, . . Täla, vi., . . . . 291 tala, a place . . . . . . 36, 37 Tala T, Tälapa or Tāļabhūpāla, E. Chalukya k.,. . . 142, 146, 149, 153, 154 Taja II or Talabhūpāla, E. Chalukya k., . 137, 140, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154 Talakkad, vi., . . . . . 86 Talaqi gate, . . . . . . . . 64n Talasayana, s.c. Jalasayana, . . . Talēsvara copper-plato, . . . 265 Talhanadēvi, queen of Malayasimha, lamala, Xanthochymus pictorius, . . tamas, one of the gunas, . . tāmbūladan-adhikrit, an official, . Tammuge, vi.. . . . tämra-pafta, a copper-plate, . . . . 118 Tanda or Tandah, di... . • 286 Tangatūru, vi.. . . 93, 95 Tanglai, hill and forest, . . . Tañjai, o.a. Tanjore, . . 82 Tañjāpuri, s.a. Tanjore, 87n Taijāvūr-parro, di., . . . 215 Tanjore, vi.. . 8ln, 91, 915, 216, 288 fanbaba, coin, . . . 298, 299 Täpala, m., . . . . 270, 271 Társ, demon, . . . . 32, 34 Tårå, wife of Brihaspdi. . Tarap, a pargana, . . . . 278, 279 Tardavādi Thousand, di.. . . . . 36 tarkba, logic, . . . 301 Tarpandighi grant; . . 277 PAGS Tätäohárys, ., . . 90n Tattānandapurs, 6.2. Ahār, 64, 65, 66, 67, 58, 59, 60, 61 Ta-yue-chi. . . . . . . 11 Taxila, vi., . . . . 8, 9, 11, 202, 251,253 Taxila image inscription, . . . 203 Taxila silver scroll inscription, . . . 205 Teestă, ri., . . . . . 117n, 246 Teheran, vi., . . . . . Tējabhatti-svåmin, m., . . . 120, 124 Tehgri, a pargana . . . . . . 278 Tēr or Thair, vi., . . . 31 Terdal, vi., . . . . . 179 Törmäran Rajasimha I, Pandya k.. . 1120 Tewar, vi... . . . . . . 77, 296 th, changed to dh in Kharðshthi, . . . 204 tha, transitional form of - . . . . 100 Tha or Thakkura, . . . • 210 tha, form of resembling to and used for dha also, . . . . . . 155, 164 Thakkura Lakshmidhara, m., . . 298, 299 Thakkura Sri-Pitha, m.,. . . 291, 294 Thakkurs Sri-Vāvana, m., . . . 291, 294 Thakkurs Vishnu, m.,. . . 238, 243, 244 Thakur, . . . . . 241 Thiraicha, ., . • 75, 77, 80 Thirū, m., . . . . 46, 51 Three Mathura inscriptions, 65n, 970 Threo-turreted Temple, 8. a. Trikütapräsida, 30 Tidivakars, m., . . . . . 282, 286 Tilskvada plates, . . . . . . 240 Timma, Göbürich., . . . . . . 92 Timmäpuram plates, . . . . 254 Tingula, 7. . . . . . 291, 294 Tipper, co.. . . . 278, 279 Tippera inscription, . . . 277 Hintha . 31, 36, 39, 71, 72, 74, 102, 180, 182, 188, 189, 192, 217n, 218, 219, 228 Tirthankara, . . . . . 67n, 65 Tirukkadelmallai, 3.a. Mahabalipuram,. . 105 Tirukkalukkanram, vi., . . . 81n, 83n Tirumala I, Vijayanagara k., . . . . 90, 92 Tirumala, Vijayanagara prince, brother of Aliyah Ramaraya. . . . . . . 90, 91 Tirumalai-Nayakkar, Göbürich., . . . 90, 92 Tirumalairājapuram, i., . 216, 216, 217n Tirumangal-Alvār, Vaishnava saint, . 108 208 234 185, The Aguees refer to pages : *. after figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to zil The following other abbreviations are mod ch.chiel ; co. country: di.district or division; doditto. dy-dynasty; 3. Eastern ; f.fomalo; k.king; m.-malo; mo-mountain; zivor; 4. me : nur. Burano; 1o.temple ; v.-village or town; W.-Woobarn. Page #437 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 848 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. . 280, 288 PAGE PAGE Tirumurai, a work, . . 8ln Trkütaprisida, the three turreled temple, . 20, Tirupati, ti.. . . 92, 93n 24, 25, 28, 30 Tirujõinnsambandar, a Saiva saint,. . . 81 TWlochana, 8. Gujarat k., . . . . 70 Tiruppani-Servai, a service, . 217n Trimandira-viraka, place, . . . 103, 104 Tiruppörür, vi.. . . . . 108, 111, 112 Trimurti, .. a. the Sun,. . . . 1620 tiruváchs, . . . . . 110n Tripotra, 8. a. Siva, . • 28 Tiruvalažjuli, vi., . . . . . . 215 Tripatáka, a banner, . 102, 104 Tiruv ilangädu plates, 8ln, 83, 84, 86, 87n Triputa, . Tiruvilandurai, vi.. . . . 215, 216, 217 Tripuri, 8. a. Tewar, 70, 76, 76, 77, 78, 210, 211, 296, 248 Tiruvūral, a. a. Takkõlam, . . . 81, 84, 88 Triratna (6.e., Buddha, Dharma and Sangha), 208 tithi, . . 178n, 180, 184, 188, 191, 923, 267, 292 Trisröta, 8. a. Teestä, . . . . . 1170 titta, s. a. tirtha, . . . . . . . . 277n Triveni, ti. . . . . . . 292 Titta-Mámarundā-Nayakar, m., . , 216, 217 Trivikrama, 7., . . . . 46, 52 Tokhara, co., . . . . . . + Trakti, m., . . . . . 22, 244 tola, weight, . . 38 Tryambakea, m., . 20, 24, 28 Tolakale, ti.. . . . 36, 37, 40 Ha, form of Kharoshthi . . . . 198 Tonda. Tondai. Tondai-nadu or Tondai-mapde t aatana, connected with Khotan taatit 200 lam, co.,. . . . 31, 32, 34, 81, 82, 83 Tuman, vi, . . . . . . 77 Tondavada or Tondavādi-tataka, a tank, 92, 93, 95 | Tummans or Tummaņaka, 8. a. Tumän, 76, 77, 80 Tondūru, vi.. . . . . . . 92 Tandirs, .a. Tondai-nädu, . 90 Toraha or Torapa, race, 227, 280, 231, 234, 235 Tangabhadra, ri.. . . . . . 132, 133 Torambage, 3.a. Turambe, . . 31, 32, 33, 36 Toni zamindari, . . . . . 274 Tonhakunda-svämin, m., . . . 119, 123 Thrambe, wi.. . . . . . . 32 Tõahanägs-svamin, m., . . 246, 247, 248, 249 Turaga pati (Abvapati), a title, . 20, 22 Tosha-avāmin (Gautama), m.. . . 120, 126 Turk, . . . . . . . 163 Toshs-svämin (Sakatayana), m.. . . 120, 128 Türkiys-Peddiya or Türkiye-yajvan, ., . 149 toyanchi, . . . . . . . 6,7 Turushka, .. a. Turk, . 76, 77, 78, 160 Trailökyamalladova, mur. of Somdhdra I, 180, 181, Tushtidatta-svimin, m.. . . . 118, 122 182, 187, 188 Tuyyala Chandayya, m., . . 289, 290 Traipurusha gods, . . 217, 218, 219, 220, 221 Trashtri-svamin, m., . . . 247, 249 Brairajya, . . . . . . . 64 trapa, bashfulness, Trava (Trapa), 1... . . . . . 203 Irana, 8. a. trapa, . W, symbol for . . . . . 19, 265 Trayimaya, 8. a. the Sun, . . . 162n (medial), symbols for . . . 266, 291 Trialla, .. . . . . 78 (secondary), three forms of . . 138, 287 Tribhuvanachakravartin, a title, 8ln c ursive form of . . . . . 272 Tribhavanamalla, sur. of Vikramaditya (medial), symbols of . . . . 286 VI,. . . . . 180, 100, 191, 192, 193 -metra in Kharoshthi, . . . 2, 9, 10, 198, 202 Tribhuvanāmkusa, a legend on seal, 137, 151 Uohohakalpa, vi., . . 128, 120, 180 Tribhuvanaikuba, arrow, 273, 274, 276, 276, 277 uchchhinnakadteava, . . 234 Tribhuvanasiha, a legend on seal, . 149, 151 Udaipur (or Udayapur) pralasts, 70, 178, 239, 240 Tribhuvanasingi-Pandita, ... . 191, 192, 193 Udayachandra, a Pallava general,. .. . 87 Tribhuvanēkvara, te.. . . 191, 192, 198 Udayachandra, sur. of Narasithavarman II, 106, 107 Trichinopoly, u., . . . . 112 Udayaditya, m.,. . . 184, 185, 186 Trikalinga, co., . . 189, 142, 146 Udayaditya, Paramāra k., . . . . 70 The figures refer to pages : *. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vito xii. The following other abbreviations are taedch. chief; co. = country: di. - district or divisign; do. - ditto dy.=dynasty; E.=Eastern; f. female; k.king; m.emale; mo.mountain: ni.=river ; 4. 4. Bame mi our. urliame; te.temple; vi.Village or town; W..Western. 203 Page #438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX 349 . . . . 98, 99 PAGE Uteāhasnkti, one of the three soltis, . . 2580 Utsavakara, m.,. . Uttamasili, Chola prince, . . . . 86 Uttamasili.chaturvēdimangalam, vi.. . . 86 Uttarapatha, . . . 63, 129, 130 Uttarn-eahha, supreme assembly, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61 Urāsaga-dasło, a work,. 39n V PAGE Udayagiri or Uddagiri, ti., . 90 Udayagiri, mo.. . . . . . . 213 Udayana-evāmin, m., . . . 247, 249 Udayapur prasasti, nee Udaipur prasasti Udayapura, vi.. . . . . Vdayēndiram plates, 84, 111n, 214 Uldharapa, M.,. . . 295, 299 Udner, misreading for Audambar,. . 286, 287 udraiga, . . . . . . 129, 130 Udumv(b)ara o Udumbara-viehaya, Audun bara, or Audambara, di... 16, 17, 18, 19, 286, 287 Udumart Carta, đi, . . . . . 262 Ugradanda, sur. of Paramétvaravarman I, 106, 115n Ugradatta-svāmin, m., .. . . . 120, 124 Ujjain or Ujjayini, vi.. . . . 14, 218, 228, 240 Ujjain plate of Bhöjadēva, prate of Bhojadeva, . . . . 69 Ujuvāka, m., . . . . . 55, 59 Ulugh Khan, . Uļvada-kalvā, canai, . . . 93, 95 Umā, 8. a. Parvati, . 142, 144, 146, 147 Und, 4. a. Ohind,. . . . . . 1, 2 Und inscription,. . . . 2, 14 Unnatarama, biruda of Narasimhavarman II,. . . . 106, 108 wpadana, . . . . . 173n upadha, . . . 149 u padhmaniya, . 16, 101, 125, 127, 194, 217, 226, 259, 302 upakach, . . . . wpapatakan, the five- . , 73, 74, 128, 129, 304 Uparika, aw official. . . 130, 131, 135, 137 uparikara, . . . . . . 129, 130 Upendra, Kora k., . . . 155, 158, 159, 162 Upendra .. a. Vishnu, . . . 159, 162, 279, 283 Upendra I, E. Chalukya k.,. . 166, 167, 160, 172 Upondra II, E. Chalukya k., . . 166, 167, 169, 172 Upendra III, E. Chalukya k... 168, 167, 169, 172, 173 Upendravar-agrahara, vi.. . 165, 166, 171, 174 Uppina-katte, a place, . . . 227, 228, 280, 234 Uragapura, 8. G. Uraiyur, . . 112, 214 Uraiyur, oi., Urasa or Uraśā, co., . 198 Erjjita, biruda of Narasimhavarman II, 106, 108,113 ür-odeya, a mayor, . . 217, 219, 232 Uruvutūru grant, . . . . . . 272 Usphama ... eha, m., Utkala, 8. a. Orissa, 76, 77, 79, 156, 167, 160, 163 0, obanged into b, see ba. , cursive form of -- in Kanarese, 19, 38, 194 e, doubling of after an anusváre, . . 101 s, doubling of - after r, . . . 62 o or va, use of - for ba, . . 15, 46, 53, 237 Váchaspati, planet, . . . . Vāchhā, m., . . . . . . 291, 294 Vadagama, see Badagams. Vadaső, vi.. . . . . . . 282, 285 vadda-riona, a kind of tar, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189 Vadnagar, ti., . . . 241 vadra, 8. a. padra, . . . 207, 208 Vädyavidyadhara, epithel of Narasimhavarman 112 Vägbhata, Chauhan k. of Ranthambhor, 46 47, 48, 49 Vägiávara, m., . . • 20, 23, 98 Vaidyadeva copper-plate, . 1211 Vaidyajirana, a work,. . 156, 1630 Vaidyanatha, a god, . . . . . . 98, 99 Vaijaditya, m., . . . . . . 46, 52 Vaijayanti, a work, . . . . . 121n vaikalpika, optional, . . . . : 276 Vairisithha I, Paramára k., . . . . 239 Vairisimha II, Paramara k., . 238, 239, 240, 241, 244 Vairielasan, biruda of Krishna III, 287, 288,289 Vaisampiyana, 4 sage,. . . . . 123n Vaishnavism, . . . . . 215 Vaidvadera, . . . . 126, 303, 304 Volbyavitaka, vi.. . 128, 129, 130 Vajapēya, a sacrifice, . . .73, 269, 271 vajra-baisarige (=najrāsana) . . . 19, 30 Vajradatta, m., . . . . . . 4 Vajradova, Kalachuri k., . . . 230, 234 Vajrayudha, k. of Kanau, . Vaju or Vajuvarman, prince of Komo-mandala, 76, 77, 79 . .17 • The figures refer to pages: . after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. vii to xii. The following other abbreviations are used :ch.chief; di district or division; do. ditto; dy.dynasty : E.-Eastern; f.female; k.king; m.=male; mo- routain ; 11.river ; 6. u.=541048; aur.Burname; te.temple; vi.=village or town; W.-Western. Page #439 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 350 PAGE Vakanigala, vi., 72, 74 Väkitaka, dy., .100, 128, 239, 261 Väkpati I, Väkpati Muñja or Väkpatirāja, Paramāra k., 177, 178, 237, 239, 240 Vakpatiräjadova II, Paramära k. of Dhärä, 70, 71, 74 Vakulasoma-svamin, m., Vakula-svamin, m., 246, 248 120, 125 178n, 303 Valabhi, . V(B)alākāgrahara or Valaka (Valākā) or Balākā, vi., Vaļavāda, vi., Valavadha or Balavardha, k., Valhana, m., Vallabha, king or title, Vallabha-narendra, a title, Vallabha, epithet of Rashtrakuta kings, Vallabhi inscriptions, Välisīgāma, 8.a. Bäusīgāma, . 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 31, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 199, 200 301 214 238n 142, 146 241 . 279, 281, 285 133, 134 57, 58 181, 183 285 258n 5 278 117n 93, 95 282, 285 63 28n 214 . 149 75, 77, 78 214 59, 60, 61 .54, 58 98, 99 77 75, 77, 79, 80 194, 195, 196 126 70 180, 182, 183 285n 87 Varagana or Varaguna-Mahārāja I, Pandya k., Varaguna II or Varagupavarman, Pandya k., 84, 85 Vamana-mudra, a mark, Vamanasvamin, a god, . Vämarsáidēva, m., Vämäyi, ri., Vamba (later) Maurya, a people, vanti or vandi, s. a. bendi, Vanabhäga Pargana, EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Vanamaladeva copper-plate inscription, Vanamalika, a garland, Vanangajötti, vi.,. Vanavasi, vi., vandana, one of the eight forms of worship, vand-asaikkum, waving,. Vandram plates, . Vanga, s. a. East Bengal, vangül, breeze, sanik, a caste, vanik-varkkata, a caste, Vaniyavandha, vi., Vankeevara, (=lord of vagabonds), Vanköévara, te., Vankuva-Ravuta. m., epibhollara, well Vapullaka, ch., Vacade, s. a. Verdi, Varagriha, s. a. Väravadi, 140, . . . • . PAGE . 175 .94, 95. 128, 130, 131 141, 152 Varahadinna or Varahadatta, m., Varaha-läñchhana, the boar banner, Varanasi, or Väpariki, s. a. Benares, 38, 39, 182, 189. 191, 192, 193, 219, 224 Varaha, m.,. vardha, a coin, Varapafchala, see Baḍapañchāla. Varasiddhalinga, s. a. Dharmalinga, 161, 164, 170, 173 Väraviḍi. 285n 65, 67 180 173 199 119, 122 279 279, 281, 285 75, 77, 80 93, 95 273, 274, 275 210, 213 12 90 303, 304 102, 104 119, 123 11, 12, 14, 65 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39 64, 291, 293 279 279, 282, 285 161 33, 34 118, 121 247, 249 281, 285 210, 214 16, 18 106, 108, 109, 111, 112 20, 27, 54, 114, 115, 116, 132, 134, 173, 185, 189, 191, 221, 226, 246, 248, 249, 250, 255, 257, 258, 260, 284, 299 56, 57, 60, 61, 80, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250 Chhandōga, (Saman) 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 210, 247, 248, 250 Varddhamana, Jaina Tirthankara, Vardi, vi., Varga, Varnu, co., Varuna-svamin, m., Varunagrama, vi., Varuņi, vi., Vasaha or Basahā, vi., Vasantōtsava, a festival, [Vaso]-Boya, m., Västavya, family,. Vasubandhu, an author,. Vasucharitramu, a Telugu work, Vasudatta, m., Vasudattarya, m., Vasudatta-svamin, m.,. Vasudeva, Kushana k., Väsudova, race of, Vasudeva, a god, [VOL. XIX. . Vasudevapur, vi.,. Vasudevaśāsana, a. a. Vasudevapur, Vasudha, the earth-1, Väsuki, Vasumati, the earth, Vasuári-svamin, m., Vatéévara, a god,. Vatsarāja, m.. Vatsaraja, Gurjara Pratihāra k., Vayalür, vi., Vedas and sakhas, Bahvricha, • • The figures refer to pages: n. after a figure, to foototes; and add. to the addition on pp. vii to xii. The following other abbreviations are used:-ch-chief; co.-country; di.-district or division; do.- ditto; dy dynasty; E.-Eastern; f.-female; k.-king; m.male; mo.-mountain; ri.-river; s.a.same a sur.=surname ; tc. temple; vi.-village or town; W.-Western. Page #440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Charaka (Yajur), Kāṇva, Madhyandina, Rig-Voda, Sama-Vēda, . Yajur Veda, . Vedaghōsha-svamin, m., Vedanga, Vedanta, Vedura II, k., Veer, vi., 247, 249, 250 135, 136, 137 42, 44 56, 57, 98, 99, 122 24, 28, 122 120, Taittiriya or Taittirika (Yajur), 124, 247, 249, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261 Vajasanoya (Yajur), 16, 18, 19, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 135, 136, 137, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 262, 266, 270, 271 44, 98, 99, 121, 123, 124, 132, 134, 259, 296 118, 122 257,258 132, 134, 296, 299 156 63 119, 120, 123, 124, Vēlvikuḍi grant, Vengala, Göbürich., Vengalamba, queen of Tirumala I, Vengi or Vönginadu (or nandu), co., • Velanaṇḍu, or Velanandu-vishaya, di., 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 153, 154, 156 Välän Viranarayana, sur. of Sembiyan VediVelan, vēli, a land measure, Vellore, vi., . Vėlür, vi., Vēlürpālaiyam plates, • Venkata, Venkatapatideva or pati-Maharaya, Karnata k., INDEX. .PAGE . 139, 140, 141, 142, 146, 273, . 86 216 42 91 87, 110n 112n, 214, 290n 91n -90 274, 275, 276, 277 Vira-Venkata 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95 95 Venkata II, Vijayanagara k.,. Venkatachala, 8. a. Tirupati, . Venkatajammapeta, part of Chandragiri,. Venkatarāju or Venkata-Mahipala, 93, 95 92, 93, 95 Göbüri ch., 90, 91, 94, 95 Venkatesa, Venkatanatha or Venkatesvarasvamin, a god, . Vennamayya, m.,. 92, 93, 94, 95 184, 185, 186 Vēnuvagāma, vi., Verdã, ri., věreṛu, Vesapayya- Setti, m., Vibhavana, figure of speech, Viburāmu, ch., . 27n 90 Vidüaha-svāmin, m., 120, 125 Vidyadhara, 220, 222, 295, 299 Vigraha, one of the six branches of military science, Vigraharaja IV, Chauhan k. of Ajmer, Vijätta, m.,. Vijayaditya, W. Chalukya k., Vijayaditya, E. Chalukya k. (brother of Kokkili), . Vijayaditya, sur. of Badapa, Vijayaditya V or Beta-Vijayaditya Chalukya k., Vijayaditya VI, sur. of Amma II, Vijayaditya, Silahāra k., Vijayagandagopala, k., Vijaya-Lakshmi, goddess, Vijayalaya, Chola k., Vijayanagara, vi., 152, 154 Vijayaditya, E. Chalukya k., . . 166, 167, 168, 172 Vijayaditya I-Bhaṭṭāraka, E. Chalukya k., 141, 146, 149, 152, 154 Vijayaditya II-Narendra-Mrigaraja, E. Chalukya k.,. 142, 146, 152, 154 139, 142, 146, 149 351 PAGE 281, 285 180 88 33, 35, 37, 40 . Vijayaviläsamu, a Telugu poem, Vijjala, a Jain ascetic, Vijñānin, a title, Vikrama, k., 28n 48 . 55, 59 112 V, E. 142, 146, 149 255 30, 36, 38, 40 81n 32, 37, 190, 192, 231 87n 89, 90, 91, 105n, 131, 132, 215 81n . Vijayarajendradeva, Chōla k., Vijayasinha, Vijayadeva or Vijaya, Chedi k.,. 295, 296, 297, 299 215 70 .98, 99 298 Vikramaditya, Vikkayya, Vikkarasa or Vikramadeva, Sinda k., 227, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234. 235, 230 Vikramaditya, k., 218, 220, 222 Vikramaditya I., W. Chalukya k., 61, 106, 111, 112, 115n, 214 Vikramaditya I (Yuvaraja), E. Chalukya k.,.. Vikramaditya, k.,. 142, 146 4, 13, 32, 34 • The figures refer to pages: n. after a figure, to footnotes; and add. to the addition on pp. vii to xii. The following other abbreviations are used:-ch.-chief;; di.-district or division; do. ditto dy.-dynasty; E.-Eastern; f.-female; k.-king; m. male; mo. mountain; ri.-river; s. a. same Aur.-spename; te.temple; vi. village or town; W.-Western, 88; Page #441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 352 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (Vol. XIX. . 109 PAGE Vikramaditya II, W. Chalukya k.," 110, 112, 149, 153, 154 Vikramaditya II, E. Chalukya k., . 142, 148 Vikramaditya VI, W. Chalukya k., 187, 189, 191 Vikramankadēvacharita, a work, . . . . . . 164n 164n Vikramaraja, .. . . . . 80 Vila, a people, . . . . '64 Viļäpäkkam grant, . . . . 90, 92n Villupuram, vi., . . Vimalāditya, E. Chalukya prince, 81n, 165, 168, 172 Vimaladiva or Vimalasambhu, m., 20, 24, 28, 29 Vimardanadisa-svamin, m., . . . 120, 125 vinsõpala, a coin, , 55, 56, 58, 59, 61 Viņānārada, epithet of Narasimhavarman II,. 112 Vinaya, . . . . . . . 12 Vinayāditya, W. Chalukya k., 62, 63, 64, 112 Vindhya, mo., 16, 155, 156, 159, 162, 165, 188, 172, 266, 269, 270 Vinikonda, oi., . . . . 90 8.d. Veer, . . . . . 62, 63, 64 Vira or Virabhadra, a yod, . . 181, 182, 190 Vira-Banañja (Balañja), religion, . . . 25, 29 Vira-Bapañja or Balafija, guild of merchants, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 39 Vira-Bhasija, Bhanja k., . . 42, 43, 44 Virabhūti-svåmin, m., . . . . Vira-Choda, k., . . . . . 156, 166 Vira-Chola, sur. of Parantaka I, . . . 82 Vi(vi)radattaryya, ., . . . . 102, 104 Virajo, vi., . . . . 263, 264 Virakóba, ., . . . . 256, 257, 258 virama, . . . . . . . 19, 83 Virana, m., . . . . . Viranārāyana, te., . . . . . Viranarayana, Chauhan k. of Ajmer, . Viranārāyaṇa, sur. of Parantaka I,. Viraparija, k., . . . . . 1050 Virappa Nayaka, Madura-Nayaka ch. . Virarājēndra, Chola k., . . Bln, 106 Vira-Vataftjtyar, 8. a. Vita-Baņafijas, . . 30, 34 Virischi, 8. a. Brahman, . . . . . 25 Virkar, sur, of Defastha Brahmins, . . . 63 Virupaksha, te.. . . . . . 132, 133 Visakhadatta, m., . . . 128, 129, 130 Vienladēva, .. . Vigrabaraja IV, . 48 PAC visarga, wrong use of 53, 254 visarga, omission of . . visarga, . . . . . 186, 257n visarga, changed to f, . . . . 302 Vishamagiri, vi., . . . . . . 134 Vishamasiddhi, title of Vishnuvarddhana I, 264, 268n vishaya, a territorial division, . 17, 73, 74, 98, 103, 104, 118, 136, 260, 261, 286, 287 Vishayapati, district official,. 118, 136, 137 Vishnu, a god, 18, 19, 22, 27, 28, 67, 63, 93, 94, 98, 106, 110, 147, 155, 158, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 171, 172, 174, 175, 182, 194, 220, 221, 230, 234, 237, 244, 259, 270 Vishnubhūti-svåmin, m., . . . 247, 249 Vishnudatta-evāmin, ... . . . 247, 249 Vishnughosha-evāmin, N.,. . . 118, 122 Vishnupälita-svamin, m.. . . . 119, 122 Vishnupurána, a work, . . . . 162n, 262n Vishnurāja I, E. Challeya k., . . 152, 154 Vishnurāja II, E. Chalukya k., . , 162, 154 Vishnusoma-svimin, m., . . 119, 122, 247, 250 Vishnu-svamin, n., . . . . 119, 122 Vishnuvardhana 1, Vishnuvarman or Kubja. Vishnuvardhana, E. Chalukya k., 139, 141, 146, 149, 152, 164, 165, 168, 171, 172, 173, 254, 255, 256, 258, 259, 281 Vishnuvardhana, sur. of E. Chalukya k. Rajaraja I, 165 Vishnuvardhans, sur. of Tala II, 148, 149, 163, 154 Vishnuvardhana II, E. Chalukya k., 141, 148, 162, 164, 206 Vishnuvardhana IIT, E. Chalukya k., 141, 146, 152, 154 Vishnuvardhana IV, E. Chalukya k., 141, 146 Vishura-dina, . . . . 259, 260, 261 Visvabhūti-svåmin, m., . . . 247, 249 Visvadatta, ., . . . 303, 304 Visvēsvara-evāmin, m., . . . . 119, 123 Visvēsvara, Visvanatha Visvabhūmikvara, Vis vadharapībhartri, Vikvanripa, Visva or Vidvösa, E. Chalukya k., 185, 186, 187, 170, 171, 172n, 173, 174 Visvökvata, .. a. Stva,, . . '164, 167, 171 Vitastā, ti.. . . . . . . 198 Viyachchara, &. a. Khachars, 193, 194 • The figuren refer to page : n. after a figure, to footnotee; and add to the addition on pp. vii to xii, The following other abbreviations are red-c. -chief; co. country: die district or division; do..ditto ay.dynaty: . Lantern J. Tomalo'; koking: m, male ; mowmountain; miriver ; 8. d.-same 18 au.surname; lo-tomple; vi-village or fown; W.-Western, Page #442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX. 353 PAGE Vlentūru, wi.. . . . . . 260, 261 Vova chhadā, .. a. Bobachhada,. . . 282 Vövåtuda, o, a, Babachhada,. . 282 Vowel (short), use of - for long (vowel), 63 Vriddhabhögika, m., . . . . 136, 137 Vriddhasravas, 8. a. Indra, . . 171 Vriddhi-svåmin, m., . 120, 124, 247, 248 Vrindāvana, vi., . . . 280, 284 Vyaghra, Uchchakalpa k, . . . 129, 130 Vyaghrapurisvara, te.,. . . . . . . 112 Vyakarana, , . . . . . . 114 Vyasa or Vēdavyāsa, a sage, · 66, 73, 75, 126, 130, 143, 145, 147, 148, 154, 178, 267, 258, 260, 304 wyatipata, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 219, 221 Vyavaharin, a controlling officer, . . . 16, 44 WY . . . . Wedd'ab, . . . . wang, . . . . . Wardak vase inscription, Watson Museum, . . Western Ghate, mo. . Western Kshatrape, Wima Kadphises, . a. Kadphjses Wa-la-shi,... . . . . 301 . . 8, 202 125, 994n 179, 227 PAGE Yamuna, ti, . . . 39, 156 Yamunăpăla, m., . . . 46, 50 yana, one of the six branches of military science, 28n Yasa-Bhaja or "dēva, sur. of Jaya-Bhanjadëva, 41n, 43 Yagabkarnna, Chēdi k., . . . . . 298 Yayab, (or Yséð) kunda-svāmin, m.. . 119, 123 Yasahpāla, ch., . . . . . 295, 297 Yahobhita (Ayahābhīta) or Yahobhitadova, Sailodhbhava k., . . . , 266, 268 Yakobhita (Ayasõbhita) or Yaböbhitadēva II, Sailodhbhava k., . . . . 266, 268 Yaböbhūti-svāmin, m., . . . . 119, 122 Yabödēva-pranava, m., . . . , . 80 Yasovarmman, Paramara ch., . 69, 70, 72, 74 Yabövigraha (Jisovigraha), Gahadavila k., 291, 292 yati, caesura, . . . . . . 273 Yatiraju, ch., . . . . 910 Yaún or Yavuga, a title, . : 201 Yaugandhariyaņa or Yögandhars, m., . 195, 196 yquogrājya . . . . . . 201 Yayapara-mandala, di., 75, 77, 80 years of the cycle :Ananda, 184, 185, 187 Chitrabhānu, . . 166, 170, 173 Dundhubhi, : : 36, 37, 40, 223, 224, 225 Isvara, : : : : 218, 219, 221 Krodhana. . . . . . 189, 190 Krodhin, Kshaye, . . . . 82n . . . . 180, 181, 183 Plays, . . 191, 192, 193 Pramäthin, . . : . : 89, 92, 94 Bakabasa, . . .31, 33, 85, 184, 185, 186 Rudhirðdgårin. . . 36, 38, 41 Badhārana, . . : . 20, 24, 28, 216 Siddhartha,. . . . : : 188 Svabhanu, . . . . 158, 161, 164 Tárapa, . . . . 132, 133 Vikärin, . . .. . . . 238, 232, 235 Vikrama, . . . . . 215, 216 Vibvävasu, . . : : : 21, 24, 29 yoare regnal 142, 148 6 months, . . . . . 141, 142, 146 11 months, . . . . . 19 11 years, . . .. 142, 146 End yper, . . . 84 . 4, 12 , . , . , . 108 Parthiva, pubscript), wae of ddha with , and replacement of Louivo formon Kane, ya, . . . # not changed in Khasoshthi touye 201 y, olision of - in Kharðghthi, . . . 20€ ya, form of — (Kharoshth),. . . . - 2 Yidavaprakäda, an author, Yadava, dy. . . . . . 179, 194 Yadu or Yadava, race, . 20, 22, 26, 27 Yögöbvara svåmin, ses Jä(YX)gēévara-avāmin. rajana, one of the sia duties of Brahmins . 174n ydjana, do., . . . . . . 174n Vajfiakanda-svāmin, m., . . . . 119, 123 Yajnapáta-avāmin, .. . 120, 124 Laji-wvimin, ., 246, 248 The figures refer to pages: . after figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on PP. vii to zii The following other abbreviations are need- chief; 20.= country : di district or division; do. ditto dy dynasty; 2.-Raster; f.-female; k=king ; * male; mo- mountain ; ri.river'; . 4 m e wr. Amo; te. templo; v.-village or town; W.-Western. Page #443 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 354 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. XIX. 12th, 13th, 14th, 17th, . . . Paga years regnal contd. PAGE 3rd year, : . . Yogakvara or. Jõgekvara, ., . . 42, 43, 44 . . 71, 73, 76 4th, . . . . ysamarearth, 187, 188 ... . . . 13 5th, . .. . 82, 88, 256 Ysamotika, Kshatrapa k., . . 13 6th, Yaamotiks Bhumaks, . . . . 13 7th, . . 86, 142, 146, 256 Yuan Chwang, see Hiuen Tuang. 8th, . . . . 82, 84 Yuddhamalla, k., . . . . . . 88, 89 9th, 62, 63, 64, 141, 146, 184 Yuddhamalla I, E. Chalukya k.. . 139n, 142, 146 10th, . . 267, 271n Yuddhamalla II, E. Chalukya k... 137, 139, 11th, . 63, 102, 103, 104, 140n 142, 146, 149, 153, 154 . . . 101, 142, 146 Yuddhamalla inscription, . . 272, 273, 270 . . . . 141, 146 Yuddhärjuna, biruda of Narasimhavarman II, . . 63 106, 108 . . 98 Yudhishthira, epic hero, 27, 35, 64, 130, 18th, . 840, 141, 146, 254, 256 255, 256, 258 20th, . . . . . 216 Yüe-chi, a tribe, . wider . . . . . . . 3,4,6 24th, . . . . . . 84, 87 Yugads-disana, a work, . . . . 39n, 2380 25th, . . . . 141, 146 Yusuf Adil Shahi, Bijapir k. . . . 0 27th, . 81n Yuvarājs, . . . . . . 44,283 28th, . 82 Yuvarājadēva, Kalachuri k., . . . . . 78 30th, 146, 265, 266, 267, 270, 271 (100=yaüa, . . . . . . 201 33rd, . . . 141, 146, 255 36th, . . . . . . 142, 146 37th.. 141, 148 . 82n 44th, . . 142, 146 48th, . . . 82 Zaar Dheri, . . . . . . 198 40th, 82, 85, 86 Zeda, oj, . . iption of the year 11. 48th, . . . . . Zoda inscription of the year 11, 142, 148 . 1, 4 , 10, 14 Yokdulla, ui, . . . . . 187 Zeionises, k., . . . . . . 201 Yelburgs, vi., . . 228 Zodiao, signs of the Yoga, . . . 174n, 296, 299 Simha, . . . 61 Yogaraje, Chanda che • 238, 239, 240, 242, 244 Zoroastrian, . . The figures refer to pages : #. after a figure, to footnotes; and add to the addition on pp. wil to all The following other abbreviations are used :ch.= chief;; di. district or dihidon; do-ditto, dy.dynasty : E.-Eastern ; f.-female; k.king; m.-male; mo. mountain; ri.river; 4 G. me *w.murname; to, templo; v.village or town; W.-Wouterp . 288 Page #444 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _