TRANSLATION. (Lines 1959. Hail! The birother of Batyafraya-Vallabihčndit--an ornament to the family of the blessed Chalukyas, who belonged to the götra of the Mānavyas praised by the whole world, who are the sons of Hārīti, who acquired (their) kingdom through the favour of the goddess) Kausiku who are protected by the asgergblage of (divine) Matria, who meditate on the feet of god Mahäsēna, who have subdued the realms of (their) enemies in a moment by the (mere) sight of (their) superior boar-banner which was obtained by the grace of Lord Nārāyaṇa, and who have purified their bodies by sacred bathinge performad) at the end of horse sacrifices, Was Kubja-Vishņuvardhana.
(11.5 15). (He) ruled the Vengt country for 18 years; his son Jayasinha, fór 33 (years); Vishņuvardhana, the son of his younger brother Indrarāja, for 9 (years); his son MangiYuvarāja, for 25 (years); his son Jayasimha, for 13 years); his younger brother Kokkili, for 6 months; dethroning him, his elder brother Vishnuvardhana, for 37 (years); his son Vijayāditya-Bhattaraka, for 18 (years); his son Vishnuvardhana, for 36 (years); his son Vijayāditya-Narēndra-Mrigazájd, for 48 (years); his son Kali Vishnuvardhana, for a year and a half, his son Gunagka-Vijayāditya, for 44 (years); king Chalukya-Bhima, the son of his younger brother Yuvaraje-Vikramaditya, for 30 (years); his son KollabigandaVijayāditya, for 6 months ; his son Ambarāja, for 7 years; dethroning his son Vijayaditya, who was a boy, Tilepa for one month; having conquered him, Chalukya-Bhima's son Vikramaditya, for 11 months. Then Talaparāja's son Yuddhamalla (ruled) for 7 years. Having conquered him, Bhimarāja, the son of Kollabigaņda-Vijayaditya (reigned) for 12 years.
(LL 15-17). This king Bhima, the personification of Mahadvara; begot by his wife Lokamah dēvi, who resembled Uma in form, & son called Ammaraja who resembled Kumära. This (Ammarāja) ruled well the Vēngi country with Trikalinga, according to the injunctions of Dharma.
(Verse 1). Badapa with the help of the Vallabha (king) called Karparaja drove away from the country the prosperous (king) called Ammaraja.
(V.2). Haxing defeated the dayas (agnates) and crushed the multitude of enemies, given a heap of things to supplicants and honoured his relations, the Adhiraja called Badapa, son of king Yuddhamalla, lord of Vengi, rules the earth and conducts himself according to the injunotions of Menu, adorned with all virtues. He is highly famous and valorous, a man of self-respect and a warrior.
(V.3). During the reign of this king the country, rich with abundance of many and fullgrown crops, was mindful of its duties (dharm-ānurakta) and free from calamities, diseases and thieves.
(V. 4). He was a Mann to all his subjecte, a father to all his servants, Cupid to women and desire-fulfilling tree to supplicants.
(LI. 22-25). He, Samastabhutanafraya, sri-Vijayaditya, Maharajadhiraja, Paramēsvara Paramabhattarake, the great worshipper of. Mahescara (Siva), most hospitable to Brahmans, one w no concentrates his mind on the feet of his parents, having called together all the chiefs of families headed by the Rashtrakatas residing in Velanāņdu-vishaya, orders (them) thus:-"Be it known to you".
(V.5). There is one who is well-known by the famous name of (BallAditya, a superior archer whose greatness is taken for that of a re-incamation.of.the.Destroyer of Kärtavirya (i.e., Parafurāma) ir the Kali age, who is equal to Rama aad: Arjuna (in.atchery), is devoted to [harma, speaks the truth, and is the saviour..of .......... and a fire of destructicu to his enemies.
· [Sae foot-note on Text 1, 18.-EA)