Fifth Plato. 36 fi[at] []TATA() vafta Faktoferre ATENT 37 En efa [*] ceufs 7 a VII[W]" dal # afa og 38 [01] a m Hof | MYT
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TRANSLATION (Lines 1-8). [The usual titles of the Chalukyas, and the mention of Satyasraya Vallabhēndra as in ll. 1-4 of A.]
(Ll. 8-19). His brother was Kubja-Vishnuvardhana ; his son Jayasitha-Vallabha; his son Vishnurkja; his son Indra-Bhattāraka; his son Vishnuvardhana; his son Satyasraya ; his son Mangi-Yuvarāja ; his son, Kokkili; bis brother, Vishnuraja; his brother Vijayāditya ; his son Vishnuvardhana; his son Vijayaditya-Bhattarake; his son Viabnuvardhana; his son Narēndra-Vijayaditya; his son Kali-Vishņuvardhana; his son GuņakkönallataVijayāditya; his younger brother's son Bhimaraja; his son Kollabi-Vijayaditya; his son Ammarāja; after him, Vikramaditya; after him, Bhima's younger brother Talabhupala his son Sri-Yuddhamalla; his son Mahanajadhiraja Paramösvara Badapa; his younger brother Vishnuvardhana Tālabbtpala.
(LI. 19-26). (This) Vishņuvardhana-Mahārajadhiraja, during the period of his rule (svarājya),-(moved) with heart full of great kindness on account of the various services rendered by one, who was very much devoted (to him), who won the heart of his master by hard work and good behaviour, who belonged to the family of the Pallaves, who came pure out of the four tests (loyalty, etc.), who was appointed to the position of a great samanta and amatya, who was adorned with all virtues and who was pure in the cause of his master-sønt for the chiefs of families residing in Telanāņdu-vishaya headed by the Rashtrakatas and ordered them thus:--
(LI. 26-30). "Be it known to you that to this (donoe) named Kuppanaysa, of the family of Pallava malle, grandson of Kalivarma, and son of Makariyaraja who has suffered And died in our cause, have giren the spell village (gramatika) named Sripündi (situated) in the middle of Vāgasu.
(LI. 30-35). "Its boundaries are: to the east mandimuska-ohinta, to the south-east koda-maduvu, to the south gögupany which lies at the end of the boundary of Agru; to the south-west kadamu-kopu, to the west kalavólalagula-podda-chinta, to the north-west Chirugodi, maddalu, to the north kafun-bodalu north of Goraga-pallamu, to the north-east būdiyabolayanţa pēdariyaku-chinta,
(LI, 35-37). “Within this boundary I have given you as manya the small village called Adūru exempted from all taxes."
(LI. 37-40). None should interfere with this (village). One who does so shall be deemed to have committed the five great sins. Vy sa has also said : [the usual imprecatory verse want gut, etc.). Written by Ravivarmmkeharga.
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