Page 116, 1. 4 - For Chandrapuri read Chandrapuri as in the plate and pp. 118-21.
117, para. 2, 1. 2.--For Gangini read Gangipi as in the text and translation. .., 118, f. n. 6.-For unamended read unemended. » 119, f. n. 3.-For incisedi n read incised in.
124, serial no. 71.-For Vaasanēyin read Vājasanēyin. 124, serial no. 73.- For Nandēsvara read Nandēsvara.
124, serial nos, 75, 76.-For Prakāgavara read Prakasavara. , 124, serial no. 84.-For Värhaspatya read Bärbaspatya.
124, serial no. 97.-For Saunaka read Saunaka. 128, para 2, 1. 10—For Dukata read Dütaka. 128, f. n. 8.-For c. 337 read c. 389, 390.
130, f. n. 9.-For we read sya. ,131, article no. 22, para. 1, 1. 4.-For prates read plates. , 133, text 1. 81,-For werg read , 134, 1. 2.-Omit se
, 134, 1. 9.- For theeight read the eight. Pages 134 to 137.-For Chandapāka read Chāndapāka. Page 135, para, 4, 11. 2 and 7.-For Ganga read Ganga. , 136, text 1. 34.-For ovigrahi (hi) kaho read ovigrahi (hi) kah. ,, 136, text l. 35.-For 'pākēnah read 'pākēnah. , 137, translation of 11. 32 to 35.--For Kamsāraka read Kamsärska,
139, para. 3, 1. 12.- For dāyās read dāyas. 139, f. n. 3.-For Marāthä read Marathā. 140, para. 3,1. 2.--For tälukā read täluka. 141, f. n. 5.--For aurat. reado arat. 142, text 1. 11.-For? loro read fer". 148, f. n. 2.-For 3 read 2. 151, para. 2, 1. 12.--For bounariés read boundaries. 151, last line.-For Paramēs-read Paramës-. 155, para. 2, 1. 7.-For limggas-read linggas157, para, 2, 1.4.-For Sultā nof read Sultan of. 157, para. 5, 1.2 and page 163, translation (v. 16).-For Shatköņa read Shatkoņa.
157, para. 6, 1. 3.-For Since read Since. ,, 159, f. n. 4.--For Sargdharā read Sragdharā. , 162, f. n. 6.-For Chudara read Bhūdhara.
163, translation (v. 12), 1. 2.-For Chöda read Choda. 163, f. n. 2.- For Vaidyajivana read Vaidyajīvana.
173, translation of v. 25.--For Kubērawith read Kubēra with. , 175, para. 2, 1. 4.-For Răshţrakūtā read okūta.
181, f. n. 3.-For ānusvāra read anu". „ 182, f. n. 7.—For bhāginaḥ read bhāvinaḥ. 184, 1. 7, page 187, 1 st para. 1. 6, and page 189, 2nd para, of article D, 1.5.-For Bäsavurs
read Bāsavūra or correct Bāsavūra of p. 185, 1. 22. , 194, f. n. 4. --Supply 4 in this foot-note. , 198, 1. 14.-Add "Lord of” at the end of the line. , 199, text.-Add note "For revised text see C. 1. 1., Vol. II, Pt. i, p. 16." ,,203, text.-Add note "For revised reading by Sten Konow, see 0,1.., Vol. II, Pt. 1, p. 79."