No. 29.]
lineage," the illustrious Rajagurudeva, was happily governing the twelve towns administered for (the benefit of) the god Indresvara of Bankapura :
(Ll. 14-23.) Hail! While he who is sprang from the lineage of Jimatavahana famed over the whole earth, possessing many titles of distinction such as 'a royal swan in the lotuslake of his kin, delighting in learned men, delighting in social circles, receiving the grace of boons from (the goddess) Padmavati, versed in the science of kings, an incarnate Nārāyaṇa, a crest-jewel of goodliness, a wishing-jewel to servants, a sun of magnificence, a man of might to foes, satisfying by abundant gifts the miserable and forlorn, brilliant with the Serpentbanner, delighting the mind of witty and modest courtesans, a Rama in the characteristic of constancy, having his limbs yellowed by the mass of pollen in the lotuses of the Jinas' feet, a son to other men's wives, exalted by the series of all virtues, a lion of his uncle, conqueror of a multitude of enemies, a trouble to Dayiga', the illustrious Kaliyammarasa, was ruling the seigniory of the Hundred-and-forty of Basavürl:
(Ll. 23-26.) Hail! to Mallikarjuna-Bhatta (?), disciple of Vamarasi-deva, who is versed in the major and minor disciplines, scriptural study, meditation, spiritual concentration, and observance of the vow of silence, who practises prayer and absorption, and is constantly inspired by godliness,--
(Ll. 26-27.) Hail! on Sunday, the fifth day of the bright fortnight of Paushya in the cyclic year Pärtthiva, the 987th (year) of the Saka era, at the uttarayana-samkranti,
(Ll. 27-34.) For (the benefit of) the god Kalidēvēévara of Kölür, (one of the towns) included in the twelve towns administered for (the benefit of) the god Indrėsvara of Bankapura, the illustrious Rajagurudeva with pouring of water granted on sarva-namasya tenure, eight mattar of black-loam land north of the road of Karage, west... from the Alakere; (and also) he granted two mattar of red land west of the wall (?) of the temple, south of the river of Varade altogether ten mattar. The seignior Kaliyammarasa granted for the perpetual lamps thirty houses in the precinct, immune from all conflicting claims. So they shall protect this pious endowment.
(Ll. 35-40 a prose formula of the usual type.)
(Verses 1-2 two common Sanskrit formule.)
(Ll. 44-45.) The town-clerk Basavayya wrote (the record). Bammoja executed (the order). Happiness!
This record was found on a stone at Devageri; but I have no information as to its site or character. The inscribed area is about 3 ft. 2 in. high and 3 ft. 6 in, wide. It contains two documents, in different hands, of which the second is imperfect at the end. The character is Kanarese; the letters vary in height from in. to in. The cursive m (above, Vol. XII, p. 335) is used in sampannar (1. 9), dharmmam (1. 27), kamma (1. 28), mattam (1. 28); the palatal appears in pañcha- (11. 4, 6).-The language is Old Kanarese, except for the introductory Sanskrit verse. The archaic occurs in idu (11. 11, 15, 23), galde (1. 28), and wrongly in kalchi (1. 13); elsewhere it is changed to 7. Initial p is preserved, except in hattakk- (1. 17), and Halama (1. 29). The word koṭṭayum on 1. 20 (if I have read it aright) is singular. On mattalu (1. 28) of, above, Vol. XIII, p. 168, and Ep. Oarn, VII. i., Sk. 8, 61, 70, 71, 322, Hl. 7, 11, etc. Some words are of lexical interest, viz. kaeața (1. 16), malave (11. 16, 17), kechchan-appa (ib.), and bipige (1. 17).
There seems to be something lost here; see above.