__ महाराजयी[व]सरावदेवसस्य पुषसत्पादानुभातः बीसदरोडेबासुत्पमा परच
गवतीमतो 4 महाराजकी[ना] नभष्टदेवशास्त्र पुषस्तत्वादानुवासः बामदीसटादेवामुलक
परमादित्यभको B महाराजश्रीरामभद्रदेवस्तस्व पुरुसत्याहानुभ्यास: बीबरपादेशामुत्परः परमा
सीमती महाराजचीभीलवः । सोवब्यबुनभुती । बीकान्तरसमसाला.7Kपाति उदुम्ब)रविषयस(म्स)दवसाकापहार समुपगतामनिव यवाखा
8 बनियुक्ताप्रमिवासिब समानापबति । उपरिसिवितापारम9 वायसमेत पाचन्द्राचितिकालम्पबंदत्तदेवनायवर्णितः परमेश्वरची10 पर्बमदेवशासनं । महाराजश्रीनागभटदेवानुमति दृष्टा भान नसा11 राजश्रीरामभद्रदेवराज्ये व्यवहारिक बैगुण्याखिचिवारिक जाला स. 12 था पिचोर पुण्याभिवाये । भरद्वाजसगोचवाजसनेयसबमचारिभद्दकाच18 रखाम्यन्वयनबाणानामन्तरा विच्छेदमप्रमाणीबाग्मामक्रमेरेगे 14 ललित इति विदित्वा भवजिसमनुमन्तव्यः प्रतिवासिभिरयात्राबवल
विधेय[भूत्वा सर्वा15 या एषाम्समुपनया' इति ॥ रुद्रटेन प्रयुक्तस्य शासनस्व स्थिरायतेः ।
दूनको बालादि.. - 16 त्योच राज्यभवारिकासुतः । सम्वत् १..(x) ८ (-८००) ८. ३ (ine. ८८३)
वार्तिक शदि निवई ।
TRANSLATION. Om. Hail! From the camp furnished with a number of ships, elephants, bones, chariote and foot-soldiers and situated at the prosperous Mahôdaya (there was) the illustrious Maharaja Davakaktidőve, & most devout worshipper of God Vishnu ; his son born of Bhayidai was the illustrious Mahārāja Vatsarāja,who meditated on his father's) feet and was a mest devout worshipper of God Mahēsvara ; his son, born of Sundarfdāvi, was the illustrious Mahārāja Nagabhatadēva who was greatly devoted to the goddess) Bhagavati and a meditator on the feet of his father); his son who meditated on his fpet was the illustrious. Madrāja Ramabhadradova born of IsatAdēvi and much devoted to Aditya (the Sum-ged) and his son born of Arpldkutraa the illustrious Mahārāia Bhijadāva who, a meditator on his (father's) feet, was thegreat worshipper of (the goddess) Bhagavati-fhe, i.e., Bhijadeva) (thus) commands all the residents and the officers appointed to their respective posts, that have spambled at the agrahāra
We may read Ch for the mke of nniformity * It was first correctly read by Rai Babador Daya Ram Sabni.
Besd qष स. +See suprap.16.