32 sevey=aydu hatey-eradark kam dandige vomda(du) sevey-eradu havina hedaligege
måle vondu kumbararalli hasarakke madake vondu | Int-iya33 yaman-ațid-Itāxntol Banarāki-Kurukshetr-adiga!! pañcha-maha-påtakaman madida
TRANSLATION (Verse 1) Victorious be the command of the Lord of the Three Worlds, enjoined by the Jinas, which bears the infallible token of the blessed and supremely profound doctrine of possible predications !
(Lines 1-5). Hail ! while the Mahamandalesvara Gandaridityadēva, who is resplendent with the whole royal series of titles) such as "the Mahāmandalesvara who bas obtained the five great musical sounds, Lord of Tagara best of cities, monarch of the blest Sijabaras, scion of the lineage of Jimitavāhana, bearing a banner with the device of) a golden Garuda, serpent to adversaries, a lion to his father, terrible to opponent barons, a lion to the elephants his foes, & sun of casters (of missiles), a Nárāyaṇa in comeliness, a Vikramaditya of the Kali Age, successful
oven) on Saturdays, passing through mountain-fastnesses, obtaining grace of boons from the blest goddess Mahālakshmi," was reigning in the standing camp of Valavāda with enjoyment of pleasing conversations :
(LI. 5-11) for the eightfold worship of the divine Parsvangtha of the temple constructed in the mudgode of the market place in Kavadegolla by one who finds sustenance at his lotus-feet, the Mahasamanta Nimbadēvarasa, who has all the titles of honour such as "the Mah&stūmanta who has obtained the five great musical sounds, beloved of the goddess of victory, a breaker of the hair-parting of the dames of hostile barons, gallant dear to the courteBans of warriors, a wind dissipating the clouds opponent barons, a furious olephant to Nigaladiri, a time of world-dissolution to enemy barons, a Gopala to the worthiont of barons, an heroic Kumara to the demon Tåra's rival barons, Kodárn to barons, an awful rutting elephant to the beds of the lotuses the barons of Tondai, rod for the skilful riglat band of king Gandarāditya, .wishing-gem for the desires of the souls of suitors, a crest-gom of barons, a beo to the Jina's lotas-feet, a mine of the gems of godlinesa, delighting to bestow food, protection, medicine, and teaching, obtaining grace of boons from the goddess Padmīvat," and for the restoration of outworn (part) of the said temple, and for the supply of food to the holy men dwelling there :
(LI. 11-24) hail ! they who are adorned by * series of many virtue obtained by the decrees of the Five-hundred men renowned over the whole earth, possessing truthfulness, pare conduct, agreeable behaviour, policy, courtesy, and intelligence, pure in maintenance of the Vira-Balašja religion, splendid with the banner (bearing the device) of a hill, exalted in abundant boldness, embraced by the lady Fame, having their broasta home for the goddess of victory (won) by their own arms, lofty in prowess (extending) over the world, wcions of the racer of Väsudova, Khandali, and Malabhadra, obtaining grace of boons from the Irady, unconquered when they strive, destroyers of adversaries, abstaining from the wives and property of others; like Brahman in being skilled in the sixty-four arta; like Nariyana in having a chakra (disons, or association] ; like Kilágni-rudra in slaying with their gaze; like Parnaurima in seeking out and slaying slayers; like a rat-blinded furions elephant in trampling down and slaying; like a lion wheu they seize and slay those who take shelter in mountainfastnes688 ; like Vásuki when they slay those who come to the underworla; like Garuda when they aley those who are in the sky; like the earth in greatness, like the central mountains in weightinens, like the ocean in profundity, like Rama in energy, like Pritha's son [Arjuna) in
Raad -atango.
• Namely with water, acenta, dowers, grain, incense, lampy, food, and betel,