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कः ॥३२[*] गांगदेवो(वस्तु गंगाया लब्धो लोलात्मजः सुखी । जयसिंहस्तु सोमस्य सूनुः 'स्तात्सूतप्रियः ॥२३[*] कईमालखरस्थाग्रे ज्ञानवापोति नामतः ।
लासु वक्षसीपान कुंडं नरपतिबंधात् ॥ ३४[*] जैत्रसिंहस्य भूभतः थोहमीरपस्य च । नीतियाखेषु निष्णातो यो लेभे मंत्रिमुख्यतां ॥३५[*] सहैव धोर
स्वामिन्या सप्ता: कुलदेवता । यत्कुलेनादिपुरुषादारभ्याद्यापि पूज्यते ॥३६[*] रणस्तंभपुर दुर्गे देवालयचतुष्टयं । कारयामास वा
पी च ग्रामे पिप्पलवाटके ॥३७[*] . सिंहपुर्यों कुरुक्षेत्रे गोदावा क्रमेण यः । गवां सहस्रमकैकं विप्रेभ्यः प्रत्यपादयत् ॥३-[*] बोहंमोरनृवी.
- रस्य पौराणिकपदे स्थितः । वैजादित्यो नृपामात्य [:] प्रशस्तिमतनोदिमां ॥३८[*] संवत् १३४५ वर्षे घटिता सूचधारत्रिविक्रमसुतगाजुकेन ॥
By Daya Ram SAHNI, M.A., RAI BAHADUR, The stone slab on which this inscription is engraved is stated to have been discovered in a ruined house in the ancient town of Ahär situated on the banks of the Ganges at a distance of seven miles north of Anūpshahr and twenty-one miles from Bulandshahr. Mr. W. E. J. Dobbs. Collector of Bulandshahr, was informed of this discovery when he was camping at Ahär for the Christmas week of 1923, and at the suggestion of the Hon'ble Mr. R. Burn, C.S.I., of the Board of Revenue, United Provinces, the inscribed stone has been transferred to the Provincial Museum, Lucknow. The impression published with this paper has been kindly supplied by Mr. Prayag Dayal, the Curator of that institution.
According to Mr. H. R. Nevill, I.C.S., the name of Ahār is locally derived from ahi and här (Sanskrit kāra), the killing of the serpent, and the present town is said to be the place where Janamējaya performed the great Snake-sacrifice. Abār is also locally believed to have been the residence of Rukmini, the wife of Krishna, and the temple of Ambikādēvi at Muhammadpur is said to be that from which Krishna carried her off. The numerous mounds in and about Abär show that the town was the seat of a Hindu principality for some centuries previous to the Musalman invasion. None of these mounds has yet been explored. I Read भा.
* [Perbaps a gar is meant. --Ed.] • Read 'मुबा
• Bulandshahr Gazetteer, p. 172. [Evidently an instance of popular etymologs.-Md.] . [Bat that was in Vidarbha (Berat) - Ed ]