[Vot, XIX.
era is equal to 772 or 778 A.D., and the date of the Båmanghāți grant of Ranabhañja of the year 288 is to be referred to the same reckoning. Thus, the date of this record would correspond to 865 A.D.
A king named Santikara is also mentioned in the Kumurange plates of Dandi-Mahadevi published by the late Mr. Haranandan Panday of the Archæological Survey of India. Accord. ing to this inscription Santikara was the son of Lalitabhāra and the father of Subhakara, whose consort Dandi-Mahādēvi issued the Kumuranga grant. According to the late Mr. Panday, Santikara of the Kumaranga inscription is the same as Kshēmankara of the Neulpur plate. Both being Royal Charters embodying grants of land, it is extremely unlikely that Kshēmañkara and Säntikara were one and the same person. In fact, no other name except that of Subhakara agrees in the two genealogies. It appears to me that the Kumaranga plate of Dandi-Mahädēvi is much later in date than the Neulpur plate of Subhākara. It is quite possible that some of the earlier names in the former inscription may be birudas of Sivakara, Kshēmankara and Subhākara of the Neulpur inscription.
The characters of the inscription are much later than those of the Neulpur grant of Bubhākaru and, therefore, it is probable that Santikara was a descendant or successor of Subhākara. The following tentative genealogy of this dynasty may be accepted :
1 Śri-śāntikara-dēva-rajya-(sa) 2 mvat 90, 3 Ijya-garbhajēna 3 Virajovāstavya-Vaidya-Na[nna-] 4 ta-putra Bhimaţa-pauttra Bhatta5 Löyöma[kēn-Aghyaka-Vara ti 6 math-à()yam dēgēbhya(!) kärita7 ...[ba]raka
TRANSLATION. Un) the year 93, (during the reign of the illustrious Santikara-dēva, this temple of Aghyaka-Varáti was caused to be made as a (?) gift by Bhatta Loyomaka, son of the physician Nannata' (and) grandson of Bhimaţa, who was born of the womb of Ijyk (and was) an inhabitant of Virajo..
It is
1 Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, Vol. II, pp. 361-62. [This req ires verification. not unlikely that the ens commenced much earlier. -Ed.1
* Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, Vol. V, 1919, pp. 564.79.
Ibid, p. 569. From photographs and impression taken by me. [The symbol though apparently damaged seems to be noteworthy.-Ed.]