The inscription is engraved on three plates, the first side containing nothing and the last & single line. The plates were hung on a ring which carries a fixed circular seal engraved in relief with the title Sri-Sarvasiddhi and MAARTH about 74 inches in length and 24 inches in breadth. The ring is about 34 inches in diameter. The engraving is on the whole clear; but the ends of lines 16 and 17 in plate 2 and of 19 and 20 in plate 3 are very much defaced.
The language of the grant, is Sanskrit. The characters are identical with those employed in the Pulībūmra as well as the Niduparu plates which have been noticed above. No special remarks are necessary regarding the alphabet and orthography of this grant. The Dravidian r occurs in 11. 13 and 14 and the upadhmāniya in 11. 18 and 25. The final t and m have also been used. The former occurs as a separate letter in l. 24 and the latter is generally written in the form of a dot but in1.23 is.represented by-ahook.
The contents of this grant have already been noticed by the Assistant Archæological Superintendent for Epigraphy. The identification of the place names has also been discussed by him. All this need not be recapitulated here. The donee Was Somasapaman, son of Siva sarman and grandson of Davalarman who was a resident of Kukkanür, belonged to the Gārgya-götra and was a pupil of the Taittiriya school of the Yajur-veda. The grant was made for the increase of the dharma of the donor and of his parents on the full-moon day of Kärttika which was a vishuvadina or the day of the equinox.
___Plate l. . 1 नमसविचे । खसि [] बीमलामनन्यसाधारणगुणाधारभूताना सविक्रमाका2 तसकलमहीभुजाम्मामव्यसगीचा हारीतिपुषाणां पतिधरप्रसादो. 3 पनतसमस्तवसुमतीराज्यानामावगपरिप[1]लितानाम4 मेधावश्यवानपरिध्वंसितैमसामनुष्ठितवर्णाश्रमस्थितीनाम् । मातापिपादानुयातानाचालुक्यानामन्बवायसन्मयतो वृपतिगु6 णसामग्रासनिवासस्य कुशलजनकी[तितकीर्तेः कीर्तिवर्माण[:] तस्यप्रिया
Plate II-A. 7 मवस्य कनीयस: कारपविष्णोरिव विष्णुवम्मणः स्वभुजबलविजितारिस'हतेम8 कला दिगामावदनविशेषकायमानयशसस्तस्यानन्द व विग्रहवान्मुक्तः स्वगुण9 गणातिशयितपूर्खनः अतिवलवशीलताशेषरिपुवलम्सकललोकत्रया. 10 चार[:] सर्वसिधिरपि च । 'ग्दं रचा सुरगुरुच धिया सिताश्वं शौर्ये11 ण वारिधिमगाधतयात्महत्तः [1] धर्मात्मजं रविजमीहितदानमतया क. 12 न्दर्यमाहिततनं वपुषातियते । एवंविधाभिरामिकगुणः श्रीन.
• Read
1 From ink impressions. * Read
• Rend Tho dettone ure Sre out in smaller sigo below the line. • Vasantatilaka metre. * Tho an wovara sign is not above, but between anda.