took place, though the cause of it is unknown to us. Perhaps it will be best to distinguish the new dynasty from the older one by calling it the second Kona dynasty. Its pedigree according to the present inscription would be as follows:
Chōda 1. m. Mallamba.
m. Bimbāmbikā.
Choda II. m. Attemamba.
m. Lakkāmbā.
Chōda III Saka-Samvat 1325.
With verse 16 we come to the real purpose of the inscription. We are told (vv. 16, 18, 20) that Choda III built a gopura and laid out a grove at the eastern entrance of the Dharmalinge évara temple at Pañchadharala, the modern Pañchadharala in the Vizaga patam district.
The date of this event is given twice, both times in chronograms. According to v. 18 it took place in the Saka year that is unfolded by the arrows (5), the arms (2), the Rāmas (3), and the moon (1); according to v. 20 in the Saka year counted by the arrows (5), the arms (2), the Ramas (3), and the earth (1), in the year Svabhanu, in the month of Radha, on the 6th day of the bright fortnight, on Friday. This date corresponds to A.D. 1403, April 27, Friday.
TEXT. West Face.
1 श्रियमवतु गजास्य[:] श्रेयसां' 2 वी गुणानां स भुवनजननादी 3 रम्यम्रायां । चजवितु4 aufer: wig
5 भीकुहरविहरदंभः कुंभि
6 नीशाटिकाभूत् ॥ [ १ *]2 नामेर्विष्णोरन7 for firfirengen müfrecio
1 The anusvara stands at the beginning of the next line. Motre: Malini,