No. 29.)
20 Fana-samkranti vyatipäta su(a)ryya-grahaņadandu Gråmēśvara-devargge dhūpa-dipa21 nivēdyakke Kannadachary yara kålam kar chi dhäri-purvvakam=āgi bitta dharni.
mam-ent-enda[de] 22 Vadda-rāvula perjjunka eradan bilkode antum(ntu) nälkun sumkadalumeagi
Kolfir Aggala23 jāra Karageya tala-bhandamu[m* ?] 3 geradum polege barpp-adda-vatteya
khasa 24 tada maļave irppattakkoondu kechchan=appa nūla păsina binigeya malave 25 nuivattakkoondu hattiya malave Ayvattakk=ondu davasada pēru i[*]ppa26 ttakk-ondu [ll"] Int=1 dharmmamaṁ pratipäļisidavaru Vāraṇāsi Gu(Kurukshotra 27 Prayageya(yo)!=sāyira kavileya kodun kolagumam pamcha-rntnadolu katti28 sl(si) vēda-paragar-appa såsirvvaru brahmanargge maha-dīnar-gotta pa(pha)!am
akku ! 29 1 dharmmaman-alidaň Vánarisi Kurukshetrado! sāsira kavileyum såsira' bra. 30 hmanaran-alida pamcha-maha-påtakan-akku | Sva-datt[] para-datt[a]m vā
yo Laroti(ta) Vasu31 ndharām shashthi(shțim)-varsha-sahasrāņām(i) mi(vi)shthayam jāyatë krimit
This mutilated fragment is from a stone found at Kolar, regarding which I have no details. It contains only the right-hand half of the record. Its height is about 3 ft. 5 in. ; its width at 1. 1 is 12 in., and at 1. 32 (the last line) 174 in. The character is fair Kanarewe of the period and the letters vary between 's inand in. The language is Old Kanarese, except in the formal Sanskrit verses on 11. 24-27. The is used irregularly in kamala and sakala (1.5), and in negaldalu (1. 14); elsewhere it is replaced by !. We find the archaic participle pratipalisidonge (1. 27) in a formula beside the later form a idavange (1. 29).
The record refers itself in 11. 1-3 to the reign of Tribhuvanamalla-deva, 1.8. Vikramaditya VI, and then mentions in 11. 3-7 Rajagurudēva (compare above, inscr. A.) as administering twelve towns, probably those comprised in the diocese of Indrėsvara of Bankapura. Next appears again Kaliyammarasa, who figures in inscription B. (11. 8 and 22), as governing the manneya of Basavura. After the date (11: 12-18) begins a series of kanida verses in praise of Basava and Kētamalls and their family, though of the latter only one name is preserved, ris. that of their grandmother (?) Bāganabbe (1. 14). To judge from the words (Au)ragakula-tilakam on I. 13, this family also belonged to the Jimatav hana lineage. One or both of these men held the office of gārunda in Kolar (1. 18), and won the favour of Kaliyamarasa (1. 19), who was pleased because Basava risked his life (literally, 'gave his head') in his service, and accordingly made & religious endowment (11. 19-22). The document was drafted by Milapayya, the teacher of Këtamalla, and was engraved by Kaloja (11, 31-32).
The date is given in 11. 12-13 as the 10th year of the Chalukya-Vikrama era, Krodhana, Thursday, thu month and fortnight being lost. The year Krodhana corresponded to A.D. 1085-8.
The only decipherable place-names are: the Basavura Hundred-and-forty (L. 11); Kolar (1. 18); and the tirthas (1. 27).
Rend krimin.