unified knowledge". "Philosophy" according to a third, "is the science of the Absolute," in the sense that it takes the world of Nature not as a product of chance but of a Single Infinite Power whose activity consists in the working out of a plan or purpose in the course of which It evolves this world out of Itself. Thus has philosophy been variously defined by different thinkers of different ages and climes.
The Jains, however, teach that philosophy consists in the voluntary and consistent striving, intellectual and moral, manifest in the removal of impediments on the way to Right Vision () into the metaphysics of things and thoughts leading to Right Knowledge (1) of the world as a whole, and of our own function and placeRight Conduct (मम्यक् चारित्र) therein with the express object of realizing finally the free and beatific state of our being-the ultimate end and purpose of all life and activity.
Taking philosophy, then, as an attempt Its Method to attain to a free and beatific state of of enquiry.
Philosophy defined by the Ji
being by the virtue of Right Conduct(सम्यक् चारित्र) proceeding from Right Know