The two
factors of
ledge (samyak jnana) acquired through Right Vision ( samyak darshan ) into the realities of things and thoughts, we can ascertain beforehand what the principal branches and problems of our enquiry will be. We can see fundamental that there are two fundamental factors of the world : (i) Jiva, the Cogitative Substance or the Soul, including the system of finite minds,
nds (i) Jiva. either in Nigoda, fixed, fettered, or free, in the various gradations of their being ; (ii) Ajiva, the Non-Cogitative Substance, the Non-living or the Non Soul, including objective things and processes and the like. Hence our en- (ii) Ajiva. quiry into philosophy, roughly spcaking, will branch out into --
(i) The Cogitative Substance or Soul (jiva),
(ii) The Non-Cogitative Substance or the Non-Soul (ajira), and finally,
(iii) The End or Freedom (moksha) of the soul in relation as to how it is attained.
But from a consideration of these funda- Ideas and mentals, it becomes evident that we have to make a frequent use of such metaphysical ideas and notions as Dravya (substance), Guna (quality), Paryâya (modality or modi