Kevalin. When the soul of a Kevalin leaves its material frame, it passes out of this mundane world and soars up straight towards the hyper-physical region (Aloka), the Heaven of the Liberated which lies at the top of the Universe. There it continues on to shine forever in all its purity and perfection. It remains there in a state of perfect equanimity and delight infinite disturbed by nothing. And this is Nirvana or Moksha. It is, in fact, the absolute release of the soul from all Karma-matter by the complete decay of the causes of bondage and physical existence. No soul is wholly disembodied unless it is thus liberated from the burden of Karma-matter. And this release is not the annihilation of the soul as the Buddhists hold, nor is it the merging of the Individual with the Supreme wherein it loses its own identity and individuality as Shankar, the lion of the Vedantists, roars, but it is the Tiva's going beyond whence there is no return to Sansar again.