The above inscription is Chamundarája's own information about himself. But the greater part of this inscription series to have been lost. “ Heggade Kanna, in order to have only t.viy lines and-a-half inscribed regarding himself, appears to have caused three sides of Chamundaraya's originnal inscription to be entirely faced, leaving only the one side" a translation of which we have given above.
C u rta coniposcd a work called Chamunda Raya Purâņa, containing an epitome of the history of the 2.4 Tirthankaras, and at the end its date is given as Saka 900, the year svaru (.1. I). 978)." The statements found in the verses of the inscription quoted above "accord with those given in the Chamunia Raya Purina It is there said, in the opening chapter, that his lorl was the (langakula-chadamaņi Jagadekavira Nolambakulantakaa-7 ; and that he was born in the Brahma-ksatra ramsa. In the culing chapter
अस्मिन् दन्तिनि दन्तवज्रदलितद्वित्कुम्भिकुम्भोपले वीरोत्तंसपुरोनिषादिनि रिपुव्यालाङ्कशे च त्वयि । स्यात् को नाम न गोचरः प्रतिनृपो मबाणकृष्णारगग्रासस्येति नोलम्बरानसमरे यः श्लाघितः स्वामिना ॥ खातः क्षारपयाधिरस्तु परिधिश्चास्तु त्रिकूटः पुरीलङ्कास्तु प्रतिनायकोस्तु च सुरारातिस्तथापि क्षमे । तं जेतुं जगदेकवीरनृपते त्वत्तेजसीति क्षणान् निव्यू द रणसिंहपार्थिवरणे येनोर्जितं गर्जितम् ॥ वीरस्यास्य रणेषु भरिषु वयं कण्ठग्रहोत्कण्ठया तप्ताः सम्प्रति लब्धनिर्वृतिरसास्तत्-स्वलधाराम्भसा । कल्पान्तं रणरसिंहविजयि जीवेति नाकाङ्गना गीर्वाणीकृतराजगन्धकरिणे यस्मै वितीर्णाशिषः॥ आक्रष्टुभुजविक्रमादभिलषन् गङ्गाधिराज्यश्रियं येनादौ चलदङ्कगङ्गनृपतिय॑र्थाभिलाषीकृतः । कृत्वा वीरकपालरत्नचषके वीरद्विषः शोणितम्
पातु कौतुकिनश्च कोणपगणाः पूर्णाभिलाषीकृताः॥" [Inscription on the Tyagada Brahma Deva Khambha. Size 1' 9" x 1' 6". Circa A. D.983. Vide Lewis Rice Inscrip. at S, B, p. 85.]
* Lewis Rice- Inseriptions at Sravana Belgola.' Introduction, pago 33.
Lewis Rice-Inscriptions at Sravana Belgola. Introduction, page 22. Vide also Lieut.-Col. Mackenzie's Collections. Edited by H. H. Wilson, Vol. I, p. 140, where it is said that Chamunda Râya Purana gives an account of the sixty-three celebrated personages of the Jainas."