between the muse of Magha and Bharavi he has given a very humorous punt by construing Magha as a poet as well as a month. Just as disheartened by the chilly cold of Magha month monkeys fail to move even a pace forward and pray for the appearance of the sun, so do the poets disheartened by Magha fail to compose an expression to pace forward in literary growth and start remembering Bharavi who gave them the way to a new path of composition in ornate style. "परानुपहासिभिर्नर्मशीलैः "" Referring to the denizens of Ayodhya prone to amuse others and disposed to fun and frolic has 'Upahasa' and 'narma' as the two types of Humour mentioned in it.
Meghavahana's physical privilege to amuse the ladies of the harem by provoking to laughter the jesters by the devices such as making up of the face etc. has been deemed a source of recreation.' The terror provoking laughter is depicted in the case of the Vetāla (Mahodara) who had appeared in that garb, being a Yakṣa originally to vindicate the king through an ordeal. There is no real character of Vidūsaka in the romance but Kamalagupta's reactions to the morose countenance of Samaraketu after the latter had heard the import of the billet brought by Mañjira, make him casily a counterpart of a jester tampering wilfully with the interests of both. Harivahana and Samaraketu, the hero and the side hero involved in love affairs. Mañjīrā, on his own part has been called a source of amusement for the entire host of princes, being a bard by descent." Kamalagupta has been likewise called as flippant in speech and somewhat versed in the humorous skits or sports. He can be compared to Viharabhadra of Dandin's Visrutacaritam in Daśakumäcaritam, though not in his practical way of life, at least in his innate proneness to mislead and taunt others owing to instinctive spite and intolerance to brook the pleasure of others.
'समरकेतुना समानप्रतिपत्तिरत्यन्तमभिमतो राजपुत्रस्य सकलशास्त्र भाषाविचक्षणः क्षीणभूयिष्ठशैशवे वयसि वर्त्तमानः माननीयः कुमारपरिग्रहस्य'
1. There is no footnote in book
2. Ibid. Vol. I p. 53. LL. 1- Botad ed.
3. कदाचिद् वंदनमण्डनादिर्भिर्विडम्बनाप्रकारैरुपहसन् विदूषकानन्तः पुरिकाजन्महासयत् । Ibid Vol. I p. 75. LL.
4. कुलिशताडित कुलाचलशिखरसमकालनिपतगण्डशैलनिवहनादोद्धरो हासध्वनिरुदलसत् । Ibid Vol. 1p. 126. L.
5. काव्येष्वतीव रसिकः सर्वदा निकटकर्ती कुमारस्य नर्मपात्रं सकलराजपुत्राणां मंजीरनामा बन्दिपुत्रः । Ibid vol. II p. 241. LL. 3-4.
16. प्रकृतिप्रगल्भवाक् किमपि कोविदः परिहासकेलिषु कमलगुलनामा कलिंगदेशाधीशसुनुः । Ibid, Vol. 11 p. 245. 7. TM. Vol. II p. 245. LL. 9-10.