Book Title: Tilakamanjari
Author(s): Dhanpal, Sudarshankumar Sharma
Publisher: Parimal Publications

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Page 376
________________ 362 TILAKAMANJARĪ OF DHANAPĀLA of deeming ocean as a deity for which a salute is offered by Täraka with folded hands before the start. The appearance of favourable omens propelling his attitude of mind towards a happy adventure,' such as the throbbing of the lower part of the lip and of the right eye in case of men has been described as indicating future happiness. This redoubled the courage of Samaraketu who in an earlier chat with Tāraka had already given a cue to the latter that even when he had been apprised of by him that the voyage through the sea was not an easy job to accomplish on account of the ferocious fauna threatening life all the time, he had no fears since his intuition had been instigating him from inside not to turn back and had been impelling him to move ahead - a fact which he felt was being authenticated by the science of omens. “Prajñaptividyā' or Precognition or Premonition over-showing the brooding mind of Patralekhā given to reveries concerning the future marital tie of her daughter Tilakamañjarī during the nocturnal hours in sleep forestalling the marital tie with a prince a paramount sovereign of all the earthly princes who would even reign over the Vidyadharas, is another belief that is based on the tendencies of human nature. Marching on in search for Harivāhana carried away by the elephant and guided by the script of the latter brought by Pāritoșa, the special envoy of Kamalagupta, Samaraketu spent his night with immense satisfaction being given to him at every step by the prominent omens foreboding extreme beneficence, covering the movement pacing from right to the left, being made to take to that route rapidly even by the slow-blowing southern breeze blowing from behind and the breath gushing out of the cavity of the left nostril, prevailing in front. Hence the southern breeze blowing from behind and the breath issuing out from the left nostril in front, is an indication foreboding achievement in the desired object." Gone beyond the lake Adsst apāra Samaraketu seated on the stone slab made of pearls reclined there and 1. प्रणतेन मू| बवा नमस्काराञ्जलिमुदन्वते तत्क्षणोपनताभिप्रेतशकुनप्रगुणितमनोवृत्तिः प्रवर्तयामास गमनायनावम् TM. Vol. II p. 304. 2. uferari a TRT eta faryzafer YfH41efta fer aferui 779: Ibid. 3. यदि च निमित्तशास्त्रं प्रमाणं ततः सोऽपि गच्छतामस्माकमिह नास्ति, सर्वत्र निरपाया प्रमोदहेतुश्च यात्रेयमिति भावय स्वयं तत्त्वदृष्ट्या, नहि सनिकृष्टायामापदि दुरुपपादायां च कल्याणसम्पदि कदाचिदीदृशी निरातङ्कता त्वरा च Fergarafai Ibid. Vol. II p. 303. 4. अनुसृतदिवसदृष्टवा च तत्क्षणप्रसृतेन पृष्ठतो दक्षिणपवनेन पुरतो वामनासिकापुटश्वसनेन सौम्यगतिनापि सत्वरं प्रवर्त्यमानः, प्रतिपन्नदक्षिणवाममार्गपरैः परं शुभं शंसद्भिः ....पदे पदे प्रघानशकुनैः पदै पदै दत्तानिवृत्तिः 2147471 Ibid. Vol. III pp 61-62.


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