Book Title: Tilakamanjari
Author(s): Dhanpal, Sudarshankumar Sharma
Publisher: Parimal Publications

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Page 455
________________ EDUCATION. LITERATURE AND ART 441 according to the expositions of the doctrines of the Jinas, and who as a man of blameless demeanour. He has called Sri Muñja also an ocean of all the lores.? He calls himself as the son of Sarvadeva and grandson of Devarsi who was a scholar of the Šāstras, adept in the activities (dealing with the religious and expository lores), sublime in the composition and construal of the speech. His son Sarvadeva, the magnanimous one was a veritable peer to Svavambhū (i.e. Brahmā or the savant versed in the Vedic lore). Dhanapāla, the Vipra (a Brāhmana or a scholar or an intellectual), being his son derived the source of knowledge from him was unparalleled in the composition of strong stock of sweet sayings and enjoyed the patronage of Sri Muñja also who had graced him with his speech (Sarasvatī).' Vākpati II is said to have written a geographical description of India known as 'Munja-pratidesa Vyavasthā.' '(Asiatic Researches IX, p.176) Dhananjaya in his Dasarñpaka (IV. 316) has assigned the verse to the authorship of Śrī Muñja.' (Vākpatirāja IV.310, 316) According to Dr. Bhatia Śrī Bhojadeva was first and foremost a man of great learning, a versatile scholar, a polymath indeed, for he has been credited with works in almost every branch of knowledge. According to Ajada, who wrote a commentary named Padakaprakāśa on Bhoja'a Sarasvatīkanthābharana, Bhoja wrote 84 works giving them names with his own titles or birudas. The Prabhāvakacarita refers to Bhoja's works in several branches of learning. Of the works ascribed to him the authorship of 1. नि:शेषवाङ्मयविदोऽपि जिनागमोक्ताः श्रोतुं कथाः समुपजातकुतूहलस्य। तस्यावदातचरितस्य विनोदहेतो राज्ञः स्फुटाद्भुतरसा रचिता कथैयम्॥ TM Entro.. verse 50 Vol. I p. 40. 2. सर्वविद्याब्धिना Ibid. verse 53 Vol. I 3. आसीद् द्विजन्माऽखिलमध्यदेशे प्रकाशशांकाश्मनिवेशजन्मा। अलब्धदेवर्षिरिति प्रसिद्धि यो दानवर्षित्वविभूषितोऽपि।। शास्त्रेष्वधीती कुशलः क्रियासु (कलासु) बन्धे च बोधे च गिरां प्रकृष्टः। तस्यात्मजन्मा समभून्महात्मा देवः स्वयम्भूरिव सर्वदेवः।। तज्जन्मा जनकाघ्रिपंकजरजः सेवाप्तविद्यालवो विप्रः श्रीधनपाल इत्यविशदामेतामबध्नात् कथाम्। अक्षुण्णोऽपि विविक्तसूक्तिरचने यः सर्वविद्याब्धिना श्रीमुञ्जेन सरस्वतीति सदसि क्षोणीभृता व्याहृतः।। Ibid. verse 51,52,53, pp. 40-42. 4. Paramāras p.316 Cf. 2. 5. Das. r. p. 374 ed. Srīnivāsa Šāstrī. प्रणयकुपितां दृष्ट्वा देवों ससम्भ्रमविस्मितस्त्रिभुवनगुरुर्भीत्या सद्यः प्रणामपरोऽभवत्। नर्मिताशिरसो गंगालोके तया चरणाहता भवतु भवतस्त्रयक्षस्यैतद्विलक्षमवस्थितम्।।


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