scripts such as the Karnāta one and others inscribed on the thickset palmleaves preserved in the coverings of cane-caskets.
- अतिपृथुलताडीपत्रसंचारित सुरेखाक्षरं लेखम्'
refers to the billet inscribed in well-designed letters transcribed on extremely thick palm-leaves.
- प्रत्यग्रलिपिना दिव्यपटपल्लवाग्रन्थिलेखेन संदेहित दयित जीविता
refers to a billet inscribed on knotted sprout of divine cloth bearing fresh script.
स्वहस्तसंचारिता लिपिः सः ते स्वकुशलोदन्तलेख:' refers to a billet bearing script prepared with one's own hand. समासन्नताडीतरुतले करांगुलिनखाग्र लेखन्यासुरेखाक्षरं लिखित्वा लेखम्॥
also refers to the palm leaf manuscript inscribed with a pen in a beautiful handwriting.
अजर्जरंभूर्जलेखम्' refers to birch-barks employed to inscribe the writings on them.
"परिस्फुटोत्कीर्णनाकलिपिवर्णानुपूर्विका पूर्वान्तेन'
-refers to the scripts prevalent in the nāka i.e. the divine world. One can easily presume the existence of variety of scripts in various regions high, middle and low.
तस्यामयीह प्रशस्तावाष्टादशलिपिव्यक्तिव्यतिरिक्तः कोऽप्यपरोलिपि विन्यासः
refers to eighteen types of scripts known to Dhanapāla as existing and in use in various parts of the country of the times.
1. TM. Sm. ed. p. 338. 2. Ibid. Sm. ed. p. 344. 3. Ibid. Sm. ed. p. 347. 4. Ibid. Sm. ed. p. 349. 5. Ibid. Sm. ed. p. 375. 6. Ibid. Sm. ed. p.419. 7. Ibid. Vol. III p. 105.