Malayasundari feeling the impact of love describes her own carnal transformation in the effect produced on her dress. Even though her knot of the lower garments was tight she again made it tighter and even though her cloak was quite tight fitting her body she still prepared a tightening strap by fastening it with the Gātrikā strap over her breasts;"
'Nīvinivasana" is a term used to mean an undergarment having a knot, got down from its proper position.
'Stanāmśuka" was a silk covering for the breasts.
Regarding the Hides and Skins Dhanapala has mentioned a fresh leopard's skin meant to cover the earth in order to occupy a seat.4
The scabbard of the sword made of Karmranga leather dappled hued with many gems. Bāņa Bhaṭṭa mentions Kārdaranga." According to Dr. V.S. Agrawal Kardaranga was an island bearing variant names as Karmaranga, Carmaranga and Nagaranga in the Indian-Asian Archipelago." Camaranga according to Sir Monier Williams is a name of the people in the north-west of Madhyadeśa. Mahāmahoupādhya P.V. Kane also construes Kärdaranga to be the name of the country."
Niśītha the divine garment changing the form of Gandharvaka from parrot to the human being also seems to have been a tapestry cloth fine in
Ayodhya construed as a youthful maiden has been described as having her hair composed by the columns of smoke from the sacrifices, her
1. प्रातः प्रमीतामसम्यगावृतवपुषमवलोक्य मां नरलोकस्त्रपामेष्यतीति शङ्कया निबिडनीविबन्धनमपि पुनः पुनर्गाढीकृत्य निविशितमशिथिल कंचुकावृतस्यापि कुचमण्डलस्योरि विधाय चिरमुत्तरीयेण बन्धुरं गात्रिकाबन्घम् । TM. Sm. ed. p. 306.
2. fazifafa Ibid. Sm. ed. p. 364.
3. Ibid. Sm. ed. p. 354.
4. निम्नोन्नतविभागविश्रान्ततिमिर रक्तातपच्छेदा नूतनद्वीपि चर्माच्छादितेन शबला शिलोच्चय क्षितिरलक्ष्यत । Ibid. Sm. ed. pp. 350-351.
5. अनेकरत्नाकिर्मीरकार्मरङ्गासिपट्टप्रणयरमणीय भीषणाभि: Ibid. Sm ed. p. 361.
6. निचोलक रक्षितरुचां चारुचिर कांचन-पत्र भङ्गभंगुराणामतिबन्धुर पिरवेशाना कार्यरङ्गचर्मणाम् सम्भारान् भूर्जत्वक्कोमलाः स्पर्शवती: जाति पट्टिकाः चामूरुकोपधानादीन् विकारान् HC VII p. 775. CC 2-5.
7. हर्षचरित एक सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन । पृ० १५६.
8. Skt. Eng. Dictionary under Carmarañga.
9. HC (P. V. Kane) Notes p. 192 CC p. 175 CC-12..
10. निशीथाम्ना दिव्यपटरत्नेन प्रावृताङ्गः । Ibid. Sm. ed. pp. 376, 377.