heroism inherent in him. The description of the siege of Kāñci by Vajrāyudha, his various moves to shatter the forts of Kusumasekhara, his employment of a variety of weapons both lathe as well as mechanical, during the warfare, goes to illustrate the exquisite spunk and chivalry of the army in chief. Samaraketu's courage is equally laudable in so far as when resorting to warfare, he did not leave the field as a fugitive or coward. Instead he fought against the enemy even when left alone in the van of battle. His courage is also testified by the following words spoken to Vajrayudha.
“Vajrāyudha! Don't get aggrieved, advance confidently. I shall not strike till you have struck first”. Vajrāyudha felt amazed on seeing the courage to get up after a fall, of Samaraketu and consoled the fleeing forces to stop the cowardice by the beat of the tabor. He had his prowess beyond ali pretentions. His courage is equally commendable when all alone he started off through the forest adjacent to the Kāmarūpa deśa, infested with beasts, bare footed and marched on undaunted wading through the lake Adrstapāra and reached the destination quite casually.
The sentiments of Raudra, Bhayānaka, Adbhuta, Bībhatsa and śānta are the remaining five sentiments that have found their due place in the romance of Dhanapāla.
The sentiment of fury (Raudra) is based on anger, Its transitory states are indignation, intoxication, recollection, inconstancy, envy, cruelty,
1. उच्चापशब्दः शत्रुसंहारे न वस्तुविचारे, वृद्धत्यागशीलो विवेकेन न प्रज्ञोत्सेकेन, गुरुवितीर्णशासनो भक्त्या न
प्रभुशक्त्या, स्वजनपराङ्मुखो परभार्यासु न सपर्यासु, अवनितापहारी पालनेन न लालनेन, अकृतकारुण्यः करचरणे न शरणे, समिद्व्यतिकरस्फुरितप्रतापोऽप्यकृशानुनवोपतेः शत्रुघ्नोऽपि विश्रुतकीर्तिः....सार्वभौमो राजा मेघनाहनो नाम्।
TM. Vol. I p. 62. LL. 1-4. P. 63 LL. 1 p. 64 LL. 4-5. 2. बालिके! कथय कोऽयम्, कस्य वाऽपत्यम् किमभिधानः, किंनिमित्तमनपेक्षितात्मविनिपात: पतङ्ग इव पावके
सहसैवास्मत्सैन्ये प्रविष्टः । किमर्थमसमर्थसहायेनानेन साहसप्रायमिदमतिदुष्करं कर्माध्यवसितम्। Ibid. Vol. II p.
217. LL. 1-3. 3. वज्रायुध! मा विषादं व्रज, विश्रब्धमहि, न तावत् प्रहरामि यावच्च त्वया न प्रहृतम्। Ibid. Vol. II p. 221. LL.
3-4. 4. सेनापतिरपि तेन, तस्यातर्कितेनासंभावनीयेनादृष्टपूर्वेण प्रत्युञ्जीवनेन जनित विस्मयः कान्दिशीकस्य
शत्रुलोकस्याश्वासनार्थ समन्तादभयप्रदानपटहमदापयत्। Ibid. Vol. II pp. 221-22. 5. अव्याजशौर्यावर्जितश्च etc. Ibid. Vol. II p. 226. L. 3.
अथ शान्तो नाम रामस्थायिभावात्मको मोक्षप्रवर्तकः स तु तत्त्वज्ञानवैराग्याशयशुद्ध्यादिभिर्विभावैः समुत्पद्यते। तस्य ) यमनियमाध्यात्मध्यानधारणोपसवसर्वभूतदयालिङ्गग्रहणादिभिरनुभावरभिनयः। व्यभिचाभिणश्चास्य विर्वेदस्मृतिधृति
सर्वाश्रमशीचस्तम्भरोमाञ्चादयः । pp. 332-333 Gose Vol-I Oriental Institute Baroda, 1956.