destruction and tremulous on account of his efforts at ruminating the flesh chewed down, as if by the invocation of the ensign marked by the streaky lightnings flashing into the triad of worlds for affording distribution of the crimson hue------He bore the five fingered imprint of blood impressed recently by his expansive surface of the pate as if it were the sepulchral fire encircled round the glooms of smokes in the form of natural scowls, collected in order to roast the human flesh......... His cavern of the mouth was occupied by the array of teeth bearing bits of bones of a dead body entered within with innumerable teeth associated with it in order to engulp the entire triad of worlds. The showers of drops of blood were gushing out from the skin of the human being meant to work as a scarf as if by the cranium bowls introduced in the mouth bearing as they did the nails of deep interiors shining white, even by the toes----------He bore his limbs connected tight by the knots of the sinews as if anxious to flee away through fear of observing the extremely hideous form, consisting mainly as they did of bones. He wore a crest chaplet of corpse hanging down to his knees.'
The description of the battle between Vajrāyudha, his armies and the forces of Kusumasekhara also contains certain points evoking odium.
It was odious with the howlings of the female jackals crying hideously having quaffed the human marrow the group of lords being searched out by many bereaved ladies in it, the water of ichor from the tuskers violent with speed, flowing on in it tumultuous as it was with the hosts of kings perturbed and running; it had the cranium bowls of the quarter-guardians being looked for by the hilarious yoginīs; it was horrible with pedestrians thickly arrayed showering forth floods of water of tears; it was an ocean (lit. repository of waters) of vast expanse accumulated instantaneously; the world of creatures was perturbed at the moment when both the sides were engaged in killing one another.
"परस्परवधनिबद्धकक्षयोश्च तयोस्तत्क्षणमाकुलितसकलजीवलोको युगपदेकीभूतोदारवारिराशिरस्रजलविसरवर्षिघनपदातिघोरो मुदितयोगिनीमृग्यमाणलोकपालकपालचषक: प्रचलितरसाकुलभूभृत्वच्चक्रवालकृततुमुलः प्रसृतरभसोत्तालगजदानवारिरातत्रिदशदारिकान्विष्यमाणरमणसार्थो निपीतनरवशाविस्वरविसारि शिवा horobk514:"
The group of demons drank the water of the streams of gore mainly consisting of mire on account of their ardent lust produced in order to feed on sumptuous flesh.
1. TM. Vol. I pp 127-132. P. 127. 1-8.
अद्राक्षीच.... आजानुलम्बमानशवशिरोमालमेकं वेतालम्। 2. Ibid. Vol. II pp. 202-203. p. 202.