probability be the fourth ocean understood by Dhanapāla. He has also referred to the Sisiranīradhi in fruferrirferhoferte rifarfa fapak Faft which refers to Samaraketu's morbid transformations on seeing Malayasundarī and his efforts to guard against the breeze blowing from the cold sea which may refer to the Lavaṇasindhu or the Northern ocean emitting out cold breezes. Samaraketu had reached Kāñci by series of movements having passed through the Janapadas and after having waded through the Lavanajalanidhi.' geefsta Hattusta maafisa: weddisfaral gaui जलनिधिं जनपदांश्च कप्तिचित्क मेण काञ्चिम गभत्।
"न सा गवलशिखिगलश्यामलया मलय गिरिमूलवनमालया समन्ततो मालिता लवणजलराशिवेला2
refers to the shores of Lavaņajalarāśi lined on all sides of the arrays of groves on the bottoms of the Malayagiri (Western Ghāts). Lavaņajalarāśi may be extending up to the Western Ghāts also. It is not the Southern ocean as in 30 above; the army cantonment spreading on the shores of this ocean has been compared to the Malayagiri extending in the Eastern as well as the Western directions.
"दक्षिणाशाविभूषणेषु त्रिकूटमलयादिषु नगेन्द्रनिश्चलनिबद्धनीड़ गरुडपोतोद्भासित फणिषु लवणाब्धिरोधोवनेषु।”
refers to Trikūța and Malaya as the mountains forming the ornaments of the Southern direction and the groves on the shores of the Lavanābdhi having snakes drawn out by the young ones of the Garudas establishing their nests calmly in the mountains. This refers to Lavanābdhi drawing close to Trikūta and Malaya the mountains.
"उत्तरीयंचलनिबद्धनिश्चलसमरकेत लेखाश्च लंघयित्वा लवणजलराशिमुत्तराशाभिमुखमापतम्। प्रशान्तवैराश्रम , समीपे मलयर्वतोपान्तवर्तिनः पारावारपुलिनादुच्चरन्तमतिकरुणमाक्रन्दशब्दमाकर्ण्य HARI+04/"
refers to Gandharvaka carrying the billet of Samaraketu and wading through the Lavanajalarāśi and finally soaring to the north. He reached the hermitage Praśāntavaira and heard the doleful cries rising from the shores of the ocean that lay close to the Malayaparvata. This also establishes the distinctness of Lavanajalarāśi and the Southern ocean.
1. TM. Sm ed. p. 322. 2. Ibid. Sm ed. p. 322. 3. Ibid. Sm. ed. p. 337. 4. Ibid. p. 378.