wooing him even by hundreds of entreaties, firmly resolved as she is to own him. Her grief to be sure, is born of his plunging into the ocean."
Acting as her go-between Bandhusundarī intercedes on behalf of the courier of the lover who she believes would certainly come to the beloved in so far as the revered Vasurāta could never be a man of failing words. She makes her take leave of all malaise and recounts the words previously quoted by Vasurāta that she was bound to be the spouse of a paramount sovereign. Solaced by Bandhusundari Malayasundari drew the picture of her lord on the canvas and repeatedly gazed over it in order to satisfy her sense of attachment. As a Proșitabhartřkā she continued reclining on hope taking to variety of regalements.
The advent of spring augmenting her torment, a catastrophe took its stride. Kātyāyanikā, a maid of the harem coming from Kusumasekhara broke the news that the king had accepted as wager for peace with Vajrāyudha, the army in chief of Meghavāhana, the bestowal of his daughter (Malayasundari) in marriage or else Kāñci along with its regions would be razed to the ground.
This brought the beloved to go in for crying having clasped Bandhusundari whom she spoke-"Without having known the attitude of mind and having disregarded the opinion of my mother, without seeking the advice of kinsfolk holding opinion in my favour, what has been taken upon by my sire, even though he is extremely affectionate to me."
Hence girls could express their own opinion in the choice of a husband. The forced decision of the parents could be undone by persuasions and threats of suicide as in the present case wherein Malayasundarī asked Kātyāyanikā to go since she was to make a firm decision about the acceptance of the proposal.
Having eluded Bandhusundari Malayasundarī resorts to the act of strangulation by a noose from where she is rescued by the former with the help of Samaraketu who happened to reach there on hearing the laments of Bandhusundarī. Samaraketu is forced to leave that place as ordained by his
1. यः सः कोऽपि कण्ठे कुसुममालामारोप्य कल्पितो वरत्वेनानया नृपकुमारः, तस्मात्र शक्यते वाक्यशतैरपि fadfigura
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