Book Title: Tilakamanjari
Author(s): Dhanpal, Sudarshankumar Sharma
Publisher: Parimal Publications

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Page 370
________________ TILAKAMANJARI OF DHANAPALA bade adieu to all types of extraneous enjoyments, addiction to other women and other household chores.' 356 Jalaketu belonging to Simhalas had obtained Priyadarśana as his foster daughter brought up by him having rescued her from the ocean in a naval accident. She was actually the daughter of a maritime trader. This fact was revealed to Taraka by those who knew the reality but he did not like to go back to his native land Suvarṇadvipa despite the fact that he had been pressed hard by his sailor-colleagues and despite the fact that his kinsfolk had been very anxious to receive him back. Candraketu, the overlord of Simhalas, when he saw him come to the court chamber, welcomed him and offered him honour due to a son-in-law by appointing him leader of the whole naval-corps.2 Cakrasena's advice to Tilakamañjarī intent upon self-immolation before she could hear the impending demise of her lord Harivahana, not to do so till she came across the real fact since he had heard about the survival of her lord and had despatched couriers to search him out, is reminiscent of the age old custom of Sati prevalent among the women of ancient India such as Mahāśvetā, Kādambarī and many others delineated by Literature, who were made to survive under certain stipulations. The instance of Vasumati, spouse of Rajahamsa in Daśakumāracarita of Dandin is equally fit to be quoted here. Malayasundarī taking to watery graves, poisonous herbs of the Kīmpāka fruit (TM SM ed. p. 334, L-22), strangulation etc. is another instance fit to be quoted from the present context. (TM SM ed. pp. 333, 334 ) Sati custom was performed normally by consigning oneself to fire. In 1. तस्माच्च पाणिग्रहणदिवसादारभ्य निर्भरानुरागस्तया परिहासमश्रान्तचित्रचाटुक्रममप्रकटितस्वस्वामिभावमल्पक्षणोपजायमानानेककोपप्रसादमस्थानसंपाद्यमानस्पृहणीयनिग्रहनु नवयौवनोपभोगमुपभोगसुखमपरकामिनीसुरतसंभोगानां सर्वांगसुन्दर्या सह विवर्धमानविविधविदग्ध -ग्रहमनुदिवसमासेवमानो प्रायच्छदुदकाञ्जालिम् । TM Vol. II p. 278. 2. जालकेतुना कस्यापि सांयत्रिकस्य तनया वहनभङ्गे सागरादुद्धृत्य परिपालितेयद्धिति तत्त्ववेदिभिरावेदित तदीयवृत्तान्तोऽपि सहागतैर्वणिग्भिः स्वदेश गमनाय पुनः पुनरभ्यर्थ्यमानोऽपि दर्शनोत्कष्ठितेन ज्ञातिवर्गेण सोपालम्भवचनैः सन्देशदानैरुन्मनीक्रियमाणोऽपि त्रपया स्थितोऽत्रैव न गतो निजस्थानम्, आस्थानभूमौ उपगतश्च द्रष्टुमाकृतिगुणाकृष्टचेतसा देवेन चन्द्रकेतुना निर्वर्ण्य सुचिरं परिजनादाकर्णिततदीयपूर्वापरवृत्तान्तेन चापलं प्रति पुनः पुनः सपरिहासमाभाषित मधुरमारोपितबहुमानश्च जामातृप्रतिपत्त्या दत्त्वा जीवनमतिप्रभूतं कृतः प्रभुरखिलस्यापि नाविकतन्त्रस्य TM Vol. II. pp. 278. 229. 3. देवि, मद्वाक्यसंक्रमितवचनस्त्वत्पिता चक्रसेनः समादिशति सर्वमुचितमाचरितमेतद्वत्सया, यदचिरसंभाविनं विनाशवृत्तान्तमसहमानया श्रोतुमग्रत एव कर्तुमध्यवसितः स्वदेहत्यागः । को हि नाम कुलवधूजन: प्राकृतस्यापि पत्युरपगमे गमयति गृहीतजीवितो जन्म, किं पुनः पूर्वजन्मसंबद्धस्य सर्वगुणनिधेर्दृष्टनिरुपधिप्रेमसंपदस्तादृशस्य | TM Sm. ed. p. 417. गृहव्यापारयोगानां च


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