stationed in an impregnable fort. "Pranidhipurusas" are the spies whose appointment and functions have been dealt with by Kautilya in i. 11 and i. 12 wherein he says
"With the body of ministers proved upright by means of secret tests, the (king) should appoint persons in secret service, (viz.), the sharp pupil, the apostle monk, the seeming householder, the seeming trader and the seeming ascetic, as well as the secret agent, the bravo, the poison giver and the begging nun.
'Nisita sastra vyāpāra,' 'kṣāradūtavacana,' 'tīkṣṇa kṣuraprabheda' are the technical, terms alluding to strategies of Samaraketu assisted by his army chiefs and vassals making the kings of his mandala shake off their prides by crushing the entire mandala by means of sharp lathel weapons, acerbitous words of the emissaries etc. who had become the suppurated sores affording torture to the people.2 'Raktāpakarṣaṇa' added to the list of stratagems refers to the shedding of blood.' 'Ekadeśa dahana" is a means of torture for the offender. The stratagems even included the acts of affording opportunities to those who could revolt, to accept certain lurements in the form of subsidiary vassals, charities etc. 'anīkapatih' means an army in chief. Śenaparicchada' means the army personnel and army equipage. 'Nautantrayātrā' is the maritime voyage. 'Nausadhanadhyakṣa' is the naval chief. 'Kaivartatantra is the avocation of sailors i.e. the navigation. 'Baladhikṛta an army chief, Grāmapatiḥ the village headman. 'Duṣṭadāyāda the wicked collaterals. 'Bhukit' the area meant to be governed by a governor. 'Akṣapatalikah' is the keeper of the royal records and mandates. 'Paṭṭaka' a royal mandate or the chart sheet on which the mandate is inscribed. A Cakravartti king obtains his status as such in case he possesses the horse, named 'bhūpāla' who has one or three ripples on its snout according to Sukra. Sārvabhauma" is another variant employed by Dhanapala for 'Cakravartti' with reference to Meghavāhana. It means he had almost whole of the land of Bharatavarṣa under his sway with vassals
1. KAŚ VI. 2.33 Vol. I p. 166 Vol. II p. 370.
2. उपधाभिः शुद्धामात्यावर्गा गूडपुरुषानुत्पादयेत् कापटिको दास्थित हृहपतिकवैदेहकतापसव्यंजनान् सत्त्रितीक्ष्ण T. KAŚ I. 11. 1. Vol. I p. 12, Vol. II p. 23.
3. TM Vol. II p. 284.
4. Ibid.
5. नासामध्ये यदावर्त एको वायदिवात्रयम् ।
चक्रवर्ती स विज्ञेयो वाजीभूपाल संज्ञकः ॥ śukraniti IV p. 340.
6. TM Vol. I p. 64.