back-yard, vegetables were transferred to the house from the adjoining pleasure groves, money was put in bronze vessels and carried to the house of the Balādhiksta, to be kept as a Nyāsā with his ladies.'
Dhanapāla has referred to the arrangement of arrays as the best method of warfare.
"कृतव्यूहविरचनश्चि समरसंक्षोभक्षमायामुपान्तभूमावस्थात्''2 in case of Vajrāyudha; illustrates the point that on seeing the army-hosts ready for attack he arrayed his soldiers in typical arrays and stood in the field where he could withstand the onslaughts of the enemy. ___And 'अभिमन्युरिव चक्रव्यूहस्य सेनापतिपुरोभागपुञ्जितस्य राजसमूहस्य संचरदनेकरथसहस्रदुष्प्रवेशमविशन्मध्यम्"
In case of Samaraketu refers to the 'Cakravyūha' type of array which was pierced through by him. The 'Cakravyūha' array was formed by the group of kings (rājasamūha) who collected in the vanguard of the army-inchief and was impenetrable owing to thousands of typical chariots moving all around.
"अनुवर्तितक्षत्रधर्मश्च महाबलैर्नरपतिभिरेकैकशोऽभिमुखीभवद्भिः क्षणमात्रमन्थरित रथगतिः वज्रायुध। वज्रायुध, इति सगर्व व्याहरन् वाहिनीभर्तुरन्तिक मध्यागच्छत्।4
illustrates the righteous mode of warfare in accordance with the duties ordained for a kșatriya. Samaraketu approached the army-in-chief inspecting the feudatory chiefs that came before him one by one uninjured by them and himself injuring none, even when there was a chance for an onslaught. It easily illustrates the 'Dharmayudha' in contrast with the 'Kut ayuddha' which was considered suitable only for the ignoble Kșatriyas.
The army officers as already observed were called Dandanāyakas. Apart from these Sādhanikas, Mahāmātratantra and Balādhikrtao denoted the auxiliary leaders of the forces.
1. पश्चाद्धाटकेषु गोभयपिण्डकुटानि गोपयदिभः भम्नवृतिषु निष्कुटेषु त्रपुसकर्कारुक कारवेल्लकादि गृहधनं च कास्य
पात्रिका सूत्र कम्चरप्रायं बलाधिकृत धामन्य वलाजनस्य न्यासी कुर्वदिमः अनेकवृत्तान्तेः गामेयकैः अवलोक्यमान
actiefa: TM Vol. II p. 261. also Paramāras p. 228. 2. Ibid. Vol. II p. 201. 3. Ibid. Vol. II p. 206. 4. Ibid. Vol. II p. 206. 5. कया प्रत्याशया शक्तेनापि शत्रुवधकर्मणि न कुतो दिवस एवाभियोगः किं फलमभिलष्य निर्व्याजपोरुषेप्यङ्गीकृतः
क्षुद्रक्षत्रियलोकसूत्रितः सौप्तिकयुद्धमार्गः TM Vol. II p.217. 6. TM Vol. II pp. 260-261.