The Moon of the full moon night has been described as shining forth as if having donned the scarlet robes, out of bash fullness for his defeat before the faces of the city maidens during the nights of the Autumn season."
The diurnal glory of the Autumn carries the shadows advanced ahead by the fresh sunshine.2
The Autumnal nights are normally moon lit nights where in the gloom of the dark fortnight vanishes away.'
The Autumnal sky affords pleasure by its variegated texture of the glow of stellars and moon, to the people who wake up at the end of the night." Hemanta, Sisira, Vasanta Śiśira,
The nights of Hemanta had frost falling during their course." The fire brands or furnaces were got to be used to keep away cold. But Dhanapala describes Ayodhya having its breezes blowing without rendering the groves of lotuses grown in the sportive oblong tanks marred by frost or snow. The applications of the sandal unguents were not discarded because the breezes were being struck against by the heats of the breasts of the young maidens, accelerated by their coming into contact with the snow. Hemanta has been further described as adorned with cold windows existing hard by or adorned with the emissions of cold breezes approaching close or adorned with the emissions of the breezes of the Sisira season approaching immediately
'बालचन्दनवृक्षखण्डस्येवाध्वगमित मार्गसहस्यशिशिर सुरभेः
Refers to Hemanta comprising of Mārgasîrșa and Pausa," Śisira (Māgha and Phalguna), Vasanta (represented here by Surabhih) (Caitra and Vaisakha)зiraffa refers to the existence of the showers of frost
1. शरत्कालरजनीषु पौरजनीवदनपराजयजया प्रतिपत्रकाषाय इव व्यराजतऽ पार्वणो रजनिजानि: TM Vol. I p. 57.
2. TM Vol. III p. 5.
3. शरत्रिशाकरभयाद् बहुलपक्षक्षपान्धकारमिव पिण्डीभूतम् TM Vol. III p. 85.
4. शरप्रभ इव स्वातिचित्रोदयानन्दितनिशान्तप्रबुद्धलोकम् TM Smed. p. 371.
5. यस्यां च तुषार सम्पर्कपटुतरैस्तरुणीकुचोष्मभिरितस्ततस्ताड्यमाना हैमनीष्वपि क्षणदास्वमन्दीकृतचन्दनांगराग गौरवमदत्तांगारशकटिकासेवादरमप्लुष्टकेलिवापिकापंकजवनमधुः प्रभवनाः | TM Vol. I p. 57.
6. हेमन्तमिव समासन्नशिशिरवातायनादलंकृतम् । TM Vol. II p. 321.
7. TM. Vol. III pp. 68-69.
8. KKB. B. S. Upadhyaya p. 57.
9. KKB. B. S. Upadhyaya p. 57.
10. KKB. B. S. Upadhyaya p. 57. 11. TM. Vol. II p. 91.