by Parasurama. The Padmapurāņa (Ch. 21) refers to it as a holy river. The Jain literature mentions this river as Vaitarinl. It is referred to in the Samyutta nikaya (1.21), where it is stated to be the river Yama (Yamassa vetaraṇīm). The Buddhist tradition therefore seems to support the Brahmanical tradition of the Vaitarani being the Yama's river.
Yamuna has been referred to by Dhanapala variously as 'Kalindi", Kalindatanaya, Vaivasvatanuja' and Kīnāśānujā".
According to Dr. B. C. Law-5
This river is mentioned in the Rgveda, Atharvaveda,' Aitareya Brāhmaṇa.* It is known as Kalindakanya because it takes its rise from the Kalindagiri." According to the Rgveda (Vii. 18.19) the Tritsus and Sudās defeated their enemies on this river. The territory of the Tritsus lay between the Yamuna and the Sarasvati on the east and the west respectively. According to the Aitareya Brahmana" and Śatapatha Brahmana"- The Bharartas are famed as victorious on the Yamuna. The Pañcavimsa
Brāhmaṇam," Śañkhayana Srautasūtra," Katyayana Śrauta Sutra14 Latyāyana Śrautasūtra", Aśvalayana Śrautasūtra", mention this river. Patanjali also mentions it in his Mahābhāṣya." The Yoginitantra and the Kalikapurāna" refer to it. This river also known as the Kälindl occurs in the
1. TM Vol. I. p. 73.
2. TM Vol. I. p. 138.
3. TM Vol. II. p. 262.
4. TM Sm. ed. p. 293.
5. HGAI pp. 160-161.
6. X. 75; V. 52. 17; VII 18. 19; X 75. 5.
7. IV 9. 10.
8. VIII 14. 4.
9. Ragh. V. VI 48.
10. VIII. 23.
11. XIII 5, 4. 11.
12. X. 4. 11. XXV 10. 24; 13. 4.
13. XIII. 29. 25, 33.
14. XXIV 6.10-36. Pp. 270-272
15. X. 19, 9, 10.
16. XII, 6. 28.
17. 11. 9. p. 436; 1. 4. 2, p. 670.
18. (2-5, 139-140).
19. Ch. 15, 8.