det: But as they are extremely remote, they are not
Vada ] Ganadharavāda
: 188 : do exist. But as they are extremely remote, they are not
perceivable. i. Atisannikarsa (Close vicinity )-Certain objects like eye
lashes and secretion of eyes, though existent, cannot be seen on account of their close vicinity.
ji. Atisauksmya (Exquisite fineness )-Paramāņus are im
perceptible, because they are exquisitely fine. These paramāņus are so minute in form, that they are not perceptible even to the naked eye, even though they are considered to be existent.
Mandnavasthāna (Instability of mind )-Sometimes even & mūrta object is not apprehended by reason of mano navasthana or the instability of mind, as in the case of
an insane man. v. Indriyāpātatva (Dullness of senses ) -Non-perception arises
also when a sense or senses are benumbed e. g. a
deaf man. vi. Matimândya (Dullness of intellect )-Certain subtleties
of the śāstras are always anupalabhya to a dull-witted .
man, due to his manimāndya. vii. Asakyatva ( Impossibility )-One can never see his own
ear, head, or back, as it is utterly impossible to do so.
riji. Avarana (Obstruction |-When eyes are covered with hands
or when hands are obscured by means of a mat or a wall,
it is āvaraņa that causes non-perception. iz, Abhibhava (Predominance )-Predominance of Sun in the
sky, makes the stars anupalabhya on a sun-bright day. Sāmānya-( Commonness ) When beans are niixed with beans of the same quality, there is non-aprehension of beans owing to the sāmānyatva present in both.
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