Jinabhadra Gani's
[The sixth Trans. - 270-271. When either a seed and sprout is destroyed without having accomplished the ( desired ) effect, its santāna is also destroyed. The same is the case with a hen and its eggs also. Or, just as the contact of gold with stone though continued in succession through times immemorial, is cut off, in the same way, the contact of jiva with Karma (is also cut off). (1818-1819 ).
टीका -- बीजा--ऽङ्करयोर्मध्येऽन्यतरदनिर्वर्तितकार्यमेव यद् विहतं व्यवच्छिन्नं तत्रानयोर्हतो व्यवच्छिन्नः संतानः । एवं कुक्कुटय- ऽण्डकयोः पितापुत्रयोरपि च वक्तव्यम् । यथा वा काञ्चनो-- पळयोरनादिकालमवृत संतानभावगतोऽपि संयोगोः सोपायमग्नितापाद्युपायाद् व्यवच्छिद्यते, तथा जीवकर्मणोरपि संयोगऽनादिसंतानगतोऽपि तपः संयमाधुपायाद् व्यवच्छिद्यते, इति न मोक्षाभाव इति ॥ २७० -- २७१ ॥ (१८१८--१८१९)
D. C.-If either of bija and ankura vanishes without accomplishing the desired effect, the same will be true in case of hen and its eggs as well as father and son also. Or, just as the contact between gold and stone could be removed by means of the heat of fire inspite of its anãditva, the contact between jiva and Karma could also be brought to an end by means of tapas, samyama etc., until ultimately the moksa is attained. ॥ 270271 (1818-1819 )n
Anticipating the opponent's objection at this juncture, the author proceeds
तो किं जीव-नहाण व अह जोगो कंचणो-वलाणं व ? | जीवरस य कम्मस्स य भण्णइ दुविहो वि न विरुद्धो ॥ २७२ ॥ (१८२०)
desoari for भव्वाणं कंचशोऽवलाणं व ।
जीवसे सामण्णे भव्वोऽभव्यो त्ति को भेओ ? ।। २७३ ॥ (१८२१)
To kim jiva-nahāna va aha jogo kancano-valānam va?
Jiyassa ya kammassa ya bhagnai duviho vi na viruddho || 272 ॥ ( 1820)
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