Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 42
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir अङ्गम् or departments of knowledge will be given under those words ). -4 (Grain.) A name for the base of a word; यस्मात्प्रत्ययविधिस्तदादिप्रत्यये अङ्गम् P. I. 4. 13: य: प्रत्ययो यस्माक्रियते तदादिशब्दस्वरूपं तस्मिन्प्रत्यये परे अङ्गसंज्ञं स्यात Sk. The 343 terminations are those of the nominative, and accusative singular and dual. -5 (Drama) (..) One of the sub-divisions of the five joints or sandhis in dramas; the मुख has 12, प्रतिमुख 13, गर्भ 12, विमर्ष 18and उपसंहार 14, the total number of the anjas being thus Gt; for details see the words. (1.) The whole body of subordinate characters. -6 (astr.) A name for the position of stars (लग्न), See अङ्गाधीश. -7A symbolical exprossion for the number six (derived from the six Vedangas).-8 The mind; हिरण्यगर्भागभुवं मुनि हरिः Si. 1.1, See अङ्गज also. -9 N. of the chief sacred texts of the jainas. -ङ्गः (pl.) N. of a country and the people inhabiting it, the country about the modern Bhāgalpur in Bengal. It lay on the south of Kausiki Kachchha and on the right bank of the Ganges. Its capital was Champā, sometimes called Angapuri, Lomapada purī, Karnapuri or Malinī. According to Dandin (अङ्गेषु गङ्गातटे बहिश्चम्पायाः) and Hiouen Thsang it stood on the Ganges about 24 miles west of a rocky island. General Cunningham has shown that this description applies to the hill opposite Patharghātā, that it is 24 miles east of Bhagalpur, and that there are villages called Champanagar and Champa pura adjoininng the last. According to Sanskrit poets the country of the Angas lay to the east of Girivraja, the capital of Magadha and to the northeast or south-east of Mithila. The country was in ancient times ruled by Karna) cf. 31 19न्तिकोपाय प्रतीकष्वप्रधानके । देशभेदे तुसि स्यात् ...| Nm. -0.1 Contiguous. -2 Having members or divisions. -Comp. -अङ्गि, [अङ्गीभावः-अङ्गस्य अङ्गिनो भावः ] the relation of a limb to the body, of the subordinate to the principal, or of that which is helped or fed to the helper or feeder (गौणमुख्यभावः, उपकार्योपकारकभावश्च); g. प्रयाज and other rites are to it as its angas, while is to them the aingi; अङ्गाङ्गिभावमज्ञात्वा कथं सामर्थ्यनिर्णयः। पश्य टिभिमात्रेण समुद्रो व्याकुलीकृतः॥ H.2. 138; अत्र वाक्ये समासगतयोरुपमयोः साध्यसाधनभावात् वन सम्बन्धः Malli. om Ki.6.25 अविश्रान्तिजुषामात्मन्यङ्गाङ्गित्वं तु संकरः K. P. 10. (अनुग्राह्यानुग्राहकत्वम् ). -अधिपः, -अधीशः 1 lord of the Angas, N. of Karna (ef. °राजः, पतिः, ईश्वरः, अधीश्वरः). -2 lord of a लग्न', the planet presiding over it; (अझाधिपे बलिनि सर्वविभूतिसम्पत् ; अङ्गाधीशः स्वगेहे बुधगुरुकविभिः संयुतो वीक्षितो वा Jyotisa). -अपूर्वम effect of a secondary sacrificial act.. -कमेन्.. -क्रिया 1 besmearing the body with fragrant cosmetics, rubbing it &c. Dk. 39.-2 a supplementary sacrificial act. --FiH: the order of the performance with reference to the 347 s. The rule in this connection is that the अङ्गक्रम must conform to the मुख्यक्रम. ef. MS. + प्रहाspasm; seizure of the body with some illness. -ज-जात . [अङ्गात् जायते जन्-ड.] 1 produced from or on the body, being in or on the boily, bodily; °ज रजः, जाः अलङ्काराः&c. -2 produced by a supple mentary rite. -3 betutiful, ornamental. (-जः)-जनुस् also 1:0som. -2 hair of the body (w. also); तवोत्तरीयं करिचर्म साङ्गजम् Ki. 18.82. -3 love, eupid (अङ्गं मनः तस्माज्जातः ); intoxicating passion; अङ्गजरागदापनात् Dk. 161. -4 drunkenness, intoxication. -5 a disease. (-31) a daughter. (-जम्) blood, अजं रुधिरेऽनङ्गे केशे पुत्रे मदे पुमान् । नागरे नखरेऽपि स्यात् ... INm. -ज्वरः [अजमङ्गम् अधिकृत्य ज्वरः] the disease called राजयक्ष्मा, a sort of consumption. -दृषणम् 1 the defects of the limbs; the penalties of a defeetive comstruction; Mana. -2 name of the 79 th chapter. -द्वीप: one of the six ninor ]]vipas. -न्यासः [अङ्गेषु मन्त्रभेदस्य न्यासः] touching the limbs of the body with the hand accompanied by appropriate Mantras. - : f. [अहं पाल्यते सम्बध्यतेऽत्र, अङ्ग-पाल-इ] an embrace (probably a. corruption of अङ्कपालि). -पालिका = अङ्कपालि q.. - प्रत्यङ्गम् [ समा. द्वन्द्व ] every limb, large and small; 'गानि पाणिना स्पृष्ट्वा K. 167,72. -प्रायश्चित्तम् [अस्य शुद्धयर्थ प्रायश्चित्तम् ] expiation of bodily impurity, such as that caused by the death of a relative, consisting in making presents (पञ्चसूनाजन्यदुरितक्षयार्थं कायें दानरूपं प्रायश्चित्तम् Tv.). -सः.[अज्ञात् मनसो वा भवति; भू-किप] born from the body or mind. (-भूः) 1 a son. -2 Cupid. -3 [अङ्गानाम् अङ्गमन्त्राणां भूः स्थानम् ] one who has touched and purified, and then restrained, his limbs by repeating the Man tras pertaining to those limbs ; ब्रह्माजभूर्ब्रह्मणि योजितात्मा Ku. 3. 15 (सद्योजातादिमन्त्राणाम् अङ्गानां हृदयादिमन्त्राणां भूः स्थानं, कृतमन्त्रन्यासः Malli.). -भङ्गः 1 palsy or paralysis of limbs; °विकल इव भूत्वा स्थास्यामि 5.2.-2 twisting or stretching out of the limbs as is done by a man just after he rises from sleep); साजभङ्गमुत्थाय Vb.: जम्भितैः साङ्गभः Nu. 3. 21, K. 85. -3 The middle part of the anus and testicles. -मन्त्रः N. of a Mantra. -मर्दः [ अझं मर्दयति; मृद्-णिच] 1 one who shampoos his master's body. -2 [ भावे घञ्] act of shampooing; 80°मर्दका or °मर्दिन्, मृद्णिच् ण्वुल् or णिनि) one who shampoos. -मर्षः [ष. त.] rheumatism; "प्रशमनम् the curing of this disonse. °मेजयत्वम् subtle throbbing of the body; Patañjala 1. 31. -यज्ञः,-यागः [ अशीभूतः यज्ञः] a subordinate sacrificial act which is of5 sorts: समिधो यजति, तनूनपातं यजति, इडो यजति, बर्हिर्यजति, स्वाहाकारं यजति इति पञ्चविधाः । एतेषां सकृदनुष्टानेनैव तन्त्रन्यायेन प्रधानयागानामाग्नयादीनामुपकारितेति मीमांसा Tv. -रक्त:-क्तम् [अजे अवयवे रक्तः1 N. ofa plant गुडारोचनी found in they country and having red powder (रक्ताङ्गलोचनी). -रक्षकः [अझं रक्षति; रक्ष्-वुल्] a borly. guard, personal attendant Pt.3. -रक्षणी [अर्ब रक्ष्यते अनया ] a cout of mail, or agarment. -(णम्) protection of person. -रागः [अझं रज्यते अनेन करणे घञ्] 10 scented cosmetic, application of perfuined unguents to the body, fragrant unguent; पुष्पगन्धेन अङ्गरागण R.12.27, 6.60, स्तनागरागात् Ku.b. 11. -2 [भावे ल्युट् ] act of anointing the body with unguents. रुहम् । अ राहात; For Private and Personal Use Only


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