Colette Caillat and Nalini Balbir
C. CAILLAT. Notes de bibliographie jaina. (JA 256, 1968, p.145-155). - Paris, 1968.
P.145. W. SCHUBRING, Jinismus, Stuttgart, 1964.
P.145-147. L. ALSDORF, Les études jaina. Etat présent et tâches futures, Paris, 1965 (cf. supra No. 2).
P.147-149. L. ALSDORF, The Arya Stanzas of the Uttarajjhāyā, Mainz, 1966
P.150-154. W. SCHUBRING, Drei Chedasūtras des Jaina-Kanons, Aуaradasão, Vavahära, Nisha.., Hamburg, 1966 (cf supra No 39).
C. CAILLAT. Notes de bibliographie jaina et moyen-indienne (JA 260, 1972, p.409-432). Paris, 1972.
P.409. Muni Punyavijaya (1895-1971)
P.411-414. Walther SCHUBRING (1881-1969)
P.414. W. SCHUBRING, Gaṇivijja, The Hague, 1969;"
Tandulaveyaliya, Mainz, 1969
Isibh siyaim. Aussprüche der Weisen, Hamburg, 1969.
d.422. H. WARREN's Jainism. Ed. by Dr, N.J, SHAH, Bombay, 1968. P.426. D. BHARGAVA, Jaina Ethics., Delhi-1968
P.426. A.N UPADHYE, The Kuvalayamãis, (no place), 1969.
P.430, AN. UPADHYE, ed. of Saptasatisära with Bhavadipika of VEMA BHUPALA, alongwith the Chappannaya-Gahão (Text and Chaya), Kolhapur, 1970. Jaina recension of Ch. GA.
Jain Education International
C. CAILLAT. Notes de bibliographie moyen-indienne et jaina. (JA 264, 1976, p.221-243). Paris, 1976.
P221. N.R. GUSEVA, Jainism, Bombay, 1971.
P222. S. GOPALAN, Outlines of Jainism, New Delhi, 1973. P.224, J.DELEU, Viyahapannatti (Bhagaval). Brugge, 1970,
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