Jain Bibliography
5, Index of journals 6. General index.
See also No. 96.
A. GUERINOT. Notes de bibliographie jaina. (JA Xéme série, 14, 1909, p.47-148). - Paris, 1909.
P.48-54. Addenda to the Essai de bibliographie jaina (supra, No,95).
P.55-135. Supplement to the Essai, i.e. bibliography of the publications concerning Jainism from 1906 to the end of 1908 (entries No. 853-1145).
P.135-138. Alphabetical index P.139-148, Index of Jaina authors and works.
A. GUÉRINOT. Les ouvrages jainas au programme des examens universitaites. (JA, Xéme série, 15, 1910, p.378). - Paris, 1910, Chroniques, Religion jaina.
Jaina works of the University syllabus (B.A. and M.A.) for 1910–1914.
A. GUÉRINOT. Quelques collections de livres Jainas.
I. La Yašovijaya-jaina-grantha-mālā, Bénārés. (JA, Xéme séric, 16, 1910, p.581-586). - Paris, 1910.
About the foundation by Sri Vijayadharma Sari of the Sri Yasovijaya Jaipa Pathaśāla (Benares) and the creation of the above mentioned collection (first volume in 1904). Critical list of the first eighteen volumes published and some to follow (various works).
II. La Rāyacandra-jaina-śāstra-mālā, Bombay. (JA, Xéme série, 19, 1912, p.373-378). - Paris, 1912.
Biography of Rāyacandra, a progressive contemporary Jaina who wrote several books on Jainism, Critical list of the first eight volumes published in this newly founded collection : general accounts on Jaina doctrine and treatises of logic,
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