M. A, Dhaky
D.), in his portion of the Sanskrit commentary on the Vises-Āvas yakabhaşya of Jinabhadra gaại kşamasramaņa, cites a verse in the context of the yugpad-abheda-vada concept regarding the omniscience of a Kevali16 :
स्तुतिकारेण यथोक्तं
एक कल्पितभेदमप्रतिहतं सर्वज्ञतालाञ्छनम् ।। सर्वेषां तमसां निहन्त जगतामालोकनं शाश्वतम् । नित्यं पश्यति बुध्यते च युगपन्नानाविधानि प्रभो! स्थित्युत्पत्तिविनाशवन्ति विमल द्रव्याणि ते केवलम ॥
By 'Stutikära' the commentator assuredly meant Siddhasena Diväkara'; for both content and the style clearly are indicative of him. Moreover, in view of the relatively early date of Koțțārya gani, it is reasonable to assume that he refers to none other Siddhasena but the one with the epithet Divakara. From the purport of the verse it is clear that Siddhsena possibly had composed a Dvätrissīkā pertaining to "Yugpadvāda" as well as
Abbedavāda" of "Kevala-Jñāda' and Kevala-darśana' which he discusses in full in his Sanmatiprakaraņa.
While searching for more verses by Siddhasena, I came across one more; it is possibly from one of his hitherto unknown Dvätrinsikäs. The verse graphically describes, as it seems, the condition of a bad speaker in. the assembly of erudités 17 :
तथा चाहुः श्रीसिद्धसेनदिवाकरपादाः
स्वेदं समुद्वहति जृम्भणमातनोति निद्रायते किमपि जल्पति वस्तुशून्यम् । 371971 faalufa gaza wat भूताभिभूत इव दुर्वदकः सभायाम् ॥
Since this verse does not figure inside his known Dvātrissikäs, it may have belonged to a Dvåtrimsika treating the theme of sabha and sabhasad.
The verse in question has been quoted by Jinaprabha suri of Kharatara-gaccha in his Katantra-vibhrama-tika (s. 1352/ A.D. 1296), as of Siddhasena Divākara. The style, tone, proclivity, cadence and cunning doubtless are of Siddhasena Divakara. A diligent search inside the Jaina literature, particularly inside the āgamic cürņis, vrttis, tikās, and of course kathanakas, caritas, prabandhas as well as subhasita-anthologies and works on poetics is likely to reward with the discovery of some more such stan. Zak. For Siddhasena's compositions glitter like jewel in any corner they
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