Sanskrit philosophical text into English, we can certainly say that the prescat translator has achieved remarkable success. Rendering of difficult pbilosophical terms into intelligible English and critical notes thereon show that the translator has clear grasp over the original text and philosophical contents. Three indices, giving list o. techn.cal terms, un-common words and ancient authorities quoted in the introduction and in the notes, obviously, enhance the Value of the present work. Critically edited original Sanskrit text is given in the end in Roman Script along with author's commentary; editor's critical iutroduction and an alphabetical index of vorsos of the text. However, it is felt that, the translator could have taken littlo pain to give a brief summary of this treatise in his introduction.
The book is beautifully printed and the get up is very attractive. The translator and publisher deserve high appreciation.
Y. S. Shastri,
Jain Education International
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