Number of Pramanas
its fragrance by the olfactory sease, also is inferential; inferential because the cognition of invariable relation causes the cognition of the distant lotus-lake on sensing the fragrance from a distance, brought by the wind. The form of invariable relation is like this: a person smells for many times the fragrance of lotus and also notices tbe lotus in the lake. By his repeated oxporience of the same kind, he gathers the invariable relation between fragrance of that sort and the lotus-lake. Having sensed the fragrance brought through the wind, he remembers the invariable relation obtained in the carlier experiences. Here fragrance is the middle-term (linga). Thus, his knowledge of the invariable relation between the middle-term and the major term, produces in him the knowledge of the existence of a distant lotuslako, in the form of 'far away, thare is a lotus-lake'.? Existance of a distant sandal tree also would be inferred in the same manner by smelling its fragrance, 18
This is tho account of how Jayanta refutes the Carvakas' theory of infinite pramaņas. Study of the above discussion proves that the amlygis of the illustrations is not merely mechanical, but it requires some weal intelligence. It may also be noticed that the Naiyāyikas first classify the means of valid. knowledge, and then, test them practically. Thus, quite contrary to the Bauddha and the Cårvaka view, it is proved that the prameyas caanot ascertain the number of pramanas.
1 ÇP. 'The papers of Th. Stcherbatsky'. P.22. 2 "Vakránguliḥ praviralánguliresapāņiḥ
Ityasti dhiḥ tamasi militacakpuso va Neya tvagindriyakrta na hi tatkarastham
Tatraiva hi pramitimindriyam dadbati." 3. Vide NM.P.60. "Darkkaroti nit dipaikha ca data
Pratyantadelavisstāsu matim prabhasu" álo see 'Nyāyasaurabha' on NM.,P.169 : 'Ahoparyantaprassmaraprabhabhtsure
yam dipafikheti'. 24. Sce NM : P.60 : 'Dhatte dhiyam pavanakampitapundarikapando' nav tábhuvi
daragate' pi gandhe'.
Vide Granthibhanga on it, P.43; alsd Nykyasaurabha on NM., P.169. ? 3 Soe NM. P.59 : 'Pramápasankhyaniyamabakyakaraniyatvasiddhaye ca potemiti2 bhedin ... Idriánupādarsayat'., also see P.33; 'asakya ova pramīdasarkhyani
yamah Iti subiktita tärvakan'.
Cf. Nykya Philosophy of Gautama, 106-107; Sto see litory of Indian Philosophy, III, P.539,
Sombodhi VI 9
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