Chitrapa and his Subhasias which he termination applies. As regards, the form farmheft, Vardhamana explains in the commentary on this verso that the termination of applios to fares, faster and 963 only, when they denote the meaning related to vagaspati, but otherwise their feminine forms would be fa , F67 & gout by taking Ery. He further remarks that Chittapa however applios the termination 9 to face, frothes and get in general, irrespective of the meaning denoted by them.
In his verse,
न पुष्कली ते स्वर्लोके जनता किन्तु सामरी।
विकली शल्कमात्रेण महती निष्कलीयते ॥ the words othes and op do not depote - vanaspati, yet they take offer while forming feminine, whereas the word fas also takes even when it denotes. Vanaspati.
It is necessary to note that according to Pā.IV. 1.41, these words are included in the 1933 and therefore they form their feminine forms by कीष termination. Thus their feminine forms would be विकली, निष्कली and yopat.
Vardhamana here notes that his opinion is supported by Bhoja in his statement, कर्थ विकलाः कालविशेषवाचिनो नित्यं स्त्रीविषयत्वाद्याषेव भवति । On referring to the Sarasvatskaņķhābharaṇa, we notice that its author Bhoja only gives the sQtra,
EATTETTEN FORTSITERU - पाण्डरामरसुन्दरविकलनिष्कलपुष्कलेभ्यः।"
(III. 4.53) in this context. But the sentence quoted by Vardhamāoa and attributed to Bhoja, is given in the vștti as that of Dandanātha Nārāya nabhatta in the printed edition of the Sarasvatikanthābharaṇa.35 Does it therefore imply, that this Vịtti was ascribed to Bhoja in the times of Vardhamana, thoughit was in fact composed by the author named Dandanātha Nārāya. nabbajta ? In this context it may be noted that the editor of the work bas taken Daņdanātha Nārāyaṇabhatta as a high officer in the court of king Bhoja.
From the above discussion it will be evident that Chittapa was bold enough to differ from contemporary grammarians.
the other verse of Chittapa is quoted in Vardhamāna's commentary a verse 98 in chapter II.36 This verse of the work enumerates the words
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