74 74. थेरे णं 'अग्गिभूती चोवत्तरिं वासाइं सव्वाउयं पालइत्ता सिद्धे जाव प्पहीणे। 2 निसभातो णं वासहरपव्वतातो अतिगिंच्छिदहातो 'णं दहातो सीतोता 'महानदी चोवत्तरिं जोयणसताइं साहियाइं 'उत्तराहुत्ती पवहित्ता वतिरामतियाए जिब्भियाए चउजोयणायामाए 'पण्णासजोयणविक्खंभा वइरतले कुंडे 'महता घडमुहपवत्तिएणं मुत्तावलिहारसंठाणसंठितेणं पवातेणं महया सद्देणं पवडति । एवं सीता वि 'दक्खिणाहुत्ती भाणियव्वा । चउत्थवज्जासु छसु पुढवीसु चोवत्तरिं 10निरयावाससयसहस्सा पण्णत्ता ।
The elder monk, direct-disciple Agnibhūti, after the termination of the full life span of seventy-four years became liberated up to annihilated [the entire miseries]. The well-known river Sītodā, originating from the fountain Tigincha, of the mountain Niṣadha, bordering the region, flowing northward over seventy thousand yojana, entering the pitch of four yojana long and fifty yojana width and passing through an underground channel of the shape of diamond necklace, fall into an abyss, with great roar. Likewise, (to be repeated about) the river Sītā also, fflowing southward. Seventy-four lac infernal dwellings (in aggregate) are expounded on the six [out of seven] earths, barring the fourth one.
1. भूती गणहरे मु० ॥
2. निसहाओ मु० ॥
3. तिगिच्छओ णं मु० ॥
4. णं दहातो नास्ति जे० ॥
5. 'नदीओ घो' मु० ॥
6. राहिमुही मु० ॥
7. पण्णासं जो खं हे १ ला २ ॥
8. “ महयत्ति महाप्रमाणेन यत् पुनः दुहओ ति क्वचिद् दृश्यते तदपपाठ इति मन्यते " - अटी० ॥ 9. दक्षिणाहुती जे० । दक्खिणाहिमुही मु० ॥
10. वाससहस्सा जे० ॥
1. The elder monk Agnibhūti possessed the longevity of seventy-four years: forty years as a householder, twelve year as a non-omniscient and sixteen year as omniscient.
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