106 106. संभवे णं अरहा चत्तारि धणुसताई उड्डेउच्चत्तेणं होत्था। सव्वे विणं णिसभ-'नीलवंता वासहरपव्वया चत्तारि चत्तारि जोयणसताई उड्डुउच्चत्तेणं, चत्तारि चत्तारि गाउयसताई उव्वेधेणं पण्णत्ता। सव्वे विय णं वक्खारपव्वया णिसभ-नीलवंतवासहरपव्वयं तेणं चत्तारि चत्तारि जोयणसतांइ उड्डउच्चत्तेणं चत्तारि चत्तारि गाउयसताइं उव्वेधेणं पण्णत्ता।
The vertical height of Seer Sambhava was four hundred bows. All the Nişadha and Nīlavanta mountains-bordering the Bharat regions, are expounded four hundred yojana high. All the Nişadha and Nīlavanta mountains bordering the Bharat regions are expounded four hundred gavyūtis deep (beneath the earth). Likewise, is to be said about all the mountains bordering Devakuru and Uttarakuru regions) too.
आणय-पाणएसु णं दोसु कप्पेसु चत्तारि विमाणसया पण्णत्ता। समणस्स णं भगवतो महावीरस्स चत्तारि सता वादीणं सदेवमणुयासुरम्मि लोगम्मि वाए अपराजिताणं उक्कोसिया वादिसंपया होत्था।
[The aggregate of] the abodes of the paradises Āņata (the ninth] and Pranata, the tenth, are expounded four hundred. The Venerable Ascetic Mahāvīra had the excellent treasure of four hundred disputants, unconquerable in debate with gods, human beings and hellish beings.
107 107. अजिते णं अरहा अद्धपंचमाइं धणुसताई उड्उच्चत्तेणं होत्था। सगरे णं राया चाउरंतचक्कवट्टी अद्धपंचमाइं धणुसताई उड्डेउच्चत्तेणं होत्था।
The vertical height of Seer Ajita was four hundred fifty bows. The vertical height, of the emperor Sagar, the victor over the four directions of Bharat region, was also four hundred fifty bows.
1. णेलवंता जे० खंमू० हे १ ला २। नीलवंत' खंसं०॥ 2. य नास्ति मु०॥ 3. 'वंता खं० हे २ ला १॥ 4. 'पव्ययए णं मु०। दृश्यतां सू० १०८। “वक्षस्कारपर्वता एकमेरुप्रतिबद्धा विंशतिः, ते च वर्षधरासत्तौ चतुःशतोच्चाः शीतादिनदीप्रत्यासत्तौ मेरुप्रत्यासत्तौ च पञ्चशतोच्याः"-अटी०॥ 5. पण्णता नास्ति खं जे० हे १,२॥
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