Book Title: Samavayangasuttam
Author(s): Ashok Kumar Singh
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology

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Page 377
________________ Great Men 325 in the south side, by demi gods in the west side and eagle princes in the north side.94. 39उसभो य 40विणीताए 4 बारवतीए अरिट्ठवरणेमी। अवसेसा तित्थकरा णिक्खंता जम्मभूमीसु॥९५॥ Rsabha set off (for initiation) from Vineetā, Aristanemi from Dvāravati and the remaining Seers from their birth places.95. सव्वे वि एगदूसेण [णिग्गया जिणवरा चउव्वीसं। ण य णाम अण्णलिंगे 42 य गिहिलिंगे कुलिंगे य॥९६॥] गाहा। All [the twenty-four Great Seers set off for initiation) with the divine clothe. [Neither they were initiated into the] sign (linga) of non-Jaina, nor into the sign of householder nor into the sign of heretics. 96. एक्को भगवं वीरो पासो मल्ली [य तिहिं तिहिं सएहि। 43भगवं पि वासुपुजो छहिं पुरिससएहिं निक्खंतो॥९७॥] गाहा। "Lord Mahāvīra set off for initiation alone Pārśva and Malli (each) (with three hundred persons). Lord Vāsupūjya also set off with six hundred men, 97. उग्गाणं भोगाणं रातिण्णा [णं च खत्तियाणं च। चाहिं 44सहस्सेहिं उसभो सेसा उ सहस्सपरिवारा॥९८॥] गाहा . Rsabha with four thousand men of Ugra, Bhoga, royal [and ksatriya families while the remaining (nineteen Seers) set off with one thousand men each. 98 45सुमतित्थ णिच्चभत्तेण [णिग्गओ वासुपुजो जिणो चउत्थेणं। पासो मल्ली वि य अट्ठमेण सेसा उ छटेणं॥९९॥] गाहा। 39. आवश्यकनियुक्तौ गा० २२९॥ 40. विणीयातो बरईए ला १। वीणियातो बारवतीतो जे०। विणीयातो बारवतीतो मु०॥ 41. “वतीए य अरि' हे २। वतीतो य अरि मु०॥ 42. 'नो गिहिलिंगे कुलिंगे वा' इति आवश्यकनियुक्तौ गा० २२७॥ 43. 'भयवं च' इति आवश्यकनिर्युक्तौ गा २२४॥ 44. स्सेहुसभो इति आवश्यकनियुक्तौ गा० २२५॥ 45. आवश्यकनियुक्तौ गा० २२८॥ Jain Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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